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ALFIE This film begins with Alfie that is a charismatic, charming blonde womanizer who lives in New York.

He works as a driver for a local limousine service. His another hobby is meeting, loving and seducing women. Alfie has a relationship with his semi-permanent thing-almost-girlfriend named Julie who is a single mother. During his job, Alfie meets Dorie, a married woman that her husband is neglecting her. Dorie and Alfie have a purely sexual relationship. At the first sign that Dorie wants the relationship to grow into something more, Alfie decides to break all contact with her. Alfies best friend, Marlon, is also a limousine driver who is depressed by his exgirlfriend Lonette. Marlon asked Alfie if he can convince Lonette to return with him. In this night, the conversation takes a different direction and they have passionate sex on the pool table. The next day Marlon tells Alfie that lonette returned with him by the conversation Soon, Alfie receives strange news, Lonette is pregnant. After telling the news, Lonette aborts and almost marry Marlon, they move to another place. Before Christmas, Alfie decides to look for love, for this, he chooses a beautiful blond girl named Nikki who suffers a several emotional disorder. During the relationship with Nikki, Alfie is unhappy so he decides to break up with her. Alfie is set in an older woman Liz to whom he meets in the limo that Alfie drives it. They have a serious relationship until he discovers that Liz has sex with another guy, younger than Alfie. His film is entertainment, because this film shows us the thought about a single man that the only one he finds is the company with a great lady and the consequences about this style of life.


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