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Semester V
Electrornagnel ic
Fields and Waves
Power System
Power Electronics
Syllabus Structure (R-2001)
Scheme oflnstructions,
Scheme ofEvalualion
Periods per week
( 60 min)
Theory Praclicnl Tulorial
Term Practical
Houn Marks
work &Oral
2 3 100 25 -
4 2 -- 3 100 25 50
4 2 - 3 100 25
2 3 100 25
4 2
' J 100 25 50
2 --
2 50 25
22 6 5 550 ISO 100
Tulonal to be conducted class w1se.
2 ~
- -
. "
University ofMumbai
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semester: V
Sitbject: Electromaanctic Fields and Waves (abbreviated as EFW)
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Each 60 min) Practical --
Tutorial 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theory 3 100

Practical and Oral --
-- --
Term Work
-- 25
Total 3
Introduction to Co-ordinate System - Rectang\tlar-
Cylindrical and Spherical Co-ordinate System- Introduction to
line, Surface and Volume Integrals - Definition of Curl,
- ----+.:::D..:. i' .;.;; 'ergence and Gradient.
Static Electric Fields:
Coulomb's Law in Vector Fonn- Definition of Electric Field
Intensity Principle of Superposition - Electric Field due to
discrete charges, Electric field due to continuous charge
distribution Electric Field due to line charge- Electric Field
on the axis of a uniformly charged circular disc- Electric Field
due to 1111 infinite uniformly chnrgcd sheet. Electric Scalar
Potential Hclationship bGtwecn potential and electric field
due tu infinite uniformly charged line- Potential due
to electrical dipole Electric Flux Density - Gauss Law -
A lications.

Magnetic Fields:
The Biot-Savan Law in vector fomt Magnetic Field intensity
due to a finite and infinite wire carrying a current I - Magnetic
ticld intensity on the axis of a circular and rectangular loop
carrying a current l - Ampere's circuital law and simple
applications. Magnetic flux density The Lorentz force
equtalion l(ll' a nHwing charge and applications - Force on a
wire carrying a current I placed in a magnetic field -Torque
on a loop carrying a current I - Magnetic mument - Magnetic
Vector Potential
Electric and Magnetic Fields in Materials:
Poisson's and Laplace's equation - Electric Polarization-
Nature of dielectric materials- Definition of Capacitance -
Capacitance of various geometries using Laplace's equation -
Electrostatic energy and energy density - Boundary conditions
for electric fields - Electric current - Current density - point
fom1 of ohm's law- continuity equation for current Definition
of Inductance - Inductance ofloops and solenoids - Definition
of mutual inductance - simple examples. Energy deosily in
magnetic fields - Nature of magnetic materials -
magnetization and permeability - magnetic boundary
Time varying Electric and l\fagnctic Jliclds:
Faraday's Jaw- Maxwell's Second Equation in integral fom1
from Paraday's Law-Equationexpressed in point form.
Displacement current - Amt>erc's circUital law in integral fozm
-Modified fom1 of Ampere's circuital law as Maxwell's first
equation in integral fonn - Equation expressed in point form.
Maxwell's four equations in integral form and differential
Wave Theory:
Derivation of Wa"c Equation- Uniform Plane Waves -
Maxwell's equation in Phasor form - Wave equation in Phasor
foml - Plane waves in free space and in a homogenous
material. Wave equation for a condu1-ting medium- Plane
waves in lossy dielectrics - Propagation in good conductors
The importance of characteristics impedance and the
propagation constant. The wave travel, the concept of phase
velocity and group velocity in wave travel. The voltage
standing wave ratio. Traveling wave in transmission lines.
Power Flow:
Poynting Vector and the flow of power - Power flow in a co-
axial cable Instantaneous Average and Complex Poynting
Theory Examination:
I. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of20 marks.
2. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
3. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
5. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as menlio1ted in the syllabus
Term work:
( '

"""'ro'""' of "'" """"'" (- .............. __ , l
and a written test. TI1e distribution of the tenn work shall be as follows,
Tutorials and computer programs (Journal) :I 0 marks
Sessional Test on entire syllabus :10 marks
Attendance (Tutorial and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
Tutorial work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Text bool<s:
I. W. Huyt., "englneerilrg <dcctromagnetic", McGraw Hill, 4'b edition, 1987.
2. Edministcr,''Sc/roum's series in electromag>retic" McGraw Hill publications, J'" edition, \981
3. N. Narayan Rao," Elemel/ls of electromagnetic", PI-U publication, 4"' edition, 2001.
E. C. Jordan & K.G. Dnlmain "Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems." Prentice Hal
India 2nd edition 2003. (Unit IV, V)._ McGraw-Hill, 9th reprint
Reference books:
I. Fenmann, "Lectures on physics", Vol- 2, Addition Wesley, 1965
2. S. Seely, "Introduction ro electromagnetic fields", McGraw llill, 1958.
3. David K. cheng, "Field and Addison Wesley, 2"" edition, 1999.
4. Corson and lerrain, "Electromagnetic", CBS pt:blicatioos, 2nd edition, 1986.
5. Whinnery nnd Van "Fields and Waves in Communications Electronics" John
Wiley & Sons (3rd edition 2003)
M.N.O.Sadiku: "Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics" Oxford University Press, Third
7. David K.Cherp: "l"ielil and Wave Electromagnetics- Second Edition-Pearson Edition.
8. David J.Grithiths: "Introduction to Electrodynamics-Ill Edition-Pill.
9. Shevgaonkar, electromag11etic waves, Tala McGraw lli/1.
University of Mumbai
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semester: V
Subject: Electrical Machines- II (abbreviated as EMC-lJ)
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Each 6') min)
Practical 2
I lours Marks
Eval uation System Theory 3 lOO
Practical and Oral 2 50
--- ---
Term Work
Total 5 175

Module Contents Hours
Three Phase Transformers:
Construction, Parallel operation, EKcitation Phenomenon,
Switching in transient phenomenon, Oscillating neutral,
harmonics, connections and phasor groups, V connection ,
Scott connection, Mechanical Stresses, Sumpuer test, impulse
test, ON load and OFF load Tap changer.
Three phase induction motors: 24
Construction, principle of operation, equivalent circuit, torque-
speed characteristics, power stages, no load and block rotor
test, circle diagram, speed control methods including V/f
method, starting methods, high torque motol'S, Cogging and
crawling, Induction Generators.
Single phase Induction Motor: 08
Principle of operation, double field revolving theory,
equivalent circuit, determination of equivalent circuit
parameters by no load and block rotor test, Staring methods
split phase, capacitor start, capacitor start and run, shaded pole.
Calculation of Capacitor at starting.
Theory Examination:
6. Question paper wiii comprise oftotal7 questions, each of20 marks.
7. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
8. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
9 Remaining questions will be miKed in nature.
I 0. In question paper weightage of each module Will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
J>ractical and Oral Examination:
Pmctical examination will be b:tscd on one experiment pcrlbrmed from the list of experiments
given in the syllabus and the oml will be based on entire subject.
Term work:
Tcnn work consists of minimum eight experiments and a wriuen test. The distribution of !he
term work shall be as follows,
Lnbot'lltory work (Experiments and Journal) :10 marks
Test (a I least one) :10 marks
Allcndance (Pmctical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laborntory work and minimum passing in the temlWork.
I .
List of Laboratory Experiments:
l. Load test on three phase squirrel cage 1M
2. Load test on three phase slip ring 1M
j, No load and Blocked rotor test on three phase 1M
4. Circle diagram of three phase IM
5. Load test on Single phase 1M
6. No load and Blocked rotor test on Single phase IM
7. Open circuit & Short circuit test on three phase transformer
8. Parallel operation of transformers
9. Study of starting methods of Induction motors.
10. Scott connection of transfonncr
11. Open Delta connection of translom1cr
Te:..t Booi<S:
I. 'EIClctrical Machinery' , by Dr. P.S.Bhimhra, VII Edition, Khanna Publisher
2. 'Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines', by Dr. P.S.Bhimhra, V Edition, Khanna
3. 'Electrical by Nagmth and Kothari.TMII Publication.
4. 'Electrical Machines', by Charles I. Hubert, Penrson Education
Refctence Books:
I. 'Performance and Design of AC Machines'. by M.G.Say, CBS Publisher
2. 'Electrical Machines', by Fit7.gcrald and Kingsley
3. 'Electrical Machines' ,by S.K.Bhallacharya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company I
second edition, 1998
4. 'Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power System', by TI1eodore Wildi,Pearson Educatio
5. Bhag S. Gu(U, Huseyin R. Hiziroglu, Electric Machinery & Transfom1ers, 3rd editi<
Oxford University Press. '
of Mumbai
Class: T. E. Branch: Electrical Semester: V
Evaluation System
______ _____
Practical and Oral
Oral 25

Term Work, __
Total 3
Module Contents Hours
Signal Representation-- Types of :signals, Signal spectrum, 04
Fourier Transform & properties,
Analog Communication
1) Introduction of Analog Cunununication System.
2) Analog Modulation Demodulation Techniques.- AM,
3) Radio Receivers
TRF aud Superhytrodyne receivers, AGC Methods, FM

Digital Communica lion
I) Introduction ofDigitai Communication System
2) Basic Information Theory. - Concept ofinlonnation,
Entropies of discrete system, Rate of transmission-
recludancy, Efficiency and charmel capacity, Source
encoding :i uffman teelmique, Transmission rate and
channel capacity of noisy channels, Shanon's theorem,
sampl ing theorem.
Digital Modulation and Demodulation Techniques
I) PCM, Della Modulation and adaptive delta modulation. 10
Coding Techniques (Algorithlllic Approach)-
Linear block codes, cyclic codes and convolution codes. 10

Telemetry - I) Basic coneept & Introduction
Tl!eory Examination:
II. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of 20 marks.
12. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
13. Q.l will be compulsory and based.on the entire syllabus.
14. Remaining queS1ions \Viii be mixed in n.ature.
15. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Term work:
Term work consists of minimum Eight experiments and a written test The distribution ofthe
term wock shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) :I 0 marks
Test (at bast one) :10 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The fi nal certification and acceptance o.fterm-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will b ~ based on entire syllabus.
Scope of the Lab :
I. AM principle and demodulation using diode detector circuit.
2. Balanced Modulator
3. I'M generation
4. Radio receiver characteristics like sensitivity, selectivity, image rejection
5. ASK System
6. FSK system.
7. PSK.systern - BPSK,DPSK
8. Signal sampling
9. Pulse code modulation
10. Linear block codes.
Text books:
I. Tomasi W. Advanced Electronics Communication systems, PI-ll, 4'h Edition 1998
2. Taub & Schilling, pnnciples of C(lmmunication systems, McGraw Hill, 2"d Ed. 1987
3. John C. Proakis "Digital Communication" McGTaw Hill International, 1995
4. Haykin S Communication systems; John Wi ley & Sons, 3'd Ed. 1995.
Refcrcuce Bool<S:
I. Lathi B. P. - ModernDigital and Analog Communication System, Oxford Unive.rsity
Press, 1998, 3!d edition.
2. Dennis Roddy and John Coolen- Electronic Communications, Prentice Hall of India, 3'd
Ed !992.
Universitv of Mumbai
Class: T.E. Brauch: Electrical Semester: V
Subject: Power System Anal sis abbreviated as PSA
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Each 60 min) Practical
Tutorial 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theor 3 100
Practical and Oral
Contents Module
Symmetrical Fault Analysis:
Transient on a Transmission line,
Short Circuit of a Synchronous Machine: no load and
loaded conditions.
Selection of Circuit Breakers.
Short circuit MV A
Algorithm for short circuit stu4ies .
ZBUS formulation .
Symmetrical Components:
Symmetrical Component transformation .
Phase shift in star-delta transfomters .
Sequence impedances and sequences of
transmission lines, synchronous machim. and
Power invariance .
Construction of sequence network of a Power System .

Unsymmc(rical Fault Ao:1lysis
Symmetrical fault analysis of unsymmetrical faults,
Single line to ground (SLG) faull. Line to Line (LL)
fault. Double line to ground (LLG) fault.
Open conductor faults .
Bus impedance matrix method for analysis of
unsymmetrical shunt faults.
Power System Transients:
Transient in simple circuits

Recovery transient due to removal of short circuit.

Arching grounds, capacitance switching, current

Measures to reduce over voltages
Traveling Waves

Traveling Waves on Transmission lines, W11VC equation,
reflection and refraction of waves, typical cases of line
terminations, attenuation, Bewley lattice diagram, corona
loss and effective shunt conductance.

Lightening phenomenon, mechanism ofligbtning
stroke, shape of lightning voltage wave, over voltages
due to lightening, lighting protection problem, tower
footing resiswncc, insulator flashover and withstand

voltages, probability of occurrence of lightning stroke

Protection against surges, surge arresters, surge
capacitor, surge reactor and surge absorber.

Lightning arrestors and protective ch.aracteristics,
dynamic voltage rise and addressor rating, insnlation
coordination based 011 lightning
Insulation Coordination:

Volt-time curve .
Over voltage protection. Ground wires.

Surge protection of rotating machines & transformers .
Phenomenon of Corona

Corona pulses-their generation and properties

Disruptive critical voltage, Visual critical voltage .
Coronal loss, charg<' voltage diagram(q-V)
Attenuation of traveling waves due to corona loss
Advantages and disadvantages
Factors affecting corona loss, corona ring
Radio interference (Rl), Television interference (TV I)
due to corona, conductor size selection
Practical considerations corona in bundled conductor
l i n e . . ~ .
Corona in HV DC lines
Voltage Gr:tdicnts of Conductor

Field of:- point charge, sphere gap, line chargc,2
conductor line

Charge potential relation for multi conductor line

Maximum charge condition

Surface voltage gradient on conductors: single
conductor, two conductor bundle

Mangoldt Formula

Gradient factor and uses
Reactive !'ower, and Voltage .

Generation and absorption of reactive power

Role of reacti vc power on voltage and voltage
regulatiM, system load line

Incremental reactive power. acti ve power and voltnge
at a node

P- V 3nd Q V Nose Curve .

Real and reactive power operating contours

Reactive power rcquireme1it of line

Various methods of voltage control:- Series, shunt.
Static VAR system. transformer
EITcct of and frequency on load
T heor:y Examination:
16. Question paper will comprise oflotal7 questions, each of20 marks.
17. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
18. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllahus.
19, Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
20. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on the syllabus.
Tem1 work:
Tenn work consists of minimum eight tutorial/ computer programs and a written test. The
distribution of the term work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) : 1 0 marks
Test (at least one) :10 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The 11nal certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory perfonnancc of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Text Bool<s:
1. Kothari l).P Nagrath l.J. Power System Engineering, TMIII'ubli.:ations, Second editi
2. Wadhawa C.L. Electrical Power Systems, New Age International, Fourth Edition, 200
3. GuptA Jl.R. Power System Analysis and Design, Wheeler Publishing, third edition, 199
4. Begamudre RD. Extra High Voltage Ac Transmission New Age
International Publishers, Third Edition 2007
5. Grainger J.J Stevenson Jr W. D, Power System Analysis, Me GRA W-HII..Intemation
6. Chakrabarti .A Soni M.L Gupta P.V J3hatnagar U.S, Power Syslem Engineering, Dhan
Rai & CO Ltd, Edition 2006.
Reference Books:
l. Saadat Hadi, Power System A:1alysis, TMH Edition, 2003.
2. Gonen Turan, Electric Power Transmission System Engineering, Analysis and Design.
,-----=:.JO=..:HN WILEY & SONS, A Wiley International Edition 1988
Univcrsi of Mumbai
Class: T.E. Brunch: Electrical Sl.'mester: V
' .
Subject: Power Electronics (Abbreviated as PE)
Periods per Week Lecture 04
(Each 60 min) Practical 02
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theorv 03 100
Practical and Oral 02 50
Oral --- --
Term Work --- 25
Total 05 175
Module Contents Hours
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers 08
Princ,iple of operation of SCR, Static & Dynamic characteristics,
1 Gate characteristics, Methods of turning on (Type of Gate Signal),
Firing circuits (using R, R-C, UJT),Commutation Circuit,
Protection ofSCR
Other Switching Devices 04
Principle of operation, citaracteristics, I"dting and applications of
Triac, Diac, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT and Power BJT, Driver
circuits for Power transistors.
Con I' rolled Rectifiers l3
Introduction, Half wave con(rolled r,ectifiers with R, R-L load, Full
Wave controlled rectifiers (Half controlled & Fully controlled)
3 with R., R -L load (effect of source inductance not included),Sirigle
phase dual converter, Three phase half controlled & Fully
controlled rectifiers with R load only, Applications, Numerical
based on calculation of output voltage.
Inverters 13
Introduction, Principle of operation, Performance parameters,
Single phase bridge Inverters, 3 phase bridge Inverters(l20 and
180 conduction mode) with R & R-L load,, Voltage control of 1
phase inverters, Voltage control of single phase using PWM
techniques, Harmonic neutralization of Inverters, Applications,
Numerical with R load only.
Basic principle of step up & step down choppers, DC-DC
switching mode regulators - Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost, Cuk
regulators, (CCM mode only), Applications, Numerical included
AC Voltage Controllers
introduction of AC Voltage Controllers, Principle of On-Off
Control, Principle of Phase Control , Single Phase bidirectional
control with R & R-L load, Applications. Numerical included
, ~ - - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - ~
Cyclo Convertor
lntroducliOi1, Single Phas'e and three phase Cyclo-converters,
Theoy Examination:
21. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of 20 marks.
22.0nly 5 questions need to be solved.
23.Q.J will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
24.Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
25.ln question paper weightage of each module will be j:roportional to the
number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Term work:
Term work consists of minimum eight experiments and a written tesL The
distribution of the term work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Joumal) :I 0 marks
Test (at least one) : J 0 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory
performance of laboratory work and minimum passing in the tenn-work.
Praclical and Oral Examination:
Practical examination will be based on one experiment performed from the list of
experiments given in the syllabus and the oral will be based on entire subject.
Suggested List of Pr-.tcticals:
1. VI Characteristic of SCR
2. Characteristic of any one high switching frequency devices
3. Firing circuit ofSCR
4. Commutation circuit ofSCR
5. Experiment based on controlled rectifiers
6. Experiment based on inverters
7. Experiment based on choppers
8. Experiment based on AC regulators
9. Experiment based on cycloconverters
1 O.Light dimmer circuit using triac
ll.Speed control of motors
Suggested List of Simulations:
1. Simulation of controlled rectifiers
2. Simulation of single phase bridge inverters
3. Simulation for 120 ancl 180 mode of conduction
4. Implementation ofPWM technique
5. Simulation of any one DC to DC converters
6. Simulation of AC controllers
7. Simulation of Cycloconverters
1. "Power Electronics" M.H.Rashid, Prentice-Hall of India
2. "Power Electronics"Ncd Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, John Wiley
3. "Power Electronics", V.P. Mooni, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
4. "Thyristors & their applications" Ramamurthy
5. "Power Electronics & its Applications" ---Aiok Jain, Penram International
Publishing (India) Pvt. Ltd.
6. "Power Electronics" ---Vedam Subramanyam, New Age International
Reference Book:
1. "Power Electronics" ---Landers, McGraw Hill
2. "Power Electronics" ---M.D. Singh, K.B .K.hanchandani, Tata McGraw Hill
3. "Modem Power Electronics" ---P.C.Sen, Wheeler Publication
4. Related Websites

University of Mumbai
Electrical Engineering
SUBJECT: Environmental Studies
Periods per week
(each of 60 min.)
Lecture 2
Practical -
Tutorial 1*
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theo Examination 2
Practical examination
Oral Examination
Term Work 25
Total 75
Class wise Tutorial
'""objective: This course is to create environmental awareness, of variety o f
environmental concerns.
Modul Contents
1 The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies
Definition, scope and importance
Need tor public
2 Natural resources
Renewable and non-renewable resources
Natural resources & associated problem.
a. Forest resources: Use and ""'"-explOitation. deforestatoon, case studies.
Timber extraction. mining. dams anc their effects on forests dnd tribal
b. Water resources: Use and over-utolization of surface and ground water.
' floods, drought, confliets over water, dams-bene*its and problems
c Monera! resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of
extractong and using mineral resources, case studoes
d FOOd resources Workl food problems overgrazu1g, effects of modem
agroculture. fertolizer-pesllcrde problems, water loggong salonoty, case
e Energy resources. Growmg energy needs, renewable and non renewable
ene!gy use.ot alternate energy sources Case studies.
f. Land resources: Land as a resource, land dlegradation man induced
landslides. sool erosion and desertification.

Role of an Individual in conseNation of natural resources .
Equttable use ol resources for sustaonable lolestytcs


Concepts of an ecosystem .

Structure and function of an ecosystem .
. Producers. consumers and decomposers_

Energt flow in the ecosystem .

Ecological succession .

Food chains. food webs and ecological pyramids.
Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the ecosystem:
a. For est ecosystem
b. Grassland ecosystem
c. Desert ecosystem
d. Aauatic ecosvstem Coonds streams, takes rrvers, oceans. estuaries)
4 Biodiversity and itS conservation
Introduction-Definition: genetic spec1es and ecosystem
Bio-geographical classification or India
Value or biodiverSity: Consumptive use. productive use
social, ethical, aesthetic and opbon values

Bio-diversity at global, national, local levels

India as a mega diversity nation
Hot spots or bio-diversity
Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, poaching of wild life,
man-wildlife conRicts

Endangered and endemic species or India
Conserv!ltion of biodiversity: In- situ and Ex-situ conservation
of biodiversitv
5 Environmental Pollution Definition - 4
Causes, effects and control measures of:
a Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soli pollution
d. Marine pollution
e. Noise pollution
r Thermal pollution
g. N u r l ~ > a r Hazards

Solid waste management: Causes, effect and control
measures of urban and industrial wastes

Role or an Individual in prevention of pollution

Pollulion case stud1es

Disaster management Roods, earthquake, cyclone
and land slides
6 Social issues and environment 4

From unsustanable to sustainable development

Urban problems related to energy

Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed

Re-seltlement and rehabilitation or people: Its problems and
concerns. case studies

Enwonmental ethiCS: issues and possible solutiOn

Cl1mate change, global wanning, acid rain. ozone layer
depletion. nuclear accidents-and holocaust. Case studies.

Wasteland reclamation

Consumerism and waste products
Environment protectiOn ad

Atr( Prevention and control of pollut1on ) act

Water ( Prevent;on and contcol of pollution ) act

Wildlife erotection act
t \.,

FOfest conservation act

Issues Involved in en!orc(jment of environmental legislation

Public awareness
7 Human population and the environment

Popu1ation growth, variation among nations

Population Explosion- l omily wGifare program

Environment and human health

Human rights

Value education


WOfncn and child welfare

Role of information technology In envtronment and human
Case studies
a Understanding Existence aud Co-exi stence
- -
Interrelation and Cycr.cily between Materi al order, Bio-order, Animal order and
l ~ u m a n order
Understanding the human conduct: Relationship rn :=amify, Justice in
Relationship, Relations hip of Human with Nature (Environment}, Human
Behavior. Human Values, Nature and Morality
Understanding the human society
Dimensions of Human Endeavor and Obsectives. lnterrefatronship in &>ciety.
Mutual Fulfillment and Cvclicit):: In Nature.
Theory Examination.
1. Question paper will be comprising of total 7 quesbons. each or 10 marks
2. Only 5 questions need to be solved
3. QuesUon number 1 will be compulsory and covering the all modules
4. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature. (e.g.- suppose Q 2 has part (a) from,
module 3 then part (b) will be from any module olher than module 3.)
5 In quest1oo pal)ef weightage of each module will be proportional to number of
respecttve lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Tonn work:
Term work shall consist of minimum five ptojects (PROJECTS SHAll BE DESIGNED ON THE
SAME GUIDE LINE OF GIVEN TEXT BOOK) and a wri tten :est.
The distribution of marks for term wotk shall 'leas follows,
Laboratory ,.roO< (TutoriaVProject and Joumat) . 15 marks
Test (at least one) 10 matk.s
The final certifrcation and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performanco of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Recommended Books;
1. Erach Bharucha, text book of environmental studies, Universities PresSIOnent Blackswao
2. Jagdrsh Krrshnaswaml, R J Ranjit Daniels, 'Environmental Studies", Wiley India Private
Ltd. New delhi
3. Anindrta Basak, 'Envrronmentat Studres. Pearson
4. Deeksha Dave. rex book of . 'Environmental Studes". Cengage learntng. Thomason
India edition
5. Benny Joseph . 'Environmental Studies", Tata McGRAW HILL
6. D L Manjunath. , 'Environmental Studies',Pearsoo
7. R Rargopalan, , 'Environmental Studies", Oxford
8 AJok Debi, ' Environmental science and Engineering. University press
9. A. Nagraj . Jeevan Vidya A Primer
Semester VI
I Control System-!
Protection and
2 Switchgear

3 Signal Processing
M icroproccssor
5 and
Syllabus Strudurc (lt-2007)
Scheme of Instructions,
Periods per week Scheme ofEvaluntion
( 60 min
Pa>er Term Practical
Thoory Pr11ctical Tutorial
Hours Marks work &Oral
4 2
J 100 25
4 2 - 3 100 25 -
2 3 100 25
4 2
3 100 25 50
4 2 - J 100 25 -
-- I 3 100 25 --
24 8 3 600 ISO 50
25 150
- 125
- 175
25 !50
50 850
' '
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semestu: Vr
Subicct: Control Svstcm Engineering- !(abbreviated as CSE-I
Periods per Week Lecture 04
(Each 60 min) Practical 02
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theorv 3 100
Practical and Oral
-- --
Oral --
Tetm Work
-- 25
Total 3 125
Module Contents Hours
Concept of Open loop & Closed loop control systems:
Gxamples and applications of open loop and closed loop
systems. Brief idea of multivariable control systems, control 4
system components, AC & DC servo motors, stepper motor,
potentiometer, tacho v;enerators
Mathematical modeling: Representation of physical system
2 (Electro-mechanical)by differential equations. Detcnnination
of transfer function by block diagram reduction tcclmique
siL':nal flow graph method.
State Variable Analysis: Concepts of state, state variables
" and state model. State models for linear continuous-time
systems. Diagonalization Transfer functions. Solution of state
I eauations. Concepts of controllability and observabilitv
Time response Analysis: Time response Analysis oi first
order and second odcr system. Steady state error and error
constants, Definition of root locus, Rules for plotting root loci, 10
Stability analysis using root locus. Effect of addition of pole
and zeros, Root l:>cus with dead time, SensitivitY & root locus
Stability of the system: Absolute stability and relative
stability, Routh's stability criterion, Stability and steady state 7
error in state soacc
Frequency Response Ann lysis: Polar Plol, Bode plot, Design
6 specification in frequency domain and their co-relation with
time domain, Nyquist Stability Criteria
Elcmenlnry ideas of compensating networks: Lag, Lead and
Lad-Lead networks , feedback comoensation and cascal!c
z. t

compensation, Concept of proportional, derivative and integral
conttollcr.(No numerical)
Theory Examination:
26. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of20 marks.
27. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
28. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
29. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
30. In question paper weightage of each module will be proportional to the
number of respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Term work:
Term work consists of minimum five experiments aJltl four l>rograms/simulatioos and a written
rest. The distribution of the tem1 work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal)
Test (at least one)
Attendance (Practk:al and Theory)
:10 marks
:10 n1arks
:05 marks
The final certification and ofterm-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
Text Books:
I. Modern Control Engineering by Katsulliko Ogata, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Control Norman Nise, 2"d edition, I 995.
3. S.P. Eugene Xavier, Josheph Cyril Babu,J., rirst Edition, S chand
4. Control system engineering by I G Nagrath & M. Gopal , wiley Easterfl Ltd
Reference Books:
I. Modem Control by Richard C Dorf s H Bishop Eighth edition Addition
Wesley 1998
2. Linear Control System Analysis and Design With Matlab, J. J. D'Azzo, C. H. Houpis and
S. N. Sheldon, Marcel Dekker (2003) ISBN 0824740386.
3. F1:edback Control of DynamicS ystems, G. F. Franklin, Pearson H1gher Education (2002)
ISBN 0130980412.
4. Control System Engineering, Shi\;magraju S. DeviL., New Age lntcmational, First
University of Murnbai
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semester: VI

Subj ect: Protection and Switchgear Eneinecring (abbreviated as PSE)
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Each 60 min) Practical 2
Tutorial --
J I ours Marks
Evaluation System Theory 3 100
Practical and Oral
-- --
Oral 25
Term Work -- 25
Total 3 150
Modulo Contents Hours
Principles of circuit Jlrc11ldng
Initiation of arc, arc extinction, D.C & 1\.C circuit breaking,
arc voltage and current waveforms in an A.C circuit.
Definition of transient recovery, rate of rise ofTR V,
I expression for TRV for different values of arc resistance,
CUITCn( chopping.
Theories of arc extinction, arc control HRC fuse.
Rating and specifications of circuit breakers. making and
breaking capacities, short circuit testing, Acquaintance of lSI
low Tension Switchgear
Different types ofL T switchgears:

2 (a) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) : construction and working
(b) Miniature circuit breakers (MCB) and Mounded cose
circuit Breakers (MCCB), Contact shapes and materials,
contact bounces.
Medium nnd High Tension Switchgear
Principle of arc quenching in :
(a) Air Blast circuit Breaker (ABCB)
(b) Bulk oil circLiit 13renkcr (BOCB)
(c) Minimum oi l circui1 Breaker (MOCB)
(d) Vacuum circuit breaker.
(e) SF6 Circuit Brea.<er
Protection Relaying
Objective of protec1ivc relaying
4 (a) Protective zones. Primary and backup Protection.
(b) Dcsimblc qualities.
Electromaguctic Relays, Stmic Relays, uP based Protective
schemes (nro!lramming or intcrfacins excluded)
2., '

Principles and characteristics of
(a) Ove; current relays - Time setting, plug setting, IDMT
(b) Directional Relays.
(c) Distance Relay - Resistance, Reactance, Impedance, MHO
relays. (d) Differential Relay.
Power System Protection
Relevant protection for different types Earth faults.
Protection of transmission lines & feeders. Pilot wire relaying.
Protection of Generators, Protection against loss of prime
mover and loss of excitation, tield suppression, out of step II
relaying. Protection of induction motors against single
phasing and over current, Garth Leakage circuit Breakers;
Introduction to DSP based protection (only simple schemes,
advantages, etc.)
Theory Examanation:
31. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of20 marks.
32. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
33. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
34. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
35. In question paper wcightage of each module wiJI be proportional .o the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Tcm wor k:
Tcnn work consists of minimum eight experiments and a written test. The distribution of tho
term work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Tutorials and Joumal) :10 marks
Test (at least c . : ~ ) :10 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance of term-work ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory worj< and minimum passing in the term-work.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus.
Text books:
I. Badri ram and vishwakamta D.N. Power S)'Stcm protection and Switchgear TMH
Publication first edition 1994
2. Ravindranath & chander, Switchgear & protection, Wiley Eastern LTD first Ed 1997
3. Paithankar Y.G .and Bhidc S.R Fundamentals of Power system Protection P.H.l
Publication EEE 2003
4. RliO Sunil S Switchgear & protection, Khanna publication, fourth Ed 1997
5. Rao.Madhav ,static relays, TMI I publication second Ed 1994
Reference books:
I.GEC relay guide
2.Phodke A.G, & lh()(pe J.S. "compuler Relaying for power systems . "john wiley &
sons Ed. , 1990

Univesitv ofMumbai
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semester: VI
Sub.iec.t: Signal Processing (abbreviated as SP)
Periods per Week Lecture 04
(Each 60 min) Practical --
Tutorial 02
Hours Marks
Evaluation System
Theory 3 100
Practical and
-- --
Tenn Work
Total 3 125
Module Contents Hours-
Definition and classitlcation of signals and systems,
operations on sign.tls, power spectrum( amplitude &phase 10
spectrum),Energy and power spectral density ,Convolution
Z-Transform, Single &double sided Z-Transfonn, ROC
2 determination. Inver-se Z-Transform. Solution of difference
equ?tion ,pole -zero diagrarn,Causility & stability, magnitude
and phase response of LTl system,
Frequency Domain Analysis of DT systems --
Pole -Zero diagram Frequency.. Domain Analysis using
analytical and graphical techniques .System classification
12 J
based on band .System classification based on phase
response us minirnum phase, maximum phase, mixed phase.
Stability analysis
4 DTf1'.&DFT ,OfT properties,FFT(Radix -2 DIT)
DSP Processor: Need for special Architecture. Difference
5 be.tween DSP processor and microprocessor. Architecture of
DSP Processor.
Theory Examination:
36. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of20 marks.
3?. Only 5 quest.ions need to be solved.
38. Q. l wi ll be compulsory ancl based on the entire syllabus.
39. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
40. In question paper weightage of o>ach module will be propOrtional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Term work:
Term work consists of at least six programs and four assignments and a written test. The
distribution of the term work shall be as follows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) :I 0 marks
Test (at least one) :I 0 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and ncceptance of term-work ensures tho satisfactory performance of
laboracory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
List of suggested Programs:
I. Generation of Standard DT Signals
, 2. Linear Convolutions.
3. Circular Convolution.
4. Pole - zero plot
5. Magnitude & phase response ofLTI system.
6. OFT.
7. FFT (DIT).
Text books:
J. Salivahan S.,"Digital Signall>roccssing",TMI! Publication, 2001
2. Oppenhein&Schafer," Discrete Time Signal Proccssing",PHt Publication, 1989
3. Haykin Sand VanVeen B., Signal & Systems, Wiley publications, 2"" Ed. 2002.
4. Linder O.K. , Introduction to Signal & Systems, McGraw Hill International. 1999
5. Ambardar, Analog & Digital signal processing, Thomson ieaming, 2nd Ed.
6. CHI TSONG Chen, "Digital Signal Processing", Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
I.Proakh,D.G.Manolakis J.G.," Digital Signal Processing" PHI Publications.l995
2. Lathi !J.P., Signal & Systems, Oxford University press, 2n.l Ed. 1998.
3.0ppenhcim and Schaffer. Discrete time Signal Processing, PHI Publication, 1989
4. Mitra S. K.," Digital Signal Processing", TMII publication. 2001
University of Mumbai
Class: T.E. Branch: Electrical Semester: VI
Subject: Electrical Machine IU(abbreviated as E.MC-IIT)
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Eaclt 60 min) Practical 2
Tutorial ---
f-lours Marks
Evaluation System Theory 3 100
Practical and Oral 2 50
Term Work -- 25
Total 5 175
Module Contents Hours
Synchronous Generator:
Construction, emf induced, winding factors, armature reaction,
phasor diagram, OC and SC test, voltage regulation by EMr,
MMF, ZPF, ASA, Saturated synchronous method, power flow
and maximum power conditions, parallel operation, effect of
field current on altcmator com1ected to infinite bus, salient
pole generators, Blondel's two reaction thcJry, power angle
characteristics, synchronizing power and torque.
Synchronous Motor:
Principle of operation, phasor diagram, power flow and
maximum power conditions, excitation circles, power circles,
V curves and 0 curves, power factor control( Effect of change
in excitation on power factOr), Hunting, starting methods,
starting against high torques, Dampers, Measurement of Xd
and Xq.
Special purpose Machines:
Stepper motor and their types, working prinr.iples, drive
circuits. Variable Reluctance Motor, construction, principle of
Theory Examimltion:
41. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of20 a r k ~ .
42. Only 5 questions need ro be solved.
43. Q. l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
44. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
45. In question paper weightage of each module wit[ be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus
Pnlctical and Oral Examination:

Practical examination will be based oa one experiment performed from the list of experiments
given in tl1e syllabus and tl1e oral will be based on entire subject.
Term work:
Term work consists of minimum six experiments and a written test. The distribution of the term
work shall be as foUows,
Laboratory work (Experiments and Journal) : l 0 marks
Test (at least one) :10 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification ru1d acceptance of term-work cru;ures the satisfactory performance of
labomtory work and minimum passing in the term-work.
~ i s l of Laboratory Expcrimen ts:
12. Regulation of alternator by direct loading.
13. Regulation of alternator by EMF and MMF method
14. Regulation ofal!cmator by ZPF, ASA and saturated synclu:onous method.
!5. Gxcitation rcqllired to keep terminal voltage of an alternator constant.
I 6. V and inverted V curves of synchronous motor
17. Determination of Xd and Xq by slip test.
!8. Parallel operation of alternators
Text Boolcs:
5. Electrical Macllinery by P.S.Bhimhra, VII Edition, Kha.una Publisher
6. Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines by Dr. P.S.Bhimhra, V Edition, Khanna
-;. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari.TMH Publication.
8. 'Eiec1rical Machines'; by Charles I. Hubert, Pearson Education
Reference nooks:
6. rerfonnnnce and Design of AC Machines by M.G.Say, CBS Publisher
7. Electrical Machines by Fitzgerald and Kingsley
8. 'Electrical Machines',by S.K.Bhattach31ya, Tala McGraw Hill Publishing company ltd,
second edition, 1998
9. Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power System'. by TI1eodorc Wildi,Pearson Education
-- --
University of Mumbai
Class: T.E. llranch: Electrical Semester: VI
Subj ect: Microprocessors And Microcontrollcrs (abbreviated as MPMC)
' '
Periods per Week Lecture 4
(Each 60 min) Practical 2
Hours Marks
Evaluation System Theorv 3 100
Practical and Oral
Term Work -- 25
Total 3 150
Module Contents Hours
8085 Microprocessor: Basic 8085 Microprocessor architecture
and its functional blocks, 8085 Microprocessor JC pinouts and
signals, address, data and CO(ttrol buses. Clock signals,
instruction cycles, machine cycles and timing states, 4
instruction timing diagram. Programming of 8085
Microprocessor: Basic instn1ction set of 8085, addressing
8086 microprocessors: architecture and organization of
8086Microprocessor family , bus inte1'face unit,8086hardware
pin signals, timing diagram of8086 family Microprocessor,
2 simplified readl .... rrite bus cycles,8086 minimum and maximum
modes of operation,8086/8088 memory addressing ,address
decoding, memory system design of 8086 family, timing
consideration for memory interfacing, inpuVoutput port
uddrcssitur and decoding
8086 Assembly language programming : Addressing
modes,8086 instmction fom1ats and instmction set ,data
transfer ,arithmetic, bit manipulation string, program execution
3 transfer and processor control instructions, machine codes for
8086 instmction, assembly language syniax, assembler
directives, initialization instructions, simple sequential and
looping programs in assembly language, debugging assembly
langual!e LXOI!rams.
Input Output interface circuit and LSI peripheral devices:
8255a programmable peripheral interface, Memory mapped
1/0 port, 8254 Programmable Interval Timer, $237
. Programmable direct memory access Controll cr, Serial
communication interface,8251 USART.
Compnring microprocessor and microcontroller, four bit to
s thirty two bit microcontroller introduction, development 8
system for microcontroller, 8051 Architecture
6 Basic asscmblv orol!ramminl! concept, moving data, 8 _
logical operation, Arithnmatic operation, Jump and call
irutructioo, SimPle oro ing.
Application of 805 I
!.Seven Segment LED display
2. AID and 0/A converter 04
3. Pulse measurement
Theory Examinat;on:
46. Question paper will compriscoftota17 questions, cachof20 marks.
47. Only 5 questions need to be solved
48. Q.l will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus.
49. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
50. In question p3per weightag,e of each module will be proportional to lhc number of
respective lecture h.ours as mentioned in the syllabus
Ttrm work:
Term work consists of minimum ten progrnms (four programs based on 8086 & lhrcc programs
based on 8051 3nd two programs based on Interfacing) and a written test. The distribution of the
tcml work shall be as follo\>;S,
Laboratory work (Programs and Journal) :I 0 marks
Test (at least one) :11'1 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and acceptance oftenn-work ensures the satisfactory perfonnance of
laboratory work and minimum passing in the tenn-work.
Oral Examination:
Oral examination will be based on entire syllabus.
Text Books:

I. The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors, walter A Triehei. A\\1ar Singh. Education.
Fourth Edition
2. TI1e 8086 Microprocessors. Kenneth J. Ayala.. Thomson India Editiotl,IS13N: 81-315-
3. The 8051 microcontroller, Kenneth J. Ayala, Delmar O:ngagc Learning. 3'd edition,
ISBN: 81-315-0200-7
4. PIC Micro Controller And Embedded System. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D.
Mckinlay, Danny Causey. Pearson Education, first
Reference Books:
I. Fundamentals of Microcontrollcrs and Embedded System, Ramcsh (iaonknr, PENRA!.I
international India Pvt. Ltd. ISBN: 81-87972-29-7
2. Microcontrollers : Features and Applications, Yadv O.S., A.K. Shing, New Age
I ntemational, second edition
3. Microcontrollers: Theory and Applications, Ocshmukh Ajay, Second Edition, Tata
Macgraw Hill
4. Programming: and Catorrizing the 8051 microcontroller, Predco Myk, Tata MacGraw
Hill, first Edition
5. l'rogmmming the PIC Microcontroller with Mbasic, Smith Jack R., Elscverc India Pvt.
Ltd. First reprint
University of Mumbai
Bra11Ch: Electrical Semester: VI
Subject: Project Management (abbreviated as PM
Periods per We;:-k
Lecture 4
(Each 60 min) Practical --
Tutorial l
Hours Marks
EvAluation System
Theory Examination 3 100
Practical and Oral
-- --
Work -- 25
Total 3 125
Module Contents Hours
Projeci n .anagemonl & it organizalion. Nature &
purpose of P.M -concept of project, project
l identification, formula. analysis, risk. planning. Project
design & n/w analysis. projecl report. appraisal, Project
EstablishinQ o project oraonizofion
Contract administration Conlracllow. Confrocl &
payment structure
' Account & finance. Financing the project, Cost J
- 4
estimation. Cost control, Controllinl:l cosh & credit
Planning & scheduling. Planning with charts, Critical path
methods. Resources scheduling.
Managing project material, Material planning & control.
Project lnspeclion & expectation. Project risk 10
manoqement. projec: QuantitY manooement.

Theory Exa mination:
51. Question paper will comprise of total 7 questions, each of 20 marks.
52. Only 5 questions need to be solved.
53. Q.l will be compulsoxy and based on the entire syllabus.
54. Remaining questions will be mixed in nature.
55. hi question paper weightage of each module wiii be proportional to the number of
respective lecture hours as mentioned in the syllabus.
Term work:
Tcm1 work should consist of at least eight tutorials properly recorded and graded
Laboratory work (Tutorial) :I 0 marks
Test (at least one) :I 0 marks
Attendance (Practical and Theory) :05 marks
The final certification and accepumce ofterm-work ensures the satisfactory perfonnance of
laboratory work w1d m i n i m ~ m passing in the term-work. '
Text Books:
I . Hand boo!< of project management. Denis lock. second edition. JPH
2. Project management- Vosont Desai, HPH.
Reference Books:
1. Pro!ecls. planning ,Analysis, financing, implementation & review
Prosonno Chandra. fif th edition. To McGraw hill.
2. A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK guide) prOle
management institute, Newtown square. Pennsylvania, USA.
.-::x- -x:

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