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Mr Gumpy’s Outing

Once upon a time there was a kind man called Mr

Gumpy. He lived in a big house by the side of a
river. Early one morning he decided to go for a trip
in his boat.

“May we come with you?” said the

“Yes,” said Mr Gumpy, if you don’t

“Can I come too?” said the rabbit.

“Yes, but don’t hop about.”

“I’d like a ride,” said the cat.

“Very well,” said Mr Gumpy. “But you are not to
chase the rabbit.”

“Can I come too?” said the dog.

“Yes,” said Mr Gumpy. “But don’t
tease the cat.”

“Can we come too?” said the chickens.

“Yes, but don’t flap,” said Mr Gumpy.

For a while they went happily along but then…..

The chickens flapped
The dog teased the cat
The cat chased the rabbit
The rabbit hopped about
The children squabbled
The boat tipped…
and into the water they fell.

Then they all swam ashore and lay in the grass to

get dry in the hot sun.
We’ll walk home across the fields,” said Mr Gumpy.
It’s time for tea.”

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