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TEST YOUR VOCABULARY 15- Though she didn't want them to stay at her house, she ........

1- It was very ......... of my boss to remember to send me flowers on agreed to let her uncle and his family spend the night as she felt
my birthday. she couldn't refuse.
A) considerate B) relative C) serious A) persistently B) reluctantly C) sincerely
D) avoidable E) arrogant D) barely E) intentionally

2- The paintings of Paul Gauguin were so ....... that most people did 16- Everyone stood up in ....... and applauded for a long time at the
not understand them at first. end of the concert.
A) unusual B) orderly C) initial A) perseverance B) appreciation C) intention
D) decent E) ordinary D) prediction E) involvement

3- Although the earthquake was not particularly strong, it ....... entire 17- At the beginning of the semestre, the teacher told his students
neighbourhoods of poorly built houses. ....... that late homework would not be accepted.
A) intimidated B) trembled C) humiliated A) randomly B) slightly C) reverently
D) flattened E) degraded D) firmly E) wilfully

4- The victim got a good look at his assailant and was able to give the 18- The Italian artist Giotto was enormously popular during his
police a good ......... of him. lifetime and was considered one of the greatest artists who had
A) personality B) guide C) description ever lived, and even today, Giotto is regarded ........
D) character E) offense A) solemnly B) softly C) credibly
D) vaguely E) highly
5- A brief letter explaining why he or she would like to work for us
must be ....... to every application. 19- The Grand Canyon, one of the most........ natural wonders in the
A) appointed B) surrounded C) concealed world, is the handiwork of the once wild Colorado River.
D) discharged E) appended A) tangible B) exceeding C) majestic
D) abundant E) proper
6- The mother distributed the house chores between her children as
....... as possible, trying not to look unjust. 20- Mountain climbers don't have a/an ......... team with which
A) crossly B) evenly C) hardly they'll compete; instead, they are pitted against both the
D) wilfully E) partially unpredictable forces of nature and their own limitations.
A) opposing B) backward C) reversed
7- Although the vinyl disk, the ....... of the CD, was far less D) reliable E) substantial
sophisticated, some people still prefer the sound of the old records.
A) forerunner B) companion C) alternative 21- A microscope and a telescope .......... serve the same purpose:
D) descendant E) accumulation they both magnify objects to make it possible for us to see them,
but while the former is used for tiny objects, the latter is used for
8- I am so ....... for all the help you have given me that I just don't celestial objects.
know how to thank you. A) attentively B) decisively C) deeply
A) compatible B) obsessed C) friendly D) basically E) manually
D) integrated E) grateful
22- ......... I was against buying a portable computer, but now that I
9- You should never go swimming during a storm in case you get can work wherever I want, I find it very convenient.
struck by ........ . A) Eventually B) Negligently C) Initially
A) thunder B) clouds C) sleet D) Familiarly E) Inevitably
D) lightning E) flashes
23- Carbon monoxide is so dangerous not only because we cannot
10- The Danakil Desert in Ethiopia is one of the hottest, driest and most see it, but also because it is ........ so people usually don't notice
....... places on the Earth. it until it is too late.
A) perceptive B) fertile C) barren A) flawless B) aromatic C) boundless
D) futile E) blooming D) fragrant E) odourless

11- It can be difficult to design a new building for a historical area 24- The bathroom windows allowed light in, but they were ....... so
because there are so many ....... on what kind of a building can be that no one could actually see in or out.
put up. A) fabulous B) ambiguous C) opaque
A) exhaustions B) restrictions C) alterations D)obscure E) transparent
D) repairs E) achievements
25- The most frequent traffic ......... committed by poor drivers are
12- In order to be able to buy a house, it is necessary to work and save speeding, failing to yield the right-of-way and driving under the
....... for years. influence of alcohol.
A) descriptively B) pathetically C) inevitably A) potentials B) violations C) demonstrations
D) eventually E) diligently D) ceremonies E) catastrophes

13- Elderly people with no families are often ....... and desperate to talk 26- After the Buddha's death, his followers ....... into a number of
with someone. factions, each with its own interpretations of the master's
A) ethical B) obscure C) lonesome teachings.
D) remote E) defiant A) skidded B) spilt C) slid
D) slapped E) split
14- Very little painting has ......... from the classical age of Greece and
Rome. Decorated vases of the Greeks and wall paintings from 27- The invading troops were utterly ....... to the inhabitants of the
Pompeii and Herculaneum are among the remains. cities they conquered and they killed all the men and sold the
A) survived B) occurred C) reversed women and children into slavery.
D) diminishes E) intensified A) regretful B) hasty C) merciless
D) feeble E) doubtful
28- Although volcanoes are difficult to study because of the .......... 42- China has a/an ....... population; in fact a quarter of all the
involved, such as the possibility of sudden eruptions, volcano world's people are Chinese.
observatories have existed for decades. A) underlying B) imposing C) monumental
A) competitions B) departures C) demonstrations D) massive E) integrated
D) hazards E) obligations
43- Natural medicines made from plants and herbs can be more .......
29- When he woke up, he could still....... remember his nightmare, and than modern drugs because they usually have no side effects.
remained frightened throughout the day. A) contentious B) superficial C) beneficial
A) vividly B) bravely C) intentionally D) emphatic E) fundamental
D) bearably E) diligently
44- Just as the passengers were to ......... a bomb was found on the
30- As a bachelor, Terry was ....... and never took life very seriously, plane, so they had to wait in the airport until it was removed.
but since he got married, he has had to work two jobs just to keep A) embark B) launch C) mobilise
his head above water. D) originate E) accommodate
A) cautious B) carefree C) deceptive
D) apathetic E) acceptable 45- Although most forms of cancer are ....... in their later stages, if
they are discovered early enough, they can often be treated.
31- My uncle lost his hair in his twenties and has been ......... ever since. A) incurable B) irreparable C) incoherent
A) skinny B) bare C) plump D) inestimable E) incalculable
D) scant E) bald
46- The doctor wrote so ....... that the chemist couldn't read the
32- Some automobiles use a computer chip to determine fuel........ on prescription and had to call to ask her what she had written.
both an overall average and an instantaneous basis. A) legally B) vaguely C) partially
A) expenditure B) tolerance C) destination D) illegibly E) neatly
D) consumption E) construction

33- The family was very poor, and the financial strain of supporting six
children ........ led to their divorce. 47- The average bathroom scale is not a very ....... instrument and
A) barely B) decently C) bluntly can give readings that are wrong by as much as ten percent.
D) eventually E) solidly A) useful B) handy C) susceptible
D) sensible E) precise
34- Both the Jewish and Chinese calendars are lunisolar, which means
the years are ........ according to the Sun but the months according 48- If global warming continues, there is a danger that the polar ice
to the moon. caps might ........ and cause world-wide flooding.
A) reached B) reckoned C) hindered A) broil B) melt C) vaporise
D) injected E) terminated D) dissolve E) descend

35- As usual, Mr Grimes arrived ....... for the meeting. The others said 49- Although many natural gases can be used ........ from the well
that you could set your watch by his arrival time. without treatment, some must be processed to remove such
A) lately B) mindfully C) punctually undesirable constituents as carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and
D) hastily E) untidily other sulfur components.
A) decisively B) insistently C) directly
36- Since the beginning of the season, my team's performance has been D) visibly E) relatively
rather changeable, and their ....... has meant that they have no
chance to win the championship. 50- After his wife left him, Fred was in ....... for months although he
A) inconsistency B) intolerance C) continuity tried to hide it from his friends.
D) overturn E) recklessness A) torture B) menace C) service
D) agony E) absurdity
37- The opposition party is so far behind in the polls that there is no
....... of their winning the upcoming elections. 51- Even as a child, Mozart played music so ....... that he became
A) intention B) calculation C) likelihood famous all over Europe.
D) resemblance E) likeness A) delightfully B) fervently C) decisively
D) fanatically E) exclusively
38- Even after slavery ended, there was so much ....... against black
people in the United States that most of them were unable to share 52- Most religions teach their adherents to be ........ and help those
in American prosperity for a long time. less fortunate than themselves.
A) deliverance B) distinction C) discrimination A) lovable B) forthright C) charitable
D) recurrence E) accusation D) credible E) absolute

39- After he was wounded in the leg during the war, he walked with a 53- Although people of European descent tend to view spiders with
....... for the rest of his life. ........ in many African and North and South American cultures
A) fracture B) limp C) violence spiders are revered.
D) sprain E) hollow A) tolerance B) exposure C) distaste
D) misfit E) revenge
40- Throughout history, human beings have always liked to .......
themselves with jewellery and fine clothes. 54- The fundamental purpose for ........ crime and enforcing
A) conceal B) falsify C) abolish punishment is to prevent the disintegration of society.
D) defend E) adorn A) suspecting B) converting C) seeking
D) insisting E) combating
41- One of the nuts on this machine seems to be stuck, and I'll need a
spanner to ........ it. 55- The young man was ........ irritated that whoever he was waiting
A) alter B) smash C) tighten for was late, and he kept glancing at his watch as he paced up
D) sort E) loosen and down impatiently.
A) contentedly B) obviously C) terminally
D) capaciously E) truthfully
56- In the past few years, the house at the end of George Street has been
frequently burgled. So often, in fact, that the owners have spent
£100,000 on .......... measures.
A) security B) theft C) persuasion
D) confidence E) defiance

57- Sharon was unhappy with her marriage because her husband was
uncommunicative and easily lost his temper, and she could not
stand being with someone so ....... .
A) grumpy B) conceited C) extroverted
D) introspective E) impartial
58- Three people have been killed in the same town over the last three
months. The killings were all very similar, which leads the police
to think that they were all ......... by the same person.
A) permitted B) concerned C) sentenced
D) suspected E) committed

59- The phenomenal 'Pickwick Papers' and the books that followed
steadily lifted young Charles Dickens to the height of success, from
poverty to wealth, from ....... to fame, all in a few brief years.
A) acquaintance B) moderation C) reluctance
D) obscurity E) hindrance

60- Elderly people often have difficulty ....... their food because they
have hardly any or no teeth left.
A) swallowing B) chewing C) peeling
D) chopping E) stirring


1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E 6. B 7. A 8. E 9. D 10. C

11. B 12. E 13. C 14. A 15. B 16. B 17. D 18. E 19. C 20. A

21. D 22. C 23. E 24. C 25. B 26. E 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B

31. E 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C 36. A 37. C 38. C 39. B 40. E

41. E 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. A 46. D 47. E 48. B 49. C 50. D

51. A 52. C 53. C 54. E 55. B 56. A 57. A 58. E 59. D 60. B

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