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and Climate Change
2005 / 2009
Introduction Parliament elections and new Commission
appointments made the issue all the more
Shortly after GLOBE legislators at the Eu- pressing. Controversially, these timelines did
ropean Parliament re-launched GLOBE EU not allow for a 2nd reading agreement before
following the European elections of 2004, December 2009.
GLOBE EU, together with GLOBE Interna-
tional, organized a conference in London in Following protracted and contentious politi-
the run-up to the G-8 Summit in Gleneagles cal debate at Committee and political Group
in June 2005 in order to help reintegrate the level, the environmental ambition and the
US with the other seven G8 nations – France, architecture of the package was by and
Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Canada and the large maintained. However, the final agree-
United Kingdom, which had all ratified the ment included a number of concessions
Kyoto Protocol and had committed to reduc- both to industry and Member States – such
ing their CO2 emissions by 2010-12. as allowing greater off-sets than originally
planned and postponing full auctioning of
In parallel, meanwhile, the EU accelerated emission permits – which made the decision
work on its own domestic climate and energy less ambitious than hoped for. The mandate
policies, taking the lead globally on adopting for the package was derived from the Euro-
relatively ambitious reduction targets and pean Council’s political endorsement (at its
measures. Against this background, GLOBE EU Heads of States’ summit in the Spring of
has been instrumental in shaping the EU’s do- 2007) of the target of a 20% reduction in
mestic climate change policies and has active- CO2 emissions from industry + powergen
ly developed a whole range of climate change (through emissions trading) and Member
related activities on the European scene. States (via the Effort Sharing or non-ETS
targets). The process for stepping up to the
The Climate and Energy Package was pre- greater ambition levels that the EU has
sented by the European Commission on 23 committed to, provided a global agreement
January 2008. All the institutions had to is reached, (at least -30% cap) was also
commit to finalising the package at 1st read- agreed at that Summit.
ing in the December 2008 Plenary, because
of the need to have an EU position finalised GLOBE EU members played a prominent role
in time and ahead of the final rounds of a in all the dossiers included in the Package,
post-2012 climate agreement in Copenha- representing the EP as rapporteurs or shadow
gen this December. The intervening European rapporteurs in negotiations with the Council

2 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

and the Commission. Without the pro-active EU MEP Dorette Corbey’s report on the “Fuel
involvement of Globe EU members in the Quality Directive” in December 2008.
negotiations, the outcome would no doubt
have been even less ambitious in terms of ● Campaign for banning energy inefficient
climate change mitigation (reference is made light bulbs. This was part of ongoing efforts
to special appendix for details). to strengthen implementation of the ECO-
Design Directive, with Globe EU member
In addition, since 2005 GLOBE EU has been Peter Liese in a lead role.
involved in a whole range of climate-related
briefings and events involving EU institutions, ● Sustainable Production and Consumption
companies, a range of NGOs, sustainability Series (2006-2008), resulting in the current
think tanks such as the UK Climate Trust, the Sustainable Production and Consumption
Climate Group, E3G and the Tällberg Foun- Action Plan of July 2008, to be implement-
dation, international organizations, notably ed through proposed pieces of legislation
UNEP, IUCN and WTO, as well as scientists such as the extension of the Eco-Design
and academics. This note just provides a brief Directive, the revision of the Ecolabel Regu-
summary of the key issues. lation, the revision of the EMAS Regulation,
the revision of the Energy Labelling Direc-
Specific issues where GLOBE EU has been tive, and a Communication on Green Pub-
particularly active include: lic Procurement. Still pending are concrete
● “Greening the ESS” Series (2005-2008). proposals, promoting resource efficiency
This campaign on climate and EU foreign and eco-innovation; GLOBE EU has organ-
policy, in co-operation with the Institute ised numerous workshops on sustainable
for Environmental Security (IES), resulted production and consumption with active
in the integration of climate into the EU’s participation from many of its members.
CFSP at the European Council, December GLOBE EU members Anders Wijkman, Satu
2008 and is expected to be taken up at the Hassi, Gyula Hegyi and Mechthild Rothe
NATO Summit in April. have had key roles in the legislative work.

● Establishment of GLOBE EU Biofuels Work- ● Halting global deforestation (ongoing): Re-

ing Group (2006-2007), which developed the ducing deforestation and forest degradation is
EP’s thinking on sustainability criteria. These an issue where many individual GLOBE mem-
were included in the RES Directive adopted bers have been personally committed and in-
in December 2008. The EP adopted GLOBE volved. GLOBE EU has organized roundtables

3 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

and talks with the Commission, scientists & ● “Beyond GDP”:
experts, NGOs and private companies on the The conference “Beyond GDP” in Novem-
potential inclusion of forests in the carbon ber 2007 – with participation from the EU
market, notably in the EU ETS. Other options Commission, OECD, the World Bank, the
have also been pursued, such as the estab- Club off Rome etc – was a landmark in the
lishment of a Global Forest Fund. Opinions efforts to develop alternative indicators for
among GLOBE members have differed on welfare and progress. GLOBE EU members
how to generate sufficient funding for REDD, were actively involved in the preparations
but there has been a wide consensus that any and the follow-up to the conference.
global deal on forestry must be holistic and
should also take ecosystem services, biodiver- ● “Greening the CAP” Campaign (2007 - on-
sity and development concerns into account. going): building on the work of the GLOBE
GLOBE members have also been involved in Working Group on Biofuels, GLOBE EU
responding to the Commission’s Communica- started to campaign to integrate climate
tion on Deforestation, through an EP Reso- change ever more into the Common Ag-
lution in March 2009, drafted by GLOBE EU ricultural Policy, which is ongoing, in col-
member Peter Olajos (Hungary). laboration with LUFPIG (Land Use and Food
Policy Intergroup in the European Parlia-
● Climate Change and Development: ment). The first stage of this was concluded
Climate change will affect many low- with the adoption of the CAP Health Check
income countries in a negative way. The in January 2009.
MDGs are seriously at risk in many regions
because of the increased frequency of ex- ● Climate & Trade Series (2008-ongoing): This
treme weather-events, water shortages, campaign, spearheaded by Globe EU mem-
lower food production, increase of tropical ber Caroline Lucas, puts the current climate
diseases etc. The EU has so far done far too negotiations and in particular the develop-
little to support risk reduction and adapta- ment of “Cap and Trade” legislation into
tion in low-income countries. One initiative their wider WTO context. It has in particu-
has been taken – the Global Climate Change lar focussed on carbon leakage and com-
Alliance (GCCA). Globe EU members have petitiveness concerns on both sides of the
been actively involved in shaping the details Atlantic. The issues are very complex and
of the GCCA and, in particular, to increase involve various aspects of trade law. Opin-
its budget (originally only €60 million were ions are still divided and are unlikely to be
allocated – like a drop in the ocean!) resolved until after the Copenhagen COP.

4 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

● Towards Transatlantic Emissions Trading GLOBE EU & International Climate
(2008-ongoing): Emerging trading schemes Change Negotiations
in the US offer the opportunity of a future
trading link with the European Union emis- GLOBE EU has also been widely engaged
sions trading scheme, which in turn would in the international climate change arena.
promise greater diversity of abatement op- GLOBE EU members have been part of the EP
tions, improved market size and liquidity, delegation to the UN climate change sum-
and ultimately a more efficient allocation mits in Buenos Aires, Montreal, Nairobi, Bali
of resources. Interest in the benefits of such and Poznan. GLOBE EU has also organised
a link has prompted formal and informal side briefings in the framework of the Con-
cooperation across the Atlantic and most ferences, notably on technology cooperation,
recently a conference organised by GLOBE adaptation and biofuels, as an accredited
entitled “Climate Change & Security at Co- non-governmental COP party. Several GLOBE
penhagen” which took place on 17th March EU members have actively participated in the
09 in Washington. Avril Doyle MEP, Rap- GLOBE International G8+5 Climate Change
porteur on the Review of the EU Emissions Dialogue, shadowing the governmental G8+5
Trading System Directive, addressed the Summits. This process has been of great sig-
audience as a keynote speaker. In addition, nificance. When the dialogue started in 2005
several high level bilateral meetings took it seemed rather unrealistic to be able to
place between Mrs Doyle and key players reach agreement on specific climate change
on Capitol Hill. objectives, involving legislators from all the
G8 countries, including the US, as well as
● Supergrid Campaign (2008-ongoing): countries like China, India, Brazil, Mexico and
GLOBE EU members Satu Hassi, Rebecca Sooth Africa. But the GLOBE process was very
Harms, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Graham Watson, inclusive in its working methods and man-
Vittorio Prodi, Claude Turmes and Anders aged to bring about broad consensus on a
Wijkman have been active within the number of the most critical issues.
Supergrid Working Group promoting the
set up of a pan-European smart grid for GLOBE EU has also taken the lead in shap-
electricity, a system which facilitates ing the EP position vis-a-vis the Council and
access of renewable sources of energy to Member States on EU international climate
the supergrid. strategy beyond 2012.

5 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

● GLOBE EU President Anders Wijkman’s re- Challenges for the Future
port on “Winning the Battle Against Global
Climate Change” was adopted in Novem- The GLOBE family is in a much stronger po-
ber 2005. The report outlined a strategy for sition today to influence policies than only
GHG emission reductions beyond the 2012 a few years ago. The re-launched GLOBE Eu-
time frame, up to 2050. It stated, among rope network allows us to reach out to virtu-
other things, that industrialized countries ally every legislature in the European region.
should reduce their emissions by at least Globe International is also on a sound footing
30 % by 2020 and 60-80 % by 2050, com- financially and has launched several impor-
pared to 1990 levels. tant initiatives as a follow-up to and con-
tinuation of the G8+5 Legislators Dialogue
● In 2007, GLOBE EU Vice President Satu on Climate Change; one on Climate and En-
Hassi was Rapporteur for “Limiting Global ergy Security and the other one on Land use
Climate Change to 2 degrees Celsius – the change and ecosystems. In addition, regional
way ahead for the Bali Conference on Cli- GLOBE offices are being strengthened in dif-
mate Change and beyond”. The resolution ferent parts of the world.
was the basis of the proposals adopted by
the Commission in its Copenhagen Com- The primary objective of GLOBE EU would
munication in January 2009. naturally be to continue pursuing a number of
global environmental issues in close coopera-
tion with other GLOBE entities, in particular
GLOBE International. Climate change is un-
doubtedly the major challenge. But climate
change must be seen and tackled within the
larger context of the global environment.
The intricate interplay between the climate
system and the planetary system, not least
the role of oceans and terrestrial ecosystems
in mitigation, is one important aspect. An-
other is the tragic overuse and degradation
of many ecosystems, as reported recently by
the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. The
challenge that nations around the world are
faced with is to understand not only how to

6 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

prevent dangerous climate change but the In many areas new legislation is very much
risk of wider and potentially abrupt global needed, such as
environmental change.
● more ambitious standards and incentives
A very important task for GLOBE EU will be for energy efficiency
to facilitate dialogue between science and
policy-makers. The gap between science and ● improved land use practices and food pro-
policy is significant today. To explore innova- duction to address climate change
tive ways to bridge this gap will be a major
challenge for GLOBE. ● innovative policy measures for resource ef-
ficiency – including waste management
For GLOBE EU the pursuit of key global envi-
ronmental issues will of course imply giving ● new indicators for measuring welfare and
a lot of attention to both the external and progress
domestic dimensions of EU policies. One
key challenge will be the follow-up of the ● valuing ecosystem services and biodiversity
implementation of the climate and energy
package. All the dossiers need careful moni- ● increase funding for energy research
toring – either in the form of ensuring the
necessary funding, like CCS, or issues related ● integrate climate change and ecosystems
to the practical implementation like the RES management in EU development cooperation
directive, the ETS etc. For several issues, like
biofuels policy or “carbon leakage”, careful
scrutiny of the outcome of Commission stud-
ies regarding outstanding issues – like how to
integrate indirect land-use effects – will be of
primary importance. Another issue that mer-
its careful preparation will be the stepping up
of the level of ambition of EU climate change
policy in the event of a broad international Anders Wijkman,
agreement in Copenhagen. Of particular im- GLOBE EU Chairman 2004-09
portance will be to limit the degree of off-
setting that will be allowed.

7 / GLOBE EU and Climate Change, 2005 / 2009

The Board

Anders Wijkman,


Contact Satu Hassi

GLOBE Joint Secretariat in Europe.
131 Rue de Stassart
1050 Brussels - Belgium
Vittorio Prodi
Tel +32 (0)2 230 65 89
Fax +32 (0)2 502 62 30

Andres Tarand

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