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URUMUN 2013 Utrecht, The Netherlands 11-12-13 October 2013

Chair Registration Form URUMUN

I. Personal Information Name Gender Date of Birth Nationality Place of Residence Email Telephone Number Special conditions (Diet/disabilities)

II. Educational Background High School/College/University City, Country Major/Bachelor/Master III. Model United Nations Experience Prior MUN Experience Conference School Country 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. IV. Preferred Committee Three Committee in Order of Preference 1. 2. 3. V. Committee topics All committees (except HR) will discuss two topics at URUMUN. The first topic has been set by the organization team. The second topic will be chosen by the Chairs. To allow for a faster setting of the topics, URUMUN would like chairs to give a topic they would like to discuss in the committee. Committee Topic 1. 2. 3.



URUMUN 2013 Utrecht, The Netherlands 11-12-13 October 2013

VI. Additional comments

Thank you very much for your registration to participate in URUMUN 2013. Be assured that the information you provided in this form will be treated as confidential. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about URUMUN.

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