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Assalamualaikum. Wr.

Honorable to the judges
Honorable my beloved friends
And ladies and gentlemen /
Honorable the principal
Honorable the vice principal
Honorable the teachers
My beloved friends, audience.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are you this morning? I hope we are in a good
condition in this lovely morning. Amien.
First, I would like to invite all of you to thanks to allah SWT the almighty who has given
us chance,Because of his blessed, so we can gather here to follow the speech contest,
Dont forget to send our peace and salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW and his
servant, who brought us from darkness to brightness , who show us the right way.
Well, here we go ladies and gentlemen. Today, I would like to deliver my speech about
Global Warming entitled Safe Our Beloved Earth From Global Warming.
Well, as we know that global warming is such a disaster for our country and for our world
that give a serious problem for our next human generation.
Basically, what are the effects of global warming for all of us? Global warming causes the
snow in the top of the mountain melts so that the sea level rises. The storm kept coming.
The floods and the landslides occurred in many places. Drought, disease, and ocean
warming will further damage the earth and its inhabitants.
Global Warming is a reason why our world temperature is getting hot. Nowadays the
temperature take about more than 30 degrees Celcius, and with that number of
temperature the ice in South Pole and North Pole are getting melt, and in my opinion
slow but sure that the ice in South Pole, North Pole and Greenland will be vanish,
because of the ice melt processing, the sea level in our world getting higher, and the
area in the world that still under the sea level will be troubled for flood. As a result, our
world temperature is getting hot because of the use of cars emission and industry
pollution that waft about in our earth atmosfer and make the ozone decreasing, so the
sun light can break through the earth ozone and trapped in earth atmosfer until the
earth become more hot than usual.
There are a lot of bad impact for our world if we dont stop the process of the global
warming now. First, we will be lost much land and many area in the world that still under
sea level will be troubled for flood. Many people will lost their home because no one want
to live in a dangerous places. Second, the environment will be shattered, weather and
climate in each places will be changed ,and the last is we will not breath with a fresh air
We should stop global warming as soon as possible, how to do that?
Reduce the use of cars emission and should find the new alternate energy that good for
our environment.

We should stop the illegal logging, because the trees can reduce the pollution by
released Carbon dioxide, We should put the garbage in the right place, and do replanting
the trees, every each house in the world must put one tree standing in their garden in
case to reduce the pollution. We should reduce use of chemical fertilizer on agricultural
A quote his words that impressed me is:
"I was just a kid and I do not have any solution but I want you to realize that you all are
just like me!
You do not know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer.
You do not know how to restore salmon to the river of origin.
You do not know how to bring back the animals that have become extinct.
And you can not restore the forests as in the past in its place is now only a desert.
If you do not know how to fix it.
Please stop breaking it! "
Im at the end of my speech today, Ive heard english proverb , they said A fruitless life
is useless life. So lets keep our earth clean and safe! If not us who else? If not right
now,When..? there is no future because time is never getting back. As the lyrics in the
song michael jackson
Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for You and
for me. Thanks for your attention. I apologize if I said something wrong, Because im just
Wabilahittaufiq walhidayah wassalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

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