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Zodiac Sign and Disease.

Bones: Cranium and face. Muscles: The frontales, occipitals, attolens, deprimens, articularum, zygomaticus, temporalis and buccinator . Arteries: The temporal and internal carotids. Veins: The cephalic veins. Cell Salt: Kali phosphoricum. Aries rules the head in general, specifically the motor centers of the brain and the circulation of the blood through the skull region. The action of Aries is said to show epilepsy and sleeping sickness (encephalitis) that may infect the brain through virus. Aries is also involved with inflammation of the brain that may cause delirium, frenzy, vertigo, dizziness, and sharp pains in the head along the course of a nerve and congestion. Those people with planets in Aries may suffer from frequent headaches caused by clogged or sluggish kidneys (Libra) that have a reflex action to the head, digestive disturbances (Cancer), resulting in headaches and sluggish gallbladders (Capricorn) other Cardinal Cross diseases. And various skin eruptions affecting the head or face as well as baldness plague some Aries people. Other diseases influenced by Aries are various forms of toxemia. By a reflex action to the kidneys toxemia may induce skin ailments, usually caused by poor diet. Uremic toxemia is also a possibility in pregnant women. A more subtle and insidious form of toxemia can also invade the blood and cause havoc in many ways.

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