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Reiki Pyramid Purpose

Medicine Pyramid :- Place your daily medicines inside for spiritual help. Pyra Cards:- Pyra Card are available for various purposes, such as; for Luck & Fortune, Money & Finance, Energy & Vitality and PyraCard for Business & Career. Get the unique feature of pre-programed 9 copper pyramids and a gold base disc at the bottom. Plus explore the power of inbuilt FaMaa yantra on the top for optimum results. Just choose a card and enter the world of more fortune, happiness and health today! Reiki Card set:- First step to personal well-being Powerful pocket-sized tool you can carry. Reiki Pyramid:- This new revolutionary Reiki pyramid to overcome such difficulties we face. This unique Reiki pyramid once programmed by the Reiki master works automatically, day and night; without per sonal attention and presence of the master. This instrument enables us to spend less but qualitative time on each individual and also help us to remain in link with him or her even from distance. The program can also be easily altered from time to time by the master, even from a distance. It also gives you an easy access to the strong Pynergy due to the support of millions of PyraNet users globally. Wish Pyramid:- A hugely successful Wish 9x9 machine is a new way to make your dream and wishes come true. Reiki Seat:- Sit on the powerful yantra while teaching or giving reiki to get faster results. Fortune Seat:- This yantra with flexible Pyra power plate inside is for prosperity, which attracts more money & business. With assed energy of 'Fortune Yantra' on top. Just place the Fortune Seat on the chair before you sit. Ideal on (Chairperson/Owner) main chair of the Shop, Office and home. Health & Seven Charka Pyramid (set of Seven):- 3 Fa colors are Red, Orange and Yellow and Maa colors are Green, Blue and Violet. He has developed 6 Health Pyra color plates and a supporting plate with white color. This is Health 9x9 and it is used as a pair for health and healing. Normally you use single white plate. But appropriate color plate at the required location and one white plate in the opposite side can give better results. Reiki Disc:- To enhance the energy of your healing room . Use in clinics, home or hospitals. Reiki Pyramid-Advance:-Wonderful tool to accelerate results. Inbuilt Antahkarana and crystal grid! Reiki Samart Fire:- Neutralize negative vibes and create positive space for better healing. Peace and Meditation seat:- To achive perfect state of meditation we require decending force from the sky or heven and supporting force of earth. This new Pyramid Meditation seat has inbuilt 81 copper 9x9 yantra chips to enhance the uplifting force of heaven. Also it has well placed 81 earth magnets to materi alize the force of mother earth. Discover the inner treasures to reach the pure state of total consciousness and bliss. Meditation also is a spiritual medicine for tension, anxiety, stress and other disorders. Meditation on this Pyramid seat can help you to cope up with the fast and competitive world outside and take quick and correct decision with your inner-you! Reiki Pyramid-Master:- Most powerful 3D Reiki tool in the world Powered by unique 10 layer concept.

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