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2013 EGW Area 8 Stage#1 It Worked In The Movies! Start Position: Heels on X marks, gun loaded and holstered.

Hands at sides, facing down range. 30 rounds, 14 Targets, 2 Steel.

32 Rounds 16 Targets Start Position: Heels on X's Gun Unloaded, not propped, lying flat on its side on top of barrel, trigger gaurd centered over X mark. ALL LOADING DEVICES ON BARRELS.

26 Rounds- 13 Targets Start Position: Hands covering X marks on each side of wall Gun Loaded and holstered

Stage Procedure: (Wording and or engagment may be changed at match) String #1- Starting in box A engage T5 thru T8 with one round each, perform a mandatory reload, move to box B and engage T1 thru T4 with one round each strong hand only. String #2- Starting in box B engage T1 thru T4 with one round each, perform a mandatory reload, move to box A and engage T5 thru T8 with one round each weak hand only.

32 Rounds- 16 Targets Start Position: Hands on X's, Gun loaded and holstered.

32 Rounds- 16 Targets Start Position: Heels on X's, hands at sides, gun loaded and holstered.

32 Rounds- 11 Targets, 10 Steel Start Position: Standing ANYWHERE INSIDE of the shooting area. Gun loaded and holstered.

32 Rounds- 13 Targets, 6 Steel Start Position: Some portion of your body touching the 4' wall located outside of the shooting area at the top of the COF. Gun loaded and holstered

30 Rounds- 15 Targets Start Position: Toes on X's standing outside of free fire zone. Gun loaded and holstered.

32 Rounds- 15 Targets, 2 Steel Start Position: Toes on X's, either side, facing downrange, wrists above shoulders, gun loaded and holstered.

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