You are on page 1of 85

Part I


This is the first of a series of articles on the subject of vertical antennas which
will be published in this magazine during the next year. Basic principles are
presented in this chapter. Subsequent chapters will cover feed methods,
arrays, stacked verticals, broadband types and physical design factors.
I N spite of the fact that there have been
many articles writt en on vertical antennas.
including several by myselfJ. z.3.' .' . there are,
no doubt , many amateurs to whom their
operation is a bit mysterious. There are some
amateurs who emphatically and categorically
state that vertical s are no good without reall y
knowing what they are talking about. But
please, I am not trying to sell vert ical antennas
to the exclusion of other types; I am just try-
ing to spread a bit of knowledge, and we can
stand having a bit spread around in amateur
radio these days.
5209 Bangor Drive. Kensington. Maryland
I Lee. P. H.. "Four Band OX Antenna," CQ. Nov.
t 953. p. 20.
~ Lee, P. H., "Mark II Four Band OX Antenna,"
CO. July 1960. p. 28.
3 Lee, P. H. , "Optimum Antenna Design For OX
Communications," CQ, Nov. 1962, p. 49.
oj Lee, P. H., "Mark III OX Antenna," CQ. Dec.
1962. p. 43.
~ Lee, P. H. "Mark IV OX Antenna," CQ. Feb.
1967. p. 60.
0.625)" HEIGHT
Fig . l - The theoret ical vertical radiat ion patterns
for vertica l antennas of !4. Vi and % wavelengths
in height.
16 CQ June, 1968
For many years I have fou nd the fi eld of
antenna desi gn. in conjunction with propa-
galion study. 10 be a very fascinat ing one in
which to work. both in naval communications
and in civilian consulting radio engineering.
ow back in uniform. on act ive dut y in the
Navy Department, Washington. D. C., I have
much to do with shipboard ant enna problems
as head of an office which is directing an
extensive program of fleet communications
improvement. At our service in this endeavor
we have the out put of years of experience in
o ur naval electronics labo rato ries and many
interesti ng and valuable contributions from
commercial industry. Antenna design is one
of the most important factors in the planning
of any communications system. In this busi-
ness one cannot afford to tolerate an" IH"
( Not Invented Here ) attitude, nor to say that
something is no good. An open mind is the
mark of an intelligent man. In this series of
art icles I plan to discuss many aspects of
vert ical antennas. from some basic theory
right on through actual designs. pract ical con-
figurations, advantages and disadvantages and
results to be expected.
Fundamentall y, a vertical antenna is noth-
ing but a hori zontal antenna turned lip on
end. Let us go one step further and rul e out
the vertical dipole at some dis tance above
earth for practical rea'ions, and consider the
case of the vertical antenna fed at it s base
against a ground system. For purposes of
analysis, this can be considered as a dipole
whose lower half has been cut off and re-
placed by a ground plane. For some purposes
the concept of a mirror image (i maginary
lower half below ground) is useful. One can
say quite truthfull y that the total power radi-
ated in free space by a dipole (either vertical
See page 126 far New Reader Service
. ~
-t) , ~

receiving and transmitting converter for the 2 meter band,

esigned to operate with Swan Transceivers, models 250, 350,
350-C, 400, 500, and 500C.
me intermediate frequency is standard. Thus, when
rating the Transceiver from 14 to 14.5 me, the Trans-
ter functions from 144 to 144.5 me. Additional crystals
y be purchased and switched in for other portions of
2 meter band, such as 144.5145, and 145 to 145.5 me.
ee crystal positions are available.
lternatelY, the TV2 Transverter may be ordered for an
. in the 21, 28 or 50 me bands, if desired. Of course, for
wi thaSwan 250 six meter transceiver, the Transverter
st be ordered for 50 me. Otherwise, the standard 14 me
. is recommended since bandspread and frequency read-
t will then be optimum. The Transverter can easily be
justed in the field for a different I.F. range, if required.
5894 BPower Amplifier provides a PEP input rating of
o walls wi th voice modulation. CW input rating is 180
tts, and AM input is 75 walls.
Receiver noise f igure is better than 3 db, provi ded by a
pair of 6CW4 nuvistors in cascode.
Only a Swan Transceiver and Swan AC power supply,
Model 117XC, are required. The power supply plugs intothe
Transverter, and the Transverter in turn plugs into the
Transceiver. Internal connections automatically reduce the
power input to the Transceiver to the required level.
Tube compl ement, 5894B Pwr. Amp., 5763 Oriver, 12BY7
Transmit Mixer, 2N706 crystal osc., 6EW6 Injection Amp.,
6CW4 1st rec. amp., 6CW4 2nd rec. amp. in caseode, 6HA5
ree. mner.
The Swan TV2 may also be operated with other trans-
ceivers when proper interconnectionsand voltages are pro-
vided. A separate Swan 117XC power suppl y will most
li kely be required.
aimensions, 13 in. wide, 5 ~ in. high, by 11 in. deep.
Weight, 13 Ibs. $265
MODEL 250 . . . $325
MODEL 350C 420
MODEL 500t 520
. . _. .
Oceanside. Cali fornia
zo 10
MIles From
0. 5 1 2 0 2
"-,,'-::r-,--nm-m--i----r-rnTTIT---.:; 'MOO r
e.ccc f--f-+-H-ttttt--t-i-t-t1Itttt---i
f--+---= ..... "",.,.
"",!>i ,-+-H-l-++t- ---1
'" f--+-++-t+t+tt---j"':



1lJ\ f\----1
ec 100 roo
From Ant_nne
Fig. 2-A plot of ground wa ve field intensity versus
di stance from the antenna for various f requencies
over sea water based on a radiated power of 1 kw.
or hori zontal } has now been concentrated in
the upper hemisphere only. T hus it is com-
monl y sai d that, considering only the upper
hemi sphe re. the radi at ion from the ground
based ver tical is 3 d b above that from a free
space dipole. This is true in one special case.
and that is the case of a perfect ground plane
wit h no loss. '0 such thing exist" in actual
practice, It can be closely approximated by
sea water. or by an extensive copper screen.
However. in these two cases there will still be
some loss. alt hough minimal. The loss will
depe nd to some extent on frequency. Model
studies have shown that for sea water or a
large copper ground screen, the vertical radi-
ation pattern of a ground based vertical an-
Icnna closely approaches that of the theoreti-
cal case.
Vertical Radiatian Patterns
What arc theoretical vertical patterns of
ground based antennas of various heights?
They arc shown here in figs. I ( A) through
1 (C). II will be noted that as antenna height
increases, the ground wave or low angle lobe
increases unti l it reaches a maximum at H
wavelength height , As this height is exceeded,
the low a ngle lobe shrinks very fast. thc high
angle lobe increases rapidly, and the antenna
18 CO J une, 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Service

' .000 f---+-+-++++tH--+-+++I+l++-- -l
--1-+ um '
1.000 1116.5 I11 V' 1II
sec 1--+-= -+i-tt :--i-l+mm---l
Fig . 4-A plot of ground wa.... e fie ld intensity versus
d istance f rom the ontenno fo r vo rious frequenci es
o.... er " poo r g round" whe re F = 5 a nd a = 1
millimhos pe r meter, based on a radia ted powe r
of 1 kw.

'00 t-
' 01-- +-1'


0.' ,

0.' e

0.0 5

, 0-

0 . 0 1

c.cce e
0.' 0.' 0.' '.0
Miles From Antenna
past consulti ng wo rk for broadcast clie nts be-
fore the FCC many skywave patterns have
been comput ed based on this premise, and it
might be added that there arc lit erall y thou-
sands of actua l skywave measurements on
fi le wh ich show this premise 10 he reali sti c.
Skywave inte rference ratios between co-
channel stat ions are computed on this basis.
Ground wave coverage and directional pal -
terns arc simil arly based. More will be said
about that later.
It can be seen that at frequencies of interest
to amateurs. 2. 4. 7, 14. 21 and 28 me. ground
wave attenua t ion over ea rt h inc reases greatly
with frequency. Thus from a ground based
antenna. the ground wave will be quite strong
within two or th ree mil es. but wi ll rapidl y
attenuate as dista nce increases. until it fi nall y
becomes useless. There is no suc h thing at
h.f. as 50 to 100 mile gro und wa ve coverage.
as occurs in the m.f. broadcast band . Because
of these ground losses the vertical pattern
fr om a vertical ante nna at h.f. wi ll show con-
siderable "suck-in" at low angles, as shown
in fi g. 5. The exact patt erns will depend on
frequency. with 1110re suc k-i n and loss at
higher frequencies.
ool-- + -+-+ ++-tttt---+-l-++f-H++---+
Thus it is apparent that it behooves the
amateur who uses a vertical ant enna to install
as good a ground system as possible to mini-
mize the losses. He who li ves on the ocean
beach or othe r body of wa ter is indeed for-
tunat c, for his local ground losses will be
much less than those of the poor soul on a
city lot surrounded by huildings, t rees. etc.
The vertical radiat or wit h ground system is
th us more effi cient at the lower amateur fre-
quencies. suc h as 2. 4 and 7 me. It is si mply
a matter of losses. The vert ical radiator with
counterpoise or met al ground plane is there-
for used at higher frequencies. One docs not
sec v.h.I. or u.h. f ante nnas si tt ing on the
ground . with buried ground planes. However.
bur ied ground systems arc used up th rough
28 mc with good success. More wilt be sai d
about ground systems and their eff ect on
radia ti on effi ciency later.
' 0
- ""'.I ,
+-"""1 e -
, "
186. 5 "'VIM

,ol-- -t- +-+-t+
, 1---1I-H+I+tit---'
'ol-- + - f--H+ ++ft-
.0 1
f---+-f--H+++ft---+-+-+-++-tt-tt-----'l 'O
,1--+-+ + t+tHft-- + -
0.' I--+-+-++ rt-Ht- - +--t-'
Miles From Antenna
Fig. 3-A pl ot of g round wa v e fi e ld intensi ty versus
distance from the antenna for va ri ous f requencies
o.... e r " g ood ground" wh ere r = 15 a nd (J = 10
milli mhos per meter, ba sed on a rodiated powe r
of 1 kw.
Meanwhile, let's talk about the subject of
"gain ," \ Vhat is antenna gai n? We hea r it
menti oned many limes on the air. and sec it
quoted (or misquoted ) in advert isements. To
have gai n. on e must start wit h something and
See page 126 for New Reader Service June, 1968 CQ 19
O.62!5>' HEIGHT


Fig. 5-Ground losses cause "suck in" of the ve rti-
cal radiation pattern of the vertical antenna. The
effects are shown above for antennas of various
then compare something else to it. What is
the start , in ant enna work? What is the basis
of comparison? What is thi s "isotropic" an-
tenna we hear about - so many db above
isotropic? An isotropic antenna is a theo-
retical zero length point source. It can never
exist. However, it is used as a theoretical and
mathematical basis for comparison. In reality,
what else could one usc? The isot ropic an-
tenna is one which radiates equally in all
directions. For a given power input, it will
produce a certain radiated fi eld intensity at
a given distance from it , in all directions. A
plot of its radiation pattern is a perfect spheri -
cal surface, with the point source at the center
of the sphere. Every practical antenna. which
must have finit e length, thickness. and dis-
tance from earth, will produce a pattern which
is not constant in all direct ions. Thus the
practical antenna is said to possess gain (or
loss) in certain direct ions when compared to
the isotropi c antenna. Gain is meaningful
only when re/Jrred to a specific path or di-
rection. Directional gain is defined as the
ratio of the power that must be radi ated by
,-_Total for
I sol ropic Radlolor
__Half -Po....
r aree 01 seem
Fig. 6-Comparison of radiation pattern of an
isotropic versus a di rectional antenna.
20 CQ June, 1968
j Terman and Pettit, "Elect ronic Measurements;"
Second Edition p. 436.
R Kraus, J. D., "Antennas," McG raw-Hill , p. 32 1.
See page 126 for New Reader Service
9 5
_.- --
make your move now

cr new Heathkit transceiver .. . t his time it' s a
tate 2-Meter AM job that' s just right for local
wing, NETS. DX. as well as CAl'. MARS. and
Guard Auxiliar y use ... reasonable power
t , sensitive receiver, easy-to-use features. and
price tag.
On the transmitting end is a hybrid ci rcuit in-
el uding transist ors and tubes with an 18 to 20 watt
power input and an AM power output of 8 to 10
watts. Modula tion is a utomatically limited to less
t han 100%. A front panel selector switch chooses any
of four crystal frequencies or an external VFO (t he
Heathkit HG- IOB VFO at 537.95 is per fect for
this job).
Front panel controls include Final Load. Final
Tune. Crystul-v ltO swi tch, Main Tuning, Squelch
wi th ANL switch. Battery Saver-Receive/Transmit-
Spot switch; rear panel has S-meter Adjust , Head-
phone jack, Power socket, VFO power socket, VFO
input, and Antenna connector (50-72 ohms, un-
The 15 transistor. 18 diode. 3 tube circuit is pow-
ered by a buill-in 120/ 240 VAC supply. Circuit board
const ruction averages 20 hours. It's all housed in a
low-profile Heat h gray-green al umi num cabinet meas-
uri ng 14
/ ,, " W X 6
/ ,, " H x 8Y2" D with everything in
place. A cera mic PTT mic. and a gimbal bracket for
mobile mounting are incl uded.
Move up to 2 met er ' phone operation this new low
cost way wit h the Heat hkit H\V- J7.
Kit HW-17. 2 M Transceiver. 17 Ibs $129.95
Kit HWA.17.1 . Tran sist orized DC supply. 5 Ibs $24.95
Benton Harbor , Michigan 49022 I
In Canada. Daystrom ltd. I
I 0 Encl osed is $ . incl uding shipping.
I Pl ease sel: .d model (s) I
I 0 Pl ease send FREE Heat hki t Catal og. I
I 0 Please send Credit Appl icati on. I
I Name I
I Address I
I City . State . Zi p I
Now wi th more kits.
more color. Full y de-
scri bes these al ong
with over 300 kit s f or
stereo/ hj li. color TV,
electroni c organs. etec-
tne gUItar & ampli fier,
amaleur radIo. marine,
educational, CB, home
hobby. Mail coupon or write Heat h Company,
nt on Harbor. Michigan 49022.
leathkit 11\\'-17 in detail. It' s reall y a separate
r and transmitt er in one compact, versatile
ge (the onl y common ci rcuitry are the power
. and t he audio out put/ modulator). Frequency
ge is 143.2 to 148.2 MHz. The soli d-state dual
rsion, superheterodyne rec eiver wi t h a pre-built,
igned FET tuner has a li ght ed dial with 100 kHz
tion, aut omat ic noise limiter, squelch, and I uV
vity. Select ivity is 27 kHz at 6 dB down, a
that's consistent with band occupancy and easy
r tuning. The front panel meter indicates re-
I signal strengt h and relat ive power output. A
Ition swi tch on the front panel has a " Spot"
'm for finding the transmit fre.. zquency on the
: dial , a Rcceive{fransmit posi tion, and a
y-Saver position that comes in ha ndy during
long periods of monitoring while mobile (the
er draws only 8 watts during this time). A
" speaker is built in.
See page 126 for New Reader Service
June, 1968 CQ 21
or 8.84 db above istropi c
Note that I again sai d abo ve isot ropic, the
theoret ical ante nna which cannot exist. Thus
by computing the ga ins of ind ividual ant ennas
o wi th referen ce to isotropic, their gai ns re la-
rive to each other may be determined. The
above computations show a relati ve gain of
4.76 db for the Vagi ove r the wave vcrti-
cal, but i"A dijierent main lobe di rections. The
lobe from the wave vertical is lowe r than
that from the Vagi .
Cain is I1Icallint-:/ 1l1 only when considered
with ref erence to a purticular CO"lfllllll ica-
ttons path ami set of propagation conditions.
Thi s factor can never he ove rlooked. A simple
il luvtration will suffice. Ant enn as designed for
the t ropical broadcasting hands to produce
skywave cove rage over a certai n La ti n Ameri-
ca n coun try or two usua ll y a rc horizont al di-
pol es a t a low height above ground. thus
producing only high angle skywave lobes.
T hey are useless for long d i... tance communi-
cations. They a rc designed that way int en-
t ionall y. to rest rict coverage. Thus. one ca nnot
say that one antenna is no good, o r th at an-
other i'i the per fect answer. Each type has its
own specific applica tio n, dcvigncd to fi t cer-
tain sys tcrn requirement ....
T here is anot her wa v of det ermining t he
efficiency of a vert ical a nte nna. As a basic of
evalua tion in this case. it has beco me sta nd-
a rd practi ce th ro ugho ut the yea rs to use the
"unattcnu at cd field intensit y at one mill:" as
the reference for fi eld intensity measure-
ment v, T hi-, fi gu re is the ha... is for all plot s
such as those in fi gs. 2, J, 4 a nd 7. It is a fi gure
of mer it whi ch ca n be accurat el y determi ned
by a caref ull y made se ries of field intensity
measure ments, ta ken along a number of
rad ials (usually at least and o ut to consid-
erable d ista nce from the anten na. Each se t of
rad ial measurement s is the n plotted in a field
intensi ty plot suc h as th at in fi g. 7. From
knowledge of the ground cond uctivity in the
area (s hown in fIg. I I ) the plo tted c urve can
be fi tted agaill 'it one o f those in fi g. 7. a nd the
act ual unaucnuatcd field being radi a ted can
he deter mined . The curves of fig. 7 show fie ld
int ensit y versus di stance for va rious gro und
We must decide on a re ference, whi ch by
20 right s shoul d be isotropic. The vert ical beam-
widt h to he expected is about 15 degrees.
Since the hori zont al spread is a fu ll 360 de-
grees, the approximat e number of sq ua re
degrees is 5400.
. 4 1253
Power ga m == == 7.63
so ..
' 00
, ,
ec cc zoo
Miles From AnleMO
Miles From
8-Theor etical vertical patterns for antenna s
of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.625 A heiqhts.
l M . l IIIY/ III
e liSe

I". r ( 'Ire
,,,\ '

C r0

( l ite
I ' s",


300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75
0 .00
Fig. 7- A plot of ground wa ve fi eld intensity ven us
distance from the a nte nna for 970 to 1030 kc.
The unattenuated fi eld is 186.3 mv/m at one mile
for a radiated power of 1 kw. The diel ectric con-
stant r is 15 a nd the conductivities 0 are shown in
millimhosl meter.
cncc to isot ropic. Thus ga in figures quoted by
manufacturers have to he considered with
care, with speci al attention to the fi ne print.
Don't be fool ed by gai n figures: ask the q ues-
ti on, "Gain with refere nce to what?' You may
be surprised at the answer. Some beams, espe-
ciall y mi niature ones, have littl e gain above a
dipole, possessing o nly directional discrimina-
tion .
We might be inquisit ive, not to prove any
thing but to simply fi nd the answer, and com-
pute the ga in o f a % wave vert ical a ntenna.
:> 0'

22 CQ June , 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Service
it may be seen that the 0.625 ( % ) wave
p- ntenna produces the greatest ground wave
cld. and the lowest main lobe. Figure 8 is
akcn directly from the FCC rules. The values
Ttl[ OI'l[TlCA..
'86.' '''11'' .. ... x. '.6"'1' '''
:;E! I"

'50 .."0
.. "OI""S

2 .. 100 11...
Ill "'" Rad ia'ed

a O_M 0-10 Q I5 0. 20 0.2 5 o.XJ 0.55
Ant enna Hel oht

Fig . 9-Effect on the unattenuated field at one

mile by changing the number of radials.
shown are theoret ical maximums. Antennas
with adequate ground planes and low losses
will closely approach these values, a, will be
seen shortl y.
Th e Ground System
This leads to the next item of my d iscus-
sion, which is the ground system. There have
been several good articles publ ished in past
years on the subject of ground systems and
their effect o n antenna efficiency and other
parameters. One of the best. which we in the
business consi der to be the "bible" , is by G. H.
Brown.!'' It was based o n an extensive experi-

mental program o f actual field measurements

by RCA Labo ra to ries. It covers such factors
as numbers and lengths of radials: depth of
burial . ground c urrents. losses, radiation re-
sistance, and other factors. The devel opment
of the fi gure o f 186.3 mv!m is shown. Figure
9, baved on this reference. shows a factor of
interest to amateurs, which is the effect of
changing the number of radials of a fixed
length. Figure 10 shows another such factor.
the effect o f varyi ng the length of the radials,
for certain fixed numbers of radi als ( 15 and
11 3 ) . A st udy o f these fi gures shows th at ' ''':
radiat ion efficiency is greatest for a large r
number of long radial s. but it can he seen
that t he c urves fl atten ofT and that the re is an
area of diminishing returns where the percent
' "
' ..

=> <.
! l orton, K. A., " Calcul ation of Ground w ave
ield Intensity Over a Finitel y Conducting Spherical
arth," Proc. oj l .R. f:., Dec. 1941 , p. 632.
III Drown, G. H., et a i, " G round Syst ems As A
actor In Antenna Effi ciency," Proc. oj I.R.E.,
une 1957, p. 735.

One may ask the origin of the "l 86.3 mv! m
at one mile" as a standard o f vertical ant en na
efficiency. Thi, fi gure

the unattcnuatcd IS
field at one mile for a theoret ical ze ro-height
po i nt source cur r ent clement o n a ground
plane . T he derivation of this fi gure is given in
one of the The table below
shows the relati onship between the zero
hei ght po int source current clement a nd the
isotropic. The current elemcnt is. of co urse.
somethi ng which canno t exist In practi ce.
T, ..
m'dm a l I MIl e- II k.,. I DB Ga,"
b otr(lpIC
107. 6
. \ 2 3.0 1
Cun e-Ilt
CO 186. 3 3 4 .77
Ele- me-nt
Practical antennas have finite height , Figure
8 shows the vert ical patt erns which can be
computed fo r antennas of va rious heights. It
may be secn that this figure is the same as
fi g. I , but pl ott ed wi th fi eld intensi ty values.
The theo ret ical unatt cnuatcd fi eld at one
mil e along the ho rizontal plane may be read
for each. They arc a, follows:
Ununcnnatcd fi eld
11t' ;/:11I of lI1J1C'IJI1(l (/f 01/(' Milc tt k w)
0.25 ( v.. j x 196mv!m
0.50 236 mv!m
0.625 ( % 276 mv!m
cond ucti vi ties, with the standard unuuenuutcd
, liehl 0/ 186.3 11I" / 111 at a mite tor one kilo",all
radiated {JOW(' , . Fi gure 7 is an adaptation 01
I one of a se ries of suc h fi gures from the FCC
rul es fo r various frequenci es in the rn.I.
t broadcast band. It is used merely as a con-
vcnient exa mple. Simil ar c urves can be
plotted for freq uencies in the h.f. range." As
may be seen. figs. 2, 3 a nd 4 arc a part ial plot
Iof such, There is a direct rela tionship between
them and fi g 7
ee page 126 for New Reader Service June, 1968 CQ 23
increase in efficiency is not really worth the
added cost of copper in the ground. FCC rules
require that broadcasters use at least 120
radial s \4 wave long. Many stations better
this. For the average amateur. 16 is a reason-
able and economical number. Doubling the
number will not double the radiation effi-

It should next be realized that the unallenu-
ated fie ld determined by measurement s is the
"starting out" radiat ion from an antenna of
given height. It is less than the theoretical
fie ld by an amount whi ch is det ermi ned by
the losses in the ground system. as shown in
figs. 9 and 10. It is also affected by losses in
the antenna itself, and by the presence of
buildings. wires, and other absorptive ele-
ments in the vicinity of the antenna. Thi s is
especially true at h.f.. where losses in the
immedi ate vicinity may be quite high, as some
of those objects approach an appreciable size
in terms of wavelength. He who has a good,
clear site is fortunate. Then, as the signal
proceeds further from the antenna along t he
surface of the earth, it is attenuated even more
by ground losses, causing the considerable
suck-in of the low angle radi ation, especially
at the higher frequencies.
Figure I I is incl uded for those who arc
interested in knowing somethi ng about
[ Comilll/ ed 011 page 120]
I ~
~ . o . 3 7 ~ ) ,
/ " /
\.. o. t !l),.

~ .
It'!> ).

' J
~ I
o c.ce 0.10 0. 1' 0.20 0. 25 0.30 0. 3'
Antenna Hel/Ol h' ( Wavel engt h)

19611fV/ ..

Fig. 10-Effect upon the unattenuated field
st rength at one mile by varying the length of the
rodials. The rodial lengths, L, are specified in
wave lengths. Black curves ore for 113 radial s and
the colored curves are for 15 radials.
Fig . ll - Estimated effective ground conductivity
in the Uni ted Stotes. The numbe rs repre se nt
esti mated effective g round conductivity in
millimhos/rneter. The conductivity of sea water,
while not shown, is assumed to be 5000
millimhosl mete r.
24 CQ J une, 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Servi ce


[lrolll page 87]
Ce ntral
Sil 0709 ( I ) 22.()..1 (I ) N il
& SOUlh 09- 11 (2) O+-OK ( 2)
Asia 11-13 ( I) 08- 11( 1)
17-19{ 1)
19 21 ( 2)
ZI- 22{ ))
South- Nil 07-08 (1) 22-00 ( I ) 0206( 1)
east OX-I 0 (3) 00-02 (2)
Asia 10- 12 ( 2) 02-04 (3 )
l2-t 5 (1 ) 04-06 ( 2 )
I X-20 (t ) ()6.()1l(3)
20-22 (2) Ofl1O ( 2)
22-00 (I ) 10- 13 (I)
Far 13- 15 ( I) OX..()9 ( I ) 0 1...()2 (l )
Ea!lt OQ-II (2) 20-22 ( 2 ) 02-oS ( 2)
11 - 13 (1 ) 22-00 (3) 05-06 (l)
13-14 (2) lJO.02 ( 4) 02-04 ( I) .
14- 16 (3) 02...()4 (3)
ts-i s (2) 04-06 ( 2)
111 -21 (I) 06-09 (3)
09- 11 ( 2)
11 -14(1 )
Pacifi c 11 . t3 (I ) Oll - IO (l ) 16- 111 ( I ) 2122 (I)
Isla nds 13- 18 ( 2 ) 1011 ( 2) 18-20 ( 2 ) 22-00 (2)
& New U( 19 ( I) 11 - t3 (3 ) 20-01 (4) 00-05 (3)
Zea land 1J- 15 (2) 01 -05 ( 2) 0506 (2)
1517 (3) 05-07 (4) 06...()7 ( I )
17 20 (4 ) 0710 (2) 23-01 (I) .
20-2 1 (3) 10-11 (1 ) 01..{)4 ( 2)
21-22 (2) 04-06 ( I)
22-(X) ( I )
A us- 1J-16 (I) 06-OX ( I ) 19-21 (1 ) 23-01 ( I)
tra lia 16-19 ( 2) 12- 14 (1) 21-23 ( 2) 01,<)3 ( 2 )
19-20 (I) 14-17 (2) 23-04 ( 4) 03-05 ( 3)
17- 19 (3) 04-06 (3) OS-06 ( 2)
19-21 ( 4) O6-Ox ( 4) ()6.()7 (J )
21-22 ( 3 ) Ol'l-Q9 (2) 01-06 en -
22-00(2) 0912 (1 )
00-02 ( l)
North- OK IO( I) 07-0K ( I) OS-IO ( 2 ) 1920 (I)
ern &: 10-12 (2) OM-12 ( 2) 10-13 (I) 20-23 ( 2 )
Central 1214 (1 ) 12-14 (3) 131 5 (2) 23-02 (J)
South t4- 16 ( 2) 14- 17 (4 ) 15- 17 (3 ) 02-04 (2)
America 16-17 (1 ) 17- IX (3 ) 17-23 (4) 04-05 ( 1)
I K-20 ( 1) 23-02 ( 3 ) 20-00 ( l) .
10-22 ( I) 0105 (1) 00-02 (1)
05...()K(3 ) 02-03 ( I) .
Brazil . Ol'l- 12 (1 ) 0.5-06 ( I ) 13-15 (I) 20-22 ( I )
Argen- 12 14 ( 2) O6-Ofl ( 1) l S- 17 (1 ) 22-01 (2)
t ina. t 4- 16 (3) OM-1 2( t) t7-tH (3) 01-04 (I )
Chile &: is-i s (2) 1214 (2) 18-23 ( 4) 2t "'()2 ( I) .
Uru- 18-20 (I) 14- 16 (3 ) 23-00 (3)
guay 16-20 ( 4 ) 0002 (2)
20-22 (3) 02-04 (I )
22-23 (2) ().l -06 ( 2)
lJ-OO ( I ) 06-09 ( 1)
Mc- 16-1 11(1 ) 14-1 6 1I ) 1517(1 ) 20-21 (t )
Murdo 16-20 (2 ) 17 I H( 2 ) 21-23 ( 2)
Sound. 20-2 1 ( I) HI-OO (3 ) 23-03 ( I )
Aruarc- 00-03 (2 ) 03-05 (2)
t ica 03-06 (1) 05-06 ( I)

A l imited number of openings are available t o
men wi ll i ng t o train for t he i nt eresti ng and well -
paid career of Marine Radio Officer aboard U. S.
flag merchant vessel s. An F.c.e. 1st or 2nd Class
Commercial Radiotelegraph license is required.
These openmgs wi ll be particularl y appeal i ng to
younger men who have compl et ed t hei r mi l itary
obli gations. Wr ite to The Rad io Officers' Union,
Room 131 5. 225 West 34th St reet. New York,
N.Y. 10001.
PLEASE incl ude your
ZIP code number on
a ll correspondence
Vertical Antennas [lrolll page 24]
ground conductivities in the Uni ted States. It
is taken directly from the FCC rules. This
map is based upon thousands of field intensi ty
measurements made and on file wi th the FCC.
It will be noted that some of the midwest
states have ground conductivity as high as 30
mrnhos / me ter. On the other hand, moun-
tainous areas arc quit e low in conductivity,
around 2 or 4 mmhosI met er.
In the next chapter, the impedance char-
acteristics of vertical antennas of various
heights and the circuits used for tuning or
matching them to the power source will be
[To be cOll lill ll ed]
120 CO June, 1968
See page 126 for New Reader Service
Part II
This is the second in a series of articles on a subject which has never before been
treated in depth in a n amateur magazine. The first chapter in last month's issue
covered basic principles. This one deals with base impedances and methods of
fe eding and matching.
perhaps Schelkunoff
is one of the best refer-
Fig . 12- Equivalent circuit of on a nte nna system.
The total antenna resista nce, R. , is equal to the
sum of Rr,, R,t and R,.
Radiation Resistance
If this unbalanced transmission line could
be terminated in its characteristic impedance
at its far end, one would see the characteristi c
impedance when measuring at its input con-
nection. However, it cannot be terminated. It
must remain open-ended. Thus it has standing
waves on it, and it radi ates. When speaking
of it as "lossy", this does not refer to its in-
herent J2R losses. This refers to the fact that
power put into it is "lost" or radiated into
space. This power is represented theoretically
as the power dissipated in a radiation resist -
ance, R
For a good discussion of the con-
cept of radiation resistance, see Lapon !s. The
radi ation resi stance of an antenna cannot be
measured. It can be computed with consider-
able accuracy. The radiation resistance times
the square of the current at the point of refer-
cnce is the radiated power. This radiat ed
power can be determi ned quite closely by
making field intensity measurements along
1 t Sch elkunoff and Friis, "Antenna Theory and
Practice," John Wiley and Sons.
I:! Lapan, E. A. " Radio A lllell1W Engineering, "
McG raw Hill .
R. R,
T H E input (base) impedance of an un-
grounded vertical antenna which is being fed
against a ground plane is dependent on sev-
eral factors. The one factor whi ch has the
greatest effect is of course the height of the
vertical radiator. The height is usuall y men-
tioned in terms of wavelengths. In the first
chapter vertical radiators of 0.25, 0.50 and
0.625 wavelengths height were discussed
from the standpoi nt of thei r radiation char-
acteristics. It is of interest, however, to plot
the base impedance of vertical radiators of all
heights from 0.10 through about 0.65 wave-
lengths hei ght so that the variations may be
not ed in detail.
The second factor whi ch affects base im-
pedance is that of hei ght (length ) versus
thickness (diameter). It is customary in texts
to define thi s in terms of the rati o Iengtltl di-
ameter ( L I D). If one considers the vertical
radi at or being fed against a ground plane as
an open-ended. unbal anced, lossy transmi s-
sion line, which it actually is. it will be real-
ized that it must have a characteristic imped-
ance like any other transmission line. The
magnitude of this characteristic impedance is
determined by t he conductor size and spacing.
In the case of the vertical antenna (consid-
ered as a transmission line) the spacing (posi-
tion of the vertical conductor relative to the
ground plane ) is fixed. The only factor which
can then be varied, to have an effect on the
characteristic impedance, is the vertical con-
ductor's diameter. The effect on the charac-
teristi c impedance of changing diameter can
be computed. Several authors treat this, but
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Maryland
See pa ge 11 8 fo r New Reade r Service
July, 1968 CQ 25
= 120 .!:... - 120
I{ .,
LI D 10 50 100 200 1300 600 1000
K, 323 5 16 ; 599 682 173 1 8 14 875
Values of K . have been computed as fol-
IO\.. s: lI
12, whic h shows the equivalent series ci rcuit
of an an tenna possessi ng some inducti ve re-
actance. These parts are the radiation resist-
ance R" the ohmic loss resistances R I and the
dielectric loss Rd' In t he m.f. and h.f. cases.
the R, is qui te large, and it makes up most of
R,. In fact, in a well designed installat ion, the
several loss resistances are usuall y neglected.
However. at I. f. and v.l.f., where the vertical
radiator is a small part of a wavelength, R , is
very small. In fact, at v.l.f. it is often as small
as a fraction of an ohm. When thi s is com-
bined with fractional ohm loss resistances.
effici ency is reduced considerably. At v.l.I, it
requires very special care in design, plus many
model st udies, to obtai n an effi ciency as high
as 50% or so. Not so at h.f.. however. We are
up in the range of tens and hundreds of ohms
for R ,..
The standing wave configuration on a ver-
t ical radi ator wi ll depend on its hei ght. The
base input impedance will, therefor, show
variat ions with respect to frequency. The
magnitude of the peak excursions of imped-
ance will depend on the radiator's character-
istic impedance. This fact is shown in fi g.
13( A) and 13(11 ) , which are plot s of R" and
X ,,, respecti vely. They arc plotted separately
for clari ty. The famil y of curves shows the
effect of varying the characteristic impedance
of the radi at or. Characteristic impedan ce is
denoted by the factor K . whi ch can be com-
puted from the following equati on:

00.0 0 10


' "
; \ ,-
\ _ H
- \ "-, - ;.
.\ ' - .

.\ - .


"' II. : KA :60 0


KA : 4 0 0

, ,


I ' .

-, ,, \
I ".', I,

, ,
'. .
4l '

KA: 250

/ I
, ,
.. '-:--'-'
n oDt-+ -t-t- t-I- - f- - " , - +-+ -+---j-t
IC" A.



- ..





' 0 0
... . 00
E 100
o 00 0

.. l ao
'" ..
= '0
o ..
( B)
Fig. 13(A)- Ve rtical antenna base resista nce versus
ontenna height in wavelengths for diff erent values
of characteristic impedance. K. (8)- The plot of
the bose reactance versus antenna height f or the
sa me values of K.
By reference to fig. I3( A) and I3 ( B) it can
be seen that a thin vertical radiato r exhibits
greater variations of impedance than docs a
thick one. (This is t rue of any antenna.) We
make usc of this fact in designing broadband
antennas, which will be covered lat er.
radial s at varying distances out from the ver-
ti cal radi ator, plotting them on field intensity
paper, and determining the unattenuated field
intensity at one mile, as discussed earlier.
When measuring into the antenna, one sees
the total antenna resistance, R
which is corn-
posed of several parts. This is depicted in fi g.
This brings up the subject of antenna band-
width. The bandwi dth of an antenna is de-
pendent upon the rate of change of react ance
versus the rate of change of resistance, wit h
fre quency. It may be seen that the thick an-
tenna, the one with the lower K
will have a
26 CQ July, 1968 See page 118 for New Reader Service

' .
lI er y H I l ~ h R.
(D) (E)
Fig. 14 (A) - Matching unit for on ontenna with R.-; X. = R (I ow)-;X,. (B)- Matching unit for a "A / 4
resonant ante nna with a low R. only. (C)- Matching unit for an ante nna with R. +JX
(D)- Ma tching
unit for an antenna with a very high R., 'A / 2 resonance. It is diffi cult to match well and should be
a voided if possible. (E)- Matching unit for an antenna with a high R jX,. (higher than coaxial line
greater inherent bandwidt h than the thin one.
For pract ical purposes, operating bandwidth
is the band of frequencies centered about the
tuned resonant frequency, encl osed withi n
cert ain v.s.w.r, limits which depend on other
factors such as transmission line capabilities.
transmitter V.S. W. f . tol erance, modulation r.f.
passband response requirements, etc. A fi gure
which is commonly used is the bandwidt h to
the " 3 db down" power limi ts. There is a very
good discussion of antenna bandwidths in
Laport.t -'
In the U. and v. l.f. cases, bandwidth re-
strictions can seriously limit an ant enna's
transmission capabilities unless special de-
signs are adopted to increase bandwidth.
These restrict ions arc caused by the high Q of
these antennas. Wit h very high capaciti ve re-
actance and very low resistance, the I. f. or
v.I .f. antenna is a hi gh Q device. There arc
special designs, which will be covered lat er,
which improve the bandwidth of these an-
tennas, but at the expense of effi ciency. One
may ask why we need greater bandwi dths at
I. f. and v.l.f. than heretofore. The reason is
that we are gradually converting to multi-
channel teletype transmission systems at these
frequencies, to increase our traffi c handling
capabili ties. and such systems require greater
bandwidth tha n the old me thod of single
channel keyed c. w,
At m.f. and h.f, we are not worried too
See page 118 for N ew Rec:der Service
much about bandwidt h, except that in the
case o f some m.f. di rectional arrays, the cou-
pling and branchi ng networks may in some
cases restrict the antenna system's bandwidth,
and cause loss of sideband modulat ion fre-
quency response, unless speci al design pre-
caut ions are taken. It is for this reason that
the FCC requires the consult ing engineer to
measure and plot R
and X
for a directi onal
antenna system, .versus frequency. At h.f.
there is no such problem. In the h.f. case
bandwidth is important from the standpoint
o f avo iding retuning of the ant enna when
shift ing frequency, which is very desirabl e in
mil itary and commerc ial install ati ons.
Reference should again be made to fi gs.
13 CA ) and 13(B). Now that we have the
plots of impedance versus frequency ( plotted
in terms of height of radiator in wave-
lengths), we can state the foll owing general
rules for the kind of base impedance whi ch
will exist:
lI t.'ight Bast.' 1mpedance
Less than 0.25\ resonance. R - j Xc
0.25 ).. resonance, R + to
0.25 ).. ph,s;callf.'nll,h. R + j XL
0.25\ reso nance '0 R + j XL
0.50.\ reso nance.
0.50 )" resonance. R t V f.' r, ' high)
( Not r ecommended]
0.50),. ph, 'sical lf.' nxth. R - ;Xc ( H fgM
0.50)" physical lengt h to R - / Xc
0.625),. elect rical le ngth:
July, 1968 CQ 27
Fig. 15 - Sh u n t fe d
grounded bose ve rt ica l
an tenna .
Feed Poinl
It wi ll be noted that the resonant length is al-
ways less than the physical lengt h by an
amount whi ch is inversely dependent on the
LI D ratio.
Tun ing And Ma t ching Networks
This leads to the next topic, which is the
tuning and matching networks required to
and match the antennas of height s
shown In the preceding impedance summary,
to a known source. In modern times the
known source has come to be the nominal 50
ohm coaxial line, although 70 ohm line is
sometimes used. The matching networks are
quite simple, and are shown in figs. 14( A )
through 14(E). The values of the reactances
required in each case may be calculated by
use of r.f. network theory as shown in Ter-
man.i " In general, jf the antenna input reac-
tance is, - iX.
inductive reactance +jX
, will
be required In the network to tune it, and vice
versa. The network also simultaneousl y trans-
forms the antenna input resistance into a
value which matches the characteri stic im-
pedance of the transmission line.
Where an antenna is fed through a tuning
and matching unit of this type, the total all-
tenna system reactance must be taken into
account in bandwidth computations. Thi s
total value includes not only the antenna's
own input reactance versus frequency, but
also the effect of the reactances in the match-
ing unit as they vary with frequency. The
computation of this is not diffi cult , alt hough
perhaps . a bit laborious. The simplest ap-
proach IS to actually tune up the matching
unit wit h antenna attached, and then measure
t :l Terman, F. E., "Radio Engineering Handbook ..
McGraw Hill ( fi rs t edi tion) .
28 CQ July, 1968

the matching unit'sinput impedance versus
frequency. There are certain " t ricks" with
networks which can be employed to improve
antenna. system bandwidth and give lower
V. S.W.f. over a range of Irequencies.r!
Shunt Fed Verticals
In the previous paragraph we spoke of
tuning and matching a series fed, ungrounded,
vertical radiator. Now let's consider the case
of the grounded base, shunt fed vertical radia-
tor. There have been several excellent articles
on this subject l",l . The shunt fed confi gura-
non IS shown In fig. IS. Simply stated, a tap is
brought off the vertical radi ator at a di stance
above and it is used as a feed point ,
having its Input impedance mat ched to the
characteristic impedance of the transmission
line. In some cases it is possible by trial and
error to adjust the tap' s vertical position on
the radiator so that the input impedance is
50 + [X, thus an easy match to
50 ohm line by use of only a ser ies capacitor
of equal reactance. This adjustment, how-
ever, can be quite tedious and critical, es-
pecially when hanging on the side of a tower
or mast , and it is much simpler to usc a
matching network of proper reactance values.
Thi s type of feed has been used in many
broadcast installations. It has been proven by
act ual full scale model studies and fi eld in-
tensity measurements! " that use of this feed
method is just as effi cient as is series feed, and
that the hori zontal radi ati on patt ern is not
di storted by the presence of the sloping feed
wire. By both mathematical analysis and ac-
tual radiator current meaurcmentsw-! " it has
been shown that current di stribut ion on the
shunt fed radiator closely approaches that of
a series fed radiator, and that the vertical
radi ation pattern is not appreci ably different.
A similar arrangment, and one most often
used by amateurs, is the "gamma" match or
"omega" match, similar to that used on the
driven element of Vagi arrays. Thi s is shown
in fi g. 16. Thi s principle was used in the reed
arrangements for the Mark II I and the Mark
IV DX antennas which were publi shed some
ti me A feed rod is connected to the
radiat or at a suit abl e point some di stance
H Lee, P. H, " Broadband 80 Meter Feed for the
Mark III ; ' CQ, March t 964. p. 43.
15 Morri son. J . F., Smith, P. H., "The Shunt Ex
ci ted Antenna," Proc. of the I.R .E., June 1937.
H; Badoux, P., "Current Distri but ion and Radia-
tion Properties of a Shunt Exci ted Antenna," Proc.
of the I.R.E.. June 1940.
See page 118 fo r New Reader Service


associates, inc. e. t.
f you ever dreamed of your great moment in ham radio ... STOP DREAMING
.. It's here! Fixed, mobile or portable, when you own a CLEGG 66'er and/or
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lor detailed literature covering Clegg VHF equipment, just drop us a line. We'd
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~ M A T E U R NET PRICE: 66'er $245.00. 22'er $245.00
ITTELL ROAD, EAST HANOVER, N. J. 07936 PHONE: (201) 887-4940
See page 118 for New Reader Service July, 1968 CQ 29
Fig. 16 - Omega fed
grounded base ve rtical
antenna .
Po inl
above ground, and it is brought down the
side of the radiator rigidly support ed on
standoff insulators. It is fed at its bottom
end. It must always be considerably less than
v.. wavelength for its input impedance to be
of a reasonable value. Note my experience
with the 7 me feed on the Mark IVl s. The
input impedance will always measure R +
[Xi.; because the short section of transrnis-
sion line ( feed rod plus the portion of radi -
ator concerned) thus formed is less than v..
wavelength a nd shorted at its top end. Match-
ing then becomes a questi on of adjusting the
several capacitive reactances in the match-
ing unit. The R term of the input impedance
may be quite low. The values in the Mark
III and Mark IV articles-t - 18 are typical.
If the feed rod (or wire ) runs all the way
10 the top of the vertical radiator, the whol e
thing becomes a folded unipole antenna a nd
was used as a feed in the Mark IV for 2 and
4 mc.
Thi s type wi ll be di scussed in detail
Ground Bus
There is one additional point that should
be made very emphatically in connect ion with
the shunt fed and gamma or omega fed an-
tennas. Tbat is that the ground bus from the
lu ning unit to the base of the radiator sbould
be heavy and low loss. On the Mark IV I
used a by 1" aluminum bar ( to avoid
li se of dissimil ar metals ). This bus carries
considerable current, especi ally where the R
term of the feed point impedance is low. For
1. Lee, P. H., "The M ark III DX Antenna, " CQ,
December 1962, p. 43.
l ,'l Lee, P. a., "The Mark IV DX Antenna," CQ.
February 1967, p. 60.
30 CQ July, 1968
I kw in the antenna ( 2 kw p.e.p. transmitter
input ) , with a feed point R of 10 ohms, there
would be 10 amperes c ur rent flowing in this
bus (and in the feed rod as well ) . The capaci-
tors in the mat ching unit should be large
eno ugh 10 withstand the volt ages developed
across them.
Each method of feed has certain advan-
tages and di sadvantages. The ser ies feed has
the advantage of simple matching when the
antenna base impedance is capaci tive, by
means of a single tapped coil, as in fi g. 14( E ).
A simple va riable matching unit with a band-
switching arrangement can be built to tunc
a series fed radiator at several frequencies.
However, unless a 3-legged self-supporting
tower is used, the series fed radiator must usu-
ally be guyed because it has to DC insulated
from ground. Of course one may usc small
self-supporting whips for short vert ical s.
On the other hand, the grounded base radi-
at or is quite easy to make sel f-suppo rt ing.
Short, li ght weight ones can be set right in
the ground itself, and tall heavy o nes can be
set in concrete. Very tall ones must usuall y
be guyed. The grounded base permits other
circuits to be run up the tower or mast with-
oUI any speci al choke coi ls or other isolation
devices. Such circuits would be tower lights,
rotary beapi motor control cables! ", and in
some cases even the coaxial lines for v.h.f. or
u.h.f. antennas can be run up a grounded
vert ical radiator without isolat ion. Thi s lat-
ter idea has been used in several broadcast
tower install ations where a.m. , f.m. and
c.a.t.v, antennas utili ze the same tower struc-
ture. !"
Feed rod construct ion is simple. Even
multiple feed rods arc not difficult to inst all
a nd adjust
. I R for feeding the ve rt ical radi -
ator on several frequency bands. Jasek' s
"Antenna Engineering Handbook" > is a
veritable gold mine of informati on on verti -
cal radiators ( and on other types also ), and
especiall y on some of the schemes we have
been discussing. It also provides an excellent
source of additional references, listed at the
end of each chapter.
The next installment will deal witb elec-
tricall y short vertical radiators, and ways of
matching to them.
[To be Continued' [
1!1 Gurcck is, P. V., "A Simple Method of Isol ating
CATV Antennas On Standard Broadcast Towers,"
Broadcast Management-Engineering, January 196&.
ao Jasik. H., "Ant enna Engineering Handbook,"
McGraw Hill.
See page 118 for N ew Reader Service

Part III
In Part 11/ of this series, the author discusses short vertical antennas, their
limitations and ways to overcome these limitations. Several practical designs
and methods of feeding are shown.
,- -
that the input impedance of an antenna
shorter than v.. wavelength consists of a
fairly low resistance and a capacitive reac-
tance. The shorter the antenna, the lower
the resistance and the higher the reactance.
Thus, the shorter the antenna, the more load-
ing coil is required, and, since loading coi ls
have inherent loss resistance, the lower will
be the efficiency of the antenna system. Re-
member these facts, for we shall tal k about
them later on.
One of the common forms of short anten-
nas is the mobile whip. Early mobil e whips
were built wit h base loadi ng coils, and for
changing bands it was possible to change
loading coils by unscrewing the whip and the
coil from the spring mount. These worked
after a fashion, but were quite inefficient at
7 and 4 me. They were inefficient because
the current distributi on on the vert ical whi p
was poor. With the antenna in resonance the
point of maximum current, or "current loop",
was at the bottom of the loading coil. In any
antenna, the portion which carries the great-
est current docs most of the radiat ing. Thus
wit h the base loaded whip, t he greatest cur-
rent was in the loading coil, merely creati ng
an induct ive fi eld, whi le a relati vely small
current was fl owing in the whip itself. T he
answer to thi s dilemma was to make the whip
in two parts, and put t he loading coil up
in the whip itself, thus giving at least the
bottom portion of the whip a chance to carry
some appreciable antenna current and do
some radiating. Most mobile whips today are
made in thi s fashion. You can see them in
the ads in this and ot her magazines, and in
di stributor catalogs. In spite of all the claims
made by the manufacturers, however, even
this type of whip which is so very short elec-


1200' I
, !
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Maryland
21 Lee. P. fl ., "Vertical Antennas, Part II " CQ.
July 1968, p. 25.
Fig. 17-Top loading a vertical by the use of guy$.,
The rear guys, a lso broke n by insulators, o re not
shown for the sake of cla rity.
S HORT vertical antennas are of interest to
many amateurs. Every mobile whip antenna
is short, much too short, at frequencies in
the 7, 4 and 2 me bands. Also, not everyone
is blessed wit h sufficient clear space for erec-
tion of horizontal dipoles at those frequen-
cies. For such amateurs, the short vertical is
a solution which may be attractive, especially
for usc on 4 or 2 me. This discussion is for
those who care to know somethi ng about how
suc h antennas can and do work, and what
their limitations arc.
Since thi s type of antenna is electricall y
short, something has to be done to lengt hen
it so that it will resonate and take power
from the transmi tter. One of the simple ways
of resonating a short antenna is by use of a
series loading coil at the base of the antenna.
Why is a coi l used? Reference to figs. J3( A)
and 13( B) of Part II of this series 21 will show
S2 CQ August, 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Service
R (Radiohorl Rni..
Fig. la-Critical dimensions for the top loaded
Fig. 19-Resi stive Components of a v.l.L, antenna.
thus maki ng a total of eighteen top loading
cables. The top loading portion of each guy
is 805 feet long. The study shows the 1200
foot tower to be resonant (zero reacta nce)
at 80 kc wit h this top loading configuration.
Now, scali ng the di mensions down for use
on 2 rnc, the tower height becomes 48 feet,
and the top loading guy cable length becomes
32 feet. This is a reasonable size for arna-
teur use on 2 mc. For 4 me these di mensions
would be halved. The importance of an ade-
quate ground system under such a radiator
cannot be overemphasized. As shown in Part
I of this series," the number and length 01
radials has great effect on radiation efficiency,
especially in the case of short vertical
Belrose conducted a study of top loading
parameters 2:> and determined that radiation
resistance was maximum when d = 3/7h
24 Lee, P. H., "Vertical Antennas, Part I," CQ,
June 1968. p. 16.
2;, Belrose, et ai, "Engineering of Communica-
tions Systems for Low Radio Frequencies," Proc 01
IRE. May 1959.
0 .02 f-H-+++++
0.20 f-H-++-++
A belter approach to the problem of in-
creasing the radiation from a short antenna
is by usc of top loading. In some cases of
m.f. . and I.f. high power installations, an
actual top hat has been constructed on a
tower by using steel structural members.
supporting a horizontal web of connecting
wires. A much more practical approach is
the usc of the upper portions of top level
guys as top loading by connecting them to
the tower and breaking them with insulators
a certain distance down from the top. There
have been many studies made in an effort
to determine optimum configurations of top
loading cable length, angle of top loading
cables from the tower, number of top load-
ing cabl es, and interconnection of the lower
ends of the top loading cables. One of the
most extensive of these was done by Smith
and Johnson.w That article contains many
graphs of resistance and reactance for vari-
ous top loading guy configurat ion, plus dis-
cussions of the effects of insulator losses and
ground system losses. The results of this study
showed that substantial gain in radiated
power can be realized by this "umbrella"
type of top loading. Connection of a wire
skirt around the lower ends of the top loading
cables shortens the length of cables required
to produce a parti cular result. In cases of
hi gh power at I.f. , use of the skirt wire re-
duces corona losses. Top loading gets the
current up in the antenna. where it belongs.
Another study whi ch showed substantiall y
the same thing was one made on a 1200 foot
tower at Forestport, N. Y. 2:i Optimum con-
fi gurat ion of top loading cables for maximum
resistance and lowest reactance (best effi-
ciency and bandwidth ) is shown in fig. 17.
The tower is shown being guyed in six direc-
tions at the 1040 foot level, with the guys
at a 45 degree angle with the tower. A skirt
cable is used, and between each pair of guys
there are two additional top loading cables,
trically is quite inefficient on 7, 4 or 2 me,
Factors whi ch contribute to the inefficiency
arc lack of adequate ground plane, losses in
the loading coil , and the short length of the
port ion of the radiator carrying greatest
:.! :.! Smith, C. E., Johnson, E. M.. "Performance of
Short Antennas," Proc ol / RE, Oct. 1947.
: ! ~ "Forestport Antenna Study," Technical Report
42-F Contract AF 30 (602) -2588. 31 Jan. 1962.
Available to defense contractors through D.D.C.
( Unclassified)
See page 126 for New Reader Service August, 1968 CQ S3
Typo A
Typo B
Typo C
3 Guy.
6 Guys
6 Guys With Ski,t Wi..

-'-.:.. .. . -
....., H Skirt
- - ---

.ou x
Type H
C .08 1
Fig. 20- Top lo o d e d
Folded Unipole devel-
oped ot the N.O.l. The
insert shows a perspec-
rive view of a Type C
1-- - - - - Coaxi al Line
and a is 45 degrees, in fi g. 18. It ean be seen
that this eonfirms the results of the Forest-
port st udy. Smith did the design work for the
837 foot vertical radiator used on 173 ke
by the Voi ce of America at Munich, Ger-
many.>' In thi s case B was made approxi-
mat ely 55 degrees, and twelve top loading
cables 5 12 feet long were used. The measu red
base impedance was 29.5 + jl35 ohms. The
measured unattenuated field at one mile was
178.9 mv /m for I KW, which is quite good
effici ency. Scal ing this antenna for 2 mc use.
its height would be 73 feet, and the top load-
ing guy cables would be 44 feet long. As may
be seen from the measured base impedance.
the vertical radiat or is slightly over V. wave
in electrical height , the react ance being posi-
tive. There have been ot her studies made on
this subject, some of which are those by
Manser :!i and Gangi.v''
Unless one goes 10 the amount of top load-
ing used on the Munich antenna. the resist-
ance will be low, and the react ance will be
:!H Smith, e t at, " Very High Power Long Wave
Broadcast ing St at ion," l'roc of / REt August 1954.
:!; Menser, G. F.. Sabin, W. D., "Antenna Design
(or Maximum L. F. Radiat ion," Electronics. J une
3. 1960.
:!... Gangi. er at, "Characterist ics of Electricall y
Short, Umbrella Top-Loaded Antennas:' IEE
Transactions em A"te1lnal &: Propagation, Vol.
API3. No.6. Nov. 1965.
capaci tive. As will be seen from fig. 13(A)
of Part 11 ,", the base resist ance of an an-
tenna shorter than about 0. 15 wavelengt h is
less than 10 ohms, and the shorter the an-
tenna the lower the resistance, and the highe r
the negat ive reactance. Adding the optimum
top loading to the Forestport tower. while it
brought the reactance to zero ( resonance)
at 80 kc, left the resist ance at only 4 ohms.
In other words, top loading is effective in
reducing capaci tive input reactance of a ver-
tical radiator which is quit e short , bUI it does
not have much effect on input resistance.
whi ch remains quite low. This means that
antenna system Q is quite high, and particular
care must be paid 10 keeping losses 10 a
minimum. Base input resi stance includes
losses. of course.
The reasons for this can be seen in fig. 19.
which shows the composi te resist ance char-
acte ristics of a v. l.f. antenna which is
ext remely short elect rically. The loss com-
ponents Rio; and R,t are considerable when
compared to radi ati on resistance RI! ' Rio: is
conduc tive resistance, which represents
power lost in conductors and earth due to
current fl ow. R
is dielectric loss resi stance,
wh ich results from hysteresis losses in insu-
lators, nearby trees, vegeta tion. and wood
or masonry. John Wall er, one of our experts
in the v.l .t. and l.f. field, has written an ex-
cell ent paper on this subject.j, It may
54 CQ August, 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Service

l ,-
-,,, -
l .


Fig. 21-Confi g uration of the antenna. The
dimensions a re given in the text.
aa Walters, A. W., "Antenna Miniaturizat ion,"
(Naval Ordnance Lab. , Corona, Calif.) in "A
Decade 01 Basic & Applied Science in the Navy,"
Supt. of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Of-
fice, Wash., D.C.
:t :l Seeley, E. W., "Small Antenna Study," NOL,
Corona, Calif. Unclassified Report. (Not available
for public distribution.)
3-1 "Engineering Appendix-Type UG Antenna,"
Private communication from John H. Mullaney &
Type UG
Another allied type of antenna which was
developed several years ago is one call ed
the Type UG.:ID " This type was devised to
improve the feed point impedance and the
bandwidth of some of the "inverted L" or
"T' antennas used at I.f. The configuration
of the Type UG is shown in fig. 21. Typical
dimensions for 2 me would be:
made by t he Naval Ord inance Laboratory,
Corona, Califor nia in an effort to reduce the
size of I.f. an tennas for shi p and shore
:i:t A simple design which evolved is
shown in fig. 20. Dimensions are shown in
the accompanying table in terms of wave-
length. II may be seen from the table that
height /l can be lower when 6 guys with
skirt wire are used (Type Cl. Other dimen-
sions are also smaller with Type C. For 2 me
use. a Type C configuration would have the
following dimensions:
H = 39.8 fee l
S = 50.5 inches
L, = 39. 1 feet
d , = 4.6 inches
L" = 55 feet
d.. = 0.72 inches
For 4 me the above dimensions can be halved.
The antenna can be fed with 50 ohm coaxial
li ne.
211 Walter. J. C. Capt. USNR ( Ret.} , " Practical
Analysis of LF and VLF Ant enna Resistance,"
Naval Engineers Journal, Feb. 1966.
:10 Leonhard, et ai, "Folded Unipole Antennas,"
IEEE Transactions 0' Antennas and Propagation,
Vol. AP-3, No.3, July 1955.
at Menser, J. G. "Calculating Folded-Unipole
Antenna Parameters," Electronic Industries, Jan.
thus be seen that it behooves the antenna
designer to make the radiator as tall as pos-
sible, so that radiation resistance may be high
enough to make t he losses of little conse-
quence when compared with it.
Folded Unipole
So fa r in th is chapter we have been speak-
ing of series fed vertical radiators. There i"i
another way in which the efficiency can be
improved, and that is by use of the folded
unipole principle of feed. "" :1\ We shall not
go into the details of how a folded unipole
works as that subject is well covered in the
references. Let it suffice to say that the folded
un ipol e is the upper half of a vert ical folded
dipol e, wi th the lower hal f replaced by a
ground plane. If you are nOI using one on
the amateur bands, you probably are using
one as the driven element of your home TV
antenna. They are very common in this
The folded unipole feed principle may be
easily applied to the short, top loaded ver-
tical radiator. The transformer action of the
folded unipo!e is used to give a more favor-
able input resistance than can be obtai ned
with ser ies feed. Another thi ng that the
folded unipole feed does is to reverse the
sign of the input reactance. The input re-
acta nee of a series fed tower shorter than
\4 wavelengt h is always capacitive. This
means that a seri es loading coil (spoken of
in high power as a helix) must be used to
resonate the tower. With folded unipole in-
put the feed point reactance is always posi -
tive. (Consider the tower and feed wire to
be a shorted transmission line less t han 'A
wave long. Its input react ance is positive. )
Thus the folded unipole may be fed with a
simple low-loss capacitive feed network,
rather than through a loadi ng coil or helix
whi ch is lossy. Also, because with the folded
un ipol e feed the resistance will be stepped
up by transformer action and the reactance
will usually be lower, the Q of the antenna
will be lower, and its bandwidth will be
greater, than with series feed.
Studies of this type of feed have been
See page 126 for New Reader Service Augu,t, 19 6 8 CQ 55
Fig. 22-Configuration of an e nd fed UG
-- 50'
....: r

L, = 25.0 feet
H = 25 feet
L., = 25.0 feet
L, = L, = I foot
The feed can also be applied to one end, il
desired, as shown on fi g. 22.
By study of these two fi gures it will be
seen that the transformer act ion of the folded
unipole has been made variable by the use
of an extra downlead and capacit or C,. In
tuning up this antenna for a specific fre-
quency, C, is varied until a favorable feed
point impedance (50 + j x) is seen at the
feed point. This may then be matched to the
coaxial line by usc of the matching tech-
niques described in Part II. One word of
warning, capacitor C1 should be a high vol-
tage type if powers of I KW or so arc used.
Considerable current flows in this wire, and
also in the grounded verti cal wire, when the
antenna is tuned up. In fact , the grounded
verti cal wire does not have to be a wire at
all . It can be a metal mast such as a short
tower or pipe, suitably guyed, and well-
grounded at it s base. Ground connections
linking tuning unit , mast or tower, and C,
should be heavy and well-made. I used an
aluminum pipe mast for my end fed Type
UG. The downleads should be rigidly
mounted to the mast.
Another possibl e way of using the folded
unipole feed principle for a six-band antenna
was described in the arti cle on the Mark IV
DX Antenna.F' In this one, which is still in
use, the 40 foot tower is used as a top-l oaded
vert ical radiator on 2, 4 and 7 me, and the
tri-band beam on top of it is the top-loading.
On 2 and 4 me the tower is fed as a true
folded unipole, with the feed line going to
the top of the tower. On 7 me this tap point
is too high, and therefor a feed rod is con-
nected to the side of the tower at the 20
foot level. The schematics of these two feed
arrangements for 2, 4 and 7 me are shown
in fi gs. 23 ( A) and 23 ( B) respecti vely. This
antenna is ideal for the amateur who has a
beam on a tower of reasonable height in his
backyard, and who would like to get on 2,
4 or 7 me without putting up wi re antennas .
There is yet another type of short vertical
antenna which has recentl y come into use.
This is the NORD. The original NORD
was desi gned for shipboard use, for radio
broadcasting in the m.f. band in European
waters. It has since been built for shore usc
at high power, in the l.f. band. To date,
NORDs are in use at Naval Communication
Stat ions in Japan, Guam, Philippines, Hawaii
and Annapolis, Md. , providing l.f. multi-
channel transmitting capabil ity. A schematic
of the NORD is shown in fi g. 24. A center
tower is used, with its base grounded. The
tower is fed by the folded unipole method,
with a feedwire going to the top of the
tower. The upper set of guys ( three of them )
is connected to the tower, and they extend
out to three short perimeter towers, where
they are secured to strain insulat ors. From
these the cables drop down to tuning unit s
whi ch consist of capacitors.
For sake of clarity in fi g. 24, the perimeter
towers are not shown. The NORD is basically
nothing but three over-coupled tuned circuits
with a common element, the center tower.
The purpose of the NORD for l.f. is to pro-
vide suffi cient bandwidth for mult ichannel
teletype transmissions, while still ret aining
reasonable radiat ion efficiency. The electri-
call y short series fed tower cannot do this at
( B)
- -=.... -=
-- :::::::'


- -- -
2 and 4mc
Fi g. 23-Feed systems used in the Mark IV OX
l ee, P. H., " Ma rk IV DX Antenna," CQ. Feb.
t 967, p. 60.
S6 CQ August, 1968 See page 126 for New Reader Service
1T' Co Feed
..L Point
- - - - -....J
- - - ---
Guys Afe Spaced
120 Apaft
J ~ '
---- ';"
Se e page 126 for New Reader Service
Fig. 24-Layout of the NORDS! Antenna. A heovy
ground bun is needed, ot least a 2" X 1/16"
copper strap.
wound whip. These are made commerciall y
by the Shakespeare Co. in South Carolina.
A wire is wound around and imbedded in the
outside of a fi berglass whip. The winding
greatl y increases the electri cal length of the
antenna. In fact , one might consider it to be
a loading coil which has been stretched out
to become the antenna itself. Whips of this
type find great use on small boats, fi shing
craft, yachts, etc., for usc with shi p-shore
radiotelephone in the 2 to 3 me band. Any
amateur can easily build one by winding wire
around a bamboo pole, wrapping the thi ng
with waterproof tape, and varnishing it. Such
an antenna would suffice to handle several
hundred watts, but for I KW or more I would
not recommend it, Considerable voltage can
be developed between turns in some places
on the whip, and it could easily go up in
For low power there is another simil ar
type, fed in the folded unipole manner. This
one can be made of a child's "Slinky Toy",
the coiled steel spring which stretches itself
and "walks" downstairs by itself, The spring
can be stretched out on any suitable support
such as a fi berglass tube, anchored in place,
and fed like a folded unipol e, against ground.
Its length can be varied to produce almost
any input impedance and degree of loading
desired. Such an antenna, experimentally
built , would be an ideal thing for indoor usc,
or sticking out from an apartment window.
suitably supported. It offers endless oppor-
tunity for the enterprising amateur to sur-
prise himself with the amazing results which
can be obtained. Communications have been
maintai ned between this area and ZS stations
[Comillll e" 011 page //4]
August, 1968 CQ 57
r-- - --- ------- -- -- ---
The ultimate DX handbook
Eighteen years ago CO published a OX
handbook which became the most widely
acclaimed and most authoritative ama-
teur radio OX guide ever published. If
you wanted any OX information at all,
that was the place to get it. There has
been nothing since to match it. Now, CO
proudly introduces its Amateur Radio
OX Handbook, vintage 1968, a complete
operating guide just as valuable to the
experienced OXer as it isto the Novice.
A J t J a n c ~ o,.J,,.J now telngaccepted
Enclosed is $ for copyGes) a t
$5.00 per copy.
Name .
I Call .
: Street .
: City State Zip .
I New York Ci ty and Sta te residents
I add a ppl icable lol.s tax.
114 CQ August, 1968
Scratchi [from page 13]
ing by the bed. When she seeing I can heering
her, just like a woman, she starts talking-all
about how she coming up in desert and find-
ing me, and how the rest of the RRRR crowd
arc helping get me to a car and to the hospital ,
and how on acct. she finding me she winning
the hidden xmitter contest, for which she get-
ting big trophy with horse on top, and how
she now being new member of RRRR's and
how everybuddy liking her new clothes, and
wasn't it all so wonderful, and doctor saying
he think he gett ing out all cactus spines, and
I can going home next day, and for me not to
worrying, and when I feeling better she will
making it all up to me for that wonderful day
I giving her.
So that' s why I standing up to riting you.
Hon. Ed. And Lil says that tomorrow we go-
ing out and having fun on a real nice picnic.
Hon. Ed., how much you want to bet that Li l
decides we ought to go on horseback?
Respect ivel y yours.
Hashafi sti Scratchi
Vertical Antennas [from page 57]
and other DX locati ons using a short
"Slinky" on 2 1 mc s.s. b. The littl e thing never
ceases to amaze me.
3 7
To sum up this chapter, there are many
ways in which the serious amateur can use
short vertical antennas and obtai n good re-
sults. One need not be limited by space or
hei ght restrict ions in getti ng on 2, 4 or 7 me.
A major consideration is the ground system.
however. Reference to figs. 9 and 10 of Part
I ( 4) will show the importance of having
suffi cient radial s of great enough length when
the antenna is shorter than 0.15 wavelength.
The shorter the antenna, the more important
the ground system becomes in obtaining the
highest possible radi ation efficiency.
The types UG and NORD are covered by
pat ents held by John H. Mullaney. and the
"Slinky" technique is covered by a patent
application pending. This does not prevent
any amateur from building one for hi s own
lISC, however.
In Part IV of this series, we shall discuss
driven vertical arrays of two or more ele-
ments. wh ich can be used to produce and con-
trol direct ional radiation patterns. There are
amateurs who are using such arrays at h.f.
with considerable success.
[To be continued]
:n Pri vat e communicat ion from John H. Mul-
laney, Multronics, Inc.
See page 126 for New Reader Service
Part IV
this fourth part of a series, the author discusses directional antennas. Basic
esign principles are explained, a sample design is worked out, and methods
f power division and phasing are shown. Amateur band configurations are
Fig. 25-A perspective view ill ustrating the equa-
tion that permits the determination of the radi a-
tion to be expected in the direction of point P.
In this drawi ng e represents the vertical angle of
P, ef! the azimuth angle of P, XY is the line of towers
and the array is located at O.
possible. Thus at m.f. the main purpose is
protection of ot her stations from interfer-
ence, not production of forward gain. Such
an array often has several nulls in its pattern,
one for each station to be protected. The
patterns are carefully designed, by applica-
tion of proper phasing and current ratios to
the vertical elements, to produce specific
levels of field intensity in the null s. The FCC
always imposes specific levels of field inten-
sity, which shall not be exceeded, towards the
stations to be protected, Thus, it is the con-
sulting engineer's job not only to design the
pattern to fit these limits, but to assure him-
self that the array will be stable and remain in
critical adjustment during changes in weather
and ground conditions from season to season.
Proper design of the phasing and branching
networks enters into this latter consideration.
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Md. 20795.
N past years there have been articles in this
agazine and others on directional arrays
sing vertical elements. These have been of
oth types, driven arrays and parasitic arrays.
or the most part these have been fixed
rrays, with several elements which could be
itched in or out to change the direct ion of
e pattern. It is natural that a horizontal
agi array, which can be put up in the air
n a tower thus requiring practically no real
state, and which can be easily rotated to any
irection, is in the majority. However, for the
, 4 and 7 me bands, Vagi arrays are some-
hat impractical because of their size. Thus
ere has been some interest in vertical arrays
hose direction of radiation can be switched.
here arc several rather simple configurations
f element spacing and phasing which lend
emselves to this concept. It is the purpose
f this part to explain how verti cal arrays
ark, to show several simple configurations,
nd 10 show how the elements of an array can
e fed power of the proper phase and magni-
de to produce the desired pattern.
M.F. Broadcasting Arrays
What is the purpose of a directional array?
n the most widely used application, which is
.f. broadcasting, these arrays are usually
sed to produce nulls in the horizontal pattern
and sometimes also in the vertical pattern)
protect the service area of a co-channel
ration (and often an adjacent channel sta-
on) from interference. Coincidentally, the
tat ion's transmitter site is so located that the
ain lobe (or lobes) of the pattern fal ls over
e station's desired service area, insofar as

ee page 134 for New Reader Service September, 1968 CQ 37

Fig. 26-Plot of the factor f (0 ) for towers of %: ,
~ and ~ 8 wa ve lengths height.
-,11 9
-.1 38
. . (I +H'
I, = " f (O) \ + ro", (S 1'0 " 1> 1'0.' 0+
This can also be written as:
It is well to run through some of the ba:
mathemat ics for direct ional arrays, so that \
all know what we arc talking about. Fi gu
:! 5 shows a perspective view which illust ra t
the following equat ion, whi ch gives the rat
ation to be expected in the direction o f a
point I' in space from a si mple two-eleme
array. The line of towers is shown as X
S is the spacing bet ween towers. The hOI
zontal or azimuth angle o f point I' from tl
line of towers is indicated as </> . The verti c
angle of point I' above the ground pl ane is i
dicat cd as O. The phasing o f the currents
the two clements is shown as of , and R is t
current ratio between the two cl ement s. T
field intensity at point P is thus equal to :
For example, the 1( 0) for a tower height
of % wavelength ( 225) is as foll ows:
lute pattern stabili ty therein. Patterns can
more simple, with one main lobe ( or possi
two ) . For reasons of propagation, such arr
for amateur usc will usually be employed
2, 4 or 7 me, although they can be used f
the higher bands as well , instead of ho
zontal Yagis,
I,' = I\f (O) (I , LO + ~ : /S1'0.' q, I'II"J! +y
K is a constant which is used to convert t
mvlm, and which depends on the r.rn. s. valu
of the pattern, the power used , and the heig
of towers to be used . T he factor I( 0 ) depen
on the tower height G in degrees, and whic
is computed from the foll owi ng for mula :
f (O) = CO" G - CO" (G "ill 0)
ros G


~ .
<, / , "

4 0'
, '

\ \
\ \
\ \
I \

! \
.4 0



Amateur Use
For amateur usc, however, we arc not con-
ccrned with the absolut e value of radiation in
the null s. Our main purpose is forward gain,
usually in only 6ne direct ion. Thus we can
employ a more simple array of fewer cle-
ments, usually in-line, and content ourselves
with obtaining forward gain and not worry-
ing about depth of the nulls, nor about abso-

Fig. 27-Ground wave pattern from a directional
array consi sting of 2 elements of equal height,
spaced 90, equa l element currents and a phase
angle of 90. The r.m.s. of the field patte rn is
normalized to 1.0.
38 CQ September, 1968
See page 134 for New Reader Service
hi s can al so be written as:


' W "

- ,.
- "r

, "
i " . ,.
:, . ...
., ' .. i __
:, ,. :' "
, .' I


.:.--.::: ::; : :;:: :::', .;; '
'" :::' .:: ,"
, .' .




+ COR (S COS cf> + f )

t + /I'
"he minus sign is nothing to worry about.
merely shows thai the radiation In the
iinor lobe is 180 degrees out of phase wi t h
at in the major lobe. Fi gure 26 shows thi s
( 0) plotted, along with similar plots for
wer hei ghts of v.. wavelength (90' ), and
2 wavelength (1 80' ) . It will be seen that
his plot is the same as that of fi g. I in Part I
f thi s ser ies."s This is where t he vertical pat-
rns come from, right from the above equa-
'on for t he value of I ( 0 ) .
Thus, for our two el ement array, \""C can
ompute the field intensity wh ich will be radi-
ted towards any point P In space. Now if
oi nt P lies in the horizontal plane, vertical
nule 0 is zero. and since cos 0 I S unity. it
ail s out of the equation. Al so, 1(0 ) is unity,
nd it fall s out . Thus the hori zontal or ground
vave pattern equat ion is:
September, 1968 CQ 39

. \ '
' - ! ""
_. - ....
.1 . , ,J ., " ; J <'_-.;",:.. '
- ' , ..
" " ,
-. ...

.. ""1'
.... .

_ "" I
Fig. 28-Ground wove pattern f rom a directiona l
a rray consisting of 2 elements of equal height,
spaced 90, equal element currents and a phase
angl e of 135, The r.m.s. of the field patlern is
norma lized to 1.0.
Fig. 29-Ground wave patlern for 2 elements of
equal height spaced 180
, equal element currents
but with zero degrees phase angle.

whose phasing is 90' is shown in fig. 27. Cur-

rent s arc equal. The figure is normalized to
an r.m.s. of 1.0 for the pattern. Maximum
radiat ion is only 1.42, which is a power gai n
of about 2, or 3 db.
Fi gure 28 shows a plot of radiation for a
pair of towers spaced 90' but phased 135'.
It will be noted t hat a small back lobe has
If the currents in the two towers arc made
qual, the equat ions simplify to:
hi ch can also be written as :
The azimuth angle of the null can be com-
uted from the following relat ionship:
, 0.' (8 CIJS + f ) = - J. or
S cos :-: + tit = ::i:: I SO, solving for
he pattern is symmet rical about the line of
owers, and there will be a pair ( or in some
ases two pairs) of null s for a two tower
The patt ern for a simple array of two tow-
rs whose spacing is v.. wavelength (90') and
:18 Lee, P. H., "Verti cal Antennas, Part It" CQ,
1968, page ] 6.
See page 134 for New Reader Service
Fig. 30-Ground wave pattern from a directional
array comprising three elements of equal height,
spaced 90 in line with IA=1.0, IB=2.00, Ic=1.0,
>/-.=0, >/-.=90' and >/-c=180' . The r.m.s. af the
pattern is normalized to 1.0.
appeared, and there are two nulls, symmetri-
cally placed on either side of the line of
towers. The voltage gain of this one is 1.6,
and the power gain is 2.56, which is 4.08 db.
Figure 29 shows the pattern from a pair
of towers spaced 'I.z wavelength (1 80' ), and
operated in phase. Note that the direction of
the main lobes has shifted from that of the
line of towers to a broadside direction. Volt-
age gain is 1.7, power gain is 2.89 or 4.62 db,
and we have two null s in the line of towers.
If the spacing is increased beyond 180', and
the phasing maintained at zero, a small lobe
will appear in each of the nulls in the line of
towers, in thi s pattern. Thus there will be
four null s instead of two.
The maximum possible gain with two
towers for a pattern whose main lobe is in
line with the line of towers is a voltage gain
of 1.725, or 4.74 db, and this occurs with
spacing of 3D' and phasing of 165'. For the
broadside pattern ( two lobes ) , maximum
gain is 1.82, or 5.2 db, and this results from
a spacing of 2 10' and phasing of zero degrees.
( With thi s spacing there will be a very small
minor lobe in each null. )
3U Smith, Carl E., "Direct ional Antennas," Cleve
land Institute 01 Electronics.
40 Smith, Carl E., "Theory and Design of Direc
tional Antennas," Cleveland Inst itute 01 Electronics
R = vII + cos (8, cos "" + o,)J X
[ 1 + ros (8, cos </>, + o,)J
For the in-line case, </>2 = </>,. The transitio
from the two tower case to the three tow
case is shown diagramatically in fig. 31. Cu
rent in eac.; tower is assumed to be unity.
will be seen that we start with two pairs
towers, each spaced and phased 90', but w
end up with three in line, whose phasin
are entirel y different, which produce the pa
tern of fig. 30.
Unsymmetrical Pallerns
If the three towers are not to be in lin
making an unsymmetrical pattern, </> 2will di
fer from </>, . Or perhaps the spacing and phas
ing of the second pair will not be the same a
those of the fi rst pair, making an entirely di
ferent result. It can be seen, therefore. tha
there are an almost infinite number of co
figurations, which produce all kinds of strang
looking patterns. There is a very fine book''''
by Carl E. Smith which shows hundreds a
possible configurations. The same author h
written another book"? which goe s into th
design of di rectional antennas in great det ail
covering not only two and three tower cases
but also those with four or more towers. Th
mathematical principles for the more compli
cated arrays are the same as those for th
simple arrays, but the computations are mar
laborious and time-consuming, unless one h
a computer available.
Multiple Towers
So much for two tower configurations.
will be seen from the above statements th
gain is somewhat limited, and the lobes
quite broad, especially in the in-line case
How can we increase gain? The answer is
increase the number of towers to three,
even four. It is not intended that this text
into all the various complicated arrays whic
can be formed. We shall simply state that'
the case of an in-line array such as that who
pattern is shown in fig. 27, if a third tower
added at a spacing of 90' from one of thi
others, making it three in line with 90' spad
ing, the pattern of fig. 27 can be "squared,
or multiplied by itself, to produce the patter
shown in fig. 30. The equation for such
pattern is:
- ':.. -


- .-
40 CQ September, 1968 See page 134 for New Reader Servici
'1'2 -so-
'i'J - 9 0
5, 5, -so-

5 "/90'
Fig. 31-Multiplication of two equal tower arrays
to form a three tower array.
To get back to our three element array of
g. 30, we see that the voltage gain is now
.86, and the power gain is 3.46 or 5.4 db.
Yadding the third tower we have gone from
gain of 3 db in fi g. 27 to a gain of 5.4 db
n fi g. 30.
For our maximum possible case previously
entioned, where we had a two-tower gain
f 4. 74 db ( the in-li ne case) with spacing of
O' and phasing of 165' , we could add a
hird tower and reali ze a gain of about 9 db.
n this case, and referring to fig. 31 for guid-
nee, I
woul d be 1.00/ 0' , I . would be
.00/ 165' , and l e would be 1.00/-30' . For
he maximum possible gain in rhe broadside
ase, adding a third tower would result in
bout 10 db gai n.
Field Intensities
In our discussion so far, we have normal-
'zed everythi ng to 1.0. To obtai n actual ex-
pected unattenuated fi eld intensity at one mile
from fi g. 27 through 30, one must multiply
by the factor K. For I kw into an array of
wave elements, a value for K of 190 mv/m
is reasonabl e. The FCC allows up to 7.5%
power loss in the phasing and branching net-
works for m.f. broadcast di rectional arrays.
When an array is tuned up and in adjustment,
the proof of performance consists of making
field intensity measurements on at least eight
radi als, and pl ott ing these measureme nts on
field intensity paper as described in Part I
of this series. P" The unattenuated field at one
mile is then obtai ned from these plots, for
each radi al. These values are then plotted on
pol ar paper like that in figs . 27 through 30,
and if the array is ad justed properly. the
pol ar plot of measured values should con-
form to the designer's original plot.
How are such arrays fed? It is a well known
fact that there are mutual interactions be-
.tween elements. What causes this? What can
be done in the design of the phasi ng and
branching networks to take these interactions
into account and to compensate for them?
First, let us examine the interaction itself.
,There is a very good explanation in a paper
jby G. H. Brown" whom we have met before
in this series of articles. When two vertical
r(or any other kind ) antennas are close to-
gether, there exists at antenna number two a
41 Brown. G. H.. " Directional Antennas: ' Pro-
lu edi"gS 01 ril e I.R.E., J anuary 1937, pages 78- 145.
,See page 134 for New Reader Service
voltage which is produced by the current
flowing in number one. Thus a current flows
in number two due to the current flowing in
number one. This curent is over and above
the current which flows in number two due
to its own connection to the source of power,
and it bears a certain phase and magnitude
relationship to the current in number one
which causes it.
This phase and magnitude relationship is
caused by the "mutual impedance" between
the two antennas. The mutual impedance de-
pends on the antenna heights and the spacing
between them. Figure 32 is a plot of the re-
sistance and reactance parts of the mutual
impedance between two wave vertical
radi ators ( referred to the current loop at the
base of the antenna). Note that both resist-
ance and reactance can be either posit ive or
negative in sign. There are similar charts for
tower hei ghts, both for towers of equal
hei ght and of unequal height, in Srnithw and
in Brownw.
The array designer uses these charts in
the initial design of the phasi ng and branch-
ing networks. Actuall y, in the field, the engi-
neer can measure and compute the mutual
impedance between two towers by measuring
the change in self-impedance of one tower
when the other is first open-circuited and then
resonated to ground. He can then go to the
second tower and repeat the process in re-
verse, if the towers are equal height, and he
should get the same result (within a couple
of percent ). There is a formula" for this
computation, but we shall not go into it here.
The mutual impedance determined in the field
by thi s method usually is quite close to that
which can be read from a chart such as fig. 32.
September, 1968 CQ 41
of tower 2. 2""is the self-impedance of towe
2 with tower I fl oating, 'I""is the inverse 0
the current ratio. and 2," is the mutual im
pcdance fr om tower I to tower 2. T heoreti
cally, /." and 2"" should be equal. an
2", and 2
" should be equal. and in a ver
carefully designed and constructed array thi
will be the case. within a couple of percent
with equal height towers. However. durin
actual tuneup and adjustment. the engince
al ways measures and computes these factors
both for a check on his initi al design. and t
show up any unforeseen defects in the ar ray

... . ~ . ~ ...
0" ., I'
. I
. ->.
1'0 I"
. 10 - j -
--- ...-
... l - - t ~
- IO - -!-- \i
Fig. 32-Plot of mutual impedance be tween two
q ua rt er wave anlennas over perfect earth. It i s
refe rred to the current loop a t the bose of the
antenna .
Having found the mutual impedance ei ther
from the chart or by act ual field antenna
resistance and reactance measurements, the
engineer can then determine the actual
operat ing base impedance of each element of
the array, when all the elements are con-
nected to the syste m and handling power.
T his is something which cannot be measured
by an ordinary radio fr equency bridge. be-
cause t he cle me nt or tower cannot be de-
tached from t he system for purposes of mak-
ing impedance measurements. Detaching it
destroys the effect of the mutual impedance
and gives an ent irel y erroneous result. The
operating impedance of a single element
under power can onl y be det ermined by use
of an s.w. r. bridge wh ich will handl e the
power involved. One company, Delta Elec-
tronics of Al exandri a, Va. makes one for
m.f. usc for powers up to 5 kw. This has be-
come a very handy tool for the consult ing
engineer to use in the fi eld. The operating im-
pedance can be computed, however, by usc
of the followi ng formulas:
z, = z., + C ~ ) /."
/.. = /..... + (") /. ,.
. .. / 2 .
where Z, is the operati ng impedance of tower
I, Z" is the self impedance of tower I with
tower 2 floating, ' "" , is t he rati o of currents.
and 2", is the mutual impedance from tower
2 to tower I. Z" is the opera ting impedance
Coupling Networks
I t can be seen from the above equati on
that for most cases the operat ing base im
pedanees of the towers wi ll be di fferent by a,
amount dependent on the magnitude an
phase angle of the mutual impedance, an
on the phase rel at ionship and magnitudes 0
the tower current s. Thus. the coupling net
works must be desi gned 10 match thos
operating base impedances to the transmis
sion lines bei ng used. Designing the coupl in
networks to match the self-impedance 0
either tower would result in considerable im
pcdancc mismatch as well as an erroncou
ph ase shift.
A typi cal two-tower pha... ing and hranch
ing network i ... shown in fi g. 33. The twr
transmission lines arc tapped on a low-
lank circu it, whi ch is in turn tapped to pro
vide a sui table load ( usually 50 + jO ohms)
to the transmitter. Thi s type of circui t i:
called "t he jeep coil type." because of th
fi ne adjust ment coi ls mar ked " X :' It is a very
crit ical ci rcui t to ad just, es peci ally whe
th ree or more towers arc being fed , becaus
of the extreme interactions bet wen indi vidua
A much better ci rcuit in thi s respect i,
shown in fi g. 34. This is call ed "t he Ohm'
Law type." It is much easier to adjust whe
three o r more towers are used, becau..e each
tower is fed off a separate power divider coil.
and the parallel combination of t hc..c. in sc-
rics with L
is tuned by capacitor C , to for m
a low-Q tank. The lank ci rcuit 's inpu t irnpcd
ance is usually set to be about 150 + jO to
250 + jO ohms, and this is mat ched to th
transmitter, wh ich usually likes to see 50 +
jOohms, by a simple "T" network.
In the circuits shown in fig. 33 and 34.
the amount of phasing to be contribut ed b
the ph asing networks and the lower coupling
unit s is computed; the required component
42 CQ September, 1968 See page 134 for New Reader Service 1
Pl'I O$or
Coo ol Lme s
Fig. 33-A typica l two tower phasing and brcnch-
in g network ca ll ed the " jee p coil type."
Now, for some simple configurations which
lend themsel ves to amateur use, refer to fi gs.
27 and 29. For the array of fi g. 27, the 90
phasing can be accompl ished by making the
coaxial lines 90 different in len gth. This is
an old t r ick, often used, for phasing of any
amount. A simple matching net work is used
at each tower, and the Ohms Law power
di vider is employed. See fi g. 35 fo r a suitable
circ uit. For the array of fi g. 29, if yo u \..'ant
a broadside array wh ich will fire in two oppo-
site di rect ions, the phasing is zero degrees.
This is very easi ly accomplished by making
t he coaxial lines equa l in len gth. In (act, the
array is completely symmetrical, and the
tower tuning unit s are alike. Again an Ohms
Law net work can be used.
For the maximum gai n case menti oned pre-
viously, locat e the towers 30 apart, make
the coaxial lines about 135 different in
length, and design the tower coupling units
for t he operating impedances involved. In
this case, the elTect of mutual impedance wil l
be quite pronounced due to the cl ose spacing,
the tower lighti ng circ uits are brought across
the base insulators (choke coils or Aust in
transformers ) , how the ground system is de-
signed, and its extent, and, in general, how
care fully pu t together the sys tem is. Most of
them are quite well designed and built ; they
have to be, to pass FCC inspect ion.
Amateur Use
Whil e all of th is is not applicable in detail
a the amateur case, we have gone through it
- .
rep by step to show the basic prin ciples in-
-ol vcd, so that yo u wi ll have an understand-
ng of all t hat goes int o t he design and opera-
ion of these ar rays. Perhaps some o f you
vi ll want to appl y these pr incipl es to the de-
ign of your own a rrays for 2. 4 or 7 me. If
o. you will fi nd Smith:l!l , .. 0 and Brown.J1 in-
aluable. It mi ght also pay to visit one of yo ur
oeal broadcast stat ions wh ich has a dircc-
ional array. and loo k over the ci rcuitry and
fi sell ss its design with the chief engineer.
ote part icul arly the type of power dividing
r branching network used ( "jeep coil" or
'Ohms Law" ) , how the phasing is aecom-
Ii shed ( positive or negative net works ) , how
he tower coupling uni ts are designed, how
'alues are then det ermined by calculation,
nd the whole thing is then wired up and
estcd under power ( low power at first ) . The
ngincc r makes the required ad justments to
ccurc the desired phasings and current ratios.
ind chec ks the act ual fi eld intensity pattern
y fi eld measurements. Two-way radio is
rscd, wi t h a fi eld car locat ed in each nul l.
.alling in readings as ad justments are made ,
mt i! the pattern is correct. Sw.r.ts on the
ines are checked wit h the Delta Bridge, re-
lui red impedance matchi ng adjust ments are
adc ( which throws 01T the array adjust-
ncnt some what), and the process starts all
vcr again . Tuning up a 1\\ ' 0 tower array can
isuall y be accomplished in t wo or three
ights of work ( midnight to 6 A.M. ), hut a
ult i-element array with crit ical or deep
ull s can takc as long a" three or four weeks
f very ted ious adjust me nts. By keeping a
.omplctc and care ful log of all adjust me nt s
md their result ing fi eld readings. the engineer
'an soon note t rends, and know whi ch way
o go with the var ious adj ustments. which al-
vays int eract somewhat.
PhOS O' 2
In p u T
" 1 " Ne t wo r k L,
~ r
Fig. 34-An imp roved type of phasing and . branching network called " t he Ohm' s l a w type:'
ee page 134 for New Reader Service September, 1968 CO 43
To..r 1I
'1' To.., 21
Tower Phas;ng
One matter I have not touched upon her
is the measurement of the tower phasing. Fo
the amateur this will not be too important
inasmuch as the array can be tuned for maxi-
mum forward gain (or maximum rear rejec
tion ) without much attention being paid t
exact direction of the nulls. In the m.f, broad
cast case, however, the phasing is requir
to be logged and maintained within tw
degrees. There is one common method 0
measuring it, and that is by means of a cur
rent sampling loop located on each tower.
Each loop feeds a length of coaxial cabl
( usuall y RG-8/ U) , which is attached in th
building to a phase monitor. This is a rathe
expensive piece of equipment which is de
signed to read phase difference between two
currents. The sampl ing loop also provides a
means of reading tower current remotely,
and the remote meter can be calibrated t
track fairly closely with the tower base cur
rent meter. Most phase monitors have provi
si on for readi ng up to six towers. There has
recently been introduced a simple current
transformer which can be inserted in the lead
from coupling unit to tower, to provide a re-
mote indication. However, in the case of some
self-supporting towers with wide bases, the
tower input current will give a considerably
different phase indication than will the pick-
up from tho loop on the tower. After all, the
actual tower current is what we are after. The
pickup loop is usually mounted slightly above
[Continued on page 130]
See page 134 for New Reader Service
its effect on radiation efficiency, If I wer
going to build a directional array for 2, 4 0
7 me, I would lay down at least 32 radial.
around each radiator, with the ground bu.
extending into the buildi ng and connecti ng t
the branching unit and the transmitter.
COQalol Lin.. or
Dlff.rina LetlQ'h.
5 T t
Small Amount
Of Phon Shit!
(Adj ul tobl .,
H.avy Lin..
At. 8"" ....
- T- N. t wo rk
Each tower or radiator should have its
buried ground system, These should be joined
by a copper bus running between tower tun-
ing units. This can be made of copper strap,
or three or four ground wires twisted to-
gether. Where ground radials ovelap, they
should be joined, as in fig, 36, The whole
ground system should be one well-bonded
unit, with no loose connections or unsoldered
crossing wires, Refer to Part I of this series

for a discussion of ground system design and

Fig. 35-Circuit of an Ohm's Law power divider suitable for amateur use.
Fig. 36-A 32 radial ground system for a two-
tower a rray.
44 CO September, 1968
and more attention will have to be paid to
s.w.r, on the lines, and to matching. In the
two previous cases, perhaps some mismatch
and s.w.r, can be tolerated, with only a kilo-
watt and RG-8 /U cable. In the maximum
gain case, however, more care should be
taken, if the gain is to be realized. For the
210' maximum gain case, we again have a
completely symmetrical array, and with the
great spacing the effect of mutual impedance
is not going to be so apparent. A bit of s.w.r,
can be tolerated here.
The readers attention is called to footno
10 in Part I. It should read "Proceedings
I.R.E., June 1937, page 753. Also, in fig. I
of Part II , the designation of (A) and (8 )
This might be an interesting point to expIor
with the FCC-whether the FCC would pe
mit one using an array to protect Loran area
to run increased power input over and abov
that normally permitted in his area. Such a
array could be easily designed and tuned u
and with proper monitoring equipment
could be every bit as effective as one for th
m.f. broadcast band. If any of you have an
thought s on this subject, I would be happy t
hear of them.
If you have enough land available, you ca
put up a switchable directional array. F
example, the array of fig. 29 can be used t
provide coverage in six directions, by use
three elements spaced ISO on the corne
of an equilateral triangle, and switched in
out by use of relays. The element would b
used a pair at a time. Other interesting co
figurations can be arranged, depending 0
the individual amateur's desired directions
(To be continued)
Signals From Satellites [froIII page 34]
the Doppler shift on the satell ite's signal. T
relative velocity of the satellit e with referen
to a listener on earth causes the satell ite
signal to change pitch in much the same ma
ncr that a tra in' s whistle changes pitch as t
train approaches and then moves away froI
an observer at relatively high speeds. T
frequency on which the satelli te is transmi
ting will appear to increase as the satell i
approaches and decrease as it moves aw
from the li stener on the ground. The satelli
is nearest to being overhead at the instant t
pit ch of its signal begins to decrease. At 2
me the Doppler shift will be approximatel
one kil ocycle each side of the center fr
quency, while at 136 me the shift can be .
much as six kilocycles, for satellites in orbi
below a thousand mil es.
With a suitable recei ver and antenna, a
the information contained in the foll ow;
list of trasmitti ng satell ites, it should be po
sible to tunc into the wide, wide regions
space, and listen to the exciting sounds
the satelli tes as they fl ash signals back
eart h.
Vertical Antennas [frolll page 44]
the base in a y" wave tower, or at the voltage
node (current loop) in the case of a tower
taller than y" wave. The sampli ng loop is
insulated from the tower, and its angular
position is adjustable to vary the amount of
pickup. The sampling line is brought down
the tower on insulators, because it is usually
buried from the base of the tower into the
building. For the sake of easy reading of the
phase monitor, it is customary to make all
sampli ng lines of equal length, coili ng up any
excess in some out of the way place. This
makes the monitor read correctly, without
any "fudge factors." Perhaps some enterpris-
ing reader will build a phase monitor. It is
not too diffi cult. Again, a vi sit to your local
station may enable you to find a copy of a
circuit diagram.
2 mc Vertical Arrays
With the increases of power recently
granted in some areas of the country on 2 me,
and with crowded conditions on 4 me, use of
vert ical directional arrays might pay off. This
leads me to think about possible use of such
an array here on the east coast to protect the
Loran coverage areas, while still delivering a
strong signal to the interior of the country.
YLRl Convention [frolll page 119]
W3's OLY, PVH; WA3ATQ; K4LMB; W4's

Now we can enjoy many pleasant memo-
ries of "Our Big Date in '6S"-and also look
forward to 1972!
130 CQ September, 1968 See page 134 for New Reader Servi
Part V
An antenna composed of vertically stacked vertical elements produces low
angle radiation without wasting power in high angle skywave lobes. In this
article of the series, the author covers the theoretical aspects of vertical stack.
ing, and then describes some practical configurations.
I N the previ ous parts of this seri es of articles,
we have discussed vertical antennas composed
of a single vertical clement, whose height
must be limited to % wave or less. For those
who may be confused by the term "height."
it is used to indicate the length of the vertical
element or radiator. Figure 1 of Part 1
Figure 26 of Part IV" show the vertical radio
ation patterns to be expected from antennas
of several heights. The pattern for a % wave
vertical radiator is shown. It has a large low
angle lobe, and a small skywave lobe. These
vertical patterns result from the computation
of the factor 1( 0) as shown in Part IV.'" If
the computation is carried out for heights
greater than o/s wavelength, it will be seen
that the low angle lobe shrinks very fast, the
skywave lobe increases rapidly. and the pat-
tern becomes useless for long distance com-
munications, as the height G is increased.
Thus the statement that the height of the
single si mple element must be limited to %
wave or less. Perhaps the statement should be
qualified by saying that the vertical is most
effective when producing low angle radiat ion
for long distance communications. There arc
si mpler antennas for short-hop, high angle
skywave (such as a horizontal dipole close
to ground).
Lowering The Angle
A look at the pallern of the % wave verti-
cal shows, however, that some radiation is
asted in that high angle skywave lobe, and
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Md. 20795.
42 Lee, P. 1-1., "Vertical Antennas, Pan I," CQ.
une 1968, p. 16.
43 Lee, P. H" "Vertical Ant ennas, Part IV, " CQ
pt. 1968. p. 37.
ee page 142 for New Re ade r Service
that the low angle lobe could be compressed
even more and radiated at still lower angl e,
which is very desirable for long distance
Compression and lowering of the main lobe
can only be accomplished by vertical stack-
ing of in-phase elements. This is true whether
the clements are horizontal or vertical. In the
vertical element case, the array which results
is called a vertical colinear array, since the
elements are in line, or colinear. The vertical
radiation pattern which results from a single
two element colinear array in free space is
shown in fig. 37. This array has a free space
gain of 1.9 db over a dipole. The plot actually
shows a vertical cross-section thru one side
of the pattern. The whole patter n is actually
a "doughnut", in three dimensions. The two
clement coIinear in free space. when cut in
half, becomes a \12 wave element working
against a ground plane. The \12 wave pall ern
in fig. 26 ( Part IV) is the plot of this an-
tenna's theoretical radiation over perfect
ground. The affects of imperfect ground on
the vertical pattern, and the resulting suck-in
at very low angles were thoroughly discussed
in Part I.
, )'
, I
Fig. 37-Configuration a nd polar pattern of a
two element colinear in free space.
October, 1968 CQ 43
44 "Ground System Effect on HF Antenna Propa
gat ion," Report 1346, U.S. Navy Electronics Lab
orator)', San Diego. 4 Jan. 1966 (Unclassifi ed) .
45 "HF Extended Ground Systems: Results of
Numerical Analysis," Report 1359 U.S. Navy Elec
tronics Laboratory, San Diego. 24 Feb. 1966 ( U n
classifi ed) .
-W "'" Numerical Analysis of HF Extended Sec
tor Ground Systems," Report 1430 U.S. Navy Elec
tronics Laboratory, San Di ego, 19 Jan. 1967 ( Un
classified) .
Fi gure 38 shows the pattern for a three-
clement colinear in free space. It has a gai n
of 3.2 db over a dipole. It also can be cut in
half, and operated against a ground plane.
ow, however, one must be careful not to call
th is a 'l4 wave antenna. for it is not that at all.
lt is a V2 wave clement stacked above and
operated ill-phase wit h a 1A wave clement.
Figure 39 is the vert ical patt ern of thi s an-
tenna over per fect ground.
If we carry the vert ical stacking furt her,
we can make a four element coli near array,
whose free space pattern is shown in fi g. 40.
The gain of this one over a dipole is 4.3 db.
As in the previous cases, we can repl ace the
lower half by a ground plane, and then we I
have two V2 wave clements stacked, in-phase.
This is not the same as a full wave antenna, I
whose two halves would not be in-phase,
Figure 4 1 is the plot of this ant enna' s radia- I
tion over perfect ground.
Practical Colinear
From a practical standpoint the free space
configurat ion of any of these arrays is impos-
sible to bui ld and feed. It lends itself very
nicely to textbook analysis, but it cannot be
caused to produce the patt erns shown, because
of the presence of earth. The configura ti ons
which util ize a ground system as a part of
the radiating system can he bui lt , howeve r,
and the verti cal patterns wi ll conform closely
to those shown in fi g. 39 and 4 1, de pende nt on
ground characteristics and freque ncy as dis-
cussed in Part I. The effect s of ground system
design at h.f. , and parti cul arl y the effect s on
low angle radiat ion, have been quite well
documented in three reports by the U.S. Navy
Elect ronics Laborat ory" '''' ' " The U.S. Navy
uses many vertical antennas at its shore radi o
stations, mostl y in broadband configurations.
and each one has its properl y designed
ground system. Briefl y these reports show
that greatly improved radi at ion at low angles
will result when the number and length 0
ground system radials is increased, and thai
the improvement obtainabl e is a function o f
of 0
of 0 2
4 -- -

, 1\
T ,


- -. "
- \
-} ~ I
- - ~ I
t ,
, .

.. . , I ),
, -
_.._.. ,
. I
__ 4 '
~ - - ,

' "
- ..!. j'
I ,
, I'
. '
:. ~ -,

_. .
, I'
. ,
:..-- I
41-Configuration and polar pattern
element colinear over ground.
- - ,
~ I'
I ,
-- ,
- ' ,
.A. I'
, '
.,. ,
~ .. '
38-Configuration and pola r pattern
three element colineor in f ree space.
. -
Fig. 40- Confi guration and polor pattern of a
4 element colinear in f ree space.
Fi g.
Fig. 39-Confi guration and polar pattern of a 1Y2
element colinecr over ground.
44 CQ Oelober, 1968
See page 142 for New Reader Servic
answer can be readil y seen from the dimen-
sions in fig. 43, whi ch are very critical, and
which make the Franklin Antenna a single
frequency antenna. The horizontal dipole
curtain array can, by use of broadbandi ng
techniques in the design of the di pole ele-
ments and the feed system, be made to cover
at least two adj acent high frequency broad-
cast bands, such as 7/9 me, I 1/15 me or
17/22 me, with one antenna. Al so, the Frank-
lin Antenna is a bit more inconvenient to
construct and rig, and it is difficult to isolate
the verti cal tower support ing structures, due
to the vertical polarizati on. Thus the broad-
casters and others engaged in long distance
communi cations have turned to broadband
types such as curt ains and rhornbics, with
horizontal polarizat ion. It is not a matter of
the polarization itself, but is a matt er of oper-
ational and constructional convenience.
For v.h.f. or u.h.f, use, however, an ama-
teur could easily bend up a Frankli n Ant enna
out of stiff rod, and make it self-supporti ng
and small in size. even though consisting of
three or four \12 waves stacked. Figure 43
can be followed for design. If desired. the
antenna can be fed against a ground plane.
eit her by coaxial line directl y ( tolerating some
v.s.w.r. ) , or vi a a suitable matching network
ground conductivity and frequency, with
larger improvements being real ized over poor
ground ( as would be suspected) .
It may be seen from the above config ura-
tions and pattern plots that, within practical
limits, the greater the number of vertical in-
phase elements, the more the main lobe will
be compressed and lowered, and the greater
will be the gain. One such design, which car-
ried the number of elements to a very high
number, was the Franklin Ant enna whose
designer, C. S. Frankl in, was very well known
in the earlier years of radio communicati on
in England. It was based on the principle that
a vertical wire carryi ng uniform currents in-
phase over its length is the ideal radiator for
producing the lowest possible angle of radia-
tion. In the Frankl in Antenna, as described in
two of the refcrcnces.Ur' " each successive V2
wave length of wire is folded back on itself
in such a way that the radiation from its cen-
tral part assists the rad iat ion from its neigh-
bors. This is shown in fig. 42 which depicts
the cur rent distri but ion on a Frankl in Uni-
form Aeri al. The exact dimensions in terms
of wavelengths arc in fi g. 43. The major por-
tions of the currents are in-phase. and the
resulting current distribut ion is almost the
ideal of a uniform cur rent. As a matter of
historical interest, there is, in one of the ref-
erences. " a very good photograph of a large
Franklin Antenna array wit h reflectors at a
Marconi stati on at Bodmin, Cornwall , Eng-
land. This array consists o f a seri es of vert ical
Franklin Antennas in line. with a reflector
creen behind them. No gain figures are given
or such arrays, but based on present designs
f horizontal dipole curtain arrays of similar
arameters, -1 \1 the gain can be estimated at
bout 20 to 22 db. Such a Franklin array
reduces a narrow, low main lobe. broadside
o the line of elements, by proper spaci ng
nd phasing of the elements.
Franklin Antenna Applications
You might well ask, if thi s array is so good,
hy do the Voi ce of America, the BBC, Radio
ree Europe. etc. not usc it in preference to
he horizont al di pole curtai n arrays? The
H Williams, H. P., "Antenna Theory and Design,
'01. II ," Pitman and Sons, Ltd.
41\ Ladner, A. W., Stoner, C. R., "Short w ave
irel ess Communications," 5th Edition, John \ Viley
nd Sons.
49 Jasik, H., "A fltenna Engineering Handbook,"
cGraw Hill.
/ . 0 3 '
,6 ' !
.\ '
_ L
- r
, -
,6 '
.03' /
r-2 ), -
Fig, 42-Current distri-
bution on a folded
Frankli n Antenna.
-- ,
' :i
r - .)
1/ ,
I , - ,
\ I
I '
Fig. 43-Dimensions of
a falded Franklin An-
ee page t 42 for New Reader Service Octaber, 1968 CO 45
2 cos (llOsin 8) cos (If sin 8)
+ cos (G, sin 8) - cos G,
cos 8
where If lind G, arc defined in fig. H .
of traps used in mult iband Yagi arrays, but
it does not. T he reason for this is that the
length of the element beyond the tuned cir- I
cui I is 'h: wave resonant and it draws power I
through the tuned circui t. This is not the case
with the length of the element beyond the I
trap in the Yagi. That short portion of the I
element in a Yagi cannot draw any power I
th rough the trap at the tr ap' s resonant fre-
quency. T hus the trap in the Yagi acts as an
isol ating device, not as a phase reversin g de-

There have been some reall y large-size ex-
amples of vert ical antennas wi th t uned cir-
cuits for phase reversal. Several examples of
this arc shown in Jasek" in the chapter de-
voted to medium fr equency broadcast an-
tennas. The design of sectionalized vertical
tower radiat ors is shown. In such cases, the
tower is actually broken at the proper height
by insul at ors, across which the tuned ci rcui t
is connected. Of course such a structure must
be very carefully designed mechanicall y, and
sui tably guyed as it is quite tall. The reference
shows the design of a sectionalized antenna
of overall hei ght of 300 used at WHO, Des
Moines. T he upper 180 ( '12 wave ) of the
tower is act ually isol ated from the lower
120 by insul ators, and fed through a phase
reversal tuned circui t mounted up in the
tower. The vert ical radiation pattern of such
an ant enna is give n by the foll owing equa-
tion :
f (8) = ------'--'-=-'-';-"..::.:.:.:-=--=::....::...!
60 Lee. P. H., "Vertical Antennas, Part II , CQ.
July t 968, p. 25.
composed of small components. Reference
should be made to Part II of this series for
mat ching techniques. P? Thi s will make a very
fi ne v. h. f, or u.h.f. antenna, with low angl e
radiat ion and worthwhile gain.
Phasing Methods
T he Franklin Antenna accomplished the
necessary phasing between '12 wave elements
by means of lengths of transmission line ( al-
though folded in a peculiar manner ). Thi s is
one way o f accomplishing the phasing, as
shown in fi gs. D and 41 , by usc of shorted \4
wave st ub lines. This is a bit impract ical to
r ig mechanicall y, unless one has suitable sup-
ports for the verti cal clements and for pulling
off the wire stubs horizont ally. There are two
ot her ways which arc more practical , and
they arc the use of tuned circui ts and the usc
of coaxial sleeves. First , let 's discuss the usc
of tuned circuits.
As you know, the \4 wave shorted stub is
thc electrical equivalent of a parallel resonant
ci rcuit. Thus it can be replaced by a parallel
resonant ci rcui t, electrically. A vertical an-
tenna consisting of 'h: wave stacked over ~
wave, or V2 wave stacked over 'h wave, or
any other such combin at ion, may be phased
in thi s manner. The problem resol ves itsel f
int o one of mechanical design, and weather-
proofing the tuned ci rcui t which must be
mount ed in the open on the mast or other
support, or actuall y suspended in the ant enna
itself. One might think that such a tuned cir-
cuit would function as a trap, in the manner
Fig. 44-Sectionalized vertical radiator isolated by
a tuned circuit. Length G
is less than ).,, / 2.
.:.1. .
0 .8 0.6
ii i i
0 .4
Fig. 45-Ve rtical poJlterns for 300
sectionoli ze
radiator at WHO, Des Moines. This is a plot of te
where 8 is the ongle above the horizon. The meos
ured pattern is normalized to 1.0 maximum valu
for 8 = 0
Tuned Circuit For
180 Phou Shi f t
46 CQ October, 1968 See page 142 for New Reader Service
51 Lee, P. H. , " Ma rk III OX Antenna; ' CQ.
December 1962. p. 43.
52 King, R. P. W. et at, "Transmission Lines, An
tennas and Waveguides: ' McGraw Hill.
It may be seen that this is simil ar to the
equati on for I (8) given in Part IV fo.r a
I simple single vertical clement. The vertical
pattern of the WHO seetionalized tower is
shown in fig. 45. There have been other such
high power installations for and l.f.
broadcasting in thi s country and m Europe.
, The tuned circuit must be built of suitable
I components and mounted in a weatherpro?f
enclosure, as considerable r.f, voltage WIll
exist across it.
Sleeve Coo... me,.
/1 Connected To

Coo.. Outer
Conducto, -
\ ,
I '
Connected To
Coo... Oute'
Conduc t or ---- :r I
' '

/ 1
Connected To
Coo.. . Oute,
Conducto, --' I
Ai, Dielect ,ic
Coo.. , Line
Rigid Coax
Figure 47 shows a suitable design for
v.h.f. or u.h.f. using rigid coaxial li ne. Sev-
eral sleeves arc used over the outer con-
ductor of the line, for phase reversal. The
lower sleeve, it will be noted, is mounted
with its upper end open, and is shorted to the
coaxial line at the bottom. It acts in this
manner as a detuning sleeve or "choke," pre-
venting antenna currents from fl owing any
further down the outer conductor of the
coaxial line. No ground plane is required in
this case.
The !4 wave coaxial sleeve is really nothing
but a Y4 wave shorted section of transmission
line, configured coaxially around the verti-
cal radiator, instead of being made of wire
and pulled off horizontally from it. It is quite
a simple and effective device. There are, how-
ever, certain design precautions which must
be observed. For maximum radiation it is
necessary to individually tune (adj ust the
length of) each antenna section and each
sleeve. In the case of the !4 wave wire stub,
this is qui te easy. In the case of the coaxial
sleeve, the outer surface ( nominal !4 wave)
cannot be made shorter than the inner sur-
[continued on page 134]
, \



cnnec t ed
e ,
I '


Coaxial Sleeve
The other way of obtaining the required
180 phase shift is by the use of a coaxial
!4 wave sleeve. This is shown in fi g. 46. The
Mark 1lI OX Antenna described in CQ51 is an
exampl e of a design of this type usc
h.I. The design of antennas of this type IS
covered in detai l in several of the refer-
ences-f i , 52. Because of the mechanical prob-
lems connected with the design and mount-
ing of the sleeve, such antennas arc usuall y
used for v.h.f. and u.h.f, where they can be
physically small in size and easily supported.
Some are even sel f-supporting. easily mounted
on a mast. A coaxial sleeve on the Mark III
was simulated by means of a wire cage, and
it worked fine. Several readers did not quite
have faith and confidence in the cage, and
asked if they could build the sleeve out of
sheet metal. I was a bit dubi ous as to their
ability to install and support such a thing.
to maintain it in the face of problems of wmd
resistance, wei ght , etc.
Fig. 46-A ha lf wove over qua rter wa ve in pha se,
with sleeve for phase re versa l and its cur rent
di st ri bution.
Fig. 47-Suitable design for a v.h.f. or u.b.l. co-
linear using rigid coax and sleeves a s described in
the text.
See page 142 for New Reader Service Odobe., 1968 CO 47
Vertical Antennas f rom page 47]
face. A shorted stub of ai r dielectric coaxial
line of \4 wave electrical length will be ve ry
close to an actual physical \4 wavelengt h,
However, consideri ng the o uter s urface o f the
sleeve only as an antenna. because of its con-
siderable diameter a nd low LI D ratio it
should be shorter than a physical \4 wave to
be \4 wave resonant. Thus a n apparently ir-
reconcilable fac t exists, which is thai a \4
wave section of sleeve cannot be JA wave
long, ye t it should be for proper phase re-
versal. To assure satisfactory operation under
this condi tion, the inner diameter o f the sleeve
should be much greater than the outer diarn-
signal inc reases. Retune the s igna l slightly
to make sure it is peaked. A different peak-
ing frequency may be chosen by cha nging
the PITCH CONTROL swi tch. For maximum
peaking and selectivity advance the REGEN.
CONTROL until it is just under the poi nt of
osci llation. When the s ignal has been satis-
factorily tuned in and peaked, turn the SE-
LECTOR SWITCH 10 positi on 3. The signal
should now trigger the neon lamp. The vol-
ume control on the S-S may now be ad justed
10 any desired volume without a ny back-

ground noise o r interference. Tuning in a

wea k signal a nd runni ng up the volume co n-
trol on the S-S can result in quite a dramatic
The operation of the DUAL SWITCH has
been explained earlier.
Cons truct ion, wiring and parts layout are
not cri tical. The high impedance wi ndi ng on
the Regenerat ion Transformer ( T,) is used
as the primary, and the low)mpedance wind-
ing as the seconda ry. As in a ny transformer
feedback circuit, if oscillation docs not oc-
c ur, reverse the leads on o ne of the windings.
If a Iransformer o ther than a Tri ad A31X
is used then R
and Co may have to be
changed for optimum operation.
vanced f ur ther wi thout going into osc illation
when the SELECTOR SWITCH is in posit ion 3.
T hi s means the cont rol must be backed otT
slightly when returning to position 2. There is
a certa in minimum signal strength below
which the SS will not ope rate properly. T his
will become readily appa rent a ft er sho rt ex-
perirnent at ion, and can be usually overcome
by turning up the gai n on the receiver


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October, 1968 CQ 135


136 CO October, 1968
L. .,
See page 142 for New Reader Service
eter of the antenna cond ucto r itse IL""
A verti cal colinear array should be so con-
figured tha t it presents a sui table feedpoint
impedance for connection to coaxial line
either d irectl y o r through a si mple matching
network. One would not want to a tt e mpt to
feed the bottom end o f a V:z wave section d i-
rectly, for example. fo r the impedance would
be very hi gh and hard to match. Bott o m sec-
tion lengths of JA wave or Hwave. however.
arc of reasonable feedpoi nt impedance and
can be easi ly mat ched. In the Mark III'" a \4
wave bottom section was used which was
grounded and red hy the " ga mma mat ch"
method as shown in fi g. 46. Thus the antenna
should be designed to consist of a number of
~ wave secti ons, over a bottom section of
somet hi ng less than a 'I, wave for case in feed -
ing. If the a ntenna is to be self-supporti ng as
was the Mark III. the grounded base design is
an excellent idea, for it eliminates the prob-
lem o f base insulat ion. With the coaxial sleeve
design, other circuits such as ligh ting lines c an
be run ri ght up inside the mast itself without
worrying about isolation.
As with the Frankl in Antenna, the tuned
ci rcuit isolation method and the coaxial sleeve
method arc both fr equency sensi tive. Since
they depend on tuned ci rcuit resonance and
shorted stub resonance fo r phase reversal. a
frequency change o f more than fi ve percent
o r so would be e xpected to degrade perform-
ance and ca use considerable V.S. W. f. at the
feed point.
Five percent would be adequate for cover-
age o f the 7, 14 and 21 me bands. but it would
not be adeq ua te for the enti re 28 me band,
nor coul d one cover from 3.5 to 4 mc without
readjustment of tuned phase reversal ci rcuits
or stub lengths. To sum it up. the verti cal
colincar array. since it depends on accurate
Vi wave phase reversal s. is not a mult i-fro-
quency antenna. It is excell ent for a narrow
ba nd of freq uencies. but it is not easy to
re adjust for frequency changes.
Part VI
The next in this series of articles will de:"
with broadband vert ical antennas of various
configurations. We use many of these at our
Naval Communication Stations. because our
frequency plans must be extremely flexible to
allow fo r variations in propagat ion and dis-
tance to areas of desi red coverage. In the past
few yea rs we have started usi ng some speci al
types o n shi ps as well.
[ /0 be cOll l i ll ll ed ]
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1- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Part VI
In this part of the series, the author describes several of the broadband typ
of vertical antennas which have been used by commercial and military servic
Design information is given, and practical confi gurations are shown.
UpTO now the vertical antennas di scussed
have been designed for specific frequencies
or narrow bands of frequencies and the an-
tennas had to be retuned for a QSY of any
magnitude. Antennas of this type are usually
used by amateurs. whose frequency alloca-
tions consist of relatively narrow bands in the
spectrum. There has not been much material
in amateur literature in the past regarding
broadband types of vertical antennas. I shall
now describe some broadband verticals and
show how they can be applied to amateur
requi rements and additional types will be dis-
cussed later.
First let us examine some of the basic prop-
erties which tend to make a radiator broad-
band. It was described earlier how a struc-
ture's bandwidth is affected by its L I D rati o.
with a shorter. fatter structure having a wider
bandwidth (within certain S.W.r. limits) than
a tall. thin one. The concept of a radiator
being considered as an open-ended. lossy
transmission line, extending into space. was
also mentioned. It is well known practice to
construct tapered transmission lincs
:J to
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Maryl and 20795.
5:l Laport, E. A. " Radio Antenna Eingineering." Me-
Graw- Hi tl.
effect a smooth transition of impedance wit
out creating standing waves. A tapered (
conicall y shaped) antenna may be consider
as an attempt to effect a smooth transition
tween the impedance of a source and the i
pedance of space.
The Conical Antenna
A conical antenna may be considered as
special case of a horn antcnnae' common
used at microwave freque ncies. Such devic
may be scaled up in size and used at h.C. T
references! shows results of model studi
made of several conical confi gurations. F'
ure 48 shows the input impedance plot fo
typical conical radiat or. It will be noted t
the cone is fed at its apex against a flat grou
plane in thi s configuration. This type of a
tenna is quite easy to bu ild for u.h.f. u.
where the cone can be made of sheet me
and supported on three or more insulato
as in fi g. 49. The lower frequency limit of t
antenna is determined by the length of t
side of the cone. As may be seen from fig.
it should not be less than ';" wavelength. f
51 Radio Research Lab. Staff, Harvard Universl
"Very Jlig1, Frequency Techniques/ McGra
/. "'"' I
::".k 1

I I ..



< <

; -


0.1 OJ oa 0' 10
0/.,. - "
Coo_iol Line
End SUi
___- Wate, t IQht
Fig. 48-Configuration and impedance plot of a
conical antenna.
26 CO November, 1968
f ig. 49-A practical con struction approach for:
conical antenna at u.h.I. I
See page 1SO for New Reader Servi
ig. SO-A h.f. inverted
one consisting of 16
ires. The ground rodi-
ols ore not shown.
~ - InSlJl ators
the case of the inverted cone described in the
preceding paragraph, the side of the cone
should be V. wavelength at the lowest fre-
quency of operation. It has a useful frequency
range of at least 10 to I. For u.h.f. the cone
can be made of sheet copper or brass, and the
outer conductor of the coaxial line can be
soldered directly to it at its apex. The disc
can be made of the same material, and sup-
ported on three or four fiberglass insulators
as shown in fig. 52. The whole antenna can
easily be mounted on a pole or other suitable
support. Such an antenna would be excellent
for usc on the 50, 144, and 220 me amateur
bands. In such a case, the side of the cone
should be about V. wavelength at 50 mc. The
diameter of the disc should be 0.7 t imes the
length of the side of the cone.
At h.f., the di scone can be built using
closely spaced wires to simulate the surface
of the cone. The disc can be simulated by a
str ucture consisting of six or eight spreaders,
with wires connected between them. As in
the case of the u.h.f. type, the h.f. discone can
be mounted on a mast or tower. In fact , the
......- Ins ulators
Shu' M . t a l _ ~
od s.w. r, The high frequency limit is deter-
ined by the practical mechani cal considera-
ns of construction of the feed pomt. Due
its size at h.f. , this type of antenna is rather
ffi cult to construct. Some have been built,
wever, using closely spaced wires to form
e cone, supported by a number of wood
les. Such a configurat ion is shown in fig. 50.
radial ground system is used as the disc.
The Discone
It is quite simple to invert the whole struc-
re shown in fig. 50. Thi s type of configura-
n is called a "disconc." It was devised by
:'i. :i11 over 25 years ago. Actually
e pract ice of using a cage of wires to form
broadband antenna is much older. The dis-
ne consists of a disc mount ed over a cone
ose apex connects to the outer conductor
a coaxial fecdline. The disc is fed by the
ner conductor of the coaxial line. Figure 51
ows t he configuration of the discone. As i ll
Kandoi an, A. G. " Broadband AnUnna:' U.S.
Palen, 2,368,663, 6 Feb. 1945.
Kandoi an, A. G., "Three New Antenna Types
and Their Applicat ion," Proceedings 01 I .R.E.,
Feb. 1946, p.70W-77W.
. 51-The discone antenna. length 0 is X/ 4 at
e lowe st frequency of operation. The inner con-
ctor of the fe edline connects to the disc and the
outer conductor connects to the cone.
Fig. S2-A practical construction and mounting
technique for the di scone antenna. The coaxial
feed line is run up through the supporting pipe.
e page 1SO for New Reade r Service
November, 1968 CQ 27
configurati on Icnds itself very nicely to towe r
use, for the wire elements comprisi ng the
cone can be used as guys for the supporti ng
tower. This type of elevated discone is shown
in fi g. 53. The guys arc broken with -insula-
tors, the upper porti on of them comprisi ng
the cone.
As might be expected, the vert ical patt ern
from this antenna, supported above ground,
will be modified somewhat by ground reflec-
tions, exhibiting some lobing as shown in fi g.
54. The low angle radiat ion, however, is quite
good. When elevated as shown, this antenna
requires no buried ground plane.
Conical Monopole
There is another type of antenna which has
come into wide usc by the milit ary services.
This is the conical monopole antenna, which
is a broadband type useful over a frequency
range of about 4 to I. Tbere have been sev-
eral articles about this antenna in past ama-
leur magazines. 51. 58 This antenna, however,
was not developed by either of those authors,
nor by the commercial companies with whi
one of them has been associated. The conic
monopole was developed by Mr. M. L. Le
pert of the Naval Research Laboratory,
give credit where credi t is due. It was deve
oped to fi ll an operational requirement for I
broad band coaxial-fed ant enna of superi
characteristics for both shipboard and sho
The conical monopole has a simple m
chanical design, short vertical height , go
broadband impedance characteristi cs, go
radiati on patterns and efficiency, and is ca
able of opera ting with a grounded mast
tower as its center support . The antenna co
sists of two truncated cones mounted base
base. The upper cone may be considered
be a solid, whereas the lower one is hollo
The inner surface of the cone and the su
porting mast or tower form a short secti
of transmission line which is. in effect. co
nectcd across the terminal s of the anten
formed by the outer surfaces of the two cone
Electrically it is a st ubbed conical antenn
with the stub being internally contain
n, Stroup. 1.. A.. "The Conical Monopole," CQ. Ju
1966, p. 59.
5K Pappcnfus, E. W., "The Conical Monopole," QS
Nov. 1966. p. 21.
Fig. 53-An elevated discone antenna for h.f. use.
5f I
Fig . 55- View of a sli
through half of a co
cal monopole to sh
the concept of a sol
lop with the bottom h
a short section of fro
mission line o r stub.
a ctua li ty the structu
is simulated by wir
and metal spreode
I f"-f'I-/""
Fig. 54-Typical elevated di scone patterns. The exact patterns will depend on the height above
ground and the frequency range as well as ground conditions. (A) At lower frequency limit; (8) At
midband fr equency; (C) At high frequency limit.
28 CO November, 1968
See page 150 for New Reader Servic
ithin the structure. This basic concept is
hown in fi g. 55.
The dimensions of the antenna developed
y Leppert are shown in fi g. 56. For pract ical
the discs or hoops are simulated by
ncans of metal spreaders, and the outer cone
lurfaccs arc simulated by wires, as shown in
g. 57. The references show some mechanical
etai ls of construction of antennas of this
ype. "'"s As with the discone type, this an-
nna can be built around a center tower or
last, using portions of the guys as the active
abies of the antenna. The bottom hoop or
ing is pulled down by means of strai n insu-
The vertical patterns for this antenna are
shown in fig. 58, for frequencies at which the
antenna is 0.16, 0.50, 0.58, 0.64, 0.80 and
0. 96 wavelengths tall . As may be seen, the
pattern exhibits somewhat the same charac-
teristics as that from a uniform cross-section
vert ical radiator. It consists of one major low-
angle lobe for heights up to about 0.58 wave-
length; it then starts to spl it and the lower
lobe shrinks while the upper one grows until,
at 0.80 wavelengths, there is only one high
lobe. Then, at 0.96 wavelengths, the lower
angle lobe appears again. It is for this reason
that I stated previously that the antenna is
useful over a 4 to 1 frequency range (heights
from 0.16 to 0.64 wavelengths) . With regard
to S. W. f., it is useful over a frequency range
Top Di sc or
Oi o. 0 023).
Wai st Dosc a' Hoop
Die. 0.073 ),
, ,
" , ,
, ,
" ,.

0 16),
ig. 56-Conical monopol e config uration and dl-
e nslc ns. The dimensi ons are in wavelengths at the
lowest frequency of operation.
Point - _ ""';
Fig. 57-Sketch of a wire cage conical monopole
0 ,066.1..
, I
Most - D,a
Bollom Hoop ond Fee d _.
Termi nal Di o,O.014 ).
/ CD)
\ .
. ... . . J .
' 58-Vertical patterns far the conical monopole
at several he ights.
ee page 150 for New Reader Service
November, 1968 CQ 29
Fig . 59-Configuration of the discage antenna, a
combination of the discone and conical monopole
antennas. The coaxial feedline runs up through
the mast; the inner conductor connects to the top
disc and the outer conductor connects to the cage
at the top. The second feedline connects to the
cage feed point at the base hoop.
of 6 to I. Its s.w.r. is better than 2.7 to l over
this range, relati ve to 70 ohms.
As with all grounded base antennas. this
one must have a radial ground system, At
naval shore stations we usc ground systems
of at least 120 radials a minimum of Y2 wave-
length long at the lowest frequency of the
antenna. Of course, on ships, the met al hull
and the sea water serve as the ground plane,
a much better one than can ever be found at
a shore station. The antenna is fed directly
f rom 70 ohm line. When using 50 ohm line
it is necessary to use a transformer section
which consists of 0. 196 wavelengths (at the
antenna's lowest frequency) of 70 ohm li ne,
inserted between the antenna and the 50 ohm
feed. The s.w. r, will be within 2.7 to l over
the 6 to I frequency range in thi s case also.
The Oiscage Antenna
As a further development for military usc,
the discage antenna combines the discone and
the conical monopole in one structure to
cover the enti re range of 2 to 30 mc. The idea
originated at the Naval Electronics Labora-
tory in 1954."" Many versions of this type of
antenna were developed for both ship and
shore applications during the past decade.
Several sizes and shapes have been used to
satisfy various space limitations. and various
feed techniques have been used. Antennas of
rm "Composite Discage Antenna Developed for 2 to
30 me /s Band," Naval Electronics Laboratory,
Report No. / 504, 8 August 1967 ( Unclassified) .
this type with a lower frequency limit 0
mc are quite practical for shore station
whereas limitat ions on physical size con
their use to frequencies higher than 6 mc
Figure 59 shows the configuration of
to 32 mc discage antenna. This antenna co
bines the characteristics of the conical mo
pole (top-loaded) and the discone into
compact structure. The cage, like the p
viously described conical monopol e, is fed
its base ring or hoop. The discone, whic
formed of the top disc and the upper port
of the cage, is fed by a coaxial li ne which n
up through the central mast or tower.
outer conductor of the coaxial line conne
to the upper portion of the cage, and the in
conductor connects to the disc. Thus th
arc two separate lines, one for the high b
feed to the disc, and the other for the I
band feed to the cage. The disc provides t
loading under certain condit ions of tcrrni
tion of the discone's feedpoint. This top-t o
ing is desirable at the cage's lower frequen
for reasons of impedance. but it is not de.
able at the cage' s higher frequencies from
standpoint of the vertical pattern sha
Therefore the terminating conditions of
disconc's feedpoint must he controlled,
switched. More on this point later.
There are several basic considcrati
which must be observed in the design of t
antenna. First, the overall height is cho:
on the basi s of the lowest operating
quency, with the top-loadingtaken into c
sideration. The transition frequency betw
the operating bands of the discone and
cage is very important. It determines
maximum diameter of the cage and the ov
all dimensions of the discone. Electri
height of the overall structure at the tra
tion frequency must be less than JA wa
length to avoid undue vertical pattern lob'
at the cage's high frequency li mit. For
discone, the fl are angl e of the cone should
about 60, the diameter of the disc should
at least 0.7 times the maximum diameter
the cone, and the disc-to-cone spacing sho
be about 0.3 times the diameter of the a
of the cone. The slant height of the discon
cone should be approximatel y IA wavelen
at the discone' s lowest operating frequen
It so happens that all these parameters
together to make the choice of about 8 m
good one for the transition frequency, fo
2 to 30 mc discagc. This is near the geomet
[Cof//if/lled Of/ page /35]

30 CQ November, 1968 See page 150 for New Reader Serv

Vertical Antennas [ from page 30]
mean of the limits of the frequency range.
As to the number and size uf conductors,
the simulation of the solid disc and cage im-
proves as the number and diameter of the
conductors is increased. There is, however, a
practical limit to this. Experience has shown
that a cage made of 12 conductors performs
very well. A top disc simulated by 12 spread-
ers and interconnect ing wires is used. Fi gure
60 shows this confi gur ation. Aluminum pipe,
or a small aluminum tower, can be used a"
the center support . As with the conical mono-
pole, the structure lends it self 10 being guyed
by use of some of the cables as portions of
guys, isolated from the remainder of the guys
by strain insulators. The disc can be mounted
to the top of the mast or tower as shown in
fig. 6 1. A circular plate is used to secure the
upper ends of the cone cables. Another ci rcu-
lar plate rests on this, supported by four
standoff insulators. The disc spreaders are
bolted to the plate, A small supporti ng rod is
mounted in the center of the upper plate, to
hold the cables which support the far ends
of the spreaders. A waterproof relay box is
mounted on the side of the mast, Power for
the relay is run up through the mast, and, in-
asmuch as the mast is grounded at it s base,
the power line can be merely bypassed to
ground with a pair of 0.1 mf 600 volt capaci-
tors at the base of the mast.
Insulol or
Disc Plot
End loops Bock ond
Connects to Mast
M os I
It was ment ioned previousl y that the ter-
minating conditions of the discone must be
either controlled or switched in order to make
use of the lop-loading effect of the disc at the
cage's low freq uency limit. In shipboard ap-
plicat ions?" we often feed this antenna with
two or more transmitters, through multi-
couplers, with se veral transmitters operat ing
in the high band and several in the low band,
all operating simultaneously. In order to do
this, and to prevent unwanted interacti ons
between high and low band equiprnents, it is
necessary to use a high pass filter in the co-
axial line to the discone, and a low pass filter
in the line 10 the cage. The high pass filler is
so designed as to properly terminate the dis-
cone so that the disc will act as top-loading
at the low frequenc y li mit of the cage. The
high pass filter is located up on the mast neat
the feed point of the discone. However, for
amateur applications. where we are not o per-
ating transmitters simult aneously, this ter-
minat ion can be switched by means of a relay,
mounted on the mast as shown. The relay
shorts the disc 10 the cage, when operat ing in
the low frequency porti on of the cage's band.
The dimensions shown in fig. 59 are for a
low limit of 2 mc. Throughout the 2 to 8
mc band and the 8 10 32 mc band the S.W. r.
will be less than 2.5 10 1, referred to 50 oh ms.
If it desired to operate this antenna down to
1.8 mc, it size can be increased by a factor of
[Collt illued 0 11 page /38]
6(1 Wilson, K. D., "Communications, A Limiting Fac-
tor in Naval Warfare," Naval Engineers' Journal,
Feb. t 963, p. 51.
3 GuWt ot
[ochLe... . 1
Spaced 120
, nt ..lotol'l
,./-1-12 Cobln Mode of
.. CoIN\ Broru: . ~
AI",mo 1d
"--" '-..,
..-- - H - --;
Fig. 6O-Dimensions of a 2-32 me discage antenna.
The relay box mounted 01 the top of the 8" ole-
minum most houses a relay which shorts out the disc
when the cage is be ing fed.
Fig. 61-Detail showing the mounting of the disc
p lcte, disc spreaders and relay box.
See page 1SO for New Reader Service November, 1968 CQ 135
Vertical Antennas [/rolll page / 35]
10%, or one can be content to tolerate an
s.w.r, of 3 to I in this region. If one wishes to
start a t a low limit of 3.5 me, the size can be
scalcd down by a factor of 0.57, thus giving
.an a nte nna whi ch would cove r 80. 40, 20, IS,
10 and 6 meters. If one is o nly interested in 7
me and up the size can be reduced by a fact or
of 0.286. a nd 40, 20, IS, 10, 6 and 2'1.> met ers
could be covered. The hcight of a 3.5 mc vcr-
sion would be 39.7 feet and that of a 7 me
version would be only 19.85 fect.
I n the naval service. for shipboard use, we
do one other little tri ck with this antenna. and
that is to mount a small u.h.f. unipol e ant enna
on top of it, ut ilizing the di sc as the ground
pl ane for the u.h.f. a ntenna. One way of
carryi ng the u.h.f. feed line across the h.I.
diseone feed point would he 10 coil up the
u.h.f. feed line in the for m of a choke coi l
which would ha ve litt le effec t on the h.f. di s-
co ne feed po int. Such a choke could he used
to terminate this feed point . in... tcad of u,ing
the short ing relay. The choke would thus act
as a small loading coil between the cage a nd
the top di sc, at the low frequency limit of the
cage. Thi s is shown schemati cal ly in fig. 62.
As for vertical patt erns, fi g. 63 shows those
for the cage, wi th the di scone feed point
shorted, for 2.5, 4.0, 5.5 and 7.5 me. In fi g. 64
we sec the vertical patterns of the di sconc por-
tion. with the cage feed terminated. Whil e
the latter show mult iple lobes. th is antenna
is considered to be quite suitable for ornnidi-
rect ional medium and long distance' corn-
1_ _ EncoPIulof,d
UHF An',nno
HF Dis c
- ii ll F Clloh
Fig. 62-Configurotion of a method of u.h.f. feed
across the h.f. di scone. The u.h.f coaxial line is
wound into on inductance, the h.f. choke. The
u.h.f. line then runs down through the h.f. antenna
The d iscage antenna would be ideal fo r
someone who is limited as to 'pace and who
want-, one antenna 10 cover a number of fre-
q uencies. Whil e the Ma rk IV DX Antenn a';'
j\ ideal for amateur band use only. it is not
s uitable for ~ I A R S usc. fo r ex ample. without
the addition of more rel ays and matching net-
works in the tuning unit. A discagc antenna.
on the other hand, enabl es one to operate on
any frequency without the use of tuning net-
works or switchi ng. Power at 2. to X me is fed
in th rough one coaxia l line. and the o ther line
is used for 8 to 32 me operati on. It is reason-
able in size. even for 2 mc.
61Lee, P. u., "Mark IV DX Antenna," CQ. Feb.
1967, p. 60.

(DI , ~ ... e

Fig. 63-Vertical patterns of the cage with the discone feed point shorted.
Fig. 64- Vertical patterns of the di scone portion with the cage feed terminated.
138 CQ November, 1968 See page 1SO for New Reader Service
Patented alarm protects your
car bumper to bumper -
doors, wh eels. trunk, ignition
... ever ything in it too!
Simply attach under hood to
auto horn. No further wiring,
just connect. Set switch to
on before leaving car. The
slightest tampering sets off
an inter mittent blast that
scares thievesaway ... shuts
off when tamper ing ceases,
resumes if tampering starts
again. Compact rustproof
steel unit measures 6" x2" x
3" and weights 1% Ibs. Guar.
10 ps. III in st defects.

$995 PPD
Police Auto
Puzzl e (from page 68]
A vailable To Anyone Anyplace
In The W orld.
In the next part of thi s seri es. we shall di s-
cuss additional broadband types in current
use. Incidentall y, the N.E.L. reports whi ch I
have referenced in this part j" and in Part
V H .J :i , W arc not only "Unclassifi ed," but arc
marked " For Unlimi ted Di st ribut ion ." I have
not tried to do so, but it is possi ble that they
may be ohtained by purchase from the Clear-
inghouse for Federal Scientifi c and Technical
Information, U.S. Department of Commerce,
by those who are interested. Of course they
arc obtainable through the Defense Docu-
mentat ion Center.
[To be cOlltinued ]
1. Address a postal card ( no other form ac-
cepted) to yourself.
Stickers WARN your properly is
2. Wri te anything you wish to tell yourself on
the card.
3. At the top of the correspondence side (when
placed horizontally) write a dat e (month
and year only) when you want the card
4. When this month arri ves, the card will be
The Foundation for Amateur Radio, spon-
sor of the service, accepts no responsibility,
if for any reason, the card is not mailed. The
Foundation does agree, however, to maintain
this service as long as volunteers are avail able.
Mail your card today to: .
Joan Machinchick, K3KBI
Lake Drive, Cape St. Clair
R.F.D., Annapolis, Md. 21401
Same as supplied to commercial burglar alarm
companies. 2" x 31'2" yellow/ green vi nyl ap-
pl ies instantly without water to windows in
mobile unit or operat ing shack. Protect your
valuable radio gear. Money back if not satis-
fied! 1/25 3/50 (prepai d).
r------- - ------...,
I C.E.S.R. I
I 4Parish Ct., StonyBrook, N. Y. 1179D I
I Enclosed for stickers. I
I Name I
I Address I
I City State l iD f1 I
L --l
See page 150 for New Reader Service November, 1968 CO 139
Part VII
Several additional broadband vertical
of the series, Part VII . These antenna
amateur use as shown by the author.
antennas are described in this article
types can very easily be adapted to
INPart VI it was stated that conical st ruc-
tures make ideal hroadband radi at ors, and
their use, both as inverted cones anti dis-
cones, being fed agai nst a flat planar surface,
were shown. This matter can be carried
"5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Md. 20795.
furt her by stating that t hc st ructure docs not
have to be conical hut can he pyramidal in
shape. This configura tion lends itself to the
joining of two structures together to for m a
folded unipole. Such a configu ration is shown
in fig. 65 in perspective view. The two pyra-
mids rest on their apexes. with a junction at


I. A
.....'---Ins ula lor
Connected to
Ground Pt ane --0.;
(AI (e)
o o
3.010.5 me
7.024.5 me
11 .6'
( e)
Fig. 65(A) -Perspective view of a triangular folded unipole and its equivalent circuit. IB) and
(C)-Side and top views of the triangular folded unipole and the critical dimensions for two
frequency ranges of interest to amoteurs.
See Page 122 for New Reader Service
December, 1968 CO 59
7.024.5 me
51 '
51 '
~ E
3.010.5 me
r-- - - B - - - -
L, //"
Connect ions
Feed Polnl
(No Connection
To Deck)
Equi... olen'
Fig. 68-Folded fan feed of Q portion of a ship's
Fig. 67.-Dimensions of a triangular folded uni-
pole with on apex angle of 60. This angle, ln-
stead of the 30 shown in fig . 65, will provide a
feed impedance of 50 to 75 ohms.
Anl enno

:. ,.,.,L I
soc Uno T
f ig. 66-Circuit of the L network used to match
the triangular folded unipole's 175 ohm feed
impedance to a 50 ohm line.
their bases. One apex is grounded, and the
other is fed. A ground system is required.
The Folded Unipole
This antenna was used on the "Voice of
America" ship USCGC Courier, which for
a period of about ten years was moored in
the eastern Mediterranean Sea as a short wave
and mediumI wave relay broadcast station.
This facili ty has since been dccomissioned
and replaced by shore based equipment and
antennas, but these broadband structures
were very interesti ng and unusual. There were
two of them on the ship. One was for a
frequency range of 6 th rough II me, and the
other was used for 9 through 17 me. The
structures were made of steel angle and bar
stock, asse mbled around a strong central
steel pipe, and completely welded to provide
not only mechanical strength but also
thorough electrical bonding of all pieces.
This was necessary because of the maritime
environment which in a short time would
have produced many " rus ty bolt" connections
in an unwelded struct ure, and also because
of the power involved (35 kw 100%
Figure 65 shows the dimensions of this
antenna for several frequency ranges of inter-
est to amateurs. It is capable of being used
over a frequency range of 3.5 to I wit h an
S.W.r. of less than 1.5 to I at the feed point,
referred to the nominal design impedance of
175 ohms which was desired for these an-
tennas. For 50 ohm feed it was necessary to
use a simple L network as shown in fi g. 66,
with shunt capaci ty and series inductance.
Even wit h the network in use the S.W.r. will
still be good over quite a wide frequency
range, such as the entire 3.5 to 4.0 me band
for example, without retuning.
The 175 ohm design impedance result s
from the use of a rather acute angle at the
apex of each pyrami d. The apex angle of
the structures shown in fi g. 65 is about 30 . If
the apex angle is increased to about 60 (the
same value as used in the discone antenna of
60 CO December, 1968 See page 122 for New Reader Service
Fig . 69-Broadband folded fan on a towe r.
R ~ + 1 , ~ . I


'. r ... .

R. R ~ + 1
Feedl lrl e /
Open End
No Connection
1 -
' . .,
R ~ .
<, r....
r-.- r
, ~ ,

~ - - - - -
R ~
r-, I
COO_lal ~
Fig. 71 -A ve rtica l log-peri odi c ante nna .
feed to it and obtai n qui te good broadband
results. In fact. if the towe r is a thin one. it
can be "fattened" by the usc of a second fa n
as shown in fi g. 69. For matchi ng 50 ohm line
to th is type of feed, "cut and try" will be
required, for I cannot give a ny absolute va lues
of reactances req ui red. However. if the tot al
height of the folded fa n is less than 1/4 wave,
the impedance should be qui te reasonahle
(several hund red o hms or less) and easy to
mat ch wit h a simple T or L net work.
Fig. 70-Basic log-periodic antenna struct ure
and some of the desi gn fo rmulas discussed in the
The Log Periodic
The types of antennas described above arc
nominall y non-directional. wi th perhaps I to
3 db variat ion in t he horizont al patt ern polar
plot. Let us now cons ider a directional
broadband radi ator. the vert ical log-periodic
antenna. Where in the previous cases we were
using si mple linear str uct ures and making
them broadband by lowering the effective
L/ D rat io. the log-pe riodic is of a different
breed. T his t ype of str ucture is composed of
thin linear clements. and its geometry is de-
fi ned so th at the radiation pattern and the
imped ance repeat periodi call y wi t h the log-
r . ~ Jasik, Henry. "A menna Engineering Hand-
hook " Mc-Graw-Hill. p . 3- 1/, 3- /2.
ca Brow'n, G. H. and Woodward, O. M. "Experi-
ment ally Determined Radiation Characteris-
tics of Conical and Triangular Antennas,"
RCA Review, Dec. 1952.
fig. 48). th is impedance will come down to a
more reasona ble va lue of 50 to 75 ohms. and
the excursions of the react ance versus fre-
quency curve will be less pronounced 1i2l:3
One might assume th is to he the Case. from
wh at has been said previo usly about broad-
band str uctures. fo r as t he apex angle is
reduced in value to 0we have a linear fo lded
monopol e whose input impedance wi ll have
extreme variat ions Versus freq ucney. With the
apex angle, the dimensions of fig. 67 will
apply. It wi ll be not ed that the hori zontal area
required for the antenna has increased over
that needed for the 30case. Thi s was anot her
factor affecting the shi pboard installation.
where space was limited.
T he amate ur could build an antenna of th is
type using pieces of aluminum tubing fl at -
tened on their ends and boltcd together. T he
entire st r uct ure would be q uite light we ight,
and would require only fo ur lateral guys and
two lo ngitudinal guys.
The Folded Fan
Another ar ra ngement which is somewhat
simi lia r to th is is a folded fan type of ante nna
whi ch is bei ng used o n shi pboa rd. An enti re
portion of a ship's superstructure such as a
stack. fire control direct or or radar tower.
etc.. is dri ven as a part of a fol dcd fan type
of unipole. as shown in fi g. 68. The amateur
who has avai lable a tall met al st ruct ure such
as a chi mney or tower can a pply th is type of
See Page 122 for New Reader Service December, 1968 co 61
Inl utotorl
0.7 for good gain and low back lobes.
Another important parameter is the ele-
ment spaci ng-to-length rat io.
and the length of the n-t h element is:
L; - R; tan 2
Fig . 72-Sketch of a wire type log periodic con-
structed by suspending the teeth f roma catenary
strung from a tower to an anchor block.
and the element spacing-to-length rat io,
therefore, is:
The design ratio must not be less than about
Olr.ctlon of
Moin Lob.
ISmoll E"d of
Fig. 73-Radial system for a vertical log peri-
odic. The radials should be at least a quarter
wavel ength at the low f requency limit of the
antenna and all joined by a 2" wide copper
I - T
tan 2
- =
Tmi n - 1 - I .a tan ?
Experi mental work has shown that this
ratio should not exceed a value of 1.30 for
proper operation of the antenna. Thus for a
given angle . there is a minimum value of
The frequency range of an antenna of thi s
type is determined by the length of the long-
est and shortest elements, which are 1/ 2
wavelength at the lowest and highest fre-
quencies, respect ively. For all pract ical pur-
poses, the detail with which the small end
can be built determi nes the high frequency
li mit.
It can be seen from the above that there
are a number of interrelated parameters in
the design of a log-periodic antenna. As the
antenna is made shorter for a given frequency
range, the number of clements decreases, the
design ratio decreases, and the front-to-buck
ratio and gain decrease. On the other hand,
a longer antenna is more expensive to con-
struct, and requires more real estate.
The configuration shown in fig. 70 is a
balanced one. There are several ways of con-
structing and feedi ng this one, and antennas
of this type are usually used in the horizontal
mode, with a rotary mounting for directional
operation, wi th the direction of the main lobe
off the small end of the antenna. Since we
are dealing with vertical antennas in this
series, consider fi g. 7 1, which is one half of
the above antenna, with the lower hal f re-
placed by a ground system. A practical con-
fi gurat ion which will give good results is

ari thm of frequency. Some basic design

theory of log-periodic antennas is in order
here, applying to all types and not only to
vertical ones, in order that their operation
can be understood.
Figure 70 shows a basic type of log-
periodic antenna, used here merel y to show
the relati onships of the various dimensions.
(Never mind how it is to be fed at this time.)
This antenna is a trapezoidal tooth structure
made of wire. One of the basic parameters
is the "design ratio," which is calledj-, Also
related to It is o , which is equal to:' VT
The following equati ons apply:
62 CO December, 1968 See page 122 for New Reader Service
- T
/. n a
tan -::)

. ,
I \ ~

l' - .

December, 1968 CO 63
Fig. 75-Log periodic with triangular teeth fo r
operation against ground.
(Continued on page // 8)
Tmi n = I - I.:l tan ~
fig . 74-Log periodic with triangular teeth.
L" = u; tan
For the case of the triangular tooth
structure working against ground. one must
actually design the structure of fi g. 74, and
As in the case of the trapezoidal teeth, the
design ratio T must not be less than about
0.7 for good gain and low back lobes.
Sl"lCing S . = N
- N. + I = Rn (I - r ) .
and the length of the n-th element is:
As in the previous case. this should not ex-
ceed a value of 1.30 for proper operation of
the antenna. And as in the previous case.
and the clement spacing-to-length ratio;
therefore. is:
R. + 2
R" + I
T =
<1 - --- - ,,;-;-
See Page 122 for New Reader Service
shown. The front -to-back ratio at the lower
frequencies will be about 14 db. while at the
higher frequencies it will be about 20 db. with
the value of " / 2 shown.
This antenna is fed by means of a capaci-
tive coupli ng arrangement. The outer con-
ductor of the coaxi al feedl ine is broken
between the trapezoidal teeth. as shown. and
each piece is connected to one of the teeth
forming one plat e of a capacitor. The inner
conductor is the other part of the capacitor.
and is common to all teeth. The bottom end
of each tooth is connected to the ground sys-
tem. Angl e E is about 3' . If the S.W.r. is to
be opti mized. the angle E should be vari ed
somewhat, while input impedance is plotted
on a Smit h Chart. over the antenna's fre-
quency range. With 50 ohm line. it is possible
10 obtai n an S. W. r. below 3 to l over the
frequency range of such an antenna. A
frequcncy range of 10 or 15 to I is easily
possible. and the hori zontal and vertical pat-
terns hold shape remar kabl y well over the
entire range. Thi s type of antenna is an
excellent one for those who wi sh to cover a
wi de range of frequenci es. wi th transmission
and reception in a part icular direction. Again
I repeat that the longer the antenna. the
greater the number of teeth. and the larger
the design rat io T . the higher will be the gain
and the front-to-buck ratio. For the one
shown in fi g. 71 J have not shown any dimen-
sions. Dimensions will depend on the fre-
quency range to be covered. Obviously an
antenna for a range of 2 to 30 me will he
Jonger and have more teeth than one for a
range of 7 to 30 mc. The parameters will be
the same. however.
The ac tual construction is quite si mple.
The teeth. made of wire. can be supported on
a catenary suspended from one tall pole or
tower to an anchor bl ock in the earth. as
shown in the sketch of fig. 72. The ground
system can he a buried wi re mat o f the type
shown in fi g. 73. with a center buss of two
inch wide copper strap, 10 which the bottom
ends of the teet h musl be bonded.
The teeth of the log-periodic do not have
10 be of trapezoidal sha pe. They can also be
tri angul ar in shape. as shown in fi g. 74. In
this case. the following equations apply:
Continuous Motion TV
is given by Eq. ( I) in Part I. The proper
viewi ng dist ance is 750 times the average
center-to-cente r spacing between clements.
If t his is combined with Eq. ( I), we find that
the proper viewi ng distance is approxi mately
given by:
.. . /i ' 'j - -li ,--p ('_')
l eu'l1IY l.'1,(muc = . j ; ) , fIf
where D is the picture diagonal ( in the same
units as the viewi ng distance). F is the frame
freque ncy, and IV is the bandwidth. _
Vertical Antennas [jrom page 63 1
then cover up one half of it wi th a plain sheet
of paper. leaving only the confi gurat ion
shown in Fig. 75 . The teeth of thi s one can
be supported by a catenary. wit h single point
suspension for each tooth. Thi s triangul ar
tooth model is perhaps somewhat easier to
rig than the o ne wi t h trapezoidal teeth. It ea n
be fed in the sa me manner as shown in fig. 71 .
with coaxial line with broken outer conductor
acting as sections of a capacitor.
It is possible to build an array of ante nnas
of thi s type by using one common center
supporting pole for the catenaries. and ex-
tendi ng t he catenary cables for two. th ree or
four of these antennas out in the desired
direct ions of transmi ssions, Each one would
have its own feed cable. and thus the sta-
tion operator would have a choice of dircc-
tions by switching ante nnas. In a case of thi s
kind. the ground sys tems shoul d be con-
nect cd together where t hey intersect.
In addi tion 10 the references list ed Ii i, l i :i.
there arc many others in the technical litera-
ture, J asik is an excellent source of refer-
ence list ings on antennas of all types. incl ud-
ing the log-periodics,
[to he continued]
"' DuHamel , R. H. and Ore, F. R.. "Logarith-
mi cally Peri odi c Antenna Designs," 1958 I RE
National Convention Record, Part I. p - J 39-
15 1.
en DuHamel. R. II. and Berry. D. G. "Logarith-
micall y Periodic Antenna Arrays." 1958 IRE
WESCON CO!U'l'lIt;01l Record, Part 1, p, 161 -
Two Elements $77.30
Extra Elements $45.00 ea.
Price is F.O.B. Winnipeg.
I INCLUDES U.S. Customs Duty.
'I I

ANTENNA FOR 10, 15, and 20 METERS.
Get a maximim structural strength with low
weight. using our "Tridetic " arms.
Buy two elements now - a third and fourth
may be added later with little effort.
Enjoy up to 8 db f orward gain on DX, with a
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Profn sionll ' 10 all-mt'lal (Ieeha nlC$ Slide Rule. Designed specitJcally
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oBurnett Avenue, Winnipeg 16, Manitoba, Canada.
Part IV, dealing with directional arrays, aroused considerable interest. In
this part the author discusses the design of a specific array and its feed
system. This array is easily adaptable to multi-element switchable configu.
rations for changing direction of transmission.
S (NCE the publi cation of Part IV"". there
has been considerable reader correspondence
concerning the detailed design of directional
arrays and their feed systems. Most of the
inqui ries have concerned t he two-element
array with 90' spacing and 90' phasing, and
ways of switching three or four elements in
pairs in order to use this two-element array
for transmission in several selectable direc-
tions. Examples of this are three elements in
an equilateral tri angle, or fou r elements in a
square. with 90' sides. with means of switch-
ing to any pair of them at one time.
Outlined below are the complete details
of the design of a two-element array wit h 90'
spacing and 90' phasing, and the design of
its feed system and antenna mat ching units.
This configuration will give only 3 db gain
over the radi ation from a single element, in
spite of some claims of 6 db made by others.
"5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Md. 20795
fJO Lee. P. H., "Vertical Antennas-Part IV". CQ.
Sept. J968, p. :17.

c 0
, ,

' ooA
' " 0
' . ~
' 1e .0 ". 00

". .M'

I II. '

Il .1
M .
"' .'

Il .1
It .J
. ~ .
.. ...

... . ,
".. "'..


" .

' lS .O
" .5

.., ., 'lO.I . 51
" . .'"
' J .1 '0,.1


'.. '.
131. 0
_II. ,
, . 11 U l 1)0
, , ~
" .,
_II. ' ., ... I.J' I ,ll
n o' . ~
-" . 0 ".0
." '. "
I.l' '110 .'
u o ..,
., ...
1. "
'. '
, , ~

.~ ~ . II . , ... I. OJ
'. '
'.' "
,w . ~
''' .. 'I.'
.M ,.
, ~
,toe ~ .. ,..
'. -
1. "
, , ~ , , ~ 4.' '.,
'. -
, . <1 ,.,..
110' . 1. 000 00.0

,. J . 41
T;oble I-Da ta for the computation of antenna
radiation pattern.
46 CO January, 1969
It is impossible to obtain 6 db gain from two
elements in any configuration. Three elements
are required. Maximum in-line gain from
two elements is 4.74 db, and this is with 30'
spacing and 165' phasi ng. Readers are reo
fered to .references 39, 40 and 41 of Part IV
for compl ete det ails of di rectional designs
and patterns. and gains obtainable.
Patlern Computation
The first step in the design of any array is
the paltern computation. Thi s is a rather
laborious process if one does not have a digi-
tal computer handy. It requires use of a slide
rul e and tri gonometric tables, and a quick
abili ty to visualize angles of more than 90'
and their sines and consines. For pattern
computation for ground wave only, and
where the two tower currents are equal, t he
equat ion : 1\ = 1\V I + eos (8 cos </> + f ) is
an easy one to li se, where S is the spaci ng
in degrees, is the azimuth angle. '" is the
phase angle. and K is a constant which de-
pends on the r.m.s, of the mathematical plot.
For the array in question. S is 900, f is 90' ,
</> is taken every 10' from 0' through 180' .
and the computations are tabul ated as shown
here. For simpli city in labelling the columns,
each is given a capital letter designation in
Table I.
Columns A through G can be computed
directly from the equation and the given
values of S. </> and f . The next step is the
determination of K , in order to produce
column H which is a t abulation of unattenu-
ated field intensity at one mile in millivolts
per meter, for 500 watts radiated power usi ng
See page 110 for New Reader Service
200 190 180 170 150
two quarter wave elements. The first thing to
be done is to find the r.rn. s. of the pattern.
This is done by adding up Column F, multi-
plying it by 2 (to get the whole pattern from
O through 350). then subtracti ng one set of
val ues for O' and 180 (so that they are not
added in twice), dividing by 36, then taking
the square root of what remains, thus:
The pattern can be plotted in mv/rn, in
Sum of r-olnmn F = 19.00
X 2
- 0.00
- ?OO
311 .00
;111.00 00
= \.
, / \.Oll = \.00 r.m.s.
of pa ttcrn,
n o

\ ./'
1.00 - l :lS mv 1m (or
.\ / 4 olom.-n t - .
Fig. 76-Polar pattern for the design problem
ill ustrated in the ted .
Fig. 77-Polar pattern for a vertical array wi th
a spacing of 30
and a phasing of 135

' 0
~ O _'?_ IO'__' "O _ ---c"--, ...
, .
, I '
' 00
19. ,.0 ITO 18O
whi ch case Column H is plotted. or it can be
plotted normalized to its r. m.s. When one is
discussing array theory and design. the plot
is usuall y normalized to an r.m. s. of 1.00 so
that the plot shows the gain or loss at any
particular azi muth angle <p. The plot of the
above computations is shown on this basis in
fi g. 76. which is the same as fig. 27 in Part
IV. It will be seen that the voltage (field
intensi ty) gai n at 180 is 1A\. The power gai n
is therefore 2. and this equals 3 db.
In the event that you are a bit confused by
the mathematics above. let's say that in the
case of an in-line array the pattern will be the
same on both sides of the line of towers.
Hence the tabulation stopped at 180. There
is no need to carry it on to 360
for the
values will be identical to those already tab-
ulated. However. in computing the r.rn.s., one
must include 36 items. and only 36. Hence
the doubling of the sum of Column F , and the
subtraction of one set of 00 and 180
which would otherwise appear twice in the
summation. It is purely happenstance that
the sum of Column F comes out as it does,
and that the r. m.s. of the pattern is \. 00, in
the above case. It does so because of the 90
See page 110 for New Reader Service
January, 1969 CO 47
, ,

c c

C0I 4 ,91!> 1l I S. C
PI H S.. , '. 1
, , , , , ,
Table II -Headings needed for tabulation of
data for verticcl pottern computati on.
phasing and 90' spacing. It would not do so
with other values. For exa mple. if I were to
tabulate the computations for the case of S
=- 30 and 1/t = 165 (maximum in-line gain
of 4.74 db). the sum of Column F would be
1.871, and when the r.m.s. is computed it
would be 0.308. For an r.m.s. of 138 mv/m,
K would be 448. Figure 77 is a plot of this
pattern. normalized to an r.m.s. of 1.00.
Vertical Pallern
]n commercial practice we often need to
know the vertical pattern as well . This can
be computed in a like manner. by inserting
the vert ical angle 0 into the formula. as
shown here:
I,' = I, ! (Oh /I + ('''" (8 ("" <p (',," 0 +"' )
The vertical shape fac tor / (0) was discussed
in Part IV, and it depends on the tower height
G in degrees. For the case of quarter wave
towers used here, f(O) is 0.965 when 0 is 10'.
Cos 0 is 0.985 when 0 is 10' . The table of
computat ions would thus look like Table II as
a start. There is no point in fini shing it as it
would not accomplish very much except to
usc up space. A si mila r table would be re-
quired for each value of O. every 10 degrees.
I n broadcast consulti ng work, this is required
by the FCC for directional arrays. Let me
summarize by saying that for in-line a rrays,
the vertical pattern of the main lobe in the
line of towers is generally a bit more flat than
that from one tower alone, the vertical pat-
To , 2
J.' 2 .71 L9Q' omps
p 162 wa tts
G 90"
To ., 1
I 4 6 + i"e ohm.
11 2.71 LOomp.
PI 338 .alt .
G 9 0 '
tern broadside to the line of towers is the
shape of that of one tower a lone. and the
vertical pattern at other angles has to be
computed to be known accurately. But in our
case, let's not worry about the exact vertical
pattern of this array. and get on with the
design of the system.
Ele ment Self-Impedance
Now that we have the array parameters.
how do we feed it ? The first step is a det erm-
inati on of the self-impedance of the clements
(which arc called towers). The array designer
has to start somewhere. and that place is with
publi shed plots of R and jX versus
hei ght in wavelengths. Let's assume that thi s
array is to be designed for 3.9 mc. A tower
he ight of 60 feet would be about ri ght for a
quarter wavelength. An effecti ve diameter of
7 inches would be reasonable. U D would
therefore he about 100. Referring back to
Part II r. ; it will be found that K " for this
value of LI D is 599. Or K . can he comput ed
from the equation:
K = 1')0 lou' - 1')0
:t - """ IJ -
Agai n referri ng 10 Pa rt II . figure 13. (or a
tower height of a quarter wave and K., of
600. R = 34 ohms and X = +j25. The next
ste p is the computa tion of the effec t of the
mutual impedance between the towers, and
the actual operati ng impedances of each
tower. Again refering to Part IV. fi g. 32. we
fi nd that the mutual impedance between
towers I and 2 equals 23-jl2 ohms. fo r the
90 spacing of two quarter wave elements.
The equations for the operati ng impedances
of the two towers when connected in the
array are:
1. . = Z.. .. + !-!
- . - I .,
where Zu is the self-impedance of tower 1 hy
Z""is the self-impedance of tower 2 by
I. is the base current (loop current) of
tower 1.
I" is the base current (loop current) of
tower 2.
Z1 is the actual operating impedance
of tower I in the array. and

Fig. 78 - Array configuration of the

example discussed in the text.
67Lee, P. H., "Vertical Antennas-Part II", CQ.
July 1968, p. 25.
48 CO January, 1969 See page 110 for New Reader Service
Towllf 2
36.9'- i12.9) 46.6+j87.5
22 + j2
1, 2.71 l 9Q-
Fig. 79-Power dividing circuit for
(COl _ 50 + jO
- .// Une 2 10-1 (- 90 - '
the array design of fig. 78. Phase
( 50 + ;0
shifts and impedances
at vanous
N Towe, 1
points are noted. line 1 is 90
- 46 +J48
+ - 46.6+112.5
longer than line 2 and the relative
phase shifts are 90
and 0

(- 90-' (- 90 - '
- - -- - - -
- -
--- -
Lin, 1
Zz is the actual operating impedance
of tower 2 in the array.
We just found Z" and Z" from fig. 13 of
Part II, and they are 34 + j25. Since we
don't know the currents yet , and we are only
interested in their ratio and phase angle at
this time, let I, = 1.0/0 and 12 = 1.0/90.
Mutual impedance Z" = Z'2 = 23 - j12.
Solving for Z"
Z (3
'2- ) ( 1.0 / 90)
,= + J a + 1.0 / 0 (23 X j 12)
- + j 25) + (1.0 / 90) (26 "-27..';)
- (3 1 + j 25) + (26 / 62.5)
= + j 25) + (1 2 + j 23)
= +i tS ohms
Solving for Z2:
Z, = + j 2.'; ) + (23 - j 12)
= + j 2.';) + ( 1.0 '\90) (26 "-27.50)
+ j 2,;) + (26 '\117.5)
+ j 25) + ( - 12 - j 23 )
= 22 + j 2 ohms
Note the difference between these values and
the self-impedance of the towers! The mutual
impedance and the currents flowing cause
quite an effect !
Now that we have the actual operating
impedances of the two towers, we can find the
P I = / 12R
1', = I,' R,
1\ + 1', = 500 wat ts
I I I ,
I I ' R I + I I ' R2 500
I I ' (11 1+ II, ) = 500
+ 22) = 500
I I = 2.71 amps.
See page 110 for New Reader Service
As a check:
P I (2.71)' = 33S
1' , = (2.71)2 22 162
PTotal = 162 + 3:lS
= 500 watt s
The array confi gurat ion is shown in fi g. 78.
This brings up one point to be remembered .
which is that in the case of an in-line array,
the main lobe is always in the directi on of the
tower with the lagging phase (in this case
It legs 12 by 90).
Power Divider
Now that we have the tower operati ng
impedances, it is possible to design the power
dividing circuit and the antenna tuni ng units.
Again referring to Part IV, we shall use the
Ohms Law network. Since we have only two
towers, and one of them is taking 2. 1 times
the power taken by the other, it is quite
simple. We can feed tower I directly from
the branching point, and tap down on a power
divider coil for the feed to tower 2. See fi g.
79 for the complete network.
How do we arrive at the various values of
reactance shown? First, since the array is to
work on 3.9 me, we assume a 10 micro henry
power divider coil will be used. This is a
reasonable value. Since the power ratio be-
tween the towers is 2.1 , tower 2 feed is tapped
down on the coil at a 72.5 % point. The total
coil reactance at 3.9 me is +j260 ohms. The
tap is at + jl 88 ohms, leaving +j72 ohms
above the tap. Consideri ng the feedline to be
a pure 50 ohms resistive load, the parallel
combinati on of 50 and + jl 88 is computed:
(,';0 / 0) (I SS / 90)
50 + j lSS
/ 90
195 / 75
January, 1969 CO 49
T he T networ k for the input of thi s branching
syste m is shown in fi g. 80. In this case:
seq uence! In a 90" network, where R , and
R, arc the input and output terminating re-
si sta nces, the values of X c a nd X L in the
net work are determined very easil y from the
for mula:
+ j l 2-9 I
36.9 :
-- - --
+j 42.9 X
,- -
+j 30
.... -j 4 2.9
,.- , r---l
+j 42.9

Fig. SO-Input T ne twork.
4' .2 / 15
46.6 + j 12.5
Add the upper port ion of the coil to this, to
find the tot al impeda nce of the tower 2 fe ed
which is present ed to the branching point :
.\"r- =
XI . =
X = vI:ll l.!J X :.0
= 42.n
- j-J2.!I or nuuf at :tn JIll' .
+j-l 2.B 0 1' 0 1.......) nih at II H' .
' t'''1 " ''') - + "l ll . J _.. -.I _.. - l - 01
0. 11 111 11 at :{. f) 1111 ' . + j I 2.;) + j 72 = -lIUj + j :--;7.;) ohlll:"
Next, add in parall el the 50 ohm pure resist-
ance of tower I line and the above combined
value for tower 2 feed:
This is the parall el combinati on of the tower
1 and tower 2 fee ds at the common point. As
may be seen, it is q uite a long way from bei ng
a pure 50 +iO ohms which a transmitter
would li ke to see. Since we have only two
towers. and this impedance value is so close
to 50 ohms, we can dispense with the tuned
tank arra ngement shown in fig. 35 of Part
IV and transform this 36.9 + i 12.9 ohms to
50 + iO wi th a simple T network. (Another
reason for the tuned tank in broadcast appli-
cations is that it enables the operator 10
maint ain the common input impedance 10
licensed value qui te easily. In this application
we are not concerned with this.)
Another very helpf ul trick which one soon
learns in this business is the usefulness of a
90" net work. It is so easy to compute a nd to
usc, where the 90" phase shi ft is of no con-
50 CO January, 1969 See page 110 for New Reader Service
. = . t . ). ) X ") = '!'! 0'
. v -- ." .. .-
In this case it would be necessary to put a
series capaci tor in, because X l is so close to
zero. it could go a bit either way in actual
adjustment. Seri es 50 ohms is 800 mmf at
3.9 mc. X , should then be made about + i75 ,
adj ustable.
ATU number 2 is done in the same way.
It is shown in fi g. 82.
x - vi41; X ;".0
X - -t7.!1
XI' = -j-l 7.!l or nuuf at :t !) II H' .
_ = +fI7.0 0 1' I .,.....) mil at :{, !) II H' .
X , = +jJ7.!) = - j ll. 1
Tuning Units
Now we must turn our attention to the
antenna tuning units. \ Vorking our way ou t-
ward from the branching circuit. tower line
I must have 90 more electrical length in it
than tower line 2. If it does not , a T phase
shift net work would be necessary. A 90" T
for 50 ohms would consist of series XL =
+i50 cl ements, a nd shunt X c = - [" cle-
ments. which would have to be var iahie to
take care of strays. It is much easi er to make
the lines 900 different in length. and take
ca re of any st rays by slight adjustment of
the antenna tuning units (AT Vs).
As in the case of the input T, we agai n
make usc of the easy design of the 90 T in
the AT Vs. For tower I, the ATV is shown
in fi g. 8 1.
(40.0 + .iS7. 5) (50 / Ilo )
;,0 + 40.0 + .iS7. 5
(!n l / 07) (:,0 !!t )
!lfl.1i +}S7.;j
4H(;()I /02
1:J1l / 42.2
:IS.1 / In.s o
Fig. 82-Antenna tuning unit for tower 2.
Fig. 81-Antenna tuning unit (ATU) for tower 1.
in Part I. f>S The array an then be connected,
and with the same input power, its fi eld in-
tensit y should be measured at the same points
as with the single tower. Thi s pattern can
then be plotted. The rat io of the direct ional
to non-directional field intensity at a particu-
lar point or along a particular r adi al is the
gain (or loss) of the array at that azimuth.
Unless there are unpredict able things such as
houses, power line, other antennas, etc. , dis-
tort ing the fi eld, the plot should be close to
the original design plot. In no case will the
two-element array shown, with 90' spaci ng
and 90 phasing, produce more than approxi-
mately 3 db in the main lobe.
One additional check which is useful is
that the r.m.s. value of the directional pattern
should approach very closel y the value of
the fi eld of the circul ar non-directi onal pat-
tern, with the same input power. It may be
slightly lower due to added losses in the
second tower and coupling systems.
Arrays of this configuration have been buil t
without ATUs or branching circuits, feeding
power to the towers by merel y connecting
coaxi al lines to them and paralleling them,
with one 90' longer than the other. These do
t " CQ , ,

+133.2 +1312
x x,
+j47.9 5 +;47.9 X...
XL +j49.9 - j50
r r ).'...,
-j4 7.9 1f' J ". I
... f+ j48 I
, '-!- ' ..-'
I :--- To. " I
I 46.0 Imp. cIt"CI

G8 Lee. P. H.. "Vertical Antennas-Part
June 1968. p.
[Conlin lied on page 100]
This, then, is how we design a directional
antenna system with its phasing and branch-
ing networks and antenna tuning units. In
actual practice the values of reactance re-
quired are given about a 50% increase in
tolerance to take care of differences between
measured and computed antenna impedances
and mutual impedances. The first step is the
design shown here. The next step is construe-
tion of the array and its ground system, and
actual r.f. bridge measurement of tower and
mutual impedances. These should be fairl y
close to the predicted values. Using the mea
sured values. the professional engineer then
runs through the phasing and branching net-
work calcul ations again, to determine as
closel y as possible the values to which all
reactances should be set. Coils are variable,
either with movable taps or of the rotary
variety. Fixed capacitors are used, in series
with adjustable coil s, to obtai n thc -jXc
values required. (Capacitive reactance is
made too large, a nd a portion is cancelled
out by a vari able coil.) The engineer then
uses the r.f. bridge to set all components to
thei r final computed values . Power is then
applied (low power at fi rst), and tower cur-
rents and phases are read. Field intensity
readings are taken in the nulls in the pat-
tern. Final adjustments are made, some times
over a period of many ni ght (midnight to 6
A.M. ) . to bring the array in to its desi gn values
and the null s down to FCC required values
of fi eld intensit y.
For the amateur, the proof of successful
operation would be the reading of tower cur-
rents, and a check of the forwa rd gai n, or the
depth and azi muth of the designed nulls. This
can be done more easily and with less hard
work than in the broadcast case where tol er-
ances must be very close. If a good check
on the operation of the above array is desired,
it can be obtai ned by fi rst operati ng one
tower alone, with the other one fl oating or
detuned. and measuring fi eld intensity around
it at various azi muths. If it is in the clear,
with no other objects to absorb or di stort
the field, a fairl y ci rcular pattern should be
obtained. With a known power input, the
radi ation efficiency can be obtained by plot-
ting field intensity versus di stance as described
X c = - j:13.2 or 1230 mmf at ;1.9 Il u-.
XI. = +j33.2 or 1.3.'; mh at :l.9 mr-.
.X , + j:l;j .2 -j2 = +j:l1.2 o r
.J.2i mh at rm- .
See page 110 for New Reader Service January, 1969 CO 51
Z-Bridge ifrom page 35]
odd dollars the apparatus cost. Aluminum
tubing and V-bolts are much cheaper than
pre-built arrays, and the home-brew jobs;
work just as well as their commercial counter-
parts provided they are tuned and matched
To tune a parasitic array whose front-to-
back rat io is 18 db or more, actual height
operating conditions may be closely simulated
by pointing the beam straight up in the air,
provided the back reflector is about nine feet
off the ground. Using the bridge to adjust
feed-point impedance and a fi eld strength
meter to adj ust back cut-off, one man may
tune a beam very close to optimum in a very
short time. _
[To be continued]
section of the higher and most interesling
early scores, so don't panic if you don't see
yours listed.
AlI certificates for the 1967 contest have
been mailed. Some have already been return-
ed marked "unknown" or "insuffi cient" ad-
dress. So if you have not received yours you
might forward us your correct mailing
A report on the c.w. weekend next month.
73 for now, Frank, WI WY
6!JLee, P. H., "Vertical" Antennas- Part V", CQ.
Oct. 1968. p. 43.
Vertical Antennas ifrom page 57J
work after a fashion, but the adjust ment can
hardl y be optimum without some means of
assuring proper power division and equal
tower currents.
There have been inquiries about the broad-
side case, where S=210' and '" =0' . This
one produces a fi gure eight pattern with a
gain of 5.2 db in each lobe. Thi s one should
be very popul ar. for the fact that alI ATVs
are the same (with 0' phasing) makes it very
easy to erect three towers in an equil ateral
triangle and switch pairs of towers, thus
covering six directions. I plan to discuss thi s
one in the next inst allment.
It is regretted that fi gs. 42 and 43 were
inadvertentl y reversed in Part V,69
For those who write. please enclose a self-
addressed stamped envelope if you wish a
repl y. The mail from thi s series is quite
RIDGEWOOD, N. Y. 11227 2041 UNDEN ST.
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We specialize in amateur
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-= HUNIER =-
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C.lIa ' ...IIIa'. Eu.lltnt for 1be be,lnnn or
adu,MN .Iud,nt. "" Quldl:, pRrtlnl and de -
pmtJ.bJ. method. "-fllI,bl. t.pel from berln
DU" alphabet to t1Plnl mnll,u Otl all .ub
BpHd ran,. Ii to to WPlI. Alw.,.. "adJ' .
no QR)(. beat. ha,ID, IOmeone Iliad to JOII.

S071-C NO. BROADWAY. ILL. 60640
.f700-C Crenshaw Blvd., 1. ADg.I, Calif. 90043
Tite .....J1.. CH. ,....... IIt.nll1
l.ak.. th.- pllu of an operator Instructor and
..-bla loG leara ILD4 lDllta codUb-
..' UJtltane TbowiUKb of
luI h.". " ,cqul r ed t he eeae" wit h t he'u.t"l'1Iph 8)'1.
t... Write tcKla1 tor lull partlnllan Ind t"On'en1ent rental p....
100 CQ January, 1969
See page 110 for New Reader Service
Part IX
The author, in this installment, Part IX, discusses a very simple directional
array which can be built in an equilateral triangle configuration. Using any
two elements at a time world wide coverage can be obtained at a gain of
5. 2 db.
A B C 0 E F G H J

Cos A 5 K8 ,C.0# Co,O I I.E I off K,G 129,

O' 1.0 0 0 210. 12 10 .0 - .866 . 134 366 65 .1 ,47 2
' 0'
09 85 206.7 206.7 - .8 9 4 . 10 6 . 32 6 48 .2 ,4 21
20' . 9 40 19 7. 3 19 7 . 3 - .9 54 ,0 46 .2 1 4 38.1 1 .2 76
30" . 8 6 6 182.0 182.0.- .999 .0 0 1 .0 3 . 1 55 .0 40
40' 07 6 6 160.9 ,160.9 - .945 .0 5 5 234 41.7 . 30 2
50" .64 3 135 0 ,135 .0 - .707 .2 9 3 .5 42 96 ,4 . 6 9 9
60" . 500 105.0 10 5 .0 - .259 . 74 1 . 8 6 1 153.2 1. t 10
70' 342
71 e' 71 .8 + .31 3 1.313 1.1 43'203.5 1.4 7 4
BO' . 17 4 365 36 .5 + .804 1.804' 1.342 2 39 ,0 1.73 1
90' 0 0 0 1,0 0 0 2.000 1.414 252 .0 1 .825
100 - . 17 4 - 36,5
- 36.5 +.8 0 4: 1,8 04 1.3 42 239 .0 1. 73 1
110 - . 3 4 2 - 7 1 8 1- 7 1. 8 + .3 13 ' 1.3131. 143 203.5 i1. 4 7 4
120 - . 500-105.0 1-105 - .259' .7 4 1 861153.2 11.1 10
130 - . 64 3 -13 5.0 135 .0 - .707 . 29 3 5 42 96.4 .6 9 9
140 - . 7 66-160.9-160.9 '- 9 45 .0 5 5 2 34 41.7 .3 0 2
150- - .866-18 2.0 - 18 20 - .9 9 9 .0 0 1 .0 3 1 5 ,5 0 40
160- - .9 40-19 7 , 3-197 . 3 - 951 .0 46 2 14 38 ,1 276
170 - .985206.7206.7 - ,8 9 4 . 10 . 3 2 6
4 8 2 . 4 2 1
180 -1.000 10.0 -21 0 .0 - 866 .1 3 366 651 . 4 72
currents in the equal height elements are
equal and in phase, the elements' operating
impedances will be equal, they will be fed
equal amounts of power, and their antenna
tuning units will be identical. Thi s makes
the switching arra ngement very simple, for
the tri angul ar configuration.
First, let's run through the pattern compu-
tation for this one, as done in Part VIIF!
"' Lee. P. H. "Vertical Antennas-Part VIII ",
CQ. Jan. 1969.
A s previously stated in Part IV"', the
maximum gain obtainable with two vertical
elements in any configuration is 5.2 db. Thi s
occurs with an element spacing of 21 0", and
with equal in-phase currents. Readers should
refer to references 39, 40 and 41 of Part IV
for details of this and other directional con-
figurations, and gains obta ina ble. I should
also reiterate here that when talking about
gai n of an array of equal height elements,
the reference is the non-directional field
which would be radiated from one single
element of the same hei ght when the total
power fed to the array is fed to it. The fie ld
from a single element radi ating 500 watts
would be 138 mv/ m at one mile, for example.
This field, minus any losses due to the direc-
tional array' s phasing and branching system
(usually less than 2% for a two element ar-
ray), will be equal to the r. m.s. of the direc-
tional pattern. Thus, when plotting a direc-
tional pattern . we can use the ratio of the
pattern's field in any direction to its r.m.s.
as the patt ern' s voltage gain in that particular
direction. Knowing the voltage gain, we can
find the gai n in db easily.
Equlateral Triangle
The case of two elements spaced 210'
with equal in-phase currents lends itself very
nicely to an equilateral triangle configuration,
wit h the clements fed two at a time by means
of a switching arrangement. Thi s case is also
a very easy one to compute. Inasmuch as the
S:! 09 Bangor Drive. Kensington. Md. 20795.
7oLee, P. H., "Vertical Antennas- Part IV", CQ.
Sept. 1968.
Table III - Data for the computat ion of the
a ntenna radi ation pattern shown in fig . 83.
S4 CO February. 1969
See page 110 for New Reader Service
8 0
' 0'
"+---Jl ,oo'

10"' 20"
v O . - ( i ; ~ = O.7ifi r.m.s.
Sum of column I' = 1O.!lSG
X 2
" I !l-" ... j ...
- . 1:14
- . 1:14
21.704 = O.Go:l
--. -
Fig. 83- Antenna radiat ion pattern, plotted from Column J of Table III for the two elements 2 10
aport with equal, in phase, currents. .
for the case of 90" spaci ng and 90" phasing.
For ground wave pallern computation. and
where the two tower currents are equal, the
equation used is:
r: = K Vi + cos (S cos q, + .p)
where S = spar-ing in f! pgrccs
f/> = azimuth angl o
.p = phaso angle
K = const a nt depending on r .m.s, of
t he pattern's matl u-mnti eal plot.
For the array being discussed here, S is
2 10" , .p is 0 ", and </> is taken every 10 from
O through 180". The tabulation of computa-
tions is shown in Table III . Each column is
given a capit al letter designation for sim-
plicit y in labelling the columns in the head-
ing of the table. The computation foll ows
through very logicall y, step by step, column
by col umn.
The pattern will be syrnetrical about the
line of towers. so it is necessary to compute
onl y from O through 180 the values for
columns A through G. The r.m.s. of the pat-
tern is determined by adding column F , mul -
tipl ying it by 2 (to get the whole pattern from
O t hrough 350", then subt racting one set
of values for 0" and 180 (so that they arc
not included twice in the summat ion), divid-
ing by 36. then taking the squa re root of what

' \ _ I:lS = 17S
Column H shows the value of the radi ated
field at the va rious values of </>' in mvlm at
one mil e. Column J shows the pattern nor-
malized to a val ue of 1.00 for its r.rn.s.. for
purposes of determining voltage gain. The
val ues in column J are plott ed in fi g. 83 . The
gain in the direction of the maximum lobes
(broads ide to line of towers) is 1.825. which
is a power gain of 3.33 or 5.23 db. There are
two minor lobes, wi th two pairs of nulls at
31", 149 , 211, and 329". I might state here
that if the spaci ng were 180" instead of 2 10.
wi th equal in-phase c urrents. the two minor
lobes would not be present. There would be
only two null s. at O and 180. but the gain
at 90" and 270" would be reduced to 4.56 db.
Any reader who wishes to run through the
See pa ge 11 0 for New Reader Service February, 1969 CO ss
pattern computation for this latter case is
welcome to do so, and find out this answer
for himself.
If one wishes to compute the vert ical pat-
tern in the case of this 210" spacing, 0"
phasing array, it may be done by use of the
expanded formula:
r: = K 1(0) vI + cos (8 cos </> cos 0 + f )
Factor / (0) was discussed in Part IV, and it
depends on the tower height G in degrees. 0
is the vertical angle for which the value of
radiat ion is to be computed.
Feed Design
With the array parameters decided, we
must now determine how to feed it. The
fi rst step is the determination of the self-
impedance of each tower. Assuming a design
frequency of 3.9 me. a tower height of 60
feet is about right for a quarter wavelength.
Assuming an effective diameter of 7 inches,
the L I D of the tower would be about 100.
Referring back to Part 11' 2 it will be found
that K . for this value of LI D is 599. Or K .
can be computed from the equation:
K; = 120 log - 120.
From fi g. 13 of Part II . for a tower height
of a quarter wave and a K. of 600. R = 34
ohms and X = +i25 ohms. Next comes the
computation of the effects of mutual imped-
ance between the towers. and the actual
operating impedance of each tower. Again
referring to Part IV, fi g. 32. we see that the
mutual impedance between the towers spaced
210" is -9 - i l l ohms. Yes. -9 ohms !
Don' t let the minus sign in front of the R
term frighten you. It is perfectly "legal."
The equations for finding the act ual oper-
ating impedances of each tower are:
Z I = Z 11 + Z :!1 and,
where Z11 is the self-impedance of tower I by
12Lee, P. H., "Vertical Antennas- Part II", CQ,
July 1968.
S6 CO February, 1969
is the self-impedance of tower 2 by
itsel f,
It is the base current (loop current) of
tower I,
12 is the base current (loop current) of
tower 2,
ZI is the actual operating impedance
of tower I in the array, and
Z2 is the actual operating impedance
of tower 2 in the array.
This is the same set of equations used in Part
Having found Z11 and Z 22 from fig. 13 of
Part II , we know them to be 34 + i25 ohms.
The mutual impedances Z21 and Z1 2 equal
-9 -ill ohms. We do not know the mag-
nitude of It and 12 yet, but they are equal and
in phase, and can be represented as It = 12
= 1.0 / 0.
Solving for ZI:
z, =
1.0 0
Z , = (:I I +j2,';) + (I ) (-0 -jl l)
Z , = 25 + j l-l ohms
Solving for Z2:
Z (
.) ( 1.0 / 0 ) ( un
., = 34 +)2.5 + / -0 -)1 1
1.0 0
Z , = (:l-I +j25) + ( I) ( - 0 -jl l)
Z , = 2.5 +j14 ohm.
Note that we get the same result. This
means that the operating impedances of the
two towers are identical. Note, however, how
different they are from the tower self-imped-
ances. The effect of the mut ual impedance
and the currents flowing is quite pronounced.
Tower Currents
Now that we know the act ual operati ng
impedances we can find the tower currents:
1' , = 1,'Il ,
P2 = 1
R2 and
P , + 1' , = bOO icatt
I I . / 2 ami, in this case,
Il , = Il ,
2 (I,' H,) = bOO
2 (11 ' 2,';) = bOO
See page 110 for New Reader Se rvice


_ _' Impedonce
or Bta"chi" Q
N.lwt)f' k
- ,
r - - -
: + 43.75
I 23.6
1- _
1120 mmf at 3.!l me.
1,45 I'h at 3.9 me,
Li ne I
- -- --
+ j33.05
_ - j 3 5 .8

+ ; 3 5 e
8S-Branching circuit and the various
pedances and reactances.

x = V 23.3 X SO
= 35.8
Xc = - j35.8 or
Xl. = +j3.5.8 or
In this case:
46.6 + j8i..5 = 23 3 + ."l - 5
2 . ) "f. 1
Fig. 86-lnput T network, a 90 network that
is easy to compute, is used tc match branching
network to transmitter.

These several impedances and reactances are
shown at appropriate places in fi g. 85.
A matching network will be required to
transform this value of 23. 6 + j43.75 to 50
+ jO ohms. Again, as in Part VIII, we use
our old friend the 90 network, so easy to
compute. It is shown in fi g. 86. The values of
Xc and XL are easily computed from the
50 + j O -
Inasmuch as the two tower feeds are equal,
adding them in parallel can be accomplished
by dividing one of them by 2:

!l4oo I !l0
= 1!l5 /i5 =
I ,' = 10
I , = 3.1G amps = I ,
84-Array configura tion discussed in text.
(50 1 0) ( ISS I !l00)
SO + j lSS
Tor 2
I, 3.160"'
MaIn lobe . , ---- 210"' I Nom Lobe
To r 1
l.- Z!)+ jt4
1, 3.16 lO
Gle 90
The array configurat ion is shown in fig. 84.
48.2 115 = 46.6 + j12.5
dding the upper portion of the coil to this,
e total impeda nce of each tower's feed
hich ispresented to the common branching
oint is:
Now that we know the tower operating
mpedanccs, it is possible to design the power
ividing ci rcui t and the antenna tuning units.
t would be possible to do without any tuning
nits and simply connect 50 ohm line to the
owers, and parallel the two equal length lines
t the feed point. However, quite a large
.w.r, will result, and thi s is undesirabl e. The
ircuit of fig. 85 is recommended. An Ohm's
aw network is used 10 give exact control
ver power division. Since the array is to
ork on 3.9 me, 10 microhenry power
ivider coils are assumed. Each of these has
reactance of +j260 ohms at 3.9 me. The
aps arc at equal distances above ground, and
re placed at the +j l 88 ohm points, to make
he comput ati on simple. This leaves +/72
hms above each tap. Considering each feed-
ine to be pure 50 ohms resistance load, the
arallel combination of 50 and +jl88 is
1', = (3.16)' 2.5 = 2.m
1', = (3. 16) ' 2.5 = 250
I'T = 250 + 250 = 500 watts
46.6 + j 12.5 + ji2 = 46.6 + j8i .5
Februa ry, 1969 CO 57
lee page 110 fo r New Reader Service

Xc = - j35.3 or 1106 mmf at 3.9 me.
XL = +j35.3 or 1.47 I'h at 3.9 me.
XI = +j21.3 or 0.886 I'h at 3.9 me.
It must be emphasized that this is the com-
puted design. In actual field practice the pro-
fessional engineer will measure the tower
self-impedances and the mutual impedance
with his r.f. bridge, and will then run through
the phasi ng and branching network calcula-
tions again using the actual measured values.
The results should be fairly close to the com-
puted values. In actual practice, the equi p-
ment desi gner will make all reactances with
a 50% increase in tolerance to allow for the
differences which may occur between com-
puted and measured values. To obtain odd
values of - jXc, it is standard practice to use
a fixed capacitor in series with a variable
Three Element Array
Now that we have the array and feed
system designed, it is quite simple to use it in
an equilateral triangle confi guration, with
three elements, driving any pair of them at a
time. Such a system is shown in schematic
form in fig. 88. A three position rotary switch
is needed, with provision for open-circui ting
our old friend the 90' T network, so easy to
X = y'25 X 50
= 35.3
,,--To r
: Impedonee
I +j14
I 2>
L _ _
,-- +,30.]-----.
Cooala l
Li ne

XI = +j35.8 - C+ j 43.75 -j41)
XI - +j33.05 or 1.35 I'h at 3.9 me.
Now, turning our attention to the antenna
tuning units and noting that the tower operat-
ing impedances are identical, the ATUs will
be identical. (Figs. 85 and 87.) Again using
Inasmuch as XL is less than the reactance of
the input to the branching network, it is most
expedient to insert some negative reactance
X2 in series and to cancel some of it out with
an adj ustable positive X,. Why not si mply
insert a negative reactance equal to the dif-
ference between +j43.75 and +j35.8 ohms?
This would be equal to about - j8 ohms,
which would be 5000 mmf at 3.9 mc. It
would be a bit impractical to make this vari-
able. It is much easier to make the inductance
vari able. In this case a 1000 mmf fixed ca-
paci tor is chosen for X2, with a reactance of
- j4 I ohms. Thus X , can be found as follows:
Fig. 87 - ATU employs 0 90 ' network fo r
i A T U.
R, la,
L'Jl" _____
R, la y I
Sourc .
To... r

To. "
A.T. U.
Lin.. of
- .
, -

To. , ' z
A,TU R, lo1
----210 - - - -
Fig. S8{A)-Configurotion of
the towe rs . (B) Switching ar-
rangement for triangular
58 CO February, 1969 See page 110 for New Reader Service



."'-.. -'- 1
.. ._... "" -.'
- . ..
I 1 , .'

....... _ .1'
. --- ....... ...
'.. '.. .'.
"" . ...-
fl_ '

" ,
........., .

Line A-A Towers 1 2

Line B-B Towers 2 - 3
Lin, C- C Towers 13
Fig. 89- Directions of the main lobes as shown on on azimuthal projection cente red on los
Angel es line A-A is the direction of the main lobes from towers 1 and 2, 8-8 from towers 2 and
3 a nd C-C from towers 1 and 3. The tower orientation for this pattern is discussed in the text.
the unused tower in each position. This is
most easily done by means of a relay in each
The tri angle can be oriented so that the
bidirectional beam from each pair of ele-
ments fa lls on a desired azimuth, for global
coverage, as shown in fig. 89. This is an
example of the directions which can be ob-
tained from a west coast site. A similar map
can be used for any other site in the United
States. Azimuthal maps such as this often
appear in the front pages of the Radio
Amateur Call Book. and they may be ob-
tained also from the U. S. Navy Hydro-
gra phic Office, Washington, D. C., and the
U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washing-
ton, D. C.
In fi g. 89, Line A-A is the direction of the
main lobes from towers I and 2, Line B-B is
the direction of the main lobes from towers
2 and 3, and Line C-C is the direction of the
main lobes from towers I and 3. To produce
the main lobes oriented on the azimut hs
shown, the triangular confi guration of towers
shown in fig. 88(A) is oriented as follows:
Line of towers 2 and I-bearing ID
Line of towers 2 and 3- bearing 70
Line of towers I and 130
The next Part of this series will eover the
theory and design of the folded unipole an-
tenna. There have been several requests for
more informati on on thi s type.
[To Be Continued]
Back issues of CQ containing earl ier in-
stallments of "Vertical Antennas" by Capt.
Paul H. Lee, W3JM, are available f rom the
CQ Circulation Department , 14 Vander -
venter Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. 11050.
Price per copy is $ t.00, with the exce ption of
January 1969, which is 75(. The entire series
is pl anned to run twelve consecutive install-
See page 11 0 for New Reader Service February, 1969 CO 59

Part X
A folded unipole antenna less than a quarter wave long can be used to trans-
form the low input resistance of a short vertical antenna to a resistance which
is more reasonable to match and drive. The author discusses the operation and
design of the folded unipole antenna in this installment.
Fig . 90 - Ba sic circuit of the folded unipol e
ante nna .
5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington. Maryland
~ ( ) 7 9 5 .
" ' Lee. 1'. H.. " Vertica l Antennas- Pa rt III '"
CQ. August I96X. p. 52.
devign which accomplish t his. It will be
noted t haI each of these uses a fol ded uni-
pole type of feed. Folded antennas as a
class or lype provide a means of securing the
desired impedance transformation wit hin
the antenna itself. t hus si mplifying t he rc-
quircd mat ching networ k.
" Rohe rts W. Y.. " Input Impedance of a
Folded Dipole'" RCA Review, Vol. X. No.2.
J une 1947. p. 2X9.
Folded Dipole
It is likel y that all readers arc fa milia r
wit h the folded di pole. Some may he usi ng
one for t ransmitti ng. hut it is much more
probable t hat one is heing used fo r TV re-
ception. as the folded dipole is the "driven
clement" of most such v.h.f. Vagi arrays.
The reason for its usc in that applica tion
is t he very one ment ioned previously. to
present a more [uvoruble impedance mat ch
to the JOO ohm transmission line t han would
he possible if an ordinary linear di pole
were used.
T he folded unipole is nothing hut a half
of a fol ded dipole. wi t h ground replaci ng
t he othe r half. It is represent ed in fi g. 90.
which shows a simple si ngle foil! unipole
ante nna. To ana lyze t his a nte nna a nd its
o perat ion. let LiS assume a genera tor voltage.
EI . a nd proceed to determine the cur rent.
I . tl owing in the lower e nd of part d i , of t he
a nte nna . Roberts; I has shown an analysis
of this t ype of antenna. Figure 91 is the
equivalent circuit of fig. . 90. for purposes of
the analvsis. Abo assume t hat t he antenna is
90 electrical degrees tall.
By usc of three generators shown in fig.
91. we can by t he principle of superposi t ion
'. '.

V ERY low input resistance i, often pre-

sent in antennas. This is due to the antenna
being very short electr ically or to the: mutual
impedance present from another ncurby an-
tenna. The coupling network required to
mat ch a low resista nce (of t he order of one or
1\ \ '0 ohms. o r less) to a 50 ohm line i\ not
ditlicult to compute. hut it may include some
ra the r impractica l values of rcuctuncc, 1\
short series fed antenna looks ca paci tive. and
its ca pac iti ve reacta nce is usuall y quite high:
the shor ter the antenna the hi gher the react -

anee. The ser ies coi l necessary to resonate it

(called a " helix" in low freq uency or very low
f requency work) usua lly contributes convidcr-
ahle loss in itself. and it is therefore desire-
able to get rid of it if povsible and usc some
other method of matching and feeding
power 10 the antenna. The Type UG and the
NORD a ntennas described in Part III " : arc
50 CO Morch. 1969 See page 110 for New Reader Service
' ) /.'
- .,
Fig. 91-Equivolent circuit of the folded unipole
that can be used for analysis.
\\" 11('1"1 ' /.1 = input illl ] H'd:111 t(' of ti ll' roldl'd
uuipoh- nutc-nnn .
/. n = input illl ) Wc!:lIl('(, of :1 (, 1( ,-
nu-nt dt'pol( '.
II - input ('II IT(' lI t ra t i o / :! / 1
( For ('qllal .... iz(' t hi:"
" 'IIt:d" I. )
7. , _ ( I + n )"
/. 11
p =
which is equa l to approxi mately 4R. This is
true provided that parts d, and dz a rc close
together. The impedance transformat ion (for
equal size conductors dv a nd d") is approxi-
mat el y 4.
This transformati on rat io can be expressed
in the form of an equation:
Unequal Conductors
So far in this analysis the case of equal size
conductors has been di scussed. Now. how-
ever, with the transformat ion ratio expressed
in terms of the current ratio (whic h de pends
on conductor size) . we can consider the case
of unequal size conductors. which is shown
in fig. 92. As in the previous case. generators
2 and 3 are alike and produce equal and op-
posing voltages E", which place the bottom
end of part d: at ground pot enti al. H owever.
generator I must now he produci ng a volt -
age 1of such va lue that no current will fl ow
through generator 3 when generator 3 is not
providing any volt age. In thi s case 1 is not
equal to E '.!. , and its determinat ion is one
essent ial part of the probl em. The di vi sion of
the antenna current between part s ell and d:
(when generators I and 2 are not generating
( d ,
d, )
E, E,
2 I
tV l-
add the currents produced by each generat or
to find the current in the lower end of part
dv. The polarit ies of the generators arc
shown by the a rrows. Since each generator
is producing the volt age Es, and generators
2 and 3 arc opposed. the lower end of part
d: is at ground potenti al. Generators I and 3
produce a voltage 2E, whi ch is impressed on
the lower end of part d i, In view of these
facts- fi g. 9 1 is in fact equivalent to fi g. 90.
As the next step in the analysis. assume
for a moment that generator 3 is shut down.
and as a result there is only a volt age 2,
developed by generators I and 2 between
the lower ends of parts d, and ds. It was
st ated previously that the antenna is 90 tall.
Thus. inasmuch as parts d , and d" form a
tran smissi on line of 90 length wh ich is
shorted at its upper end. the input resist ance
between til and d: for this transmi ssi on line
case is very high. and only a very sma ll trans-
mi ssion line current will fl ow through gener-
at ors I a nd 2, and into the lower end of
part d,
Next , assume for a moment that only gen-
erator 3 is producing any voltage, and that
generators I and 2 arc shut down. In thiscase,
the lower ends of parts d , and d: a rc eITee-
tively connected together at the same poten-
ti al. as far as generator 3 is concerned, assum-
ing zero internal impedance in the generators.
Thus parts d , a nd d: act merel y as a 90
vert ical radi at or (in parall el). Assume that the
radiation resistance of thi s vertical radiator is
R. a nd that it is being driven by generator 3.
whi ch is supplying a current equal to E, I R to
this parallel combination of conductors d,
and ds. But si nce there arc two conductors
the current, I = EtI R. di vides between them.
If the cond uctors ,It and d" are of the sa me
diameter. the current will di vide equally be-
tween them. Thus I ,. the current in part d,
is equal to 1/ 2 X E ,I R . and l z, the current
in part da, is the same.
Now if all three generators, 1, 2 and 3, arc
working at the same time. the voltage im-
pressed at the bott om end of part d, is 2E,
,and the current in it is 1/2 X E, I R plus a
very small amount of transmission li ne CUf-
rent produced by generators I and 2 in series
as described above. Since Ohm' s Law applies,
and resist ance equal s voltage divided by cur-
rent, the input resistance at the lower end of
part d i is:
See pag e 110 for New Reader Service March, 1969 CO 51
d ~
E, El
"- "-
2 I
""' 1E.
Fig. 92- Equivalent circuit, for analysis, with
unequal diameter elements.
and generator 3 is generating) is the other part
of the problem. Roberts uses an electrostatic
or capacitive method of anaIysis
Guertler uses another more complicat ed
method.P The former described here. Simpl y
stated, the currents will divide di rectl y in
proportion to the rati o of the capacities to
ground of the two elements, whereas the volt-
age ratio will be the inverse of thi s. Thus, in
the analysis we can assign capacities C, and
C2 to parts dl and dz. Referi ng to fig. 92,
" GuertIer, R. " Impedance Transformation in
Folded Dipoles," Proceedings of IRE, Sept.
1950, p. 1042.
Fig. 93 - Multiple fold configuration for in-
creased bondwi th.
52 CO March, 1969
Consideri ng the whole thing as a vertical
antenna of parall el conductors, the current
Ii at the bottom end of part d. will be:
where I is the total antenna current due to
generator 3.
Inasmuch as parts dv and dz are a 90
shorted section, the transmission line current,
which is very small, can be neglected for
practical purposes, and the total current due
to generator 3, which we called I , is equal
to E2/ R, where R is the radiation resistance
of the two parts connected in parallel. The
input resistance at the lower end of part d.
(the driving point resistance of the folded
unipole) is:
From this we t-au deri ve:
.This last equation says that the resistance
(or impedance) step-up ra tio is proport ional
to the rati o of the conductors' diameters.
(Their capaciti es are proport ional to their
di ametcrs. ) The step- up ratio is inversely
proportional to the di ameter of the driven
fold or element, and di rectly proporti onal to
the diameter of the grounded element or
tower. The spaci ng between fold and tower
enters into the picture slightly also, but it is
not critical.
This antenna has fai rly good bandwidth,
but the best way to increase the bandwidth
is by increasi ng the number of folds, as in
fi g. 93.
It ean also be shown that the transfor-
mation ratio is:
P = (I + ~ , )
where 2. is the characteristic impedance of
a two-conductor transmission line made up
of conductors of the smaller diameter, and
2 2 is the characteristic impedance of a two
conductor transmission line made up of con
ductors of the larger diameter, with th
spacing of eaeh of these two lines equal t
See page 110 for New Reader Servic
-- .._ - - - - - - - - - ~ --
the center-to-center distance of the two con-
ductors of the antenna .
It is assumed in the above equation that
the tower is grounded. and the smaller con-
ductor (or fold) is fed . The impedance step-up
will always be greater than four in this case.
Short Unipole
Thus far a folded unipole 90 tall has been
discussed. Now we must turn to the case of
the short folded unipolc, something much
less than 90 , which is the case where the
method of feed gives us the greatest advan-
tage of impedance step-up, enabling us to get
rid of the helix with its inherent losses. Some
assume that the transformat ion in the short
case is the same as that in the 90 case but
this is not correct, because in the short case
the transmission line currents present be
come of appreciable magnitude and can np
longer be neglected. ;'; In this case. fig. 94
applies. React ances have heen arbitrarily
added to the two branches of the circuit of
fi g. 92 for the sa ke of the analysis. As in the
previ ous case. we can consider the whole
thing as an antenna consisting of paralic)
conductors fed by generator 3. and also we
must consider the transmi ssion line case
where generators I and 2 arc in series feed ing
the short sect ion of transmi ssion li ne. The
circuit of fig. 94 can be repl aced by an equi v-
alent circuit as shown in fi g. 95. The sections
of the unipole have been replaced by boxes
containing certain impedances. ZI and Z:! arc
the impeda nces to ground of the two part s of
the uni pole. and Z,"is a complex impedance
represent ing a mutual impedance between the
two parts (or elements).
As the firs t step in this analysis. consider
the antenna mode. where generators I a nd 2
are not producing voltage. and the confi gu ra-
tion is being exci ted by generator 3. The
current, I . will divide int o two parts. I , and I ".
in accordance with the transformation ratio
as previously explained. for ZtI Z" = p , If
the currents I " and " arc to be in phase and
of the ra tio p = 1"1I ,. which they must he in
the antenna case. then [X must equal p X [ X.
As far as Z," is concerned. no current flows
in it, since points I and 2 (lower ends of parts
d. and d") arc at the same potential and parts
,it and d: arc effectivel y in parallel.
;"Leonhard. J. et, al.. "Folded Unipole An-
tennas:' IRE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation. Vol. AP-3, No. 3, J uly 1955, p.
I I I.
See page 110 for New Reader Service
( "
iX, jX I
E, E,

'" '"
'T 1
""" rE,
Fig. 94- Equivalent circuit, for anal ysis, of the
short folded unipole.
Now to consider the transmission line
mode. we assume generator 3 is not produc-
ing. In order for the currents in Z, and Z" to
be equal and opposite. which they must be in
this case. E1 must equal p ti mes E". Since E,
plus E" equals E (refer back to fi g. 90). E" is
equal to EI ( 1+ p ) , and E, is equal to E p I
(I + p ). This is shown in fig. 96.
We arc now ready to exami ne the input
impedance of the unipole, at feed point F,
fig. 96. The total current flowing at F is the
sum of the antenna mode current and the
transmission line mode current. Let the
former be designated by I A and the latter
by h. By shorting out the lower generator 3
we have the sum of generators I and 2 dri virr ;
the unipolc as a section of transmission line.
h is therefor determined from the foll owing
[I, C p) + I 1pJ_
.i (x " + p x , + X z)

E, E,
IX, . jpX,
- -
'" '"
z, 3
'" IE,
Fig. 95- Equivole nt sche matic of f ig. 94 .
March. 1969 CO . S3
mined by consideration of the radiator's L/ D
ratio and its electrical length, and by con-
sulting fi g. 13A and 13B of Part II of thi s
series." We also have X2 and pX2 in parallel
in thi s antenna mode, in series with R" -jX".
The parall el combination of X2 and p X 2
equa ls [ p / ( I + p ) jX2, and the dri ving volt-
age for the antenna mode is E/ (l + p).
The total antenna mode current is. there-
3 E"IE
~ : a
Only a fraction of this. however. flows in
pa rt cI , of the unipole. That fraction is:
Fig. 96-Equivalent circuit of the folded unipale
showing the generators in terms of E and P.
I , = ( I ) I , TrI1
I + p
From feedpoint F of the unipole 10 ground.
the input impedance is:
- I,.
, -
. Ifl" ( I +p)' - .i.\'" ( I +p)' +.ip ( I +p) .\' ,I
From this Ict us now subtract the value 01
jX , (equa ls j p X2) to obtai n the true input
impedance :
where X I. is the transmission line inductance
of the sho rted section.
The antenna current is found by shorting
out the two upper generators I and 2. Since
points J and 2 arc then at the same potent ial.
the two conduct ors of the unipole arc consid-
ered to be combined into a single vertical
radiator. whose input impedance we shall
desi gnat e by R" - j X". The reactance will be
negat ive because the radia tor is shorter than
90". The values of R " and X" ca n be deter-
/. =
I ., + I ,
" Lee. P. H.. " Vertical
CQ. Jul y J 968. p. 25.
Ant ennas-Part II :'
I ~ '
- - - ip.\' ,
' . t +', . -
f ig. 97- Schematic diagram of the equival ent
circuit for input impedance, lin .
By substituting the values of f A and h ' in this
equation. we can find the input imped ance
as a function of X2 as shown in the equat ion
at the bottom of the page.
The equivalent circui t of the short folded
unipole is shown in fig. 97. In the case of thc
90" folded unipole. the circuit of fig. 97 and
the preceding equation ca n be used. and si nce
in that case X " is zero (the antenna is self-
resonant), X:! is zero- and X J. is infini te
(sho rted quarter wave line). the resultant
/." . = R ( I + Pj2. which would be expected.
Ra (1+P)'
j p X2
54 CO March, 1969
See page 110 for New Reader Service
Thus the general case docs fit the 90 special
From all of thi;; we observe that the unipol e
mult ipli es the input resista nce and react ance
of the ante nna by the fact or ( I + p F. and it
also t ransforms these new values of R./ and Xu
through an equivalent ci rcui t T-nct work
action due to its inherent transmission line
mode. The final result is dependent on the
value assigned to X :! . In the case of the
grounded base short tower, which is qui te
common, X :! is of course absent from the
circuit. However. usc of X :! can he quite bene-
ficial if opti mum efficiency and ba ndwidt h
arc desired.
To summa rize. the input impedance of the
short folded uni pole is infl uenced by a num-
ber of fac tors. First. it depends on the
division of currents between the fed and
unfed cond uctors. on the presence of con-
sidcra bic transmi ssi on line curre nts in the
fed and unfed conductors. and on the value
of a n impeda nce which can be connected
between the unfed conduct or (or tower) and
ground . The react ance of a short ve rti cal
antenna can he reduced bv incrcasinu the
. '.
di ameter/length ra tio of the ante nna . This is
done by dropping wires down from outr igger
a rms connected to the top of the tower. a nd
connect ing them in parallel wi th the tower.
This is in effect a "fattcni na" or broadband-
ing act ion. as descr ibed in Part VII of t his
serics.!". Such a str uct ure can he eusi lv modi -
fied to the folded uni pole method of feed by
driving one or more of the drop wires. whi le
the rest a re eit her left connected to the tower
or grounded through a react ance X :! . Such a
confi gurat ion is shown in fi g. 98.
An addi tional adva ntage of the folded uni-
pole is that the ante nna st r uct ure i ~ at d.c,
ground pot enti al. and no sta t ic discha rge
devices arc required. If X" is not employed
the tower is actua lly grounded. and li ght ing
ci rcuits, t ransmi ssion lines to other ante nnas
such as u.h.f. and v.h.f. arrays. and rotator
cont rol circuits can be r un ri ght up the tower
without any isolation.
In this Part. bot h the general and the
special cases of folded unipole antennas have
been summa rized. In Part XI I am goi ng to
di scuss the effects of ground on the efficiency
and vertica l pallerns of ante nnas. and the
" Lee. P. H.. " Ver tical Antennas-Part VI!."
CQ. Dec. 1968. p. 59.
See page 110 for New Reader Service
Fi g. 98-"Fa ttened" o r brood banded tower fed
as a folded uni pol e wit h multi ple fol ds.
necessit y (or lack thereo f) for a ground sys-
tem at the base of a vertical antenna.
We regret that there arc several t ypo-
gra phical errors in Part VII in the December
1968 issue. On page 62. at the top of the
ri ght hand column. the eq ua tion should read:
SlUI cing S " = I! " - I! ,, +I = I! " ( I - T)
The second sente nce in the second paragr aph
on that side of the page shoul d read :
T hus for a given angle rr , t here is a mini-
mum value of T :
On page 63 . in the first paragraph below fi g.
74. the equation should read:
[To Be Continued ]
Back issues of CQ containi ng earlier in-
stall ments of " Vertical Ant ennas" by Ca pt.
Pa ul H. Lee, \V3J ~ 1 . arc avail able from the
CQ Circulation Department . 14 Vander-
vente r Ave. Port Washingt on. N.Y. 11 050.
Price per copy is SI. OO. with the exce ption of
January 1969 , which is 75 (' . The entire series
is planned to r un t welve consecut ive inst all -
ment s.
March, 1969 CO SS
Part XI
The effects of earth on the efficiency of radiation and the vertical pattern
to be expected from a vertical antenna are often misunderstood or are no
understood or are not understood at all. In this installment, the autho
discusses these effects in two phases. The first deals with the earth near th
antenna and the need for a good ground system. The second is the effec
of the earth in the reflection zone on the shape of the vertical pattern
II ESE articles have brought much mail.
most of which has been from readers inter-
ested in usi ng ver tical antennas on 75 or 160
meters. The recent power increases author-
ized o n 160 meters. plus the increased avail-
ability of s.s.b. equipment for that hand.
have just about do ubled its " populat io n"
duri ng the past six months. lIeca use of space
restri ctions. most of the stations on that nand
arc using verticals of one form o r another.
There has also been some mail from ama-
te urs o n 10. IS. 20 and 40 meters for DX
contacts. One of t hese amateurs announced
that he had made the di scovery that the could
J une and o perate a hal f wave vertical wi th-
out a ground system. driving it either by a
parallel t uned tank or an "L" network
whose lower end is grounded. He cl aimed
that since a thermocouple ammeter in the
" 5 ~ ( ) 9 Bangor Dr., Kensington, Maryl and 20795.
/ <,
0' \ 0... 1,....
<, c....'!., F o.

o' ..

- 'I "-
"- ,
I -

..... .
\ \
~ . \
Fig. 99 - Current distribut ion along a quarter
wove vertical and flow of rJ. currents into the
38 CO April, 1969
ground lead showed no current. he COl
d ispense wi t h the ground system and its loss
He stated t hat although this series had so I
covered the current fed antennas very \ '\0 '
1 should now "discover the new world of t
half wave vertical with no ground syste n
Actually. he was voicing a popular misc
cept ion about ground systems a nd the ne
fo r them. This mo ved me to write this p:
of the series. to present a rather complicat
SUbject in as clear and simple a fashion
There arc two areas of interest when 0
studies the elTect of the eart h o n radi at i
from vertica l antennas. One of these is t
area immediately beneath and surroundi
the antenna. and the losses which oc
therein which make a ground system nee
sary. The other area is that of the reflect]
zone. or as it is called hv those of us in t
business, " t he Fresnel Zone." 1 sha ll disct
the close-in area and ground systems fi rst.
Ear+h Conduc Ivity
There have been many studies made a
many papers written o n the s ubject of ea
currents and ground systems a nd their cffe
on antenna radiation effic iency. G. H. Bro w
whom we have met before in this series, p<
formed an excellent anal ysis and confirmed
by practical cxperiments.t">" R. C. Hil
WBrown. G. H., "The Phase a nd Magnit ude
Earth Current s Near Radio Transmitting A
tcnnas", Proc. of IRE , Fen. 1935, p. 168.
hOBrown, G. H. et al, "Ground Systems as
Factor in Antenna Efficiency". Proc, of IR
June 1937. p. 753.
See page 110 for New Reader Servi

: I

, ,

, i


L _
, .

c , ..



Fig. 1DO-Equivalent circuit af fig, 99. The radia -
tion resistance is RA, conductor losses RL, and
. the effective ground resistance is RE.
It may be seen that depth of penetrat ion is
also inversely dependent o n frcquency.
The permittivit y'" of the earth as a dielec-
tric also has an effect. Below about 2 mc it is
not important , but at the hi gher frequenci es it
becomes increasingl y import ant in consi der-
ing the eart h's role as a refl ect or. Generally.
higher permitt ivit y is associated wit h higher
conduct ivity, and therefor the effect of eart h
is usually spoken of as depending on its
conductivit y.
In the fi rst a rea of int erest , that ncar the
ver tical antenna. the ea rt h acts as a return
path fo r the flow of r.f. cur rents. Let us con-
sider first the case of the quarter wave ver-
tical antenna, curre nt fed at its base. Figure
99 shows the current di stributi on along the
antenna, and the fl ow o f r.f. currents into the
ground. The curre nt in the antenna induces
charges in the earth sur roundi ng it. which
give rise to the ci rculat ing current which fl ows
back to the genera tor. This fl ow of c urrent is
at a depth of penetration which. as men-
tioned above, depends on frequency and on
ground conduct ivit y decreasing as hoth in-
it the property possessed by a
material to permit an electric force fie ld to be
set up in it with greate r or lesser effectivene ss.
If a materi al has a high permittivit y an electric
field will produce more effec t in it than it would
in a materi al of low permitti vit y.
- - - _.- --- - -

., ,
r- J


.. 'J

2 50 150
0.67 15 50
0.20 5 17
< 'l
Depth (meters)
q - 5XI (} 11 q - I XI O' " q - I x lO' "
, = 81 , = 5


,. ,
- - ,' --
1n(' !)"
._- .-
3HRH, a well known radio engineer in hi s
n country, wrote a very fine paper on the
bject covered by this Part."! The matter is
o covered quite thoroughly in technical
cuments of the International Radio Con-
It ative Committee (C.C. I. R.) of the Inter-
tional Telecommunications Union (I.T.U.),
neva, Switzetland. r"
All materials arc conductors of electricit y.
me are very much better than others, and
me are very much poorer than others. The
ter arc somet imes called insulators. The
rth is a conductor, and one may fi nd
Itrerent levels of ability to conduct for the
rious geol ogical types of earth surface.
hcn current flows in the eart h's surface, the
" II -known "ski n effec t" occurs.
Radi o engineers who deal in h.f. and v.h.f.
ork have to take t his "skin effect" into
nsiderat ion on the design of conductors
d inductors. Simpl y stated. the current tends
concentrate near the conduct or' s surface.
th the depth of penetrati on being less at
uhcr frequencies. Usually, conductors a rc
a homogeneous nat ure, However. the
rth is not homogeneous. bei ng made up of
rious geological layers. It has been found.
r example, that v.l.f. a nd e.l.f. waves pro-
gat e very well th rough certain types of
ological fo rmations, whi le they are rapidly
enuated by others. At frequencies of 2 mc
more- of thc current will flow in the upper
'cr of soi l o f good conduct ivity, rather
.0 through underl eyins st rata .
Depth of penetration is a functi on of the
nducti vit y, a nd it is greater fo r poorer con-
cti vities. T he followi ng table shows dept h
penetrat ion.P
'ill s, R. C. "The Ground Beneath Us", RSGB
Iletin, June 1966, p. 375.
Determinati on of the Electrical Characte ris-
of the Surface of the Earth", Documents of
IXth Plenary Assembly. Los Angeles. 1959,
I. til -Report s, Report No. 139, p. 267.
, ,1 ,
of 1
" I
- -
- - -.
_ ...... CUf f enT
__ .............
-.. ",,-
- - <, " ,
-:--::- -,>," '\
-- ' , ,\
-- :.. <, ....... " \ \
- ':::::. <, " \ \
-, \ \ \ \

..... ...... -, "\\ \ \ '
<, ," 'I'll I ' , \ , \ '
...... \ \\\ \\\\\ \ \ \ \ \
,'\, '\' \1' 1' \ 1
and losses around a half wa ve vertical a
tenna whose base is cl ose to ea rth is shown
fig. 103. Brown determined experi me ntally
that the region of maximum curre nt and I
occurs at a distance of about 0.35 wavelengt
f rom the base of the ante nna. There is ze
loss at the base of the a ntenna itself, in:
much as there is no base cur re nt because t
antenna is fed at a c urre nt node. A therm
couple ammete r in the ground lead at t
point wi ll read zero. However, don't be d
ceived by thi s phenomenon, because a th
mocouple ammete r in the antenna lead w
also read zero.
Fig. 102-Current distribution along a half wave
vertical antenna and the flow of r.I. currents to
ground of a halfwave antenna.
crease. The effect of thi s can be represented
schematically by the ser ies circui t of fi g. 100.
which shows r.f. power being dissipated in
the several resisti ve elements of the circuit.
which are the radiation resistance. RA. the
ohmi c conductor losses, RL, and the effec-
tive eart h or ground resist ance, RE.
The standa rd pract ice is to make the rad-
iat ion resist ance as high as possi ble while
making losses as low as possible, thus giv ing
the hi ghest efficiency. Ohmic losses can be
kept low by proper design of inductances and
usc of low loss capacitors . Earth resist ance.
on the other hand, is somet hi ng which is in-
herent to one's locati on, and unless one
wishes to move the home and fa mi ly to a new
locati on, chosen on the basis of eart h re-
sistance, one has to live wit h it as it happens
to be and make the best of it.
There is something one can do to make
the best of it- and that is to reduce the earth
losses by the use of a ground system. Brown
det ermined the distribution of eart h curre nts
and ear th losses both analytica lly and exper-
imentall y."'.RI The dist ribution around a
q ua rte r wave vertica l antenna is shown in fig.
I 0 I. It may be seen t hat the curre nt a nd the
losses are highest in the region of greatest
cur re nt densit y which is cl ose to the base of
the ante nna, as would be ex pected.
Half Wave Antennas
The current distribut ion on a half wave
antenna, and the now of currents into the
ground from it, are shown in fig. 102. T he
ser ies circuit schematic of fig. 100 applies in
thi s case also. Here agai n it is necessary to
keep the eart h losses and ohmic losses as low
as possible. The di stribution of earth currents
40 CO April, 1969
Efficiency Versus Earth
Figure 104 shows the va riations in a
tenna radiation efficiency over eart h. for se
eral values of effective eart h resist ance at
va rious ante nna heights (lengt hs of vertic
radiator). It may be seen from th is figure th
wit h low effec tive eart h resistance provid
by a good ground system, the short vert ic
radiator (one eighth wave or so) , can be qui
efficient. It may also be seen that for a giv
effective eart h resistance the efficiency d
pends on the a ntenna's radiation resist an
which fo r a short a nte nna is less than th at
a tall antenna. There is not too much di fT
ence between a hal f wave and a quart
wave ante nna provided th at the effecti
eart h resistance is low. T here is cons idera
difference between ante nnas' of varia
heights whe n effective eart h resist ance
hi gh. This set of curves very effec tively sho
th at low effective eart h resist ance provid
by a good ground sys tem is a n absolt
necessity for vertical antennas of any hei g
if good radi ati on efficiency is desired.
The correspondent's cla im that one do
not need a ground system under a half wa
vertica l radiator is t rue only if he is conte
to throwaway from 40 10 80 per cent of I
radiated power i ll the for m of earth loss
He stated, "The ZL's call me. when I use
hal f wave vert ical !" This is not sur pris ing. '
vie w of t he fact th at the hal f wave' s vertic
pattern has a lower main lobe angle than
quarter wave would have, a nd lower tha
that of the usual horizont al Yagi array. HO\
ever, he would hit the ZL' s even harder if I
would put in a ground system. Of course, tl
hal f wave ver tical antenna is not depende
on a ground pl ane, however lossy or efficier
for the condi tion of resonance, si nce it
resonant in itself because of its half wai
length. However, it is dependent on a grour
See page 110 for New Reader Servi,
~ \
'" i
A - ~ ~ _ ~ 1 5 -
o "
2 0 25 "'0 '5 . 0

where: E8 is the resultant fi eld at a di stant point ,

Eo is the field at the same point , in free
t: o '.' ( . 2.. h) . 8
6 = - r l 6 sm X sm



. AI/[ LEOOGYI'O S '1t0M . "5[ Of" .."' u"'.....
the losses down. In the case of the half wave
radiator, however, there need be no larger
number close-in, because the current density
in that region is low. Instead, there should be
a large number as long as possible, preferabl y
a half wave long. for lowest losses and
greatest efficiency, beari ng in mind that the
region of greatest current density occurs from
about 0. 35 wavelengths from the antcnna on
out to further di stances.
Since not everyone has enough propert y
for such long radials, it could act ually turn
out that a quarter wave antenna with a large
number of short radials might be more effici-
ent, although its angle of main lobe radi ation
would be higher. If one were fortunate
enough to be located on a body of water, with
its inherent high conductivit y, one would
indeed have a very fine site for an antenna of
any height, with a low loss ground plane.
Fresnel Zone
The second area of earth influence is that
of the reflection zone, or " Fresnel Zone."
Here again the earth conductivity plays a
part , alt hough not such a great one as it does
in the launching of the wave in the immediate
area of the antenna. In pract ice, all antennas
must be installed at some finite dist ance
above ground. or with base on the ground.
Therefor their vertical radiation patterns are
always influenced by the earth, and never,
never conform to the patterns for "free
space" conditions. The signal radiated at any
angle is the vector sum of the direct ray and
the reflected ray. Consider fig. 106, wherein
a dipole is located at a distance " above
ground. For horizontal pol arization:
Fig. 103-Distribution of earth losses plotted
against distance, in wavelengths, from the an-
te nna base.
Lee, P. H., "Vertical Antennas-Part I", CQ,
ne 1968, p, J6.
e lor its efficiency 01 radiation, as is any
ical antenna, Actually, the 5/8 >- vertical
etter than the half wave vertical from the
dpoints of low angle radi at ion and feed
t impedance.
The Ground Plane
ow does the ground plane function?
at should be its confi gurati on? To answer
se questions, one should look back at fig.
and 102, which show the necessity for a
rn pat h to the base of the antenna, and at
100, which shows the etfective series
uit. Since the currents have to flow from
points in thc earth surface to a common
tral point (base of the antenna), it natu-
y foll ows that a radial configurati on of
ductors is required. Rememberi ng what
. previously said about the depth of pene-
ion of earth currents heing inversly pro-
tional to frequency, and recalli ng that
.es in the earth increase with frequency, it
lows that the radial wi res should be buried
se to the surface, for h.f. work. In case of
wn or other sodded area, let them be just
ow the level of the sod, at two or three
hes depth. One of the half-round lawn
er blades, with a long handle, is ideal for
ki ng a slot in sod. By moving the handle
rally as one steps on the blade, the slot may
opened and the sod pushed aside for an
h or so, and the wire dropped or pushed in-
it with a narrow stick of wood. The wire
uld bc at least numher 16 in size. Belden
. 8012, # 16 tinned copper. in 1000 foot
Is, makes excellent ground radial wire. This
antity will make 25 radi al s of average
gth of 40 feet.
How many radials are required? Reference
uld be made to fig. 9 & 10 of Part IS' to
te the effect of va rying the number and
gth of radi als. Refering to fi g, 104. a
und system of at Icast 120 radial s a half
ve long would be required to give an effcc-
e earth resi sta nce of from 2 to 5 ohms. In
case of a short radiator, it is more impor-
t to have a large number close in. as
b wn in fig. 105. If the confi guration of
le's propert y limits the length of radi als in
particul ar direction. a larger number of
ial s should be laid down whe re they have
be short than where they can be
ger, to improve the return path for the
rth currents in the "short" sector. to keep
.e page 110 for New Reader Service
April , 1969 CO 41
.OS ,10 .1' .20 .Z' .50 .ae .40 A' .ec
V[ fl T I CAL AH T[HHA H(lliHT IN ....V[L[HGT...S
.' I ' ( 2r. ,,)
fJ = 2 6 ,\ sin IJ
It }I
. ( ' . . He/lIf,/td II'",'/' I '
(' ('('/10 11 o('/f/('I(''' ' = . c/>
. I nrident --
there is a critica l angle at which the rellect
wave is totally plane pol arized. In t he ca
of radio waves and the eart h's surface. it
the horizontal component which is reflect
at the critical angle. and the vertical cor
ponent which is reflected or suppressed. S
fig. 107. If the earth were a perfect diel
tric, the cri tical angle would be IS' above t
horizont al. However, it is not a per f
dielectric nor is it a perfect reflector, a
ene rgy will he lost at the rell ecti on po int in
the earth. The ground refl ection cocffic ie
and the Brewster Angle will therefore va
with ground conduc tivity.
Figure 108 shows the phase and ampli tu
of t he ground rellection coefficient for varyi
angles of incidence of a vert ically polariz
wave. The curves for higher frequencies m
be taken 10 represent t he t rend for poo
conductivity at the lower frequencies. Fig,
109 shows the same thing for a horizonra
polar ized wave. The followi ng relations
What do t hese cur ves show us? We c
easily sec that t here is a "suck-i n" or all
uati on of the low angle rad iation from
vert ical ante nna, pl us a large phase shift
the refl ect ion point for very low angles
incidence. On the other hand. with the h,
izontal antenna t here is very low attcnuati
at the rellection point. but there is aim
180' phase shift at all angles of inciden
This tells us then t hat the horizontal anteor
to have any good low angle radi ation. m
be located at considerable height above t
earth (at least a hal f wavelength and pref
ably higher) to equa l the low angle perf
manee of the ve rtical. T his fac t, coupled w
mechani cal and st r uct ura l considc ra t ic
plus those of available space, ma ke t he v
tical an ideal choice for t he three low han
40, 75 and 160 meters. There is anot
benefit to be gained, also. and that is the f
that wit h a good ground plane and a qua rj
wave antenna whose maximum current is l
the base of the antenna. the rays t hat accou
for most of the radiation from the antcn'
emanate from its lower portion of hi
('II " "t' t l' rf t J-) "C I;" :it,, '0" ...


Q 00


i .-:
8 is the angle of elevation of the point ,
h is t he height of the center of the dipole
above ground in wavelengths.
These two equations arc of the same basic
form, the di tTerenee between them being that
in the case of hori zont al pol ari zation the
wave is reflected wit h a phase shift of 180 '
at the reflection poi nt . and with ve rt ical pol ar-
izati on there is zero phase shift. This is only
with a perf ectly conducting reflecting plane.
which is never the case in actual practi ce.
a lt hough sea water approaches it.
In the " real life" case. with an imperfectly
conducti ng earth. there is an etTect called t he
" Brewster Effect." named after an English
physicist. Sir David Brewster. who inves-
t igated certain optical propert ies of reflecting
planes as related to polarization of incident
light waves. Using non-polarized light.
Brewst er fou nd that it was partially reflected
and part iall y refracted at a plane surface.
such as the surface between air and glass.
(You snorkel fis herma n may be aware of
this effect as you look upward from helow t he
surface of the water.) He di scovered that
Fig. l04-Efficiency of radiation for antennas
of different heights over various values of ea rth


/,_ Re11ected

'\ Roy
I \
I '
"' 9"'\
I \
I//)/:r/ifTIIIIIII I
I '
f. Do not cross radial s or tie their di stant
ends together. This avoids circulating currents
which could cause loss.
g. If a Gamma Match t ype of feed is used
wi th a grounded tower. t he connection be-
tween tuning uni t and tower should be heavy
because it will have to carry considerable
current if t he feed point resista nce is low.
h. Radials should be buried about 2 or 3
inches, just enough to get them un der the sad
for protection.
In closing. let me relate some personal
experience. When I started operation at t his
location in 1959. I inst alled 8 radial s o f # 9
alumi num wire. and several years later added
8 more. In the intervening years the alumi -
num has graduall y corroded and been eaten
away. and recentl y I was not sure how much
Fig . 106-Relotionship between the dire ct and
reflected wave f rom a dipole located a finite dis-
tance above ground.
ereby incurring less loss than if t hey were
fall at some distant points beyond the con-
01 of t he station owner. In fac t, if one were
assume that the center of radiation of the
uarter wave vertical is at a very small di s-
ncc above ground. for the sake of the form-
las and curves above, the results would not
e very far from realit y as far as the vertical
altern shape is concerned. There would bc
orne suck-i n at low angles, which would
epcnd to a great extent on the excellence of
he ground plane itsclf. With a computer one
an actua lly compute the vertical plane pat-
rns from antennas of various heights. taking
nto account the va rious ground conduct-
ities whi ch exist in different areas of the
This mi ght all be summed up by saying
hat ground systems an' ,'cry important, and
hat the conduct ivit y of the earth itself is also
vit al factor in a ntenna efficiency. The fol-
wing point s should be observed. when in-
tailing a verti cal radi at or:
a. Install as many radials as possible, as
ong as possible. in your ground system.
b. A short radi ator can be qui te efficient
f ground radials arc of sufficient number and
cngth to keep earth losses low.
c. If you usc a halfwave or 5/8 wave
adiator. usc rad ial s of at least one half wave
ength, if possible. to keep eart h losses low
nd to enable you to realize the full benefit
f the added height and its increased low
ogle radiated
d. Radials should be at least # 16 copper
vire, and should be brazed or soldered to a
opper strap of 2" by 1/1 6" size around the
ase o f the ante nna. If the ant enna can be
cated on top o f a sheet of copper or ex-
andcd copper screen. about two or three
eet squa re. th is is ideal as a tie point for the
e. Soft or hard sol der may be used. If it is
iscd, all soldered joints should be coated
vith a n asphalt paint or compound to pre-
'ent them from corrodi ng when buried.
sphalt roofing ccme nt or tile cement. when
eated to make it more flu id. is ideal for thi s.
soldering torch should be used for solder-
ng. Do not rel y on the limited heat from a
.olde ri ng iron. Brazing or si lver solder is
,}" HF Vertical Plane Patt erns of Monopoles and
levated Vertical Dipoles With and Wi theut
xtended Ground Systems", Naval Electronics
aboratory Cell/a Report 1567. 25 June 1968.
Fig , 107- Rel a ti onship between the refl ect ed
a nd refracted rays. The polarizations are shown
for each roy.
ee page 110 for New Reader Service
April , 1969 CO 43
MC .
- .


1001i'C.- 1--'"




' 0< ,


, ,


o 10:PO JO 40 50 eo ' 0 eo eo
U Hi lf 0# ''' CIO( 8

.. ..lOl f 0# ."'m lll er B
( A)

l -,.
- I .
.., -roo

11 1.



.. .. GoI..( 0' ''''(' DEll er 8

I ,
I<, '12 111
- ,
, , ,
. ' J
:W >

o w 60 10
....yl( 0# III(IOU I ( ( 8
'()II lJOOO rA'''''' .''' "" to-' [ " u "' '''' 0 E'"

(8 )
Fig. 10a(AI- Amplitude of the ground refl ection
coefficient for va rious angles of incidence of dif-
ferent frequencies, (B) Pha se angl e f or various
angles of incidence at different frequencies, Both
plots are for a vertically polarized wave. For
good ea rth conductivity:
Fig. 109(A)-Amplitude of the ground reflectio
coeff icient for various angles of incidence at di
f erent f requencies f or horizontally polarize
waves. (BI Phase angle for va rious angl es
incidence at different f requencies for hori zon
tally pola ri zed waves for good eorth conductivit
a = 12 X 10-
and .=15.
can be qui te ctlic icnt when earth losses ar
kept low.
ground system I actually had left. Not wi sh-
ing to dig it up to fi nd out, I bought 1000
feet of # 16 copper and proceeded to install
50 new radi als. of varying lengths from 35 to
80 feet. at interva ls of about 7 around the
Mark IV Antenna." : I had been working on
160 meters wi th the old system with fair
results. but was not sati sfied wi th si gnal
strengths from the more distant stations.
There had seemed to be some loss in the
system. Upon tying in the new radi als- I noted
an immedi ate improvement in signal
strengths. both on receivi ng and transmi u -
ing, especiall y wi th the stations in more dis-
tant areas. The improvement was of the
order of three or four S-point s. By the time
this is in print . I will have added another 24
radials to the system. making the tot al 50. to
reduce the earth losses even further. An elec-
tricall y short an tenna. which this one is
(about 0. 16 wavelengths tall on 160 met ers).
S"Lee, P. H., "JIl ark IV OX Antenna", CQ, Feb.
1967, p. 60.
We regret an error in Part IV of thi s series
in the September 1968 issue. In Figure 32
page 42, the designati ons of the two cu rve
(resistance and react ance) were inadvcrtcnrl
reversed. However, this docs 110/ make th
numerical values for mutual impedance USCl
in Part s VIII and IX incorrect. The val ue
used in the examples were taken from cor
rcctly labelled original.
(To be continued)
Next month we conclude this twel ve part
series, " Vert ical Antennas," by Captai n
Paul H. Lee. If you have missed any part
of this series and wish to obtai n earlier
install ments. write to: CQ Circulation
Depart ment, 14 Vandervenler Avenue,
Port Washington, New York 11050. Issues
published duri ng 1968 arc priced at S1.00
each and 75c for those pu blished in 1969.
These prices include postage.
44 CO April, 1969 See page 110 for New Reader Service
Part XII (Conclusi on)
In this, the final part of the series, the author, in summary, lists and answers
some of the questions he has received from readers during the series.
O NEof the things that goes with wri ting
artieles for amateur magazines is the large
amount of correspondence from readers
seeking advice and assista nce. I have always
tried to answer all lett ers recei ved, albeit not
as promptl y as I would like to have done it,
due to the pressure of ot her things. One thing
that a ny author appreciates is the enclosure
of a stamped, self-addressed envelope. This
is onl y common courtesy, and it usuall y
bri ngs a more prompt and complete answer.
The mail from thi s series on vert ical antennas
has been considerable. In fact . it has been
greater tha n that from anyt hing else I have
ever written, which shows that readers are
interested in learning about a ntennas. This
has been especiall y true of those who wa nt
to use verticals on 75 or 160 meters. The
reeent power increases on 160 meters and the
increasing availability of s.s.b. equipment for
160 meters have led to considerable interest
in antennas for that band. shown both in the
correspondence and in my on-the-air contacts.
In thinking of what to say in this fi nal in-
stall ment of the series. I decided that it would
be appropriate to give some practical infor-
mati on on problems which confront our
readers, a nd what better way to do it can
there be than to quote actual questions re-
ceived, and the answers I have given? I am
aware that this mav lead to a flood of addi t-
ional correspondence wit h questions. but I
am sure that [ ca n make some provision for
handling it. a nd perhaps publishi ng the
answers for the information of all . Inciden-
tally. it is the plan of this publisher to put the
twelve parts of this series toget her in small
handbook form. together with other articles
I have written in the past on verticle antennas.
This has been somethi ng I have want ed to do
'5209 Bangor Drive, Kensington, Md. 20795
See page 110 for Ne.. Reader Service
for a long time. to get out a small book on
verticals, a subject which, until this series,
has not been covered in any depth in print.
Que st io ns and Answers
1. Q. I am new in amateur radio. and don',
know much about antennas. U' /W I do JOU
recommend for 80 meter c. w?
A. The answe r to this will depend on several
fact ors which I do not know, such as the
space you ha ve avai lable, and what areas and
dist ances you expect to work. If you have the
space, and a pair of tall poles or other sup-
ports. you can put up a dipole cut for about
3650 kc, feeding it in the cenler wit h a balun
and coax ial line. The height above ground
will determine the vertical angle of maximum
radi ati on. in general the greater heights
givi ng lower angles. If it is only 30 to 40 feet
above ground. for example (l ess than 1/4
wavelength). most of your radiati on will be
at high angl es. which will give you good
local a rea coverage within 200 Or 300 miles.
A vertical antenna of 1/4 wave height or less.
with a good ground system. will give you a
lower angle of radiati on. which will extend
your coverage out well beyond 1000 miles
reli ably. The vert ical will take less space than
the horizontal dipole. but it docs require a
ground system if it is to work efficiently.
2. Q. ~ V l u l t would he the result of turning m y
three element tri-band beam 011 end lind oper-
ating it as a rotary vertical array? Could I
still m ount it 011 my 50 [oot l o wer and pipe
A. This would be very nice if you coul d
mount it somehow wit hout any steel pole.
tower, or supporting structure. However, the
presence of sueh items will distort the beam
pattern and one ca nnot predict the results.
Also, there is the matter of feeding it. Unless
May,1969 CO 59
you could devise some means of carrying t he
feedline out horizont all y from the center of
the driven clement for considerable distance.
you would have an unbal anced sit uation
which would give you antenna currents on
the o utside of the feedline. (This would be
the case if you were to bring the feedline
down verticall y. parallel to the clement s.) It
is impossible to predict what you would get
from thi s install ation wi thout building a
small model (v. h.f. or u.h.f. range) and
actually measuring the patterns on a model
range. I once considered using a 5/8 wave
grounded base. gamma fed vertical as a
driven clement. mount ing the rot or right in
it at the proper distance above ground.
mount ing a crossboom above the rot or, and
hanging verti cal reflector and director from
the crossboom, By th is means one could
solve the feed problem and t he support pro-
blem in one st roke. However. such a thing
woul d be a single band affa ir. I may yet do
it as an experiment . on 10 or 15 met ers. where
the size would be reasonabl e and easv to

work wi t h.
3. Q. IVill a ground system under my hori-
zontal beam 1-:; \'(' me improved perjormance?
JVllat should he its configuration?
..\ . A ground system under a Vagi ar ray is a
waste of money and elTort. The radiation
from the ar ray is horizont all y polarized. and
is mai nly hori zontal in direct ion. Therefor a
ground system be neath it will not affect it.
T he ground (ea rt h) which docs affect it is
that in the Fresnel Zone (fi rst reflection zone)
which is many yards away from yo ur antenna.
Of course th is area is not usuall y under your
cont rol, a nd yo u arc unabl e to do anythi ng
about its cha rac ter. If you live on a body of
wat er you \",' i11 have an excellent. low loss
refl ect ing surface in the Fresnel Zone. and
you can consider yourse lf fortunate indeed.
1. I). I have a 40 [oot cabin cruiser. ant! wish
to operate mobile with my K fV.\ t 1 in it.
lV/wt do yOIl recom mend for a ll antenna?
Ho w can I gel (/ ground connection inasmuch
Cl.\' the boat has a wooden hull?
,\ . I recommend you li se one of t he several
good mobil e whi ps now on the market. if
your operation is going to he on the ama teur
bands only. One wi th traps or repl aceable
coi ls would be verv good, Make sure it is one
. -
wi t h the loading coil in the whi p rather than
at its basco inasmuch as his will bring your
current maximum up into the antenna in-
stead of ha ving il appear in the loadi ng coil
60 CO Mav.1 969
where it cont ributes nothing to the radiati on.
If you wish to operat e in the ship-shore bands
between 2 a nd 3 me. I would suggest one of
the wound whi ps for th is service which you
will find advertised in such sources as the
Radio Master. etc. A ground connection can
be obt ained by inst alling a bronze plate about
2 by 4 fee t on the bottom of the boat . and
bringing several bronze bolts th rough the
hull (approximately caulked. of course). for
connect ions inside t he boat. The motor. fuel
tank. and ot her associated metal part s should
be connected to this ground plate. You may
have to install an ignition noi se suppression
system also. as you would do in an automo-
bile. By the way, don't install the plate near
the bow. Put it back near the stern. so that if
you go fast in your boat it will not lift out of
the water and unground you!
5. Q. I hove a Hy-To wer vertical, and [or 1/
ground connection I liave connected to a
well casing which goes down 40 feet , TIl (,
water table is at about 25 feet. Is this suf]i-
dent. or do I need ,\'ome radials? If the lat ter.
ho w many?
A. You have a good d. c. and lightning pro-
tecti on ground. hut pract icall y none for h.f.
radio. If you wi ll read Part XI. you will sec
that at h.f. the depth of penet rat ion of the
earth currents is very small. so what you have
down there at 25 feet makes no difference.
You need ground radi als j ust below the sur-
face to provide you wi t h a low loss return
path for the earth currents. Put in about 25
to 50 radi als of number 16 wire. about 2 or
t hree inches deep. This can be done wit h a
powered lawn edger 10 make a slot in the sod.
or by one of those hal f-round edger blades
powered by your foot steppi ng on it. I did
50 radi als (2000 fee l of wire) in two Satur-
days. When you gel thi s ground system down
and connected. you wi ll be surprised at the
increased performance of your vertical
a ntenna,
6. Q. I am in a house which is surrounded 011
three sides hy other houses ,'ery close, and
there is not much yard space. III put u quar-
tcr lwn 'e vertical for 40 meters 011 l ap of the
house. will it work? I can't PHt do wn any I
ground system .
A. Yes. you can put a vertical on top o f the
house. For a ground plane of sorts. you can
lay some radial s on the roof of the house. I
would lay down at least 16 of them. to assure
a reasonable efficiency. They should be as
long as possible. If necessa ry. run them over
See page 110 for New Reader Service
= '.i
the edge of the roof and down the sides a bit.
You could even connect each onc to a copper
ground rod driven int o the earth at ground
level. sure that you do not have any
unbonded contacts to gutter pipes, etc.. for
non-linear joints which develop at such places
will give you plent y of TVI problems. Of
course. you will not get the clavsic pattern...
out of this antenna. but it will work rca-on-
ably well. Feed it with coaxial line run up to
its base,
'7. Q. Doesn't II vertical CtlllS(' more T l'1 and
r BClthan a horizontal antenna?
A. I don't believe it docs. I have used one
eve r since I moved to my present locat ion in
1959. I have had several TVI compl aints
which have been sol ved in accordance \\ ith
the FCC s cstuhlishcd program. hy ha ving
the set owner get from his set man ufacturer.
at no charge. the necessary filter. and I have
installed them as a courrcsv. I found that
with my Mark IV Antenna, which uses the
tri -band beam on 10. 15 and 20. ami the
tower (ladder) as a top-loaded verti cal on 40.
75 and 160. I had more complaints from the
high band operat ion on the beam than I did
wit h the low band operation on the vertical.
This is probabl y due to severa l factors. First.
at the higher frequencies. house wiring. TV
antennas. speaker leads, etc., arc a larger
fraction of a wavelength than they arc at the
lower frequencies. and thus they tend to pick
up more h.r. energy. Al so, the beam concen-
trat es its signal. and when it was pointed at
certain neighbors they really got it! On the
other hand. those with outdoor a ntennas
(unnecessary in this area) had lower fre-
quency energy picked up by the long down-
leads. This caused a beat belween the TV
sound carrier and the h.f. transmitter signal.
which caused a spurious signal to appear in
the TV set' s picture passband. T he filt ers
solved this problem al so. As I reca ll it. when
I used a simple vert ical on 15 and 20 meters.
before putting up the beam. the TVI problems
were less severe. and I feel thi s di fference is
due to the beam's present concentrat ion of the
energy in one direction. Bel. in the little
transi stor sets. is impossi ble to eliminat e. a nd
I don' t see any difference hetween the beam
and the vertical in this respect. If there is any
difference. it is probabl y due to frequency
more than to polarizution.
8. Q. I have a crank -lip tower for my beam ,
Ho w can I lise it as a folded unipole? JVhere
should I tap onto it?
See page 110 for New Reader Service
A. You have a problem! Yo u can either
choose 10 crank it up a nd down. or to feed
it as a folded unipole. bur not both. In the
fi r vt place. you will have to bond t he joinl'"
bet ween sections of tower to a... ... ure a gl' lld
connection, lip'l l from the ... tandpoint of ,I
good r.I. joint. and second. from the ... tund-
point of preventing any non-l inear jl,inh
which would ccncratc TVI. When y ll ll h.r vc-
done t his YOU will not he able h.' cra nk it on
and down. :\ I"J . i f vou do not hond il ,,' ,1 ..:
time you cra nk it up and lhl \ \ n it i... pr-b.d'! '
thai the tower -ccr ion... \\ ill not mak,
nccrion with the same cvact path length and
the tuning will change .1 b-t . \ \ ' h Cf l: .. ",. \ [!i
you ta p it? depends on \\ hat h unl- 1 i
want to work. 1 ... 1 you -cc arth.: h- I
Februar y 191\7 CQ on the vl .irk 1\' Il . Vn-
tcnna, I would go to the top a t the tower wu h
the 11\0 meter fold . and thiv could als,' be
used for 75 met ers if the tower is lc... ... than
about 50 feet. If more. tap down at about the
30 foot level. For 40 meters. tap it at about
20 or 25 feet. Mat ching ca n he LI nne wi th
simple L net work, convivting of t wo capac-
itors. Sec the \l ark IV a rticle for dct ail-.
9. Q. l tried fe(' ding my 50 [ not to wer O il 160
meters hy tappiiu; onto it at aha" , [cvt
above eround with lite coaxial line. hut il
would 110t match, so I gm'(' lip tlte idea, N O H' ,
with your articles yon make me think it ca"
he done: Where should I tap on it and how
should I [eed it?
A, Well . you tried. but forgot the fact that
you have an impedance mat ching network in
the circuit. As in the previous a nswe r. take
the fold wire all the way to the top of the
lower and connect it there. Even though it
is a 50 footer. the impedance looking into the
fold on 160 meters wi ll be of quit e low re-
sista nce and rather high inductive react ance.
This means that you have 10 use two ca pac-
itors in an L network to match it to RG-RI U
line. Refer to the Mark IV art icle in February
191\7 CQ for an example of this feed on 1(,0
meters. and for typical ca paci tor sizes. I
should ment ion one thing. though. a nd that
is that vour area is now allowed 500 wau s

davt irnc on 160 meters. a nd the volt ace

rat ings of the capacitors will have to be in-
creased over those used in the Mark IV.
Those had onl y 0. 1" spacing. and when I
tried 500 watts they arced over due to the
currents and volt ages invol ved. I had a COLI pie
of vacuum variables which I put in. and now
all is well. I also had to increase the contact
May,1969 CO 61
spacing on the rel ay that lifted the coax braid
ofT ground . But perhaps you will not have that
problem. If you are going to run only 100
wall s or so, you won' t have this arci ng pro-
blem with 0.1 " spaci ng capacitors.
10. Q. I Jaw sometime ago in one of the
magazines all article about verticals in an
array which H,'ere grounded at their bases lind
It'd at their tops. H'hy have yOIl not covered
this in your series? JVhere Cll ll I gel infor-
mat ion all this [eed method?
A. You have a good memory. That item ap-
peared in QST tor April 1959 in an art icle hy
R. \Y. Johnson. UR. enti tled. "The
Groundpole Antenna:' I did not cover it in
my se ries because the configuration is not
purel y vert ical. hut ab o has horizontal elc-
rncnts which radiale. Basically. the idea is as
fo llows. Take two 1/4 wave verticals. for ex-
ample. separate them 1/2 wavelength,
ground their bases and feed them hv means
of a center- fed half wave d ipole whose ends
arc connected to the tops of the vertical cle-
rncnts. The radiation pattern from this com-
hination will he complex. and would require
computer anal ysis. or actual scale modelling
for its determinat ion. There arc other con-
figurations which may he used also, involvi ng
more than t wo clements. I should emphasize
even more tha n W6MUR did that a good
ground system is necessary for this type ( 0
work efficien tly. In fact. inasmuch as maxi-
mum current occurs at the grounded ends of
the vert ical clements. ground currents \ \-' i11 he
qui te hi gh. beca use the whole thing can be
considered as a closed loop with ear th form-
ing o ne part of the loop. It follows that this
retur n pat h should he as low loss as possible,
and even if many radials can not be put
down. it is essent ial that there be a low re-
sistancc uround bus between the hottom ends
of all vertica l elements. This can be made of
copper st rap or several numher I () or number
12 wires run together in parallel. You might
consider thi... type of antenna this way: nor-
mally. vertical arrays arc fed from the base
of the clements a non-radiating system of
t ra n... mivsi on lines. In this casco the vertical
clement s arc fed from the top with si ngle
wire t runrnission lines that arc allowed to
radiat e and contribute to the pattern, which
then becomes complex and requires consid-
crable mathematical anal vsis for its deter-
minati on. My congratula tions to
for his fine a rticle.
1\. Q. lViI/my Quad work as top loading on
my tower for 75 and 160 meters, as your
tri-band beam doe, on your Mark I V DX
A. [ see no reason why not. The Quad ele-
ment wires would constit ute a considerable
added top capacit y on the tower, and it should
work fine . I don't have a Quad but common
sense tell s me that it wi ll work.
12. Q. In your Mark I V DX antenna I no-
tice that )'011 have your CDR r otor moto r
physicnll v and electrically in series with the
vertical dement 01 the antenna. with no
bonding across it. Doesn't the motor winding
bum lip? Are yOIl sure of the r.f. p.n h through
the motor housing? fl o w do you protect it ?
A, Before making t his installation I asked
several CDR representa tives whom I met at
a local elect ronics show whether they had
anv reservati ons "bout the idea. Thev felt

that the large number of hall bearings in the
raceway would provide a good multiple con-
tact bet ween upper and lower port ions of the
housing. They did recommend that the rot or
control cable conductors be bypassed to
ground at t he base of the antenna, inasmuch
as the cont rol cable is in effect in parallel with
the tower itself d .-wise and will car ry some
d. current. I did this. Each of t he seven con-
ductors is bypassed to ground at the base of
the tower wit h a 0.01 mf di sc cera mic ca pac-
it or. These capacitors arc housed in an a lum-
inum beer can (empty), entra nce to which is
through the bot tom end to keep water out.
The can is mounted on one of the 4 X 4
tower supports. I do notice a very slight up-
ward swing of the rotor indicator needle on
75 meters when I talk. but it is less t han 1/ 4".
and I att r ibute it to r.f. gell ing int o the cable
somewhere in the basement or the shack it-
self. Incidientl y, there is an r.f. path across
the rotor mot or housing, and thi s is through
the outer conductor of the coaxial line and
through the ba lun coil. Obviousl y thi s is also
a d.c. path fo r static discharges.
13. Q, In f inding the gain of a directional
array , shouldn' t you take the r.m.s. of the
whole pattern through the vertical angles.
instead of [ust the of the horizontal
A. As I have said before. gain is meaningful
only when referred to a specific direction
(horizontal and vertical angle). It is standard
practice among consulti ng engi neers to usc
the horizont al patt ern (ve rt ical angle zero
degrees) because that is the easiest one to
[Co1l/inued 0 11 page 96)
62 CO May, 1969
See page 110 for New Reader Service 1
Verticals [from page 62)
measure by walking or driving to measuring
points. Also, consult ants are interested in
ground wave coverage, usually. In some cases
it is necessary to know the skywave patte rn
at a particul ar hori zonal azimuth angle. The
FCC insist s on knowing the predicted ver-
tical patterns, taken every 10 vertically, for
all horizontal azimuth angles. If one wishes
to know the gain of an array at a particular
vertical angle. he can compute it by putting
the vertical angl e int o the pattern equation,
computing the pattern at that vertical angle.
fi ndi ng its r.m.s.. and computing t he gain, as
I did for the horizontal plots in Parts VIII and
IX. I did not do it for t he vert ical angles be-
Ca use I felt it would add too much compli-
cat ion to the articles for the average reader
to foll ow. However. it can be done by any-
one so deepl y inerested. (Thi s item came from
a coll ege professor who had wor ked out a
computer program for deriving thc whole
three-dimensional pattern of an array, and
he felt that to know the ga in of the array one
should base it on the r.m. s. of the three-di-
mensional pattern. It is very commendable
th at he has worked this out. I wish I had
such facilities at my di sposal. However. I
reit erat e th at gain is meaningful to the com-
municat ion sysern user onl y when referred to
his specific direction of interest. The gain at
other directi ons is nice to know because he
Ca n then tell whether his antenna is wastinz

power in spurious lobes. but it is not essen-

ti al to the basic q uestion of gain in the de-
sired direction. And in my case I chose the
hori zont al plane for ease in measurernent.)
I . Q. In YOllr directional computations you
show only the horizontal patterns. What
about the verical angles? These anennas can't
he Q.f perfect as .rOli have shown them. Isn' t
there power lost in high sky\\'cn'e lobes?
A. Yes, there is power in skywave lobes, bu t
in the case of the simple two and th ree tower
patterns shown. the skywave lobes are small.
relativel y. In the case of in-line arrays. one
can generalize and say that in each null of
the horizont al (groundwave) pattern there
will be a small skywave lobe. Its angle above

the horizont al will depend on several para-
meters of the array, the most important of
which is the fact or f (0) for the tower heights
involved, In the case of arrays of ot her con-
figurations and more clements. such as paral -
lelograms or "dog- legs." the skywave lobes
96 CO May, 1969
can be found only by computation. A com-
puter does indeed come in handy for this. I
know of one consultant who designed a
multi-element array of irregular configuration
for a client some years ago, who did not com-
pute the whole pattern at 10 vertical angle
increments (before it was required), When
the array was built, he could not make his
horizont al r.m.s. come up to the value re-
quired by the FCC. In other words, he was
losing too much power in skywave lobes and
in circulating power wi thi n the array. It was
a "Iosser." The array had to be torn down
and redesigned. Naturall y the client became
quite irate, instituted a law suit, etc. This was
quite embarrassing as well as costly to all
concerned. So, the answer is. " Yes, there are
skywave lobes, but in the simple patterns
they arc minimal."
15. Q. My radio room is on the third {foor.
of our house. I would like /0 li se a vertical
Oil the roof, hili how do I make a
connection [rom this height?
A. Obviously you cannot make a good r. f.
ground connection to eart h from this height ,
because your ground lead will be a part
the radi ating system and will place youn
entire install at ion at some d . potenti al above
ground, besides introduci ng possible losse
from coupli ng to house wi ring, plumbing
etc. I suggest you install a ground plane an
tenna on your roof, feeding it with coaxia
line. in the same manner as I suggested to the
wri ter of question 6.
This concl udes the present series on vertica
antennas. I wa nt to thank those who havj
wri tten, and to those who have expresse
your interest over the ai r. Your number hal
been considerable. and it is ver y gratifying tl
an author to know that his works are rea
and appreciated. It is also pleasing to tli,
publi sher, who wa nts you to know that bacl
issues containing these articles which begai
in J une 1968 are ava ilable. Please do no
wri te to me for repri nts. I cannot furnisJ
t hem. Write to CQ. The handbook contai ni n
all of the arti cles will be published as sao,
as possible. I have enjoyed writing for you
and thank you for your interest.
Erratum '
In Part IV, fi g. 32. the label s " reactanc
and "resistance" on the curves were inadvei
tently interchanged. Please correct them.
See page 11 0 for New Reader Servi

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