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Dear Sir/Madam I am the student of Lovely Professional University, Department of Management studies.

Presently I am doing a research project on THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES ON PUBLIC. I request you to kindly fill this Questionnaire below and assure you that the data generated shall be kept confidential.

1. Please specify your name and Email ID. _____________________ _____________________

6. How much hours do you spend on social networking sites each week? 0-5 [ ] 6-10 [ ] above 15 [ ] 11-15 [ ]

2. Please specify your gender. Male [ ] Female [ ]

7. Please Select all social networking sites where you have registered (More than one can be selected) Facebook [ ]

3. Please specify your age. Under 18 [ ] 18-25 [ ] 25-35 [ ] Above 35 [ ] Google Plus [ ] My Space [ ] LinkedIN [ ] Orkut [ ] Others [ ] 4. Marital Status. Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorced [ ] 8. How many friends do you have on your most used social network? 1-100 [ ] 101-300 [ ] 1000 [ ] above 1000 [ ] 301-

5. Please specify your occupation. ____________________ Not employed [ ]

9. Why do you use an online social network? (more than one can be selected) To keep in touch with friends and family [ ]

To meet new people [ ] To make professional contacts [ ] To share photos, videos and other stuff [ ] To play games online [ ] 10. How do you feel about advertising on social media? Annoying [ ] Useful [ ] Very Useful [ ] 11. Have you ever purchased a product by watching an advertisement on Social networks? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Yes [ ] No [ ] 16. Would you recommend Social media to others? Yes [ ] No [ ] 17. Is social media a great factor for increasing awareness? Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neither agree nor disagree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree [ ] 18. Does excess involvement with social media, time wastage ? Yes [ ] No [ ] 19. Are Social and political issues that are being discussed on Social networks Beneficial? Strongly agree [ ] Agree [ ] Neither agree nor disagree [ ] Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree [ ] 20. What is the impact of social networks on youth? Positive [ ] Negative [ ]

12. Are you a member of a Fan Page for a Brand on Social Network (Facebook )? Yes [ ] No [ ] 13. In comparison to other online advertising , social media is Less Effective [ ] Effective [ ] More effective [ ] 14. How often you check the communities for updates? Daily [ ] Several times a week [ ] Once a week [ ] 15. Do you trust the information shown on Social networks?

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