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Chapter 1: Slave to the Reaper

Image 1: A full shot of Venus coming out of her room just having changed into her new preppy outfit. Venus wears a grin in this picture and looks excited. The picture should be designed to be very tall not wide on the page, just enough to stretch Venus whole length. Only detail the background of a peaceful room with her door behind her opened (the current room shes in should be barely visible) Jiten Look at my little girl, all grown up and going to school Venus Would you cut that out Jiten Jiten Oh but sweetie, this is the last time we will be seeing each other until break. Dont you want to give your loving father a hug Venus Loving father? Some loving father you are, your hardly even home and now you suddenly care. Venus You probably dont even know Im going to Princeton Jiten !? Princeton!!, WHAT!!! My little girl! Princeton! Venus Yeah I told you months ago that I would be going there for their extraordinary math program (Flashback) Jiten is laughing as he opens the front door holding the arm of some random girl And then you know what he said. He said Jiten my boy, youve just earned yourself another hundred pushups. And you know what I told him, I told him Id do it if he started doing the pushups with the class too Jiten Oh highschool gym teachers always such cocky fatties Jiten and random woman start laughing Random Woman Jiten your so funny too Venus is in the background laying down on the ground in a nearby room kicking her legs back and fourth as she plays a game of chess on the computer Jiten Ive just been accepted to Princeton Ill be going there okay Jiten Sure thing honey. And then you know what my college physical education teacher said Random Woman No, what did he do (Present) Jiten Oh yeah, I remember

Venus If only you were not always hanging around a bunch of whores maybe youd actually know more about your daughter Jiten Thats no way to talk to your loving dad Venus Loving, as if you are loving to anybody. You used my mother just so you could go off with any random girl you wanted to. Im leaving to Princeton for good Jiten Wait! You cant go to Princeton, why you have got to go some place close to home so I can care for you. Youll die in this cruel world Venus Stop acting like you care slams the door shut as she leaves to get into her car to leave her dad Venus Ah, now all I have is myself and the scenery to take in. Oh Princetons going to be so wonderful, no more Jiten and Im going to become one of the worlds greatest mathematicians. Venus They accepted me because they have confidence in my ability, only one other person won the same scholarship and Im sure that other person will quickly learn that Im better than they are Venus arrives at the Princeton entrance to see hundreds of people sampling different booths that talk about the various aspects of Princeton. A booth labeled new mathematic theories catches Venus eye and she goes over to greet Booker who is talking to a random man (not to look like a complete nerd face just an ordinary guy). Venus casually looks down upon one of Bookers various theories labeled the Chazz Theory. Booker finishing talking to the nobody Ah, I see you have taken interest into the Chazz theory of space-time travel, a rather frightening theory isnt it. Here please set down and have anything youd like Venus sure Booker So your Venus, one of the two winners of our most prestigious math scholarship, the other winner has already showed up Im sure you will meet him soon. As of now, Im Booker one of this schools top math students Im willing to share anything youd like to know about math at Princeton Venus Yeah, are you the writer of this space-time travel theory Booker Well no not exactly, Im just show casing it Venus I dont know if Id be show casing something as faulty as this

Booker What!? Venus Oh brother math-know it alls. The theories not awful, but it fails to realize some of the basic facts of mathematics or rather some of the over looked ones. I specialize in solving the most difficult problems in ways other people dont usually understand, so dont be alarmed Booker How about you stop looking at that theory and let me tell you about Princetons program Venus and leave this work flawed, I thought the math department here would care more about the worlds future developments Booker Why you arrogant a man in the background (Chazz) comes walking up to the booth to greet the Venus and Booker Chazz Your Venus, right the other winner of the dual math scholarship Booker Chazz! Chazz The formula your judging happens to be the exact one that got me into Princeton. How might it be that you find my theory to be faulty? Venus I had a feeling he wasnt the one who wrote this formula, well since you ask Chazz Enough of this, I already see your error Venus Error, you didnt even give me a chance to explain Chazz I dont need to, I can tell by the way you started what you believed the problem was Venus Impossible! Chazz But it is. Allow me to explain, I understand where you are coming from that you find that my formula fails to take into account the true nature of dark matter, am I right Venus Your right Chazz Bingo, a common text book response, youll come to use that two word phrase a lot here at Princeton Booker Your right Venus Somebody remind me never to say that again around this guy

Chazz Itll just come naturally sorry. Anyways I think I have failed to introduce myself, Im Chazz your fellow classmate and future opposition Venus Thats why Im taking you down to earth now, you really ought to listen to other peoples judgments about your theories, that way you can improve upon them Chazz I did, remember Princeton has already reviewed my theory. Besides how about your theories, Im just dying to see what the other winner could possibly have came up with Venus Well you see Chazz I understand, havent made any progress yet, expected Venus Not quite I plan on coming up with one of the greatest mathematical formulas ever to exist, I just havent came up with a good idea yet Chazz Keep dreaming, its good for your health isnt that right Booker Booker Of course dreams have helped to make me think I would be successful in the future Chazz But enough about you Venus, how about we take place in a famous Princeton competition, that ought to prove to you who has the better formula Chazz takes off his jacket and hangs it over a chair Booker pushes up to him. Get the game Booker Booker Certainly Venus What is this supposed to be Booker finishes establishing the table and the seats with a full chessboard out Chazz Why this is a game of chess, I managed to already beat the rest of the math club . Lets finish this business, how about a dual Venus Im absolutely so terrified that Im petrified Venus sarcastically says while taking her seat Ill warn you that Im a pro at this game Booker Heh guys Chazz is facing off the other winner of the scholarship in a chess match rest of math geeks turn around as well as some other random people Venus Lots of publicity, I could only have dreamed of a world where chess was this popular Chazz Thats right, keep on dreaming Venus What nerve Chazz To the challenger a couple slides of chess play by

Venus Whats the matter Chazz your nearing defeat, ready to admit your faults Chazz What a shame, I thought I told you to remain in the realm of dreams Venus As if Id ever submit to you suddenly Chazz pulls out a move that puts him in a winning position Chazz Checkmate and wrap Chazz checks Venus king thus winning the match. Venus Tch, the games rigged I had you until the end Venus gets up humiliated and accidently stumbles on her chair knocking the chessboard to the ground and her chair over. Chazz Ladies and Gentlemen introducing the second winner of the mathematics scholarship, Venus Vel-Demdra As Venus walks away from the laughing math crowd with her head down, as they all become black shadows with utterly insane grins laughing crazily. Bookers face flashes saying I knew you werent good enough to be a part of the math club then Chazzs saying Keep dreaming, youre stuck with your dad Random voice in the air You want vengeance Venus snaps into reality with a startle Venus Ah, a loss to that arrogant jerk before the first day of class, Oh well I will get him next time Venus appears in a classroom seat in the front row with an empty seat next to her near Chazzs seat, in the background nobodies can be seen including both Erold and Booker Professor Ichenheim (Indian accent in series) Very good, I hope your enjoying your first day at Princeton. I will be one of your professors here in mathematics and I hope to make excellent mathematicians out of all of you Door rumbles Professor Ichenheim Someone is apparently late at that moment Jiten comes into the room with a very big grin on his face and sets next to Venus Venus Jiten, what are you doing here Jiten Remember how I told you you were not going to Princeton, well I improvised Venus Huh! Professor Ichenheim Yes class this middle aged man is quite the successful intellectual and would like to go to Princeton to further his education. Certainly an admirable decision Venus How did you? What records? Successful Intellectual

Jiten Im glad to finally see that my sweetie recognizing my strong suits Nobody whispers to Chazz in the background So thats Venus dad, how humiliating a daddas girl Chazz Did you really expect much Professor Ichenheim First off Id like to say that none of you are better than anyone else in this room, your all on equal playing grounds here at Princeton. As peers you will work together and compete at times, but I have no doubt that all of you can succeed Venus Of course were equal, if you count out all of the cocky people and the old guy in this room Jiten You ought to learn from his lessons Professor Ichenheim As you all know Princeton is home to some of the worlds greatest mathematicians to ever live, some of which even had to overcome their own insanity Jiten The Phantom, this place isnt safe Professor Ichenheim I doubt the pangs of insanity will infect any of you. Your peer Erold has asked permission to speak on an important matter Erold walks up straightening up his crooked glasses looking rather nervous HeheWelcome to Princeton Nobody That guy looks like a nerd straight from the comics Erold Okayyy.. Professor Ichenheim No need to be nervous your all equals remember Erold Yeah. Well Id like to introduce you the formula Ive developed on microscopic mitosis of yeast goes through a long and boring description suddenly no longer nervous, but incredibly excited for his topic. Erold then takes a seat again Professor Ichenheim Good Job Erold Im sure we have all learned a lot from your insightful knowledge on yeast. You know yeast has always fascinated me Chazz to nobody If you ask me his theory isnt going to help anybody its just useless research, nothing compared to space-time theory Professor Ichenheim Now allow me to go into a full introduction goes into a very complex explanation of mathematics at Princeton

Professor Ichenheim Remember one last thing, you are the nations youth and its future. It is not weapons that help when wars, but mathematicians who help design the weapons that win the wars. Never doubt in yourself and most of all stay safe. The last thing I want is our future protectors to succumb to the madness of life before they have even truly lived to understand the world as I have. The mathematics session ends and Jiten follows Venus out the door. Venus looking very upset marches off Jiten Sweetie its going to be fine, we can be a happy family in class nobodies in the background are laughing and giggling as Jiten chases after Venus. Venus disappears around the corner to the girls dormitories Venus walks over to the window and throws the blinds open to reveal a setting sun, Venus then sighs and falls over onto her bed she flips out a notebook and begins aimlessly straying through the pages. Venus It was less amusing than I thought, I better get used to it. Jiten, Chazz Venus stops on a page of her math notes and begins examine it. The Grim Reaper Tsk, Tsk, look at you moping around Venus !? The Grim Reaper No need to be alarmed, its just your good pal, THE GRIM REAPER Venus What are you doing here Grim, I havent seen you in years I thought for sure you had gone to bother somebody else The Grim Reaper And miss out on your lovely face. You seem to forget. Its time though Venus Time The Grim Reaper This is Princeton is it not Venus Yeah The Grim Reaper That reminds me of the Dakkendedo Venus Everything reminds of you of the Dakkendedo (Flashback) The Grim Reaper Once here in this very room lay an aspiring mathematician named Jack Bloom. Jack was an intelligent boy with unending amounts of promise and skill, he passed his classes with flying colors. He was destined for greatness. (Present) Greatness, HA HA HA! He was such a great kid. But anyways (Flashback) he had one major flaw, and a crippling one at that. The poor boy, if only he understood the ways of the undeath. Young innocent Jack

was so utterly consumed in his schoolwork that he had no friends at all. In fact everyone in the school to him were just competition to crush. (Present) Kind of like someone else I know Venus What is your game The Grim Reaper If only you knew, I myself probably dont even know Venus Tch The Grim Reaper Where was I, oh yeah (flashback) Jack was utterly incapable of having any positive interactions, but secretly inside he loathed for a friend someone to share his life with. IT ATE HIM ALIVE LIKE THE WORMS! Day in and out he wanted someone else, but was to poor with people to gain friends. And the rest well, you know. Poor Jack had a little accident and became a Dakkendedo! He gave his life up for the mindless pleasure of undeath. In short he received a word from the heavens telling him to give up his soul to the Dakendedo, so he did what any sensible man Venus (Present) Sensible, I know where this is heading The Grim Reaper Fine insensible if thats whats in style now a days (flashback) So he headed the voice of the almighty and hurled himself into a meat grinder. There his flesh was horribly torn up and distorted to hideous proportions. Only thanks to the voice did Jack survive to serve out his masters will. Jack gained unimaginable power, the power to make up for his flaws. You see he finally Bloomed, pardon the pun. The rest is absolutely just sweet, in his new form he decided to spread his love by brutally murdering every beautiful woman he seen. In this manner he collected his wives. Isnt it sweet, Jacks finally making up for his flaws. To this very day he still roams around Princeton and its outskirts claiming more and more wives. (Present) And you know the most interesting part, all the voice that fuelled his transformation said was You want vengeance HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! Venus How does the story of Jack Bloom have any relevance to me Grim, Its not like Im going to let you scare me The Grim Reaper Oh yeah, there was a switch when Jack died, he no longer likes to be called Jack Bloom, his new awakened name is Bonretsu the Ripper Venus Ive had enough of you The Grim Reaper Ah, dont be that way no one can have enough of The Grim Reaper. Besides I said it was time Venus Time for what?

The Grim Reaper Time to pay back your debt you cant refuse Venus !? The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper always comes to collect. Now listen its not a big deal, I just want you to destroy the man I was just talking about, Bonretsu is overdue Venus But how, I cant face off against a monster like that with only my brute strength alone The Grim Reaper Then find a way Venus Find a way, how about I wont actually hunt down this monster The Grim Reaper Oh, but he is coming for you, youre his next wife. Do you want the beast, Bonretsus lust will never be satisfied Venus You monster The Grim Reaper Call me what you will, but youll have to accept reality. Ive managed to tamper with Bonretsu in order to get him to come directly to you no matter where you are by 9 PM tomorrow, so theres no need to hunt him down, THE HUNTS ON YOU! Venus You have to give me some sort of chance, I am reluctant to do so, but I can never fulfill our contract if you send a monster to kill me now. Wouldnt my death be counter intuitive? The Grim Reaper Now logics no fun. Fine you got me, Ill tell you your winning card. Jiten I know your watching show yourself Venus Ah, that fool Jiten Im sorry Grim I just couldnt let my little girl be killed, Princetons a new scary place for her. Once again my apologies, but I have to get Venus out of here if Bonretsu is after her, this place isnt safe The Grim Reaper Flee, you cant do that, Come on did you ever think a guy like me would ever put your little girl in any danger. I was just getting to the safety. Jiten why dont you come over here Jiten Certainly Grim Venus Wait, Jiten you know The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper Of course he does, we go way back

Jiten Im sorry I never told you about this, but you see Im Grims main partner weve been reaping souls for years Venus What! The Grim Reaper Its okay to reveal it to her, the time has came as Ive said Jiten then turns into a scythe that Grim grabs. Venus Jiten just turned into scythe The Grim Reaper Of course he did, Jiten is part of a species of humanoids that turn into weapons of mass power and DESTRUCTION, the Breddo. Breddo are used by human partners in order to reap the undead and other creatures that dont matter now Venus So I must be a Breddo, thats how Ill beat Bonretsu The Grim Reaper You think Id be so happy if it was that simple. Youre not a Breddo, you are a human. You see Breddo do not necessarily produce other Breddo just like humans dont necessarily produce other humans if you catch me. Venus and Jiten Then how The Grim Reaper Such an eager audience. Well tomorrow the classical band The Black Vendettas are showing up to perform at 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM, but th ey will be in the area around five-sixish. One person coming with the Black Vendettas is a Breddo. Itll be your job to convince that Breddo to aid you in the slaying of Bonretsu. If you fail, well, Bonretsu will crash the party anyway at 9:00 PM and if your on Princeton grounds he will cause far more destruction that he was meant to. So you might want to crawl into some hole to prevent others from dying. Jiten This is great, Ive been waiting for this moment all my life. My little girl is truly growing up. I have no doubt in your success, with your girlish charm youll succeed in a couple minutes Venus Seriously Jiten, seriously; The Grim Reapers trying to make this as difficult as possible, but thats fine Im up to his challenge, you will lose Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper Now thats the Venus I know no longer moping. Our job here is done Jiten Im so proud It is night and on a hill overlooking Princeton a shadow of Bonretsu can be seen. The next slide is then a zoom up of Bonretsus face in detail Bonretsu Let the ripping begin

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