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ASSalamualaikum Wr.wb.

To the honorary mr.sukarno sugiharto As head master

of sma jeruk legi .what I respek kindnes mr. Budi and mr. Tohari as englis
teacher and all my
frien which Ilove allhamdulilah thanks to alloh who has given us marcy
and blessing so we can
meet together in thrs place sholawat andsalam to our prophet Muhamad
SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightneess.Oke first of
all that you for in this time and the theme or topikof my speech is GLOBAL

In periode moderns this enderkresen teknologi

Always forward and Aktifiti he use by people ready, substituse by engine
but to thump from that Dangerous Aktifiti he motive Global Warming in
use motor he to smoke.vapour faktory to trow rup bishheap clear rifer he
motive can be stink and seedling virus to go into to four people bicause
water rifer that use eful to the whole day
Then from that come we to preven Global Warming he
eror word we with way
to pland jungle he bald to establish custody lese power engine with power
people lese to throw rup
bishheap factory to for rifer engine is legan heir to grend child we where
wite out jugle grend child
we not can living to thump from Global Warming very dilapidated for life
is ozon,atmosfer will hot,motive al sortsof virus then from that come we
stop Global Warming gren child we not hit to thump he very dilapidated
people in order to gren child we can to feeling buitiful nature

Wasalamualaikum Wr.wb.

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