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Section I Answer all Questions 10x1=10

1. How you convert an object into curve? A) By clicking the right button of the mouse on the object, we get an option Converts to curve. By using this option we can convert an object into curve. 2. Which tool is useful to draw curved lines? A) Pencil tool is useful to draw curved lines. 3. Where is the location of the several circuit components? A) Several circuits are located under school in the gallery of the draw plus. 4. What is the advantage of Draw plus than Corel draw, in case of using math type? A) In Corel draw, we cannot insert the Euclidian symbols which are typed in math type. Whereas we can directly insert the Euclidian symbols into the draw plus, and we can edit them directly in draw plus. 5. How to export an image? A) There is a short cut Ctrl + Shift + R. By using this option we can export the image into different formats. 6. By using pencil which type of lines we can draw? A) We can draw free handed lines and curve by using pencil tool. 7. How can we rotate the line to the desired angle? A) First select the object, at one point we have rotate tool. 8. What is the use of crop tool? A) We can crop the part of the image by using the crop tool. 9. Which tool is used to cut through objects leaving them in multiple, editable pieces? A) 10. What is the use of connector tool? A) It connects two objects with a variety of connectors Section II Draw any diagram from your text book. (Paste it here) 15x1=15

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