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Composing means to build an instrument.

This second basic observation Let probably continuously from the first observation from-conduct when on those previously indicated experience one thinks of sound as a result of his howsoever arranged temporal components, ie as a structure of sound experience. About twenty years ago I set up a kind of typology of Sounds in this context, 25 on the one hand, starting from the simple sounding pulse. as the time course einenge-oriented diminuendo process for our Horen is. I called him cadence sound and at the same time, in view of its history: tone cadence. The other point was the statically held tone or sound, which, when viewed as history, an ostinato of pulses representing relationship as micro-oscillations in the time domain. I called him tone, or just color tone. By vergroernde projection micro that time Osti nato, so Weiterfuhrung through to more complex forms a macro-temporal ostinato, as available via vibrato. Trill. Tremolo. repeated figures of all kinds, I then terms such as fluctuation sound or sound fluctuation and, further transformed-in a-its kind ostinato not the permanent repetition, but the permanent Veranderung or even add surprise - terms such as sound texture or texture of sound herangezo-tions, interlocking con-verted, where I defined the latter type as a characteristic "chaos" and examples from nature and everyday life heranzog (such as the characteristic "sound" egg-ner train station ticket hall in contrast to the lonely on a mountaintop, etc.). Everytime sound was, therefore, not only as a characteristic, or regelmaiger umegelmaiger course, but also went out of their typical course, even those of Grosserer time EXEMPLARY extension to recognize as a single closed sound experience.

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