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Bc 1: u tin chay chng trinh Sensation_4G_All-In-One_Kit_V2.0, lam theo hng dn ng link:

.php/root-htc-sensation-xe-in-5-minute/ hoc theo video How to use Hasoon2000's All-In-One Toolkit - YouTube, video nay nm cung trong th muc vi file userguide nay. Sau khi chay xong thi htc sen xe se co unlock bootloader t htcdev, co recovery, va co root nhng Son. Lu y: theo nh thng tin trn cac din an thi: ti bc nay vn co th up rom cook c nhng se bi li, nu firmware cua may khng c update 3.32 va ban rom cook co boot.img khng phai da trn nn tang htc stock rom, li co th la li wifi hoc khng th khi ng c, ging nh bi brick. Do o phai update firmware cho ung la 3.32 va flash boot.img t rom stock. Ngoai ra khi co Soff thi se khng xay ra hin tng trn. Co mt s thng tin cho rng khng nn unlock bootloader bng htcdev vi d gy li, nn dung revolutionary unlock, nhng luc ti tin hanh unlock thi nghe noi la revolutionary chi tin hanh c trn hboot 1.17 va rom la 2.3.3, con may ti luc nay hboot la 1.29 va rom la 4.0 ics , hoan toan u la hang stock. ang loay hoay khng bit lam sao thi thy tool Sensation_4G_All-In-One_Kit_V2.0 nn lam theo, nn vn co nn unlock bootloader bng htcdev hay khng thi ti khng ranh, ban co th tim cng cu khac. Xoa file trong SD card nhe. Bc 2: y la bc Soff, ti lam theo hng dn y: Lu y la chi lam cai nay khi a co unlockbootloader va root, noi chung c lam theo hng dn, no noi rt chi tit ri. Trong trang web co 7 bc, ban lam t bc 4, file ControlBearRelease_pyramid_ICS_WIN ti a down sn nm cung folder vi file userguide nay. Ti bc dung dy in kt ni SD card vi cai l nho trn in thoai ban lam theo video [GUIDE] Juopunutbear S-OFF (HBOOT 1.27.0000 with 3.32 ICS Firmware) - xda-developers. Ban nh backup the nh nhe. Lam ng tac kt ni y nh ngi ta la OK, si dy in nn chon si l loi ng, cai u ma gn v SD card, nh chut cho sach, vi no bi oxi hoa se can tr tip xuc. Sau khi thanh cng no se bao la soff thanh cng, nhng HBOOT by gi khng con la unlocker na ma tr thanh Juopunutbear ->khng sao ti bc sau se mt ch nay. Bc 3: Cai SuperCID, nghe noi la up rom stock thi phai. Ban lam theo hng dn trang: tim n cai muc tin hanh supercid. File adb ti cung a down v va y. Buoc 4: update recovery. chep file PG58IMG nm cung vi tri vi file userguide nay vao ng root cua SD card. Khi ng bootloader (powe down+ nut ngun), no se hoi update->ok. Ch 1 luc no se update recovery. Bc 5: Backup Trc khi up rom phai backup rom cu nu up rom mi bi li thi quay v c. Vao bootloader->recovery->chon backup. Ch no chay xong thi ok. Xong xoa file PG58IMG i. Bc 6: update firmware thanh 3.3 Chep file PG58IMG trong th muc rom vao SD card. File nay khac cai file trong bc 4 nhe, file nay ti 14MB, con file bc 4 co 5MB thi, nhng no co cung tn. Hinh nh bootloader chi update file tn nay thi thi phai. Noi chung la nh bc 4, no se update firmware thanh 3.3. Xong xoa file PG58IMG nay i. Ti luc nay thi trong bootloader ch Juopunutbear trn cung se bin mt ma thay bng revolutionary, hboot la 1.27 va firmware la 3.33. Hng dn update firmware co trong link: hoc trong folder web guide/update firmware Link down firmware: or

Bc 7: up rom. Chep 2 file Android_Revolution_HD_Super_Wipe_Sensation, Android_Revolution_HD-Sensation_6.8.0_XE trong th muc rom vao root cua SD card. Xong lam theo hng dn nh sau y: Download ROM and place it on your SD card (a lam ri) Download "Super Wipe" script & place it on your SD card (optionally if coming from

earlier version of my ROM, obligatory if coming from stock or other custom ROM) (a lam ri) Boot your phone in recovery mode (vol down + power) In main menu, select "install zip from sdcard" Select "choose zip from sdcard" and browse to the location of "Super Wipe" script-> no se hoi co yes cai t khng thi bm yes.... Once again select "choose zip from sdcard" and browse to the location of Android Revolution ROM-> no cung se hoi co yes cai thi bm yes.... After flashing process is complete, reboot the device.

------------->DONE Vy la xong rui o may a co tt ca. Phong trng hp trang web bi h nn bi co lu lai trong folder web.
B sung: Trong folder con co 1 file tn la fastboot sa wifi error trong trng hp Son ma uprom cook . oc hng dn theo link: cai nay muc ich la trong mt s trng hp cha co Soff, nn khi uprom bi li wifi, nguyn nhn la do kernel khi cai khng phai la kernel cua rom minh up do o minh phai flash cai kernel nay thi mi chay c. Kernel la cai file boot.img trong cac ban rom, tuy ban ma tn co th khac nhng u co ui la .img do o phai i tn cai file trong ban rom nay thanh boot.img ri copy vao th muc flashboot, xong chay file Flash_bootimage_Anzhi.bat, xong enter ri reboot la ok. Cach th 2 flashboot la lam theo hng dn trong folder web guide/how to flash boot.img (cac file u a c down thanh cng) Ghi chu: File PG58IMG khi trong SD card thi bootloader no se t ng cp nht, cho nn khi a cp nht ln u xong thi phai xoa i, khng thi ln sau no lai cp nht na. Cp nht SD card lun la con nu cp nht bng dong lnh trn windows thng qua kt ni usb thi lun file.exe. Ti toan up bng SD card, tc la chep file update vao SD card dang .zip. Muc tiu: nghin cu radio, up rom bng dong lnh trn windows. Khi toi cong doan up rom thay vi wipe nhu buoc 7 co the wipe nhu sau: Lm 1 vi thao tc xa bn ROM c trnh b li khi up ln bn mi: Di chuyn n "wipe data/factory reset" v ok Di chuyn n "wipe cache partition" v ok Di chuyn n "advanced" => "Wipe Dalvik Cache" v ok Di chuyn n "advanced" => "Wipe Battery Stats" v ok Sau Bm nt Back quay tr li menu CWM

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