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Posted by mantan

NILAI-NILAI MURNI yang diajar dalam matapelajaran Pendidikan Moral: PERKEMBANGAN DIRI (Self Development) Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan (Belief in God) Amanah (Trust) Harga diri (Self esteem) Tanggungjawab (Responsibility) Hemah tinggi (Venerable) Toleransi (Tolerans) Berdikari (Independence) Kerajinan (Deligence) Kasih sayang (Love) Keadilan (Fairness) Rasional (Rational) Kesederhanaan (Moderation) KEKELUARGAAN (Family Life) Kasih sayang terhadap keluarga (Love for the family) Hormat dan taat kepada anggota keluarga ( Respectful and loyal to family members ) Mengekalkan tradisi kekeluargaan (Continuation of family traditions) Tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga (Responsibility towards family) ALAM SEKITAR (The Environment) Menyanyangi dan menghargai alam sekitar ( Love and appreciation of the enviroment) Keharmonian antara manusia dan alam sekitar (Harmony between humans and the enviroment) Kemapanan alam sekitar (Stability of the enviroment) Peka terhdap isu-isu alam sekitar (Sensitive towards enviromental issues) PATRIOTISME (Patriotism) Cinta akan negara (Love for the country) Taat setia kepada raja dan negara (Loyal to the King and Country) Sanggup berkorban untuk negara (Willing to sacrifice for the country) HAK ASASI MANUSIA (Human rights) Melindungi hak kanak-kanak (Protecting the rights of children) Menghormati hak wanita (Respecting womens rights) Menghormati hak golongan kurang berupaya (Respecting the rights of the disabled) Melindungi hak pekerja (Protecting workers rights) Melindungi hak pengguna (Protecting consumer rights) DEMOKRASI (Democracy) Mematuhi peraturan dan undng-undang (Abaiding by laws and regulations) Kebebasan bersuara (Freedom of speech) Kebebasan Beragama (Religious freedom) Pengelibatan dalam pembangunan negara (Involment in the countrys development) Sikap keterbukaan (Openness) KEAMANAN DAN KEHARMONIAN (Peace and harmony) Hidup bersama secara aman (Coexistance) Saling membantu dan bekerjasama (Helpful and cooperative) Saling menghormati antara negara (Mutual respect between countries)

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