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Examples from martial arts, music, apprenticeship Character training which involves correction If a professing Christian stops learning,

he stops living. Ignorance is never a virtue, especially in Christianity. Benjamin Franklin: He who cannot obey, cannot command

WHAT Definition: A learner or an apprentice who follows another person in a teacher-student relationship

WHO 1. Everyone is called to be a disciple 2. The question that follows: Who are we learning from?

WHY It is Jesus wish for us to follow Him. Also, it was His commandments: to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19)

HOW Obeying and applying the teachers commandments (John 8:31-31 and Psalm 119:9-11) Bearing fruit (John 15:4-8, 16) Loving one another (1 John 3:23; 4:7-8, 11-12, 19-21)

Characteristics of a Christian disciple: Committed and faithful; Obedient; Available; Teachable; Courageous;

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