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dian society.Caste determines man's marriage, social circle, profession and Weal th.

This Cast and religion is to control large amount of people, they belive there should be some regulating and monitori ng system which people does follow automatically without beiJUMPING BALLS Materials Required: (1)A Glass Jar (2)Water (3)Naphthalene Balls (4)Baking Soda (commonly called as Sodium Bicarbonate) (5)Vinegar (commonly called as Acetic Acid) Procedure: Step 1:Fill the empty glass jar with water. Step 2:Add 2 or 3 spoons of Baking soda and stir the water in the jar till it ge ts completely dissolved. Step 3:Now add 5 or 7 spoons of Vinegar to the water and stir it well. Step 4:Drop 2 or 3 Naphthalene balls inside the jar and wait for the chemical re action to take place. For your surprise you can see the naphthalene balls moves up and down for a whil e. Theory Behind: Pressure is exerted due to the chemical reaction that takes place inside the jar is the common fact of the experiment.But the movements will takes place for a fe w minutes only. Reason: NaHCO3(sodium bicarbonate)+CH3COOH(acetic acid)-------->CH3COOHNa(sodium acetate )+H2O(water)+CO2(carbon dioxide) Sodium bicarbonate react with acetic acid to evaporate carbon dioxide gas. Bubbl es of CO2 settle on the surface of the balls,thereby decerasing its density.whe n the balls rise to the surface ,the bubbles break and the ball sink down.So tha t the naphthalene balls going up and down. Dowry Dowry or Dahej is the payment in cash or/and kind by the bride's family to the b ridegroom' s family along with the giving away of the bride in Indian marriage . Purdah Purdah is the practicethat includes theseclusion of womenfrom public observation by wearing concealingclothing and by the use of high walls, curtains, and screens erectedwit

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