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Marketing Communication

the communication process communication and consumers integrated marketing communication marketing communication strategies public policy issues

source is the marketer or public policy maker receiver is the consumer message is the content medium is the channel used to convey the content consumers talk too: feedback noise disrupts the communication

Consumer response to communication

two perspectives
hierarchy of effects brand experience

complementary perspectives

Hierarchy of effects
seven steps
unawareness, awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, conviction, and purchase

reflect the cognitive, affective, and conative components

Hierarchy of effects
as we discussed, purchase is more complex than this
components dont always occur in this order

but recognize that the steps occur

and consumers use behavioral processes to complete the purchase process

Brand experience
purchase processes are complicated and complex
different paths through the process

consumers exposed to many messages messages should be integrated

so consumers can use information to think, feel, act
in whatever order is appropriate

Integrated marketing communications

television, radio, magazines, newspapers, placebased

direct response
mail, telemarketing, catalogs, direct selling, home shopping, on-line

television, magazine, newspapers

personal selling

Marketing communication strategies

message strategy
information content creative form

media strategy
medium used aperture

Message strategy
information content
appropriate for stage in purchase process depth of information must be suitable
for level of involvement for level of cognitive effort

creative strategy
informational, rational emotional, transformational

Types of messages
factual comparative celebrity fear sex humor

Message content or creativity?

elaboration likelihood model central route emphasizes content
higher involvement significant cognitive effort

peripheral route emphasizes creativity

lower involvement less cognitive activity

Media strategy
message through the right medium at the right time medium used
must support message strategy integrated media

must deliver at appropriate time in purchase process interactive media to allow consumer to solicit information at preferred time

Public policy issues

perception and learning and deceptive advertising

background characteristics

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