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"How much the present moment means" By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

How much the present moment means[1] To those who've nothing more [2] The Fop the Carp the Atheist [3] Stake an entire store[4] Upon a Moment's shallow Rim[5] While their commuted Feet[6] The Torrents of Eternity[7] Do all but inundate [8]
Poem 1380 [F1420] "How much the present moment means" Analysis by David Preest [Poem]

Those who stake their 'entire store' on the present moment being the only thing that matters are quite unaware that 'the Torrents of Eternity' are all but washing over their feet which they have 'commuted' as part of that stake. In line 3 a variant reading for 'the Fop the Carp' is 'the Dog the Tramp.'

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