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"How News must feel when travelling " By Emily Dickinson [Analysis]

How News must feel when travelling [1] If News have any Heart [2] Alighting at the Dwelling [3] 'Twill enter like a Dart! [4] What News must think when pondering [5] If News have any Thought [6] Concerning the stupendousness [7] Of its perceiveless freight! [8] What News will do when every Man [9] Shall comprehend as one [10] And not in all the Universe [11] A thing to tell remain? [12]
Poem 1319 [F1379] "How News must feel when travelling" Analysis by David Preest [Poem]

Emily imagines what it must be like to be 'News.' If he 'have any Heart,' what must he feel when he arrives at a house which he will 'enter like a Dart.' If he is capable of thought, what must he think when he is bringing a stupendous freight of unexpected woe. And what will he do when there is no News left to tell on that day in Heaven when all men are completely open to and readable by each other?

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