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Mother Daughter Mother Daughter Mother Daughter

Daughter, get up. You are going to be late. Hija, levantate. Vas a llegar tarde. I'm not feeling well, Mother. No me siento bien, Mam. What's the matter? Cul es el problema? I have a terrible headache and a fever Tengo un terrible dolor de cabeza y fiebre You should see Doctor Beker. Deberas ver al Doctor Beker. I feel weak. Do you think he might come if you call him? podra venir si lo llamas? Me siento dbil. Crees que


I don't think so. It's two o'clock. He must be working at the clinic now, but you could see Doctor Smith. He is an outstanding physician. No lo creo. Son las dos de la tarde. l debe estar trabajando en la clnica, pero podras ver al doctor Smith. l es un mdico excelente. No, I prefer Doctor Beker. Would you do me a favour? No, Yo prefiero al Doctor Beker. Me haras un favor? Yes, What do you need? Si, Qu es lo que necesitas? His secretary may be at the clinic. Call her to find out when I can see him. Su secretaria puede estar en la clnica. Llmala para saber cuando puedo verlo. LATER................

Daughter Mother Daughter

Mother Daughter

The secretary said that the doctor will be there at 4:30. Shall I drive you there? La secretaria dijo que el mdico estar all a las 4:30. Debo llevarte all? No, I'll take a cab. It's not that serious. No, Tomar un taxi. No es tan grave.

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