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For Immediate Release: New magazine explores ideas of media arts students

PROVO, Utah (Feb. 3, 2013)Aperture, a new online magazine produced by BYUs Student Film Association, presents insights by students in media arts. The magazine features the best submissions from students in the media arts critical studies major. Its an opportunity to see what the students are thinking and how they view film, said Emily Steffensen, the SFA representative for Aperture. The subject of the new magazine spans a comprehensive history in film theory, history and aesthetics and provides critical thought on a variety of films from different genres, time periods and countries. Aperture provides an outlet for students to communicate with their peers, said Steffensen. It gives them a chance to get real experience in analysis. Critical studies students benefit from the opportunity to publish their work and from the insights of other students. The magazine creates an opportunity for students of every major who have an interest in film to learn about the industry today. The first issue of Aperture premieres in April of this year. See for more details on the first issue and how to submit an article. ### Natalie Grigg | | 850-496-9062

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