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Keeping Muslims destabilized by Occupying their lands and Encouraging Dictatorship.

The main difference between the rest of the world and Muslim World is that rest of the world is stable and have systems whether defective or not but Most of the Muslims countries are unstable and suffering from distress and also a cause of distress in whole world .Some very interesting facts about Muslims world are as follows. OCCUPATION OF MUSLIM LANDS. Although historically Muslims do not accept rule and occupation of Non Muslims on their lands but many Muslims Lands are still under the occupation of non Muslim countries like Sin kiang By China, Kashmir by India, Afghanistan by USA and NATO, and Palestine by Israel. It is very easy for other nations to get separation and freedom in few years like East Timor and South Sudan but for Muslims to get freedom require sacrifices of millions of lives and struggle of centuries like Kashmir and Palestine. Although Islam gives very importance to education and knowledge but most of Muslims are illiterate due to colonial rules and tyrant rulers and dictators. Although most of the people think Muslims are very religious but most of the religious places of Muslims are under the control of non Muslims like KARBALA in Iraq and Palestine in Israel and BUKAHARA and Tashqand in China. TYRANT DICTATORS AND DEFECTIVE RULING SYSTEMS. Although Islam demands and praise those rulers who are merciful, noble and caring of their people and curse those cruel and tyrant rulers like Qaroon and Phiroon but most of the Muslims are/were under the rule of Tyrants like Qadhaffi, Mubarak, Shah of Iran, Babrak Karmal. Saddam, Asad, Ayoub, Yahya, Musharaf, These rulers were supported in background or openly by vested interest countries, like India Supported and encouraged Ayub in Pakistan by visit of Indian Prime Minister Nehru.Yahya was supported in Pakistan by USA by friend ship with USA president Richard Nixon and in same manner Musharaf was supported by USA President Bush and India by inviting him to visit India. Shah of Iran was supported by USA . Babrak Karamal in Afghanistan was supported by USSR and India. Qadhaffi was and Asad is being supported by Russia and China. Ibne Saud and other ruling families in Arabia are supported by USA and UK. Due to these dictators, Huge Muslims population are humiliated by rule of Just one Person who is usually in fact a puppet or agent of other countries. Although Islam denounce any type of discrimination among humans on the basis of nationality ethnicity and color and creed, but such type of divisions are very common in Muslims nations. Muslims are kept destabilized by rule of these tyrants and dictators in one way or by imposing gambling type non representative and abusive democracies in which one majority group on the basis of sectarianism as in Iran, racialism as in Turkey,

provincialism and ethnocentrism as in Pakistan, ethnocentrism like Bangladesh and Extremism as in Afghanistan and Militarism in Egypt or Libya and by this way abuse other minorities and sections of society to keep their rule continue. These dictators show dream of Economic Stability and progress and fair and just system while in fact their rule of many decades of these dictators can not serve any cause and goal because their own rule is illegal, unfair and unjust. Such type of dirty type of game and politics cause distress and instability and is main reason of conflicts and problems in Muslim world. It is the responsibility of Muslim scholars and intellectuals to demand and devise system in the society as per the teaching of Islam to stabilize Muslim world because the presence of just and fair system is the only basis of peace, stability and progress and only in that case Muslims can serve and contribute in the progress and peace of the world. Written By:M.AKRAM KHAN

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