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Saitoti probe report delay sparks anxiety

P. 9 Its yet to be made public two months after it was handed to Kibaki

Kenya faces fresh budget headache

Smart Company Rising spending and low revenue dim growth plan

Nairobi | Tuesday, April 2, 2013

KSh50/00 (TSh1,700/00 : USh2,700/00 : RFr900/00)

No. 17537


APPOINTMENTS | Sharing of key positions had been put on hold to await Supreme Court ruling


They have not reported to the 78 national schools where they were offered places, says Ministry of Education audit. Page 16

Uhuru, Ruto Cabinet to blend old and new

Line-up expected to be named a day after President-elect and his deputy are sworn in on Tuesday

News Page 2-11, 16-19, Back Opinion Page 12-13 Letters Page 14 World Page 20-27 Business Page 28-31 County Page 32-33 Sport Page 43-47

resident-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, have taken charge of the appointment of their 22-member Cabinet, which they expect to nalise by the end of the week.

The rm gag on their aides and advisors, however, has not stopped politicians and technocrats from heightening lobbying for the positions of Cabinet and Principal secretaries and other key jobs in the oces of President and Deputy President under the incoming administration. Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto will be sworn in next Tuesday after the Supreme Court cleared the way for them

to take oce in a judgment delivered on Saturday. Sources close to the two leaders yesterday said they will name the Cabinet on April 10 a day after their swearing-in. Appointments to key positions, including the Cabinet, are to be shared equally between The National Alliance (TNA), which sponsored Mr KenyatCONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Floods kill six as heavy rains season sets in

BY NATION TEAM Six people have died in separate incidents and property destroyed following heavy rains and oods that have hit various parts of the country. In one incident, three people died when the matatu they were travelling in was swept away by raging oods. In Migori, water levels in rivers Kuja and Migori have risen rapidly, raising fears that hundreds of families would be left homeless. We will require relief food, tents, mosquito nets and drugs if the rains continue like this, Nyatike MP Edick Anyanga said yesterday. The Meteorological Departments MarchApril-May forecast indicates that numerous counties at the Coast and in western Kenya would experience heavy rains.

A matatu that was swept away by raging oods killing three people while a fourth one went missing. The incident occured on Magadi Road in Ongata Rongai yesterday. Six people were killed in oodrelated incidents countrywide.


2 | National News
EXPLOSION | Experts moved in after residents complain to chief

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Lucky escape for Nakuru IDPs as two bombs found in camp


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Regional highlights
Nairobi: President Kibaki scheduled to open a governors conference at the Great Rift Valley Lodge this morning. Kenya Defence Forces will be conducting a full dress rehearsal at Moi International Sports Centre in preparation for the swearing in of President -elect Uhuru Kenyatta

Governors ying ag

Property where device was found has been at the centre of a dispute before the displaced were settled
BY FRANCIS MUREITHI olice detonated two bombs that had been planted at a camp for the internally displaced persons in Nakuru County. The camp at Rongai has more than 300 IDPs who were recently settled at the farm by the government. The two bombs at San Marco IDP camp were detonated by explosive experts led by Rongai police boss Joseph Mwamburi, acting district commissioner Jackson ole Chuta and other senior police ocers. According to the OCPD, the bombs were discovered by a herdsman as he grazed his animals in an open eld. The man then informed the area chief who called the police. But some residents said they had called the police when the device was found but ocers thought it was an April Fools Day prank. These are deadly bombs which if they had exploded, could have led to many casualties but thank God we moved very fast after receiving the information , said Mr Mwamburi. He said investigations had commenced to establish how the bombs were planted in the open eld which was set aside for the construction of public utilities. According to him, the herder noticed some wires that were protruding from the ground and alerted the chief. Mr Mwamburi cautioned the residents not to play with metallic objects they nd in their farms but instead alert the authorities. Sources at the scene told the Nation that the plot where the bombs were planted was at the centre of a dispute. We are yet to establish the motive of the bombs in an IDP camp and already we have launched investigations and we hope to get to the bottom of this matter very soon, added Mr Mwamburi. The detonation of the explosives was slowed down by heavy rains. Shaken IDPs were hurriedly evacuated from the scene moments after the explosive was found. We managed to evacuate people after the incident was reported to us, said Mr Mwamburi.

Experts prepare to detonate a home-made bomb at Marco IDP Camp in Rongai, Nakuru County, yesterday. Though residents notied police early in the morning, administrators thought it was a Fools Day prank and showed up at 4pm.


Eventually the government will have to amend the Act to include the governors in that list. Governors in the pecking order are actually senior to ministers
LSK chairman Eric Mutua Page 11

In the News
Mombasa: Over 6,000 contract workers in the hotel industry in Coast are set to be sent home this week as the low tourism season sets in. The season starts shortly after the Easter holiday and runs up to mid-July. At least 2,000 casual workers in Malindi and Watamu towns alone are normally sent home during this period when Italian investors shut down their hotels for renovations. Page 33 Mombasa: Farmers will start receiving subsidised fertiliser from today as the planting season gets under way with the onset of heavy rains. The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) managing director Gideon Misoi also revealed that some 200,000 bags of DAP would be at their depots in the North Rift and parts of Western and Nyanza by the end of this week. Page 32 Migori: A man who apparently could not stomach the idea of Prime Minister Raila Odinga not becoming Kenyas next president has committed suicide. The middle-aged man was found hanging outside his house at Lwanda trading centre in the Nyatike constitu-

ency of Migori County. Page 19 Kajiado: Six people died in separate incidents in Kajiado County as heavy rains pounded most parts of the country. A matatu was swept away in Kiserian by ooded seasonal Kandisi stream, killing three passengers. The driver of the matatu escaped death narrowly as he was trapped by a tree. Page 18 Nairobi: About 1,300 Form One students failed to report to national schools where they were offered places, according to an Education ministry audit. Only 14,934 students 7,361 girls and 7,573 boys made it to the 78 national schools countrywide. Some 16,125 students who wrote the Kenya Certicate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination last year had been admitted to the top schools. Page 16 Nairobi: The seeming reluctance by the Oce of the President to make public the Saitoti helicopter crash report is creating anxiety in the aviation sector. Two months after the report was handed over to the outgoing President, Mwai Kibaki, stakeholders have not had the opportunity to know its contents. Page 9

A view of the bomb exploding after ocials set it o.


Shrapnel after detonation of the device.


Probe on


0600 Some of the equipment used to disable the bomb is taken away after the operation.

Temperatures rise to 21 degrees at noon with chance of showers

It will be partly cloudy in the evening as temperatures rise slightly

Temperatures drop further to 16 degrees at night and it will be mostly cloudy

It will be raining in Nairobi in the morning as the long rains continue

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

National News 3

PROFILE | The former teacher is now a peace crusader in Narok County

Ex-senator who ended up a herder

The 86-year-old independence hero will be watching with nostalgia as current Senate starts work
BY GEORGE SAYAGIE hilip Toikan Lemeins name features prominently in Kenyas history books, earning him a place among the countrys Independence heroes. The 86-year-old member of the Kenyan Independence Senate has seen the best of both worlds literary. Having been a Senator, it was humbling being relegated to a herdsman to look after his dwindling herd of cattle in Narok. As the current Senators get down to work, he will be watching them with nostalgia. Mr Lemein, who attended the Lancaster House conference in 1963 and was former President Mois schoolmate, went back to teaching primary school children after the Senates term ended in 1966 when the House of Representatives and the Senate merged. After the 2007/08 post-election violence, he took it upon himself to preach peace among communities resident in Narok County. He is now the secretary of Narok Peace Committee and Maasai Council of Elders. He is a former member of several school boards. During the 2010 promulgation of the Constitution ceremony at Narok Stadium, Mr Lemein showed his patriotism by shedding tears of joy before a large crowd that turned up for the event. He talked of his days in the negotiations that brought about independence. Kenyans joys of freedom had been short-lived due to poor governance that threw many into poverty. The Lancaster constitution, which we midUnion (Kadu) Narok branch in 1962 and later joined the delegation that went to negotiate Kenyas independence in London, he says. Mr Lemeins students are among the who-is-who in Maasailand. They include Moi University chief academic ocer Karei ole Karei, University Goes to the Village programme founder Sarone ole Sena, US-based professor Meitamei Olol Dapash and former permanent secretary Peter Nkuraiya. He retired in 1982 having been in the classroom for 33 years. He had returned to the teaching profession after his stint in senate politics.

Anglican boss to visit Kenya next month

The newly-enthroned Archbishop of Canterbury is scheduled to visit Kenya during his tour of Africa. Mt Kenya South Anglican Church of Kenya Bishop Timothy Ranji said Archbishop Justin Welby (below) would visit the diocese next month. Speaking at St James Cathedral in Kiambu at the weekend, Bishop Ranji said Archbishop Welby would visit the county next month although the exact date and itinerary had not been conrmed. He said the visit would be a great honour to the cathedral, which is the seat of the Diocese of Mt Kenya South.

When the term of the rst senate ended after it was merged with the House of Representatives
Mr Lemein reminds the new senators that they must represent the counties interests by making laws that benet their constituents. The senators must determine the allocation of national revenue among counties as well as exercise oversight responsibilities over the national revenue allocated to county governments, and they should not be biased on tribal lines, he says. The father of six, who looks much younger than his age, attributes his good health to being a teetotaller and a non-smoker. As a former scout, I also walk a lot not only because I dont own a car but because I love it. He recalls his days at Lancaster and in the Senate with pride. My three months stay there transformed my personality. I mingled freely with such great personalities as Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and Tom Mboya, he says. Our work in the Senate was to approve or reject Bills passed in the House of Representatives (lower house). Bills rejected by the Senate (upper house) had to garner 90 per cent support if they are to be passed, which was no mean feat, he says.

Mr Philip Toikan Lemein during the interview last week.


Peace crusader

wifed, was despite its imperfections, a good document. But it was mutilated beyond recognition over time to create a monster that suited the whims of the ruling elite, he said. He continued: The ght to liberate Kenya began before independence and it has come to fruition after the ushering in of the Constitution. It is as if I have seen independence twice. I am honoured to be alive at this time. Born in 1926 at Melili in Narok North District, Mr Lemein attended Government African School, now Ole Sankale Primary School, in 1933. After completing my Kenya Africa Preliminary Education in 1941, I at-

tended Government African School and Teacher Training College, Kapsabet for my P4 teacher course. There I met retired President Daniel arap Moi, then in Standard Eight. Despite being my junior, he wielded immense authority as he was in charge of the dining hall which served both primary and teacher training sections, says Mr Lemein. After teaching for 20 years in various schools, it was Mr Moi and former Narok North MP Justus Kantet ole Tipis who prevailed upon him to resign and join politics. I subsequently became the treasurer of Kenya Africa Democratic

He urged church members to pray for the event and uphold their Christian values at all times to set an example to the rest of the world in accordance with the Christian teachings that they are the light and salt of the world. The Archbishop of Canterbury was enthroned on March 21, as the 105th in a line that goes back more than 1,400 years to Augustine of Canterbury. Archbishop Welby succeeded Rowan Williams who had served for 10 years. The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. He also serves as the diocesan Bishop of Canterbury. He is one of the highest ranking people in England and the highest ranking non-royal in the United Kingdoms order of precedence.

4 | National News
APPOINTMENTS | Jubilee leaders expected to unveil line-up after being sworn into oce next week

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Uhuru, Ruto to mix old and new faces in Cabinet

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tas candidature and the United Republican Party (URP), which sponsored Mr Ruto. The two parties signed a pre-election agreement that saw them come together as the Jubilee Coalition. Yesterday, MPs Kareke Mbiuki (Maara, TNA) and Aden Duale (Garissa Township, URP) said talks on the sharing of Cabinet slots have been conned to Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto. We have agreed as a team that the responsibility of discussing portfolios should not be a plenary issue, but one for the President and his Deputy to decide, said Mr Mbiuki. Mr Duale, who is expected to be appointed Majority Leader in Parliament, said the formation of the Cabinet had been delayed by the election petition led by Cords Raila Odinga, who challenged the declaration of Mr Kenyatta as winner of the presidential election. The issue of forming the Cabinet will begin tomorrow (today) because all the attention was on the petition. The two principals will begin work on it and it is expected that they will have completed their work by the end of the week, Mr Duale said. In its manifesto, the Jubilee Coalition promised to appoint fresh faces to the Cabinet determined by their qualications and the energy to deliver on campaign pledges. Even though they had earlier on agreed to leave out seasoned and aging politicians from their Cabinet line-up, it is now understood that they are likely to include a few to guide inexperienced appointees, who will be ying the ag for the rst time. There are some of us who felt we need a brand new government free from the usual faces, but we have freed Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto to do as they so wish but give us the best, Mr Mbiuki said. Cabinet ministers Charity Ngilu, Sam Ongeri, Eugene Wamalwa and former minister Najib Balala are being mentioned as some of the seasoned politicians who could make it to the 22-member Cabinet. It was not clear whether Mr Musalia Mudavadi of the Amani Coalition will be included in the new government. At the weekend, the coalition gave Mr Mudavadi the green light to start negotiations with the Jubilee Coalition. Those familiar with the evolving new line-up said that where TNA takes the ministerial position, URP will provide the principal secretary (equivalent to permanent secretary under the old order). Regional and ethnic balance remain the key challenges as both Mr Kenyatta and

Former Cabinet ministers Kiraitu Murungi (left), Jamleck Kamau and Sam Ongeri (right) are all angling for appointment in the Jubilee governments Cabinet to be unveiled next week.
Mr Ruto craft the new line-up. Mr Kibakis administration retained powerful dockets within the Mt Kenya region with the Security and Finance dockets dominated by ministers from Central Kenya throughout his 10-year tenure. In Mt Kenya region, there is an increasing push for Mr Kenyattas attention pitting former Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi now the Meru senator and his Tharaka Nithi counterpart, Prof Kithure Kindiki. The two are embroiled in a supremacy battle as both are angling for the position of Leader of Majority in the Senate. Also seeking slots expected to be given to Central Kenya are Kigumo MP Jamleck Kamau, outgoing Finance Minister Njeru Githae and outgoing head of Public Service Francis Kimemia. In Nyanza, outgoing Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Ongeri is among those angling for a seat after he lost in the March 4 election. Others are TNA secretary-general Onyango Oloo, former minister Raphael Tuju, former Rangwe MP Shem Ochuodho


Attention on petition

The two principals will begin work on it and it is expected that they will have completed their work by the end of the week
MP Adan Duale on Cabinet line-up

and Mrs Rosemary Rumo, who vied for a womens representative seat in Homa Bay, but lost. At the Coast, Mr Ruto and Mr Kenyatta will have to choose between outgoing Environment Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere and Mr Balala. In Western Kenya, Mr Kenyatta has the choice of Mr Mudavadi and Mr Wamalwa among the old guard and Ms Yvone Khamati as a potential newcomer. In Rift Valley, where Mr Rutos URP dominated, outgoing Information and Communication Minister Samuel Poghisio, Kericho senator Charles Keter and Mr Davis Chirchir who served as a commissioner with the now disbanded Interim Independent Electoral Commission are among those being considered. Jubilee Coalition MPs and senators will meet this week to decide who will be nominated to the position and other parliamentary appointments.

Being considered



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DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

National News 5
AFTERMATH | Going back to the drawing board

Israel looks to stronger Kenyan ties

Israel is ready to work with President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President-elect William Ruto. The countrys ambassador to Kenya, Mr Gil Haskeln, said yesterday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus government was hopeful that the ties between the two countries would grow even stronger. We hope to solidify the very deep and intimate relations that exist between both countries, a statement from the Israeli Embassy in Nairobi said, as Israel joined other countries in sending congratulatory messages to the Jubilee leaders on their election victory. Even before the March 4 General Election, the Israeli government in January said that it was ready to work with the next Kenyan administration regardless of who was elected. Then, the embassy said that the ties between the two countries were anchored on a people-to-people relationship, which was totally independent of whichever government was in power.

Cord sets up meeting to take stock

Raila and Kalonzo expected to advise alliance MPs and Senators on future plans
BY ISAAC ONGIRI rime Minister Raila Odinga and Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka have scheduled a meeting with Cord Senators and MPs next week to discuss the election aftermath. Mr Odinga and Mr Musyoka met a number of Senators and MPs at the PMs Harambee Avenue oce and promised to take stock of the political situation. Those who attended said Mr Odinga did not hint at quitting, leaving a lot of speculation on what his message would be. Mr Musyoka, who is vacating his oce for new Deputy President-elect William Ruto, also did not give a hint on his future. Mr Odinga yesterday spent time at his Karen home meeting close private and political friends. There is no reason really for

People relationship


Prime Minister Raila Odinga (centre) at a Press conference on Saturday at which he accepted the Supreme Court decision to uphold the declaration of Uhuru Kenyatta as President-elect. With him is VP Kalonzo Musyoka (left) and Ford Kenya party leader Moses Wetangula.
the two to quit politics. Nothing in the Constitution compels them to do so. We hope they will come up with the way forward when we meet, Suba MP John Mbadi said. Suna East MP Junet Mohammed, who spent some time with Mr Odinga on Saturday after having lunch with him at the Serena Hotel and later accompanied him to the meeting with the MPs, yesterday told the Nation Mr Odinga was not quitting just yet. I spent time with him on Saturday. In fact, he was very upbeat. At the time, he was expecting a favourable judgment. That did not come but throughout his speeches, he has not hinted at quitting politics and I dont think he will do so, he said. Mr Mohamed, however, said that the shape of Mr Odingas future politics would be clearer after a retreat of MPs and Senators after the swearing-in of Mr Kenyatta next week. At the retreat, we expect to talk about the coalitions future, parliamentary and senate committees and many more other issues, the MP said.


Future of sta unclear

Even as Kenyans speculate about Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyokas political future, uncertainty has hit their sta and others who worked with them. It is unclear what happens to the dozens of public servants who worked for Mr Odinga at his Harambee Avenue oce and Kalonzo at Jogoo House.

Cotu denies it plans to hold demos

Cotu has dismissed reports that trade unions are planning countrywide demonstrations against the court judgment that upheld President-elect Uhuru Kenyattas election. Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) secretarygeneral Francis Atwoli said as an organisation representing Kenyan workers, it has no issue with the Supreme Court judgment about the winner of the 2013 presidential election. Neither do we have any issue with the incoming and the outgoing governments, he said. The ocial said the workers are concerned about who will be appointed Cabinet Secretary for Labour. Our concern as of now is who is going to represent workers in the Cabinet, Mr Atwoli said. Currently, we have no issue whatsoever with the Supreme Court, he said. For anyone to claim that we planned to go onto the streets and hold demonstrations, this sounds irrelevant and opaque as it is misplaced, he said in a statement. Mr Atwoli said Cotu is anxiously waiting for the swearing-in of the new President and looks forward to working with his government.

Kisumu trade picks up after poll jitters

Traders in Kisumu are hopeful of a stable business environment after two weeks of uncertainty due to the presidential petition whose ruling was delivered at the weekend. The traders believe that the ruling cleared the election jitters that had been lingering among residents. Kenya Chamber of Commerce Nyanza chapter executive secretary Odhiambo Kitoto said the move by Prime Minister Raila Odinga to accept the Supreme Court ruling upholding Presidentelect Uhuru Kenyattas win went a long way to calm tempers among his supporters in Kisumu and the larger Nyanza province. Immediately after the ruling, you saw there were riots, but when Raila appeared on television accepting the verdict, reality dawned on his supporters and I think its the reason peace resumed, Mr Kitoto said. He said most businesses were now operating normally following the judgment and they expect to recover what they lost during the prolonged election period. Mr Kitoto said traders recorded a massive dip in sales just before elections and the one week hearing of the election petition. The worst hit sectors were mostly the fresh produce market and the entire hospitality industry as well as supermarkets, he said. Resumption of peace in Kisumu heralds a more stable trading environment, Mr Kitoto said. Last week, Kisumu Hotels Managers Association chairman Robinson Anyal said most hotels had only recorded between 30 and 40 per cent bookings. He said this resulted in low revenues and temporary sta layos by some hotels. Some hotels were forced to reduce overhead costs by temporarily relieving some staff of their duties until normalcy resumes, Mr Anyal said.

The worst hit sectors were the fresh produce market and the entire hospitality industry as well as supermarkets
Traders representative Odhiambo Kitoto

6 | National News
CRIME | Oburu describes incident as a pure criminal act

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Gas cylinders stolen from Raila company

Goods lost to the gangsters, including motor vehicle parts, valued at Sh4m


Kibaki to open talks for county bosses

President Kibaki is set to open an induction programme for county ocials elected in the just concluded elections in Naivasha. Todays meeting to be held at the Great Rift Valley Lodge, will be attended by governors, their deputies, county assembly speakers, county coordinators and interim clerks. Finance minister Njeru Githae, Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi, Speaker of the Senate Ekwee Ethuro and heads of dierent commissions will also be in attendance. (PPS)

obbers made away with property worth Sh4 million from a company owned by Prime Minister Raila Odingas family at the weekend. The thieves stole gas cylinders and motor vehicle parts in the companys premises in Nairobi. They left with 266 13kg cylinders and 431 6kg cylinders from East Africa Spectre Limited on Mombasa Road. They also vandalised vehicles within the compound and stole various motor vehicle parts. The companys chief security ocer, Mr Caleb Radido, said when the day guards reported for duty, they found their night colleagues missing. By last evening, the guards had not been traced. The gangsters had also taken 200 more cylinders but abandoned them next to the gate. We suspect they left them after realising that they did not have the cylinder valves, said Mr Radido.

Nairobi deputy police boss Moses Ombati said they were investigating the theft. He said the security company had furnished the police with full particulars of the two missing guards and detectives were hunting them down. One of the day guards who reported for work in the morning said she tried to reach her colleagues on Sunday at around 10pm to alert them that she had forgotten something in the sentry box but none picked the calls. Their phones were later switched o. The company, which manufactures cylinders and sells them to oil companies, is well-secured with a perimeter wall and electric fence. There were no indications of forceful entry and police suspect the gangsters may have colluded with the night guards. The cylinders are suspected to have been carried away from the compound using at least two trucks. The PMs elder brother, Dr Oburu Oginga, who is the chairman of the family business, maintained that the incident was a pure criminal act. He asked Cord supporters not to read too much politics into the incident. The Prime Ministers former campaign manager, Mr Eliud Owalo, condemned the raid and appealed



Condemned raid

What gang stole from the company

266 431

Number of 13-kg cylinders stolen

Mr Hudson Chitala, technical manager at East Africa Spectre Limited, shows journalists around the company yesterday after the theft.


Activist praises PM for respecting ruling

Kangundo civil rights activist Chris Kyalo yesterday lauded Prime Minister Raila Odinga for respecting the Supreme Court judgement declaring that President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta was the winner of the March 4 General Election. Mr Kyalo said that the PM fullled his earlier promise of abiding by the outcome of the court. He also called on Kenyans to continue maintaining peace and unity so that the country can attain the Vision 2030 plan that aims to transform the country into a middle-income nation.

Number of 6-kg cylinders stolen

to the oce of the Inspector-General of Police to move with speed in not only apprehending the culprits but

also establishing the motive behind the act. We are already witnessing what may be interpreted as acts of intimidation and economic blackmail aimed at silencing political dissent reminiscent of the dark days of the 1980s where divergent political opinion was systematically vanquished by the state, said Mr Owalo in a press statement.

Police defend use of live bullets in riots

Police have defended the use of live ammunition against rioters in Kisumu in the unrest that followed the Supreme Court judgment on Saturday. Nyanza police boss James ole Tito said yesterday the ofcers action was necessary as they had to prevent loss of life and property. Ocers are trained when to use force. We were provided with rearms to protect the public and we used them in accordance with the law, Mr Tito said. He said police ocers were trained to use their discretion in the use of a rearm if they judged that life was being threatened. He said the rioters were robbers on the prowl. In the chaos that lasted about four hours after the 5pm judgment, several roads leading to Kisumu were barricaded and shops looted. Two unidentified men were shot dead in the Kondele suburb. A woman, who was hit in the neck by a stray bullet, is being treated in hospital. Police figures place the number of those injured at 11 although the Nation counted 24 on Sunday at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital. Following the clashes, 23 people were arrested and some looted goods recovered. Mr Tito said police were gathering evidence that would be used to prosecute the suspects. According to the police, 59 people were displaced following the unrest.


Musalia given nod to work with Jubilee

UDF ocials in Kakamega and party supporters yesterday gave their leader Musalia Mudavadi the green light to work with a Jubilee government. There is nothing wrong with leaders burying their political dierences and working together, youth leader Alex Khamasi said. He said the Deputy Prime Minister had vast experience and his inclusion in the government would be of great benet to the country. We should not castigate the DPM for his readiness to work with Uhuru and Ruto, Mr Khamasi said.

Being threatened

Ocers are trained when to use force. We were provided with rearms to protect the public and we used them in accordance with the law
Nyanza police boss James ole Tito
Mr Tito said these were 22 children, 16 women and 21 men. However, the Nation counted 72 displaced people on Sunday. The displaced have sought refuge at Kondele Police Station, where they are being assisted with food rations and other things by the Red Cross.


In yesterdays edition of the Daily Nation, we erroneously stated that Deputy Presidentelect William Ruto (above) was born in 1996, the year when Chinua Achebe published his famous novel, Things Fall Apart. Mr Ruto was born in 1966. Achebes novel was published in 1958. The error is regretted.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

8 | National News
CRIME | The two led a amboyant life and were cited in bid to assassinate Raila

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Artur brothers in islands saga

They were linked to Kenyan politicians and major crimes during 2006 visit

Police to step up probe into scribes death

Police have urged the public to give them time to investigate the death of a Mombasa-based journalist during the Easter weekend. Coast provincial police boss Aggrey Adoli said the investigations into the death of The Star reporter Bernard Wesonga would take a wider scope. The results of a postmortem examination are expected today. Mr Adoli said police had taken the mobile phone of Wesonga to trace who he had communicated with the night before he was found dead in his house on Sunday morning. The death is a concern and police shall not sit back without conducting thorough investigation to establish if the death is related to his career, he said. He went on: We shall also take the remnants of what he ate the evening before he died to the Government Chemist to establish if there might be any poison in it or if he was suering from any illness which might have caused his death. Mr Wesonga was found dead in his house at Kaa Chonjo Estate in Tudor with blood oozing from his nose and mouth.

he notorious Artur brothers expelled from Kenya on allegations that they were con men and drug trackers have resurfaced in the Maldives. Newspapers in the Maldives have pictures of one of the Artur brothers Artur Sargasyan and another unidentied man walking with top ocials of the Maldives government. The Arturs mode of operation showing up in the company of top and well-connected government leaders appears to have been replicated in the Maldives. Their presence in the Indian Ocean islands comes within days after ousted leader Mohammed Nasheed expressed fear over his life. Mr Nasheed is seeking reelection when the country goes to the polls in September. He was kicked out in

February last year. That assassination plot of a top politician echoes what happened in Kenya in 2005 when Prime Minister Raila Odinga, then an opposition leader accused the Artur brothers of being mercenaries sent into the country to kill him. There has been a lot of online chatter over this past week concerning the presence of one of the Arturs in the country known for its lovely beaches and holiday resorts. According to the Haveeru Online the Artur brothers DETAILS

Siblings took city by storm

Whistle blown: PM reveals presence of the two and they are later linked to the raid on Standard, the Sh6.4bn cocaine and security scare at JKIA. Expelled: President Kibaki order brothers expelled and forms team to probe their activity. Report hasnt been released.

Margaryan and Sargsyan registered a company Artur Brothers World Connections with the Economic Ministry last October. It has also been conrmed that the Arturs have been gradually investing in the Maldives since October. In addition, the brothers were photographed with Tourism minister Ahmed Adeeb and Defence minister Mohamed Nazim during a motor racing event held in Hulhumale in January, read the story in the newspaper website. The shareholders of the company include two French nationals and a local. The main company of the two brothers, Artur Brothers Holding, is engaged in business activities ranging from entertainment, real estate, security, casino, hotel industry and car trading according to the company website, the online papers Haveeru Online and The Sun Online added, quoting data from the countrys Trade ministry. Mr Adeeb, the Tourism minister and Mr Nazim, the Defence minister have both denied knowing the Artur brothers. I dont have any connection with them. I came to know about them after the

Thorough investigations

Artur Margaryan (left) and Artur Sargsyan when they were in the country in 2006. Mr Sargsyan has kicked up a storm in Maldives.
rumours started spreading on social media networks. But no country has informed us of anything ocially, Mr Nazim told the Haveeru Online. The brothers were kicked


out of Kenya in June 2006 and a commission of enquiry set up to investigate them. They were also linked to the daughter of Othaya MP Mary Wambui.

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DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

National News 9
AIR CRASH INQUIRY | Transport ministry keen to learn from ndings


Man held and ivory recovered in swoop

A man was arrested on Sunday with 19 pieces of ivory in Eastleigh, Nairobi. The Kenya Wildlife Service said the suspect will be arraigned at the Kibera Law Court this morning. Last week, a Chinese ivory smuggler was ned Sh30,000 after he pleaded guilty to charges of smuggling 439 pieces of ivory through Kenya. Mr Tian Yi was arrest at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on his way to Hong Kong from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The contraband had been chopped into pieces and painted brown.

Anxiety as release of Saitoti report delayed

Document is yet to be made public two months after Rawal team handed it over to the President
BY VINCENT AGOYA seeming reluctance by the Oce of the President to make public the Saitoti helicopter crash report is creating anxiety in the aviation sector. Two months after the report was handed over to President Kibaki, the Transport ministry, lawyers, other interested parties and the public have not had the opportunity to know its contents. A source at the Transport ministry said the report should have been made public 14 days after its release, adding that the delay was breeding speculation and casting doubts over its credibility. The source said they expected to form implementation committees as per the recommendations and even learn from its ndings. Naturally, the source said, copies of the report would now be available to the public through the Government Printer or posted on the Ministrys website. Initially, a presentation of the report was met with a court injunction after Prof George Saitotis widow, Margaret, objected on the grounds that it had not included ndings on the four components reportedly sent abroad for forensic analysis. However, on February 28, after handing over the report to the President, Lady Justice Kaplana Rawal, who led the commission investigating the crash, said the family had withdrawn its objection and furthermore, the components had been found to have no bearing to the accident. The commission that investigated the case blamed the French rm, Eurocopter, for the accident. Justice Rawal said the company had installed a test version of a device without the knowledge or approval of the Kenya Police when it bought the aircraft. She said the prototype vehicle engine monitoring display was installed on December 4, 2011, after the helicopters operational certicate had been issued. Eurocopter committed a glaring irregularity, the judge said. The commission, which listened to 66 witnesses, also observed that the helicopter was not being maintained by its manufacturers and was purchased through flawed tendering. Justice Rawal also urged the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority (KCAA) to take up the matter regarding the prototype, arguing that it should be investigated further. KCAA should send a protest note to the European Aviation Safety Agency on the basis that Eurocopter knowingly allowed for use of a prototype on an operational aircraft, she said. The commission also called for an overhaul of KCAA, saying it required a total


UN ocials wife killed in accident

The wife of a senior United Nations ocial was killed in an accident on Mombasa Road yesterday. The ocial and his son were seriously injured during the incident. Nairobi trafc boss Lumumba Adera said the UN ocial, an Australian, and his family were heading to Mombasa when their vehicle collided head-on with a lorry near the former JKIA Resort Club. The ocial, 43, and his 11-year-old son are admitted to a Nairobi hospital. Mr Adera said three pedestrians were killed in Kasarani, Huruma and Kabete.


Number of people who testied before the commission


Flawed tendering

Six killed in accident

Former Security minister George Saitoti and his deputy Orwa Ojodeh were killed in a helicopter crash on June 10, last year, in Kibiku, Ngong Forest. Others killed were pilots Nancy Gituanja and Luke Oyugi. Bodyguards Joshua Tonkei and Thomas Murimi also died in the crash, which occurred shortly after take o from Wilson Aiport in Nairobi.

President Kibaki receives the report on the helicopter crash from Lady Justice Kalpana Rawal at his Harambee House oce in Nairobi on February 28.
transformation to ensure that it achieved its mandate. On the probable cause of the crash, the investigators said it was loss of aircraft control in poor visibility, and reafrmed that they were unable to determine the exact cause of death of the six Kenyans owing to poor post-mortem procedures. The team called for urgent establishment of a national forensic teaching and research facility. An opportunity was lost to the commission to determine whether cause of death was due to carbon monoxide poisoning, traumatic injuries, re injuries or a combination of any of these, said Justice Rawal. The Kenya Police Air Wing, owners of the helicopter that crashed, was also faulted for its shortcomings in training, safety management and continued air worthiness checks. President Kibaki wanted another committee formed to implement the ndings of the Rawal team.



Repairs on school bridge start this week

Repairs to a footbridge that was knocked down by a trailer at Pangani Girls at the weekend begin this week. The schools principal, Ms Pacica Nyambongi, said yesterday the Public Works ministry would start work tomorrow. Nine students were injured and rushed Guru Nanak and Radiant hospitals. Two of them had fractures. Mrs Nyambongi said two of the students had been discharged while the others are in a stable condition at the Aga Khan Hospital, where they were transferred on Sunday.

Jitters over high water uoride levels

Most private boreholes in Naivasha have uoride levels way above the recommended 1.5 mg/litre, a report says. The report, dated 2010, has given the Public Health Department jitters. Nakuru County public health ocer Samuel Kingori said uoride levels range between 2.15mg/litre to as high as 6.5 mg/litre in the 15 boreholes sampled at the water quality testing laboratory. In Naivasha, boreholes are the main source of water and most underground water has high levels of uoride, which is the cause of dental and skeletal uorosis, said the health ocer. Mr Kingori said the department would conduct more research on the cause of questionable rickets and underweight phenomena among some adults. When the Army was recruiting here, aspiring soldiers were turned away for being underweight, said Mr Kingori. He said most Naivasha residents relied on underground water and low-income earners in Kamere, Mirera and Kiu could not aord piped water. A programme manager with non-governmental organisation Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, Mr Kariuki Mugo, said to reduce the eects of uoride, water distributors, including kiosks, should be tted with deuoridation lters that use local bone char technology. Bone char, made from burnt animal carcasses, is eective in eliminating uoride from water. These lters have greatly improved the quality of water and reduced the risk of uorosis, said Mr Mugo. He said water kiosks make treated water aordable to low income urban residents in areas like the sprawling Karagita slum. As a result, a Sh42.5 million two-year joint initiative project to provide Naivasha residents with deorinated water was commissioned. The second phase of the initiative, a joint venture between Coca-Cola, Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor and other local organisations targets low income earners in peri-urban areas. The Naivasha Water, Sanitation and Sewerage Company is also involved in the ght against high uoride levels. We have sought funds externally to bring water to Naivasha using gravity at an estimated cost of Sh1 billion, said managing director James Gichana. According to experts, uoride in drinking water at levels higher than 1.5mg/litre is harmful to human health, causing dental uorosis and skeletal deformities.


Rustlers shoot two men in night attack

Police in Tigania have launched a manhunt for suspected Samburu raiders who shot and injured two men before stealing 131 cows and 60 camels at Gambela area. The armed bandits shot a charcoal burner who sustained serious injuries on his leg. Another victim, Mr Geoffrey Mwiti, is admitted at the Isiolo District Hospital where he is receiving treatment for gunshot wounds. Area police boss Charles Kosgey said they raided several manyattas on Saturday evening before escaping with the livestock.

When the Army was recruiting here, aspiring soldiers were turned away for being underweight
Nakuru County public health ocer Samuel Kingori

10 | National News
PAYMENT | Commission criticised

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Blow to teachers as TSC scraps hardship perks

March payslips for hundreds of tutors in Taita Taveta show that allowances have been withdrawn

WEATHER | Rains hit fruit traders prots


Guards probed after break-in at school

Three watchmen in Muranga are being questioned by police after a school was broken into and computers stolen. The three were on duty on Friday when gangsters struck at St Peters Boys Secondary. They broke into the computer laboratory and administration block. They also broke into the principals oce and into classrooms where they took the wall clocks but later abandoned them, said area police boss John Katumo. He said the schools mobile phone was also stolen.


Amount, in shillings, teacher says was deducted from pay


AND FRANCIS MUREITHI undreds of teachers in Taita Taveta County have been dealt a major blow after the government made good its threat to scrap their hardship allowances. The teachers, mainly from Bura and Chawia, which were categorised as hardship zones, are the hardest hit. One of the teachers said they were shocked to discover that the government had removed the hardship allowance in their March salary as it had threatened to do in November last year. He said they were now uncertain how they would move on with life since some of them have had close to Sh10,000 deducted. The teachers affected are from Kenyatta High School, Mwakitawa Secondary School, Mwambonu High School, Mwatate Primary School and Kitivo Primary School, among others. Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (Kuppet) TaitaTaveta executive secretary Shedrack Mutungi conrmed that all teachers in the county are no longer receiving the allowances. He criticised the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for acting against what they had agreed on. It is now ocial that the perks the teachers have been receiving as per the 2005 collective bargaining agreement between the TSC and Knut (Kenya National Union of Teachers), which is captured in the revised TSC code of regulation for teachers, is not applying. We want the government to respond to letters we have sent to them since last year, said Mr Mutungi. The Kuppet ocial said they would meet area governor John Mruttu, sena-

Improve conditions, union urges State

Kuppet Laikipia branch executive secretary Ndungu Wangenye said the new government should prioritise teachers issues and correct the mistakes made by its predecessor. The teaching profession has some of the best brains in this country. To retain their services, their terms and conditions should be improved, he said.
tor Dan Mwazo and other elected leaders in trying to nd a lasting solution to the issue. At the same time, Kuppet wants the incoming government to revive pledges its predecessor failed to full. Kuppet Laikipia branch executive secretary Ndungu Wangenye said the issues they wanted addressed include harmonisation of teacher allowances, a house loan scheme, leave allowance and scholarships. The promotion scheme of teachers has a lot of bottlenecks yet our colleagues in the civil service are promoted up to job Group U while teachers reach a dead end at job Group R. This must change, said Mr Wangenye. He said the civil servants scheme of service allowed them to be promoted after every three years while teachers stagnated in one grade for decades despite having equal of even superior educational qualications. The ocial said the only way to curb the exodus of teachers from classrooms to lucrative jobs in nongovernmental organisations and the public service was to improve their terms and conditions of service.

Livestock shortage pushes up meat prices

Livestock prices have gone up by about 20 per cent due to a shortage of animals for slaughter in Isiolo town. Competition for animals among local butchers and those from neighbouring towns has been sti. The situation has been compounded by the high demand for animals for slaughter by many families during the Easter festivities. The average price of a goat has been Sh8,000 while that of sheep ranged from Sh6,000 to Sh8,000. (KNA)

A man vends fruits on a wheelbarrow in Nakuru Town yesterday. He said business had slumped and blamed the current cold and wet season.

Spy agency ocers body found near school

An ocer with the National Intelligence Service who had gone missing for the last three months was found dead yesterday. The body of the ocer, who worked in Kakamega, was found near Bondeni Primary School. Divisional police boss Charles Kinyua said Mr Charles Buchere, 36, had failed to report to work and was not at his home. Mr Kinyua said police on patrol were alerted by the public about the presence of a body near the school.

Foreign agencies to help resettle displaced in Tana

Middle East humanitarian agencies will help in the resettlement of residents displaced by ethnic clashes in Tana. Tana River County governor Hussein Dado said in Hola they had contacted the foreign organisations, which promised to provide assistance. Some 187 people died during the clashes between August last year and January this year. More than 35,000 were displaced. Mr Dado called on the Pokomo and Orma communities, who were involved in the violence, to live in harmony. Harmony will also see an end to the major challenges this county faces crime, drought, poverty and hunger, he said. He said 76.9 per cent of residents in the county lived below the poverty line, earning less than a dollar a day, a situation that should be corrected as soon as possible.

Major challenges


Governor to defy ag threat with pleasure

Man hangs himself over Raila petition loss

A man who apparently could not stomach the idea of Prime Minister Raila Odinga not becoming Kenyas next president has committed suicide. The middle-aged man was found hanging outside his house at Lwanda trading centre in Nyatike constituency, Migori County. Though he did not leave a suicide note, friends said he had been deeply depressed by the court judgment against Mr Odingas petition challenging Mr Uhuru Kenyattas March 4 election victory. He rst put on an ODM T-shirt bearing a portrait of the Prime Minister before hanging himself, said area police boss Richard Bitonga. Mr Bitonga said the man was wellknown as a staunch ODM supporter in the area. Residents said a few days earlier, the man, who was married, had threatened to commit suicide if the court judgment was not in the PMs favour.

Staunch ODM supporter

He rst put on an ODM Tshirt bearing a portrait of the Prime Minister before hanging himself
Area police boss Richard Bitonga
He said there would be no reason to live if Mr Odinga did not become the next president, said Mr Samuel

Otieno, a gold miner in the area. Area MP Edic Anyanga described the death as very unfortunate. He said the man appeared to have had very strong emotional ties with the ideals of the Prime Minister. The judgment shocked many Cord supporters across the country as they were quite condent the court would order a re-run, said the MP. Meanwhile, Tanzanians living and working at Isebania border town took keen interest in the events in Kenya, with some buying local papers to keep abreast of the Kibaki succession politics.

Migori governor Okoth Obado has told Attorney-General Githu Muigai to stop undermining their authority. He said the AG should appreciate the importance and inuence of governors before making reckless and unwarranted statements in public. Mr Obado was angered by remarks attributed to Prof Muigai to the eect that governors who ew national ags on their ocial vehicles risked arrest. After the President, the persons elected with the highest number of votes are governors we are going to defy his directive with a lot of pleasure, he said.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

National News 11
ECONOMY | Experts advise MPs and Senators on scal and monetary aairs

Manual on MPs roles released

A manual advising lawmakers on how to conduct business in their assemblies has been released. The Handbook on the County Legislative Assemblies of the Republic of Kenya published by former Clerk of the National Assembly Patrick Gichohi has details of what is expected of the lawmakers and shows the powers to be enjoyed by oce holders such as the Leader of Majority, the Leader of Minority and party whips. The book targets members of the National Assembly, Senators and the representatives at the County Assembly. It comes at a time when the power for making and approving the budget will be the sole mandate of Parliament in the case of the national government and the county assemblies in the case of each of the 47 county governments. Mr Gichohi draws his knowledge from a career spanning three decades in Parliament. The book merges the Standing Orders, years of hands-on experience in parliamentary practice, and deep knowledge of parliamentary tradition in Commonwealth into a simple easy-to-read manual for any lawmaker. The relationship between lawmakers and the media is also discussed. Without free and independent media, the public will be ill-equipped to assess MPs performance, reads Mr Gichohis book, which is available in bookshops.

House team calls for budget cuts

Economists ask new government to slash public debt and reduce number of parastatals
BY ALPHONCE SHIUNDU powerful team that advises lawmakers has directed the government to slash public debt and reduce spending to stimulate economic growth. The Parliamentary Budget Oce proposed that State borrowing should be strictly limited to infrastructure projects. In its latest report Setting the Pace for Sustainable Growth: Budget Options 2013/14 and the Medium Term the technocrats in Parliament have asked the new administration to cut administrative costs now that the next government will have 22 min-

Importance of media

istries, and not the over 40 ministries that are currently in place. The Budget Office, comprising economists in Parliament who advise the Senate and the National Assembly on scal and monetary decisions, has also proposed that this reduction in the number of ministries should be extended to the parastatals and State corporations. The hope of the House mandarins is that the next administration will embrace a new approach of achieving higher targets with fewer resources. The government has to ght the temptation to reduce development expenditure because the growth strategy hinges on a substantial increase in public investment in infrastructure and human resource development, the Budget Oce noted in the report that will be circulated to MPs and Senators as soon as they sit down to prepare the national budget. The Parliamentary Budget Oce

The government has to ght the temptation to reduce development expenditure,

Report by the Parliament Budget Oce on economic growth
has also advised the Executive, at both the national and county levels, to scrutinise expenditure items and make the hard budget choice of curtailing unproductive spending. The technocrats have also asked the government to go easy on the borrowing from the domestic market, especially when such monies are just meant to deal with the budget decit. The report records that within the last decade, the public debt has more than doubled from Sh749.5 billion in

2005 to Sh1.793 trillion 51.3 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. The next administration should also focus on concessional grants, which, even though they are cheaper, tend to come with very tight conditions. The experts warn that domestic borrowing is more expensive to the economy as it sties credit ow to the private sector. The trend is also contradictory to the government stated policy of ensuring sustainable external debt to GDP ratio while reducing the domestic debt burden, notes the Budget Oce analysis. It also cautions that even though the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund had both given the country a clean bill of health regarding the status of the public debt, theres the danger of the country being ranked among the heavily indebted poor countries. The team also challenges the Kenya Revenue Authority to explore new sources of revenue.

CLOSE SHAVE | Passengers injured after matatu rolls

A matatu which rolled near Eldoret International Airport on the KapsabetEldoret road yesterday, is towed to the local police station. Nine passengers were injured and taken to the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Lobby wants law on national ag changed

Lawyers want the law amended to allow governors y the national ag on their vehicles. At the same time, the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) has asked the governors to fly their distinct county ags as provided for by the County Governments Act. LSK chairman Eric Mutua said allowing governors to y the national ag on their vehicles would signify harmonious relation between the central and county authorities. Eventually the government will have to amend the National Flag, Emblems and Names Act to include the governors in that list. Governors in the pecking order are actually senior than ministers but in strict application of the law, let them y their county ag in the meantime, Mr Mutua said. According to the National Flag, Emblems and Names Act, only the President, the Vice-President, Chief Justice, Speaker of the National Assembly, Ministers and the AG can y the national ag on their vehicles. And this privilege had been extended to the Prime Minister and his two deputies, until an incoming President has appointed a new Cabinet. The trio is considered to be a part of an expanded Cabinet created by the old Constitution, according to Attorney-General Githu Muigai. Consequently, any person who breaches this provision (of the National Flag, Emblems and Names) risks imminent prosecution in court and conviction carrying a ne of up to Sh2,000 or two months imprisonment or both, said Prof Muigai in a statement last week. Members of the bicameral Parliament 67 Senators and 349 MPs usually do not y the ag on their cars. According to the County Governments Act, governors should enact a law prescribing their counties distinct flag, coat of arms through a consultative process.







12 | Opinion

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Planning key to reduce toll from heavy rains

he rainy season is here, and as has become the norm year in year out, few if any measures, have been put in place to reduce the adverse eects of oods. Already, six people have died in dierent areas of the country, and the toll is likely to keep climbing either because those in ood-prone areas have not been advised appropriately or because they choose to ignore the advice. Besides the human toll, there is also the impending tragedy of property destroyed by winds or ood waters on account of poor workmanship on the part of owners or public institutions like those responsible for ensuring that towns have working drainage systems and roads are in generally motorable conditions. But the biggest failure is and remains the lack of a swift mechanism to rescue those in distress, especially victims of landslides and ash oods for which it is almost impossible to make advance planning. Although the country has a disaster preparedness action plan, little is done to mobilise it in time and, more often than not, the hard job is left to humanitarian institutions. True, some of them are sub-contracted by the government, but in the absence of public information on such agreements, the public is likely to lose faith and condence in state institutions when they are not visible in disaster scenes. Besides improving their response time, these institutions, whether public or humanitarian, should embark on aggressive awareness campaigns to warn those in disaster-prone areas on what to do during emergencies and how to protect themselves before the human toll climbs higher. Of course, the meteorological department must also step up its updates to ensure there is sucient information at all times for public safety.

TRANSITION | Macharia Gaitho

Obey law on ying ag

hat looks like a minor spat between the central government and devolved units has grown worse after Attorney-General Githu Muigai barred governors from ying the national ag on their vehicles. The governors conspicuously ew the ags during their installations last week, but the AG has pointed out that by law, ag cars are the preserve of the President and his deputy, Cabinet secretaries, the Chief Justice, the AG and the Speaker of the National Assembly. Some outraged governors have deed the order but they must be made aware that if the AG was correctly quoting the law, then they will be breaking the law and are, therefore, liable for prosecution. If the feeling is that the specic law does not properly recognise county governors, the better solution would be to amend rather than defy it. After all, governors must lead by example in demonstrating delity to the law. Amidst all the hubris, they should also acknowledge that they are not ocials of the national government, so they might not have the right to y the national ag. Perhaps they might have more right to ags and emblems depicting their respective counties.
LINUS GITAHI: Chief Executive Ocer JOSEPH ODINDO: Editorial Director MUTUMA MATHIU: Group Managing Editor Published at Nation Centre, Kimathi Street and printed at Mombasa Road, Nairobi by Nation Media Group Limited POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Tel: 3288000, 0719038000. Fax 221396 Registered at the GPO as a newspaper

t is understandable that Mr Raila Odinga came across rather grudgingly in what amounted to a belated concession speech following the Supreme Court judgment that threw out his petition challenging the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as Kenyas fourth president. After all, everything had gone up in smoke, and the candidate he thought was the dream rival to trounce at the presidential election turned out to be his worst nightmare. Mr Odinga might now need plenty of time to ponder what went wrong. In the meantime, however, he must learn to zip up his mouth for he is prone to costly verbal gaes. The latest was that BBC interview in which he appeared to suggest that disillusioned voters would in ve years time shun the polls and explore other means. The BBC audio became a big talking point for his detractors who are happy to play up the spectre of some dark and dastardly scheme. However, as it turned out, the BBC tape rebroadcast locally, together with a transcription carried in some newspapers, had been artfully edited to present a skewed version of what Mr Odinga said.

As Raila licks his wounds, Kenyans will be watching Uhurus next move I
The words this is what we must avoid at all costs were left out in some reports, an omission that distorted what the PM actually said. All the same, it is rather churlish for Mr Odinga to keep insisting that the Supreme Court unfairly denied him the chance to prove that the election was stolen. If he has accepted the courts verdict, then it surely serves no purpose to keep adding so many qualications to his concession. But if he is really convinced that he lost the election through foul play and he has the evidence to back his claims, then he must turn to the court of public opinion. Instead of empty whining about the electoral outcome and the Supreme Courts judgment, he can make public his evidence for the people to make up their minds. This will have to be incontrovertible evidence that can stand up to the most rigorous scrutiny. Rumours, gossip and manufactured stu of the kind posted on Facebook during the hearings will not do. It will have to be evidence that will persuade anybody it could have swung the case if admitted by the Supreme Court. If, indeed, it can be shown that the evidence turned away on technicalities would have been enough to win the case, then Mr Odinga will not only shame the Supreme Court, but will claim a great moral victory. Meanwhile, as he retreats to lick his wounds, all eyes now turn to President-elect Kenyatta ahead of the ofcial installation set for next week. The Cabinet and other senior appointments that Mr Kenyatta and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, make will give insights into the shape of their administration. We will get to gauge whether they will live up to the digital slogan focused on all that is modern, fresh, new and progressive or whether they will regress into the angry, isolationist and reactionary mode that dened so much of their campaign. It is already evident that the Western world which had indicated so strongly

Instead of whining about the electoral outcome and the courts judgment, he can make public his evidence for the people to make up their minds.

it did not welcome dealing with leaders indicted for crimes against humanity is having to quickly swallow its pride and grudgingly recognise the new leadership. The Kenyatta-Ruto administration can respond positively to such gestures, or remain stuck in the selfdelusion that Kenya can aord to shun the West and look east towards Beijing and Pyongyang. It is for the new leadership to craft its own domestic and foreign policies, but there is one priority that cannot be overlooked IDPs. The plight of IDPs remains a blight on the landscape. Now that Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto are a team, the hundreds of thousands of people kicked out of the homes and farms after the 2007 General Election must be facilitated to go back and reclaim the property they were forced to abandon. Anything less, including resettlement elsewhere, would amount to a monumental fraud. One more thing, President-elect Kenyatta: My son wants his free laptop like yesterday. And he insists he is digital and will accept nothing less than the latest iPad with retina display. mgaithao@ke.nationmedia .com

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


CAUGHT PANTS DOWN. The Transition Authority overseeing devolution seems to have concentrated too much on elections and forgotten about its other assignments, says Antony Alex Irungu. Some newly elected governors, he adds, have no oces or ocial homes, yet the authority was supposed to have supervised the construction of those facilities. As some opt to work from their private homes, temporary ofces and hotels, some civil servants are being kicked out of their oces to create space. When will we stop getting caught with our pants down all the time?
BEHAVING BADLY. The newly elected MPs, who are already grumbling about their supposedly low salaries are not only funny, but are also behaving badly, says Harun Nduti. He is particularly sceptical about the claim that considering their expected workload, they will be earning peanuts. For just reporting to Parliament for a few days? How much would they demand if they were to work from Monday to Sunday like the Pope? They left their jobs to run for Parliament knowing what they would be earning and cant demand more now. His contact is NOISE MAKERS GALORE. Embu must be the noisiest town in the whole country, remarks Johnson Kimani. He adds: Anyone who has visited this town will tell you that as early as 8am, the annoying noise starts. The culprits, he reports, include singers promoting their music CDs with loud speakers on top of their Probox cars, who often traverse residential and commercial areas. Others are the small businesses promoting their wares. Nemas anti-noise pollution laws are apparently non-existent here, concludes Johnson, whose contact is

PROGRESS | Mark Evans Ondari

look at the Vision 2030 web page (http: // leaves one feeling that Mr Mugo Kibati and his team have done a decent job of trying to craft a road map that would put Kenya on the path to industrialisation. For example, the Progress Report dated February 1, 2013, reects on the gains, challenges and opportunities of the rst ve-year Medium Term Plans for 2008 to 2012. Notable areas of progress highlighted include the completion of the Thika superhighway and upgrades to the passenger termini at Kisumu and Jomo Kenyatta International airports. Additionally, connectivity to the bre optic network is a major boost to the ICT sector. Add this to the Konza Techno City concept and you get a sense that Kenya is, indeed, headed in the right direction. But could this be much fuss about nothing? Most of these are service industries that cannot, by themselves, spur industrialisation. Integral to a truly industrial economy is the concept of enabling technology as the subliminal foundation for the manufacturing industry. Unfortunately, technology does not come by happenstance. It is achieved only through years of deliberate and sustainable investment in cutting-edge research and development by science and technology-oriented

Invest in science, research and technology to turn Vision 2030 dream into reality A
the Ol-karia hot springs and the titanium deposits of Kwale among others. Moreover, to take full advantage of the recent oil discoveries in Northern Kenya, we will require know-how to convert crude oil into valuable feedstock for downstream processes in the petrochemical industry. Innovation could also add value to some of our current exports like tea and coee so we that can maximise returns. Asian countries, particularly China and India, have had a three-fold advantage when it comes to attracting Western multinationals to set up R&D campuses and manufacturing plants. There is abundant availability of aordable and highly skilled labour, relatively good infrastructure and stable socio-political environments. However, recent data indicate that in the not-too-distant future it may no longer be tenable to do R&D or manufacturing in Asia because pay scales and cost of manufacturing continue to rise. Consequently, multinationals would be happy to shift base to countries that could offer competitive alternatives. This is where African countries could take advantage to attract these multinationals. Unfortunately, Africa has a large illiterate citizenry, infrastructure is often non-existent, and the socio-political environment is, on aggregate characterised more

Researchers at work. This is key to technological advancement.

universities, research institutions and industries. The result of such investment is an innovative and highly-skilled human resource and its currency is a treasuretrove of intellectual property rights (patents). In Vision 2030 strategy papers, the idea of research and development (R&D) as being central to industrialisation is either non-existent or glossed over. We must understand the congruence between R&D, innovation and the industrial economy. We cannot industrialise without innovation through research. And to innovate we have to be willing to invest an acceptable portion of our GDP in science and technology. The country will need innovate ways to eectively exploit natural resources like the sun,

by civil strife than peace. However, Kenyas proximity to the Indian Ocean, continued investment in education, ICT and other infrastructure, as well as progress toward sustainable peace will, in time, stand the country in good stead. In the interim, the country must strive to create a skilled workforce. We have to recognise at once that innovations in science and technology cannot be attained primarily through an undergraduate system of university education. The best bet would be well-funded and focused postgraduate science programmes. Kenya must prop up research labs with equipment, support masters and PhD research students with scholarships and research assistantships, and oer competitive pay to scientists. When I was a graduate research assistant at an American university not so long ago, almost half of the students in one of my chemistry classes were from Malaysia. And they were all on a government-sponsored programme, the understanding being that they would go back to Malaysia after acquiring their degrees. The new government must start investing in such programmes. Dr Ondari is a senior chemist with the Dow Chemical Company in Michigan, USA.

Embu Town, which is a victim of noise pollution.

PENDING MATTER. The Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company is not in the best books of Njeri Muathe, who, in September last year, was slapped with a whopping bill of Sh297,267 for her domestic consumption. She then made four trips to the rms oces at Jamhuri Estate to challenge the billing and ocially raised a complaint, No 1066356, on November 26. The rm promised to resolve the matter within six months, but after four months, disconnected her water supply. Njeri, whose contact is Tel 0732588588 or, has not given up yet. POWER ASSUARANCE. Kenya Power CEO Joseph K. Njoroge, acknowledging a complaint by Joseph Otwoma over a vandalised transformer in Nambale-Siekunya, Busia, says the rm is committed to restoring electricity in the area as soon possible. While they are experiencing a shortage of some sizes of transformers, he adds, the situation has been worsened by persistent vandalism. Regretting the inconvenience, CEO Njoroge assures that a number of faulty transformers are being repaired and one will be sent to Nambale. MORE ALERTNESS, PLEASE. Bankers are no longer as hawk-eyed as they should be, says Churchill Amatha, adding that he has suered heavy consequences that he could have escaped had tellers of a leading bank been more alert. First, it was a cheque I forgot to sign, which a teller accepted. The second time, I inadvertently post-dated another cheque that I deposited and the teller issued me with a banking slip. I was penalised in both cases. I wonder if banks do this intentionally to make super prots. His contact is
Have a helpful day, wont you!

THE WORD| Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed

Communication played key role in polls T

his whole nail-biting political season for Kenyans has proved to be quite an eye-opener for communications practitioners like myself. It has shown how powerful the word is and more so how it is communicated. Someone can do a research thesis on Elections 2013 and how people and media used communication to pass messages, to brand themselves and as an information tool. Signs and symbols were evident in this election period, including political party symbols used like the clasped hand for UDF, the dove for TNA and the orange fruit for ODM. Many initiatives mobilised civic education and preached peace at the grassroots level. The spoken word at every gathering, through media advertising using testimonials from celebrities and opinion shapers and at several concerts and road shows carried out across the country such as the Amani Concert by the Kenya Red Cross and the Tuko Rada Peace Festival by the National Youth Bunge Association in collaboration with NCIC was used eectively to preach peace. Social media was abuzz especially Facebook and Twitter with various twitter handles such as #Kenyadecides, #OneKenya and #proudlykenyan where Kenyans had their say on the whole political process. The creativity was evident as Kenyans came up with jokes and cartoons to de-

I must also commend Kenyans for not giving the world negative stories to write about

scribe activity throughout the entire period. Emotions were glaring from peoples status updates or tweets and you could feel the pain and anguish in the heated exchanges. Kenyan media also acted professionally and responsibly throughout the long week of waiting for results. Considering the 2007/8 post-election violence where media coverage added re to the fuel, it was indeed commendable that the word was not misused. However, others have taken the media to task for over-controlling their coverage. This is an unfair accusation in my view as Kenya is still our country to live in and we have to be responsible in how we communicate. The IEBC, one of the main actors in the elections, continually updated the public even when the BVR kits failed at most polling stations and its server collapsed. Kenyans accepted and waited for the outcome of manual counting, which took longer. We all endured four days of watching the counting of votes. A relatively unknown politician, Mohamed Dida, beat seasoned

politicians to emerge fth overall in the presidential race. One can only imagine how he would have fared had he started his campaigns earlier. We then had to endure another few weeks for the full hearing of the election petition challenging the Uhuru Kenyatta win. Communication from the Supreme Court was constant and proceedings were beamed live on our television sets. This kept people in the know ensuring there was relative peace throughout the nation. Once again, it was evident that communication is so important in defusing tensions and informing people. Now we nally have Kenyas fourth president. I believe the team that won did so on how they communicated their promises and mobilised their supporters. Mr Kenyatta and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, carried out a well-oiled communication-lled campaign. I salute the resilience of our people as they stood in the scorching sun for hours to make their vote count and their patience as they waited for the election results and later the Supreme Court ruling. I must also commend Kenyans for not giving the world negative stories to write about. Communication was so vital in this historic moment and indeed the word was well used by many.

Ms Mohamed is a Communications & PR Consultant and currently pursuing a doctorate in Communications Studies.

E-mail: or write to Watchman POB 49010, Nairobi 00100 Fax 2213946

14 | Letters

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

To the editor
Raila will always remain true freedom champion
Most Kenyans will agree with me that by accepting the Supreme Courts ruling, Prime Minister Raila Odinga did a most noble and respectable thing. He proved to us that he had the nations best interests at heart, and that all he had wanted was clarity on the election process. That was a bold step on his part and we applaud him for that. I would not want to imagine how things would have turned out had he refused to accept the verdict. Mr Odinga will certainly be remembered for having considered the nations stability before personal interest. Now that is a true leader. MURUGI NJAGI, Maseno University

The editor welcomes brief letters on topical issues. Write on e-mail to: mailbox@k You can also mail to: The Editor, Daily Nation, POB 49010, Nairobi 00100. Letters may be edited for clarity, space or legal considerations.


It is time to stop politicking and embark on building our country

hat politics is Kenyans poisoned chalice cannot be challenged. It explains why whenever electioneering season sets in, everything else takes a backseat while politics takes over all our spheres of life. All and sundry take a dip into the murky political waters with abandon. Tragically, this queer Kenyan habit comes with dire consequences. The economic, social and political relationships take a thorough beating with negative ethnicity rearing its ugly head. However, the saddest thing about this scenario is that nobody seems to think that there is any future to think about. The case in point is the perpetual food crisis in the country. We are told Kenyas future food supply remains uncertain. This is because farmers neglected their farms and focused on campaigns in the recent General Election. According to the Agriculture ministry, only 40 per cent of arable land in the countrys breadbasket had been prepared for planting by mid-March 2013. This is against 80 per cent that is normally ready by the onset of the long rains. It is for this reason that the government deserves kudos. This is because upon realising the gravity of the situation, it summoned the provincial administrators on March 21 and directed them to mobilise farmers to commence planting. Indeed, Agriculture permanent secretary Romano Kiome was

Emails from correspondents


FLAG FOR GOVERNORS: The recent debate on whether governors should y the ag has elicited mixed reactions. The Attorney-Generals sentiments that they do not need ag on their cars has not gone down well with some. Some felt he was meddling in the aairs of the county governments. They claimed he was reading from a dierent script with the Transition Authority that gave them the ags. The issue should be settled amicably without making it look like the central government is interfering with the devolved units. EVELYNE MUSAMBI, Nairobi LEGAL JARGON: Many of us were denitely mesmerised by the legal jargon and deep understanding of the law by the learned friends as exhibited during the hearing of the presidential petition at the Supreme Court. We learnt a thing or two about how the law works. However, I also noted that the language camouaged elements of disrespect. For instant, one lawyer remarked that his learned friends needed to keep something at the back of their minds if there was space , implying lack of capacity or intellect. JOB MOMANYI, Nairobi RESPECT THE LAW: As Presidentelect Uhuru Kenyatta prepares to take the reigns of power, one thing that will ensure his presidency survives the tide is adherence to the rule of law. Kenyans want nothing but peace to realise development goals. This can only be realised by strictly obeying the law. The Supreme Court upheld Mr Kenyattas win in the March 4 General Election. Now the President-elect and his deputy must also learn to respect the law. For instance, they must stick to the law reform agenda. PATRICK. W. NDEGE, Nairobi ROAD TERROR: This might sound controversial but it has some truth in it. Is it possible that the reason why some drivers hit and run is because the public has become cruel to motorists? Members of the public have become judges and executors on our roads. Impunity is exercised on highways and I dont see anything being done about it to stop it. Drivers have been killed in cold blood by mobs after an accident. These mobs position themselves mostly at black spots waiting for that moment to occur. When a driver steps out to help the victim, the mob pounces on the driver with blows and kicks. JUSTIN N. NKARANGA, Mombasa

Let us embrace each other as we soldier on

Kenyans heeded calls by political and religious leaders to turn out in large numbers to vote on March 4. This election recorded the highest turnout in Kenyas history. Well, elections are now over. A bigger task awaits each of us; the task of building our country. It is time we embarked on this noble task of building our country. It should not matter whether your party won or lost. Kenya belongs to 40 millions of us. Nobody owes Kenya more than the other. We should avoid talking of winners and losers. I pledge to support all our elected leaders regardless of their political aliations. ASHFORD KIMANI, Nairobi

Traders go about their business at Nairobis Wakulima Market yesterday.

summoned by the National Security Advisory Committee to explain the challenges facing agriculture, especially the delay in land preparation and what action his ministry was taking. The meeting resolved to subsidise the price of maize seed and fertiliser. Dr Kiome also zeroed in on the threat to auction National Cereals and Produce Board over a Sh500 million debt. It is for this reason the President directed the release of funds to procure the commodities for farmers. Thus, the Treasury was directed to release Sh3.3 billion to facilitate the purchase of subsidised farm inputs. By March 22, the Treasury had already released Sh2.7 billion to cater


Jubilee leaders must avoid the pitfalls of predecessors

President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, now have the mantle to lead the country. The question is: Will they remain united for the next ve years? And will they deliver their campaign promises? In the past years, politicians have made promises which they never full. They have been known more to engage in battles for supremacy and vanishing from their electorate. This has weakened the trust and faith Kenyans have on their politicians. I hope that the unity Mr Kenyatta and Mr Ruto showed during the campaigns will survive. KEINO MERCY, Maseno

for the procurement. The President also directed the ministry to reduce the price of maize seed to Sh4,500 from Sh5,400 for a 25kg bag. It is time Kenyans learnt how to conduct themselves politically. They should wake up to the reality that when it comes to politics, all of us have dierent roles to play. Thus, politicians contest; IEBC conducts elections; voters vote; police maintain order while courts resolve emerging disputes. Kenyans must learn to do the right things at the right time. We should realise that there is time for everything. KIMANI WA NJUGUNA, Gatundu South

Uhuru and Ruto must guard against future voter apathy

Prime Minister Raila Odinga might be right to some extent that some Kenyans might develop voter apathy in future. The March 4 General Election was a disappointment to some people, who felt their leaders were denied victory. Indeed, some supporters of the Prime Minister believe that the management of power in this country has not been fair, especially the agencies involved in conducting elections. Kenya has 42 ethnic communities and some groups feel intimidated as they do not have representatives in government oces. They feel left out. Many might opt not to take part in future elections because they think their vote does not matter. As much as everyone strives for a better nation, the government might not be a priority following the poll irregularities which have always been the aftermath of every election. Undoubtedly, most Kenyans are tired of chaos and disorder in the name of protesting against election results. Kenyans want progress and if the struggle among politicians will be the cause of chaos, they would rather keep o. The new government must therefore pick up the pieces with this in mind because if a part of the population keeps o electoral and governance processes, then we shall all lose eventually. JOY MATANKA, Maseno University



What would you like the incoming government to put on the priority list?
GITHAE MUIRURI: Vulnerable groups should be provided with material and nancial support to alleviate poverty. STEKAWA STEPHEN: It must implement the Constitution to the letter and facilitate the realisation of Vision 2030. TITUS NDAMBUKI: The new government should address insecurity followed by economic recovery. MAINA GITHUA: It should oer electricity at a cheaper rate to encourage local and foreign investors. CYNTHIA MUKUNG: The government should ensure Kenyans have access to affordable healthcare. WINNIE SAMBU: Provide grants for vulnerable children. JOHN MADADI: Tackle insecurity, unemployment, aordable health care, reduce prices of basic commodities and provide free education.

Do you support the new rules governing discipline in public schools?

Send your comments to mailbox@

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


16 | National News

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

ROAD CARNAGE | UN ocials wife dies in horror crash


Register now for April 2013 intake

The wreckage of a vehicle that was involved in an accident on Mombasa Road near the former JKIA Resort Club yesterday morning. The car, driven by a United Nations ocial, collided with a lorry. The ocial and his son are recuperating at the Nairobi Hospital, but his wife died.

BUSINESS STUDIES DEPARTMENT Dip., Higher & Graduate Dip. In Business Mgt Business Management Distant Learning Dip. In Business Administration Dip., Higher & Graduate Dip. In Human Resources Mgt Dip. In Business Studies Dip. In Sales Management & Marketing Dip. In Public Relations (Single Subject Dip) Dip. In Customer Service (Single Subject Dip) Cert & Dip. Project Management Dip. & Advanced Dip. in Purchasing & Supplies Mgt Dip. in Marketing, Advertising & Public Relations Cert., Dip. & Advanced Dip in Public Relation Cert. & Dip. in International Relation Cert. & Dip in Sports Management Cert., Dip & Advanced in Clearing, Forwarding & Shipping Mgt ACCOUNTS & FINANCE DEPATMENT Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Part 1 Sec I & II Part 2 Sec III & IV Part 3 Sec V &VI Accounting Technician Certificate (ATC) ATC Level 1 ATC Level 2 SECRETARIAL STUDIES Full Secretarial Front Office Telephone Operation/Reception Course COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & SOCIAL WORK Cert. & Dip. in Disaster Management Cert. & Dip. in Social Work and Community Development Cert., Dip. & Advanced Dip. in Community Development Dip. in Early Childhood Development & Education HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT Dip., Higher & Graduate Dip. In Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Dip. in Tourism, Travel & Business Studies Dip. in Hospitality Management Dip. in Food and Nutrition Cert. in Food, Beverage, Service & Sales Front Office Operations Cert in House Keeping and Laundry Operations COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Craft Cert. in Information Communication Technology Dip. in Information Communication Technology Cert., Dip. & Advanced Dip. in Computer Engineering LEGAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Dip. in Law JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Dip. in Journalism & Mass Communication


DURATION 2 Years Open 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 11/2 Years 3 Months 3 Months 11/2 Years 11/4 Years 1 Year 11/2 Years 11/4 Years 11/4 Years 11/2 Years

EDUCATION | Enrolment going on as term nears end

1,300 students fail to claim Form One slots

Audit by ministry shows 14,934 made an appearance at the 78 national schools


4 Months 4 Months 4 Months


4 Months 4 Months 18 Months 6 Months 6 Months 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 2 Years



2 Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years 11/4 Years 11/2Years 11/2 Years 11/2 Years


2 Years ICM 11/2 Years

bout 1,300 Form One students failed to report to national schools where they were oered places, according to an Education ministry audit. Only 14,934 students 7,361 girls and 7,573 boys made it to the 78 national schools countrywide. Some 16,125 students who wrote the KCPE exam last year had been admitted to the top schools. Today, the ministry will receive another report from principals showing the slots that have not been taken up and replacements made. Schools close on April 12. So far, 93 per cent of students admitted to national schools had reported by last month, former Education minister Mutula Kilonzo said. The remaining 1,291 slots were taken by students who reported late and through re-

placement coordinated at the ministry headquarters, Mr Kilonzo said in the report on Form One returns (2013). Todays report will show the number of students who reported to national special schools, extra-county, county, district and private schools. The majority of students 389,299 were expected to join district schools while county schools took 126,167, extra-county (36,115), special national schools (600) and 59,705 went to private schools. There are 7,425 secondary schools in the country that absorbed 628,051 of the THE NUMBERS

End of term close


Number of pupils who wrote KCPE exam last year

April 12

Date when schools are expected to close for holiday

819,295 pupils who sat their KCPE exam last year, meaning nearly 200,000 could not nd places. Mr Kilonzo said admissions for extra-county and county schools were still on last month following delays in Form One selections after exam results were delayed by three weeks. Replacements for these were done on March 14 at county level. Replacement for district schools was conducted on March 18, he said. Mr Kilonzo said admission letters were free and parents should not be cheated into parting with presents, tokens of appreciation or inducements to get the letters. He asked MPs to assist students in their constituencies through Constituency Development Fund and bursaries. At the same time, education lobby group, Elimu Yetu Coalition, has urged the government to streamline secondary school fees. The fees are prohibitive to children from poor families. Why should two schools of the same category have a dierence of more than Sh20,0000 in fees? Elimu coordinator Janet Muthoni-Ouko asked.

TOWN CAMPUS/HEAD OFFICE Ronald Ngala Post Office Bldg P.O Box 49962-00100 Tel: 0721 107 701 THIKA RD CAMPUS Along Thika Rd Near Kimbo P.O Box 1227-00232 RUIRU Tel: 0722 547 746 COMMONWEALTH CAMPUS Commonwealth Hse 5th & 6th flr Moi Avenue Nairobi Tel: 0722 146 035 ONGATA RONGAI CAMPUS Bees-Ness Park 1st flr Magadi Rd Rongai Town Tel: 0715 654 016, 0736 231 016
For Application Forms, brochures, Fees Structure and Minimum Requirement.

Governor unveils plan to boost growth


Mandera Governor Ali Roba has launched a plan to improve road network and open up a regional market in the county. Mr Roba at the weekend said that he would improve the road network in the rst two years. Urbanisation of the roads

in towns in Mandera is crucial to development of all the other sectors and so in the rst two years the roads will transform, he said. He pledged to invest in irrigation and training of farmers to enable the semi-arid county to feed itself. Our plan target to expand irrigation along River Dawain

Invest in irrigation

Mandera which is enough to irrigate the shambas that are already in existence and many more to be cultivated. This devolution government under my watch will invest in agriculture and livestock, noted Mr Roba. He said the county government would also harvest rain water by building man-made lakes to boost agriculture in Mandera.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


18 | National News

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Amusement at change to right-hand driving prank

Readers of the Daily Nation yesterday reacted with amusement at an April Fools Day story on the back page of yesterdays edition that claimed the new government planned to introduce right-hand driving. Mr David Kuria Mbote commented online: April Fools Day ... should have tried better, got you when you mentioned the hospitals...well and the matatus. He was referring to claims that more hospitals would be built to treat people knocked down by vehicles as roundabouts would be redesigned to face the opposite direction, resulting in pedestrians walking into oncoming trac. It said matatus were exempt from the new rules and would be allowed, as previously, to drive on the pavements. Mr Charles Ndungu reacted: April fool!! Mr. Hi Way Run?? Lol referring to tongue-in-cheek reference to Chinese ambassador to Kenya as Mr Hi Way Run. His correct name is Mr Liu Guangyuan. The suggestion that the new government would switch from the British left-hand driving in apparent retaliation to the Britishs support for Mr Raila Odinga in the just concluded polls easily gave away the prank. The online version of the story had attracted 56 responses at the time of going to press, with most expressing amusement and praising the paper for the clever prank. The story also claimed that in an act of reconciliation, Mr Odinga would be invited to join the Kenyatta Cabinet in his former position as Roads minister to which Mr Peter Obiero quipped: Raila to be in Uhuru cabinet....interesting lie.

TRAGEDY | Floods start taking toll on Kenyans with the onset of wet season

Six die as rivers swell after rains

Three killed when their matatu was swept away as they waited for the water level to subside

ix people died in separate incidents in Kajiado County as heavy rains fell in most parts of the country. A matatu was swept away in Kiserian by ooded seasonal Kandisi stream, killing three passengers. We have been searching for the other body the whole night, said Mr Albert Ndege, a matatu driver. Mr Ndege said the driver of the matatu escaped death narrowly as he was trapped by a tree. The driver said there were four people in the vehicle at the time of the accident. He said they were waiting for the waters to subside when they were swept away, he said. Three bodies, that of a child, a woman and a man, were later retrieved about two kilometres downstream, he said, adding that one person was still missing. A few metres away, passengers in another matatu headed to Ongata Rongai from Kiserian are lucky to be alive after the vehicle was swept away by the ood waters. However, gabions in River Lemalepo blocked the vehicle from being carried further downstream. Two vehicles were damaged when the oods swept them away for half a kilometre from Magadi Road. Fences around houses built near streams were washed away and crops damaged. In Magadi, 40-year-old Mwangi Wamae drowned as he tried to cross the swollen Entasapia river in the morning. At Ngong, bodies of two people were found at Veterinary area. They had been carried away from an upstream location. Kajiado North MP Joseph Manje said the problem was perennial and urged residents to take precautions. County Senator Peter Mositet blamed poorly built bridges for the deaths. Last year four people died in Kandisi stream due to the oods. The remedy by the Roads ministry was not satisfactory as the same problem is back with us, said Mr Mositet. In Migori County, Nyatike MP Edick Anyanga said water levels in rivers


World Bank gives funds for drainage

Floods in Mombasa are expected to ease after the World Bank released funding for a storm water drainage project expected to cost Sh1.7 billion. During heavy rains, the town is usually ooded because the drainage system collapsed years ago. Interim Mombasa County Clerk Tubmun Otieno said construction of the 34-km drainage system started in January and is expected to be completed in December next year. He said the project is one of 15 being implemented in local authorities with funding from the World Bank.
Kuja and Migori had risen rapidly, raising fears of displacement and food shortages. We will require relief food, tents, mosquito nets and drugs if the rains continue like this, he said. Residents of Nyando District in Kisumu County called on the Government to build dykes and set up rescue centres. An elder, Mr Stephen Ochieng Ondiek, said even though Special Programmes minister Esther Murugi had often told them to move to higher ground, there were no places to move to. Mr Ondiek said the ministry, with the help of the Japanese Government, had built a rescue centre but this was inadequate as there were two toilets and a small two-room dispensary

This matatu was swept o the road on Sunday night at Nkoroi in Ongata Rongai following heavy rains in the area. No injuries were reported.
which could not accommodate everyone in the region. The dykes that were built by the government at River Nyando are eroded, allowing the river to quickly flood when it rains, Mr Ondiek said. At the Coast, the weatherman said above normal rainfall was received in Mombasa, Tana River and Kwale counties and predicted the pattern would continue until May. In Mombasa, rains pounding the county from last week resulted in huge pools of water in highly populated estates such as Kisauni and Likoni due to poor drainage. The Meteorological Departments March-April-May forecast posted on its website said Coast and western counties would experience heavy rains. Lamu, parts of Kilifi, Mombasa and Kwale would also experience above normal rainfall, the weatherman forecast. In Elgeyo Marakwet County, people in landslide- and mudslide-prone areas were yesterday ordered to move to safer areas to avert catastrophes. Deputy County Commissioner Moses Lilan said the government had issued the directive at the onset of the rainy season.


Vehicles damaged

April Fools Day ... should have tried better, got you when you mentioned the hospitals...well and the matatus David Kuria Mbote, reader

Though we might not necessarily force people to move, we expect them to think of their own safety. This is not a trivial matter. Landslides are real and memories of the time we lost 15 lives and hundreds others were displaced are still fresh in our minds, he said. Mr Lilan said more than 10,000 people are living in disaster-prone areas in the county and directed them to seek refuge at their relatives homes in higher grounds or seek alternative accommodation. In Nyeri and Muranga, residents in mudslide-prone areas have been warned to be on their guard. The Meteorological Department said landslides and mudslides were likely in parts of Mukurwe-ini and Muranga. The regions Meteorological department head, Mr Francis Nguata, urged national disaster centres to prepare for disasters. Mr Nguata said despite the fears the rains were good news for hydroelectricity producers as dams were lling fast. Reported by Ponciano Odongo, Elisha Otieno, Lillian Ochieng, Philemon Suter, Philip Muyanga and James Ngunjiri

Leaders urged to back multi-billion shilling Lamu port project

Lamu leaders have been urged to support the Sh1.5 trillion port project in the area as it would boost trade and transport in eastern Africa. And Lamu Port Steering Committee chairman Abdallah Fadhil wants full involvement of all stakeholders to ensure that the Lamu Port South Sudan and Ethiopia Transport Corridor (Lapsset) succeeds. We expect faces from Lamu in that authority because it is a starting point of the mega project without which other resort cities will be cut o from the sea. Isiolo, Marsabit, Lokichoggio and Moyale cannot be part of project without Lamu, he said. He urged the government to fully involve Lamu governor Issa Timamy, saying the devolved government could not be sidelined in the project as it was constitutionally mandated to oversee the management of the harbour. In an interview yesterday, Mr Fadhil said his 50-member committee, whose term is set to expire in the next few months, was concerned about uncertainty over compensation modalities for 150 farmers whose land was alienated for the project. He called for the intervention of President Kibaki and President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta on the decision by senior Transport ministry ocials to alter the earlier agreement on compensation accepted by the affected farmers. Farmers were presented with the compensation rates as per the government consultant ndings and the report was taken back to Nairobi for


Amount set aside to compensate rst batch of 150 farmers


The current value of an acre in parts of Lamu County

nal approval and gazettement but sadly we are told the rates are going to be reviewed. No explanation was given, he said. Mr Fadhil, who is also a Kenya Ports Authority director, said the move to alter the compensation modalities had triggered renewed protests from Lamu residents. According to the consultant report on the compensation of those to be aected by the project, farmers whose land will be used for the project will receive compensation pegged on the current value of land.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

National News 19

pound most parts of the country

A woman looks at a car that was swept away by water at Veterinary in Ngong on Sunday night following heavy rains that pounded the city and its environs. Two brothers who were in the car escaped unharmed after they were saved by the residents of the area.


A young man rescues chicken at Kojiem village in Nyando. Many homes in the area were marooned.


Vehicles drive on a ooded road in Nkoroi, Ongata Rongai following the heavy rains that pounded the city.


Ms Jane Awuor (left) and her co-wife Jane Achieng, unsure of their next move after ood waters marooned their home in Kojiem village in Nyando.


Journalists covering the ood stories wade through ood waters in Nyando, where families have been displaced.


A matatu on the Kiserian route drives through a ooded road in Nkoroi, Ongata Rongai, following the heavy rains.

20 |


Name: Chosen name honours St Francis of Assisi 13th century son of aristocrat who spurned life of luxury to live with the poor Ilvkhupdqv ulqj= Simple ring of gold-plated silver instead of solid gold. Existing design rather than one created specifically for him

Pope Francis: Gestures of humility

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

PAPAL PLEA Translate Easter into daily life, says Pope Page 27

STANCE | It is an illusion for those in NPP to think that President Mahama will leave government Frdw ri dupv= Motto BRIEFLY

Ghana faces crisis as president reigns despite election petition

Countrys political future looks gloomy because of possible turmoil that may arise from any ruling
NATION Correspondent ACCRA, Monday

Miserando atque eligendo Odwlq iru Having had JOHANNESBURG mercy, he called him uhihuv wr Mhvxvv fkrlfh Mandela visited by of Matthew as one of his family in hospital apostles despite his apparent unworthiness

Vestments: Francis favours plain white robes and simple iron cross he wore as cardinal

It is only God that can save Ghana from its present predicament caused by poor refereeing by the Electoral body
Mrs Adwoa Boateng, trader in Accra

ither those who drafted Ghanas 1992 Constitution did not have the foresight or they did not imagine the current situation the country faces with the main opposition New Patriotic Partys (NPP) petition against John Dramani Mahamas December 2012 election. The new president was sworn in on January 7 despite the petition being led in court. This situation has created a difficulty that is likely to blight the countrys democratic credentials as the Supreme Court determines the petition challenging the election that brought President Mahama to oce. For now, everything may seem okay, but the countrys political future looks gloomy because of possible turmoil that may arise from any ruling that the Supreme Court may give on the petition. Whatever way the ruling may go, there is the likelihood of dissatisfaction from supporters of both the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the NPP. Unfortunately, nothing is being done to prepare the country for the future. President Mahama himself is preparing to mark his rst 100 days in oce after being sworn-in on January 7. At the same time, the leadership and supporters of the NPP are living in hope that the Supreme Court will give a ruling that will change the status quo and bring to power, the leader of the NPP, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, one of the three people who have petitioned against the results. Some leading members of the NDC have told The Nation that, it is an illusion for those within the NPP to think that President Mahama will leave the Flagsta House-seat of government. That will be a joke of the century. They will not go on record because of fears that they may be cited for inciting in the future. Similarly, the NPP leadership continue to convince their members that the petition has merit and so, the Supreme Court is going to give a ruling in favour of the party. In February, NPPs deputy director of communications, Mr Yaw Buaben-Asamoah told a party rally that, by Easter, the good news you should expect to

Residence: Breaking with century-old tradition, Francis has shunned grand apartment rq wrs iorru ri Ydwlfdqv Dsrvwrolf Palace in favour of modest two-room residence in Domus Santa Marta

Sources: Vatican,

Suite 201 of Domus Santa Marta. Pope will eat in communal dining room

change in the condition of the frail anti-apartheid hero. The 94year-old former president and Nobel peace laureate has been in hospital since late Wednesday being treated for a recurrent bout of pneumonia. He spent part of Family Day today with some members of his family, the presidency said in a statement in its rst update on Mandelas health on Monday. There is no signicant change in his condition Cardinal Bergoglio performing same ceremony when Archbishop of Buenossince Aires the previous presidency statement on Sunday night which Pictures: AP, Getty Images GRAPHIC NEWS said doctors had reported a further improvement in his condition . (AFP)

Ceremony: Pope chose to wash feet of prisoners in youth detention Nelson Mandela spent part of Monday with his family at centre in Rome. Ritual commemorating his hospital bedside, the South Fkulvwv Odvw Vxsshu lv wudglwlrqdoo| African government said, addperformed on lay people at Vatican ing that there was no signicant or other basilica in Rome

Ghana opposition presidential candidate Nana Akufo-Addo laughs next to New Patriotic Party Chairman Jake Obetsebi-Lamptey at a press conference on December 28 in Accra.
hear is that Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is Ghanas truly elected President. Other leading members have also said similar things all over the country. For the NPPs rank and le, the future is bright for them as they dream of a situation where the Supreme Court will reverse the results and declare Nana AkufoAddo President. Mr Jonas Abbiw, who claims he worked for the NPP during FEARS the campaign said, President Mahama is just warming up the chairs in the Presidency for the real winner Nana Akufo-Addo to come and take over. There is so much incompetence all over the place and we want the change sooner than later. The sentiments of the NDC is better expressed by Mrs Adwoa Boateng, a trader in Accra; our leaders have remained silent because they do not want to be seen as creating the condition for political trouble. What l can tell you is that, the Supreme Court will not dare to change the situation we have now. President Mahama is the elected President and no court ruling can change that. The NPP seems to be bolstered by some hiccups in the economy since President Mahama took over. Petroleum subsidy have been removed and thus hiked up fuel prices, the Ghana Water Company is having problems with pumping water and the power supply has been erratic. In addition, there have been reports of corruption within some state agencies. Ocials of the National Youth Employment Programme has been indicted by the National Security Secretariat over the payment of huge sums of money to ghost workers and the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority have also been mentioned in an audit report before Parliament for spending money on projects that are non-existent. President Mahama meanwhile, has almost completed putting his cabinet in place, Parliament has approved the ministers he nominated and they have started work. He has also met various stakeholders including chiefs and members of the Clergy all of whom seem to have expressed support to him as president. As the clock continues to tick, the Supreme Court says, it is considering the various arguments and evidence on the petition which does not have a time limit within which it should be dealt with, and so, no one is sure when the case will be disposed of. If the Supreme Court endorses the results, the NPP supporters are not likely to accept and in a similar manner, if President Mahama is declared loser, supporters of the NDC are not going to accept the fact that a new President should take over. The other scenario of a possible re-run of the election is likely, but that is also going to create problems. The political future of the country is limbo and perhaps, as Mrs Boateng said, it is only God that can save Ghana from its present predicament caused by poor refereeing by the Electoral Commission. TO COMMENT ON THESE AND OTHER STORIES GO TO


Building collapse toll hits 34 in Tanzania

Rescuers have pulled more bodies from the rubble of a building that collapsed in Tanzanias economic capital Dar es Salaam, bringing the toll to 34 three days after the crash, a local government ocial said on Monday. Ten bodies were found between Sunday afternoon and dawn today. This brings the total number conrmed dead to 34, Dar es Salaam Regional Commissioner Saidi Mecky Sadicky told AFP. We will continue looking for more bodies and perhaps we will nd more, Sadicky said. (AFP)

Stakes are high in oil exporter


Nigerian scholar shot dead in Maiduguri

A scholar at Nigerias University of Maiduguri was shot dead by unknown gunmen who attacked his residence in the restive city of Maiduguri, the West African countrys institution of higher learning authorities reported on Monday. A spokesperson of the University of Maiduguri Malam Ahmed Mohammed identied the deceased as Malam Murtala Mohammed, a senior lecturer at the Mass Communication Department of the university in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State in the northeast of the country. He was shot at his residence located opposite the university campus, the spokesperson said. (Xinhua)

Slim: President John Mahama (pictured) won the poll with 50.7 per cent of the December vote compared to Mr Akufo-Addos 47.7 per cent. Verdict: Observers said the polls were free and fair. Wealth: Stakes are high, the country of some 24 million people begun pumping oil in 2010 in addition to being a major exporter of gold and cocoa.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


National AIDS Control Council

PROPOSITION: HIV and AIDS operates as an epidemic of signification concentrating more on the gendered and sexualized body of the Kenyan woman as its subject rather than the structural determinants of risk to infection.



Catholic University of Eastern Africa (C.U.E.A), LRC Conference Hall Karen, Nairobi April 3, 2013 4:30 p.m to 6:30 p.m Free Entry

Date: Time:
Moderator Mr. Louis Otieno


Nduku Kilonzo, PhD Executive Director, LVCT

Dr. Osur Joachim, MBChB, MPH, PhD Director, Ipas Africa Alliance

Fredrick Nyaga, Florence Riako Anam Program Coordinator- Healthy Programs officer Outcomes through Preventive Advocacy and Education (HOPE) program Communication, CHF International NEPHAK

22 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

KASNEB Towers, Hospital Road, Upper Hill, P O Box 41362 - 00100 Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 254-020-2712640/2712828 Cell phone numbers: 0722-201314, 0734-600624 Fax: 254-020-2712915, E-mail: Website:



KASNEB is committed to ensuring that all its students complete their examinations and obtain the respective qualifications within a reasonable period. We are pleased to inform all inactive students that KASNEB has temporarily waived the registration reinstatement fee for a period of three (3) months from 1 April 2013 to 30 June 2013. All inactive students are advised to take advantage of this oneoff waiver by paying their outstanding annual registration arrears (without paying the reinstatement fee) and thereafter book to sit the November/December 2013 examinations. Secretary and Chief Executive Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Providing globally competitive professionals

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Africa News 23

PLEDGE| We conrm we will continue our communication with all political and social powers

Bashir frees all political prisoners

Junta has a history of calling for dialogue on their own terms, says opposition
udanese President Omar al-Bashir said today that he will release all political detainees, as tensions ease following recent agreements with South Sudan. Today, we announce a decision to free all the political prisoners and renew our commitment to all political powers about dialogue, President Bashir said in a speech opening a new session of parliament. We conrm we will continue our communication with all political and social powers without excluding anyone, including those who are armed, for a national dialogue which will bring a solution to all the issues, the president said. His statement elaborated on an oer made last week by Vice President Ali Osman Taha, who reached out to rebels in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states as well as to opposition political parties, whom he invited to join a constitutional dialogue. The alliance of opposition parties and the rebel Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) rejected the vice presidents call. Eight days ago, the leader of the alliance, Farouk Abu Issa, said three opposition members were detained after police forci-

Weah named oil board chairman

NATION Correspondent MONROVIA, Monday Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has appointed the head of the main opposition Congress for Democratic Change (CDC), Mr George Weah as Chairman of the Board of the National Oil Company (NOCAL). The appointment comes in the wake of the passage into law of a new oil contract between NOCAL on the one hand and Exxonmobil and the Canadian oil giant COPL) on the other, with huge benets for the Liberian government, including an upfront payment of $50 million (Ksh4.2bn) as signature fee and taxes. The Liberian leader came under a barrage of criticisms for appointing her son to the lucrative post of chairman of NOCAL, and the replacement of her son Robert Sirleaf and the appointment of an opposition member to chair the board of NOCAL put to rest criticisms of nepotism and perceptions from several quarters that she wanted to personalise Liberias oil wealth. In an apparent move to pacify the opposition Congress for Democratic Change and ensure peace and security in the country, President Sirleaf earlier appointed former World Best, Europe Best and Africa Best football star George Weah who heads the CDC, as Peace Ambassador.


Opposition urged to join law talks

Dialogue: Sudan has called on the opposition to join the government in making a new constitution. Settlement: The United Nations and the African Union have called on the insurgents and Khartoum to reach a negotiated settlement. Progress: As relations with the South improve there is a less restrictive political atmosphere in Sudan.
bly dispersed a rally demanding the release of six other regime opponents held for several weeks. The six were detained for their connection with a conference in Kampala, Uganda, which led to a charter for toppling Bashirs

Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir addresses a new session of Parliament, yesterday.

24-year regime. US-based Human Rights Watch in February said the six should be charged or released. At a rare news conference last week, Vice President Taha suggested that as relations with South Sudan improve, there is a less restrictive political atmosphere within Sudan. But Issa said his call for dialogue was the same line. Bashir Adam Rahma, foreign relations secretary of the Popular Congress opposition party, said


the government junta has a history of calling for dialogue on their own terms. Sudan needs a new constitution to replace the 2005 document based on a peace agreement which ended a 23-year civil war and led to South Sudans separation in July 2011. Singling out the SPLM-N chairman and his deputy, Taha called on opposition parties and Malik Agar and Abdel Aziz AlHilu to take part in writing the new constitution. (AFP)

24 | International News
TARGETED| Dahabshil has been one the major bank agencies

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Al-Shabaab closes top money transfer rm

Radical group has also banned international bodies such as the UN
MOGADISHU, Monday l-Shabaab, the radical Islamist group, has ordered the closure of the oces of Dahabshil, the largest hawala (money transfer company) in Somalia. The ban affected the operation of Dahabshil in the areas controlled by the Islamists in Hiran region in Central Somalia and in Bay and Bakol regions in Southern Somalia. The Hawala was accused of breaking the norms stipulated for the business organisations in the Islamist controlled zones and conducted operations said to be against the security. The order partly said, Dahabshil engaged in operations previously conducted by agencies banned by Harakatu Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahedeen (The movement of the youth jihadists). The declaration, however, did not specify the banned actions. In the past Al-Shabaab banned most international agencies including United Nations bodies, International Committee of the Red Cross and other humanitarian groups like Care International. They were accused of breaking the strict Sharea (Islamic laws) applied by the movement. The affected districts by the latest ban, according to the information posted on the web site, include Buloburte, Jalalaqsi, Mahas, Moqakori, Halgan, Buq-aqable and Eel Ali in Hiran region. Others are Hudur, Wajid, Tieglow, Rabdure, Dinsor and Ufuroow in Bay and Bakol regions. The report indicated that Dahabshil operations in other areas controlled by Al-Shabaab, which include Gedo, Lower and Middle Juba, Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle, Galgadud iyo Mudug regions respectively in Central and Southern Somalia, were not aected. Since the collapse of the central government in Somalia in 1991, Dahabshil has been one the major corporations that assumed banking and nancial services in the Horn of Africa country. It has also been one of the main hawala engaged in transferring remittances from Diaspora Somalis to their families in Somalia and in other countries.

SUSPECT | Satirist summoned


Congo rebels slam UN oensive

The main rebel group in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Monday denounced as an act of war the UN approving to send its rst-ever oensive peacekeeping brigade to the region. Instead of encouraging a political solution by supporting the political negotiations... the UN has chosen to wage war against one of the partners for peace, the M23 political leader Bertrand Bisimwa said in a statement. The statement follows a decision by the UN Security Council on Thursday to approve the sending of a 3,000-strong force with orders to neutralise and disarm rebel groups in the resource-rich east of the country which has been gripped by conict for more than two decades. (AFP)


Mali troops sweep Timbuktu for mines

Malian troops swept Timbuktu for remaining Islamist ghters on Monday after a weekend battle that left seven people dead and saw France send in ghter jets. Some gunre was heard on Monday but the fabled Saharan city was mostly calm, and residents began to emerge from their homes after barricading themselves in when the ghting broke out. The militants used the confusion created by a suicide bomber late on Saturday to inltrate the city. (AFP)

Dahabshil engaged in operations conducted by agencies banned by Harakatu

Al-Shabaab order

Egyptian satirist and television host Bassem Youssef is surrounded by his supporters upon his arrival at the public prosecutors oce in the high court in Cairo, on Sunday. Egypts public prosecutor ordered the arrest of popular satirist Youssef over alleged insults to Islam and to President Mohamed Morsy.


Applications are invited for the following courses starting from September 2013: KENYA REGISTERED NURSING [KRN] - [3 YEARS] Minimum Requirements: KCSE Mean Grade C (Plain), English C (Plain), Mathematics C- (Minus), Biology C (Plain) Any other Science subject C-(Minus) i.e. Physical Science or Chemistry KENYA REGISTERED MIDWIFE [ 1 YEAR] Minimum Requirements: Kenya Registered Nurse [KRN] Registered with the Nursing Council of Kenya with a valid Practicing License CRITICAL CARE (ICU) - [ 1 YEAR] Minimum Requirements: Kenya Registered Nurse [KRN] Registered with the Nursing Council of Kenya with a valid Practicing License Application Procedure: All application letters must be accompanied by a Bankers Cheque or Money Order of a nonrefundable fee of Kshs.1,000/- drawn to THE MATER HOSPITAL Applications to be addressed to: The Director of Nursing Education Catherine McAuley School of Nursing & Midwifery P.O. Box 30325 00100 NAIROBI So as to reach us not later than 30th April 2013. SHORT COURSES: First Aid Partograph in Labour Management Basic Life Support [BLS] Neonatal Resuscitation Family Life Education for TOTs Advanced Cardiac Life Support [ACLS] HIV/AIDS, Prevention, Treatment, Care Advanced Trauma Life Support Ergonomics [Prevention of back injuries] Nursing Process Diabetes Mellitus Management

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NB: - Tailor made courses can be organised for groups in health related areas to suit clients specific needs. Please contact the School for more information on these courses.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


26 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Kuwait in rst executions since 2007

Authorities in Kuwait today hanged three convicted murderers in the rst executions in the Gulf state since May 2007, the ministry of justice said. The men, a Pakistani, a Saudi and a stateless Arab, were hanged at the central jail, west of the capital Kuwait City, in front of judicial and security ocials, the ministry said. Pakistani Parvez Ghulam was convicted of killing a Kuwaiti couple and the Saudi national, Faisal al-Oteibi, of stabbing a compatriot to death. The stateless Arab, Dhaher al-Oteibi, was hanged for shooting and killing his wife and ve children. Shiite Muslims rever Islams twelfth imam, Mohammad AlMahdi, who disappeared from the earth in the tenth century and is said to be due to return to save mankind. Kuwait had six years ago stopped executing convicts sentenced to death. Public attorney Mohammad al-Duaij, who supervised the executions, was cited by the ocial KUNA news agency as saying another 48 people are on death row awaiting a nal decision on their sentences by the emir. Under Kuwaiti law, the emir has the right to commute death sentences to a life term. Among those on death row are two members of the AlSabah ruling family convicted over drugs tracking and murder, and a woman who set a wedding tent ablaze in 2009 killing 57 people. Kuwait has executed a total of 69 men and three foreign women since it introduced the death penalty in mid-1960. Most have been convicted murderers or drug trackers. Meanwhile, Kuwaits lower court yesterday sentenced opposition tweeter Hamed alKhaledi to two years in jail on charges of insulting the Gulf states ruler. Khaledi has been sentenced to two years in jail with immediate eect, the director of the Kuwait Society for Human Rights, Mohammad al-Humaidi, said on his Twitter account. (AFP)

The Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited (KETRACO) is a corporation whose mandate is to design, construct, operate and maintain new high voltage electricity transmission lines. KETRACO is now in the process of preparing its register of suppliers for various goods, works and services for the period 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Interested suppliers are invited to apply for pre-qualification, indicating the category of goods, works or services they wish to be prequalified for. Registered youth based Enterprises are encouraged to apply for prequalification. SUPPLY OF GOODS REF.NO. KETRACO/1/2013-2015 KETRACO/2/2013-2015 KETRACO/3/2013-2015 KETRACO/4/2013-2015 KETRACO/5/2013-2015 KETRACO/6/2013-2015 KETRACO/7/2013-2015 KETRACO/8/2013-2015 KETRACO/9/2013-2015 KETRACO/10/2013-2015 KETRACO/11/2013-2015 KETRACO/12/2013-2015 KETRACO/13/2013-2015 PROVISION OF SERVICES KETRACO/14/2013-2015 KETRACO/15/2013-2015 KETRACO/16/2013-2015 KETRACO/17/2013-2015 KETRACO/18/2013-2015 KETRACO/19/2013-2015 KETRACO/20/2013-2015 KETRACO/21/2013-2015 KETRACO/22/2013-2015 KETRACO/23/2013-2015 KETRACO/24/2013-2015 KETRACO/25/2013-2015 KETRACO/26/2013-2015 KETRACO/27/2013-2015 KETRACO/28/2013-2015 KETRACO/29/2013-2015 KETRACO/30/2013-2015 KETRACO/31/2013-2015 CONSULTANCY SERVICES KETRACO/32/2013-2015 KETRACO/33/2013-2015 KETRACO/34/2013-2015 KETRACO/35/2013-2015 KETRACO/36/2013-2015


The number of convicts on death row in Kuwait

Two of three men are walked up on to the scaolding before being executed by hanging just west of the capital Kuwait City yesterday.


SHOCK | He was denitely planning to come to Israel

Berezovskys girlfriend casts doubt on suicide

Tycoon was due to meet woman in Tel Aviv after ying out with his bodyguard
MOSCOW, Monday

MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Copy of certificate of Incorporation 1. 2. A copy of a valid KRA Tax compliance certificate (we shall confirm this with KRA) Audited Accounts for the last three years 3. Letters of Recommendation from three of your current major clients 4. Certificates from affiliated bodies/associations where applicable 5. 6. A copy of official KETRACO receipt issued upon purchase of prequalification documents Evidence of possession of Electronic Tax Registers 7. Company profile to include Management team and Board of Directors 8. Completed confidential Business Questionnaires in the prescribed format 9. Detailed Pre-qualification Documents may be obtained from the SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT OFFICE situated on 2nd Floor, Capitol Hill Square, along Chyulu Road, Upper Hill, upon payment, at the cash office, of a non-refundable fee of KSH.3,000.00 per set of documents. Completed pre-qualification documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked with the requisite references; - PREQUALIFICATION OF SUPPLIERS 2013-2015: TENDER NO: KETRACO// 2013-2014 and 2014-2015. Should be addressed to:Company Secretary, Kenya Electricity Transmission Company Limited, (Ketraco) nd 2 Floor, Capitol Hill Square, Chyulu Road Upperhill P O Box 34942-00100 NAIROBI

and deposited in the Tender Box provided at the KETRACO reception area, so as to be received not later than Thursday 18th April 2013 at 10.00 am. Documents submitted after this time will NOT BE ACCEPTED. The pre-qualification documents will be opened soon thereafter at 10:30 a.m and tenderers or their representatives are welcome to attend and witness the opening. HEAD OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT

he 23-year-old girlfriend of the late Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky said today she did not believe he had killed himself and that they had been planning to go to Israel on holiday together days after he was found dead. Ms Katerina Sabirova said in a magazine interview she did not believe Berezovsky, 67, whom she rst met in 2008, would have killed himself, and that in their last conversation a day before his death, his voice had sounded better than usual. Mr Berezovsky was found on March 23 in the bathroom of a mansion outside London and a postmortem found that he had been hanged and no evidence of a struggle. He was denitely planning to come to Israel on Monday (March 25). I know that for sure, she told the liberal weekly New Times, and showed a printout of her air ticket to Tel Aviv. He had big plans of going to the Dead Sea, she said, adding that he had been down but that she had not believed he was suicidal. Berezovsky used to say: Imagine if Im not around, all the problems

Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky leaving Londons High Court in central London in this August 31, 2012 photo.
will go away, but this wasnt a guide to action, I could not and cannot imagine that he could do this. Its very hard to believe this, Sabirova said. Berezovsky was due to meet her at Tel Aviv airports VIP lounge, after ying out with his bodyguard Avi, she said. He had proposed the trip on March 18, choosing Israel because Sabirovas British visa had run out. The magazine printed a photograph of Sabirova with Berezovsky, his arm around her shoulder. Friends of Berezovsky conrmed that they were in a long-term relationship, it said. When she came to a Moscow restaurant for the interview, heads turned, the magazine wrote.


Arm around shoulder

Sabirova also confirmed that Berezovsky had discussed with her his letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking for forgiveness, whose existence was revealed after the oligarchs death by Putins spokesman. He said that he did not see another way (to return to Russia) than to bow down, she said, adding that she saw a draft and inferred that Berezovsky sent it in November but there had been no answer. Alexander Goldfarb, a close associate of Berezovsky, wrote on his blog, that the businessman would have been likely to conde in Sabirova. Its true that Katya Sabirova was dating Boris, and this relationship was close and trusting enough for him to have shared his plans for such a letter, if he planned to write it, he said. (AFP)

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

International News 27

UNIQUE| Claims of database of smells from all over the world

YouTube shuts, Google snis in April Fool gags

Several newsmakers targeted in pranks as Pistorius says ready for N. Korea race
PARIS, Monday


This is a Christian institution owned and managed by Presbyterian Church of East Africa (P.C.E.A). The College is located in Tharaka-Nithi County and in a serene environment for academic research excellence. The college invites applications for APRIL/MAY 2013 in the following courses. April classes starts on 14th April 2013 while May classes will commence on 8th May 2013. Course Bachelor of Education(Arts) Bachelor of Education-ECDE Diploma in EducationKNEC EXAM (DTE) 2nd intake. (secondary option) Diploma in ECDE (KNEC) (School based) Diploma in Education (secondary option) SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Minimum entry requirement KCSE C+(Plus),C+ in two teaching subjects KCSE C+(Plus) or Diploma in ECDE or its equivalent. KCSE C+ (Plus), C+ in two teaching subjects, D+ in maths and C in English. KCSE C (Plain)or Certificate in ECDE or P1 Certificate. KCSE C (Plain) with C+ in two teaching subjects or P1 Certificate with KCSE C (plain) and C + in two teaching subjects. KCSE D+(Plus) Duration/tuition fees 8 sessions @ Ksh 31,000 8 semesters @ Ksh 52,000 8 sessions @ Ksh 31,000 8 semesters @ Ksh 52,000 7 terms @ Ksh 24,000 6 sessions @ Ksh 8,500 per session 4 sessions @ Ksh 28,000 4 semesters @ Ksh 28,000


ouTube is shutting down, Twitter users have to pay for the use of vowels, and the new Google Nose search engine will bring a whi of wet dog or daisies right to your computer or smartphone. Smells shy? These internet giants went all-out to try and bamboozle their users with April Fools gags on the most mischievous day of the year. YouTube, the worlds largest video sharing site, revealed it had merely been an eight-year contest to nd the best video and would be closing to review all entries. The winner would be announced in 2023. We are so close to the end. Tonight at midnight, will no longer be accepting entries. After eight amazing years, it is finally time to review everything that has been uploaded to our site and begin the process of selecting a winner, said Tim Liston, named as competition director. YouTube CEO Salar Kamangar said that we started YouTube in 2005 as a contest

with a simple goal: to nd the best video in the world. In keeping with its prankster reputation, Google also unveiled a complex search engine that would oer the sharpest olfactory experience available. The search engine claims to have a database of smells from all over the world. Users can search for new car smell , or Egyptian tomb, sni their screen and even share it with a friend. Googles Android Ambient Odor Detection also allows you to collect smells on your phone. Meanwhile micro-blogging site Twitter said it had decided to shave o even more characters by providing a new vowel-free service to users. Trd th nw Twttr yt? Mr tm fr mr twts (Translation: Tried the new Twttr yet? More time for more tweets) the site announced. Of course, vowels

We are so close to the end. Tonight at midnight, will no longer be accepting entries
Tim Liston, Director

would still be available but only to premium users willing to pay ve dollars a month. Several recent newsmakers were targeted in other pranks on April Fools Day with North Korea cropping up twice. South Africas Daily Maverick newspaper carried a story headlined Exclusive: Oscar Pistorius signs up for North Koreas inaugural Friendship Run. The paper said the doubleamputee paralympian sprint star who is charged with killing his model girlfriend, will lead SAs team in Kim Jong-Uns bid to build bridges between less-understood world regimes and less-understood global gures. Just days after being allowed to travel while on bail, Oscar Pistorius has received an unexpected honour: A personal invitation from North Koreas newly-minted and beloved leader, Kim Jong-Un, to join the many worthy celebrities participating in his Friendship Run, a 10km race through the exquisitely manicured streets of Pyongyang. When he heard of the invitation, Pistorius said: Ill take it. On hearing that the race was not going to be his favourite 400m sprint, but 25 times longer at 10km, Pistorius curtly replied: Ill be ne. (AFP)

Transform Easter into daily life, says Pope

Pope Francis urged the faithful to translate the sacraments they received during Easter Sunday into their daily lives as he addressed tens of thousands the day after the holiest day in the Christian calendar. Speaking from a window in the pontical palace the new pope urged the faithful crowded into St. Peters Square to express in life the sacraments that we have received. Its our daily engagement, but also our daily joy, the joy of feeling the instrument of Christs grace. The sacraments of the eucharist and baptism should become life and thus translate into attitudes, behaviour, gestures and choices he said to a warm response from the crowd. The ponti was speaking during the traditional Regina Coeli prayer following his rst Easter Sunday as leader of the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics. (AFP)

Name: Chosen name honours St Francis of Assisi 13th century son of aristocrat who spurned life of luxury to live with the poor Ilvkhupdqv ulqj= Simple ring of gold-plated silver instead of solid gold. Existing design rather than one created specifically for him

Pope Francis: Gestures of humility

Frdw ri dupv= Motto Miserando atque eligendo Odwlq iru Having had mercy, he called him uhihuv wr Mhvxvv fkrlfh of Matthew as one of his apostles despite his apparent unworthiness

Vestments: Francis favours plain white robes and simple iron cross he wore as cardinal

Certificate in ECDE (KNEC) 6 sessions @ Ksh5,500 per (School based) session Certificate in Primary Teacher KCSE C (PLAIN)-September 6 terms @ Ksh 20,600 Education. (P1) (KNEC) intake ongoing Certificate in ECDE (Full KCSE D+ September intake on 4 terms @ Ksh 15,000 time)(KNEC) going SCHOOL OF BUSINESS &PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Bachelor of Business KCSE C+ or its equivalent 8 semesters @ Ksh 52,000 Administration or Diploma in Business Administration Diploma/Certificate in Business KCSE C-(minus) for Diploma and 3 terms @ Management (KNEC) KCSE D(Plain) for Certificate. Ksh 15,000 for Diploma and Ksh 12,000 for Certificate. Diploma/Certificate in Human KCSE C-(minus) for Diploma and 3 terms @ resource management (KNEC) KCSE D(Plain) for Certificate. Ksh 15,000 for Diploma and Ksh 12,000 for Certificate. Diploma/Certificate in Supply KCSE C-(minus) for Diploma and 3 terms @ Chain Management (KNEC) KCSE D (Plain) for Certificate. Ksh 15,000 for Diploma and Ksh 12,000 for Certificate. Diploma/Certificate in KCSE C-(minus) for Diploma and 3 terms @ Computerized Secretarial KCSE D(Plain) for Certificate. Ksh 15,000 for Diploma and Studies (KNEC) Ksh 12,000 for Certificate. Diploma/Certificate in Project KCSE C-(minus) for Diploma and 3 terms @ Management(KNEC) KCSE D(Plain) for Certificate. Ksh 15,000 for Diploma and Ksh 12,000 for Certificate. Certified Information KCSE C- (Minus) 2 terms @ Ksh 15,000 Communication &Technology Technician (CICTT) (KASNEB) CPA&ATC (KASNEB) KCSE C+ for CPA and KCSE 2 terms @ Ksh 15,000 D(Plain) for ATC SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES Bachelor of Theology KCSE C+ or its equivalent or 8 Semesters @ Ksh 52,000 Diploma in Theology Diploma in Chaplaincy KCSE C (Plain) or its equivalent 4 Semesters @ Ksh 28,000 Diploma/Certificate in KCSE C (Plain) for Diploma and 4 Semesters for Diploma @ Counseling Psychology KCSE D+ for Certificate or its Ksh 28,000 and equivalent. 2 semesters for Certificate @ Ksh 24,000. Diploma/Certificate in Pastoral KCSE C (Plain) for Diploma and 4 Semesters for Diploma@ care and Christian Counseling KCSE D+ for Certificate or its Ksh 28,000 and equivalent. 2 semesters for Certificate @ Ksh 24,000. NB: Application forms may be obtained at Presbyterian Teachers College Rubate or PCEA St.Andrews Church Nairobi or PCEA Chuka presbytery office. Upon payment of a Non refundable fee of Ksh. 1000 for University courses and Ksh. 200 for KNEC courses. 1. 2. 3. Part time and evening classes are held at PCEA Chuka town Church. Credit transfers for Diploma holders from recognized institutions are available. Accomodation is available in the College for students taking KNEC courses and optional for the other courses. APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE ADRESSED TO THE PRINCIPAL PRESBYTERIAN UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA RUBATE TEACHERSCOLLEGE CAMPUS P.O BOX 177-60400 CHUKA E- Mail ptcrubatecollege@yahoo/ Mobile: 0728 090 944 /0720 312 021 /0737 141 401

Residence: Breaking with century-old tradition, Francis has shunned grand apartment rq wrs iorru ri Ydwlfdqv Dsrvwrolf Palace in favour of modest two-room residence in Domus Santa Marta

Ceremony: Pope chose to wash feet of prisoners in youth detention centre in Rome. Ritual commemorating Fkulvwv Odvw Vxsshu lv wudglwlrqdoo| performed on lay people at Vatican or other basilica in Rome

Sources: Vatican,

Suite 201 of Domus Santa Marta. Pope will eat in communal dining room

Cardinal Bergoglio performing same ceremony when Archbishop of Buenos Aires

Pictures: AP, Getty Images


28 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Relief as court allays election run-o jitters
Business sector had slumped in the past one month as investors kept o, with tourism the most aected
BY CHARLES WOKABI he business community sighed with relief after the Supreme Court of Kenya unanimously validated the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as the fourth president of the country, ruling out the possibility of a run-o. The court dismissed petitions by Prime Minister Raila Odinga and a non-governmental organisation challenging the March 4 election results. It said the process was free, fair and was conducted in compliance with the Constitution. The ruling ended uncertainty over whether the presidential race would end up in a run-o, fears that have seen business take a slump in the past one month as investors adopted a wait-and-see approach. ance chief executive Carole Kariuki said after the judgment. The most aected industry was tourism, largely because it must be backed by a peaceful environment to post a good performance. We have lost so much in the tourism sector in terms of bookings in March and April. We were afraid that, subjected to another period of campaigning, the impact would have been too much to recover from, Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers & Caterers chairman Mike Macharia said. The fact that the judgment came in the middle of Easter holidays, according to Mr Macharia, left the sector with the biggest slowdown in history, worse than what was experienced in 2008 following the post-election violence. The ruling is good in that the country can now start to move on in terms of business, he said. Kenyas earnings from tourism last year fell 1.92 per cent to Sh96.02 billion on the back of fewer arrivals from key markets such as the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany. This may be attributed to various factors such as real and perceived insecurity, the ongoing eurozone crisis and uncertainty over the General Election, noted the Kenya Tourism Board in a press statement last month. President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy, Mr William Ruto, have already held a meeting with members of the private sector and promised support from their government towards creating an enabling environment for the business community. Mr Kenyatta said that he would create a position for a representative of the private sector within his oce. The private sector will also be eyeing a bigger cut in government business following a promise by the incoming government to overhaul the complex public procurement procedures that have for years denied them a chance to successfully tender for government contracts.

HIGH DEMAND DRIVES UP MOTORCYCLE SALES New data from KNBS shows a 188pc rise in new registrations in January. Page 30

INCOME | Over Sh11m earned from sh in county

Farmers in Embu earn Sh28m from mango sales

Mango farmers in Embu County have earned Sh28 million since February. The earnings are a signicant increase for the 1,400 farmers who received Sh5 million in 2010, according to a survey by the Kenya Agriculture Productivity and Agribusiness Project (Kapap). The sales were boosted by an association formed by farmers to market their produce and bypass middlemen. Speaking at Karurumo market during a farmers eld day, Embu Kapap service unit director Anthony Gateri said his organisation assists farmers in learning production techniques and disease control methods. It also links them to markets. We are now able to set up prices and farmers are now selling mangoes in counties that dont produce them like Nyandarua and Nairobi. We have also exploited opportunities in Uganda, Burundi and South Sudan, Mr Gateri said.

Set up prices

Perceived insecurity

A farmer in Embu feeds sh before attending a meeting at Embu University College yesterday to discuss the gains made in the area. Local farmers have earned over Sh11 million in three years from shing, with a total of 900 ponds dug.


Sugar output up by 41 per cent due to good weather

Sugar production in January rose 41.5 per cent, compared with December last year, buoyed by good weather. The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) reports that domestic production of sugar rose from 34,651 tonnes in December 2012 to 49,046 tonnes in January 2013. Cane deliveries increased 24.3 per cent to 564,000 tonnes in January, compared with 453,700 tonnes in December last year. Last year, there was low cane production which was caused by bad weather, but we project that the production could go further up this year, the Kenya Sugar Board chief executive, Ms Rosemary Mkok, said. Comparisons between January this year and the same period last year show that the sugar industry is not yet completely out of the woods. Domestic production and cane deliveries recorded in January 2013 were still lower than those reported in January 2012. Historically, while Kenyas demand for sugar has been on the rise, production has failed to meet the need due to unreliable weather. A reduction in cane supplies last year coupled with cut-throat competition in the sector made it tough for local manufacturers. In the six months to December 2012, Mumias Sugar Company recorded a Sh1 billion half-year net loss, citing high operational costs and cane poaching by rival sugar companies in Western Kenya. The company has already issued a prot warning for the year to June 2013.

Put on hold plans

Local and international investors have condence in this country as a great investment destination. But uncertainty on the political front had forced them to put on hold their plans, thereby slowing the economy. We have not calculated the effect in terms of numbers, but there was a general lag in the past one month, Kenya Private Sector Alli-

We are now able to set up prices and farmers are selling mangoes in counties that dont produce them like Nyandarua and Nairobi
Embu Kapap service unit director Anthony Gateri
Due to expansion of the market, the price of mangoes per piece has risen from Sh3 in 2010 to an average of Sh7 today. The farmers have also contained ies and weevils, which were previously a nuisance to mango growing in the region. Embu County has about 1,700 hectares under mango, with each hectare holding about 500 trees. The farmers, through their association, have bought a one-acre piece of land on which they plan to set up a mango juice processing plant.

Rate by which Kenyas earnings from tourism fell last year, to Sh96.02 billion on the back of fewer arrivals from key markets like Britain, Italy and Germany

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Business News 29

HANDY | Nairobi traders resume business

The Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City Council of Nairobi. The Company is a Water Service Provider charged with the provision of Water and Sewerage Services in Nairobi and its environs. The Company invites sealed bids from eligible bidders as described below: S/No. 1 TENDER REF. NO. NWSC/30/2012 TENDER DESCRIPTION Provision of Insurance Brokerage Services MANDATORY SITE VISIT N/A BID SECURITY (Kes) 2% of the quoted Total Annual Premium.

2 3

NWSC/35/2012 NWSC/36/2012

Sewer Relocation Works Off Ngong Road, At The Naivasha Road Junction Proposed Rehabilitation Of Fuel Filling Station At Kampala Road Depot, Off Enterprise Road, Industrial Area In Nairobi County Proposed Improvement of Show Ground Stand for The Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Ltd Construction of a Boundary Wall at Loresho Reserviour Construction of a 90MTR Relief Sewer at Tasia Provision of Security Services (ReAdvertisement)

Friday April 12, 2013 at 300,000.00 12.00noon Monday April 15, 2013 at 2.00pm 100,000.00 Friday April 12,2013 at 10.00am Friday April 12, 2013 at 2.00pm Monday April 15, 2013 at 10.00am N/A

French beans trader Masaku Wambua at the Wakulima Market in Nairobi where business was slowly getting back to normal yesterday. The beans were selling at Sh40 per kilo.

4 5 6 7

NWSC/39/2012 NWSC/40/2012 NWSC/41/2012 NWSC/42/2012

600,000.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 Lot 1: 100,000.00 Lot 2: 100,000.00 Lot 3: 50,000.00

PRODUCTION| Rains boost farming

Tea yields hit 10-year record high in January

Players say harvests this year could reach historic records

Interested eligible bidders may inspect and obtain complete set of bidding documents in English from the office of: The Supply Chain Manager Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Ltd Kampala Road, off Enterprise Road P O Box 30656-00100 Tel: 254-20-3988598/000 Nairobi, Kenya. during office hours from 08:30 15:30 local time on Mondays to Fridays except during lunch time from 13:00 to 14:00 hours and public holidays. Any further information may be obtained from the same office. Bid documents may be purchased by interested bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kenya Shillings 5,000.00 (Five Thousand) only; or an equivalent amount in any other eligible currency. The method of payment will be either in bankers cheque payable to Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company, or cash. A complete set of bid documents in a plain envelope clearly marked the contract No; contract description Without the name & address of the Bidder, shall be returned to the address here below, and deposited in the Tender Box situated on the first floor, Administration Block, at the Head Office, Kampala Road off Enterprise Road, Nairobi on Tuesday April 23, 2012 at 10.00 am. Bids shall be opened immediately after the closing date and time. Bidders or their representatives able to attend are welcome. Bidders who participated in the Tender for Provision for Security Services under NWSC/19/2012 and are still interested in the above (NWSC/42/2012) shall Not pay for the Tender Documents. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form and amount specified in the respective Bid Documents and as above. Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Limited reserves the right to accept wholly or in part, a bid submitted for consideration and does not bide itself to accept the lowest or any bid. Managing Director Nairobi City Water & Sewerage Company Ltd Kampala Road, off Enterprise Road P O Box 30656-00100 Tel. 254 020 39885/000 Fax 254 020 552126 Nairobi, Kenya. Email: Website:

onthly tea production in Kenya hit a 10year high in January, owing to good rainfall, giving indications that 2013 may witness a record harvest. Total production in January stood at 45.3 million kilos, the highest monthly production in over 10 years, according to statistics from the Tea Board of Kenya. East African Tea Traders Association chairman Peter Kimanga said the record production can be attributed to high rainfall. Higher production was largely attributed to moderate and scattered rainfall experienced in tea growing areas during the rst-half of the month, added Tea Board of Kenya managing director Sicily Kariuki in a statement following the release of the

399m kg
The highest production the industry has ever witnessed. The level was attained in 2010

January statistics. Output in the smallholder sub-sector increased from 21.5 million kilos to 27.7 million while production in the plantation sub-sector rose from 14.6 million kilos to 17.6 million, compared with January 2012. We also tend to have a lot of labour plucking tea leaves in January, added Mr Kimanga during a phone interview. Players are optimistic that production this year could reach a historical high. If the trend continues this way, we are likely to have record production this year. We might have about 410 million kg this year, Mr Kimanga said. The highest production level the industry has ever witnessed was 399 million kilos in 2010. The Tea Board expects the country to fetch at least Sh116 billion in earnings from the export market this year, up from Sh112.2 billion in 2012, owing partly to increased production and more stable international prices. Average tea auction prices for January 2013 were slightly higher at $3.28 per kg against $2.91 for January 2012. Higher prices were due to improved buying interests by most markets in anticipation of lower production in the rst quarter due to dry weather conditions, the Tea Board said.

30 | Business News

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Alarm over low number of actuaries

Kenya needs to train and mentor more students in acturial sciences if it hopes to strengthen the local insurance sectors capacity to handle emerging risks, an expert has said. According to Mr Georey Nzau, one of the rst Kenyans to qualify as an actuary, the number of actuaries in the country remains worringly low. Although many students enrol for the course in local universities, only a fraction completes the studies, owing to the rigorous nature of training, he said. Training to be an actuary is a tough undertaking and requires serious discipline, hence the need for mentorship so that more students can successfully complete the course, says Mr Nzau, who previously headed Alexandar Forbes operations in 11 African countries. The job of an actuary involves using mathematical models to project future risks. This helps in calculation and pricing of insurance premiums. There are currently about 20 resident actuaries in Kenya. In October last year, the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) issued new rules requiring local insurance companies to set up actuarial departments. The regulator said opportunities and risks in the industry were constantly changing, hence the need for more qualied actuarial practitioners. Mr Nzau said that with proper mentorship, the number of students qualifying as actuaries would rise substantially, providing a larger expert pool for the 48 insurance rms in Kenya.

PLANTING SEASON | Subsidised fertiliser arrives at Eldoret depot

The estimated number of resident actuaries in Kenya, serving 48 insurance rms. With proper mentorship, the number of students qualifying as actuaries would rise substantially.

National Cereals and Produce Board managing director Gideon Misoi (centre), Mr Abraham Barno (right) from the Ministry of Agriculture and Mr Gilbert Rotich, the boards Eldoret Silo manager conrm the arrival of government subsidised fertiliser, DAP, at the depot yesterday. Mr Misoi said the depot had received the rst consignment of 1,600 bags, which is selling at Sh2,500 a bag.


IMPETUS | Duty on two wheelers scrapped in 2008 Naivasha Water,Sewerage & Sanitation Company ltd
Jostas Building 1st floor,Suite 1B P.O. BOX 321, Naivasha Kenya. Tel 050-2020979, 0729895564

Naivasha Water, Sewerage and Sanitation Company (NAIVAWASS), a Water Service Provider within Naivasha Municipality, seeks to fill the following vacant positions;

1. Commercial Manager
Reporting to the Managing Director, the Commercial Manager will be responsible for development of business development strategies to continuously increase connectivity, and projected revenue. The Commercial Manager will also be responsible of the efficient management and supervision of all commercial aspects of NAIVAWASS to ensure the business objectives are achieved. Qualifications Bachelor of Commerce, Finance, Accounting or equivalent Qualified Accountant (CPAK, ACCA) with ICPAK membership Background in business development with demonstrated success Some working knowledge of a computerized billing software 5 years experience, 2 of which must be in commercial institution/ water company Departmental Head Ability to prepare business proposals Must be able to prepare financial forecasts and interpret financial reports

High demand drives up motorcycle sales

Latest data from KNBS shows a 188pc increase in new motor bike registrations in January

2. Internal Auditor
Reporting to the Managing Director, the Internal Auditor will be responsible for developing and implementing internal control systems, assisting managers develop standard operating procedures, conducting regular internal audits and advising Management on best risk management systems through the use of appropriate internal controls. The Internal Auditor is also responsible for regularly reviewing if Board decisions, standard operating procedures, accounting standards, statutory compliances and professional standards are being complied and sealing risks. Qualifications A Bachelors degree in Commerce, Finance/Accounting or related studies Minimum CPA II certificate Good report writing skills Ability to communicate effectively at all levels Auditing experience in Computerized Accounting systems 5 years experience in equivalent position Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines

3. Procurement Assistant
Reporting to the Finance and Administration Manager, the Procurement Assistant will be responsible for planning, developing and controlling aspects of procurement for the company. The job holder will be responsible for compliance with Public Procurement legislation and development partners guidelines. The holder will ensure effectiveness of existing controls and efficiency of the procurement process through cost effective and timely delivery of quality products and services to support the day to day operations of the business. The person will be expected to engage, develop and maintain good relations with suppliers and internal user departments. This position will be responsible for processing user requests; processing requests for quotations, ensuring goods ordered and received meet user specifications. Qualifications A Diploma in commerce, business administration or procurement At least three years experience in a procurement/stores management role in a busy company Must possess strong communication and relationship management skills Must be results oriented and exhibit strong problem-solving skills Should demonstrate knowledge and competency in public sector procurement procedures

egistration of new motorcycles shot up 188 per cent in January, reective of rising demand from the transportation sector. According to data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), Kenya registered 13,440 new motorcycles in January, a dramatic increase from Decembers 4,666. This was also 75 per cent higher than the number of new motorcycles registered in January last year. Demand for motorcycles in Kenya has been on a relatively upward trend since 2008 when the government scrapped duty on the vehicles. Further, competition by companies targeting the local market has also seen prices slashed, with certain rms oering payment plans to clients. Although last year registered a drop in total registration due to high cost of nancing, over the past ve years we have seen relative growth in the industry as motorcycles are increasingly used

Over the past ve years, we have seen relative growth in the industry,
Car & General MD Vijay Gidoomal

4. Human Resource Assistant

Reporting to the Finance and Administration Manager, the Human Resource Assistant will be responsible for handling affairs in relation with human resources; monitoring and controlling the provision and use of shared services; checking records and provide required information for management reports; other responsibilities that may be directed by the hierarchy in the interests of the company. Qualifications KCSE level of education Higher Diploma in Human Resources Management 3 years experience in similar position An attractive remuneration package commensurate with the responsibilities will be negotiated with the right candidate. If you believe that you possess the attributes for any of the above position, please submit your written application, CV, copies of certificates & testimonials, your remuneration expectations, day and evening telephone numbers to: The Managing Director, Naivasha Water, Sewerage and Sanitation Company Limited, P.O. Box 321-20117, NAIVASHA. To reach him not later than Friday, 12th April 2013. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

for transportation in rural areas and cities, said Car & General managing director Vijay Gidoomal. Reective of this trend, Honda Motor this month established a Sh450 million motorcycle production plant in Nairobi, the second of its kind in Africa. The plant will have the capacity to produce 25,000 motorcycles annually, bringing Hondas African production capacity to 175,000 units annually. Based on Hondas basic approach, with local operations to start small and grow big, the new company, Honda Motorcycle Kenya Ltd, will focus on production and wholesale business, said the company in a statement. The sharp rise in new motorcycle registration buoyed the total number of new vehicles registered in January. According to KNBS, a total 20,997 vehicles were registered in January, in comparison with 11,689 registered in December last year and 13,730 registered in January last year. The number of saloon cars and station wagons registered was dropped, a fact that has been attributed to currency uctuations and high cost of nancing last year. But commercial and heavy commercial vehicles sustained an upward trend. There was demand for pick-ups, buses and lorries to service Kenyas active construction sector and for other government projects. Some of these vehicles were also used during the election campaigns, said Kenya Auto Bazaar chairman Charles Munyori.

Nokia strikes deal with Airtel

Nokia has entered into a partnership with Airtel that will make it easier for the mobile phone manufacturer to deliver its value-added services to telecom subscribers in Africa. Under the agreement, Airtel subscribers in Kenya and Nigeria will now be able to buy mobile applications and other paid content from the Nokia store and have the amounts billed to their pre-paid or post-paid accounts. Nokia will also launch its Nokia Life services in Kenya. The service delivers information on agriculture, healthcare and livelihood to consumers via SMS format. The service currently reaches 95 million people in 18 languages. The Finnish mobile manufacturer is upping its game in Africa in a bid to capture a larger consumer base. Partnerships are a critical part of this strategy and we are pleased to be working closely with Airtel Africa to deliver on our consumer promise, said Nokias head of solution sales in Africa, Mr Olivier Mas.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Business News 31

ECONOMY | Chinas recovery is mainly driven by the gradually improving domestic demand

Asia manufacturing grows

South Korea saw its strongest performance in a year reaching 52.0 index points due to solid increases in output

anufacturing across Asia expanded in March, widely watched barometers showed today, suggesting the regions export-dependent economies were continuing to recover. Chinas ocial purchasing managers index (PMI) hit 50.9 in March, its highest since April 2012 when the gure stood at 53.3, according to the National Bureau of Statistics and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing. The PMI is a widely watched economic health indicator with a reading above 50 suggesting expansion and contraction for anything lower. British bank HSBC, whose survey focuses more on smaller enterprises than the ocial data, said its nal PMI stood at 51.6 in March, up from 50.4 in February, when the reading dipped to its lowest since October.

orders, as demand from China and Japan was strong, HSBC said. In Taiwan, the PMI climbed to 51.2 in March, the fourth consecutive month of improvement and up from 50.2 in February, on the back of new orders from both home and abroad continuing to rise. HSBCs index for Indonesia reached a four-month high of 51.3, from 50.5 in February, underpinned by a faster expansion in new orders and a slight increase in production, the bank said. Indias gure was also positive at 52 in March, although that was the lowest reading for 16 months and down from 54.2 in February, as repeated power cuts weighed on activity.

Now women tourists quit India after sex attacks

The number of foreign women tourists visiting India has dropped by 35 per cent in the past three months following a spate of sex attacks that have made global headlines, a new survey has found. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) says overall tourist arrivals are down 25 per cent year-on-year, with holidaymakers opting instead to visit other Asian countries such as Malaysia and Thailand. The fatal gang-rape of a 23-year-old Indian student by six men on a bus in New Delhi in December sparked outrage at the countrys treatment of women, and since then there have also been other widely reported attacks.

It paints a story of modest recovery rather than an allout, straight line all-gunsblazing story
CIMB head of research Song Seng Wun

The number of tour operators surveyed from dierent cities
A Swiss cyclist was gang-raped in Madhya Pradesh last month, while a South Korean tourist was allegedly drugged and raped in the same state in January by the son of the owner of a hotel where she was staying. Such incidents have raised concerns about the safety of female travellers to the country, said D.S. Rawat, secretary general of Assocham, which surveyed 1,200 tour operators from dierent cities. The figures contradict monthly estimates compiled by the Indian tourism ministry. (AFP)

Chinas recovery continues, mainly driven by the gradually improving domestic demand conditions, a Hong Kong-based economist with the bank, Mr Qu Hongbin, said in a statement. HSBCs PMI readings for many other Asian economies all improved in the month, with Vietnam hitting a 23-month high of 50.8. South Korea saw its strongest gure for a year reaching 52, thanks to solid increases in output and new

Gradually improving

Speaking of the latest data, CIMB head of research Song Seng Wun told Dow Jones Newswires: It paints a story of modest recovery rather than an all-out, straight line all-guns-blazing story, which would have pleased the market more. Mr Qu said Beijing may keep to a relatively loose monetary policy to boost growth as inflationary pressures were easing, with input prices falling and the economy suering from lingering external headwinds, an apparent reference to eurozone woes and the sluggish US recovery. (AFP)

Visitors stroll the alleys of Seoul Motor Show in Goyang, north of Seoul. Gas-guzzling SUVs, eco-friendly electric cars and the odd brave attempt to marry the selling points of both took centre stage at the motor show.




PUBLIC NOTICE PAYMENT OF COUNTY REVENUE This is to notify the General Public that the revenues payable to the former Local Authorities in Meru County listed as herebelow: 1) Meru Central County Council 2) Meru Municipal Council 3) Maua Municipal Council 4) Nyambene County Council Will continue to be paid in the above respective offices. These include : Single Business Permits, Plot Rents, Land Rates, Vehicle Parking Fees, Market Cess, etc. Pay in time to avoid penalties. S. M. Mwenje Interim Secretary MERU COUNTY.


32 | County News

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Lobby demands ports handover to counties

Mombasa Mombasa and Lamu ports should be handed over to county governments, Muslim leaders said yesterday. Speaking at Panorama Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya Muslims National Advisory Council (Kemnac) chairman Sheikh Juma Ngao said the ports fall under the Mombasa and Lamu county governments, which should decide whether they should be privatised or not, how they would be run and on revenue collection. He said privatisation would deny locals jobs. In a recent tour of Mombasa, President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and Transport Minister Amos Kimunya said the ports were national assets and fell under the central Government. The cleric accused the government of sending abroad for training non-Coast people, who later took up senior ports jobs. We will not allow it, he vowed. He also condemned Mr Kimunya for renewing the contracts of Kenya Ports Authority managing director Gichiri Ndua and Kenya Ferry Service boss Musa Hassan months before their expiry. Renewing the contracts long before the expiry dates was an act of impunity, he said. The contracts, which expire in August, were renewed in February. Kemnac also called for quicker adjudication of land cases in Lamu County. Lamu people do not have title deeds while foreigners do. We want adjudication to be speeded up so that they too can have these documents, he said.

AGRICULTURE | Long rains continuing

Renewing contracts

Farmers to get cheap board fertiliser today

Cereals agency says it has received plant food and tells maize growers to collect it
BY DENNIS ODUNGA armers will start receiving subsidised fertiliser from today as the planting season gets under way with the onset of heavy rains. The National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) managing director Gideon Misoi also revealed that some 200,000 bags of DAP would be at their depots in the North Rift and parts of Western and Nyanza by the end of this week. Already, 2,200 and 1,500 bags had arrived at the Kitale and Mois Bridge depots, respectively, while 1,600 bags were at the Eldoret depot for distribution from today. He advised farmers who have been cleared by the Ministry of Agriculture to visit their nearest depots to be advised on which accounts to deposit their money into. Prof Misoi said an additional of 500,000 bags of DAP and a similar quantity of CAN, which is used for top dressing, was on its way from Mombasa. We will bring in close to two million bags of fertiliser this planting season in addition to the fertiliser sold in shops, the managing director said yesterday, as he witnessed unloading of the 1,600 bags at the Eldoret depot. DAP is selling at Sh 2,500 per 50-kg bag, down from the prevailing market prices of Sh4,600, while CAN, which is retailing at Sh2,500 in local shops will sell at Sh1,500. This is on top of the 800,000 bags distributed between November and December last year. Long rains are continuing in dierent parts of the country, and farmers have been grappling with a shortage of fertiliser, which, they complained, would aect this years crop yield.


TENDER REF: IPOA/09/2012 13

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority is a State Authority created under an Act of Parliament No. 35 of 2011 which provides for civilian oversight over the work of Police. IPOA is mandated to hold the Police accountable to the public in the performance of their functions therefore giving effect to the Provision of Article 244 of the Constitution. The Authority now invites tenders from eligible candidates for the Provision of Medical Insurance Cover, Group Life Assurance and Group Personal Accident (GPA) for Members of the Board and Staff for a period of six (6) months effective May, 2013 October, 2013 renewable subject to satisfactory performance. Interested eligible candidates may obtain further information from and/ or inspect documents at the Independent Policing Oversight Authority offices, KICC, Ground floor during normal working hours between 8.00 am and 5.00pm. (Monday to Friday). A complete set of Tender documents can be obtained by interested candidates upon payment of non-refundable fees for each tender in cash of Ksh.3,000 or bankers cheque payable to Independent Policing Oversight Authority. Payment may be made at the Cash office on KICC Ground Floor. The completed tender documents in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked with tender reference number and accompanied by a bid security of Ksh.200,000/= in the form of a bank guarantee from a reputable bank or an insurance firm approved by PPOA and must be valid for 120 days after the opening date of the tender, should be addressed and sent to: The Chief Executive Officer Independent Policing Oversight Authority P. O. Box 23035 00100 NAIROBI Or may be deposited in a tender box situated on Ground Floor (KICC) IPOA so as to be received on or before 22nd April, 2013 at 12.00noon. Prices quoted should remain valid for 90 days from the closing date of the tender. The tenders will be opened immediately at the Independent Policing Oversight Authority Board Room in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may wish to attend. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or in whole, and anull the tendering process at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liability and is not bound to give reasons for its decisions. THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER


Price of CAN fertiliser at NCPB depots

Deposit the money

Traders told to keep o inputs

Diversion: The MD warned that any trader found with the subsidised fertilisers will be arrested. Allayed fears: Growers assured that expired fertiliser worth Sh100 million impounded at port of Mombasa will not nd its way into market. Payment: Farmers who had delivered their maize will be paid.

Youve no place in new plan, county chief told

Siaya Siaya Governor Cornel Rasanga has launched a fresh attack on County Commissioner Joseph Kimiywi. Mr Rasanga (right) said county commissioners had no place in the devolved system. They are not recognised by the Constitution and are in ofce illegally, he said on Sunday at a homecoming party for West Alego ward representative Peter Muhula. The war seems to have started at last Wednesdays inauguration when Mr Kimiywi was reportedly denied a chance to address the gathering. However, county interim secretary Caleb Ongoma denied this, saying, this was the gov-

ernors day and also that there were time constraints. The Constitution required us to conduct the ceremony between 10am and 2pm. Even the deputy governor did not speak, he said. Mr Rasanga also claimed the Sh2 million allocated by the Transition Authority for the ceremony was not used properly. Commissioners were in charge of the funds. The food was not enough. I even asked for cash to continue the ceremony at my home, but this was denied. I had to use my own money, he said.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

County News 33
WATER WORKS | Jail gets connection


Five-year-old stung to death by bees

A ve-year-old boy has been stung to death by a swarm of bees in Busia County. The incident took place after a strong wind blew o a beehive from a tree near the childs home at Bumbe Village in Bwiri sub-location. This forced the bees to escape. Bwiri ward representative Wilberforce Ojiambo said the insects then descended on the home where the boy was.


Export Processing Zones Authority is a State Corporation established through an Act of Parliament Cap 517 of the laws of 1. GENERAL MANAGER UTILITIES& SERVICES Kenya to oversee all aspects of development ofTECHNICAL Export Processing Zones (EPZs) in Kenya. The economic objectives of the Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-UTS/03/2013 EPZ program include employment creation, export diversification/expansion, investment attraction, technology transfer and backward linkages between the EPZs and domestic suppliers. The incumbent will be a highly motivated professional who shall report to the Chief Executive Officer and shall be responsible for the Authoritys of utilities and technical services to clients and citizens. The Authority has the following provision vacant positions:

Key Responsibility Areas OFFICER, EPZA Job Ref: EPZA/HR/CEO/05/2012 1. CHIEF EXECUTIVE


Pay taxes to county, farming agency told

A government agency involved in irrigation projects in Tana Delta District has been told to pay taxes to the county government or cease operations. Tana River County governor Hussein Dado warned the Tana and Athi River Development Authority against refusing to pay taxes. Mr Dado said several ranches had also capitalised on the transition and stopped paying their dues.

The successful shall be responsible for overall delivery ofbe utilities and technical services including: Reporting to thecandidate Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, will the Accounting Officer of the Authority and will be responsible for providing visionary leadership and direction to the organization and to ensure that the Authoritys mandates and i. Formulation, interpretation and application of utilities and technical services policies, procedures, rules and policies are implemented fully and effectively in line with the strategic plan. regulations; ii.GENERAL Ensuring effective and efficient maintenance water and sewerage resources and provision of services; 2. MANAGER - FINANCE AND of ADMINISTRATION Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-FA/06/2012 Ensuring continuous supply of power and other utilities; iii. incumbent The will be a results-driven professional , who will report to the Chief Executive Officer and will be responsible for iv. Liaising Government Agencies local are authorities involved in physical and ensuring that all with the financial resources of theand Authority acquired, disbursed, prudentlyplanning, invested, environment fully accounted for land and matters. reported efficiently. He/she will also be responsible for overseeing the administrative function and will ensure that the Authority is v. financially sound and in conformity with the overall Strategic Plan. Liaising with consultants appointed by the Authority when putting up structures; vi. Coordinating sub-contracted cleaning (offices and grounds) and maintenance services; vii. Coordinating repair works required on the roads and buildings; 3. GENERAL MANAGER - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-BD/07/2012 The be a highly motivated professional whose major role will be to promote and market the Export viii.incumbent Ensuringwill approval of structural plans; Processing Zones/Special Economic Zones Programme, and services . She/he will also be responsible for ix. Ensuring timely provision of professional advice to theproducts Authority in technical areas including environment, land, civil developing linkages with relevant institutions both locally and internationally and will carry out business development and engineering, and the physical planning; research services within the Authoritys Authority. property; and x. Management of the xi. Any other lawful duties as may be assigned from time to time.


A man jumps over a trench in which a water pipe is being laid on the Mombasa-Malindi road. The pipeline will link the Shimo la Tewa Prison to the Mwakirunge water tanks.


TRAVEL | Number of guests down


Eight schools shut over cattle rustling

More than 3,000 pupils from eight primary schools in Marigat District may not attend school today due to insecurity in the area. In the last one week, two people have been killed in raids in the cattle-rustling-prone Mukutani Division. Parents and their children are thus eeing the area. Marigat DC Saul Moywaywa said security had been beefed up in the area.

Hotels to send 6,000 home as tourism slumps

Hoteliers to shut down premises for renovations during the low season
BY MATHIAS RINGA refurbishment this week due to lack of guests. He added that nine lodges and tented camps in the Tsavo and Amboseli national parks will be closed because of the tourist drought. Lots of contracted workers will be rendered jobless for three months as some hotels are shutting down owing to lack of guests, he said. The KAHC official said farmers who supply hotels with vegetables, fruits, meat and milk would also be affected by the low season. Thousands of fishermen and curio dealers who depend on the industry will also lose income.


Baby among three killed in bus crash

Three people, one of them a baby, died when a bus overturned in Migori County yesterday. More than 60 passengers sustained serious injuries in the dawn accident near Rakwaro trading centre in Rongo constituency. The bus was travelling to Migori from Nairobi. Witnesses said an oncoming lorry hit the bus and it overturned, landing in a ditch.


Normal life resumes after poll skirmishes

Life returned to normal in Kisumu yesterday and residents thronged churches to celebrate Easter Monday while businesses reopened. Hotels and recreational parks were also a hive of activity. We can now go out without fear of being stoned. I am glad the election period is over, said a resident, Mr Elton Mwadime, who was enjoying a picnic with his family at Kisumu Pier.

ver 6,000 contract workers in the hotel industry in Coast are set to be sent home this week as the low tourist season sets in. The season starts shortly after the Easter holiday and runs up to mid-July. At least 2,000 casual workers in Malindi and Watamu towns alone are normally sent home during this period, when Italian investors shut down their hotels for renovations. Even prostitutes who ood the resort towns during the high tourist season to make a killing from rich holidaymakers retreat to villages due to lack of money. The Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers and Caterers (KAHC) Coast executive ocer, Mr Sam Ikwaye, said that over 6,000 casual workers would be sent home in the wake of the low season. Speaking to the Nation yesterday, Mr Ikwaye, noted that 33 hotels across the coastal region will be shut down for

reported efficiently. He/she will also be responsible for overseeing the administrative function and will ensure that the Authority The successful candidate for ICT Manager position will be Plan. engaged on permanent and pensionable terms. is financially sound and in conformity with the overall Strategic Key Responsibility Areas The key result areas shall include, but not limited to the following: Method of Application: Suitably qualified candidates should: 3.i.GENERAL MANAGER - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Job Ref: facilitation/care/support EPZA/HR/GM-BD/07/2012 Formulation and implementation of policies and procedures for investor services, project i. Suitably qualified candidates should submit ten [10] copies of their applications together with updated curriculum vitae, The incumbent willand be investor a highlycompliance motivated professional whose major role will be to promote and market the Export monitoring with regulatory requirements; certified true copies of certificates and current remuneration pay slips. Applications should be forwarded to the following Processing Zones/Special Programme, products ii. Coordinating investorEconomic operationsZones in various regions and zones; and services. She/he will also be responsible for address not later than 12th September, 2012: developing linkages with the relevant institutions bothSME locally and internationally and will carry out business development and iii. Coordinating business support services and The incubation; Chairman research services within the Authority. iv. Liaising with government departments/agencies onof issues of investor Support; Board Directors v. Coordinating collaborative activities with partner organizations and institutions; Export Processing Zones Authority GENERAL UTILITIES AND TECHNICAL SERVICES Lead dataMANAGER management and reporting by directing flow of internal data generated by divisions/departments, P.O. Box 50563 - 00200, Nairobi Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-UTS/08/2012 vii. Any other lawful duty as may be assigned from time to time. ii. Applications submitted by facsimile/e-mails shall be disqualified automatically. The incumbent will be a highly motivated professional who shall report to the Chief Executive Officer and shall be responsible for the Authoritys provision of utilitiesand andnames technical services to clients citizens. Key Qualifications and Competencies Provide day time telephone contacts of three referees [one and of whom must be the current/last employer who should The candidate aspiring for of General Manager Operations and Support Services shallhave: be in a position to attest to the the post duration of positions held by the candidate inInvestor the organization and managerial abilities as well 5. GENERAL MANAGER as moral character and integrity].- INVESTOR SUPPORT Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-IS/09/2012 The willdegree be a highly motivated professional who shall report to the Chief Executive Officer and shall be responsible xii.incumbent A Masters in Social Sciences and preferably in business field or itsequivalent from a recognized university; for the facilitation of the investors operationsis including investor care/support. xiii. Successfully served in a Authority comparable position with similar responsibilities The Export Processing Zones an equal opportunity employer inlike organizations for at least three (3) years; 6. ICTWide MANAGER Job Ref: EPZA/HR/ICT-M/10/2012 xiv. experience in handling operations and regulations; The incumbent will be of a highly motivated professional who shall report to the General Manager, Finance and Administration xv. A high degree integrity and dependability; and shall be responsible for the development of efficient meet and effective ICT systems within the Authority. xvi. Ability to work under pressure and consistently strict deadlines; xvii. Self-Driven with a can-do, will-do type of personality; ...promoting, facilitating & creating enabling environment for investments... Only shortlisted candidates shall beability contacted. xviii. Good interpersonal skills with to confidently communicate at seniormanagement level; xix. Ability to drive change in a dynamic environment; ISO 14001:2004 ISO 9001:2008 N.B xx. Strong management, leadership and negotiation skills; All eligible candidates are advised visit the Authoritys website: for more details on the advertised xxi. Team building skills with theto ability to uphold collective responsibility. positions.

KeyJob Qualifications and Competencies Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-UTS/08/2012 The candidate incumbentaspiring will be afor highly motivated professional who report to the Chief Executive Officer and shall be responsible The the post of General Manager shall Utilities & Technical Servicesshallhave: for the Authoritys provision of utilities and technical services to clients and citizens. i. A relevant Masters preferably in Land Economics or its equivalent from an accredited university; A first degree in Land Economics from an accredited university. 5.ii.GENERAL MANAGER - INVESTOR SUPPORT Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-IS/09/2012 The will be a highly professional shall report to the Chief Executive Officer andfor shall responsible served inmotivated iii. incumbent Successfully a comparable positionwho with similar responsibilities inlike organizations at be least three (3) for the facilitation ofZones the investors operations including investor care/support. years; Export Processing Authority is a State Corporation established through an Act of Parliament Cap 517 of the laws of iv. to Wide experience in handling utilities and technical services; Kenya oversee all aspects of development of Export Processing Zones (EPZs) in Kenya. The economic objectives of the 6. Job Ref: EPZA/HR/ICT-M/10/2012 high include degree employment of integrity and dependability; v.ICT AMANAGER EPZ program creation, export diversification/expansion, investment attraction, technology transfer and The will be under a highly motivated professional who shall report to the General Manager, Finance and Administration vi. incumbent Ability to work pressure and consistently meet strict deadlines; backward linkages between the EPZs and domestic suppliers. and shall be responsible for the development of efficient and effective ICT systems within the Authority. vii. Self-Driven with a can-do, will-do type of personality; The Authority the following vacant positions: viii. Good has interpersonal skills with ability to confidently communicate at seniormanagement level; Only candidates be contacted. ix. shortlisted Ability to drive changeshall in a dynamic environment; Strong management, OFFICER, leadership and negotiation skills;EPZA/HR/CEO/05/2012 1.x. CHIEF EXECUTIVE EPZA Job Ref: N.B xi. Team building skills with the ability to uphold collective responsibility. Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, will be the Accounting Officer of the Authority and will be All eligible candidates are advised to visit the Authoritys website: for more on the advertised responsible for providing visionary leadership and direction to the organization and to ensure that the details Authoritys mandates and positions. policies are implemented fully and effectively in line the strategic plan. 2. GENERAL MANAGER OPERATIONS & with INVESTOR SUPPORT SERVICES Job Ref: EPZA/HR/GM-OISS/03/2013 Salary Package and Terms of Service : HighlyAND attractive salary packages commensurate competencies will be offered 2. GENERAL MANAGER - FINANCE ADMINISTRATION Job Ref: with EPZA/HR/GM-FA/06/2012 to successful candidates. candidates for all General Manager positions will Officer be engaged on a responsible 3 [three] year The incumbent will bebe a results-driven professional , who will report to report the Chief and Officer will be for The incumbent will aSuccessful highly motivated professional who shall to Executive the ChiefExecutive and shall be contract renewable subject to acceptable performance. ensuring that all the financial resources of the Authority are acquired, disbursed, prudently invested, fully accounted for and responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of investor support services.



Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted. Salary Package and Terms of Service: Highly attractive salary packages commensurate with competencies will be offered to successful candidates. Successful candidates for all General Manager positions will be engaged on a 3 [three] year Salary Package and Terms of Service: Highly attractive salary packages commensurate with competencies will be offered contract renewable subject to acceptable performance. to successful candidates.Successful candidates for all positions shall be engaged on a 3[three] year contract renewable subject to acceptable performance. The successful candidate for ICT Manager position will be engaged on permanent and pensionable terms. Method Method of of Application Application: Suitably qualified candidates should: Suitably qualified candidates should submit ten [10] copies ofof theirapplications together with i. Suitably qualified candidates should submit ten [10] copies their applications together withupdated updatedcurriculum curriculum vitae, vitae, certified true copies ofcertificates and current remuneration pay certified true copies ofthcertificates and current remuneration payslips. slips.Applications Applicationsshould should beforwarded be forwardedto to the the following following address notnot later than 19 12 April, 2013: 2012: th address later than September,
The Chairman The Chief Executive Officer Board of Directors Export ExportProcessing Processing Zones Zones Authority Authority P.O. P.O.Box Box 50563 50563 - 00200, 00200, Nairobi Nairobi ii. Applications submitted by facsimile/e-mails shall be disqualified automatically. Applications submitted by facsimile/e-mails shall be disqualifiedautomatically. Provide day time telephone contacts and names of three referees [one of whom must be the current/last employer who should Provide day time contacts and names of three referees [onein ofwhom must be and the current/last employer be in a position to telephone attest to the duration of positions held by the candidate the organization managerial abilities as who well should becharacter in a position attestto the duration of positions held by the candidate in the organization andmanagerial abilities as moral andto integrity]. as well as moral character and integrity. The Export Processing Zones Authority is an equal opportunity employer The Export Processing Zones Authority is an equal opportunity employer


Hotels across the Coast region that will close

Lots of contracted workers will be rendered jobless

KAHC Coast executive ocer Sam Ikwaye

...promoting, facilitating & creating enabling environment for investments... ISO 14001:2004 ISO 9001:2008

34 | Leisure
ACROSS: 1. A trite or common place remark especially one solemnly delivered 7. And not 8. The unfertilized female egg-cells 10. Black powdery ink used in computers and photocopiers 12. Rened oil used in motor-vehicles 13. A province under a bishop 14. An exclamation of rebuke 16. To walk with long steps 18. To analyse for gold or silver content 20. Human beings 21. A little devil 22. A container for distributing small items one at a time DOWN: 1. Rests against as support 2. To diminish or weaken 3. Towards the inside of 4. An implement used for doing something especially one that is hand-held

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

YESTERDAYS SOLUTION ACROSS: 1. Furnace 7. Crazy 8. Charter 10. Tan 11. Asps 13. Hum 14. Cote 16. Tri 18. Hansard 20. Azure 21. Stencil

Sudoku with Steers

Two winners win a Free Meal with Steers daily on 4567!
Fill in the 3 shaded digits and send the values ABC to 4567 for your chance to win a Free Meal with Steers. Start the SMS with the word Sudoku e.g Sudoku 1,2,3 Check your Wednesday paper to see if you are a winner. Winners will be contacted directly by Steers within 2 weeks to receive their prize .

SMS cost: 10/=

5. A container for the ashes of the dead 6. To go wrong 9. Changes direction as the wind 11. To seep 14. Period of history 15. The highest male voice in a choir 16. Abbreviation for sample 17. To print

18. Assistance 19. Colloquial for sister

DOWN: 1. Fact 2. Roan 3. Act 4. Cream 5. Ears 6. Dyes 9. Halo 12. Parr 13. Heart 14. Coax 15. Thus 16. Talc 17. Idol 19. Nee


ACROSS 1 Range for cooking crumpets (8) 6 Wish to throw gentleman in river (6) 9 Thanks poet for heralds costume (6) 10 Chapter owns tatty blue robe for priest (8) 11 Ocer after lover for dance (8) 12 Military display also includes advanced bike races (6) 13 Traveller on wheels, hog, streaked madly around (12) 16 Feel warmth or get tanned its a scorcher (5-7) 19 Hunger sends king into bar (6) 21 Representative of Indian political scandal being talked of? (8) 23 Material making newspaper close down (8) 24 Inbred local put away (6) 25 Poles getting independence Communist turns more spiteful (6) 26 Condemn one to be removed from consciousness (8) DOWN
2 Like some kings and queens having power advanced (6) 3 Attractiveness of cleaner maiden (5) 4 Scrap dud tanner no longer needed (9)

Each number in our Codeword grid represents a dierent letter of the alphabet. For example, today 7 represents P so ll in P every time the gure 7 appears. You have two letters in the control grid to start you o. Enter them in the appropriate squares in the main grid, then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, ll in other squares with the same number in the main grid and control grid. Check o the list of alphabetical letters as you identify them.

1 Left Over 9 Adhesion 10 Spin 11 New Hampshire 13 Eyesores 15 Abroad 16 Ural 17 Prose 18 Sand 20 Sawyer 21 Cupboard 23 Astronomical 26 Doss 27 Listless 28 Tutorial

5 Nick beset by vermin, getting germ (7) 6 Doctor behind rough outline (5) 7 Poor speaker must utter erratically to some extent (9) 8 Almost part with sweetheart it oers a bigger prize (8) 13 Ancient Asian city, a spot in desert (9) 14 Like Big Brother, nail lower masses (9) 15 Ones used to press thatll get even and club together (4,4)

17 After Bible study, habit is to make amends (7) 18 Part of Jacques Tati comedy is not moving (6) 20 Bush is important person in church (5) 22 Film star Richard embracing new style (5)

2 Employer 3 Tennis Player 4 Viewer 5 Raja 6 Shipmate 7 Hi 8 Intended 12 Hard Shoulder 14 Stoic 16 Unstable 17 Pyrenees 19 North Sea 22 Pocket 24 Task 25 Mist

AQUARIUS | JAN 21 - FEB 19 You are lively, adaptable and somewhat restless. This evening it wont be a good idea to visit new haunts with new faces rather than sticking to the same boring routine. After all, when you get stuck in rut, you dont do it fully but in halves. PISCES | FEB 20 - MAR 20 There is doubt about it, you are nobodys fool. Therefore, you shouldnt hang on to an arrangement no longer belongs on your agenda.However, being the cherishing person you are, you will be wary of changing the status quo too much for fear of upsetting other people. ARIES | MAR 21 - APR 20 This is an ideal day for putting the nishing touches to a nancial matter that you have been involved in. mind you, be warned that possessiveness over cash or emotions will


get you no where, so take a wider view of the situation. By expanding the way you think, you will give new opportunities room to ourish. TAURUS | APR 21 - MAY 20 The stars could make you rather impulsive and rash where nances are concerned, but hopefully, now that you have been warned, you will be wary of this. If you splash out during the remainder of the month, you will certainly be kicking yourself for quite some time. GEMINI | MAY 21 - JUNE 21 Right now you know what you want and will demand that others either give what you want and will demand that others either give or indulge you. You are being rather bossy and will insist that your hush ideas are met by everyone both at work and at home.

CANCER | JUN 22 - JULY 22 The planets will be in your area devoted to nance. Complications you have been experiencing in this side of life will begin to clear as the days pass. In fact, in a few weeks time you could very well nish on top, provided you keep a weather eye open for the main chance. LEO | JULY 23 - AUG 22 There could be some complications with matters related to property, family and home. Perhaps there is some kind of stalemate here, and this is proving to be extremely frustrating. Somebody is going to have to introduce an air of calm and serenity, and it might as well be you. VIRGO | AUG 23 - SEP 23 More than ever now, its extremely important that keep open the lines of communication with loved ones. Superiors, friends and workmates

because what leaves the launching pad right now could rapidly develop into something of lasting, signicance that will help to swell your bank balance. LIBRA | SEP 24 - OCT 23 After years of struggling you probably nd it hand to believe anything worthwhile comes easily, this may be what lies at the root of your suspicions about the opportunities life has to oer. However the aspects today are highly supportive of all your eorts. SCORPIO | OCT 24 - NOV 22 It is not easy for you to put aside recent diculties or your feelings about them. Thats because you have a retentive memory and sensitive emotions. But you know, this is not the time for dwelling on the past

SAGITTARIUS | NOV 23 - DEC 21 Luck comes in many guises and sometimes appears masquerading. At least explore what arises unexpectedly today; since it may well be that whats least welcome could have the most benecial eect on your life. CAPRICORN | DEC 22 - JAN 20 It may not be easy taking a rm stance especially when you are inclined to put your faith in hope, perhaps as away of avoiding the harsh reality of having to negotiate to get what you want.Doing so, could create a rm foundation for all your hopes and wishes. To receive NATIONmobile horoscopes on your mobile, SMS the Star you want, eg LEO to 6667 at 5/- above normal rates.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Leisure 35


Todays highlight:

6:00am: NTV This Morning 8:30am: Backstage 9:00am: La Tormenta 10:00am: Beautiful But Unlucky 11:15am: The Young & The Restless 12:00pm: Rhythm City 12:30pm: Scandal 1:00pm: NTV at 1 1:30pm: Great Expectations 2:00pm: My Lover My Wife 3:00pm: Password 5:00pm: The Beat 6:00pm: Dont Mess with an angel 7:00pm: NTV Jioni 7:30pm: Maid In Manhattan 8:30pm: Beba Beba 9:00pm: NTV Tonight 10:00pm: My Unspoken 11:00pm: NTV Late Night 11:15pm Focus on Africa 11:45pm Movie/CNN

6:00 The Easy Breakfast with Munene 10:00 Make an Easy connection and more with Sheila Mwanyigha 2:00 Easy DJ Mix 3:00 Join Angela Angwenyi & Edward Kwach as they discuss real life issues in love, money and music 8:00 The Homerun.



It is time for the women to weigh & assess their progress of moving from stuck to signicance. Today we assess where they are at in this journey thus far.What lessons have they learnt?
11:00 Wasaa Wa K.I.E. 12:00 Toleo La Mchana 12:45 WWE : NXT 1:30 Tumsifu 2:00 Vipasho 2:05 Tumsifu 2:30 Our Destiny

5:00 Changamka na Rashid Abdalla & Aggy Owande 10.00 Kazi Burudani with Lynda Oriaso 1.00 Maafte with Kajairo The Reggae Show with Kajairo! 4:00 Drive na Awinja 8:00 Tuliza with Ronclie Odit and Elvina Omalla

QTV 5:00 AL-Jazeera 6:00 Sifa 6:30 Toleo ya Asubuhi 7:00 Tumsifu 8:00 El Cartel 9:00 Brothers 1&2

3:45 Gozomo 4:00 Vipasho 4:05 Mahewa 4:35 Sakata Rumba 5:00 Vipasho 5:05 Gozomo 5:30 Children Of My Heart 6:30 Planets

Funniest Animals 7:00 Saath Phere 8:00 Toleo La Jioni 9:00 WWE: Afterburn 10:00 Legacy 11:00 Dira ya Dunia 11:30 Gozomo

5:00 Pambazuka 6:00 Power Breakfast 9:00 Afrosinema 11:00 News Updates 11:05 Triumpho Of Love 1:00 Live at 1 1:30 Afrosinema 3:00 News Updates 3:05 Afro- Sinema Continues 4:00 Citizen Alasiri 4:10 Pambazuka 4:30 Mseto East Africa 5:30 Generations 6:00 Gabreila 7:00 Citizen Nipashe 7:35 Tahidi High 8:05 LaFuerza 9:00 Citizen News at 9 10:00 Afrosinema Movie 11:00 Afrosinema Movie 12:00 Late Night News 12:00 Kata Rumba 1:00 Lunchtime News 1:25 Planet Earth 2:00 Financial Markets Live 2:30 Movie 4:00 Highlights 4:05 Hannah Montana 4:30 Straight Up 6:00 Daniela 6:55 KTN Leo 7:40 Rafaela 8:35 Changing Times 9:00 KTN Prime 10:05 Shree 10:35 Movie 11:00 KTN Late Night News 11:30 Movie /CNN 12:00 Iron Chef America 12:50 Rezas African Kitchen 01:15 Barefoot Contessa 02:05 Extra Virgin 02:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 03:20 Guys Big Bite 03:45 Chopped 04:35 Barefoot Contessa: Back To Basics 05:25 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 06:15 Rezas African Kitchen 06:40 Guys Big Bite 07:05 Tylers Ultimate 07:30 Chopped 09:10 Iron Chef America 10:00 Pizza Outside The Box 10:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives League highlights. 7:00 German Bundesliga highlights. 10:30 UEFA Champions Highlights


07:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 07:50 Unique Eats 08:15 Andy Bates Street Feasts 09:05 Barefoot Contessa: Back To Basics 09:30 The Next Iron Chef 10:20 Extra Virgin 11:10 Everyday Italian 11:35 Unwrapped



6:30 Sunrise Live 9:00 Mid Morning Show 9:30 The Gardners Daughter

11:00 English Premier League review. 12:00 English Premier League Highlights 6:00 French Football

5:00 BBC News 5:30 Gear Up 6:00 Damka 8:00 Good Morning Kenya 9:00 Sing and Shine 10:00 Alma 12:00 Club 1 1:00 KBC Lunchtime News 1:30 Business Dened 2:00 Grapevine 2:30 Documentary 4:10 Club 1 5:30 Dunda Kikwetu 6:30 Nyundo Utosini 7:00 Taarifa 7:50 Tussle 8:30 Street Court 9: 00 KBC Channel 1 News 10: 15 Mela House 11:00 CCTV 12:00 Club 1 12:30 BBC News


36 |

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Under instructions received from the chargees advocates, we shall sell by public auction the under mentioned properties together with buildings and improvements erected therein
PRIME AGRICULTURAL (VACANT) PROPERTY IN NAISHI, NAKURU COUNTY ON WEDNESDAY THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE STANDARD CHARTERED BANK LIMITED NAKURU TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. LARE/NAISHI BLOCK 1/486 NAISHI NAKURU COUNTY registered in the name of VIRGINIA G. GATHUNGU c/o P.O Box 420-20100 Nakuru g/t JOHN NJUGUNA GATHAMBO c/o P.O Box 16099-20100 Nakuru. The property is situated approximately 250 metres off Naishi-Bagaria Road in Naishi Area of Njoro Division, Nakuru County. It is approximately 7 kms off Nakuru-Mau Narok Road branching left at Store Mbili Centre. It measures approximately 1.35 hectares (3.3359 acres) and is undeveloped. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and water services are available. The parcel is used for subsistence farming. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN RIRUTA SATELLITE ESTATE, NAIROBI ON WEDNESDAY THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. DAGORETTI/RIRUTA/4728, NDUMAINI AREA, RIRUTA SATELLITE ESTATE, NAIROBI registered in the name of PETER NDUNGU WANYEE c/o P.O Box 21157 Nairobi. The property is situated in Ndumaini Area of Riruta Satellite, Nairobi about 15 kms west of Nairobi city centre. It is situated approximately 300 metres off and to the right of Kabiria road, deviating at Kwa Maji water point. The property boarders Shike Secondary School to the west. It measures approximately 0.10 hectares (0.247 acres) and is undeveloped. The title is freehold interest and mains water and electricity services are connected into the property while foul drainage is into a pit latrine. 2. 3. AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY (16 ACRES) IN YATTA, KITUI COUNTY 1.
All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. 27/337 (ORIG. NO. 27/8/ 29) RIDGEWAYS NAIROBI registered in the name of JOHN PETER KAMAU RUHANGI c/o P.O Box 57362-00200 Nairobi g/t HAPPYLAND DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED c/o P.O Box 57362-00200 Nairobi. This property is situated in Ridgeways Estate, about 8 kms to the North of Nairobi City Centre and is about 100 metres off Nairobi-Kiambu tarmac road. It measures approximately 0.2026 of a hectare (0.5004 of an acre) and is developed with (i) a double storey building having water purification and cleaning machines, packaging and bottling machines (ii) water filtering and collection tank located at the spring water source (iii) 100,000 litres and 500,000 litres concrete storage water tanks, four (4) 350,000 litres plastic water tanks (two housed on top of the two offices and two located on raised wooden stands), two (2) offices, a fish pond and septic tank. There is also an outbuilding comprising the cash & sales office. The title is freehold interest; mains water and electricity are connected while waste disposal is into a septic tank. The plot is strategically located to tap on the advantages of having natural spring water on the property and the sloppy gradient to allow natural flow of water thus saving on the electricity costs. This has therefore a positive effect on the value of the land and the property as a whole. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY IN ZIMMERMAN ESTATE, NAIROBI CITY (WITH ESTIMATED MONTHLY RENT OF KSHS150,000) ON TUESDAY THE 16TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. NAIROBI/BLOCK 116/216 ZIMMERMAN ESTATE NAIROBI registered in the name of INTEGRATED SELF GROUP LIMITED c/o P.O Box 22649-00100 Nairobi. The property is located a few metres to the north of Roysambu Primary School in Zimmerman Estate, Nairobi City. It measures approximately 0.0342 of a hectare (0.0845 of an acre) and is developed with a (i) five storeyed building: whose accommodation comprises ten (10) identical two-bedroomed flats two on each floor and (ii) an L-shaped single storey building which comprises two (2No.) units i.e a three-bedroomed and a one-bedroomed unit. The title is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years w.e.f 01.12.1991 at a revisable annual ground rent of Kshs1,295 and mains electricity and water are connected while drainage is into a septic tank. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN TINGANGA ESTATE, KIAMBU DISTRICT ON TUESDAY THE 16TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. NDUMBERI/TINGANGA/T.310 TINGANGA ESTATE, KIAMBU DISTRICT registered in the name of AMBROSE MBUGUA KAMAU c/o P.O Box 63497-00619 Nairobi g/t AMBROSE M. KAMAU & JULIUS K. KAGOCHI c/o P.O Box 63497-00619 Nairobi. The property is situated within Tinganga area of Ndumberi Location in Kiambu County neighbouring Full Gospel Church, Tinganga. Tinganga Primary School is a plot away. It measures approximately 0.089 hectares (0.22 acres) and is developed with a four-bedroomed (two en suite) maisonette with an attached garage for two. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity is connected, water is from a well while drainage is to a septic tank. NB: The chargee may finance the successful highest bidder subject to such a bidder making prior arrangements with the company 9. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN KANUNGA, KIAMBU DISTRICT 8. 7.

hectares (4.003 acres) and is undeveloped. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and piped water are available for connection which drainage would be to pit latrines. The parcel has a huge sub divisional potential. 11. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (GASOIL PETROL STATION) IN OL KALOU TOWNSHIP ON WEDNESDAY THE 17TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE AT OL KALOU TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. NYANDARUA/OL KALOU TOWNSHIP BLOCK 1/42 NYANDARUA COUNTY registered in the name of RUFUS GIMLET GATHITHU KAMAU c/o P.O Box 148 Ol Kalou g/t SEKTA AGENCIES c/o P.O Box 72178-00200 Nairobi. The property is located within Ol Kalou town and along Ol Kalou-Nyahururu Road. It can easily be identified as Gas Oil Petrol Station. It measures approximately 0.225 of a hectare (0.557 of an acre). The front part of the plot is developed with a service station with ancillary building, a two (2) storey building i.e ground floor: entrance verandah with wash hand basin, store under staircase, one room, gents washroom, ladies washroom, two rooms and two bathrooms with overhead showers upper floor: managers office, circulation corridor, two (2) washrooms, three (3) rooms and a separate building with generator and compressor room. There are four (4) underground tanks with a total capacity of 100,000 litres. The title is leasehold interest for a term of 99 years w.e.f 01.12.1990 at an annual ground rent of Kshs1,800 and mains electricity and water are connected while drainage is to a septic tank. 12. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN SWEETWATERS NANYUKI TOWN ON THURSDAY THE 18TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN NANYUKI TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. LAIKIPIA/NANYUKI/MARURA BLOCK III/2697 (SWEETWATERS) MUNGETHO AREA-LAIKIPIA COUNTY registered in the name of JACOB JULIUS LIMIRI c/o P.O Box 1079 Nanyuki. The property is situated within Mungetho area, Nanyuki Municipality. Access from Nanyuki town is via Nanyuki-Nairobi road onto the road leading to the Sweetwaters Tented Camp for approximately 5.5 kms past Nanyuki Neema Primary School then turning right at the P.C.E.A Tumaini Church Signage for approximately 2.0 kms to the property. It measures approximately 0.063 of a hectare (0.156 of an acre) and is developed with a three-bedroomed residential bungalow. The title is absolute proprietorship and mains water is connected to the property while electricity is available for connection. Drainage is into pit latrine. 13. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (BLOCK OF FLATS) IN KANDUYI, BUNGOMA COUNTY (WITH MONTHLY RENTAL INCOME OF KSHS104,000) ON FRIDAY THE 3RD DAY OF MAY 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN BUNGOMA TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. EAST BUKUSU/SOUTH KANDUYI/12051 BUNGOMA COUNTY registered in the name of EVERLYNE KASEI MAGE & THADDEUS MASIKINI MAKHANU c/o P.O Box 182-50200 Bungoma. The property is situated within Bungoma towns Kanduyi Area, approximately 300 metres from the tarmac Bungoma-Kanduyi Road at the Mayanja Hardware turnoff and a further 2.5 kms from the Bungoma Town Centre, Bungoma County. The main Malaba-Webuye Highway is about 200 metres from the Mayanja Hardware junction, while the Bungoma Airstrip is 1.5 kms to the south of the property. It measures approximately 0.053 of a hectare (0.1309 of an acre) and is developed with a four storey residential building with a total of four (4) one-bedroomed flats and eight (8) two-bedroomed flats and an external ablution block. Each floor has accommodation of 2No. two-bedroomed flats and 1No. one-bedroomed flat. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and piped water are connected while drainage is into septic tanks. 14. PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN KANDUYI, BUNGOMA COUNTY ON FRIDAY THE 3RD DAY OF MAY 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN BUNGOMA TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. EAST BUKUSU/SOUTH KANDUYI/ 14834 BUNGOMA COUNTY registered in the name of THADDEUS MASIKINI MAKHANU c/o P.O Box 182-50200 Bungoma. The property is situated within Bungoma Towns Kanduyi Area, approximately 300 metres from the tarmac Bungoma-Kanduyi Road at the Mayanja Hardware turnoff and a further 2.5 kms from the Bungoma Town Centre, Bungoma County. The main MalabaWebuye Highway is about 200 metres from the Mayanja Hardware junction, while the Bungoma Airstrip is 1.5 kms to the south of the property. It measures approximately 0.27 of a hectare (0.6671 of an acre) and is developed with a large double storey five-bedroomed (four en suite) residential house with a carport. The title is freehold interest and mains electricity and piped water are connected while foul drainage is into a septic tank.

ON THURSDAY THE 4TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN KITUI TOWN All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. YATTA/NDUNGUNI/2028 KITUI COUNTY registered in the name of ANDREW NDISYA LUSA c/o P.O Box 45593-00200 Nairobi g/t PHONE MASTERS LIMITED c/o P.O Box 45593-00200 Nairobi. The property is situated within Muii Wa Ivia village, ndunguni sub-location in Yatta location within Kitui County. It measures approximately 6.51 hectares (16.08 acres) and is undeveloped. The title is absolute proprietorship and mains services are connected to the property. 4. PRIME COMMERCIAL PROPERTY (BLOCK OF FLATS) IN MIGOSI SITE & SERVICE SCHEME KISUMU TOWN ON FRIDAY THE 5TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON AT CENTRAL SQUARE NEAR BARCLAYS BANK OF KENYA LIMITED KISUMU CITY All that parcel of land known as L.R NO. KISUMU/MANYATTA A/4389 MIGOSI SITE & SERVICE SCHEME KISUMU TOWN registered in the name of WILSON OMONDI OWITI c/o P.O Box 93-40611 Nyilima. The property is situated approximately 100 metres off the road from Carwash Stage to Kenya-Re and approximately 300 metres to the north of Migosi Hospital, within Migosi Site and Service Scheme, Kisumu Municipality. It measures approximately 0.20 of a hectare (0.049 of an acre) and is developed with a three-storey block of flats whose accommodation comprises 2No. two-bedroomed flats on each floor. The title is freehold interest and mains water, electricity and sewer are connected.


PRIME COMMERCIAL CUM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN CHAVAKALI TOWNSHIP, VIHIGA COUNTY ON MONDAY THE 8TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 12.00 NOON OUTSIDE THE MAIN POST OFFICE IN MBALE TOWN, VIHIGA COUNTY All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO.N/MARAGOLI/KISATIRU/ 1299 VIHIGA COUNTY registered in the name of NELSON KIDAHA TSIMANGO c/o P.O Box 1193-50300 Maragoli. The property fronts Kisumu-Kakamega Highway, past the Chavakali-Kapsabet junction adjacent to Keveye Girls Secondary School and opposite Kenya Rural Roads Authority Offices within Chavakali Township of Vihiga County. It measures approximately 0.09 of a hectare (0.22 of an acre) and is developed with two semi-detached commercial cum residential single storey buildings comprising two shops, two garages and two single room residential quarters. The title is absolute proprietorship and mains electricity is connected, water is available while drainage is to pit latrine.

ON TUESDAY THE 16TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KIAMBAA/KANUNGA/T.215 KIAMBU DISTRICT registered in the name of FRANCIS KOMU GITAU c/o P.O Box 39376-00623 Nairobi. The property is situated within Kanunga area, near Kanunga High School and two (2) plots away from Mungai Chengecha Primary School. It is about 300 metres from Kiambu-Limuru tarmac road. It measures approximately 0.0931 of a hectare (0.23 of an acre) and is developed with a four-bedroomed (master en suite) double storey residential house, a servants quarter and a garage for two. There is also a poultry rearing block, the guard house, masonry water tank, an underground water tank and water masonry towers with six Roto PVC tanks. The title is freehold interest and mains water and electricity services are connected while drainage is to a septic tank.

10. PRIME RESIDENTIAL (VACANT) PROPERTY OFF PIPELINE ROAD-OLOOLOITIKOSH, KAJIADO DISTRICT ON TUESDAY THE 16TH DAY OF APRIL 2013 AT 11.00 A.M AT OUR OFFICES IN MUHU HOLDINGS HOUSE All that parcel of land known as TITLE NO. KAJIADO/OLCHORO-ONYORE/ 9626 (ORIG. NO.9123) OFF PIPELINE ROAD-OLOOLOITIKOSH, KAJIADO DISTRICT registered in the name of JOYCE NANCY NYAMWANGE T/A BANITA FURNISHERS c/o P.O Box 47584-00100 Nairobi. The property is situated approximately 2.5 kms off Pipeline road and to the west of Olooloitikosh shopping centre in Olooloitikosh area Kajiado district. Baraka Oontonyie Secondary School is in the neighbourhood. It measures approximately 1.62

CONDITIONS OF SALE (1). All intending purchasers are requested to view the property and verify the details as these are not warranted by the auctioneers. (2). A deposit of 25% must be paid in cash or bankers cheque at the fall of the hammer. The balance will thereafter be payable within thirty (30) days) and Ninety (90) days for property No. 8 to the chargees advocates. A bidding deposit of Kshs1million (by way of bankers cheque) will be mandatory for properties No. 6, 7 & 14 (3). For all the aforementioned property, details of encumbrances including names addresses e.t.c. together with user and any other restrictions plus rates/rents payable will be made available on request at our offices. (4). Sale of the above property will be subject to reserve prices and land board consent if applicable. (5). Conditions of sale are available on request at our offices and viewing of property is possible during normal working hours by prior arrangements with ourselves. F o r h u n d r e d s o f o t h e r p r o p e r t i e s , l o g o n t o w w w. g a r a m . c o . k e

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DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


Head Office:- NAKURU Nacha Plaza, 3rd Floor, Room, 19 Along Kijabe Row P.O. Box 15121 -20100, Nakuru Tel No. 051-2213910 Fax No. 051-2216836

Auctioneers, Repossessors, Private Investigators, Process servers, Official Brokers, Bailiffs, Commission Agents

Under instructions received from our Principals, we shall sell by Public Auction the under mentioned properties together with all improvements erected thereon. ON FRIDAY, 5TH APRIL 2013 AT 12:00 NOON OUTSIDE BARCLAYS BANK OF (K) LIMITED BUILDING (city square branch), KISUMU TOWN All that piece or parcel of land known as TITLE NUMBER KISUMU/DAGO/1226 MKENDWA AREA. The property is situated about 1.5Kms due South West of Mkendwa Muslim Primary School and Lake Feeds approximately 200m due South West of Catholic Sisters Convent and about 800m from Dominican Friars in Mkendwa area of Kisumu City. The property measures 0.2 Ha. of a Hectare or 0.494 of an Acre or thereabouts. It is developed with an expansive bungalow comprising of 4No. bedrooms and a servants quarter comprising of 2No. rooms. Mains services are not connected but are available in the neighbourhood for connection. This is a developed residential plot situated within Mkwendwa area of Kisumu City; an area characterized by residential developments for owner occupiers and sale purposes. The Title is Freehold Interest registered in the name of JARED HARRY OTHIENO guarantor to MENTA CONSULTANTS LIMITED. ON WEDNESDAY, 24TH APRIL 2013 OUTSIDE KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK LIMITED BUILDING, NAROK TOWN 1. All that piece or parcel of land known as TITLE NUMBR CIS-MARA/EWASO NGIRO/932. The property is situated approximately 7Kms from Esumpati Primary School and borders Lokeri River within Ewaso Ngiro area of Narok County. The property measures 10.11 Hectares or 25.275 Acres and is vacant. This is a medium-scale agricultural property ideal for livestock keeping and wheat farming. The Title is Freehold Interest registered in the name of VIOLA JEPTEKENY NGETICH. 2. All that piece or parcel of land known as TITLE NUMBER CIS-MARA/OLCHORO/ 1437. The property is located approximately 3Kms before Olchoro Centre from Narok Town within Olchoro location, of Narok County. The property measures 27.08 Hectares or 92 Acres approximately and is vacant. This is a large-scale agricultural property ideal for livestock keeping and wheat farming. The Title is Freehold Interest registered in the name of TEKETI OLE MPAERA. 3. All that piece or parcel of land known as TITLE NUMBER CIS-MARA/NKOBEN/ 735, 648 and 673. The properties neighbours Kotolian Primary School which is off the road to Nkoben Primary School via Katakala at the Airtel mast in Nkoben area of Narok County. The properties measures as follows:Property No. Acreage 735 9.921 Ha. or 24 Acres 648 4.399 Ha. or 11 Acres 673 12.735 Ha. or 31 Acres The properties are vacant and largely used for wheat growing. The Titles are Freehold Interest all registered in the name of SAKANYI OLE LENGENY. 1. All intending Purchaser(s) are requested to view and verify the details for these are not warranted by the Auctioneer or our clients. 2. A deposit of 25% MUST be paid by CASH or BANKERS CHEQUE at the fall of the hammer and the balance be paid to the Chargees Advocates within a Period of Thirty (30) Days from the date of sale. 3. The Sale is subject to a Reserve Price and Land Control Board Consent (where applicable). 4. Conditions of Sale are available on request at our offices and viewing of the properties is possible during normal working hours by prior arrangements with ourselves.

REPUBLIC OF KENYA IN THE CHIEF MAGISTRATES COURT AT NAIROBI MILIMANI COMMERCIAL COURTS CIVIL SUIT NO. 6685 OF 2012 CHARLENE NENEI KOSGEY............................................................................PLAINTIFF VERSUS JESSE NGARI ............................................................................................. DEFENDANT TO: JESSE NGARI P.O. BOX 1052-00621 (VILLAGE MARKET) NAIROBI SUBSTITUTED SERVICE BY WAY OF ADVERTISEMENT ORDER 5 RULE 17 TAKE NOTICE that a Plaint has been filed in the Chief Magistrates Court at Milimani Commercial Courts, Nairobi Civil Suit No. 6685 of 2012 in which you are named as the Defendant. Service of Summons upon you has been ordered by means of advertisement. A copy of the Summons and Plaint may be obtained from the Chief Magistrates Court at Milimani Commercial Courts, Nairobi. AND FURTHER take notice that, unless you enter appearance within 15 days, the case will proceed to be heard your absence notwithstanding. DATED at Nairobi this 28th day of March 2013. KOSGEY & MASESE ADVOCATES FOR THE PLAINTIFF DRAWN & FILED BY: KOSGEY & MASESE ADVOCATES HAZINA TOWERS, 19TH FLOOR MONROVIA ST./UTALII LN. P.O. BOX 30317 - 00100, NAIROBI


27th March, 2013




The Board of Governors, Chief Principal, Staff and Students, St. Lawrence Egoji Teachers College wish to inform 2012 P.T.E. GRADUANDS THAT THE 51ST graduation ceremony will be held on Friday, 12th April 2013 from 8.00 a.m. Graduation rehearsal will take place on Thursday 11th April 2013 at 2.00 P.M. The Guest of Honour will be Prof. George I. Godia EBS Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education. All graduards are asked to attend. JEAN KIVUTI CHIEF PRINCIPAL/ SECRETARY (BOG) E.C.D.E COURSES COMMENCING APRIL 2013 1. Certificate 2. Diploma K.U COURSES (EGOJI CAMPUS) COMMENCING APRIL 2013 1. Undergraduate course (Arts, Education) 2. Masters programmes (Education Arts, Science) Apply now or contact: The Chief Principal Egoji Teachers College Private Bag, Egoji Email: Fax: 02-2310509

Safarilink is a well established, reputable aviation company based at Wilson airport operating scheduled services and charter flights within Kenya and East Africa To meet planned fleet expansion it is looking to employ several Cessna Caravan Captains. The minimum requirements are: CPL License 1500 hours total time 700 hours as PIC on type The terms of employment and remuneration are market competitive and include medical cover insurance and a pension scheme. Send your CV and cover letter on or before 16th April 2013 to: Chief Pilot Safarilink Aviation P.O.Box 5616-00506, NAIROBI Or

38 | Classied
A109 Lost
LOSS of passport No. A1076012 in
the name of Henry J.M Maina. Contact 0722814776

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

A265 Medical

PREMIER CLUB (Formerly the Patel Club)

B686 Agricultural Produce

WHEAT straw bales for sale at Mau
0721259515, 020-4448230, 020-2333262

Notice is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of the Premier Club will be held on Wednesday 29th May, 2013 in the Gita Hall of the Club at 7.30 p.m. Agenda: To transact business as per the agenda fixed on the clubs notice board. Vijay R. Patel Honorary Secretary Date:2nd April, 2013

Narok, Nakuru Contact: 0720-338228/

A822 Computers
WEB hosting, unlimited space, emails, free domain @ 2900/ year 0712500 500

A116 Marriage
Want a certain man/woman 2marry u? is she/he unfaithful & want him or her 2 commit 2u alone? want back ur partner & restore ur love etc. Call: Sowari 0722140527, 0733291085

0700351966 Trailer Turnboys rqd 0700452229 NGO Turnboys rqd 0700766982 2home driver&clners 0700927672 4BCE driver&t/boy rq 0701622443 Trailer Turnboys rqd 0701659129 Bank clerks & cleaners 0702469525 long dis driver T/boy rq 0704949940 bank msger&customer/c 2 Air/p Cleaners, Cooks, 0701989616 2Get jobs call today 0900620621 2 Home driver & msnger 0717605645 4NGO Drivers turnboy 0701730902 4 Office/ass, waiters cook 0701989615 10 Sales people wanted medium sized
Co. Tel 0723-745095

B403 Colleges
ECD Teachers College in Thika (Kenol).
April admissions, Diploma boarders 7,000/= Dip day 5,800/=, cert. boarders 4,800/= cert day 4,000/= 0722172697


B049 Car Hire
0700128555 4hire cars + Rav + Voxy FORKLIFT for hire 3.2 0720722371


A826 Computer Services
QBOOKS Point of sale 0721271342 ETR(KRA) Approved 0712-097340 ETR-KRA approved 0724523434 Laptop *repair,we buy dead! 0721486136 MAc*repairs we buy dead! Website,Host+Domain 0724600493

CHINA: Shipping job both ladies &

GUJO the genius in solving; marriages,

love portions, lost items, jobs, biznesses, manpower, w/craft, luck, betting, debts, etc Call 0700485600

B462 Business for Sale

for sale in Westlands. Contact the owner 0701-195802

A167 Acupuncture
BLOODPRESSUREHeadaches & Pains
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

A836 Electrical Appliances

POWER bk up inverters 3KVA -6KVA auto 10hrs f/inst 0722747246

B469 Business Offers

1PHD/ masters proposals 0727493916 1 Register Ltd company 15k 0700- 060 001 SH 250,000 FREE package 4 restaurant
owners. Call 0702091713 today.

A871 Miscellaneous
Brides 020-318145, 0722-715422, 0733-715422

CHILDREN - Disorders.
3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

B476 Business Opportunities

MONEY$ Think & Grow rich Join a
top ranking Global Mlm Org. to set shop in Kenya. Be among the first and become a millionaire Call: 0722886806


A571 Hotels SEASONAL OFFER !!!

DELIVERYPOST- Firm up and Slim up.

3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

men. 10 PP Photo size, 2 Full photo, C.v, Copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131. or CLEANERS, office/ass 0701989616 CUTEST Chics wanted 0722798431 DENTISTS needed call 0726988765 DUBAI: Security, Drivers. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131. or INTERNSHIP: We are looking for a young energetic sales and marketing, movie editors, song editors, T.v adverts makers personel for 3 months internship. Sales & Marketing Must be Form four leaver or above. Movies editors, song editors, t.v adverts maker must have a Degree. Carry your c.v, 2 passport photo size (official) plus your academic certificates. Come to MUTHUI LTD GATKIM COMPLEX 1st floor behind ronald Ngara post office next to mumbi house. On or before 3,4,5/04/2013

B150 Tracking & Fleet Management

CAR tracking system 0724600493

B113 Motor Vehicle Repairs

B498 Construction

MEMORY - Tiredness and Moods. 3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217 SKIN, Asthma and other Allergies.
3748561, 0737540562, 0721170217

Call for Bulk deals of Murram, Unwashed sand, Crusher Run,


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3744885, 0737540562, 0721170217

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Freedom to stay your way
Conference And Meeting Rooms Bar & Restaurant | Free wi-fi For reservations please call: +254 202246615/6 | +254724259829 Email: SINGLE BO: 2,300 | DOUBLE BO: 2,800

Freelance Sales persons required To recruit students for overseas Universities. Apply with CV. DNA/ NO 1481 P.O.BOX 49010- 00100 NAIROBI JOBS: NGO Driver & T/boy 0717605424 OFFICE Ass & Cashier 0717605377 QATAR: Sales/ Marketing, Cargo

B085 For Sale, Private

AUDI Q7 06 Black 7seats leather
3000cc diesel loaded 0723344388

A181 Beauty

AXOR Benz 1840 2004 3M 0722852214 FUSO & Nissan Nyati 10 wheeler

trucks 3 units good condition 0712444444 0722797090 ISUZU pick-up 400k 0720-200199


B893 General

Quarry Chips, Contact on 0772896253

B525 Financial
@0770738814 cash on ipads&iphone5 020-2245564 spot loans on Toshiba,
Macpros& HP Laptops btwn 20K-50K

A230 Health
Offer VigRx VigRx & maxman power @ 1,500/- Vimax for size & stamina Instant Super control for men Hip boosters. B. Firming & Weight gain Tummy Flat, weight loss & Weight gain Grey hair in 2wks & hair grower Tooth whitener & dark spot Magic Slim, loose 5kg in 2wks Free Delivery & Private Consultation call NRB; 0723978617, NACICO Chambers, Moi Ave. next to Tuskys Beba Beba, 3rd Flr. Rm. 1. Nyeri, KSM 0708238432. KTL, ELD & Bungoma 0723978617. MSA 0708238432. Thika & Embu 0722387695

loaders. 10 PP Photo size, 2 Full photo, C.v, Copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131 or (Free Air ticket& visa for loaders) QATAR: Tile fitters, Mason, Carpenter, ladydriver 0708991276 ,0715664110, 0708991275 or SWEDEN: Cleaners.10 PP Photo size,2 Full photo, C.v, Copies of documents & Passport. 0708991270, 0708991277, 0707471131 or

LIMO for hire 0722704085 M/Benz E200K 05 Silver 2units KBU

very clean cars 0723344388

MATATU KBD rt 106 0728760722 MIT Canter KZL @490K 0722-388581 MIT FH/Canter/fighter Isuzu bus/lorry

new/used dep from 500K balance financed. Tel 0732774634 Afri MIT FH215 KAY 2007 0724801973 MIT L200 05 d/c Navara 0720663600

To make appropriate enquiries and take appropriate advice before sending money, incurring any expense or entering into binding commitment in relation to an advertisement. NATION MEDIA GROUP shall not be liable to any person for loss or damage incurred or suffered as a result of his/her accepting of offering to accept an invitation contained in any advertisement published in the Nation.


UN Jobs SMS ur E-mail to 0700103666

N/B15 BE 01 auto white 339k 0714805753 N/Caravan KBU 06 1.2m 0722616632 N/Urvan KAX 06 dsl 849k 0714805753 N/XTRAIL KBL 980K 0722-515486 NIS March KBU wine 06 0723545288 NISSAN Tiida KBT white 0721701854 NISSAN Van ex-tour original DT
Dobie KBK 1.5m 0720-219316

B257 Men
operations supervisor Safaricom dealer Dip in Sales & Marketing. Tel 0722988482

B263 Women
qualifications: KATC2/CPA1 + quickbooks email:

NZE G grade 1500cc KBH 0722740366 PRADO 03 'BL 2.4M ono 0722-516322

CASH Against cars/logbooks Call

4441921, 0787 610 083, 0706 622 516



CASH on Car l/top land 0722534960 LOANS on the spot between 15-40K
with laptops as security, 0723408602

B894 Tour Services

PAGOAIRWAYS get your dubai
visa in 2 days, fares from 36k, IATA courses available,9 months, Galileo practicals, hotel mngt 2 yrs, electricity hse 0722583759, 0734583759

PREMIO n/s sal KBM 0722712355 SUBARU Forester XT Manual Just

Imported KBU/B 0722-854759

B277 Domestic
AFAMAC trained h/helps0722386482 0722516342, 0721834778 trained h/g NIMU Hse girls/Boys&Cooks 4448947

Vig-RX for men size 1,500/= Viguor & Power Plus 200/= USA Maxman Mens size 1,500/ Slimming Belts for Tummy Trimmer & Beer Belly Breast Firming & Enlarging Hip & Thigh Booster & Weight Gain Wild Growth Hair Oil USA V-Drops & ladys Vibratrs Lose 5kg in wks ORIGINAL

A279 Notices
PREMIER CLUB (Formerly the Patel Club)

B546 Machinery for Sale

& Sugded boiler 1135kgs complete with chimney & service tank. (2) Atlas copco air compressor model GA37. (3)25000ltrs bulk fuel storage tank with pump set. Contact: Rubber Products Ltd. Rao - 0739590945, 0735273654

SUB Forester KBA 680k 0713354148 T/110 AQ Probox KBK 0729179771 T/ALLION 05 voxy white 0729810075 T/CRUISER KBU 5.2m 0722-515486 T/FIELDER 05 1.5L Red, fogs, rails,
spoiler, v/clean KBT 0723344388

Notice is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of the Premier Club will be held on Wednesday 29th May, 2013 in the Gita Hall of the Club at 7.00 p.m. Agenda: To elect three trustees of Premier Academy Charitable Trust. Vijay R. Patel Honorary Secretary Date:2nd April, 2013


B243 Domestic
H.Helps wntd Best Sal+off 0722466091

B389 Books & Stationery
PRISONER TURNED MILLIONAIRE" This is a story of a young prison Remandee who became a millionaire immediately after prioson. Be inspired and become a millionaire!! The book is retailing @350/- only. Available in all bookshops.For wholesale Call or sms Mr Mbawa 0720837158 Mr Sam 0718552712

T/Fielder KBU silver 1030M 0725654288 T/Harrier KBP silver 0720013086 T /HILUX - D/Cab Fielder wish Allion
Premio NZE etc. Terms Cash & Finance arranged Dep. from 350k 800k Bal 1year 0723769577 T/ISIS 05 Fielder 05 0729810075 T/Noah KBQ 900k 0722869196


MENS vigrx & maxman 0725218027 PRO-EXTENDER machine (USA)

T/NZE slvr 03 v/clean 590k 0723715230 T/PRADO 05 2.7fl & 3.4L & 06 3.0L
v/clean 3units 0723344388

for size, 100% guarantee 0722-506355 Visit:

B250 Gnral
0700018416 NGO clerck driver&t/boy

T/PREMIO KBU 06 0722974073 T/SHARK AP, AT 320&390k 0721794163

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

T/Succeed v/clean 03 530K 0705917453 T/Townace KBU 07 760K 0722616632 T/Townace KBU 06 silv 895k 0714805753 T/VITZ 05 black townance 0729179775 T/Wish 4WD BT 1.050m 0722869196 T/WISH 05 white grey 0729810078 TOWNACE KBU 820,000/- 0711971952 TOY Fielder KBS 2005 0722455378 TOY L/Cruiser tour 2.2m 0720200199 TOYO p/up d/c salvg 0722712355 TOYOTA NZE KBS 2005 0722455378 TOYOTA Ractis KBU 2006 silver
tiptronic 795K 0721-546312

Classied/Transition 39
B782 Properties for Sale
2 bedroom house Umoja I 0725683481 2BR Apartments Kiambu Plinth 95 sqm

B810 Wanted to Buy

WANTED Prime plots/houses with
clean documents Tel 0722-889102

E457 Bar Codes D557 Apartments available D557 Apartments Available

Diani Coconut Village: Self-catering
beach apts. Special offer @ 5000 per room. 0729075031/ 0733395019

Promotion to Glory
The family of Peter Kamau Mwirii would like to announce the promotion to glory of Mrs. Pauline Njeri Kamau (Posta Westlands Branch, Nairobi) on the 26/03/13. She was the daughter of the late Solomon Muigai Thuo and Josephine Wambui Muigai. She was the mother of Kevin Mwiiri, Idah Wanjiru, Solomon Muigai, Morris Githaiga and Josephine Wambui. She was sister of Kamau, Wairimu, Thuo, Ndungu, Wangari and Gacie (Munyeki, Nakuru). She was the grandmother of Ian Gitire and Robert Kamau. Body leaves Kikuyu hospital mortuary on Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at 8.00 a.m. and proceeds to Langata Cemetery for burial at 12.00 noon.

Price Kshs 4.5M few remaining 4br maisonettes Kitengela Plinth 250 sqm price Kshs 12M Tel: 0718800448 / 0722856900 owner 0735-347410 serious buyers

B817 Wanted to Rent

WE are looking to lease a Yard from
0.5accres to 1.5 acre with water & power for industrial use in Kisumu. 0735-145084 (5 years renewable)

3BRM house Komarock 5.5m Call K/SUKARI Hse 4 sale 0719825432 KILELESHWA 3 bdrm apartment

TOY Premio NZE Fielder P/box

Finance dep 300k 0738661203 TOY Probox KBP 05 0720-362205

with an SQ master ensuite Kshs. 15.9M Call0202598001 /0722799222/0733271622

COAST (Telephone
D531 Hotels

Coast Numbers Only)

E740 Land Plots for Sale

@ 240k per acre and 1.2m 1/8acre. 0723850481, 0722380617 , 0737350011.

TOY Rav 4 n/s KBT Pearl 0721216443 TOY Shark BL 1.2m dep. 400k bal 2yrs
34k monthly 0723769577 TOY Shark KBP 900K 0701961280

Sholinke 50 x 100 plots near Kitengela Boarding. Kshs 220,000/= cash. Installments Kshs. 320,000/- deposit Kshs. 60,000 balance payable in 24 months Call Tel 0202598001/ 0722232083/ 0733271622/0725778841


LAMU /Mtwapa several acres available

E817 Wanted To Rent

WE are looking to lease a Yard from
0.5accres to 1.5 acre with water & power for industrial use in Msa. 0727692185 (5 years renewable)

Pauline Njeri Kamau

LANGATA 2 bdrm new apartments

Kshs 7M Call0202598001/ 0722799222/0722232083/0733271622 ched v-good cond 16.5m 0770097000


B740 Land, Plots for Sale
40x80 Umoja Innercore 0725683481 BROKSIDE 1/4acre 25m 0714-528228 COMMERCIAL plots 40x80 Kdo rd FINELANDS Isinya 50X100 100K
offer 0724816611,0722417074

LANGATA 3br +2bth +sq semi deta LAVI Upperhill 1/4, 1/2, 1acre plots
offers 2714288, 0716163467

E768 Premises, Offices to let

Death and Funeral Announcement

Its with humble acceptance of Gods will that we regret to announce the sudden demise of Paul Kumba Omwancha (Chuka University). Son of Samwel Omwancha Moibi and Grace Mokeira. Born in 1990 and died on 26/03/2013. Brother of Mangera, Kwamboka, Ontiri, Milka and Nyamboke. Cousin of Onyoni, Fred Morara, Richard, Sabiri, Kwamboka and Kumba. His uncles Mironga, Omwanchas, Nyakwara, Penuel, Hezron (Magistrate Mwingi Law Courts), Mokamba, Nchogu, Moranga and Gesure. In-law to Samwel Nyakeruma. We are meeting at Garden Square Nairobi from 5:00pm, main fundraising will be on Tuesday 2 nd April 2013. The Cortege leaves Kenyatta National Hospital mortuary on Thursday 4 th April 2013 for btuial at his rural home Kerema, Nyaribari Masaba Masimba. on Friday 5 th April 2013.

UPPER Savanna block inc 25k pm @ WESTLAND

2.9m Tel: 0720-445198 / 0729-057290

dep. 100000/= bal 4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0700497890 Homeward

3 bdrm apartment with SQ master ensuite Kshs. 25M Call 0202598001 / 0722799222 / 0733271622

FINELANDS Isinya 50X100 200K

Call 0724816611, 0722417074 Kitengela Isinya 50x100 250k 0724816611, 2472045 FINELANDS Ruai 50x100 350k near Msa Road 0722417074, 2472045 F INELANDS RUAI 50x100 375k

B789 Properties to Let

0722675002 1b/r s/c s/q Magiwa 15k 1,2,3br Parklands 7-28k 0716266150 1,2br Ngong road 7-16k 0716266150 1B/R Nairobiwest 10,000 0720040895 1B/S Westlands 5,000 Tel 0720020410 1BRM&BEDSITTER apartments
at Ruaka Limuru rd 0712-007616


Shops available to let in new extension, each with private toilet and store 4m glass front facing car park, reasonable rent, terms and conditions, the BEST location in South Coast, join some of Kenyas leading brands and shops See or contact 0724-853936 or for more details.


FINELANDS Ruai 50x100 400k 1km

0724816611, 2472045, 0722-417074

Ready Title 0722417074, 2472045

Paul Kumba Omwancha

JOSKA 50x100 dep. 50,000 balance

4months, titles ready, 020-2610923, 0751201267 Homeward, Viewing free JUJA Farm 50x100 180k 0715-335261 KABATI 25x90 main Kabati mkt,4 shops & 4 singles 0723282821 KAMULU 50x100 dep. 50,000 bal 4mths. Ready titles. 0202-164920, 0788-953862, 0707-965632 Sideway Proper ties Ltd. Vedic Hse 7th Floor KAMULU KBC 1/8 title 0770341180 KATANI50X100 dep. 100,000 balance 4months, Titles ready, 020-2610923, 0715514989 Homeward, viewing free KIAMBU 50x100 20m 0714-528228 KINYA Kiiru near Shamrock fertile land with trees & fruits 0771806318 KITALE 10acres plowed 900K neg per acre 1.5km frm tarmac 16km frm Kitale towards Moi Bridge 0752957390 KITALE 12acres with 6000 mature Eucalytus land 1m per acre tree @4000 Call 0772367038 Kitengela 300K,13M 0724337886 K ITENGELA Namanga rd. 1km from main rd 5acres with title 0733753825 KITENGELA plots @460Kper 1/8ac 0722956037, 020550287 Vineyard LIMURU nxt to Kiboko Hotel 50x100 0724-230729 MUA Hills 6acres price neg 0737746311 NAK Lanet 1/4acre 0729291576 NASRA with title 0723866048 Owner

3B/R Kilimani 38,000 Tel 0716786222 ADAMS sq 5K 020-2695823 AT South-B self-contained 1br, Studio
&Bedsitters 0720451423, 0714538594 phase II I bdrm extension Kshs. 12,000 Call 020-2598001/ 0722232083/ 0722213771

May the Lord rest his soul in Peace


Motoring / Property Classifications: VAT Inclusive All Days 400/= per line per day Sat, Sun - Thur per day 450/- per line Other Classifications Friday only 500/- per line

Fare Thee Well Fathe

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Mzee Peter Olanda Mileho. Loving husband to Mama Ruth Mukitsa Olanda. Father to Jane and John Chakaya, Patrick and Fridah Lubembe, Victor and Judith Ndidi, Wilfred and Bilha Odanga, Lydia and Wycliff Omuga, Arthur and Roselyne Ahuya, Oscar and Diana Alenga and Nancy and Duncan Jumba. Brother to Benson Kirigano, Aunt Okinda, Fridah Vihenda, Priscillah Andia, Alfayo Manyara and Samuel Ombura (all deceased). Brother in law to Sana and Finola Kirigano (all deceased), Leah Ombura, Christine Lugadiru, Richard Mbiti, the late Edward Mugera, Taphrotha, Aggrey, Benard, Emmy and Jumba Amiani. Grandfather to 25 and great grandfather to 1. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home in Tigoi Village, Jepkoyai Ward, Vihiga County and Friends Church Maringo in Nairobi from 5pm. A major fundsraising will be held on 2nd April 2013 at Friends Church Maringo. MPESA 0721598569. Funeral date to be announced later.

EASTLIEGH 1 & 2 bdrm flats Kshs.

15,000- 20,000 - Call 020-2598001 /0724726361/0722232083 EMBAKASI - Single rooms old airport road near City Cabanas 5K Tel 0713 158066/ 0717 491 332.

Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections Friday only 450/- per line Sat, Sun - Thur per day 400/- per line SEMI DISPLAY (BOXED CLASSIFIED) Minimum size 4cm x 1 column

IMARADAIMA 2br apt 0725598438 JAMHURI-II 3bdrms 0772592623 KAREN: 4brs T/hses A/ensuite DS/Q,
c/port, 1/2acre 150,000/- 0722889102

All Days 1,750/=pscc +vat

Beauty/Medical/Health/Herbal & Acupuncture Sections All Days 2,000/=pscc +vat Minimum size 4cm x 1 column DNA Voucher Fee 3,500/- + VAT


double rooms Kshs. 5,000/- call 020-2598001 / 0722232083/ 0725778841 0720770417, 0739265507

Mombasa Furaha Plaza, Ground floor, Nkuruma Road, P.O.BOX 80708 Tel: 2224122, 2225830, 22225479. Fax 2230264 Nakuru C.K. Patel Building, Kenyatta Avenue Te (051) 2215506, 2215740, 2211688 Nyeri Kona Hauthi House P.O. BOX 1396, Tel: (061) 2030640, Tel/Fax: (061)2034120 THIKA Jopaka Enterprises Jogoo Kimakia Building Patrick Kamau: 0725856687 Mbambu Communications Clairbourn Building, Uhuru Street along Kwame Nkuruma Road Room No.A7, Maggie: 0722755823 Email: EMBU Peterson Stationers/Bookshop County Council ADC House Peter Kangugi: 0722894910 Email: Admedia International Ltd, Nguviu House, 1st Floor, Rm 02 Above Mbuni Dry Cleaners Silas Nthiga: 0722357028/020 2114546 Email: KAKAMEGA Friends Communication Ambewe Complex, 2nd Flr, Rm 6, Wycliffe Irangi 0722375680 KERUGOYA S.N. Peter Designers, Ushirika Bank House, 2nd Floor, Lucy Gitura: 0725608918 Kisumu Mega Plaza, 3rd flr, Wing B Tel: (057) 2021699, 2021230 Fax (057) 2020388 Kisumu Eldoret Zion Mall, Nairobi Mall, Wing C, Tel: 0722 200 773, 0719038950/1

KILE 123 & 4 Let/Sale 0722580785,

Three B/room Bungalows in a gated community near Yukos 23K Tel 0713158066 / 0717 491332

Mzee Peter Olanda Mileho (Quaker Man)


LAVINGTON Amboseli rd 2bedrms

0727-948196, 020-2395490

30k & 22k Shop 12k & b/sitters 8k Tel

LAVINGTON Kili 1,2&3br flats &

Mais 35,50-90K 2714288, 0716163467


NRB 50X100 30M 0722617207 RUAI 1/8ac (50x100) 250,000/= 0722

450218,0722986680, Nemuge Co. Ltd RUAI 1/8ac 350,000/= prime with title 0202632731,0722986680 Nemuge Ltd RUAI 1/8acre 120,000/= best s/offer 0722450218, 0722986680 Nemuge
Co. Ltd. Free Viewing Wed & Sat 9.30am RUAI 1/8acre 150,000/= sp/offer 0789


Forest View 3br apartments Ngong rd tel: 0721370072 rooms with kitchenette Kshs. 5,000 call 0202598001/ 0724726361/ 0725778841

MBOTELA off Jogoo Road single

MACHAKOS Mwanzia Building, Next to Katubas Bob Odalo: 0733943230 Email: KARATINA Harmony Plaza, First Flr. Next to Equity Bank, Stephen Munyiri: 0733277993/ 0711411515 Email:

We regret to announce the death of George Wasilwa Muliro (Musikulu Farm, Kitale) and former vice chairman of Kitale Club.

Gone Too Soon

MIREMA DRIVE 4 bdrm bungalow on

1 acre ideal for commercial use Kshs. 150,000/Call0202598001/ 0722799222/0722232083

767109, 0722986680 Nemuge Co. Ltd

MUCHATHA Banana one bedroom

apartment tel: 0720-700661

RUAI-JOSKA 40x80 65k, 50x100

KISII Mwalimu House, Telfax: (058)31386 Peter Angwenyi: 0722478171 MERU Ndiungi Agencies Kingora Building, Opposite Meru Teachers House Sophia Ntinyari: 0712628022 Email: Isiolo Video Den Pwins Plaza, 1st floor, opp. Uchumi Supermarket Peter Kaluai: 0721405815 Email: NAIVASHA/NYAHURURU Njabini Service Station Tel: 0713 375405/0723019528 Email:

400k, KBC 1km 200k, 5km 100k, Kamulu 50x100 400k, 450k & 500k ready titles. Viewing Sat 10.30am. Hope Realty Ltd Tusker Hse opp. Naivas 0727-867432, 0735696835 RUIRU Juja farm bypass plots app 50X100 Ngurish invst Ltd 170k - 650k 40% bal in 6 months 0724523948 THIKA 1/8ac 155K,75K 0720431203

NGUMO 3 bdrm maisonette with

servant quarter for 2 Kshs.60,000/call 0202598001/ 0722799222/0722232083


2 & 3brms let/sale 0720770417, 0722580785, 0739265507

TUALA/Rongai 1/8ac@680k 0722852214

RIRUTA 2br flats, ready 0722300853 Syokimau 4brms @30k 0734-645962 WESTLANDS - 1/2 bed furnished/
unfurnished apartments 0722446055 / 0733446055 80k Tel 0722-228273

Husband of Sian and loving father of Rhiannon, Masolo and Manyonge. Son of the late Hon. Joseph Muliro and Mama Lena Muliro. Brother of Anna Robinson, the late Helen Chavez, Flo Whiteman and Joel Muliro. Nephew of Festus Wasilwa, Grace Sangura, the late Zipora Khakasa, Joyce Madegwa, Esnas Wekunda, John Nandasaba, the late Margaret Masolo, the late John Wandabwa, J.J. Musundi and the late Norah, J. A. Mudavadi and Rose Mudavadi, the late Prof. J. Bwayo and Elizabeth Bwayo, Paul Kuto and Grace Kuto, the late Timon Wasilwa and Neddy Wasilwa, the late Javan Wekhui, Amos Wekhui and Alice Simiyu, George Wekhui and Mary Wafula, among others. Son in law ofGareth and Diana Rhys.

George Wasilwa Muliro

Friends and family are meeting daily at Railway Club Nairobi at 6 p.m. and also at Musikulu Farm in Kitale. There will be a major fund raising to offset medical bills and burial expenses on Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at the Railway Club, Nairobi - at 6 p.m. The burial will take place on Saturday April 6th, 2013 at Musikulu Farm

B768 Premises, Offices to Let

GO Downs Msa rd sale/Let 0720770417,
0722580785, 0739265507


WESTLANDS 3br apt near Sarit WESTLANDS 5,6 & 7brms Let/Sale
0720770417, 0722580785

SOUTH B between 400-1000 sqft

0722446055/ 0733446055/ 4441195

For further enquiries, call: 0719 038 8661/3/4/5/6 or

40 | Transition
It is with regret and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing of Eng. Joseph K. Choge (James Finlays, Kericho) on 27/03/2013 at Nairobi Hospital after a short illness. Son of the late Kibitok Choge and the late Chemindil Choge (Kipkarren Location, Nandi County). Husband of Rael Choge (KPA-Kisumu). Father of Peter (Starehe Boys Centre), Nicole (Moi Tea, Kericho), Chepchumba (Pangani Girls) and Philip. Son in law of the late Daniel Lelei and Teresa Lelei. Brother of Sally, John, William, Wilbert, Salome, late Joel, Dorcas and Jane. Brother in law of Simon, Rhoda, Emily, Rose, Melanie, Leah, Col. Bartonjo, Musa and Isaac. Uncle of Nathaniel and Kibet among others. Cousin of Kiplimo, Tirop, Ernest, David, Joshua Choge among others.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance that we announce the untimely death of Lilian Kwamboka.

Gone too Soon

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Rossette Restaurant (Nairobi), Kericho and his home in Kapnganio village Kipkarren Location, Nandi County for funeral arrangements.

Eng. Joseph K. Choge

She was daughter of Mogire Onyari and Esther Kerubo (Nyabworoba, Marani - Kisii County). She was sister of Ben Makori, Brian Ratemo and Linda Moraa. Granddaughter of Onyari Mogire, the late Clementia Nyarinda, the late William Masese and Mama Karen Masese. Niece of Robert Masese, Richard, Alice, Ken, Beatrice, Edna, Steve Jacquiline, Priscah, Mary, Hellen , Norah, the late Nyameino, Mosoti, Nyambega among others. Cousin of Okeyo, Sylvia Adelaide, Dolphine, Faith, Collins, Nyasuguta, Lucy, Humphrey, Kevin, Nyanduko, Sandra, Maria, Stephanie, William, Nyangoto, Mogaka, Sharon, Nyantika, Erick, Geoffrey, Anunda, Dadius, Rose,Green, Stella among others.

Lilian Kwamboka
1993 - 2013

A fundraising will be held on Thursday 4/4/2013 at Rossette Restaurant from 5.30 p.m. The cortage leaves Lee Funeral Home on Friday 5/4/2013 for burial on Saturday 6/4/2013 at his home. The funeral service will be held at the grave side starting at 10.00am I am the resurrection and life. He who believes in me though he may die, he shall live. John 11.25

Friends meet daily at the parents residence in Utawala Estate, Nairobi and Ndege View Restraunt, Utawala. A mini fundraiser will take place on Tuesday 2nd April followed by another at the Professional Centre on Wednesday 3rd April 2013. The cortege leaves the Kenyatta National Hospital funeral home on 5th April 2013 for burial at the parents farm in Kitengela the same day.

We celebrate the life of our dad Constantino MRewa Shadrack that ended on the 25th March 2013. Husband of Agnes Muiya. Son of the late Shadrack MRingajiu and late Martha Mukwamugo. Son in law of the late Ayub Marangu and the late Sarah Gaaji. Brother of the late Festus Mukobwa, the late Erastus Ndubi, Jane Murugi, Sabella Igoji, Silas Muchiri, Geofrey Mugo, Titus Riungu, Hilder Mukwaiti, the late Gilbert Miriti and Patrick Njeru (wa Jiumburia) Father of Rosemary Kaari, Joseph Miriti, Sabina Njeru, Sablino Muiro, Pauline Igoji, Basilio Gitonga (Basilio Gitonga & Co. advocates Meru), Catherine Kageni and Fridah Muthoni. He was grandfather of 40 grandchildren and 29 great grandchildren. Friends and relatives are meeting at his home Kiamuchumbi Village of Mitheru location of Maara District of Tharaka Nithi County and at Meru County Hotel daily at 5.30 p.m. up to 2nd April 2013 for funeral arrangements. Cortege leaves PCEA Chogoria Hospital on 3rd April 2013 at 10.00 a.m. for burial at his Kiamuchumbi home same day. Dear dad, in Gods hands you rest, in our hearts, you remain forever.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Constantino Mrewa Shadrack

Sunrise: 1927 Sunset: 2013

Tukutenderesa A Life Well Lived

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Sister in Christ Grace Thandi Nderitu. She was wife of the late Duncan Nderitu Ndiangui. She was daughter of late Simon Gikaara and late Wangari Kihoni. Mother of Alois Ndegwa (Muiga), J.O. Gikaara Nderitu (Kasarani), Mary Wanjiru Wachira (Nanyuki), Annah Wangari Gathirua (Kerugoya), Dr. Charles Waturu (KARI Thika), Jane Waihuini Muriithi (Giakanja Mkt) and Lucy Watetu Mutugi (Kenyatta Hospital). Mother in-law of Ann Ndegwa, Susan Gikaara, Rose Waturu, Charles Wachira, late George Gathirua, Late Daniel Muriithi and Dr. Robert Mutugi. Grand Mother to 31 children and Many Great Grand Children. Friend and relatives are meeting daily at St. Andrews Church, State House Road starting 6.00 p.m. The cortege leaves Outspan Hospital Nyeri on Friday 5th April 2013 at 9.00 a.m. for funeral service at PCEA Giaichamwenge, near Giakanja Sec. School. Thereafter, burial takes place at her home, Kariko Farm, Nyeri Town Municipality, Mukaro Location, Chorogi Sub-location. I have fought the good ght, I have shed the race, I have kept the faith 2 Tim 4: 7. May the name of the Lord be praised. R.I.P mum. TUKUTENDERESA

With humble acceptance of Gods will, that we announce the sudden death of Retired Rev. Zacharia Nyaga Karani (Kiandumu Village, Ngariama location, Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga county) on 30th March 2013 at Kerugoya Hospital after a long illness. Husband of Cannon Virginia Kabari Nyaga (Kiandumu Village). Brother of late Simon Makanga, late Timan Mungai, late Sternly Muhinyu, late Njui Kamau, late John Ireri, late Biswel Njeru, late Kenly Ngiri, Elijah Kabera and Seriba Muthoni. Father of the late Peter Kanyua, Grace Wambui, Hellen Kathugu, John Karani, Charity Kiambuthi and Stephen Mutema. Father inlaw of the late Peris Wangige, Eustance Kariuki, James Nyaga, Jane Kuthii, Anthony Kiambuthi and Faith Wanjiru. Grandfather of Alex Nyagah, Linda Kabari, Caroline Kanyua, Mercy Muthoni, Sally Kariuki, Esther Njeri, Justus Maina, Betty Kariuki, Gideon Nyaga, Grace Kiambuthi, Joshua Mwangi, Abigael Kabari and Caleb Gachanga.

Death and Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of our beloved Lucy Nyairuri Kimani on the morning of Thursday, 28 March 2013.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Beloved Wife of Carmichael Kimani Kanai. Loving mother of Leonard & Terry Kangethe (USA) and Charity Kimani (KTN). Adoring grandmother of Jazmyn, Shamira and Chloe. Daughter of the late Ngeene Thuku and Anastasia Waithira Ngeene. Daughter-In-Law of the late Mr & Mrs. Simon Kimani. Sister of James and Esther Thuku, Jane and Dennis Waweru, Charles and Margaret Mburu, Moses and Beatrice Gitau, Michael and Ann Kuria, Rose Maiga and Njoroge, Josephine Mukami and Kariuki, George and Essie Njau.

Friends and relatives are meeting at his home in Kiandumu Village, All Saints Cathedral Nairobi, Tue, Wed and Thur from 5:30 p.m. and at Anthony Kiambuthis residence in Ngong.

Retired Rev. Zacharia Nyaga Karani

Lucy Nyairuri Kimani

22/07/1958 - 28/03/2013

Sister in Christ Grace Thandi Nderitu

1925 - 2013

The cortege leaves Kibugu Funeral Home, Kutus on Friday 5th April 2013 at 9:00 a.m. for church service at ACK Saint Johns Church Kiandumu at 11:00 a.m. Thereafter burial at his home at Kiandumu Village. Matt:5:8. Blessed are the pure in heart,for they will see God.

Sister-In-Law of the late Mary Warigia, Mr & Mrs. Michael Karago, late John Ndungu and Edith Ndungu, Esther and Pastor Samuel Ndungu, Mr & Mrs. Samson Kuria, Janet Wambui, Elizabeth Wanjiku, Pastor & Mrs. Samuel Waithaka. Wonderful aunty, grandmother, cousin, niece and friend to many. The Funeral Service will be held on Wednesday, 3rd April 2013 at the Montezuma Funeral Home Chapel at 10.00am.Thereafter, cortege leaves for burial at the Langata Cemetry from 1.00pm. We thank God for the time we shared with you In our hearts you live forever

Death Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will, we announce the sudden death of Patrick Nyaga Thagichu former Snr Asst Chief and Councillor, Itabua Ward. Son of the late Thagichu Gaciati and late Hellen Warue. Brother of Eunice Kori, the late Muriuki Thagichu and Joyce Marigu. He was nephew to Hellenia Rwamba. Husband of Cecilia Muringo and Loise Kanyiva. Father of Teresia Wegoki (Gatituri pri), Lucy Wanjira, Evelyn Wambeti (Passenga), WO1 Angella Nyaga (KAF), late James Murithi, Francis Ndwiga Nyaga (Principal D.E.B Kangaru Sec Sch), Peter Gicovi, Jane Ruguru (Itabua Sec), Prisca Njoki (Kathanjuri Pri), Susan Muthoni (Embu Municipal Council), John Kinyua Nyagah (Principal Mbuinjeru Sec Sch), Salesio Ndwiga, Edita Wawira, Charles Kariuki (Nairobi), AnnRose Wanja (Garissa), Samuel Njeru, Catherine Marigu(Garissa), Ernest Njue Nyaga (Ol Kalou Dairy), Henry Fundi (Kenya Police) and Irene Ruguru (St.Mary Kangeta). Father in-law to Joseph Njeru, Stanlaus Kandia, Moses Kingori, WO2 Titus Nduva, Elizabeth Ndwiga, Catherine Gicovi, Pauline Wanjiku, Lucy Kariuki(UAP), Dorothy, Mwathi, Ndwiga, Karani and Jim. Uncle to Dominic Murithi, Njue, Gatavi Mwaniki among others. Grandfather and great grandfather to many. Family members and friends are meeting daily at Upways Hotel Thika road, next to Homeland Inn Nairobi from 6.00pm, Cannan Guest house Embu from 6.00pm and at his home in Itabua Village, Embu. The cortege leaves Gakwegori funeral home Embu at 9.00am on Friday 5/04/2013, for burial and funeral service at his Itabua home Embu County. Romans 14:8 (If we live,we live to the Lord and if we die we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord. Dad you have kept the faith).

Celebration of a life well lived

In Loving Memory

Cllr Patrick Nyaga Thagichu (Ex Chief)

1932 2013

Dr. Callisto Joseph Nyayieka Omondi

(30/01/1945 to 18/03/2013)
It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of DR. Callisto Joseph Nyayieka Omondi former Deputy Director Clinical Services Kenyatta National Hospital on 18th March 2013 at M.P. Shah Hospital after battle with cancer. He was the son of the late Mzee Francis Onyango Nyayieka and the late Mama Sulmena Anyango Nyayieka. Loving step son of Mama Ada Atieno Nyayieka. Son-in-law of the late Mzee Odero Sewe and Mama Cecilia Sewe. Beloved husband of Leonida Faustine Atieno Omondi and Dorcas Adongo Waswala. Father of Benedict Omondi (Centum ltd), Lilian Renee Omondi (Advocate and Vice Chair LSK), Dr. Caroline Omondi-Ohonde (Radiologist), Philomena Anyango (APA Insurance Nakuru), Stephanie, Valerie, Daniel and Francis. Father-in-law of Pauline Aduol Omondi and Eng. Daniel Ohonde. Grandfather of Christian, Trevor Joseph, Micheal, Jeanette and Andrew Joseph. Brother of Margret Ombala (Ugenya), Philista Maison (Alego Usonga), Pascal Nyayieka (Ndere), the late Ladslan, Romanus Nyayieka (Oil Libya),Wilfreda Aluoch (Lolwe), George Nyayieka (Eco Bank), Gertrude Nyayieka (Ministry of Immigration), Rosemary Nyayieka (Ulafu Pri. Sch. Siaya), Bertha Nyayieka, Christine Nyayieka (KNH), late Alex and Jacinta Nyayieka (Kisumu). Brother in-law of Ann Nyambura, Mary Awour and Grace Onyango. Beloved uncle and godfather of many. Prayer meetings are being held daily at his residence in Loresho. A requiem mass will be held on Thursday 4th April 2013 at St. Pauls University chapel starting 12.00 noon. Burial will take place on Saturday 6th April 2013 at his home in Ndere village, Gem Constituency, Siaya County ( 2 Timothy 4:7) I have fought the good ght, I have nished the course, I have kept the faith. Rest In Peace Daddy.

It is with acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Mrs. Jane A.M. Sobayeni Mure (Jane Moses). MD Travel Scene Services LtdNbi, on Good Friday29/03/2013 after battling with pancreatic cancer. Wife of Mike Mure, Director & Deputy Chairman Coast Dev. Authority, Director Pioneer Assurance Co. Ltd., former Sales Manager E.A.P Cement Athi River, Mauritius Export Dev. Authority (M.E.D.I.A), Chairman (LAPFund) and Director KPA. Daughter of the late Mzee Elijah Didi Sobayeni and Mama Priscillah Gachambi Moses (Nairobi). Sister of Steve Njuguna, Nairobi, Jackline Wanjiku (U.K). Mother of Faith T. Mure (KPA). Mother Inlaw of John Wainaina and grandmother of Michael Jr.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Dr. Samuel Gatere

3rd March 1933-2nd April 2012

Friends and relatives are meeting daily at Mr. Mures Nbi residence Menelik Rd Kilimani opp. Orange Hse and Pandya Hospital Mombasa 5.30 p.m. A fund raising to offset huge medical bill is scheduled for Wednesday 03/04/2013 at Mr. Mures residence from 5.30 p.m and Pandya Hospital on Thursday 04/04/2013 Respectively. The cortege leaves Lee Funeral Home at 2.30 p.m. for a requiem mass at Our Lady Of Guadalupe Catholic Church,Adams Arcade at 4.00 p.m. Burial will take place at St. Michaels Catholic Church Cementry, Mwambayanyundo, Giriama, Kili County on Saturday 06/04/ 2013 at 2.00 p.m. after a church service starting 11.00 a.m. at the same church. Mpesa No. 0722848675 and 0729502703 We loved you but God loves you more

Jane A.M. Sobayeni Mure

Time is not wasted, its invested Life is not hoarded, its shared Example is not explained, its lived And of hope? Hope is not disappointed For in Christ - it springs eternal. Dearly missed by family, friends, and the many he served and shared life with. In Hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began. Titus 1:2

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Transition 41
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Zacharia Munyoro Macharia on Monday 26th March 2013 at Jamaa Mission Hospital Nairobi. Son of the late Munyoro wa Munyinyi and Mary Wangui. Husband of Ruseta Wangare and Leah Wairimu. Brother of Elizabeth Njeri, the late Mwangi wa Munyoro and the late Macharia wa Munyoro.

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Sospeter Gitau Wamanji son of the late Peter Wamanji and the late Esther Wanjiru Wamanji, Step Brother of the late Joshua Kaindo Kariuki and Washington Gitau Wamanji. Uncle of Julius Wamanji (South C), Kariuki Mugwe (Foreign Affairs), Philip Kariuki (Central Bank) among others. Husband of Phylis Wanjiku Gitau, Father of Esther Wanjiru Gitau (Ramco Group Nrbi), Julius Wamanji Gitau, Justus Muiruri Gitau (Dannish Refugee Council) and Edwin Ndungu Gitau (MKU). Cousin of Chris Muriu (Thika) and Eddy Kimemia (Muguga). Grandfather of Stephany Wanjiku (Neema School) and Bryan Gitau.

Funeral Announcement

Death and Funeral Announcement

There wiiI be a fundraising on 3rd April 2013 at Coconut Grills Hotel in Thika as from 2.00 -10.00 p.m. to offset hospital bill. MPESA donations to 0711218068. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at his home in Mangu sublocation Kangoo Gatundu North starting 2.00 p.m. The cortege leaves Bishop Okoye Thika on Thursday 4th April 2013 at 9.00 a.m. for burial at His farm in Mangu, Kangoo sublocation Gatundu North constituency. Dear Dad, in Gods hands you rest, in Our hearts you remain forever. Amen

Sospeter Gitau Wamanji

1954 - 25/3/2013

Father of Fr. Nahashon Karanja, James Kariuki Munyoro, Hannah Munyoro, Stephen Macharia, Francis Macharia, Jane Wangui, Mary Wangui, Peter Munyoro, John Munyoro, Anne Muringe, Late Sabina Muringe, th late Peter Mwangi, Samuel Kariuki, Sammy Munyoro, James Ndungu, Naomi Muthoni, Freshia Wanjiku, Nancy Muthoni, Jack Munyoro, Paul Munyoro, John Kibe, Lucia Wanjiku, Eunice Wanjiru, Samuel Thiongo, Paul Kinungi, Philip Njuguna and Rebecca Mwihaki. He is survived by 64 grand children and 13 great grandchildren.

Zacharia Munyoro Macharia

It is with deep sorrow we announce the death of Faith Manney Tabu Mugaza wife of Dickson V. Mugaza (Mombasa County - Environment Dept). Mother of John Jirah Mugaza (USIU) and Valerie Ruth Mugaza (Braeburn- Mombasa). Daughter of Andrew Kaingu Tuva and Ruth Hasango Kaingu (Majengo Mapya Malindi). Daughter in law of the late John Jirah and Ruth Jirah (Mazeras). Sister of Patience Sidi, the late Patrick Tuva, Dr. Catherine Kaluwa, Doris Kache, Peter Kaingu and Richard Lugo. Sister in law of Henry Jaji, the late Charles Tsuma, Hellen Yaa, Joshua Jirah, Sammy Ndupha, the late Emmanuel Matano,Winnie Omondi, Habel Kazungu, the late Betty Mkandoe, Ernest Kongani, Hugo Nole and Hilda Fatuma. Meetings to offset medical bills and burial expenses are being held in Mombasa at their residence Lancaster Apartments behind St Joseph Catholic Church Tudor 4, in Nairobi at KK Restaurant and Mazeras home daily from 5:30pm. There will be a major harambee on Saturday 6th April 2013 from 2.00 p.m. at the Lancanster Apartment residence Funeral arrangements will be announced later. For more information contact: 0722836550 (MSA), 0725297627 (NBI)

Death Announcement

Faith Manney Tabu Mugaza

5/9/1964 - 27/3/2013

Family, relatives and friends are meeting today at Fig Tree Hotel Ngara Nairobi and at Kibiro Inn Naivasha from 6pm for funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Sher Karuturi Mortuary Naivasha on Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at 8am for a funeral mass at All Saints Catholic Church Kirima at 11am and burial thereafter at his home in North Kinangop (ha Wango), Nyandarua County. Dad, you fought a good ght, won the race and kept the faith, may your soul rest in eternal peace.

The Sisters of Mary of Kakamega regret to announce the death of Sr. Henriettah Angeline Atsini, which occurred on Wednesday night March 27th 2013 at St. Elizabeth Hospital Mukumu.

Death and Funeral Announcement

She was daughter of the late Mark Iseche and Lucia Lukhuyi (Mukumu Catholic Parish, Burimbuli village, Isukha location, Kakamega Diocese). She was sister of Agnettah, Rita, Charles, Moses, Jane and Phoebe. Aunt of Sr. Joyce Malesi, Elizabeth, and Boniface, among others. The cortege leaves St. Elizabeth Hospital Mukumu Mission hospital mortuary today on 02/04/2013 at 3.00 p.m. for Holy Mass at the Sisters of Mary St. Augustine Chapel Mukumu. Requiem Mass shall be held tomorrow at the Sacred Heart Mukumu Catholic church at 10.00 a.m, followed by the burial rite at the Sisters of Mary Cemetery Mukumu. Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace, amen.

Sr. Henriettah Angeline Atsini

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of our beloved Johnson Kinyua Muriuki (Kabii), which occurred on Thursday, 28th March, 2013. He hailed from Ngandu Village, Kirimukuyu Location, Mathira West District, Nyeri County. He was the son of the late Muriuki Kabii and the late Charity Gathoni, loving husband of Charity Muthoni, father of the late Irene Wairimu, Venanzio Muriuki, the late Peter Githui, Jane Mumbi (Muranga), Victor Wachira, Lucy Wanja (DTB) and Mercy Wambui (Kampala). Brother of Wanjiru, the late Victor Wachira, Nyakonyu, Maina, the late Gakuu, Wanjohi, Wanja, Gathigia. Son and brother-in-law, father-in-law, grandfather, nephew, cousin, uncle and friend of many. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at 5:30 p.m. at Elbony Hotel, (opp. Standard Bank, Tomboya Street) Nairobi and at Home in Ngandu for funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Jamii Hospital Mortuary on Friday 5th April, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. and burial thereafter at his home in Ngandu village, Nyeri County. As you rest in Gods hands, you will forever remain in our hearts

Celebration of Life

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the peaceful passing of our dear Mum, Mary Wangari Mucheke on 19th March 2013 in Florida, USA. She was formerly working with the Nairobi City Council. Daughter of the late Johnson Kariuki and the late Joyce Wairimu Mbuthia. Loving wife of Patrick Mbeti Mucheke. Beloved mother of DJ Ken (formerly Carnivore & UK), Joyce Wairimu (Thika), Robinson Mucheke (Surgeon-USA), Kingsley Kariuki (Kingslink International), Alex Ngondi (Engineer-UK) and Sharon Wamwari (Surgical Nurse-USA). Mother-in-law of Peter Kariuki Ruo, Christine Mumbi Kariuki, and Michelle Ngondi. Sister of Eunice Nyambura and the late David Mburu Kariuki. Sister-in-law of James Mwaura and Lucy Wangari Mburu. Grandmother of Alice & Remi, Vanessa Wangari, Jada & Azariah Mucheke (USA), Jesse, Isaac and Lisa, Maxwell, Aliyah and Malaika (UK). Family and friends are meeting from today, Tuesday 2nd April 2013 at All Saints Cathedral from 6:00pm.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

The family of Hon. Benjamin Andola Andayi, humbly accept and announce the demise of their beloved Mother and kukhu Mama Ellenah Ashioya Andayi which occurred on Wednesday 27/03/2013.

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

Mary Wangari Mucheke

Daughter of late Mzee Andala Welikala and Mama Dinah Olunga (Ematioli, Ebutsotso). She was the wife of the late Mzee Zablon Andayi Omutho (Khwisero, Eshirandu Ebutanyi, Mundoberwa sub-location, Kakamega County). Mother of Shadrack Eshikumu, John Amwayi, Joyce Achieng, William Omukala, late Felistus Auma, Hon. Benjamin Andola Andayi, MP Khwisero Grace Okwendero and Fridah Andayi (Emurumba Pr, Sch). Mother In-law of Tabitha Eshikumu, Rose Amwayi, Elizabeth Omukala and Sweeny Andola Director (Ray and Hope Salons). Grandmother of Vincent, Odima, Joseph, Dinah, Alali, Oliver, Ronie (U.S.A), Kevin, Okaya, Gladys, Licoln, Mapesa, Atito, Albert, Pauline, Jackie, Musungu, Eileen and many others. She had many great-grandchildren. She was Nyabana wa Mzee Boaz Palia of Essongolo Village.

Ellenah Ashioya Andayi

Meetings are going on at Garden Square everyday in the evening and daily at home Khwisero. Burial day will be announced later. Mum, in Gods arms you rest, in our hearts you live forever.

Mum,You have fought a good ght, Kept the faith and nished the race. I Timothy 4:7

Death and Funeral Announcement

Johnson Kinyua Muriuki (Kabii)

Death and Funeral Announcement

With humble acceptance of Gods will, we wish to announce the untimely death of Mr Ontobo Matoke (formerly of KTDA Nyankoba Tea Factory) on 26/3/2013 at KNH after a short illiness. Son of the late Matoke Ontobo and late Nyakara matoke. Step son of Mokeira Matoke. Son-in- law of the late Raini Nyakundi and Martina. Husband of Florence Mokeira. Father of Linet, Jacob, Lilian Naomi, Rose, Leah (Kisii University), Matoke and Nyatichi. Brother of the late Nyangweso Matoke, Nyaringo, Mongina, Ariba, Miyoge & George among others. Brother in-law of Ann Nyangweso Mary, Late Salome, Nyaboke, Dinah, Margaret, Pamella Josephine, Gladys, James, Andrew, George among others Semo of Stephen, Samwel, Bosire, Justus among others. Nephew of Maoto, Ogaro (Turua), Nyaringo Obure, Chris Obure (Senator Kisii County) among others. Uncle of late John Nyangweso, Abel (Tourism), Ogega Nyaboga (Bank of Baroda), Ogega Omosa (Nakuru), Margaret (Asumbi Teachers College) ,Henry (Unicorn), Elijah Nyangweso (Advocate) Peter (Desbro), Shem (Mini Bakerys), George, Dismas, Thomas, Susan (Tausi), Nancy (Golden Harvest, Alex among others. Cousin of the: Maotos Mireras, Keengues, Okananis, Ogatas, Motaris, Rogonchos,Gatibas, Ogaros Nyaboga Ondurumera among others. Grandfather of Nyakara, Obama, Bitutu, Brian,Yvonne, Jeniffer among others. Korera of Henry Mbirithi, Ogechi, Kenyanya & Ombati. Friends and relatives are meeting at garden square. Final fundraising will be on Wednesday the 3/4/13 at Professional centre to help settle medical bills and funeral expenses. The cortege leaves Kenyatta Mortuary on Friday. Burial will be on the 7/4/13 at his home in Bobasi chache, Boigesa village Kisii county.

Ontobo Matoke

Annie Murigo Ngumba

With thanks giving and gratitude to the Almighty God, we announce the passing on of our dearest Annie Murigo Ngumba on the evening of Monday 24th March 2013. Annie was the loving wife of Peter Kamau Ngumba.

Death And Funeral Announcement

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Mr. Moses Mwakisha Mwabili of N.I.S, Nairobi which occurred on 31/03/2013 at The Mater Hospital after a short illness. Son of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mwabili Mugho. Husband of Agnes Otiende Mwakisha of Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI). Dotting father of Dorothy Wakio Mwakisha (Kiki), Grace Njambi Mwakisha & Diana Chao Mwakisha. Brother of Charles Mugho, Diana Chao Mwakugu, Phidiliah Mwakwida, Meshack Mwandawiro Mugho, Austin Mghendi Mugho, Kennedy Mwalugho Mwabili and Edwin Shamba Mwabili. Nephew of the late Mr. & Mrs. Moses Mugho, the late Mr. Alfred Mugho & Selestine Mwaengo, Mr. & Mrs. Jonam Mugho. Son-in-law of Mr. Alphonce Otiende and the late Mrs. Grace Njambi. In-law of Judy Kibosia, James Otiende, Jackline Otiende, Ken Otiende & Jane Otiende. Burial arrangements are going on at the Garden Square Restaurant from 5pm daily. Main fundraising will be held on Wednesday 3/4/2013 at the same venue. The cortege leaves The Mater Hospital Mortuary on Friday 5/4/2013 at 7.30a.m to proceed to their rural home Taita Taveta County, Wundanyi Divison. Burial will be held on Saturday 6/4/2013 at Werugha location, Saghasa sub location, Mlungunyi village. Dearly missed by your loving wife and Daughters. Rest in Peace Mwakisha

Adorable mother of Andrew Kimani Ngumba, Marc Murigo Ngumba and the late Kevin Murigo Ngumba. Daughter of Mr and Mrs W. A Murigo of Juja. Daughter-in-law of the late Hon. Andrew Ngumba and Beatrice Ngumba. Sister of Fridah Murigo and George Kariuki, Adah Murigo Hodgins and Tim Hodgins and the late Andrew Wakaba Murigo and Louisa Wanjira. Sister-in-law of Wanjiru and Kungu, Wambui, Pauline and Glenn, John and Ann, Shiru, Jimmy and Fred. She was an aunty, cousin, niece and a loving friend and mentor of many. Prayer meetings will be held at their home on Riverside Drive at 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th and Tuesday April 2nd. A special service will be held at the same venue on Sunday March 31st at 2.30 p.m.

Moses Mwakisha Mwabili


The Funeral service will be held on Wednesday 3rd April at Mamlaka Chapel at 11am. A private burial will follow thereafter. Serve wholeheartedly as if you are serving the Lord and not man. Ephesians 6:7

42 | Transition
Promotion To Glory
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the passing on of Bernedette Mbithe Wambua which occurred on 22nd March, 2013 after a long battle with cancer. Daughter to late Harun Matolo Mukuthi and late Rael Muthoki Matolo. Daughter in law to late Musisia Kitungu and Mwongeli Musisia.Wife to Late Martin Wambua Musisia. Mother to Mary Ndeto, (Transition Authority), Anastasia Kisini (Tala Boys), Francis Kioko Wambua (Tala Market), Wambua Victoria (Vieclaire Enterprisises), Prexides Nzisa (Athi River), Clavia Gathiru (Fidelity Bank), Sylvester Wambua (EPZ Police) Angelica Nduku (National Bank, Ruiru) Sr. Evelyn Kalondu (USA) and Late Conzalis Nzula Kikotha. Motherin-Law to Harry Ndeto, Pimark Kisini, Late Francis Gathiru, James Muasya, Nicholas Kikotha, Rose Kioko and Lucia Nthakyo. Aunt of Victor Ndolo, Fidelis,Winfred Mueni, Kitungu, Pauline Kimeu, Stella Mutisya, late Kivondo and Muema among others. She was sister of Gregory Musembi, Naomi Muange, Late Regina Paul, Angelina Paul, Helena Muasa, Loise Mumbe, Margarate Mwelu, Agnes Kiala and Peter Matolo among others. Sister in Law to late Lawrence Born: 14/4/1938 Ndolo Musisia, Agustine Mutisya, Benedict Muia, Mutiso, Brigid Muinde among others. Died: 22/3/2013 Grandmother to Jennifer Ndeto (State Law Ofce), Dr.Faith Ndeto (Mama Lucy Hospital) Winlaus Wambua (Safari Park), Mbithe Wambua (Fairmont) Georgina Mbithe (Windsor Hotel) Ndanu (JKUT), Jessica Gathiru and Mwende Kikotha among many others. Great grandmother to Fredrick Mulamula, Johnmark and Stacy. Family Members, relatives and friends will resume meetings for Prayers and funeral arrangements at All Saints Cathedral on Tuesday, 2nd April,2013 between 5.30-8.00 p.m. and in her home Mbilini Village. A mini fundraiser will be held on Wednesday 3rd April 2013. BURIAL ANNOUCEMENT: The cortege leaves Lee Funeral Home on Saturday 6th April, 2013 at 7.30 am. Mass will be celebrated at Misyani Catholic Church at 10.30 a.m. and thereafter burial will be at her Mbilini Home, Kangundo, Machakos County at 2.00 p.m. on the same day. She fought the good ght, she nished the race. May the name of the Lord be praised! AMEN

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

It is with deep sorrow and humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the sudden death of Annette Wanjiku Mwangi of National Bank of Kenya H/Qs Harambee Avenue.

Death Announcement

Bernedette Mbithe Wambua

Wife of Michael Ngaruiya of EPZA. Mother of Beatrice Wangui of Strathmore University and Edwin Ngaruiya formely of Sunshine School. Daughter of the Late Henry Mwangi and Ekrah Wanjeri of Gatumbi Village, Kigumo Division, Muranga County. Daughterin-law of the late Mzee Hosea Ngaruiya and Rebecca Wangui of Njoro. Sister of Boniface and Beatrice Irungu, the Late Joe and Susan Mwangi, Mary Wamaitha, Leah Wambui, Wilson and Rose Kariuki, Joyce and Richard Macharia of Mweha Enterprises Limited, Carol and Rodgers Mwangi, Simon and Wanjiru Nduati. Sister-in-law of George Karina, Rufus Kamotho among others. Cousin, niece, auntie and friend to many.

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of David Kariuki Njeru-Mamuru (Kianjokoma Timber, Donholm) at the Mater Hospital following a brutal attack by thugs at his business premises on 20th March 2013. Son of Njeru Njirati (Mamuru) and Esther Wachuka (Kianjokoma village, Embu County). Friends and relatives are meeting daily at the All Saints Cathedral Trinity Centre, Choma Base Donholm and at Kianjokoma village for funeral arrangements.

Death Announcement

Annette Wanjiku Mwangi

There will be a fundraising meeting at All Saints Cathedral on Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at 5.30 p.m. Mpesa 0724-211679 or 0721-204198 More details will follow later.

David Kariuki Njeru

11/11/1963 31/03/2013

Family and friends are meeting today 02/04/13 at the K.I.C.C cafeteria from 5:30pm for funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves the M.P Shah Hospital mortuary on 03/04/13 at 7:30am for Burial and Funeral Mass at Gatumbi Village, Gachocho sub location, Kigumo District of Muranga County on the same day. God has you in his keeps and we have you in our hearts Till we meet again, Amen.

Celebration of a life well lived

It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the death of Gilbert Ndoka Muigai Kuria of Ikuma Village, Gichagi-ini sub-location, Ruchu location, Kandara Division, Muranga County. Formerly employed by the Ofce of the President, CID Department.

Celebration of a life well lived

It is with humble acceptance that we announce the passing on of John Karuku Rugumi on Saturday 23rd March, 2013 at Consolata Hospital Mathari Nyeri after a long illness bravely borne. Son of the late Charles Rugumi and the late Juliet Wandia. Husband of Alice Gathigia Karuku. Father of Charles Maina, Daniel Njogu, Shelmith Wanjiru and Samuel Mwangi. Father-inlaw of Dorcas Wangeci Maina and Wairimu Wanyoike Mwangi. Grandfather of John Karuku Maina, Fiona Gathigia Maina and Gianna Gathigia Mwangi.

Death and Funeral Announcement

Son of the late Ephantus Muigai Kuria, the late Carrie Njeri and Joyce Wanjiru. A dear husband of Gladys Wanjiru Ndoka. Loving father of Carrie Ndoka, Ephantus Muigai, John Ndungu and Esther Njoki. Father-inlaw of Maina Maseeti,Valerie Rogers Muigai and Arnold Bett. Grandfather of Natalie Wanjiru, Taj Maseeti, Nathan Ndoka, Rio Maseeti, Shamal Maseeti and Kipchirchir Bett.

Mama Margaret Atieno Nyamori

2-02-1952 to 25-03-2013
It is with humble acceptance of Gods will that we announce the untimely demise of Mama Margaret Atieno Nyamori (Kano KObura, Kisumu county). Wife of the late James Joshua Nyamori-Esq. Advocate, co wife of the late Clara Nyamori and Judith Nyamori. She was mother of Rose Nyamori (KCB), the late Nicholas Nyamori, Hannington, Peninah, Jack, Joshua, Abaka, Peter, Katoi, Christine, Victor and Steve. Sister in law of Sarah Ajode and the late Mathews Mugah. Aunty of Beldina, Cellonia, Hellen, the late Hesborn, Rose, the late Dotty, Luck,Tabitha, the late Aggrey, Pamela, Florence, Joshua, Job, Patel. Grandmother of Norman, Francis, Ochieng, Jim, Joshua, James, Jade, Stacy, Candy, Sharon, Meg and Douglas. Mother in law of Roseline, Caroline, Esther and Ifrah. The body is lying at Aga khan Hospital mortuary, Kisumu. Friends and relatives are meeting daily at her residence at Kano, KObura Kisumu county. The body will leave Aga Khan Hospital Mortuary on Friday 5th April 2013 to lie in state at KaNyamori home next to Luanda bridge on Nairobi road. Burial ceremony will take place on 6th April 2013 at the same place. Mama, you have been a loving wife, mother, mother-in-law and grandmother.You will be missed dearly but its time for you to be with the Lord whom you loved so much for you have served your part faithfully well. Till when we join, you Rest in Eternal Peace Mama.

Gilbert Ndoka Muigai Kuria

Brother of Margaret Wambui, Samuel Kuria, Willis Mbatia, Winnie Wathira, Wimsey Mwangi, Teresa Muthoni, Ruth Wambui, Rose Njeri, Florence Wanjiku, Samuel Kuria (Sinyo), Ernest Kangethe, Mercy Wambui, lrene Njeri, Billy Ndoka, Sammy Mukui, and Millicent Muthoni. Funeral arrangement will be taking place at Kariobangi south hse S16A and YMCA state house rd (2nd April 5pm). The burial will be held on 3rd April 2013 at his farm in Ikuma village. The service will be held at the grave site starting at 11.00 a.m. Those we love and cherish are never forgoten but live in our hearts forever

Brother of the late Wangui, the late Mwangi, the late Gathoni, the late Wanyara, the late Gakumba & Kinyua. Family and friends are meeting daily at his Kiganjo home, Nyeri and Garlix Restaurant Monrovia Street Nairobi at 6.00pm for funeral arrangements. The cortege leaves Consolata Hospital Mathari Mortuary Nyeri on 4th April 2013 at 8.30 am for a funeral service at Karundas Catholic Church at 10.00 am and thereafter the burial will be at his Karundas Farm, Kiganjo Nyeri. Dear husband & dad, you fought a good ght, nished the race and kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7-8. Rest in peace.

John Karuku Rugumi

Promotion To Glory


Mary Adhiambo Kwanya

It is with deep sorrow and disbelief that we announce the untimely death of our beloved mother Mary Adhiambo Kwanya on 22nd March 2013. Daughter of the late Daudi Adera and late Clementina Awuor. Wife of the late Jacob Kwanya Osii, beloved mother of George Ochieng, the late Daudi Odera, Lawrence Okumu, Benter Awino, the late Esther Juma, late Bonface Otieno, the late Clement Owuor, Jackson Okoth, Rev. Fr. Charles Odira (Kenya Catholic Secretariat, Nairobi), and Domnic Otieno. Loving grandmother of Lilian Anyango, Vincent Odhiambo (icipe), Bernard Otieno (HNH), Consolata Akinyi, Everline Atieno, Jackline Awuor, Everline Akinyi, Moses Ouma, late Kennedy Omondi, Mary Adhiambo, Marceline Anyango, Caroline Achieng, Kennedy Otieno, Bernard Odhiambo, Vincent Omondi, and Veronica Akinyi. Great grandmother of many. Sister of the late Peter Okelo, Domnic Opala, Susan Akongo, Serna Olang, Joyce Auma and Margaret Lucy. Loving aunt of Mary Okello, Simon Okello, Pilister Okello, late Susan Okello, late Daudi Okello, Emmerensia Okello (Switzerland), Dorothy Okello, Beatrice Okello (Switzerland), Vincent Okello, Fred Okello, Queen Ayuko (Sweden),Victoria (German) The body leaves Homa Bay District Hospital on 3rd April, 2013. A requiem mass will be held at Homa Bay Cathedral at 11:00 pm 3rd April, 2013 before proceeding to her Home in Kokoth B location Karachuonyo District where burial service will be held on 4th Mar, 2013 starting at 10:00am. Mother, you may have died in esh but your spirit lives forever with us. Rest in peace

Mary Nyambura Irungu

We would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all our families and friends for their love and support as we mourned the loss of our beloved mother, sister, cucu and friend. Our heartfelt thanks to the organizing committees and friends at All Saints Cathedral, Kasarani, Koimbi and the USA. Our sincere appreciation to the congregation of St. Gertrudes ACK Church Kasarani, Rev. Githaiga, Rev. Gachira and Pastor Chris, the congregation of St. Mathew ACK Church Koimbi, Rev. Perpertua Kamau, Rev. Francis Muchiri, Rev. Dr.Washington Chege Kamau and all the pastors and bishops who gave Mom a beautiful send off. We appreciate Hannahs house for the special way you conducted the prayer meetings at Moms house in Kasarani. St. Michael Jumuiya (St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Thome), we are incredibly grateful for your generosity, and your support will always be remembered. Kilimambogo Teachers College BOG and fraternity, your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Moms girlfriends in Kasarani who visited and cheered Mom up while she was sick. We will always treasure in our hearts the generosity and unending support you gave Mom and us. To everyone who has supported us following the demise of Mom, we would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation.Your many acts of kindness and sympathy were and continue to be a great comfort to us in our time of sorrow.

Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight. Rossiter Worthington Raymond

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

CHELSEA FACE MANCHESTER CITY IN FA CUP SEMI-FINALS Demba Ba strikes late in rst half for the Blues to send Manchester United out of Cup competition. P.46


HOCKEY | Evergreen Jow inspires her side to victory over Strathmore University in womens nal


Battling cops, Telkom Orange are inaugural Super 8 champions

Police gallantly rally from behind to oor gritty Nairobi Simba in thrilling nal match
BY AYUMBA AYODI seconds after Otieno was sent o that Cheplaiti latched on Vincent Otienos deection from the left wing to send home the winner for Police in the 48th minute. It was Polices second win in the pre-season after having clinched the inaugural Nairobi Hockey Association (NHA) Championships title last month. In the semi-nals, Police defeated Strathmore 3-1 while Nairobi Simba outclassed Kisumu Simba 2-0. Its a good start but there is still a lot to do before the Premier League, said the 30-year-old Cheplaiti, who was last seasons highest scorer in the league. Too little too late Nairobi Simba team manager Kalpesh Solanki said they have got a lot to do on their defence ahead of the Premier League that is due to start on April 27 depending on how fast the institutional cubs will submit their calendar of events to KHU. Solanki said they will head to India or Pakistan in search of players to strengthen their defence. More so, they are eyeing former Gymkhana and Parklands keeper Paramjeet Giddie, who has been studying in New Zealand. These is just a pre-season event so we are trying out dierent formations and some of our new players, said Solanki, who has drafted midelders Fidelis Okello, Brian Musasia and Emmanuel Kongin from Strathmore. In the womens event, Jow started the onslaught in the 20th minute before she assisted Betty Tioni for their second goal two minutes later. Jow completed her assault on resumption in the 32nd and 43rd minutes. Lucy Wanjiku pulled back one for Strathmore in the 45th minute but it was little too late.

Boonen out of Paris-Roubaix contest

Tom Boonen will be unable to defend his Paris-Roubaix crown as he has yet to recover fully from a bad fall during the Tour of Flanders, his Omega Pharma team conrmed late Sunday. Its tough to have to pull out of a big race like this, but I just cannot cycle, the 32-year Belgian champion said. The pain is very strong and it is unlikely to get better in the next few days. Boonen came to grief 19 kilometres into Sundays race, falling heavily and injuring his left hip and elbow as well as his right knee although no bones were broken.

enya Police and Telkom Orange are the inaugural Kenya Hockey Union (KHU) Super Eight champions. Police gallantly rallied from 02 down as their talisman Moses Cheplaiti notched a hat-trick to silence the national champions Nairobi Simba 3-2 in a pulsating nal at City Park. In the womens competition, the evergreen Jackline Mwangi Jow also scored a hat-trick before making one assist as national champions Telkom Orange thrashed Strathmore University 41 in the decisive duel. Davis Wanangwe and George Mutira were a sight to behold as they tore Polices defence apart before Mutira made the last connections in the 20th and 21st minutes to put Nairobi Simba ahead 2-0. However, Police were swift in reply as they got a short corner that Cheplaiti planted on the boards in the 23rd minute.


Embattled Louisville seal nal four berth

The Louisville Cardinals shook o a shocking injury to reserve guard Kevin Ware to beat Duke University 85-63 on Sunday and claim a coveted spot in US college basketballs Final Four. The Cardinals reached the semi-nals of the national tournament for the second straight year with the win over perennial powerhouse Duke, whose coach Mike Krzyzewski guided the US mens team to Olympic basketball gold in Beijing and London. The young players and Louisville coach Rick Pitino had to set aside their dismay after Ware suered a broken leg.

Brilliant performance Cheplaiti was at it again to complete a scintillating move from the left with a brilliant performance in the 25th minute to level the proceedings on the stroke of half time. The second half witnessed an end-to-end display that saw both sides playing with a man less after Willis Okeyo (Police) and Wilson Otieno (Nairobi) were sin-binned for four minutes each. Its was only


Animal Kingdom rules Dubai race

No matter how much money he has accrued, any horse that can win the Kentucky Derby and Dubai World Cup in smashing style is exceptional. Animal Kingdom (Joel Rosario 11-2) sat second for most of the 2,060m behind Royal Delta, but when Joel asked for more in the $10,000,000 spectacle at Meydan on Saturday, the son of Leroidesanimaux lept forward in a time of 2:03:21. He beat Red Cadeaux (Guinot Mosse 28-1), Planteur (Ryan Moore 16-1), Side Glance (Jamie Spencer 18-1) and African Story (Mikael Barzelona 7-1). Animal Kingdom was running in his career nale for Team Valor.

Strathmore Universitys Lucy Wanjiku (right) charges under presure from Audrey Omaido of Telkom Orange during their Kenya Hockey Union Super Eight nal at the City Park Stadium yesterday. Telkom won 4-1.


Hosts Kenya dominate regional scrabble championship

BY BRIAN YONGA Kenyas top seed Gitonga Nderitu clinched the ninth edition of the East, Central and Southern Africa (ECASA) Scrabble championship at Moi International Sports Centre, Kasarani, at the weekend. Gitonga, who successfully defended the title he won last year in Uganda, received Sh860, 000 for his exertions as Kenyans dominated the tournament by winning the second and third prize as well. Kenya took 18 of the top 20 positions. Allan Oyende, also of Kenya received Sh602, 000 after nishing second ahead of compatriot Francis Wachira, who pocketed Sh430, 000. Another Kenyan, Mackton Wafula, nished fourth. Scrabble Kenya chairman, Peter Muranguri, thanked the Ministry of Sport and Youth Aairs for supporting the tournament. Kenya also retained team title ahead of Uganda and Zambia. Sports Commissioner Gordon Oluoch ocially launched the wordsmiths competition.

It is probably not over stating it to say next Saturdays running of the worlds greatest steeplechase the Grand National is the most important renewal in its often turbulent and eventful history.


Miami superstars LeBron James (right) and Dwyane wade sat out the NBAs marquee match-up against San Antonio on Sunday, but Chris Bosh provided enough star power to lift the Heat to an 88-86 victory. Reigning NBA champions and Eastern Confernce leaders Miami forged a threegame advantage over Western Conference leaders San Antonio for the best record in the league and home-court advantage throughout the playos.



With stars missing, Heat oor Spurs

Kiwi Donald for Japan move

New Zealand y-half Stephen Donald will leave Bath at the end of the season to move to Japanese team Mitsubishi Dynaboars. Former Waikato star Donald joined Bath in November 2011, shortly after kicking the winning penalty as the All Blacks beat France in the World Cup nal, and has become a key player in his 31 appearances for the English

Chelseas win over Manchester United in FA CUP quarter-nals second leg yesterday

Jamaican former 100m world record-holder Asafa Powell has withdrawn from Australias Stawell Gift with a hamstring injury, race organisers said yesterday.


44 | Sport

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Murray conquers Miami to move to second in rankings

Andy Murrays win in the Miami Masters has pushed him back up to second in the world rankings ahead of Roger Federer and behind only Novak Djokovic. The 25-year-old Scotsman, who defeated David Ferrer in the final in Florida, was last in that position in 2009 when Rafael Nadal stood at number one and Federer was third ahead of Djokovic. The Serb remains comfortably in rst position ahead of the claycourt season in Europe when Nadal, who has made a successful return from injury, is expected to once again dominate.

Nadal, Federer missed out

Yesterdays rankings represent the rst time since November 10, 2003 that neither Federer nor Nadal has been in the top two. At the same time, Maria Sharapova has said she is pleased with the

state of her game as she prepares to begin her clay-court preparations for defending the French Open title, even though the Russian star still has no title at Miami. World No. 2 Sharapova led by a set and a break before world No. 1 Serena Williams battled back, capturing the nal 10 games on her way to a 4-6, 6-3, 6-0 victory in Saturdays WTA Miami hardcourt nal. Williams won her sixth Miami crown and denied Sharapova her rst Miami

title, dropping the Russian to 0-5 in Miami finals. Williams has beaten Sharapova 11 times in a row and leads their overall rivalry 12-2. (AFP) ATP top rankings: 1. Novak Djokovic (SRB) 12,370 pts, 2. Andy Murray (GBR) 8,750 (+1), 3. Roger Federer (SUI)8,670 (--1), 4. David Ferrer (ESP) 7,050 (+1), 5. Rafael Nadal (ESP) 6,385 (-1), 6. Tomas Berdych (CZE) 5,145, 7. Juan Martin Del Potro (ARG) 4,750, 8. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) 3,660, 9. Richard Gasquet (FRA) 3,230 (+1), 10. Janko Tipsarevic (SRB) 3,000 (-1).

Doping case to reach its climax today

HORSE RACING | Shufti scoops top slot in Arkle trophy with Grandee stealing the show in Jackman

Legend Maker lights up Ngong

Jockey Mwangi guides horse to win Brigade of Guards Trophy, Lokorian second atop Vuvuzela

The Operation Puerto doping trial involving Doctor Eufemiano Fuentes (above) and four co-accused is set to conclude today with the judge ruling on whether the ve were guilty of endangering public health. Fuentes is on trial with his sister and fellow doctor Yolanda as well as Manolo Saiz, Vicente Belda and Ignacio Labarta who held various positions in the Liberty Seguros and Kelme cycling teams. The latter three are accused of facilitating Fuentes involvement with riders in their teams, whilst it is claimed that Eufemiano and Yolanda Fuentes performed blood transfusions and stored and transported blood bags in a manner that represented a health risk to those undergoing the treatment. However, it is not only Fuentes and his accomplices that have been scrutinised over the course of the 10-week long trial. The wider image of how Spanish sport deals with doping has also come under the spotlight. From the rst day of the trial Judge Julia Patricia Santamaria did not require Fuentes to provide a comprehensive list of the sportsmen and women he worked with, something which frustrated the many foreign journalists waiting to see which stellar names from other sports would be implicated. However, the problem Santamaria has had throughout is balancing the contrasting elements between the trial many wanted to see and that which was actually brought before her. Fuentes and his co-accused are not on trial for any type of doping oence as when they were arrested in 2006, doping was not a crime in Spain. (AFP)

espite the top weight, Legend Maker with jockey Charles Mwangi beat Vuvuzela ( Jacob Lokorian) by a neck to give owners Wakini Ndegwa and Adam Jillo the Brigade of Guards Trophy at Ngong Racecourse and Golf Park yesterday. The ve-year-old runner, with seven previous wins out of 26 starts, pulled away from the eld of four runners over the 2,800m race to bring his wins to eight. Woodlands with the bottom weight of 50 kilos, was a length away in third place. Shufti also won the Arkle Trophy as expected. And Paul Kiarie led Grandee to a three and half lengths victory in the Vicky Jackman Trophy over 1,000m.

Ngong results: 12.40pm- The Brigade of Guards Trophy (2,800m): 1. Legend Maker (C.Mwangi), 2. Vuvuzela (J.Lokorian), 3. Woodlands (E.Kiptoo); Dist: nk, 1, 4 , Time: 3. 15.7secs; Tote Fav winner; Tote Win 14/, Exacta 28/-, Winning Owners Wakini Ndegwa, A.A. Jillo; Trainer; Wakini Ndegwa. 1.10pm - The Arkle Trophy (1,800m): 1. Shufti (N. Quale), 2, Bolt (Le Sercombe), 3. Fuleld (D.Tanui); Dist: 1 , , 3, 4; Time 1.58.0secs; Tote Fav Winner; Tote Win 20/-, Exacta 40/-, Winning Owners I. Gibson, S. Fort, G. Fraser; Trainer: GA Fraser. 1.45pm - The Marsabit Handicap (2060m): 1. Charleys Angel(J.Muhindi), 2. Sudden Spirit (P.Ngugi), 3. Soyuz (E.Njenga); Dist: 2 , dist, 2 , , Time: N/A; Tote Fav Pro Bono; Tote Win 27/-, Exacta 396/-, Winning Owners Inga Kiilu; Trainer O. Mutua. 2.20pm - The Moyale Handicap (1,400m);, 1. Redfella (J.Lokorian), 2. Njabini (D.Tanui), 3.

Jockey Julie McCann (left) atop Defending Champion competes with jockey Z. Munoru atop Monash during the Mandera Maiden race yesterday at Ngong Racecourse. Defending Champion won the race.


Upsala (M.Mutinda); Dist; 12, 2 , 4, 2 , Time: 1. 31. 7secs; Tote Fav Winner; Tote Win 22/-, Exacta 315/-, Winning Owners Have A Good Laugh Syndicate; Trainer B. Devani. 2.55pm - The Wajir Handicap (1,600m): 1. Diva Supreme (J.Muhindi), 2. Russian Around (R.Kibet), 3. Capelvale (P.Ngugi); Dist Nk, 2 , hd, 1 , Time: 1.45.8secs; Tote Fav Russian Around; Tote Win 154/-, Exacta 11/-, Winning Owners J.Mburu; Trainer: O. Mutua. 3.30pm - The Mandera Maiden (1,000m): 1. Defending Champion (J.McCann), 2. Jabal Aswad (P.Kiarie), 3. Freetown (E.Kiptoo); Dist; 2 , 7, 1 , 1 , Time: 1.01.6secs; Tote Fav winner; Tote Win

21/-, Exacta 522/-, Winning Owners A. Brown , Z. Petkovic; Trainer JVL McCann. 4.05pm - The Garisa Handicap(1,000m): 1. Tiger (Le Sercombe), 2. Tempesta (J.McCann), 3. Star Attraction (J.Muhindi); Dist , 8, 5 , 5 , Time: 1.01.2secs; Tote Fav; Tote Win 17/-, Exacta 49/-, Winning Owners Sir David and Lady Markham; Trainer PA Sercombe. 4.40pm - The Vicky Jackman Trophy (1,000m): 1. Grandee (P. Kiarie), 2. Wahini +Clynton (S.Kiplimo+R. Kibet), Dist; 3 , dh, 4: Time 1.01.5secs; Tote Fav ; Clynton; Tote Win 74/-, Exacta 19/, +113/-, Winning Owners M. Jenner, L. Garner, H. Erculiani, Y.Patel; Trainer PA Sercombe.

Woods stays top of rankings as Rory stumbles in Houston

London Tiger Woods stayed top of the world rankings yesterday following Rory McIlroys failure to win the Houston Open on Sunday. The 37-year-old American returned to the top last week after an absence of two and a half years, replacing the 23-year-old Irishman, who has struggled with his game this year following a change of clubs and ball in the close season. Woods will go into next weeks Masters Tournament at Augusta National with back-to-back wins boosting his condence, while McIlroy will take part in the Texas Open in another bid to win for the rst time this year. Elsewhere, D.A. Points stayed steady Sunday after a lengthy rain delay, ring a six-under par 66 for a one-stroke victory in the $6.2 million US PGA Tour Houston Open. Points was on the course at 16under with four holes to nish one shot in front of clubhouse leader Henrik Stenson when a thunderstorm halted nal round play. The American player came back after a delay of almost three hours and parred his way in, celebrating with a shout and st-pump when his 13-foot par putt dropped at 18 to give him a 16-under winning total of 272. To have a putt to win, you want that starting out every week, said Points, who has endured a dicult season that included missing seven of nine cuts. The win gives Points a

Points on course

place in the Masters, as did his only prior PGA Tour triumph at Pebble Beach two years ago. I was in a real good ow before the rain delay, I was kind of ring on all cylinders, Points said. Im real proud of myself that the rain delay didnt put any hitch in that. Points had parred three holes after the rain delay before a wobble at 18, where his second shot just missed a bunker right of the green. He chipped to 13 feet, and rolled in the putt to avoid a playo with Stenson and Horschel. I would have liked to have been a little closer, but Ive been putting well and I just thought you know what, just whatever happens, happens, Points said. Swedens Stenson had birdied four of his last ve holes to seize the

clubhouse lead before the delay. Stenson, a former top-ve player whose eort enabled him to qualify for the Masters, carded a six-under par 66 to nish 72 holes on 15-under 273. To be heading back to Augusta is really special for me. Im extremely happy with what Ive done, Stenson said. World Top 20 players: 1. Tiger Woods (USA) 2. Rory McIlroy (NIR) 3. Justin Rose (ENG) 4. Luke Donald (ENG) 5. Brandt Snedeker (USA) 6. Louis Oosthuizen (RSA) 7. Adam Scott (AUS) 8. Steve Stricker (USA) 9. Matt Kuchar (USA) 10. Phil Mickelson (USA) 11. Keegan Bradley (USA) 12. Ian Poulter (ENG) 13. Lee Westwood (ENG) 14. Bubba Watson (USA) 15. Charl Schwartzel (RSA) 16. Sergio Garcia (ESP) 17. Graeme McDowell (NIR) 18. Jason Dufner (USA) 19. Dustin Johnson (USA) 20. Webb Simpson (USA).

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Sport 45

ON BORROWED TIME | Ingwe have posted just one lame victory in six matches this season

Sack imminent for beleaguered Olaba after string of poor shows

Leopards head coach under pressure from demanding fans
BY ISAAC SWILA FC Leopards head coach, Tom Olaba, is facing a swift boot owing to a string of poor performances in the Kenyan Premier League. Club vice chairman, Walter Onyino, said yesterday that the clubs National Executive Committee is unhappy with the poor results the club has been posting in the league and will demand satisfactory answers from Olaba. Onyino said that they were also scouting for a coach far and wide, saying the club will not hesitate to hand the job to a foreigner with vast knowledge in African football. We expected the technical bench to mould a winning team but this has not happened. We are not happy with their performance so far and something has to be done, he said. Compelled to act Onyino took issue with Olabas elding, saying: We have raised questions about his elding and need answers from the technical bench. As head of the technical bench, he was hired to deliver results, and if none are forthcoming, we are compelled to do something about it. We are exploring a number of options and when we convene after Easter tomorrow (today), we will put our heads together to come

Nakuru seek Enterprise honours after 10-a-side loss

BY FRANCIS MUREITHI Nakuru RFC hope to atone for their disappointing run at the just concluded Great Rift 10-a-side rugby tournament by winning the Enterprise Cup nal against Mwamba RFC at the RFUEA grounds on Saturday. The match will, no doub, rekindle the memories of their nal in 2008 when Nakuru won 34-24. Mwamba beat Nondescript 3525 at the Jamhuri Park grounds while Nakuru ran over KCB 21-9 at the Nakuru Athletic Club to book their tickets to the nal. Mwamba also featured in the Nakuru tournament but were bundled out of the main cup competition at the preliminary stages. Hosts Nakuru had been highly tipped to win the title coming on the backdrop of their Kenya Cup conquest when they swept aside Strathmore University 34-3.

up with modalities of hiring a qualied coach. It could take us some time because we have to put into consideration the financial aspects and contractual issues which must be sorted out before we hire the new coach. Foreigner preferred For now, I cannot provide a denite date, but we need it sorted soon. Onyino, however, did not rule out a foreigner due to what he termed social complexities in the club. We are looking at somebody with experience, a foreigner, preferably from Africa, who can deal with existing biases. Local coaches may miss out on this chance because of the complexities I mentioned. It is about time we took action about this matter. Calls for Olabas dismissal have increased on social media, with the clubs fans openly expressing their displeasure with the former Mtibwa FC coachs continued stay. Olaba asked fans to give him time to implement his vision for the club. Olaba is Kenyan and Luhya just like them (fans). When they continually shout Olaba must go, I wonder where they want me to go. This is my country club as well, and Kenya is my country too, he said in a recent interview. Olaba was hired as AFCs assistant coach early this year as the club sought an able foreign tactician but the move hit a brick wall when tje clubs long-term target, Portuguese Vitor Manuel Salvado, failed to meet the cut. Owing to gaps in his credentials, the club elevated Olaba to head coach. Fate, however, doesnt seem to be on his side, with the Leopards struggling since the season began. They fought out a 1-1 draw with Chemelil Sugar, managed a barren draw with Sony Sugar, suered a 2-3 loss to Karuturi Sports, and a lost again, 1-2 to Muhoroni Youth last weekend.

Nakuru tossed out

We are not happy with the performance and something has to be done
Walter Onyino, AFC Leopards vice-chairman

AFC Leopards coach Tom Olaba talks to his players with team manager Nicholas Muyoti at the City Stadium on January 7. Olaba is under pressure after the clubs poor start to the season.


USIU teams stamp authority in varsities basketball league

BY DAVID KWALIMWA The United States International University- Africa (USIU-A) teams underlined their dominance at the weekend when they clinched both the men and womens titles of the Kenya Universities Basketball League. USIU-A bagged the crowns by beating University of Nairobi (UoN) in the nals of both categories staged at a fully-packed Makande Gymnasium in Mombasa on Sunday evening. A total of nine teams from Western, Central, Coast and Nairobi regions, including Chuka, Egerton, and Pwani universities, graced the play-os with hope of winning the top gong, but it was the USIU and UON who easily made it to the nals. In the womens final, Cynthia Irankunda and Hilda Indasi stood out with 17 and 15 points respectively as USIU-A edged out hard-ghting Nairobi University 60-48 in a close contest between the students. In the mens category, USIU-As supremacy was on display yet again in a match staged at 10pm before a capacity crowd estimated at 4,000 people. USIU-A men followed in the footsteps of their female counterparts, trouncing UoN 64-22. The tournament received a timely boost after Pay-TV service provider, Zuku, announced a Sh50 million sponsorship deal for the competition ahead of the upcoming season, which is expected to kick o in two months time. Under the arrangement, the competition, which will now be referred to as the Zuku Universities Basketball League, the sponsors will provide playing kits for the teams, training gear and upgrade playing courts and facilities, among other things. We love the passion, energy and style on display in Kenyan basketball and that is why we have come on board as partners to help lift the standards of the game, said Zuku CEO, Richard Bell.

But Wanyore failed to replicate the same form as they were tossed out by a rejuvenated KCB who outfoxed them 18-0 in the quarters at the Nakuru Athletics Club. This victory was very signicant to the bankers as they avenged an earlier defeat in the hands of the Menengai-oiled Wanyore side who eliminated them in the semi-nal of the Enterprise Cup at the Jamhuri grounds, Nairobi fortnight ago. Nakuru appeared to struggle right from the onset evidenced by how minnows Molo and Egerton University Wasps gave them a run for their money in the preliminary stages of the 23rd edition of the event. It was a big disappointment to their fans who trooped to the Nakuru Athletics Club in their numbers during the three-day bonanza. And it was the KCB fans who had the last laugh after they beat University of Nairobis Mean Machine 10-0 in the nal. After beating Kenyatta University Blak Blad 50 in the semi-nals of the plate, Nakurus hopes of winning a title came crashing down when they were handed a humiliating 120 drubbing by Kenyan Harlquin in the in the nals. However, there was some form of consolation for Nakuru after their second string team went on to win the less glamorous Shield title after comfortably beating Comras 21 0 in the nal game. Mwambas assistant coach Jotham Owili admitted that his boys had a bad day in oce during the tournament. We simply had a bad game. We committed so many costly mistakes, said Owili.

Womens category

We simply had a bad game. We committed so many costly mistakes

Jotham Owilli, Mwamba RFC assistant coach

46 | Sport
DEVILS DOUBLE DREAM DEAD | United have now gone nine years without winning the FA Cup

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


Demba Bas memorable goal, Cechs unbelievable save give Utd the blues
He scored that exact type of goal against us a while back and we were caught napping, says Ferguson
London olders Chelsea kept one hand on the FA Cup by overcoming a lacklustre Manchester United 10 at Stamford Bridge yesterday in their quarter-nal replay. Senegalese striker Demba Ba settled the tie with a memorable goal early in the second half to send Chelsea into the last four for the sixth time in eight seasons. Winners of four of the last six tournaments, Chelsea will play Manchester City in the semi-nals at Wembley Stadium on April 14. Despite his unpopularity with the Chelsea fans, interim manager Rafael Benitez could yet end the season with two trophies, as Russians Rubin Kazan await in the Europa League quarter-nals on Thursday. It was a great win, said Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech, who produced a breath-taking save from Javier Hernandez to preserve his sides lead. We love Wembley, we respect the FA Cup as a whole and we always want to win. For my save, it was a great ball into the box and I just went as fast as I could and let my left arm do the job. Luckily I was able to reach it. United, meanwhile, have now gone nine years without winning the FA Cup, having seen hopes of a league, cup and Champions League treble evaporate in the space of a month. Their 15-point lead in the Premier League means they are virtually guaranteed to succeed City as champions, but manager Alex Ferguson faces the odd prospect of an end to the campaign with nothing to play for. We spoke about Demba Ba, with the players experience of playing against him when he played for Newcastle, said Ferguson. He scored that exact type of goal against us a while back and we were caught napping. Benitez made six changes On Cechs breath-taking save, Ferguson said: You have to say Cechs save from Chicharito was unbelievable. You need a bit of luck in the cup. He made a similar save in the rst game (a 2-2 draw on March 10) from one of his own defenders. That was disappointing for us in terms of getting a little break. To be honest with you, I thought we were too rushed in that second half. We just lacked a bit of composure to create the proper openings. Benitez complained that Ferguson snubbed his oer of a handshake prior to the 2-2 draw in the sides rst meeting, but the United manager put the matter to bed by oering Benitez a perfunctory handshake as the Spaniard emerged from the tunnel. Instead, the days rst headlines were created by Fergusons team selection. With Wayne Rooney absent due to a groin injury and Robin van Persie on the bench, Danny Welbeck supported Hernandez in attack, while Phil Jones bolstered the mideld. Benitez made six changes to the team beaten at Southampton on Saturday, and if there was unfamiliarity in the two line-ups, it told in a very cautious opening. Neither goalkeeper was tested until United number one David de Gea blocked from Ba in the 31st minute, by which time the hosts had already lost Ashley Cole to an apparent hamstring injury. (AFP)

Di Canio hits back over racism claims

New Sunderland manager Paolo Di Canio has hit back at the storm of criticism over his political beliefs. Di Canio took his rst training session with Sunderlands players on Monday following his surprise appointment as replacement for sacked boss Martin ONeill 24 hours earlier. But the Italians arrival at the Stadium of Light has already stirred controversy due to his far right-wing politics. The former Lazio, Celtic and West Ham striker has previously admitted to having fascist leanings and in 2005 said: I am a fascist, not a racist .


Gerrard will end career at Liverpool

Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher believes Reds captain Steven Gerrard will end his career at Aneld. Gerrard, 32, underlined his enduring value to Liverpool with a dominant display capped by the winning penalty in his sides 2-1 victory at Aston Villa on Sunday. Liverpool boss Brendan Rodgers has conrmed he will hold talks with Gerrard over a new contract and is convinced the England skipper can play at a high level for several more years. Im sure Stevie will sign a contract and nish his career at Liverpool the way Ive done, Carragher said.

Chelseas Demba Ba (left) celebrates scoring against Manchester United during their FA Cup quarter-nal replay at Stamford Bridge yesterday. Chelsea won 1-0.



Lennon blasts referee after Celtic held

Celtic manager Neil Lennon questioned the quality of refereeing in Scotland after some controversial decisions marred his sides 1-1 draw away to St Mirren. Kris Commons had headed the Hoops into a sixth-minute lead but St Mirren responded brightly before Gary Teales eort was disallowed for what looked to be a soft foul on keeper Fraser Forster by Paul Dummett. The home support were further incensed when referee Bobby Madden and his assistants failed to spot Georgios Samaras using his arm to control Teales corner in the box on the stroke of half time.

Chelseas Demba Ba (left) celebrates his goal with team mate David Luiz (centre). Left: Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson (centre) looks on with members of his technical bench during the match.


Atletico miss chance to move into second

Atletico Madrid manager Diego Simeone said he believes Valencia have the third best squad in Spain after his side could only manage a 1-1 draw with Los Che on Sunday. Real Madrids 1-1 draw at Real Zaragoza on Saturday had given Atletico the chance to overtake their city rivals and move back into second place, but despite having to settle for a point Simeone was happy to have maintained their 15-point advantage over Valencia who remain in sixth. They have one of the best squads in best, the third best behind Barcelona and Real Madrid, he told a press conference.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Sport 47
EUROPEAN STANDINGS English Premier League P W D Man Utd 30 25 2 Man City 30 18 8 Tottenham 31 17 6 Chelsea 30 16 7 Arsenal 30 15 8 Everton 30 13 12 Liverpool 31 13 9 West Brom 31 13 5 Swansea 31 10 10 Fulham 29 9 9 West Ham 30 10 6 Southampton 31 8 10 Stoke 31 7 13 Norwich 31 7 13 Newcastle 31 9 6 Sunderland 31 7 10 Wigan 30 8 6 Aston Villa 31 7 9 QPR 30 4 11 Reading 31 5 8 Spanish La Liga Barcelona 29 Madrid 29 Atletico 29 Sociedad 29 Malaga 29 Valencia 29 Betis 28 Getafe 28 Vallecano 29 Levante 29 Sevilla 29 Espanyol 29 Valladolid 29 Bilbao 28 Osasuna 29 Granada 28 Zaragoza 29 Celta Vigo 29 Mallorca 29 Deportivo 29 French Ligue 1 PSG Marseille Lyon St Etienne Lille Nice Montpellier Lorient Bordeaux Rennes Toulouse Valenciennes Bastia AC Ajaccio Evian TG Reims Sochaux Brest AS Nancy Troyes Italian Serie A Juventus Napoli AC Milan Fiorentina Lazio Roma Inter Milan Catania Udinese Parma Cagliari Sampdoria Bologna Torino Chievo Atalanta Genoa Siena Palermo Pescara 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 24 19 19 13 13 13 13 12 13 11 11 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 6 5 18 16 15 13 13 13 13 11 10 12 10 9 10 8 7 7 8 8 6 4 21 17 17 15 15 14 14 13 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 10 6 8 4 6 23 15 14 12 12 10 10 9 11 11 8 8 9 8 7 5 5 2 L 3 4 8 7 7 5 9 13 11 11 14 13 11 11 16 14 16 15 15 18 GF GA GD Pts 70 31 39 77 55 26 29 62 53 38 15 57 59 32 27 55 59 33 26 53 47 35 12 51 59 40 19 48 41 41 0 44 41 40 1 40 40 44 -4 36 35 44 -9 36 44 53 -9 34 27 36 -9 34 28 47 -19 34 41 56 -15 33 33 43 -10 31 36 56 -20 30 32 58 -26 30 26 48 -22 23 36 61 -25 23 90 72 51 51 41 42 39 38 38 34 43 35 37 32 26 26 26 29 32 35 54 35 49 50 43 41 44 48 29 41 36 40 38 32 34 28 32 29 28 36 59 55 53 54 39 60 45 40 38 39 37 35 39 37 31 30 31 31 25 21 78 62 50 46 42 34 35 35 32 49 31 32 29 43 33 23 30 18 33 57 28 44 25 26 37 14 28 13 41 1 42 -3 44 -6 49 -11 41 -7 41 2 39 -4 41 -4 51 -19 33 -7 39 -13 43 -17 43 -14 58 -26 61 -26 20 32 32 25 31 34 36 45 25 41 34 45 56 40 43 37 47 44 47 53 34 3 17 25 12 7 8 3 4 0 2 -5 -18 -8 -9 -9 -15 -15 -19 -17 75 62 61 48 47 46 43 42 41 40 38 36 35 32 31 28 27 24 24 23 61 54 53 50 49 48 45 44 43 42 41 36 36 33 31 31 31 29 27 25 68 59 57 51 50 47 47 45 42 38 38 36 36 35 35 34 27 26 24 21 72 52 48 42 42 39 39 38 38 37 35 32 32 31 29 24 20 15

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE | Tito looks in good shape and is raring to go, says Messi

Catalan giants face French test

Battle of wits looms as stylish Barcelona travel to nouveau riche PSG

aris Saint-Germain and Barcelona have reached the pinnacle of the European game with very dierent strategies, and the Catalans will be hoping to show their nouveau riche opponents that their way is still the best way when the clubs meet in the Champions League quarter-nal rst leg tonight. PSG have been here before, but not for a long time. This is their rst Champions League quarter-nal since they beat Barcelona 3-2 on aggregate before losing to Milan in the last four 18 years ago. Top of Ligue 1, and on course to win the domestic title for the rst time since 1994, these are good times to be a Paris supporter, even if their club appears to epitomise the exact opposite of Barcelona. PSG can compete with the best in the business because they have had more money than anyone else since the arrival of new Qatari owners in 2011. A whole new team has been bought, with Thiago Silva, once a Barcelona target, and Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who played for the Catalans in 2010-11, the most signicant recruits. Just two years ago, average attendances at the Parc des Princes had fallen drastically. Now the ground is sold out most weeks, and there were one million requests for tickets for this game. Aiming to win the Champions League for the fourth time in eight seasons, Barcelona are one of the richest clubs in the world too, and are also backed by Qatari investment via a shirt sponsorship deal with the Qatar Foundation. Conceded late equaliser But they lead the way when it comes to producing world-class players, rather than simply buying them. Seven home-reared talents started Saturdays 2-2 draw at Celta Vigo, in which Barca conceded a late equaliser after Lionel Messi netted his 43rd La Liga goal this season. That result kept Barcelona 13 points clear at the top, with Real Madrid also drawing, and the mood around the club has improved hugely over the last month since consecutive defeats to Madrid in La Liga and in the semi-nals of the Copa del Rey. The rousing comeback from a rst-leg defeat to beat AC Milan 4-2 on aggregate in the last 16 has restored condence, while the squad are relieved to have coach Tito Vilanova back taking training again after two months in New York receiving cancer treatment. To see Tito again gave us great happiness, said Messi. It is important to have him with us for the run-in. He looks in good shape and is raring to go. Xavi Hernandez and Jordi Alba did not play at the weekend but have since returned to full training, although Pedro Rodriguez is suspended. (AFP)

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Bayern attack, Juventus defence in culture clash

Munich Bayern Munich tackle Juventus in a Champions League culture clash tonight with the Germans pitting their incisive attacking nesse against the Italians defensive bloody-mindedness. Bayern, on the verge of a 23rd Bundesliga title, routed Hamburg 9-2 on Saturday to take their goals tally to 78 with just 13 conceded in the Bundesliga while nding the net 18 times in the Champions League. Juventus, enjoying a nine-point lead in Serie A, have conceded only 19 goals in 30 league games this season and just four in the Champions League. Forty of Bayerns domestic goals have come from a combination of Franck Ribery (left), Tony Kroos, Mario Mandzukic and Thomas Mueller while, should he be required, Claudio Pizarro will be waiting in the wings. The 34-year-old Peruvian striker showed his instincts are just as sharp as ever when he hit four against Hamburg. Attempting to keep the ravenous Bavarians at bay will be Juventuss defensive spine of Leonardo Bonucci, Andrea Barzagli and Giorgio Chiellini. Goalkeeper Gianluigi Buon conceded the last of his four goals in the third of their six group games a stretch of 490 minutes. Even that goal came from a direct free-kick, not open play. Juventus believe their defensive strengths are just as impressive as those which helped rivals AC Milan to two Champions League triumphs in 2003 and 2007. (AFP)

German Bundesliga Bayern 27 Dortmund 27 Leverkusen 27 Schalke 04 27 Frankfurt 27 Mainz 27 Freiburg 27 Mgladbach 27 Hamburg 27 Hannover 96 27 Nurnberg 27 Wolfsburg 27 Stuttgart 27 Bremen 27 Dusseldorf 27 Augsburg 27 Hoenheim 27 Furth 27

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

FA CUP Ba scores winner as Chelsea eliminate Man United to book semi-nal date with Man City at Wembley. P.46


PUBLIC FINANCE | Formidable opposition crucial to keep check on use of resources, says expert

Alert out over county spending

There will be lack of oversight in some assemblies in which all members are from one party
BY ALPHONCE SHIUNDU have total control over all the committees of the County Assembly. Thats a good thing in an ideal democracy, but in a country where people got jobs just because most of them hope to get a chance to pinch public resources, a formidable opposition is crucial. According to Mr Patrick Gichohi, a former Clerk of the National Assembly, who is well-versed with parliamentary practice, such control will dent the oversight at the grassroots, but might speed up the implementation of policies. If a governor does not enjoy a majority in the County Assembly, he or she will be walking a very tight rope, said Mr Gichohi (right). In an interview with the Nation, Mr Gichohi said for optimum checks and balances of the county executive, the county assembly has to be equipped to keep an eye on use of public funds. It would have been very dicult for parties to implement their manifestos if they have a hostile chairperson of the committee, said Mr Gichohi, but added that the watchdog committees should be the domain of the minority party. THE PROCESS

How they will prepare budgets

(1)The budget process for county governments in any nancial year shall consist of the following stages; (a) integrated development planning process which shall include both long-term and mediumterm planning; (b) planning and establishing nancial and economic priorities for the county over the medium term; (c) making an overall estimation of the county governments revenues and expenditures; (d) adoption of County Fiscal Strategy Paper; (e) preparing budget estimates for the county government and submitting estimates to the county assembly; (f) approving of the
But the challenge will be how oversight will be done in a scenario where all members of the County Assembly are from one party. Given the financial au-



AFC Leopards coach could be replaced after a poor run in the Premier League. P.45

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he oversight of public spending in the counties is in jeopardy following a situation in some counties where all members of the County Assembly belong to one party. The matter is further complicated, because, in most of the counties, the governor belongs to the same party as the majority of the county ward representatives. The warning comes just days before the National Assembly and the Senate sit down to pick the leaders of various committees; and also before the County Assemblies settle down to do the job of preparing the county budgets. The dominance of these parties in the County Assembly means that it will be easy for them to implement their national manifestos at the grassroots, through the governors, because, they will

estimates by the county assembly; (g) enacting an appropriation law and any other laws required to implement the county governments budget; (h) implementing the county governments budget; and

(i) accounting for, and evaluating, the county governments budgeted revenues and expenditures; (2) The County Executive Committee member for nance shall ensure that there is public participation in the budget process.
tonomy that the counties will have as prescribed in the Public Finance Management Act , without proper oversight, theres a danger that the corruption

witnessed in the national level where one-third of resources is wasted on corruption will be devolved to the 47 counties. In Mombasa County, the 30 members of the County Assembly all belong to the Orange Democratic Movement. The governor, Mr Ali Hassan Joho, is also from ODM. Given the crucial importance of the city the home of the port that serves ve other countries, and a hub of tourism the need for oversight on how public money is spent to ensure the wheels of the city keep grinding, cannot be gainsaid. ODM also has near-total dominance in the county assemblies of Siaya, Kisumu, and Homa Bay. Theres also Kiambu County, where The National Alliance party has 57 out of the 60 members of the County Assembly. The TNA also commands an almost-total membership in the county assemblies of Nakuru, Laikipia, Muranga, Nyeri and Nyandarua, among others. In the county assemblies of Mandera, Nandi, Kericho, Uasin Gishu, and Elgeyo-Marakwet, the United Republican Party holds sway.



smart company

the weekly business magazine

Sex workers curse new buildings coming up in Nairobi



Budget headache
Ballooning expenditure, low revenue collection, and limited borrowing space conspire to dim government growth plan


Costly farm inputs a threat to food security



2 smart company
AFTER THE Supreme Court delivered its judgement and upheld Uhuru Kenyattas election as the countrys fourth president, the country must move on. Investors have been adopting a wait-and-see attitude despite the peaceful elections that were held, and the cautionary stance has aected businesses negatively across the country. The Nairobi Securities Exchange, which has undergone the longest patience over political uncertainty in the last fortnight, is now unsheathed to propel itself above the 5, 000 point mark because of the market condence in the country. The current rains could not have come at better time. Added to the fact that the government has promised subsidised fertilisers and the farmers, who had leased their tractors during election campaigns, are now breaking soils, things can only get better. Hotels, which have experienced below average bookings even during the Easter season due to the political uncertainty and unnecessary international travel bans, will now open doors to potential customers with renewed condence. Respective governors have been sworn in and the Parliament held its rst seating on Thursday last week. With counties taking shape, and the presence of relevant institutions, there is little excuse why Kenya cannot hit double-digit growths in the coming years. Insecurity has unfortunately reared its ugly head again, with thugs having the audacity of attacking city residents during day time hours. In Mombasa, suspected MRC members and its ilk are at it again. These are some of the ckle blemishes that can be speedily dealt with at county levels, as well as coming up with local projects that will oer long-term sustainable development to the communities. Last week, the World Bank ranked Kenya 121 out of 185 countries surveyed in its latest edition of Ease of Doing Business report. This is because before one sets up a business in the country, one has to undergo hundreds of tiring procedures for licensing, property permits and enforcing of contracts. The importance of ensuring quick systems of attracting direct investments in the country which include reducing the periods cannot be gainsaid if we are to attract increasing investors. JOHN NJIRU
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Joseph Odindo MANAGING EDITOR: Mutuma Mathiu BUSINESS EDITOR: Wachira Kangaru SUB-EDITORS: Abuna Ayiro, James Wambua STAFF WRITERS: Immaculate Karambu, Grins Omwenga, Muthoki Mumo CONTRIBUTORS: Joshua Masinde, Charles Wokabi, John Njiru,, Mwaniki Wahome, David Muturi, Esmond Shahonya PRODUCTION EDITOR: Peter Wangai GROUP DESIGN EDITOR: Kathleen Bogan CHIEF GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Rogers Mogusu SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Hassan Ibrahim, Michael Mosota GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Benjamin Situma , Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Davis Mulyango, Ken Kusimba, Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Oscar Anaswa, Felix Miringu, Teddy Murimi COVER GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATION: Teddy Murimi
Smart Company is published every week by the Nation Media Group Limited. It is distributed free with every Tuesdays Daily Nation. Nation Media Group Limited, 2011. All rights reserved. Unsolicited manuscripts, artwork, transparencies are submitted at the senders risk. While every care will be taken on receipt of such material, the Nation Media Group Limited cannot accept responsibility for accidental loss or damage. Email:


Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION

Tech breakthrough


French Minister Fleur Pellerin (left) looks at a prototype model of a robot suit, Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL), developed by University of Tsukuba professor Yoshiyuki Sankai at his company, Cyberdyne, in Tsukuba, suburban Tokyo last week. The HAL, which is designed to learn the users motion and assist the wearers movement, can be used for the rehabilitation of the disabled.


Brave foxes turn nature on its head

An amateur photographer captured the moment that a pair of brave foxes turned nature on its head in Africa by chasing o a cheetah. The hungry predator had been stalking one of the bateared foxes as a potential dinner in Tanzania. But the big cat found itself on the run after its prey teamed up with another fox and turned on their assailant, which forced it to sprint o. Astrid Kindsvogel caught the strange chase on camera while on safari in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. She said: We came across a cheetah and close by was this bat-eared fox that was resting. I was thinking this could turn into something very interesting and then the cheetahs spotted the fox and started stalking it. But within seconds another fox paired up with the other and they tried to look as big as possible by making their hair, in particular on their tails, stand on end. Before I knew it the foxes were chasing the cheetah. It looked to me like it was a bit of a game and they werent interested in hurting each other. (

smart company

Banks claw back mobile money market, with 136 per cent gain in January. Eliza Muso I also love plastic transactions, the best way to budget my nances. Ngio Wanjiku Mobile money has become expensive, especially when withdrawing from bank then you are charged by the two, bank and M-Pesa. It leaves one with no choice but to go to the ATM. Mrishox; I honestly dont believe this... Plastic money has a lot to catch up with mobile money especially in Africa... Mobile money is the future and that is explained by Visa entry into mobile money business New bank to rival IMF, World Bank with Africa focus FROM BRICS TO BRICKS Maybe

Kenya should adopt this tag line to rally all Kenyans in implementing Vision 2030 and become one the founders of the BRICKS development bank. Edward Mungai Now the West is shivering with fear of losing their last foot on Africa. This is the last nail in the con. Africa needs the BRICS as the BRICS also need Africa. This two know each others needs, since both went through the European imperialism and atrocities. Primus Primo UK woes may hurt fresh produce trade I hope we can move away from producing roses for export to food for domestic consumption. Greenhouses can be used to produce many dierent fruits and vegetables. coldtusker

NBK issues prot warning, blames high interest rates for the decline Ayi??? I thought the bank would benet from high interest rates???? Is NBK a net borrower? aotula @TheSmartCompany #Ariel washes #Omo from top spot as consumers favourite @lynom @TheSmartCompany ehehehe... Omo should bring its prices down @coldtusker @Oyolla Perhaps but OMO was OMO, the only washing powder we knew. In fact it was like Panadol or Xerox. It meant washing powder/ detergent Compiled by John Njiru

Harvest time
A sugarcane farmer harvests his produce as his animals feed on the leaves in Nyanza Province. The prices of sugar have gone down internationally, thus reducing revenue from the cash crop locally. A number of millers have also cut producer prices. PHOTO | TOM OTIENO

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


smart company 3



Used car importers are opposing what they call extra radiation inspection charges.


The Tanzania-Kenya border post of Holili is to start implementing the East African Communitys concept of one-stop border post (OSBP) in May this year. The project is nanced by dierent donors who channel funds through the Trade Mark of East Africa (TMEA). The director of OSBP from TMEA, Theo Lyimo, said construction of the building at Holili on the Tanzanian side has reached over 80 per cent. We are almost in the nal stages and were expecting to put in place a wide range of facilities geared to reduce transport costs incurred in cross-border movement, the ocial said. If all goes well, OSBP on the Tanzanian side is to start full operation in May this year. On the Kenyan side, users will have to wait a bit as construction of the building was delayed. Upon completion, the TMEA is expected to spend $4.5 million on the Tanzanian side and $5.5 million on the Kenyan side of Taveta. The border point is meant to reduce transit costs incurred in cross-border movement by combining the activities of both countrys border organisations and agencies at either a single common location or at a single location in either direction without increasing risk to public safety or revenue collection. Studies have proved that transportation costs in East Africa, are among the highest in the world. This has been damaging the regions ability to trade competitively in the international market. In particular, the time taken to get to and from the ports to landlocked countries is singled out as a major factor, Lyimo stated. In addition, poor infrastructure and delays at border crossings are further contributing factors along the East African trade routes. He, however, stated that most national revenue authorities have made considerable progress to modernise their approach on the application of border controls, including the introduction of information technology to increase the eectiveness of control procedures at border posts. Their objective is to implement correct, systematic, and eective controls to facilitate the movement of passengers and goods while ensuring eective revenue collection and enhanced public security, he said. Lyimo said TMEA will identify other ways of reinforcing border controls as an important component of the East African Communitys capacity to ght fraud, corruption, and drug tracking. TMEA will do this by conducting infrastructure audits and needs assessment to determine what causes delays at borders and identify ways of reducing cost and time elements by enhancing the use of information technology. We will also map the process and time when trucks and people arrive at borders and when they exit, including all requirements they must comply with under the law, he added. It is expected that construction of the points will reduce clearance times for passengers and transit goods at border crossings and increase the utilisation of risk assessment to reduce invasive inspection of transit goods at each border crossing. The OSBP will also increase cooperation and joint inspection and verication of goods in transit at border crossings. (Xinhua)

Dealers fault new car checks

Concerns that vehicles could have radioactive elements is nothing new, according to importers



lans by the Radiation Protection Board to subject all vehicles coming from Japan to new tests with additional costs has raised a storm, with dealers claiming that it is a disguised way of raising money for the board. Investigations reveal that concerns over possible spillover of radiation to countries that import vehicles from Japan are not new. The Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Centre (Jevic), a rm contracted by the Kenya Bureau of Standards said in June last year that radiation inspection would be conducted under the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code and International Atomic Energy Agencys safety standards. This followed leakage of radioactivity after tsunami oods hit the Fukushima power station in Japan. The Kenyan government has added radiation inspection to the criteria. Radiation levels inspections to IAFA standards shall be undertaken to all Fukushima


registered vehicles, said a letter from Jevic to all second-hand car importers in Kenya. Importers are, however, asking why the Radiation Protection Board has suddenly initiated the tests, and have been joined by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs), which accused the newly created body of overstepping its mandate. They say the Sh5,000 to Sh9,000 being charged by Analytical Quality Services (AQS) on every vehicle, depending on capacity, amounts to double taxation as the vehicles pay Sh19,000 before being shipped for inspec-

tion by Kebs-appointed agents that include the Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Centre Company Limited, Auto Terminal Japan Ltd, and Quality Inspection Services Inc Japan which inspect vehicles from Japan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Singapore, and South Africa. The pre-shipment inspection covers the age of the vehicle, road-worthiness, and radiation among other benchmarks. Kenya does not allow vehicles that are more than eight years old into the local market. The principal radiation ocer at the port of Mombasa, Mr Nixon Mudachi, however, said all that changed after radiation was detected in one of the containers early in the year, prompting action. The board recommends the scanning of the vessels and certicates before the vehicles are released. Radiotech Solutions and Analytical Quality Solutions, based in Mombasa, are among the companies that the board has appointed to carry out the inspection, but various stakeholders are also questioning when the tenders to offer such services were awarded.

4 smart company

business map

Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION



Business executives in the services industry from the East African Community want legal provisions hampering movement of workers across the member states removed.

Commercial banks eorts to recapture electronic payments market taken over by mobile money transfer services are bearing fruit, with data showing deals concluded through plastic money being at par with those on mobile money.

Growers plant maize at a farm in Sergoit, Uasin Gishu County last week. The rains have begun pounding the region and its environs and farmers are taking advantage of the good weather to plant the crop that is the staple for the country. A number, though, are bemoaning the high cost of farm inputs. PHOTO I JARED NYATAYA

Earnings from horticulture increased by 26 per cent last year to Sh276 billion, compared with Sh205 billion in 2011, as the agriculture sector performance recorded one of the best years. The cost of living dropped for the rst time this year, raising hopes that commodity and energy costs may fall.

International round-up
WASHINGTON: US regulators announced stricter rules on vehicle emissions and a requirement for low-sulfur gasoline as part of President Barack Obamas eorts to reduce pollution. The Environmental Protection Agencys proposal would require a 60 per cent reduction in sulfur in gasoline as well as stricter tailpipe emission standards for cars and light trucks. SAN FRANCISCO: Facebook fuelled fresh talk about its own mobile phone after it scheduled a press announcement for next week. Shortly after the invitation went out for the April 4 event, the technology news site, TechCrunch, reported that the announcement would be a modied version of the Google Android operating system with deep native Facebook functionality.

Fresh produce exporters are concerned that economic woes in the United Kingdom could further harm their business at a time when sales are depressed due to regulatory changes in Europe.

Banks will continue transacting without paying excise duty on money transfers and other fees charged by nancial institutions after the High Court extended interim orders granted to the Kenya Bankers Association, which has challenged the proposal.

The single highest increase in the number of tourist arrivals to Kenya from the United Arab Emirates in 2012

92pc Sh202 7.1m

Losses in millions of shillings incurred by oil dealer, Total Kenya, in the 2012 nancial year.

The number of coconut trees aged over 60 years that need to be replaced by the government due to dwindling production.


Creating brands that dene the consumers

Title: How Brands Become Icons Author: Douglas B. Holt Reviewer: Enos Nyamor (
Some brands exist to be etched forever in the minds of consumers. The presence of these names is like an ominous sign, evoking staunch, even poetic admiration. Some products simply stand out, and not for the intensive research and innovations heaped upon them, but for the ease with which consumers can relate to them. And to ultimately promote a brand of choice, there has to be a unique marketing strategy. Marketing itself is a vast idea, an extension of a set of business activities aiming to increase the presence of a business in the market. It consists of a variety of tools. Marketers, in making work easier, could decidedly focus on a target area or product. In the eectiveness of such activities, it matters whether there was a response from consumers. Essentially, scattering the uniqueness of a product is the main reason of marketing. However, the successfulness of the process would merely achieve publicity and end there. Often consumers become aware of a brand but still decide to ignore it in spite of its powerful features. And that is the core difference between an iconic brand and others, according to Holt. Indeed as far as memory goes, there are products that, like ghosts, hang around the minds of consumers. As a child, probably, there was a lifestyle that was deeply preferred by a consumer. But as one grew up following general, acceptable beliefs, one had to repose to be accepted. Such indispensable identity can always be compensated through brands. The main concept is lling up a gap that consumers had in their human development, and there is no better way to do it than through brands. To achieve this, managers have to out the popular diminutive marketing concepts. In the nitty-gritty is the general move of working on reaching the majority. Such strategies are always vague and stodgy. A consumer would not be impressed on realising that the business is excessively concerned with making prot out of them. For the brand to be successful, it has to be myth-evoking. And the possibility of a product becoming a myth greatly depends on its unique identity. Notwithstanding the fact that a product has interesting compositions, what matters is the marketers ability to identify the factors of cultural disruptions that emerge during the key stages of human transition. These stages include constants such as change in beliefs or age. Iconic brands evolve as consumers do. Managers must be aware of not only the present time but also the past. As for advertisements, the trends must be frequently changed. An iconic brand ought to act as a vessel of transforming individual consumers self-perceptions and habits.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


smart company 5


Firm banks on mobile apps to stir advertising

Swedish company hopes to interest the government, private agencies, and researchers in the application



Swedish company is hoping to rouse Kenyas largely drowsy mobile advertising sector through a video-sharing application. VMS Holdings, operating through a local franchise holder, last year set up shop in Kenya and is now targeting local businesses and government agencies with marketing and research services oered through its mobile application. The VMS Play mobile application is a social platform where users can record and swiftly send videos. For businesses, VMS provides a service whereby they can set up channels and post and share advertisements with the public. Mobile advertising has partly failed because of technology. With VMS, companies have the capability to format video ads for mobile users while users still have the freedom to decide whether to view the ads, said VMS local franchise manager, Mr George Thugge. VMS Play does not completely abandon older forms of mobile advertising, providing companies with the ability to send out bulk-SMS campaigns to customers. E-coupons can also be distributed to loyal customers while rms will be able to carry out online surveys more cheaply across their customer base.

The estimated value of mobile advertising in the world in shillings. However, the business is yet to gain momentum locally.

While the Android, BlackBerry, and iOS compatible mobile application is a free download, VMS Holding makes its money by charging companies that create channels a fee. The applications uses extend beyond advertising. In Europe and America, VMS Play has been used by companies and state agencies to enhance security. The Los Angeles Port Police, for instance, uses a customised version of VMS to promote citizen policing along its shores. The police share informational videos with the public while citizens use the mobile application to share GPS-tagged videos of accidents or crime cases that require quick response. Statoil, a Swedish oil and gas giant, uses VMS to recruit employees. Potential candidates share brief videos describing themselves in a process that weeds out the applicants in the rst phase of interviewing. Locally, the Kenya Red Cross is carrying out a pilot project in which the VMS application will be used to enhance timely response to accidents and disasters while Mr Thugge has

A Swedish rm is banking on mobile apps to increase advertising.

VMS local franchise boss George Thugge

approached the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) with a view to using the application to monitor and report incidents of corruption across the country. We have seen the mobile application used eectively by emergency response services across the world and we hope to replicate this in Kenya, said Mr Thugge. VMS stores all data generated by users on the cloud and provides managed virtual dispatch centres for emergency service agencies that choose to use their customised mobile applications. However, the company faces competition in the space from a range of existing video-sharing mobile applications. Instagram, Facebooks online photo-sharing service, has also developed video-sharing capabilities as has Whatsapp. Frequency, a technology start-up, provides a professional-grade video-sharing app that has been used by media houses internationally. Although the worldwide mobile advertising market is estimated to have reached Sh975.84 billion ($11.4 billion) this year, Kenyan companies are yet to discover the formula needed to eectively reach local audiences.


6 smart company

esh trade

Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION


New buildings kick out sex workers

ents along the corridors of some of the remaining hotels where their trade goes on will almost be impossible. Perhaps high-end areas along Koinange Street might survive the development. This, according to them, has been made worse by the fact that life in Nairobi has become expensive. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), a UK rm, recently conducted a research which found that Nairobi is the second most expensive city in Africa after Lagos in Nigeria. It said Nairobis ranking is linked to the steep rise in the cost of six goods in a basket used to measure relative prices. An audit by a task force revealed that some entrepreneurs were circumventing the law by running brothels disguised as licensed massage parlours. A 2012 Nairobi City Council report set up by then lawyer George Aladwa indicated that some people have opened massage parlours which they use as brothels. Some of the registered licensed massage parlours are actually operating as sex dens and brothels with both owners and patrons aware of the same, hence increasing the popularity of sex work in Kenya, the report found. It proposed that police and council askaris arrest suspected female sex workers in the company of female officers. The report indicates that commercial sex work, although illegal, is a rampant daily occurrence in Nairobi. Approximately 7,000 sex workers operate in Nairobi per night, with each having an average of 3-4 clients, which translates to between 21,000 and 28,000 sexual activities a night, the report said. City authorities ruled out legalisation of prostitution despite demands by sex workers that they be recognised.

The rising number of new houses is displacing commercial sex workers from town.

Massage parlours

Old lodges and hotels are now being taken over by malls and hotels, sending the lot out of the city centre


section of residents in Nairobi is unhappy with the rapidly changing skyline, saying it is hurting their business. It is a contradiction, but the rise of new buildings, especially in downtown Nairobi tracing Luthuli Avenue, River Road, and part of Ngara, is leaving commercial sex workers a distressed lot. The old lodges, hotels, and buildings being taken up by malls and new classy hotels is not only changing the ambiance, it is also driving the lot farther out of town. Some of the over 7,000 com-

mercial sex workers in the city are unhappy with the changes. They say that with the opening up of the city, some of the hotels and lodgings where they used to operate have been refurbished and are now malls and stalls, especially in Nairobis downtown. The current Extreme Sounds building along Luthuli Avenue, which harbours stalls selling music systems and mobile phones, among other goods, was formerly the home of Three New Eden brothel. When we saw Three Eden closed and in its place new stalls put up, we knew our time here was up, and many more such places are now being transformed into other businesses, even supermarkets, said MaryLoise, a commercial sex worker who patronises Luthuli Avenue. There is also Nairobi Matt that

Estimated number of commercial sex workers in Nairobi, whose trade is increasing being phased out by changing skyline.
is yet to be fully operational after being transformed from City Lodge. Some of the sex workers have said that the developments have scared away their clients, who cannot keep track of their location as the city gradually changes. A number of other places that


have been transformed include Jerry City along Kirinyaga Road that is still under construction, and former Inooro Hotel Club, now County Hotel. County Park Hotel is now a high-end facility handling international visitors and select customers after it was transformed into a three-star restaurant. The current New Amar Bar and Restaurant was formerly Amar Place, and Inora. We used to make between Sh8,000 and Sh10,000 on a good day, but nowadays even Sh2,000 is a nightmare to us because the city council ocers have become more vigilant, said Julie Brown, another commercial sex worker. They said that they were considering moving out of Nairobi and added that over the next ve years, the idea of waiting for cli-


Supplier goes for bulk cement distribution to reduce costs

Mombasa Cement Companys sole distributor, Tusteel, has introduced new trucks that will supply the goods in bulk to its consumers. This will see clients order cement cheaply in tonnes rather than the large number of packaged product in bags. We are giving our customers an additional mode of purchasing the products. This will be easy as our designed vehicles supply the tonnes of cement ordered without requiring other o loaders, said Mr Mukesh Patel, Tusteels managing director. The trucks have the capacity to carry 28 tonnes. He spoke at the Mombasa Cement factory, where the company launched eets of trucks that will distribute bulk cement to reduce packaging costs, product pricing, and to ensure ecofriendly manufacturing. The move is inspired by the fact that Kenya has in the recent past experienced growth in real estate, building and construction as well as the development of infrastructure, especially roads, which have seen the demand for cement switch to tonnes instead of bags. Mombasa Cement becomes the second after Bamburi to introduce bulk distribution of cement. We are eyeing the larger consumers who order for cement in tonnes and not bags, said Mr Patel. He added that through bulk distribution, the company will cut costs on labour, packaging, and o-loading time, resulting in protability. It will also directly help in environment conservation through less use of trees to manufacture packaging materials. The rm will save about 10 per cent in packaging of its cement product. Mr Jitu Joshi, the rms plant manager at Athi River, said the move would lower the cost of cement and give the company an advantage over its competitors. This is a well-thought and tested idea to enable our company to save money and be a part of environmental conservation, he said, adding that the rm hoped to capture larger market share this year through the new system. The trucks are loaded using specially designed machines at the factory. Our products will be delivered at doorsteps without delay, said Mr Joshi. In Nairobi alone, the cement maker hopes to deliver about 15,000 tonnes a day due to increasing business activity in the city. The plant manager added that Mombasa Cement has embraced the latest technology for ecient operations and quality testing. Though the move is said to target the entire local market, bulk distribution will not really be a choice for the retailers due to storage challenges, which means that bulk supply will benet cement users directly at construction sites. Ponciano Odongo

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

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8 smart company

Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION



The tough options for Kenya in next budget

Parliament has to fasttrack the Division of Revenue Bill and balance county interests to attain growth
hen the next government sits down to work on its rst budget, it will nd that it neither has the luxury of time nor options. For a start, the authorities will have to whip its members, both in Parliament and Senate, to fast-track the passage of the Division of Revenue Bill and the County Allocation of Revenue Bill which, according to the Constitution, must be in place at least two months before the end of the nancial year (by April 30). To comply, Parliament has to dispense the Division of Revenue Bill and County Allocation of Revenue Bill as early as possible. This implies that the National Treasury, National Assembly, and by extension the Senate will have to take great care to ensure that the process is not held hostage within the limited time frame, the Parliamentary Budget Oce says in a report released last week. The MPs have 28 days to get the Budget and Appropriations Committee in place to scrutinise the budget and approve the Division of Revenue Bill between the National Government and the County Governments and the County Allocation of Revenue Bill that will determine allocations to each of the 47 counties. They have not even picked a party whip or even the committee on selection, which will deal with appointing



members of the National Assembly to specic departmental committees to deal with budgets of dierent ministries and government departments. The National Assembly is also yet to name a committee on appointments that will vet Cabinet secretaries before they are formally appointed. The Cabinet secretary in charge of Finance is required to table the annual estimates and the Division of Revenue Bill, plus the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, before April 30. That, however, should be the least of their worries. The greatest headache will be coming up with a budget that will entrench devolution and at the same time spur economic growth with focus on uplifting Kenyans from poverty. The budgetary allocations should be in line with the expenditure priorities of the country, according to the Constitution, distribution of functions between the two levels of government, and Vision 2030, says the report. In this, the government will have to deal with the issues of rapid population growth, insecurity, the shift to devolved governments, and the tight legal deadlines by which to pass supporting laws. The Parliamentary Budget Oce has pinpointed the four issues as those that are likely to have a downside risk to the national economy if left unattended. High ination, unfavourable weather conditions, and high interest rates also pose a threat

Deal with issues

to the economy. To allow the country to make enough money to implement the devolution of power and resources as envisioned in Kenyas 31-month-old Constitution, the report has recommended that the taxman clamps down on tax evasion, alongside targeting capital gains and landlords. To broaden the tax bracket, the tax authority needs to consider levying taxes on incomes or capital gains from appreciation of properties, stocks, and other marketable assets, the Budget Oce noted. It said most investors have adopted a wait-and-see attitude and hold investment ows until the post-election euphoria dissipates. The extent to which the post-election euphoria persists will also aect the gains made by the economy and the growth trajectory in the near medium term, the Budget Office noted in the report dated March 27 this year. The oce is a body of technocrats employed by Parliament to advise members of the National Assembly and the Senate on budget matters. With the fertility rate at ve children per woman, it is of the view that such population growth will require a lot of investment in hospitals and schools, including employing more nurses, doctors, and teachers. This is likely to put scal pressure on the recurrent budget directed to social infrastructure such as in the education and health sectors, it said in its report titled Setting the Pace for Sustainable Growth: Budget Options


1. Treasury carries out public hearings

The Treasury releases the budget ceilings for the dierent sectors.


to assess the sentiments of wananchi.

Policy Statement (BPS) showing a forecast of public expenditure and revenues for the next three years. Parliament.

3. Government departments send their 8. Parliament through the Budget estimates to the Treasury. and Appropriations Committee looks 4. The Treasury prepares a Budget at the estimates, checks if it tallies with 5. The Treasury presents the BPS to 6. Parliament Senate and National 7. The Treasury prepares the budget
Assembly assesses the BPS, comes up with a report, makes changes to the BPS, and sends the amended report to the Treasury. aspirations as expressed by Parliament through the BPS, seeks public views on the estimates, makes changes to the estimates, and tables them in Parliament.

for the next nancial year and tables the estimates in Parliament before April 30. It also tables the Division of Revenue Bill and the County Allocation of Revenue Bill to determine how money will be sent to counties.

2013/14 and the Medium Term, which was released ve days ago. The technocrats in Parliament have recommended that the Executive and Parliament consider a policy shift to control population growth. The mandarins have also advised that in making the next budget, more money should be pumped into job creation because unemployment among the youth in Kenya is without a doubt becoming a security concern. The threat that the Al Shabaab militia poses to tourism is a case for more money for the police to allow for crime detection and prevention. However, it is devolution that has the brains at the Budget Oce on tenterhooks. Their argument is that devolution is not a panacea for economic growth. While devolution has enormous potential to change livelihoods through bringing services closer to the people, poor management of the process, unprecedented challenges, and lack of innovation can easily obliterate the expected gains, the Parliamentary Budget Oce noted. The report makes a plea to county bosses to involve people at the grassroots when they come up with projects. The idea is to ensure that those projects are benecial to the public and not simply ghost ideas

Bring services closer

9. The Treasury incorporates the

changes, publishes the Appropriations Bill, and brings it to the House. As soon as the Appropriation Bill is approved, the government can then access the money as approved by Parliament.


r story

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

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(As per 2010/11 data from the audited accounts of local authorities)



tor has potential to lift over 10 million ne of the least appreciated Kenyans out of poverty and those said achievements in the rst ve to suer from chronic food insecurity years of President Kibakis and poor nutrition. government was the strides made in The sector is still very highly dereducing poverty levels in the country. By 2006, prevalence had fallen by 10 pendent on rainfall and not much percentage points from 56 to 46, the diversication of crops has taken rst time in the countrys history that place. Research and innovation have the poverty incidence level had fallen remained low, and marketing of prodbelow 50 per cent. ucts left to chance. His government was later to be viliIn order to improve the sector, there is need to adopt reform meased by claims that wealth created was yet to trickle down to the majority of ures that should target increased yield, the population. diversication, improvement in storSix years later the trend has reage, adoption of new technologies, and marketing of agricultural prodversed, with statistics showing inucts, the budget oce says. creased levels of poverty, a contradiction given that government spending Investment in health has also been minimal, equally below 10 per cent of has more than tripled, with more gothe total government outlays. Health ing to fund social amenities. facilities are concentrated in urban Analysis done by the Parliamentary areas, denying quality medical care Budget Oce shows that total govservices to those in rural areas where ernment spending has risen from a poverty is high. budget of Sh264.1 Although the billion in 2002 government (when President rolled out free Kibaki took over primary and power) to Sh1.2 trilsecondary educalion in this nancial year, representing tion, poor facilian increase of over ties and low fund350 per cent. ing have lowered However, as quality, reducing the Parliamentary the chance of Budget Oce says, children from The high governpoor families progressing to ment expenditure higher education has not resulted in and, by extenimproved standards of living for the citision, chances of getting emzens, in particular Quality education is still a tall order despite increased government exployed. The same as relates to health, penditure in the sector. education, and basic trend has prevailed LABAN WALLOGA | NATION infrastructure. in the funding of inThe explanation frastructure projects is that expansion is predominantly in rural areas, from roads and water driven by recurrent expenditure presto electricity. Much has been concentrated in urban areas, leaving the rural sures and mainly growth in employee emoluments. This means that few or poor out of development. no jobs have been created and those The eect has been that most Kenwho have beneted from the increase yans are not able to access basic social are the same people, thus not broadamenities and with the increasing cost of living, most have fallen o the povening the sharing of the cake. Employment creation will result in erty line, increasing the levels. poverty reduction but only if employA shift of focus is now being put to devolution, with the hope that taking ment opportunities are productive decision-making to the county will enough to enable escape from povchange the trend. The risk is, however, erty, the report says. that more funds may go to fund recurA clear pointer to this is that the government has failed to put money rent expenditure and setting up of the in sectors that have wide reach in regional government at the expense of terms of improving the livelihoods of development. Kenyans. In order to address expenditure Government spending in critical concerns, comprehensive and farsectors such as agriculture, health, reaching public sector reforms will education, and rural development have to be undertaken, including has been minimal. Assessment of sustaining austerity measures on ungovernment expenditure indicates productive outlays, the budget oce that budget allocations to agriculture says. accounts for about 5 per cent of total government outlays. Wachira Kangaru This is despite the fact that the sec-

SOURCE: KNBS 2009 CENSUS with no material benet to residents. Some of the likely risks of devolution include decentralisation of corruption to the counties, disconnect between high expectations by the citizens and the economic realities, the budget absorption capacity of the counties, and risks associated with disruption of seamless service delivery occasioned by weak administration. For the counties, the Parliamentary Budget Oce is apprehensive that while the disbursement of Sh238.7 billion to each of the 47 counties will spur development, there is no guarantee that the counties that have been lagging behind will grow at the same rate as those that beneted from the skewed development. Redistributing national resources will not necessarily bring about equitable development across the 47 counties. In actual fact, devolution is likely to perpetuate inequality as not all counties will be able to immediately absorb fully the resources that will be allocated to them. Also, some counties lack the capacity to eectively take up the constitutionally devolved functions, the report added. The Budget Oce has recommended that the counties get busy with training their sta to handle the increased responsibilities. There is also a proposal for transparent and accountable processes to make sure that those handling the billions in the counties do not steal from the public. Otherwise, there is a risk that devolution may achieve nothing more than devolved corruption, said the oce. It said not all 47 counties were equipped for immediate takeo. Some counties lack proper roads, social amenities including health and education facilities, adequate supply of electricity, and other public works. This coupled with low budget absorption capacity poses risk of disruption of seamless service delivery by the county governments, the report added. The counties are likely to face strong headwinds in implementation of their functions if there is rushed transition without the requisite capacity. There is a need to ensure that, as resources are devolved to the counties, the county sta can properly manage these resources by carrying out proper planning, budget execution, monitoring, and evaluation, the Budget Oce report added. An insider at the Budget Ofce said the counties will have to come up with development plans that are aligned to the countrys development road map the Vision 2030. If that is not done, there is concern that most of the money will be gobbled up in operations and payment of salaries. The plan should clearly outline the development priorities and criteria for allocation of resources. Functional departments within the county government should also develop a strategic plan outlining vision, mission, and commitment to service delivery in its area of jurisdiction, the Budget Oce noted. Since counties can freely determine their expenditure priorities, local development strategies should be tailor-made to address local needs. This will enable counties to be their own drivers of economic change, the Budget Oce said. There is also an urgent push to have the county public service boards quickly settle down and do their job of recruiting sta and implementing the plans. Funding of the budget will also present another headache. With falling revenue collection against increasing expenditure, the government will nd its funding options limited.

Low budget absorption

10 smart business


Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION

Maize production in the North Rift region dropped by four million bags last season.



Indias Unistal Systems, a developer and provider of antivirus, data care, recovery, and security software, has signed up Leo Kenya Merchant to be sole reseller of its products in the country. The local rm will distribute Unistal Systems Protegent product suites, Protegent360 for laptops, Protegent PC for desktops, and Protegent Enterprise Security. Leo Kenya Merchant director, Mr Johnson Kimathi, said Protegent Enterprise Security features three ecient components to keep organisations safe from information security breaches. It includes activity reporter for comprehensive reporting with alerts regarding activities of employees in enterprise through a single management console, he said last week.



Costly farm inputs could lead to food shortage, say experts

Lack of subsidised fertiliser, expensive seeds, and high fuel prices a recipe for a yawning supply gap

xperts are warning of looming food shortages in Kenya even as lack of subsidised government fertiliser and increased fuel prices hit this planting season. The farmers are faced with challenges of planting this seasons maize crop at a time when the Early Warning System (EWS) has forecast food scarcity in the country from last month until June this year. Other African countries likely to experience food insecurity, according to the report by EWS, include Uganda, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti, Tanzania, and Rwanda. Grain farmers in the North Rift region say the increased cost of farm inputs fertiliser, maize seed, and


diesel prices will force them to reduce acreage under the crop, therefore posing a threat to the countrys food security. The fears are conrmed by agricultural experts in the region, who say high prices for fertiliser and maize seed have aected many farmers. The experts in the report Food and Crop Situation in Rift Valley say DiAmmonium Phosphate (DAP), the widely used fertiliser for planting, has been out of stock. The input is retailing at between Sh3,500 and Sh4,200, although the government subsidised fertiliser sold at Sh2,480, but is not available in many NCBP depots. Maize growers in the North Rift say increase of fuel prices by an average of Sh4 per litre was making it dicult for them to till their land in readiness for planting. Diesel, the commonly used fuel by farmers for land preparation, is selling at Sh109 a litre. Machinery for land preparation has been available as the demand has been low owing to increased fuel prices that might force most farmers to reduce acreage under crop produc-

tion, said Mr Mathew Lagat, an agricultural expert from Nandi County. The fear of planting maize due to the lethal necrosis disease is another factor that is discouraging some farmers. Maize planting for the 2013 long rain season has been slow. Few farmers have planted in the province with very low acreage achieved, states annual crop production report. According to it, 100,000 hectares out of the possible 665,000 hectares in the province have been planted with the crop and 20,000 out of 256,000 hectares with beans. Maize production in Rift Valley dropped by four million bags from


Hectares of land which have been prepared for maize out of the possible 665,000 hectares

to 17 million bags last season 21 million bags, partly due to the outbreak of the disease. But farmers in areas aected by the outbreak have been allocated seeds for short-term crops as alternatives to maize this season. The viral disease attacked maize planted in parts of the region after farmers ignored advice by agricultural experts not to cultivate the crop. Some farmers went ahead and planted maize on the same land this season, a move that might subject them to losses due to attack of the crop by the disease, said a senior agricultural ocer, adding that rotational crop cultivation remains the only option of breaking the cycle of the virus. Uncertainty over the next government is another factor that has contributed to delayed land preparation this season. Some farmers were pre-occupied with the General Election campaigns while a wait-and-see attitude by others delayed land preparation, said the report.

Winners of the on-going Nokia and Microsoft mobile app development competition will be announced on May 6, 2013. The competition dubbed Midnight Developer Challenge is aimed at providing university students with exposure and training in the latest mobile and app development technologies. The challenge will see university students from 25 African (Kenya included) and Middle East countries come up with the next big mobile app idea. The nal submissions for the competition were expected to close last Thursday and the apps need to be published by mid-next month. The competition was launched in December last year and the participating students have been receiving advanced technical training and coding sessions with Nokia and Microsoft software experts through weekly interactions.

water storage


East Africa plastics manufacturer Silafrica has launched Simtank aimed at providing clean, safe, and durable water storage units. Speaking during the function last week, the companys quality assurance manager, Mr Alfred Mwendwa, said features of the tank include extra good mechanical and stability properties and three multi-layers making it stronger than any other tanks. They have extra UV rays resistance properties for sunlight, hence increasing their lifespan with raw material which are Food Grade approved to resist bacteria, fungi, and yeast and 100 per cent leak proof, he said. The managing director, Mr Akshay Shah, said the tanks have a capacity ranging from 500 litres to 20,000 litres.


Food prices decline but still too high for the poor, says World Bank
Food prices have been on a downward trend for six consecutive months due to low demand in the international markets and improved supply, the World Bank has said. Internationally traded food declined between October 2012 and February this year. However, global food prices remain only nine per cent below the all-time high recorded in August last year, and several uncertainties on both the supply and demand sides still threaten the global markets. The World Bank Groups quarterly Food Price Watch report noted that the persistently high and unpredictable food costs not only inuence conditions of hunger and undernutrition, but also obesity, which may increase in the context of high prices as people go for cheaper and less nutritious food. Prices of grains dropped by ve per cent, fats and oils by four per cent, while other foods by three per cent. In the same period, the price of internationally traded wheat declined by 11 per cent, sugar by 10 per cent, and maize by six per cent. International fertiliser prices also declined by ve per cent during this period, while crude oil prices shot up by four per cent, read the report in part. It states that reported favourable weather conditions in some regions have also raised hopes of better crop supply this year. Global stocks of cereals dropped by three per cent in 2012, mainly due to decline in wheat stocks and coarse grains, read a statement from the bank. The bank warns of high and unpredictable food prices becoming the new normal as millions of people continue to suer from hunger and malnutrition because they lack eective mechanisms to cope with such unpredictability. Although we havent seen a food crisis as (bad as) the one of 2008, food security should remain a priority. We need additional eorts to strengthen nutrition programmes, safety nets, and sustainable agriculture, said the World Bank Groups vice-president for poverty reduction and economic management, Mr Otaviano Canuto. Yvonne Kawira

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


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Cash services taxation a big challenge

Legal hurdles come in the way the collection framework will be structured
n a bid to increase revenue, the latest Finance Act 2012 introduced a 10 per cent excise duty on other fees charged by nancial institutions, in addition to those levied on money transfer provided by nancial service providers. While this represents an additional means of excise duty collection, there are major challenges in the legal, administrative, and collection framework which need to be addressed. First, it is not clear which nancial institutions will bear the responsibility of levying the excise duty. The said Finance Act and the Customs and Excise Act do not provide a denition of nancial institutions. A perusal of the Central Bank Act denes nancial institutions as a body corporate or other body of persons carrying on, whether on their own behalf or as agents for another, nancial business within the meaning of the Banking Act, whether in Kenya or elsewhere. While the Income Tax Act denes nancial institutions as banks or nancial institutions licensed under the Banking Act, insurance companies licensed under the Insurance Act, building societies registered under the Building Societies Act, the National Housing Corporation established under the Housing Act, cooperative societies registered under the Cooperative Societies Act, the Kenya Post Oce Savings Bank established by the Kenya Post Oce Savings Bank Act, the Agricultural Finance Corporation established by the Agricultural Finance Corporation Act and any person licensed under Part VII of the Hire Purchase Act. Second, the amendments have not provided a denition of what constitutes other fees upon which the 10 per cent excise duty is to be imposed. For example, it is not clear whether interest charged on loans, loan processing fees, account maintenance fees, ledger fees, among others, are subject to this excise duty. If applied, this provision risks jeopardising the nancial sector because it translates into a signicant increase in the cost of serv-

Unaitas seeks to expand nationally

Unaitas Sacco has announced an ambitious expansion plan following its rebranding several months ago. At the same time, the lender, whose roots are in Muranga County and which changed its name from Muramati Sacco, may not list at the Nairobi Securities Exchange as earlier planned. According to the societys chief executive, Mr Tony Kinyua, four more branches would be opened in selected counties to add to the 15 which the institution already has. He said the nancial institution has opened branches in Ongata Rongai and most recently Nakuru town as it seeks to establish a national image. Mr Kinyua, while addressing the media on the sidelines of the societys annual general meeting held in Muranga town, said Unaitas had seen a huge growth of membership since it re-branded. We are now boasting of a 137 per cent rise in membership from 47,533 members as at December 31, 2011 to 113,048 members as at December 31 in 2012, he said. The chief executive said the financial institution had seen growth in total assets from Sh2.8 billion in 2011 to Sh3.9 billion in 2012, accounting for a 39 per cent rise. The loan book also grew tremendously during the same period, rising from Sh1.5 billion to Sh2.3 billion, he said. Mr Kinyua said plans to list on the NSE under the small and medium enterprises segment were not as yet possible due to stringent requirements. For a cooperative society to participate in any arranged listing on NSE, it will always have challenges as the share capital is limited, unlike a company which has authorised share capital. By virtue of being open (share capital), this makes it a technical issue, added the CEO who asked the nancial regulator to look into the matters, saying saccos have an interest in listing at the NSE. Nation Media Group CEO Linus Gitahi, who was the chief guest during the event, challenged the sacco to remain in the upward trend and to continue serving its clients diligently. Samwel Karanja


Taxing services such a ATM withdrawals will be dicult for the government to implement.

Stringent requirements

Jeopardise the nancial sector

ices provided by nancial institutions to their customers. Third, the new law has not provided for the imposition, collection, and payment of excise duty as well as the registration process for excise duty. The Customs and Excise Act requires providers of mobile cellular phone services to be licensed by the Communications Commission of Kenya. The Act further provides that licensed providers are responsible for the charging, collection, and payment of excise on mobile cellular phone services. There is no such provision in law to enable providers of other nancial services (as noted services on which excise is chargeable still to be dened in the Act) to levy, collect, and pay to Kenya Revenue Authority excise on money transfer and other financial services provided by nancial institutions. Last but not least, there has been confusion on the eective date of this duty

since the Finance Act provides that, the publication date is the eective date of implementation. The confusion is because, while the Finance Act was released to the public on February 5, 2013, the publication thereof stated January 9, 2013. It is imperative that matters on which institutions, what services, who will be responsible for levying the excise, and the eective date are dealt with by policy makers sooner rather than later. Till then, the purposed change to charge excise on money transfer services and other nancial services will be challenging to implement. Mr Shah is tax partner, PwC Kenya, Ms Wafula is tax senior manager, PwC Kenya Bea, and Mr TwumDanso is a tax manager PwC Kenya


Forget free-range pig rearing, researchers advise

Research has revealed that freerange domestic pigs have less economic benet to their owners. The results of a year-long pig tracking study carried out in Busia County between March 2011 and February 2012 observes that the animals spend a lot of energy foraging and this reduced their potential for weight gain. The movement data can also be combined with information on ration formulation and daily weight gain to provide farmers with advice on how to change their animal husbandry practices to improve the protability of pig production, said the report. The research was carried out by the University of Edinburgh and the International Livestock Research Institute and published by BMC Veterinary Research. The report notes that free-range pigs have a much higher risk of picking up diseases and infections like the pork tapeworm and African swine fever, and passing them on to other domestic animals, wildlife, and people. The study states that irrespective of the production system, pigs can be the host of a variety of diseasecausing microorganisms. It also notes that understanding the movement patterns of freerange pigs can help animal health researchers develop eective disease control policies for smallholder pig production systems based on a better understanding of the patterns of disease transmission within the population of the animals. The study also reveals that free-range pigs move at an average of 4,340 metres in a 12-hour period. The study used the Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track free-range domestic pigs in order to understand their movement patterns. Ouma Wanzala

12 smart business


Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION


To win in customer service, you must have positive attitude

Customer service is more of an attitude than a skill. My fruit vendor, for example, did not need to go to college to acquire his outstanding customer service skills. On the other hand, I have come across managers who lament that even after coaching their sta on customer service skills, some still do not care about their customers. That customer service as an attitude is evident in how an individual interacts with others. A few days ago, as we discussed the role of attitude in customer service excellence, a course participant sought to know exactly what attitude is. She went ahead to explain that when someone says, you have an attitude, it is a sign that one has a negative attitude. An attitude is simply a point of view and contrary to the participants notion, it could be either positive or negative. We develop positive or negative attitudes towards our customers depending on what we associate them with. When we associate them with business growth and success, source of our earnings, and so on, then we develop a positive attitude like my fruit vendor. If we associate them with more work, high demands, lofty expectations, complaints... then we tend to dislike them and a negative attitude towards them develops. It is for this reason that sta statements such as not another big order, these customers are a nuisance, how do they expect us to deliver all these products? and these customers do not understand should concern every business owner and manager. Individuals who exhibit a negative attitude towards customers are easy to spot. They are usually not interested in improving their customer service skills. They are unenthusiastic, lazy, careless, impatient with customers, do not listen, are cynical, are never on time, and seemingly do not enjoy their jobs. They are also ignorant about what is going on around them and often get angry if the customer is upset. Many such sta, unfortunately, blame their negative attitude on their managers, colleagues, and customers. Their negative attitude does a great disservice to their organisations and especially to those who depend on them to get their jobs done. Attitude change Attitude change is possible. However, it has to start with a personal responsibility. We have dominion over our attitude. Studies have shown that we can change our attitudes by changing how we think, act, or how we feel. Although changing how we feel about customers is the hardest task, it yields the most signicant attitude change and impacts our actions and reactions. When we have to relate with customers, a positive attitude about ourselves and the world around us gives us inner strength to successfully interact. To succeed in customer interactions, we must, therefore, have a positive attitude irrespective of our circumstances. There is no doubt about the role of attitude in organisational success; it is everything. Smart companies must inuence their work place attitude by ensuring that they recruit managers and sta with the right attitude. Additionally, managers positive attitudes need to be reected in their actions. Managers must set a good example and reward positive attitude. If we wish to make customer service a way of life, having a positive attitude towards customers is the starting point.
Lucy Kiruthu is a Management Consultant and can be reached on or via twitter @kiruthulucy

Does Tizen software stand a chance in an Android world?

Samsung and other device makers tinker with the new platform that is meant to rival Android-based phones

Percentage share of Android-based smartphones globally which Samsung shipped last year the lion share compared to other device makers

ccording to the International Data Corporation (IDC) quarterly phone tracker, the combined shipment of Android and iOS-based smartphones accounted for 91.1 per cent of the total number of handsets shipped during the fourth quarter of last year. The Android operating system grabbed the lions share of the market with 70.1 per cent against Apples iOS at 21 per cent. Korean tech giant, Samsung Electronics, was the biggest contributor to Androids success, amassing 42.0 per cent of all Android smartphone shipments in 2012. Following Samsung was a long list of vendors with single digit market share and an even longer list of rms with market share less than one per cent. The intra-Android competition has not stied companies from keeping it as the cornerstone of their respective smartphone strategies, but has upped the urge to innovate. This, in essence, has propelled the Android platform into run-away success despite issues of fragmentation and security. But now we have the latest news in the smartphone world. Samsung and a number of other device makers are

tinkering with a new platform called Tizen. The upcoming brand of phones from Samsung might spot the Tizen software. Recently, the electronics giant indicated that it is manufacturing the rst Tizen-based smartphones for release before the end of the year. Tizen is an open source software and will add to the growing number of alternatives to Android and iOS platforms. It is Linux-based, just like Android. The new platform is backed by handset manufacturers Samsung, Fujitsu, and Panasonic, carriers DoCoMo, Orange, and Vodafone, and chip maker Intel. Orange, NTT, and DoCoMo have plans to commercialise Tizen devices in the second half of 2013. The teaming up of device makers and carriers underscores the value of an open ecosystem and delivering of valuable services to consumers. Executives from member companies of the Tizen Association view openness as the key to raising the bar for user experience. They believe that it has fully embraced the shift towards more openness, leveraging industry standards from the ground up. The seemingly growing commitment among industry players distinguishes Tizen from closed mobile OSs like Windows or Apples iOS. By capitalising on the merits of an open system, the new platform can garner a robust ecosystem of developers, device makers, and carriers. The battle for supremacy in the smartphone category has over the years pitted Android devices against the iOS devices. To a substantial number of smartphone users, the trend has either been you own an

Openness of systems

Android phone or an iPhone, with few being in possession of devices from other platforms. Given the sti competition in the mobile world, it is not surprising to witness cases of run-away success and eminent death for a number of mobile platforms. Nokias Symbian platform used to be a market leader in the past before Apples iOS and Android began the two-horse competition. Symbian software is slowly dying after Nokia abandoned it in favour of Windows OS. At the same time, BlackBerry is struggling to re-invent itself after being sidelined by users as they went for Android and Apples products. The case for Android OS is one of meteoric rise to the number one spot after trouncing earlier platforms. In fact, global markets are now littered with a plethora of devices running on Googles Android OS. If the quest for Tizen gathers momentum, chances are that it will compete with Android in Asia and emerging markets like Africa due to current existing channels of trade. Since some of the key players in the Android community are embracing Tizen, there is future trouble for Android. However, part of the success of Tizen lies in how the new software will appeal to users as well as how it will overcome some of the shortcomings of Android. Besides, some device makers will require a convincing reason for the shift to the new software, just as was the case of migration from Symbian to Android. The writer is an ICT analyst and a telecommunication engineer.

An overview of the Home, Gallery, and Settings panels in the Tizen OS. Tizen provides a robust and exible environment for application developers, based on HTML5.


DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

smart business 13

14 smart company

business life

Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION


Build a community and strong culture within your business

When setting up a venture, there is a need to bear in mind your potential clients and what more you can oer them
hen you are launching a startup, one of your rst tasks is to identify potential customers and learn about their needs. This may seem dierent from the goals I have described in previous columns about dening your businesss greater purpose and helping to tackle some of the big problems our society faces today, but in fact they are related. Getting involved in volunteer eorts may help you to nd customers and grow a business with deep roots in the community, which may be integral to its longterm success. When my friends and I were starting up Virgin Records in the early 1970s, we backed a student advisory centre in London close to our headquarters, which provided guidance for young people on everything from dealing with


Richard Branson

depression to getting a job. This may not have led directly to record sales, but our work there did help us to keep in touch with our audiences concerns and the problems they faced at a time when the culture was changing very quickly. Over the years, businesses in the Virgin Group have taken part in a number of local projects, though local now means close to our oces, stores, and other locations around the world. Experience has taught us that during our Virgin Records days, we might also have looked at lending some of our equipment, manpower, and other resources to local school music programmes and other music-focused community groups. What ideas can you think of for your business? Are there groups in your community in need of support, perhaps in terms of mentorship or equipment? Are there skills you could oer to teach? How would your team like to get involved? Just a few hours a month can make a big dierence in peoples lives and help with your companys development. This has been seen at other companies than Virgin. A wellknown example is Ben & Jerrys Homemade, an ice cream company based in South Burlington, Vermont, which in its early years invested a great deal in its relationships, hiring everyone from dairy farmers to artists from the local community. (In fact, when the company went public in 1984, the founders, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greeneld, oered the

people of Vermont priority when buying stock to reward them for their early support.) Building on those relationships, the company advocated good causes that came to its attention, promoting organisations such as Farm Aid to support family farmers. After a few years, Ben & Jerrys began to donate 7.5 per cent of its annual pre-tax prots to community-oriented projects. While the company became part of the multinational consumer goods rm Unilever in 2000, it still retains its local connection, its mission, and its reputation. And in todays global and ercely competitive market, this makes the Ben & Jerrys brand stand out from the crowd a very valuable asset. Seeing this process at work can be a powerful experience. On a recent trip to South Africa I visited Virgin Active, our health club business, and got an update on some of its local community activities. The team at our agship club in Soweto amazes me with their focus on helping people to live healthier, more productive

There is need to do more than just the business for society.


Retaining connections

lives. Working with the government, they recently launched a youth development programme called Future Crew, which helps local high schools to get physical activity back on the curriculums, as many schools in South Africa do not have adequate sports facilities and many students are not active. Virgin Active piloted the programme at Lavender Hill Senior Secondary School, which is in the heart of one of Cape Towns poorest areas, and where, against the odds, the schools headmaster, Faseeg Manie, has created a better and safer learning environment. We opened a new gym and launched after-school sports programmes, and within days, a steady stream of students were joining exercise classes and using the equipment. Lavender Hill has seen great results, and so we plan to pair up our other clubs with other schools. Our Active sta is training both teachers and pupils,

and over time we will open these relationships up to members so that they can help us to raise money for school equipment and volunteer to mentor or coach the students. The point of such activities is not to make money although, as Ben & Jerrys has shown, sometimes this can be an indirect result. Through the relationships you build by doing such work, your business will become a hub for the community, supporting and fostering the people around it. It will help you to build a stronger culture within your company, better relationships with your customers and sta, and ultimately a more successful business. Take a look around. What can you and your team do? Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group of companies. Questions from readers will be answered in future columns. Send them to RichardBranson@nytim

You cant participate in leadership without giving your all

WE HAVE JUST celebrated the Easter holiday, a time when Christians reect on the ultimate sacrice that was made by Jesus Christ. The story of Jesus Christ is a very humbling lesson on leadership sacrice, when even the closest to you will deny you and reject any association with you in the face of danger and uncertainty. Lessons and thoughts drawn here will tell you that leadership calls for total commitment and sacrice. The overtold story of the chicken and the pig on the breakfast table gives a light reection of the same. Whereas the chicken participates by laying the breakfast egg and moving on with life, the pigs commitment to provide bacon is total. You cannot participate in leadership unless you give your all, without any reservations. Leadership in which form and magnitude is a sacrice calls upon the leader to give up space, and more space. When you take up the responsibility, it calls upon you to let go of your precious space, in all dierent forms and shapes. You will be called upon to give up your space to the unreasonable for the team to make progress, for it is not always that reason will carry the day. You will nd it necessary on occasions to give up your space in the short-term to the unreasonable for the greater good in the long-term. Leadership is a sacrice of your you are constantly reminded of your imperfections. You will receive more criticism than compliments. You must accept and live with that, for such is the sacrice you have made. Remuneration for leadership is not monetary; you can only be remunerated from within yourself by the sense of achievement in your work. If you focus on monetary gains, you will remain with a hollow and bitter feeling of why you took up the challenge to lead in the rst place. You must pay yourself with a sense of gratitude that you bore it all with dignity.
Mr Muturi is the executive director, Kenya Institute of Management.

space, necessitated by the need to listen to many and diverse people, even when there is all the likelihood that very little of benet will be forthcoming from it. While you do not agree with what is being said, leadership will demand that you give it your space by listening. In most cases all

that is required is to be heard. Leadership is also a sacrice because you will always be on the receiving end, regardless of the great good you have done and continue to do. Being human, we cannot be perfect. Yet we cannot live mourning our imperfection. In leadership, however,

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


smart company 15


Fear and optimism characterise trading at the bourse

THE NSE 20 Share Index rose 2.7 per cent to settle at 4,860.83 points in the four-day trading session marking a decent recovery from its March 21 lows at 4,709. The week was characterised by both fear and optimism due to the election petition. The index is now a shooting distance away from its June 2008 high established at 4,610 points and technical signals point toward a revisit back to this high later in the year if the current momentum holds. Market participants holding this view believe that this anticipated push up will come from retailers returning to the marB.O.C KENYA LTD. (BOC) ket following good results from the banking sector. CIC INSURANCE traded sideways around Sh5.45 last week, forming a pattern typically known for a stock on the verge of a breakout. The stock was unchanged despite announcing its group results for the year ending December 31, 2012, which saw its pre-tax prot rise to Sh1.6 billion from Sh787 million. Improved underwriting results and higher investment income contributed to the impressive results. Investment income grew by 169 per cent to stand at Sh1.4 billion due to investments in the real estate sector and the prevailing high interest rates. BOC GROUP, the oxygen manufacturer, released its end-year results for 2012, which showed a 33 per cent jump in protability. Its prot before tax rose to Sh286.7 million from Sh214 million in 2011 on the back of strong sales in Kenya. Its revenues were up by 7.39 per cent to stand at Sh1.29 billion. Total assets increased to Sh1.98 billion from Sh1.81 billion recorded in the previous year. TOTAL KENYA dropped 6.42 per cent to close the week at Sh13 as investors ed the stock following a prot warning issued by its management. The oil marketer projects its prot for the year ending December 31, 2012 to be materially lower than that reported for the same period in 2011. The management cited a legal claim lodged against the company in London courts arising from the activities of Triton. NATIONAL BANK of Kenya vaulted back up Sh20, in the process reclaiming some of its gains erased in the previous week. The quasi-government bank showed a dip in its prot for the year ending December 31, 2012. The dismal performance arose from increased operational expenses which rose to Sh6.46 billion from Sh5.35 billion as a result of increased sta costs. The lender also paid high market rates on deposits but chose to cushion its borrowers by not passing the increase in the cost of funds onto the loan book. Its total interest expenses rose to Sh3.65 billion from Sh1.27 billion in 2011, or an equivalent of 166.4 per cent jump.
Rufus Mwanyasi


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)

MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART))


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)


MAR 01 2012- MAR 29 2013 (DAILY CHART)


Nation Media Group share sky high

Release of good full-year results pushed rms rally to a 12-month high
ation Media Groups share price hit a new 12-month high last week as it continued to rally following the release of impressive full-year results two weeks ago. By close of trading on Thursday, the counter rose 10.6 per cent to average Sh355 after trading at a high of Sh375 and low of Sh350 a share. Equity analysts say the counter has continued to receive good support from both local and foreign shareholders, stimulating a rally of the share price ahead of dividend payment and bonus issue. This year alone, the share price has been one of the best performing at the stock market, going up by about 60 per cent from the January opening price of Sh222 per share. The companys directors have proposed a bonus issue of one share for ve shares held, upon regulatory approval, and Sh10 per share in dividend payout. This comes after the regional media group reported a 24.7 per cent increase in pre-tax prot to Sh3.5 billion in the 2012 nancial year on the back of increased turnover, market share, and lower cost. The performance was also lifted by signicant growth in contribution from regional subsidiaries and interest income from cash reserves. Total revenue rose by 9.8



Chloride Exide has supplied a resident of Kwale District with electricity from a combination of wind generators and solar panels. This hybrid system was installed and commissioned by Mombasa branch to take advantage of the steady wind and sun. This Sh3 million Kwale project which consists of thirty Photovoltaic solar panels with an output of 5.7 kilowatts and two wind generators of 200 watts each will generate electricity for Hans W.s house and other activities, said coast are manager Sheikh Margubali.




Nation Media Group chairman Wilfred Kiboro speaks during an investor brieng.

per cent to Sh12.3 billion from Sh11.2 billion in the period under review as the management announced plans to consolidate the companys operations within the East African region following aggressive expansion in recent years. Direct expenses dropped by seven per cent on account of lower cost of newsprint arising from a strong local currency. Market share gains bolstered circulation revenue, growing by 12 per cent in the full-year period. We will continue to identify opportunities within the greater East African region to invest in but we are also going to spend

a lot more time, like we did in 2012, consolidating our businesses so that even as we move further aeld, we make sure we are moving on a very strong footing, the chief executive officer, Mr Linus Gitahi, said during an investor briefing a fortnight ago. The company has attracted investor interest over its aggressive expansion and product diversication programme that will continue as it moves to consolidate its business across the region. We are a reasonably cash-rich organisation, so with the right opportunity, either in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and

even in Kenya, well be able to probably grab the opportunity without borrowing, Mr Gitahi said. In the past year, the media company launched QTV in Kenya, KFM radio in Rwanda, acquired Dembe FM in Uganda, and rolled out NationHela, an international money transfer service mainly targeting the diaspora. More than 8,000 cards are now actively in use in the market, just about six months after its launch. NMGs group chairman, Mr Wilfred Kiboro, said that what the company started as a strategy about 10 years ago is now beginning to bear fruit.

The Capital Markets Authority has further extended the suspension from trading of shares of CMC Holdings Limited for a period of 53 trading days from 30 March 2013 to 14 June 2013 on request of the company. The market regulator said there were a number of developments aecting the company including the execution of a settlement agreement between the major shareholders of the company in a bid to protect the best interests of the company and its minority shareholders.


The government through Ministry of Livestock is promoting camel output in the arid and semi -arid lands around the country. Livestock ministry permanent secretary, Dr Jacob Ole Miaron, said the government had identied 17 counties for the project. It is estimated that about a million camels are reared producing 450 million litres of milk and 10,000 tonnes of meat a year.

16 smart company

Tuesday April 2, 2013 DAILY NATION

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9.843% 12.50% 12.50% 12.704% 12.25% 7.75% 13.250% 13.50% 0.740 1.260 622 98 2,402 25,000 463.40 7,049.60 4,487.00 1,750.00 250.00 98 826 1,305 106 1,202 2,404 31 581 987 2,303 2,303 12.000 12.000 13.000 12.500 12.500 12.000 13.000 12.000 11.000 13.250 13.500 99.1041 101.7807 93.8311 100.6408 102.5639 93.1397 102.6155 105.6855 92.7318 102.2453 102.2868 2.0942 2.7041 5.5562 2.0225 2.5685 3.1164 5.2208 5.0342 3.1849 2.2933 2.3365 97.0099 99.0766 88.2750 98.6183 99.9954 93.1397 97.3946 100.6513 89.5469 99.9521 99.9503 25-Apr-11 26-Sep-11 28-Nov-11 30-Apr-12 27-Aug-12 29-Oct-12 24-Dec-12 25-Feb-13 25-Mar-13 28-Apr-08 25-Aug-08 27-Oct-08 21-Sep-09 24-May-10 29-Nov-10 31-Jan-11 28-May-12 30-Apr-07 25-Dec-06 30-Jul-07 27-Feb-06 26-Feb-07 01-Mar-10 24-Apr-06 30-Aug-10 23-Jun-03 25-Aug-03 27-Mar-06 29-May-06 29-Oct-07 25-Feb-08 28-Jul-08 29-Sep-08 27-Apr-09 26-Apr-10 01-Nov-10 25-Jun-12 25-Sep-06 28-Aug-06 28-May-07 23-Feb-09 07-Dec-09 03-Oct-11 26-Mar-07 25-Jun-07 26-Nov-07 31-Mar-08 26-Oct-09 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13,800 20,777 18,457 19,967 4,095 14,809 10,008 13,239 11,925 11,969 21,714 22,588 5,948 2,318 8,270 3,319 2,657 15,908 3,060 32,872 2,705 5,929 3,451 5,028 9,309 2,993 13,505 4,152 4,967 12,053 14,934 10,965 4,031 3,901 4,865 19,727 18,898 36,499 3,655 7,237 18,030 7,381 9,420 10,206 12,036 19,530 4,262 18,449 6,011 7,564 20,193 17,086 21 175 238 392 511 574 630 693 721 21 140 203 532 777 966 1,029 1,512 21 259 476 322 686 1,785 742 2,331 70 133 1,078 1,141 1,659 1,778 1,932 1,995 2,205 2,569 2,758 3,360 1,624 1,960 2,233 2,870 3,157 3,822 3,262 3,353 3,507 3,633 4,207 4,361 4,634 5,271 5,425 5,544 6,608 7,154 8,092 10,157 9.660 10.800 11.450 12.685 12.725 12.745 12.765 12.790 12.800 9.660 10.440 11.090 12.735 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.800 9.660 11.665 12.715 12.660 12.785 12.000 12.800 12.000 10.510 10.370 12.800 12.800 12.800 12.790 12.820 12.835 12.875 12.945 12.980 13.400 12.800 12.825 12.880 12.100 12.200 12.200 13.075 13.095 13.160 13.150 13.100 13.090 13.065 13.015 13.200 12.800 12.900 13.000 13.200 13.150 103.1565 100.0599 114.8266 106.9374 99.0290 104.9156 102.7075 101.2930 100.4798 104.1814 100.7292 103.3512 96.1612 91.8864 88.8537 89.3599 101.0911 105.1760 103.6425 98.3678 101.9725 101.3793 94.2867 107.4378 80.1905 104.5452 100.4692 103.4059 108.0932 97.8203 93.9658 94.2306 92.1709 95.9836 85.0198 86.5332 99.7492 103.6688 106.0475 105.2084 102.6512 103.1941 99.2555 107.9372 105.9733 100.9817 96.6767 101.9850 83.2447 77.4858 87.2168 88.4795 109.9492 83.2714 97.0683 89.0731 92.6294 3.2903 0.2019 7.9075 5.8495 1.0687 5.2868 3.3336 1.2350 0.2488 4.2019 1.0962 4.2019 0.3654 2.5398 2.3092 1.3216 4.1037 5.0865 3.4615 1.8750 1.5288 1.4712 0.9375 6.2308 0.5769 4.0769 1.1442 0.5385 5.1154 4.7548 1.2404 2.0673 0.2067 4.7548 3.8879 3.9376 3.4206 0.5288 1.6154 4.7500 1.4423 3.9231 0.0000 0.5577 3.8942 4.5673 0.2404 5.5288 0.1971 2.4231 0.2115 1.0817 3.7019 3.4615 4.1538 3.0288 1.1538 99.8662 99.8580 106.9191 101.0880 97.9603 99.6288 99.3739 100.0580 100.2310 99.9795 99.6330 99.1493 95.7958 89.3466 86.5445 88.0383 96.9875 100.0895 100.1810 96.4928 100.4437 99.9081 93.3492 101.2071 79.6136 100.4683 99.3250 102.8675 102.9778 93.0655 92.7255 92.1633 91.9642 91.2287 81.1320 82.5956 96.3287 103.1400 104.4321 100.4584 101.2089 99.2710 99.2555 107.3795 102.0790 96.4144 96.4363 96.4562 83.0476 75.0627 87.0053 87.3978 106.2473 79.8098 92.9144 86.0442 91.4755


Rwanda eyes 11.5 per cent growth

RWANDAN President Paul Kagame said last week that his country would aim for average annual economic growth of 11.5 per cent for the next ve years. We have set ourselves a target of promoting this countrys economic development. We want economic growth to average 11.5 per cent for the period 2013-2017, Kagame told a government retreat. Its a feasible
target, he went on, saying that the fact that Rwanda managed 8 per cent growth in 2012 despite suspension of foreign budget support was a miracle . The 8 per cent growth gure is according to the government. The International Monetary Fund put Rwandas 2012 growth at 7.7 per cent. In 2012 several donor countries suspended their budget support to Rwanda following accusations from the United Nations that Kigali was backing rebels in eastern DRC. Rwanda has always denied the claims. Nearly two decades after the 1994 genocide, 40 per cent of its budget comes from aid. In February Germany unfroze some seven million euros of aid and reallocated it for professional training. (AFP)

NSE Equities
Ordinary Shares Par Value VWAP Last Fri: VWAP This Thur: Prices Shares Change Traded % During the week 0.00% 4.71% 0.00% 9.30% 3.57% 7.05% 8.64% 1,500 100 7,400 1,000 87,300 82,600 5,200 Total Shares Issued 32,157,000 19,599,999 3,912,000 1,200,000 60,000,000 228,055,500 8,756,320 Mkt Cap. Kshs Mn. EPS DPS P/E Dividend Yield AGRICULTURAL Eaagads Ltd Ord 1.25 AIMS Kakuzi Ltd Ord.5.00 Kapchorua Tea Co. Ltd Ord Ord 5.00 AIMS The Limuru Tea Co. Ltd Ord 20.00 AIMS Rea Vipingo Plantations Ltd Ord 5.00 Sasini Ltd Ord 1.00 Williamson Tea Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS AUTOMOBILES & ACCESSORIES Car & General (K) Ltd Ord 5.00 CMC Holdings Ltd Ord 0.50 Marshalls (E.A.) Ltd Ord 5.00 Sameer Africa Ltd Ord 5.00 1/25 5/5/20/5/1/5/24.00 85.00 115.00 430.00 21.00 12.05 220.00 24.00 89.00 115.00 470.00 21.75 12.90 239.00 771.77 1,744.40 449.88 564.00 1,305.00 2,941.92 2,092.76 1.36 28.06 19.93 33.70 6.34 1.72 93.74 1.25 3.75 7.50 7.50 1.10 1.00 57.50 Sector PE 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.20 Sector PE 1.00 0.00 1.90 1.25 1.40 1.90 0.40 1.00 12.50 0.50 Sector PE 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 8.00 0.60 0.00 1.30 0.30 Sector PE 0.40 10.50 1.25 1.00 0.00 Sector PE 0.60 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Sector PE 0.10 0.09 4.50 0.35 0.40 3.00 Sector PE 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.25 Sector PE 0.00 6.80 32.50 5.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.75 Sector PE 0.30 0.22 Sector PE 17.65 3.17 5.77 13.95 3.43 7.50 2.55 4.28 2.83 75.00 -1.05 15.00 35.02 10.12 5.56 8.31 9.20 6.83 9.37 6.35 8.33 11.01 8.10 9.07 -0.60 -1.10 3.18 -22.37 22.20 32.58 8.36 11.42 20.87 11.00 29.66 17.34 8.73 8.53 -6.05 22.67 10.23 5.23 7.90 5.10 9.71 7.85 5.82 18.33 6.30 4.55 4.97 7.50 6.47 8.94 53.02 10.26 28.05 14.34 -5.50 12.97 16.20 11.08 22.51 -3.47 75.00 3.52 5.36 18.58 10.14 19.22 19.12 5.21% 4.21% 6.52% 1.60% 5.06% 7.75% 24.06%

cd xd


21.00 13.50 12.40 4.50

xd S

22.00 13.50 12.40 5.25

4.76% 0.00% 0.00% 16.67%

3,100 300 656,800

33,419,424 582,709,440 14,393,106 278,342,393

735.23 7,866.58 178.47 1,461.30

7.78 0.18 -11.80 0.35

2.50% 0.00% 0.00% 3.81%

BANKING Barclays Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 0.50 0.50/CFC Stanbic of Kenya Holdings Ltd ord.5.00 5/Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 4.00 4/Equity Bank Ltd Ord 0.50 0.50/Housing Finance Co.Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 1/Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd Ord 1.00 5/National Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 5/NIC Bank Ltd Ord 5.00 5/Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 COMMERCIAL AND SERVICES Express Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Hutchings Biemer Ltd Ord 5.00 Kenya Airways Ltd Ord 5.00 Longhorn Kenya Ltd Ord 1.00 AIMS Nation Media Group Ltd Ord. 2.50 Scangroup Ltd Ord 1.00 Standard Group Ltd Ord 5.00 TPS Eastern Africa Ltd Ord 1.00 Uchumi Supermarket Ltd Ord 5.00 CONSTRUCTION & ALLIED Athi River Mining Ord 1.00 Bamburi Cement Ltd Ord 5.00 Crown Paints Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 E.A.Cables Ltd Ord 0.50 E.A.Portland Cement Co. Ltd Ord 5.00 ENERGY & PETROLEUM KenGen Co. Ltd Ord. 2.50 KenolKobil Ltd Ord 0.05 Kenya Power & Lighting Co Ltd Ord 2.50 Total Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 Umeme Ltd Ord 0.50 5/1/-

17.35 60.00 146.00 30.00 20.50 38.25 19.10 49.00 294.00 14.80

xd cd cd cd cd cd cd cd

16.30 55.00 145.00 30.00 22.00 38.50 20.25 50.25 292.00 14.90

-6.05% -8.33% -0.68% 0.00% 7.32% 0.65% 6.02% 2.55% -0.68% 0.68%

5,265,200 714,100 139,900 20,411,300 1,550,100 12,914,400 1,066,700 872,400 159,800 10,573,300

5,431,536,000 395,321,638 220,100,096 3,702,777,020 235,750,000 2,970,249,681 280,000,000 542,984,148 309,159,514 4,190,845,080

88,534.04 21,742.69 31,914.51 111,083.31 5,186.50 114,354.61 5,670.00 27,284.95 90,274.58 62,443.59

1.61 9.90 17.44 3.26 3.22 4.11 3.19 6.03 26.51 1.84

6.13% 0.00% 1.31% 4.17% 6.36% 4.94% 1.98% 1.99% 4.28% 3.36%


3.60 20.25 10.85 9.00 270.00 68.50 24.75 49.00 19.70

xd cd

3.90 20.25 11.40 8.50 282.00 72.00 24.75 51.50 21.50

8.33% 0.00% 5.07% -5.56% 4.44% 5.11% 0.00% 5.10% 9.14%

22,700 3,970,300 21,400 109,500 1,652,500 44,600 131,800 656,400

35,403,790 360,000 1,496,469,034 58,500,000 157,118,572 284,789,128 81,481,478 182,174,108 265,426,614

138.07 7.29 17,059.75 497.25 44,307.44 20,504.82 2,016.67 9,381.97 5,706.67

-6.47 -18.34 3.58 -0.38 12.70 2.21 2.96 4.51 1.03

0.00% 0.00% 2.19% 0.00% 2.84% 0.83% 0.00% 2.52% 1.40%


64.00 205.00 46.00 14.80 50.00

cd cd

69.00 211.00 47.50 14.85 55.00

7.81% 2.93% 3.26% 0.34% 10.00%

3,311,700 107,500 18,200 1,028,700 111,300

495,275,000 34,173.98 362,959,275 76,584.41 23,727,000 1,127.03 253,125,000 3,758.91 90,000,000 4,950.00

2.33 12.17 5.44 1.74 -9.09

0.58% 4.98% 2.63% 6.73% 0.00%


12.60 11.00 18.40 15.40 10.00

13.10 11.55 18.65 15.55 10.00

3.97% 5.00% 1.36% 0.97% 0.00%

4,498,800 3,351,900 12,333,700 111,000 -

2,198,361,456 1,471,761,200 1,951,467,045 175,028,706 1,623,878,005

28,798.54 16,998.84 36,394.86 2,721.70 16,238.78

1.28 2.21 2.36 3.05 1.03

4.58% 8.66% 2.68% 0.00% 0.00%

DTM/DTC-if FloatingYTM/YTC-if Floating

MABATI ROLLING MILLS MEDIUM TERM NOTES FXD (MRM) 2008/8 27-Oct-08 CFC STANBIC BOND FR 2009/7 FXD 2009/7 FXIB /2009/10 92.0000 SCOM-FR1/09/5 02-Nov-09 03-Nov-14 T.B.+1.850% 03-Nov-14 14-Dec-15 22-Jul-19 22-Jul-19 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed SCOM-FXD01/09/5 02-Nov-09 SCOM-FXD02/10/5 20-Dec-10 SENIOR SUBORDITATED 30-Jul-07 30-Jul-07 16-Jul-09 16-Jul-09 02-Nov-09 16-Jul-16 T.B.+1.750% 16-Jul-16 31-Oct-19 Fixed Fixed

INSURANCE British-American Investments Co (Kenya) Ltd Ord0.10/CIC Insurance Group Ltd Ord.1.00 1/Jubilee Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 5/Kenya Re Insurance Corporation Ltd Ord 2.50 2.50/Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd Ord.1.00 1/Pan Africa Insurance Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 5/INVESTMENT Centum Investment Co Ltd Ord 0.50 City Trust Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Olympia Capital Holdings Ltd Ord 5.00 Trans-Century Ltd Ord 0.50 AIMS

8.50 4.80 207.00 13.90 8.30 52.50


cd cd

8.15 4.95 208.00 14.50 8.55 54.50

-4.12% 3.13% 0.48% 4.32% 3.01% 3.81%

4,354,000 8,365,400 32,300 3,036,700 496,000 368,600

1,891,451,850 2,179,615,440 59,895,000 700,000,000 515,270,364 96,000,000

15,415.33 10,789.10 12,458.16 10,150.00 4,405.56 5,232.00

1.40 0.27 33.00 3.19 1.72 7.27

1.23% 1.82% 2.16% 2.41% 4.68% 5.50%


15.25 448.00 3.85 27.75

s cd

16.00 448.00 3.90 34.50

4.92% 0.00% 1.30% 24.32%

2,062,700 54,500 350,500

665,441,775 5,728,314 40,000,000 273,950,284

10,647.07 2,566.28 156.00 9,451.28

1.79 8.45 0.38 1.23

0.00% 0.00% 2.56% 0.72%



MANUFACTURING & ALLIED A.Baumann & Co Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS B.O.C Kenya Ltd Ord 5.00 British American Tobacco Kenya Ltd Ord 10.00 Carbacid Investments Ltd Ord 5.00 East African Breweries Ltd Ord 2.00 Eveready East Africa Ltd Ord.1.00 Kenya Orchards Ltd Ord 5.00 AIMS Mumias Sugar Co. Ltd Ord 2.00 Unga Group Ltd Ord 5.00 TELECOMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY AccessKenya Group Ltd Ord. 1.00 Safaricom Ltd Ord 0.05


11.10 101.00 539.00 126.00 297.00 1.85 3.00 4.80 14.50

S cd xd cd


11.10 100.00 530.00 127.00 303.00 2.05 3.00 4.65 15.05

0.00% -0.99% -1.67% 0.79% 2.02% 10.81% 0.00% -3.12% 3.79%

739,600 130,500 61,000 2,215,100 356,300 14,274,200 208,700

3,840,066 19,525,446 100,000,000 33,980,265 790,774,356 210,000,000 12,868,124 1,530,000,000 75,708,873

42.62 1,952.54 53,000.00 4,315.49 239,604.63 430.50 38.60 7,114.50 1,139.42

-2.02 7.71 32.71 11.46 13.46 -0.59 0.04 1.32 2.81

0.00% 6.80% 6.13% 3.94% 2.89% 0.00% 0.00% 10.75% 4.98%

DISCLAIMER: This information has been compiled by Eugene Mwai, a Fixed Income Analyst based in Nairobi. While every care has been taken in compiling the data, he does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. For more information, email:


6.95 xb cd 6.00

7.00 6.15

0.72% 2.50%

2,686,300 77,256,700

208,084,296 1,456.59 40,000,000,000 246,000.00

0.69 0.32

4.29% 3.58%

FIXED INCOME MARKET SECURITIES SEGMENT (FISMS) Preference Shares Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 4% Pref 20.00 20.00/Kenya Power & Lighting Ltd 7% Pref 20.00 20.00/-

8.00 5.50

8.00 5.50

0.00% 0.00%

1,800,000 350,000

14.40 1.93

0.80 1.40

10.00% 25.45%

Source: NSE

DISCLAIMER: Utmost care has been taken in the preparation of this report. However, the Nairobi Stock Exchange does not warrant accuracy, adequacy or completeness of this information and expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in this information. No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory, is given in conjunction with the information.


Treasurys huge budget hole likely to aect projects


INSIDE> Claycourt dismisses reports that Uganda imbibes more than Kenya P.4

Daily Kenya Living

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why I want my wife in jail

PAGE 2&3


DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Cry for justice: My case was

Simon Mwangi made headlines last year after being photographed in a Nyeri hospital with these garish panga cuts in his face, and today he is back in the news, this time over the acquittal of his wife over the attack. He tells writer JAMES NGUNJIRI that the prosecution bungled the case, and that there is no way he is going to start life afresh with the wife he now calls that woman. The civil society has pledged to help him nd justice, but he is not keeping his ngers crossed at all. Below, his account of the events since that fateful February night last year
ello, good people. My name is Simon Kiguta Mwangi. I am aged 40 and I come from Muthambi village in Mukurweini, Nyeri. Before we go any further, I have to tell you that I want my wife in jail. I want her locked up and the key thrown away. I want her out of my sight forever. I want nothing to do with her... absolutely nothing. I am a furious man, so pardon me in case I sound too angry. I cant help it. You probably know me from the pictures they ran in the newspapers sometime back, or from the TV clips that were uploaded online

All stitched up: Simon at the Nyeri Provincial General Hospita in February last year.


after our domestic ti turned nasty. Or you probably do not know me, and do not care at all. But I beg you to stay with me, to read on. This, I promise, will be an interesting, heart-breaking story. I am not that good with words, so this man from the Daily Nation will help me tell it. It is good that he came looking for me because I have been thinking that my story will probably never be heard. It is the curse of the lowly of the lowlies, you could say, that their stories remain bottled inside for lack of a good narrative, but not this time. My story starts in my bedroom:

On February 7 last year, my friend and I decided to walk the short distance from my home to Mihuti shopping centre for a few glasses of Keg. Three hours later, I staggered home piss drunk at around 10.45. My wife, Julia Wairimu Mwangi, was already asleep when I knocked on the door, and I could hear her struggle to light the lamp inside as I waited for her to open the door. Once inside, she oered me some food but I told her I was okay. The Keg was already too much for my tummy and I feared that a combination of beer and food would make things worse. I would probably vomit all over the house, to the chagrin of my wife. So I told her no, I would eat the food in the morning. I had about Sh540 in my pocket and, before I climbed into bed for the night, I gave her Sh250 for the usual household supplies. Once abed, it was not long before I started dozing o, but I remember my wife climbing in while still fully dressed. I found that quite unusual and, after a small confrontation, I decided to sleep it away. All I wanted was to catch my 40 winks. But that was not to be. In the middle of the night I cant

I have tried my level best to understand this turn of events, but every time I go to bed, I tell myself that the nightmare will soon end, that I will one day open my eyes to a rosy world where people hug each other and children smile at you and birds sing at you from their perches, but then I wake up the following day and realise that Utopian world only exists in my imagination.

quite tell what time it was I was awakened by a sharp pain in my face. The Keg had not worn o, so my eyes and reexes were still hazy. Still, what I saw shocked the bats out of me. My wife was standing beside the bed, a lamp in hand and a panga in the other. I threw the blankets away and

rose to try and defend myself, but the blows kept coming. I screamed at her, asking her why she wanted to kill me, but she never uttered a word. Then, suddenly, she ran outside and locked me inside the house. I was already bleeding profusely from the panga cuts and thought I would die inside the house. I struggled to break the door down in vain, then it hit me that I could jump out through a window and seek help. Once outside, I rushed to my brothers house who, upon seeing my condition, immediately called my father. From there, the memories are still hazy to me, but I do know that, somehow, I found myself admitted at the Nyeri Provincial General Hospital. I was later told that I had first been rushed to Mukurweini hospital unconscious, but doctors there referred me to the Nyeri provincial hospital, where I spent two weeks. My wife was arrested while I was still conned to the hospital and arraigned in court shortly afterwards, where she was charged with attempted murder. The case drew a lot of national attention, especially because it came at a time when cases of spousal


DESIGNERS: Nzisa Mulli, Andrew Anini, Dennis Makori, Alice Othieno, Davis Mulyango, Michael Mosota, Ken Kusimba, Hassan Ibrahim, Benjamin Situma Joy Abisagi, Virginia Borura, Felix Miringu REPORTERS: Joy Wanja COVER GRAPHIC: Dennis Makori

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DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

bungled from the start

indicated that there was no independent witness to the actual assault as all those who had testified before the court had seen my wife after she had left our house. Consequently, my wife was set free for lack of enough evidence. But it pains me that it had to get to this. I believed that the evidence was water-tight, the court thought otherwise. Now I have to live with these scars for the rest of my life, a constant reminder of what I believe was an injustice of the highest order. I have been thinking of other ways of appealing this judgment, but, as things stand now, I am hopeless and helpless. One thing I am sure about though is that I am not going to live with that woman again after all this. Maendeleo ya Wanaume, the lobby group that ghts for the rights of men, says it will take up my case and see to it that justice is served by giving me legal advice and hiring a lawyer to start this thing afresh, but until that happens, all is lost for me. Some people told me to write a letter to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Mr Keriako Tobiko, to lay grounds on my appeal of the court ruling and copy it to Chief Justice Dr Willy Mutunga and the court, but how do I do that? Where do I even start? The court said it would not convict the suspect out of public sympathy or interest, and so gave her the benet of doubt. I know the law can be cruel at times, but this... this was too much. I am beginning to believe that probably the prosecution bungled this thing on purpose. Where attempted murder is involved and blood is spilt, one would expect that investigators would comb the area for every little bit of evidence and produce it in court. But not on this case. The shoes I wore, the clothes, the beddings everything that could have made this case an open-and-shut one were kept away from the court. The magistrate noticed this and asked what was happening, but no good answer was given. So here I am, alone in a world that is too fast and too complicated for me. It has been one mad year for me, and now it is time to gather the pieces and move on. I have tried my level best to understand this turn of events, but every time I go to bed, I tell myself that the nightmare will soon end, that I will one day open my eyes to a rosy world where people hug each other and children smile at you and birds sing at you from their perches, but then I wake up the following day and realise that Utopian world only exists in my imagination. You and I do not live in an ideal world. Violence and disease confront us from every corner, including our very own bedrooms. The only thing we can do is ward it o, shoo it away. Sometimes we are successful, other times we are not. Its life. Was justice served in this case? Send your Follow the legal discussion on

From above clockwise: A recovered Simon at his home in Mukurweini, his wife Julia Wairimu in court, Simon at his farm, and him recovering in hospital a few days after the attack.


abuse against men were rampant in my area. When she appeared before the court for the first time on Valentines Day last year, my wife refuted the allegations of attempted murder, saying she had run away from the house after some unknown people came knocking on our door at night. The court released her on bond, but the prosecution requested that the terms of that bond be reasonable in accordance with the seriousness of the charges. I do not know why the court found it so easy to release my wife on bond even after the police said they had a rough time trying to trace her, but since the prosecution did little to try to object to that ruling, there was nothing I could do. That marked the beginning of lapses of judgment by the prosecuting side and the police officers tasked with the responsibility of investigating the case that, eventually, turned the case upside-down. After a series of hearings, it became apparent that the case against my wife was falling apart. The police were bungling every angle of the investigation and it was clear that things were going downhill for me. That is why I was not surprised when, after a year of anguish, my wife was acquitted of the attempted murder charges on February 27, 2013. In dismissing the case, Mukurweini Senior Principal Magistrate Wendy Kagendo conrmed my observation of the prosecution by saying the case had been mishandled from the start. She said that, from the


government chemists report, the blood stains on a panga that was retrieved from my mothers pit latrine days after I was attacked were traced to a unknown male , and that this introduced a new twist to the story. Ms Kagendo also questioned why that inconclusive evidence had been introduced into the case when the prosecution knew all too well it would have a negative bearing on the case. Investigators said they had not discovered any blood stains outside my house, but when Ms Kagendo asked whether they had found any blood stains inside, no conclusive answer was given. In fact, the clothes I

The number of prosecution witnesses called during the trial. Simons wife Julia gave her own defence and called only one witness.

wore on the fateful night and the beddings were not even produced in court! To complicate matters, my wife gave a conicting testimony on what I believe happened prior to the attack. First, she said that I had staggered home drunk and naked, and, second, contrary to what I had told the court, she had undressed to bed. The prosecution produced 11 witnesses while my wife gave her own defence and called one witness, but the magistrate

I WOULD like to respond to Clay Mugandas article which was published in DN2 on March 26, 2013 (Sheath your hypocrisy, dear religious leaders) by reminding him that recognising a moral standard does not make one a hypocrite. I, for instance, am not a hypocrite because I can recognise counterfeit money yet I am broke. Clay wrote: When did the condom start falling on us, when did it start coming between us and our morals, when did it start turning stable families into dysfunctional ones? These are questions many of us cannot answer. Do you know why many of us cant answer those questions? Because none of us is even asking those questions. You just made them up. You are responding to your own pitiful straw-man. The condom is not the issue. The message implied in the condom advert is the issue. Is indelity immoral? Yes. Is indelity prevalent? Yes. But it remains immoral, no matter how prevalent it gets. The rightness of an action is not determined by its popularity. You may not have noticed this, but all previous condom adverts focused on the possibility of your legal partner cheating on you and how you may protect yourself. Those adverts were acceptable because they

DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010

are redening the morality of stealing. We are implicitly saying that the thief has a right to the stolen goods. That the thief shouldnt suer for losing what is not legally his own. Of course, the thief has every right to buy a padlock, but nobody crafts adverts with thieves as the target audience. This is only the rst of many steps to complete moral anarchy in our society. This is what the clergy and any other Kenyan with any semblance of moral bre is reacting to. Let us not let our biases against religion or the failures of the clergy cloud our vision for the greater social good. In his book, Ends and Means, Aldous Huxley confesses that his reasons for arguing against the message of the Bible were not unbiased and objective philosophical reasons. He had a moral agenda, he says. I had motives for not wanting the world to have a meaning; and consequently assumed that it had none.... For myself, as no doubt for most of my friends, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation from a certain system of morality. We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom. The supporters of this system claimed that it embodied the meaning the Christian meaning, they insisted of the world. There was one admirably simple method of

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

presupposed an underlying moral law, beyond the HIV/Aids considerations. But this particular advert (Weka Condom Mpangoni) focuses on the possibility of your illegal partner cheating on you. It dismisses any moral presuppositions as irrelevant and only magnies the HIV/Aids issue. Thats whats new. Thats whats scandalous. Thats what causing all the buzz. Thats where the rubber meets the road. Consider this: When we put padlocks on our doors, we are admitting that thieves exist and maintaining that stealing is immoral, no matter how prevalent it is. But when we tell thieves to put padlocks on their doors to guard their stolen goods, we

confuting these people and justifying ourselves in our erotic revolt: we would deny that the world had any meaning whatever. Claiming that a moral standard exists doesnt make me a hypocrite simply because I personally fail to meet that standard. But denying the reality of morality (and seeking to silence the voice of morals) makes you a hypocrite for having any personal moral codes. Despite its reality and prevalence, we will not condone moral erosion, Clay (pun intended). By Cornell Ngare, via e-mail. See related story below on the turn of events regarding this condom saga.


Biggest lie: Uganda drinks more alcohol than Kenya

efore I get into the heart of the vat and ask why you decided to look at our country with naked eyes and not rosy-coloured lenses, I rst need to get some things o my chest. It has been a while and I want to trust you have also forgotten its name. I mean the magazine that kept calling you names and declaring that you should be called Chicken (and) Noodle Network and not Cable News Network. Of course I can Google the name, but there is no need. After calling you names for many years, the whats-its-name magazine itself folded up, yet you are still going strong, continuously branching out to different parts of the world in different languages and periodically introducing new exciting features and news programmes. Well, there is no CNN Swahili yet, but you got the Kiswahili-speaking viewers well-catered for so much so that after local broadcasters are done airing Mexican soaps and third-rate 1920s movies, they link up to your feed until their presenters wake up and start shouting at us. During the recent Kenyan elections, you were on the receiving end. You were labeled a warmonger only happy when Kenyans are killing one another and always in search of negative stories about our beloved country. On a personal level, I found us so ckle, feeble and almost soft in the head. Until our media personalities and we have many seek out, nd and interview the actors in the so-called oending video, I will stand by you because we are largely responsible for airing to the world our dirty linen. Having written that, I have to admit that I am very disturbed by a more serious issue that you unveiled and which is bringing disrepute to our great country. It is not only lowering our countrys rating in the eyes of tourists, but also lowering its stock among the worlds greatest investors and philanthropists who


What was the ruckus about Collins Injera being dropped from the national Rugby Sevens team, if I may ask? Initial media reports about this unfortunate incident kept mentioning discipline and the reasons were a bit hazy but the administration stood its ground and refused to budge. Kenyans who are associated with rugby always come across as people who cannot condone impunity and that is why I was a bit surprised when the new media was atwitter over Injeras exclusion from the squad in Hong Kong. I still do not know what he did, or what transpired between him and the technical bench or the administration, or who was right or wrong, but I love the way the latter dug in and insisted that discipline in the team must be upheld at all times and by all (players) no matter how big a star they are. Those men and women who are in that technical bench or in that rugby oce are right up my alley, and should go to these other sports federations and straighten things up, for indiscipline is the main reason for the poor performance of most of our national teams.

clay muganda
National pastime: Our youth religiously pay obeisance to Bacchus throughout the week and our elders take their toddlers to family fundays so that the young ones can learn important basic lessons like how to gulp down contents of beer bottles

a r e willing and ready to throw s o m e extra cash our way. Some weeks ago, you released the results of some survey which claimed that Ugandans consume more alcohol than the citizens of any African country. These results, dear Cable News Network, have caused us untold suering to say the least because the survey was denitely skewed and meant to kill our spirit in every sense of the phrase. That survey is just part of your larger antiKenya campaign and, no, we will not toast it. When it comes to consumption of copious amounts of alcoholic beverages, Kenya ranks

very high, be it day or night, and any time of the week, month or year. We are the only country in Africa whose legislature spent months debating a Bill that would determine opening hours for pubs after it was discovered that we were falling back on our national pastime or duty, I dare say and not meeting our daily per capita quantities. Ours is the only country where citizens went to court to stop the police from infringing on our God-given right of drinking and driving, a feat whose success rate is staggeringly high and the numbers that tell the story are available at all the emergency wards and cemeteries. With such achievements under our collective beer bellies, how can Uganda, a tiny land-locked country that can only boast of one gold medal in over three decades of participating in Olympics Games, consume more alcohol than Kenya, a country where people are so used to running after beer, money, women and corrupt deals, but away from condoms? Uganda leads its African neighbours in alcohol intake, thanks largely to rampant trade in illegally made rotgut and a winning formula of booze made from bananas. Really, CNN? Well, I got news for you! Even though we do not have expansive farmlands of bananas and such parthenogenetic fruits, we have pilfered enough formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals from mortuaries and other government stores and we use them to brew and distill potent moonshines that not only leave us speechless, but sightless too. Our youth, who outnumber Ugandas, religiously pay obeisance to Bacchus throughout the week and our elders take their toddlers to family fundays so that the young ones can learn important basic lessons like how to gulp down contents of beer bottles, how to talk rudely to ill-trained wait sta and how to drive after having a crate or two for the road. Surely CNN, you can redeem yourself by ordering a proper survey which will put our country in its rightful place on the bar counter, otherwise we will always doubt your intentions even if you smother our media personalities with awards and training opportunities.


I have some bad and good news. First, the oending condom advert that encourages immorality might make it back on air after concerns raised by various parties are addressed. Apparently a technical committee has been established to see how the advert could be changed to accommodate the concerns raised, according to National Aids Control Council. While that technical committee gets down to work, residents of Naivasha have recorded one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in Kenya despite intensive awareness campaigns to reduce new infections. The district medical ocer says more women than men (in the area) are aected and that more eorts are needed to curb the spread. Decide which of those two items is good or bad news.

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


The of upsurge of drug resistant strains of this infectious disease show that, despite our best eorts, it will remain a medical challenge for years to come

The deadly rise of tuberculosis

become sick with TB according to the World Health Organisation. Individuals with weakened immune systems have a much greater risk of falling ill from TB. Statistics show that a person living with HIV is about 20 to 30 times more likely to develop active TB. Tuberculosis is curable and preventable with the help of lifestyle interventions. This is vital to ensure that everyone has access to TB prevention and treatment services in all countries in the region , says Dr Sambo, Regional Director of the WHO. The TB epidemic is largely driven by factors related to poverty, poor access to healthcare services and limited awareness and education. The coinfection of TB and HIV is a growing challenge as one in four people living with HIV will die of tuberculosis. In 2011, 46 per cent of those who had TB were HIV positive and sadly, only 46 per cent of them received the WHO recommended anti-retroviral treatment according to the Global Tuberculosis Report of 2012. Drug resistance Extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR) has been detected in 84 countries and is a growing threat with the ease of international travel. To prevent further cases of XDR, a radical change is needed in the political and scientic thinking, and the implementation of specic preventative measures. The widespread emergence of XDR are needed despite the global economic crisis and global healthcare shortages. National tuberculosis programmes can make signicant strides in TB control and facilitate the prevention of drugresistant tuberculosis. Tuberculosis has been perceived as someone elses problem for decades and the amount of innovative treatments, research and policy developments are nearly nonexistent. Drug-resistant TB can be viewed as a result of governments, policy makers and the medical community complacency in response to the growing threat. Preventing tuberculosis About one third of the worlds population is infected with the tuberculosis bacteria but the vast majority can prevent or ght it naturally by leading a healthy lifestyle. The best methods of preventing tuberculosis include nearly anything that builds a strong immune system. Its important to engage in regular exercise, eat a healthy diet and get enough good quality sleep. One of the most powerful factors in the strength of ones immune system is the avoidance of tobacco and alcohol. Dr Cory Couillard is an international healthcare speaker and columnist. He works in collaboration with the World Health Organisations goals of disease prevention and global healthcare education. Views do not necessarily reect endorsement.

lobally, nine million people become infected with tuberculosis (TB) each year and approximately a million and a half people die of it. Tuberculosis is the third leading cause of death in women with its impact being greatest amongst women of childbearing age. To add to the terror, 10 million children have been orphaned due to TB related deaths. In a single day, deaths caused by TB are equivalent to the number of deaths caused by 15 jetliner crashes. World Tuberculosis Day was celebrated on March 24 and the global theme was Stop TB in my lifetime. However, there is growing concern caused by the threat of drugresistant TB. About one third of the worlds population is infected with the tuberculosis bacteria. Only a small proportion of those infected will

World Tuberculosis Day was celebrated on March 24 and the global theme was Stop TB in my lifetime. However, there is growing concern caused by the threat of drug-resistant TB.

tuberculosis could lead to virtually untreatable tuberculosis, according to the authors of a recent study led by Alimuddin Zumla, Director of the Centre for Infectious Diseases and International Health at University College London Medical School. The number of laboratory-conrmed cases of drug-resistant-TB has gone from 12,000 in 2005 to 62,000 in 2011. However, many health ocials think that the real gure is closer to 300,000. Prevention, education and awareness

The EastAfrican the regions leading weekly newspaper will on April 20th, 2013, publish a special feature titled, Enhancing agricultural productivity in East Africa, highlighting the following; Role of government and non-governmental organizations in enhancing agricultural productivity in East Africa Breakthroughs in agricultural research aimed at enhancing food security Agricultural nancing and farm mechanization Modern technology in farm irrigation and food processing Focus on leading brands of fertilizers, seeds and Farm equipment

To advertise your products, services and projects in this special feature kindly contact either; Luke Omondi (+254) 723 315 451 - Dorothy Wakoli- (+254) 724 158 370- Caro Mbaabu- (+254) 723 950 049-


DAILY NATION Monday, January 11, 2010

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013

Time to man up: Dont ignore

Most men would never admit it, but the fear of death and old age is very real. This macho attitude sometimes prevents them from seeking treatment sooner
t is a proven fact that men have a lower life expectancy than their female counterparts for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons being that men are generally known to take their time before seeking health treatment. According to Mayo Clinic research, men are 24 per cent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year and are 22 per cent more likely to have neglected their cholesterol tests. Men are 30 per cent more likely than women to be hospitalised for heart failure and complications related to diabetes such as a diabetic foot that may require amputation. Clearly, men have a challenge. When a man is seen at a hospital or clinic, the implication is that he is in some good amount of discomfort. Our article focuses on some of the feared diseases among men according to a survey done on social media and on questions men ask on health websites. They take no particular order of fear factor . Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence: Men always consider themselves animals between the sheets. Sexuality is what at times clearly denes men. When a man is able to perform between the sheets it rocks his world, pun intended. Impotence is the consistent (partial or total) inability to sustain an erection sucient for sexual intercourse or the inability to achieve ejaculation, or both. In young men the causes are more psychological while as men age their bodies aect their sexual performance or the medication they may be using. Baldness: When men look at themselves in the mirrors they are not looking at the pimples or blemishes on their skin. No, they are busy watching their hairlines to note whether it is intact or receding. Men love their hair. Any hint of loss of their full head of hair creates days of anxiety and

The most common cause of sudden death is a heart problem. Men need to be in control and thus fear losing control by collapsing and dying. In Kenya Heart diseases kill more people than cancer.

sleepless nights. When men notice a receding hair line they will jump onto many remedies and even seek surgery. Look at Wayne Rooney, a famous English Premiership football player. He has all the money but he had to buy himself hair. Why? Any loss of hair makes men feel like they are losing their virility. Infertility: If there is one thing the society expects from men (apart from being successful) is the

ability to have children. This is an unseen expectation that is heavily felt by men. When boys become men this expectation is wrought by fears of the unexpected. Usually the best fertility test for men is to impregnate a woman. However, this is not an endorsement for risky sexual behaviour. Most men silently celebrate when they sire their first child. A burden of fear is lifted o their shoulders. Whether the child is actually theirs at the


Lets face it, testosterone has a bad reputation. The examples of doping by sportsmen/women to gain advantage over others are rife. Even Kenyan sportsmen have not escaped the menace. Despite the somewhat negative perspective, Testosterone is an important hormone not only to men but also women. However, for men, it is the main sex hormone while in women it is at lower levels. Testosterone is a hormone that is mainly made from cholesterol in the testes in men and ovaries in women. Women produce less than 10 per cent of testosterone making it in essence, a male hormone. When boys are developing in the wombs there is testosterone. When they are born the activity of testosterone shuts down to be awakened again as the boy approaches puberty. At this time the testosterone levels rise sharply. This spike in the hormone is what ultimately separates boys from girls. The eect of this testosterone is to increase the males secondary sexual characteristics like: Growth of facial hair Deepening of the voice Development of the sexual organs Increase in muscle size due to increased synthesis of proteins Increased libido Increased aggression


More fears with less risk taking tendencies Reduced muscle mass Increased central body fat A testosterone test may be recommended by a doctor. This test checks the level of this male hormone in the blood. Testosterone hormone aects sexual features and development. A doctor can recommend a testosterone tests to: Find out why a man has a problem fathering a child. The lower the testosterone, the lower the sperm count. See if a man who has sexual problems. Low levels of testosterone may lower sex drive or cause erectile dysfunction. Check whether puberty signs in a boy younger than 10 years is due to high levels of testosterone. Find out if a lower sex drive in a woman is due to the low levels of testosterone. Examine why a woman is developing manly features like a deep voice, excessive facial hairs. See why a woman is having irregular menstrual periods. Check whether testosterone-lowering medicines are working in a man with advanced prostate cancer. Get the cause of osteoporosis in a man. As men enter their 30s and 40s the level of testosterone begins to decline slowly all the way to their 80s. The eect of this decline is: Getting in touch with their feminine side and making men more domesticated. Erectile dysfunction Tiredness Night sweats For the next two weeks we will be talking about issues regarding the health of men. Kindly send in your health questions to

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013


your health, go see a doctor

end of the day is another matter. The grief men experience when unable to sire children is usually palpable and crashing to a mans ego. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: If you are getting the pattern here is that men are concerned a lot about their reproductive health. Sexually transmitted diseases and infections like genital warts, herpes and HIV are what men are constantly asking about their causes and how to get treated. it can leave you paralysed, debilitated and even unable to communicate. Cancer: This disease has become feared in our society in the recent past. The statistics of famous and not so famous men in our society who have fallen to cancer is alarming. The most feared by men is prostate cancer which affects black men most. The prostate is a gland in the reproductive organ of men which is commonly aected by two main diseases in men as they age. The rst is that it enlarges making it dicult to urinate and the second is that it can develop cancer. The exact cause of prostate cancer is not well known but what we know is that it strikes in black men anywhere from 40 years of age. Accidents: Finally men fear dying in road trac accidents. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of fatal accidents among men. In the recent years there have been increasing statistics of road accidents in Kenya due to careless driving. This careless driving has made driving on Kenyan roads a nightmare. Thankfully, most mens health threats are largely preventable. Prevention definitely pay offs when it comes to overcoming some of these diseases. Adoption of a healthy lifestyle when one is younger gives longer life expectancy in the future and therefore healthier lifestyle choices must be made. By Dr Torooti Mwirigi. Send all your health questions to

Percentage of men more likely than women to be hospitalised for heart failure and complications related to diabetes Heart disease: The most common cause of sudden death is a heart problem. Men need to be in control and thus fear losing control by collapsing and dying. In Kenya, heart diseases kill more people than cancer and is a leading mens health threat not only here in Africa but also in developed countries. There are many conditions that aect the heart mainly coronary artery disease, abnormal heart rhythm, heart failure, heart muscle disease and other conditions aecting the heart. Stroke: A stroke is caused by the disruption of blood ow to any part of the brain. This results in that part of the

brain getting injured and losing function. The causes of strokes are similar to that of heart diseases high blood pressure, diabetes, age, smoking, poor diet and lack of exercise. Strokes occur earlier in men and women. If a stroke does not kill you,

Title: Salaa and the Magic Mirror Author: David G. Maillu Publisher: Longhorn Publishers

DAILY NATION Tuesday April 2, 2013




Im happy to hear that, replied Salaa. She believed that Ananaki was honest. From today henceforth, I will treat you like my real sister. Salaa, Im awfully sorry. Please forgive me. Salaa was so forgiving that she forgave Ananaki wholeheartedly. Thank you so much, dear sister. Now tell me, is it true that the sap from the euphorbia tree has been the secret which turned your face ugly, then eventually brought back your beauty? Salaa thought hard about the answer to give. In the end she asked, Ananaki, why do you ask me that?In order to know the truth. But Salaa was a clever girl. She

immediately sensed that Ananaki was up to no good. She had to be clever. So she replied, Yes, the sap has the secret.I knew it! cried Ananaki. She was so excited that she ran to disclose the news to Milia, before Salaa could nd out why she needed to know more about the sap.That same day, Milia and Ananaki went to the forest, harvested the sap and applied the sticky and smelly sap over their faces at night. They did not sleep a wink all night due to the unbearable pain and itching caused by the sap. However, they did not shed a tear because they were too sure that in the end they would become very beautiful girls.


Take the number in bold in the rst box of each row and subject it to all the operations that follow as you move towards your right. The nal answer for each row is given at the right of the box. Check if your answer matches the answer given. Time yourself. Row A should take you about 42 seconds to arrive at the correct answer. Row B, which is more challenging, should take you about 45 seconds. This is a fun maths game. Challenge your friends and family and see who gets the correct answer in the shortest time.



Half of this.





Double this

Answer Time:
Row A = 56 ; Row B = 1600 SOLUTION




Divide by 15

Four groups of this.

Round o to the nearest 10

Square root

How many quarters?


Answer Time:

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