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Carlo Joshua M.

Macaraeg 11128364 ENGSAFE Assignment The Essentiality of Safety Today, we live in a world enveloped by technology and modernism. The products and innovations of such technological development have made our everyday life easier and more comfortable. As engineers, our job is to make these innovations possible. However, such task is not easy and is often accompanied by hazards and risks that could possibly endanger our lives. This is the very reason why safety is essential and important to our lives as engineers. Safety is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury. If examined specifically in the context of engineering, it is termed as safety engineering which is defined by ASME or American Society of Mechanical Engineers as a field that focuses on preventing accidents and lessening opportunities for human error in engineered environments or in engineering design. Personally, I believe that safety must be the first priority in any activity carried out by individuals either at home, school or work. Because we live now in a world that is fast-paced and people are always in a hurry, accidents are likely to occur anytime, anywhere. I believe that safety starts within ones home, and it should emanate wherever we go. In my opinion, safety can be summarized in these words, Life is more important than anything else.

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