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Pakistani Taliban, a Barbaric and Jungle group, made to malign Sunni Islam.

In view of continuous activities of a group of people who are claiming themselves as Pakistani Taliban,The contineous war in the region and deceptive politics and tactics of international players to divert this war towards other issues specially against Islam and by local players like Shia Iran and Shia president of Pakistan Zardari are trying to malign Sunni Islam and thus causing wear and tear in society and encouraging emergence of new wild cults and Barbaric groups, there is need to analyze and review this change of belief and thinking of this group so that a solid point of view can be made about Pakistani Taliban that who are they what are their belief and how people of other religion like Islam can be differentiated from this new cult and group. Some people think they are believers of Islam, Specially some anti Islam and Islamic sectarian groups like Shia and their leaders like Iran and President Zardari of Pakistan are trying to lable them as a Sunni Muslims to victimize Sunni Islam. While in fact Taliban activities are by any standard are not as per teaching of Sunni Islam and Quran. which are obvious from following points. They are involved in suicidal activities which is strictly prohibited in Islam in any condition. Islam give great impotance to freedom struggle and Muslims have fought great freedom struggle in world, but teaching to people to do suicide or to do self harm or injury is by any standard is against the teachings of Quran and Islam. Islam give great importance to charity and welfare of poor people in the form of Zakat and equal distribution of income, while this group does not care about such things even life and pain of poor and back trodden people. They are against getting of knowledge and education by common people, while it is the first requirement of Islam because without it no one can learn Quran and teaching of Islam. They attack others people and humans without any reason and discrimination while in Islam it is totally against basic teaching. They occupy cities and properties of others while it is totally prohibited in Islam. They are against women, while Islam has given great respect to women as Mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. They use each mean of deception, lies and cheating, while in Islam these thing are roots of all evils. In Islam there is great importance in following and obeying the laws , while this group is the biggest out law group in society . In Islam there is great freedom for debating and challenging different point of views,and consultation, while there is no such thing in this group. There may be some things common in these people with reference to Islam as there are some things common between Sikhs and Muslims, Jews and Muslims,Christian and Muslims. Therefore it is the need of time to differentiate this group and keep this group some what at a distance from the main stream Islam and declare them a new cult or as a emergence of a new religion and then to make their identification with specific name like Wild or Jungle Religion or Wild and Barbaric Talibanism or and not to overlap or mix their wild or jungle belief with Islam and teachings of Islam.

M.AKRAM Karachi,Pakistan

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