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History of the Computer

Who invented the

— Nobody knows for sure when the first computer
was invented, though there are many
precursors to the modern computer. Many of
them operate on mechanical rather than
electronic principles. The history of computers
can be traced as far back as 3000 BC. The
computers invented prior to the 20 century
were not digital and most were not
programmable. However, Charles Babbage
invented the concept of a programmable
computer in 1856.
A computer has four basic functions.

• Input

• Output

• Storage

• Processing

In older computers, data was typically stored on removable

media such as punch cards or magnetic tape. The same
media were used to input the information into the
computer. Early computers could output data through
mechanical dials or print-outs. The first electrical
computers processed data using vacuum tubes. These
were later replaced with transistors, which were more
efficient and took up less space.

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