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19th August 2013 PRESS RELEASE INTIMIDATION CONTINUES Workers at Lautoka Sugar mill continue to be intimidated by Management.

Workers over the weekend were required to fill a form indicating if they were going on strike. Others were threatened with termination if they went on strike. Management also went around getting retired workers to sign a contract to work if the workers went on strike offering these retired workers 5 year contracts. The Union condemns such behavior as irresponsible and which demonstrates absolute contempt for workers rights in the sugar mills. The workers have taken secret ballot for strike action as required by law. The results have been validated by the Ministry of labour. The National Executive Committee of the Union will consult this week and determine action. Today workers at Lautoka mill had planned a lunch hour meeting which Management advised in the last minute that they would not allow any Union meetings to take place nor allow the General Secretary to speak to the workers. This again is in breach of the Employment Relations Promulgation where the Union is allowed excess to the membership. This action only serves to further harden the workers resolve for a fair settlement of their wage adjustments. Management has also advised workers that FSC will get workers from India to operate the mills when the strike happens. Should this happen, the Union will call on international support and a campaign to make the international community aware of the shameful conduct of FSC Management. The Union advises farmers that strike action by members of the Union can take place at any time. This is a result of FSCs continued refusal to enter into negotiations with the Union.


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