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Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 8th Edition

Chapter 27: Nursing Management: Upper Respiratory Problems Patient and Caregiver Teaching Guides


Patient:______________________________Date:_______________________ Nurse Teacher:____________________________________________________ 1. Keep well hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water to loosen secretions. 2. Take hot showers twice daily; use a steam inhaler (15-minute vaporization of boiled water), bedside humidifier, or nasal saline spray to promote secretion drainage. 3. Report a temperature of 100.4F (38C) or higher, which indicates infection. 4. Follow prescribed medication regimen: Take analgesics to relieve pain. Take decongestants/expectorants to relieve swelling. Take antibiotics, as prescribed, for infection. Be sure to take entire prescription and report continued symptoms or a change in symptoms. Administer nasal sprays correctly. 5. Perform large volume nasal saline washes one to two times a day to wash sinuses. 6. Do not smoke and avoid exposure to smoke. Smoke is an irritant and will worsen symptoms. 7. If allergies predispose to sinusitis, follow instructions regarding environmental control, drug therapy, and immunotherapy to reduce the inflammation and prevent sinus infection. Additional Comments:____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

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