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Demam adalah kondisi dimana otak mematok suhu di atas seting normal yaitu di atas 38C.

Normal Demam Rendah Demam Sedang Demam Tinggi Ketiak 37.2C 38.3C 38.3C 39.5C 39.5C Oral37.7C 38.8C 38.8C 40C > 40C


pengukuran Bayi: suhu rektal Anak sampai balita: suhu rektal, ketiak, telinga Anak besar: suhu mulut Pengukuran selama minimal 1 menit.

Syok anafilaktik? Zat penyebab anafilaksis (injeksi, minumobat, disengat hewan, makan sesuatu atausetelah test kulit ), Biduran mendadak, gatal dikulit, suara parausesak ,sekarnafas, lemas, pusing,mual,muntah sakit perut setelah terpaparsesuatu

Assess the airway. Can patient talk and breathe freely? If obstructed, the steps to be considered are: chin lift/jaw thrust (tongue is attached to the jaw) suction (if available) guedel airway/nasopharyngeal airway intubation. NB keep the neck immobilised in neutral position.

Breathing is assessed as airway patency and breathing adequacy are re-checked. If inadequate, the steps to be considered are: decompression and drainage of tension pneumothorax/haemothorax closure of open chest injury artificial ventilation. Give oxygen if available.

Assess circulation, as oxygen supply, airway patency and breathing adequacy are re-checked. If inadequate, the steps to be considered are: stop external haemorrhage establish 2 large-bore IV lines (14 or 16 G) if possible administer fluid if available.

Rapid neurological assessment (is patient awake, vocally responsive to pain or unconscious). There is no time to do the Glasgow Coma Scale. awake A verbal response V painful response P unresponsive U system at this stage is clear and quick.

The patient should be completely undressed, usually by cutting off the garments. It is imperative to cover the patient with warm blankets to prevent hypothermia in the emergency department. Intravenous fluids should be warmed and a warm environment maintained. Patient privacy should be maintained

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