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1-5 CONFUSING WORDS Instruction: Choose the correct answer. 1Most of the cars on sale in the UK are ..........

in other countries, where the labour is much cheaper. A) fertilised B) grown C) materialised D) fabricated E) manufactured 2Medical records held in the UK are .......... and can only be shown to the patient or, in the case of children, to a parent or guardian. A) complex B) conflicted C) confident D) confidential E) confusing The pop singer Tarkan was .......... in Turkey until he returned from Germany. A) infamous B) faithful C) unknown D) genius E) invaluable There was no point in .......... his involvement with the drugs gang as he was caught with 1,000 worth of heroin. A) implementing B) denying C) adopting D) discovering E) evolving The sponge cake had .......... nicely and was light and fluffy. In fact, it was just as it should be. A) risen B) aroused C) raised D) arisen E) ascended The .......... from Inverness to Aviemore is shorter in summer, when the mountain pass is open. A) travel B) journey C) voyage D) cruise E) vacation The porters had no equipment or protective clothing, but they had one thing that proved .......... in the end; local knowledge of the mountain paths. A) genuine B) worthless C) invaluable D) costly E) predictable If Aston Villa .......... Manchester United this afternoon, I will be the happiest man alive. A) gain B) score C) conquer D) beat E) win Jessie .......... me how to ice skate yesterday, but I think it will take some time before I feel confident doing it. A) compiled B) demonstrated C) suggested D) showed E) invited


16- A lot of the other shopkeepers in our centre bought our daughter a .......... for her birthday. A) price B) prize C) reward D) gift E) medal 17- I'm ......... to dust, so I tie a scarf around my face when I'm cleaning dusty places. A) emotional B) sensitive C) senseless D) sensible E) sensational 18- Not until they were far away from the dark forest did Mortimer .......... his grip on his mother's hand. A) tie B) find C)lose D) break E) loosen 19- The bandits rarely attacked the local people. They mainly ....... travellers. A) rubbed B) wound C) stole D) robbed E) broke into 20- We wasted an hour .......... about the Christmas party and didn't discuss many of the points on the agenda. A) talking B) saying C) telling D) agreeing E) accepting 21- She is twenty-four years old, but as she is still studying, she is ......... on her parents financially. A) dependent B) reliable C) sensible D) deficient E) portable 22- I apologise for the handwriting, which is almost ......... but with my right arm in plaster, I had to write with my left hand. A) unreadable B) eligible C) illegible D) illiterate E) distracting 23- ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator the first electronic digital computer ......... by J.P. Eckert and J.W. Mauchly in 1946, was the prototype for most computers in use today. A) discovered B) indicated C) derived D) invented E) displayed 24- The .......... military barracks were converted into a local hospital. A) diffused B) disused C) amused D) refused E) misused 25- He always calls when you are out of the office. I think he must be trying to .......... you. A) prevent B) dissuade C) defeat D) deny E) avoid







10- Gary is such a cowardly person that he is frightened of his own ........ . A) shadow B) shade C) extinction D) figure E) existence 11- Later this year, fox hunting with hounds is .......... to be banned in England. A) lively B) likely C) alike D) likeable E) alive 12- It is the responsibility of the .......... to ensure that the school runs smoothly. A) principal B) principle C) morale D) moral E) justice 13- Would all the customers proceed to the cash registers, please, as the store will be closing ..........? A) currently B) gradually C) presently D) permanently E) momentarily 14- Tiger's eye stone is almost ........... but despite this, it is my favourite stone. This also means that I can buy some whenever I like. A) priceless B) viable C) invaluable D) worthy E) valueless 15- What a lovely necklace, and it .......... your earrings. A) matches B) suits C) compliments D) appeals E) fits

1-5 CONFUSING WORDS (pg.23) 1.E 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.E 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.E 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.E

9.D 10.A 19.D 20.A

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