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Transactional talk: the purpose is to deliver message/information Intransactional talk: to maintan social relation (not just get the

information) However, there might be instractional talk in transactional talk Adjency pairs Spoken language Time bound and dynamic, complexity (without paying attention grammar), choice of words, face to face participant, shared knowledge, interruption/over lapping turn, emergance feedback, Context is creatd by gestures, body movement,facial expression Written language (context is created by sentences) should be in grammatical form Some instruments in written language (reference: refer, confirm, share) anaphoric previous, cataphoric, exophoric 12 may 2013 System contsraints (there are 8 types): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. channel open and close signals back channel signals turnover signals acoustically adequate and interpretable messages bracket signals nonparticant constraints preempt signals gricean norms\

1 june 2013 Script is a set of action Script is observable in terms of communicating Script is unobservable in terms of memory Speech act Speech analysis analyzes the intended meaning not only give the locutionary act but also illocutionary act Speech event is larger unit (e.g analysis scripts) Proposed by Hyme

Modes of discourse (DEAN) Speech event SPEAKING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Setting (tempat dan waktu menentukan ujaran) Participant (participant menentukan juga) Role relationships (menentukan bahasa) Instrument/media Norms/manners Genre/contents

Pronolect Dialect Sociolect Non-verbal communication 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Body language (gesture, facial expression, posture) Dress and style Voice Proximic (distance) touch

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