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Shakespears sister

Virginia Woolfs essay was both beautiful and persuasive. Virginia Woolfe reminds us that the fight for gender equality is not over. She had hoped by now woman would be over. She paints a picture of herself pondering a writing assignment while sitting on a river bank. I picture her in fine pretty coats and corseted up, perhaps with a black brimmed sun hat, sitting on a blanket eating grapes and writing in a leather bound journal. She describes this moment with such vivid splendor that one feels like they are there. She describes fine October weather lost with her thoughts about prejudices and passions. I bowed with my head to the ground. She says. What a glorious line that insinuates disappointment. Meanwhile she describes the world around her with crimsons and gold and feminine thoughts of willows with hair floating about their shoulders. Woolfe writes about a thought; a fish that is too young and small it needs to be thrown back until it is large enough that it could become its greatest self. She says that the assignment given to write about women in literature should never be fulfilled. She states One can only give ones audience the chance of drawing their own conclusions as they observe the limitations, the prejudices, the idiosyncrasies of the speaker. This means that no matter what the topic, the written work depends on what the reader draws from the piece of literature. A good writer will actually work with what they may think the audience gets out of it. So a piece of writing has endless possibilities depending on the layers of the topic, the writer, and the reader. Woolfe makes mention of a man that comes across Ms. Woolfe while she is at the college writing. His condescending demeanor intercepts her as if to say This is no place for a lady. She is on the turf and he points her to the gravel where she belongs. The turf is

seemingly a symbol for the turf of writing and education. No women aloud! She uses this excellent symbolism to get her point across. She say there was no harm done, however it had sent her little fish into hiding, the fish being her inspiration. Woolfe speaks about how difficult life in general is for all people. We all have obstacles, men have the obstacle of having to act a certain way. They must conquer and deny any sort of feminine side. Woman at the time were expected to marry well and if not it was common place to beat a daughter and then to plead with her to not shame the family.. There was tremendous guilt that came along with marrying for love rather than money. Woolf sits inside a coffee shop enjoying the afternoon while the world that awaits her rages on outside. Men and women alike pound the pavement. Being either sex takes courage and valor. To survive, one must have tremendous self-confidence. This is what Woolfe has mentioned for without self-confidence one has the tendency to self-aggrandize. So much so, that when one goes into a room they believe they have superiority of at least half the people in that room. For women in this time this was most certainly true. Today I believe that it is still true. If a women had a room of ones own then perhaps Woolfe would not have to worry about being kicked off the turf or being in a room full of men who believe she is the weaker sex. She also brings up a very good point. The looking glass has been written about by many authors. They use it as an implement to show different perspectives such as in Lewis Carols writing where it is used as an example of others outlooks on life. It is also considered a different persons soul in others writing. As if we are looking at each other through a looking glass, but we cant see each other very well. In Virginia Woolfes writing it is mentioned men can see themselves in women as a weaker version of a looking glass. This is a different perspective but an excellent critique. She mentions that men throughout time have pressed the

inferiority of women. These men are so weak minded that the very thought of a woman critiquing them sends them into a panic. They cannot tolerate it. Who is the weaker sex now? They live to see their mirror images shrink to a smaller size then themselves. Take it away and man may die, like the drug fiend deprived of his cocaine. In fact a woman has had trouble giving any sort of opinion where it is taken seriously or with the same value as a man. It is the same today as it was long ago. I may be better now however, even in business today it is difficult to succeed as a woman. One must go to great measures and flatter those in a position of power. In one position I had as a server if you were a man and you wanted to move up in the company you would only have to talk about sports or video games. If you were a woman and you wanted to move up you had two options. Flirt mercilessly or slave day and night. Usually to pay the bills you had to do both. Things are not much different for women in this sense. I felt stifled, and the world was not my oyster. The sky was not the limit. I was not able to focus on my true love of writing. Even though we may have some rights there is still an expectation to clean the house, cook the dinner, look beautiful, please and feed the bellies of our husbands and kids. With womens lib came all new exceptions such as have a career and a social life. If you are a stay at home mom then working moms judge you and vice versa. If only I had a room of my own, where I could write; where I could hide from my family, and responsibilities. Until then I may have to sit on the river bank turf to write. Now it is most certainly true that in the past women were not valued or inspired by their families to pursue academia. Women in history were not given the same opportunities as men to write or think critically. This is why Woolfe used the example of Shakespeares sister. She would have been the same genetically and physically for the most part but since she has had

preconceived notions forced upon her she does not succeed. She is laughed out of the theatre because all professions at the time were filled with men. Even today there is a stigma behind female writers. I dont know how happy Woolfe would be to see female writers signing their literary work with male pen names. In those days a woman was a piece of property. Is it much different than today? In the law books here in Utah a women is still listed as a piece of property, and a man is responsible for his wife as would be cattle or any other asset. Is this worth getting married? To live a life as Woolfe describes, The spirit of life and beauty in a kitchen chopping up suet. Woolfe tells us there will be a time where women will be seen as equals and the sexes will be the same as the stars and sky are on the reflection in a lake. Shakespeares sister has never seen fame or fortune but perhaps someday there will be a future for women writers. Virginia woolfe calls for women to work to change these misconceptions and I intend to heed her call, and write the truth. For if I work tirelessly then maybe someday I will make it easier for the future women writers and perhaps Shakespeares Sister will be born again and will finally have the opportunities she was denied in her time.

Woolfe, Virginia; A room of ones own/Shakespears Sister. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1929.

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