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Back to View All Tutorials Language: RPG - AS400 topic: Certification subject: IBM sample RPG Cert. test

IBM had/has an on-line sample sertifiication test for RPG (ILE +) sr. programmer analysts along with a general list of things an RPG - AS/400 programmer should know.

We are also including a questionaire Ken & I developed and used to ask job applicants for the contract co. we worked for in Omaha back in the 90's. AS/400 knowledge test by Ken Killian (now in Chattanooga) and Greg Smith [ go down to IBM's test ] 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) How does the "SELEC" op-code work? What is the Difference between "DOUEQ" & "DOWEQ"? What does the "LEAVE" operation code do?? The "CHAIN" operation code works like what two operation codes?? How does the "*LIKE" operation code work? What does the DDS keyword "SFLRCDNBR" represent? What does the DDS Keyword "SFLEND" do? What does the keyword "SFLNXTCHG" do? What is "OPNQRYF"? What do the key words "SFLDSP" & "SFLDSPCTL" do? What do the special values *LOVAL & *HIVAL represent? What is the operation-code "REDPE"? Remember that, in the US, almost half the AS/400 programming jobs require Java. (as of December 2005)

1.) How does the "SELEC" op-code work? ANSWER: It works the same as a series of "IF-ELSE" statements. .*..1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7 * N01N02N03FACTOR1+++OPCDEFACTOR2+++RESULTLENDHHILOEQCOMMENTS+++ C* -- ---------------------: ++--==* C FIELD IFEQ 1 C Z-ADD1 NUM C ELSE C FIELD IFEQ 2 C Z-ADD2 NUM C ELSE C FIELD IFEQ 3 C Z-ADD3 NUM C ELSE C FIELD IFEQ 4 C Z-ADD4 NUM C ELSE C Z-ADD*ZEROS NUM C ENDIF C ENDIF C ENDIF C ENDIF * SELECT OP-CODE C SELEC C FIELD WHEQ 1 C Z-ADD1 NUM C FIELD WHEQ 2 C Z-ADD2 NUM C FIELD WHEQ 3 C Z-ADD3 NUM C FIELD WHEQ 4 C Z-ADD4 NUM C OTHER C Z-ADD*ZERO NUM C ENDSL C* -- ---------------------: ++--==* * * the above 2 examples work the same way *

2.) What is the Difference between "DOUEQ" & "DOWEQ"? ANSWER: DOUxx (=Do Until xx) tests at the end of the loop and therefore ALWAYS gets executed at least once. DOWxx (=Do While xx) tests for the condition first, before executing the loop. 3.) What does the "LEAVE" operation code do?? ANSWER: It is an "escape-hatch" to GOTO the end of a loop and add another nested level of if's as well. A structured approach is to condition the loop correctly to start with.

example C* -- ---------------------: ++--==* C DOU C ADD 1 NUMBER C CTR IFEQ 5 C LEAVE C ENDIF C ENDDO * * the "number" will equal 5 in the above example

4.) The "CHAIN" operation code works like what two operation codes?? ANSWER: The Set-Lower-Limit & Read-equal operation codes (SETLL & READE) C* -- ---------------------: ++--==* C KEY CHAINfile 99 * * the following operation codes work the same as the "chain" * C KEY SETLLfile C KEY READEfile 99 C* -- ---------------------: ++--==*

5.) How does the "*LIKE" operation code work? ANSWER: It defines a field as the same type and length as selected field. Example: old rpg3: C* -- ---------------------: ++--==* C *LIKE DEFN OLDVAR NEWVAR new rpg4/ile: D NEWVAR S like(oldvar)

6.) What does the DDS keyword "SFLRCDNBR" represent? ANSWER: It displays the page of the subfile with the selected record number. Take the following example: Subfile page-size is 3 and subfile size is 9: 1st page rec=1 rec=2 rec=3 2nd page rec=4 rec=5 rec=6 3rd page rec=7 rec=8 rec=9

If the "SFLRCDNBR" is 8, then the third page would be displayed. 7.) What does the DDS Keyword "SFLEND" do? ANSWER: It displays a '+' when not the end of a subfile. Or, if spelled out as SFLEND(*MORE) it puts "more . . ." at

the bottom, till eof is reached. 8.) What does the keyword "SFLNXTCHG" do? ANSWER: "SFLNXTCHG" = Subfile-Next-Changed, using this keyword when a record is moved into a subfile causes the subfile to treat the record as a changed record even if the record was never actually changed. When the changed records are later retrieved for use by an RPG program this record will also be selected. 9.) What is "OPNQRYF"? ANSWER: "OPNQRYF" = Open-Query-File, it is used to select records and/or build an index over a file for a program to read and process. 10.) What do the key words "SFLDSP" & "SFLDSPCTL" do? ANSWER: "SFLDSP" = Subfile-Display, when the conditioning indicator is on, the subfile is displayed on the screen. "SFLDSPCTL" = Subfile-Display-Control-format, when the conditioning indicator is on, the subfile-control format is displayed. 11.) What do the special values *LOVAL & *HIVAL represent? ANSWER: "*LOVAL"=Low-Vaule, represents binary zeros and is usually used to set a pointer at the beginning of a file. "*HIVAL"=High-Value, represents hexadecimal x'FF' is usually used to position a pointer at the very end of a file. 12.) What is the operation-code "REDPE"? ANSWER: "REDPE" = Read-Prior-Equal, retrieves the next prior sequential record from a full procedural file if the key of the record matches the search argument. If the key of the record does not match the search argument, the indicator that must be specified in positions 58-59 is set on and the record is not returned to the program.

BONUS QUESTIONS Do you subscribe to any AS/400 Magazines? (3X/400, Midrange-Computing) used any free utilities from them? How might you add an extra field to a file? Approximately 6 steps: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) Rename old file Delete logicalS Compile new file with new field CPYF with *MAP & *DROP Recreate Logicals Recompile Programs

How you do find what programs need to be recompiled when a file is changed?

1.) FNDSTRPDM or 2.) DSPPGMREF How do you tell if a Logical in Test is built over a Production file?

How do you turn off indicators 50 thru 59 in only 1 operation? MOVEA '000000000' *IN,50

At on 2005-12-25 By Nov. 2006, this has become the sample test only. see for the Objectives. search Google with key words: rpg-ile certification test for more resources. Recommended background and experience: 1. At least three to five years performing a broad range of RPG design and programming activities, with a working knowledge of RPG. 2. Advanced knowledge of keywords and their function. 3. 18 months experience with ILE. 4. The ability to program using /free form. RPG ILE Programmer sample Certification Test ________________________________________________________ SAMPLE CERTIFICATION TEST 1. Given a full procedural, externally-described input file named ORDER with a record length of 41 bytes, which of the following is a valid format for the File specification for the ORDER file? FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.Keywords A. FORDER IF E DISK FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.Keywords B. FORDER IPE F 41 DISK FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.Keywords C. FORDER IF E 41 DISK FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.Keywords D. FORDER IF F DISK ___

2. Given the following RPG IV code excerpt: FFilenameIPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.Keywords FORDERS IF E K DISK USROPN Which of the following options describes the result of using the USROPN keyword? A. This file will be opened immediately when this program is called B. This file must be opened with an explicit OPEN operation prior to accessing this file C. This file must be opened with the CL command OPNDBF prior to the call to this program D. This file will be opened when the program reaches a C specification that issues a READ or CHAIN to this file ___ 3. Given the following code excerpt: 0395.00 0396.00 0397.00 0398.00 0399.00 ************************************************ * C *IN44 WHENEQ *ON C Z-ADD D2RRN SFLRCD C MOVEL(P) 'D3SC' #SDFMT #SDFMT

A. B. C. D.

Which of the following will use the overlay function to comment out lines 397 to 399 without changing the remaining code? Type C3 in sequence number 395 and OO in sequence number 397 Type RPO3 in sequence number 396 and A in sequence number 397 Type O in sequence number 396 and OO in sequence numbers 397 and 399 Type C in sequence number 396 and OO in sequence numbers 397 and 399

4. Which of the following RPG operations retrieves a changed record from a subfile? A. READC B. READE C. CHAINC D. READPE 5. What type of object stores spooled files that are waiting to be printed on an output device? A. *SPLQ B. *PRTF C. *PRTQ D. *OUTQ Given the following RPG IV statement: .....DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0001 D Arr S 30A Dim(30) PerRcd(1) CTDATA 6. What kind of array is being declared? A. B. C. D. Run-time Prerun-time Compile-time Alternating table

A CL program, EMPCL1, calls the RPG program EMP001 and then calls the RPG program EMP002. RPG programs EMP001 and EMP002 were both written to process the file EMPMAST. In order to test changes in EMP001, a test file called TESTEMP in library TESTLIB needs to be used. EMP002 should process EMPMAST as it normally would. The following code segment was provided for testing: OVRDBF FILE(EMPMAST) TOFILE(TESTLIB/TESTEMP) CALL PGM(EMP001) CALL PGM(EMP002) 7. Which of the following actions will accomplish this task? A. Add the SCOPE(*NEXT) parameter to the existing B. Add the following CL statement directly before DLTOVR FILE(EMPMAST) C. Add the following CL statement directly before DLTOVR FILE(TESTLIB/TESTEMP) D. Add the following CL statement directly before CHGOVR FILE(EMPMAST) SCOPE(*PRV) -------------------------------------------------i5 iSeries RPG ILE Programmer Sample Test 268 ANSWER KEY: --1 A 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 C 7 B OVRDBF command the call to EMP002: the call to EMP002: the call to EMP002:

############################################################################### AS/400 RPG Programmer sample test for IBM's certification exam 22 questions 10-19-99

Sample Test 260 Enhanced 7-24-2002

These sample questions are representative of the questions you may see on the certification exam. Your performance based on this sample test may not be related to your ability to pass the certification exam. 1. In addition to the CHGCURLIB command, which of the following commands allows you to set your current library in an interactive job? A. ADDLIBLE

B. RPLLIBL C. EDTLIBL D. CHGLIBL 2. Which of the following CL commands can be used to determine which logical files are dependent on a specific physical file? A. B. C. D. DSPPFM DSPDBR DSPOBJD DSPPFREL

3. Which of the following CL commands can be used at program execution to redirect the file named in an RPG program? A. B. C. D. OVRDBF ALCOBJ OPNDBF OPQNRYF

4. Which of the following CL commands is used to trap error messages during program execution? A. B. C. D. RCVMSG RMVM MONMSG RTVMSG

5. Which of the following types of activation groups is automatically deleted when the last program in the call stack ends? A. B. C. D. QILE *CALLER *NEW named

6. In which of the following examples would the use of a "compile-time" array be appropriate? A. B. C. D. a database file contains the array data the array data is created during program execution the array data changes frequently the array data does not change frequently

7. In the code segment below, what would be the value of field Y after the second statement has executed? * ARR=NUMBER OF ELEMENTS= 7 ELEMENT LENGTH = 1 * X = 7, ARR = '5374269' CL0N01N02N03Factor1+++OpcdeFactor2+++ResultLenDHHiLoEqComments++++++ C Z-ADD1 Y C X LOKUPARR,Y 90 A. B. C. D. 1 3 5 7

8. In the following code, %SUBST is a(n) CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode(E)+Extended-factor2+++++++++++++++++++++++++ C EVAL Result = %SUBST(Flda : Str : Len) A. B. C. D. built-in function. free form expression. procedure. initializer.

9. Which of the following lines correctly initializes a date variable when the default date format of the program is *ISO? Dname+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++Idc.Functions. . . . . . A. B. C. D. D D D D Date_Fld Date_Fld Date_Fld Date_Fld S S S S D D D D DATFMT(*USA) DATFMT(*USA) DATFMT(*USA) DATFMT(*USA) INZ('D'19970712) <-- quotes in wrong place INZ(D'1997-07-12') INZ(D'07/12/1997') INZ('D'071297)

10. In an RPG program, where is the information available to determine which member of a multiple-member physical file is currently being processed? A. B. C. D. in in in in the the the the initialization subroutine program status subroutine program status data structure file information data structure

11. Based on the following example, the value of Result is how many months? Dname+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++Idc.Functions. . . . . . D Date_A S D INZ(D'1997-01-31') D Date_B S D INZ(D'1997-04-30') D Result S 3P 0 * CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode(E)+Factor2+++++++Result++++++++Len++D+HiLoEq. C Date_B SubDur Date_A Result:*Months Please type your answer here > 2 full months

12. Given the following code, what is the value of RESULT? DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++ D RESULT S 5 0 CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode&ExtExtended-factor2+++++++++++++++++ C EVAL RESULT = (2 + 3 * 2) ** 2 / 2 A. 8 B. 10 C. 32.

D. 50 13. What ILE RPG/400 code produces the same results as the RPG/400 code shown below? CL0N01N02N03Factor1+++OpcdeFactor2+++ResultLenDHHiLoEqComments++++++ C A ADD B SUM1 C SUM1 MULT X RSLT C RSLT DIV TOT ANSW CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode(E)+Extended-factor2+++++++++++++++++++++++++ A. B. C. D. C C C C EVAL EVAL EVAL EVAL ANSW (( A (A + ANSW = (A + B) * X / TOT + B ) * X) / TOT = ANSW B) * X / TOT = ANSW = A + B * X / TOT

14. What is the value of FldA after the following code is executed? DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++ D FldA S 2 0 INZ(0) CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode&ExtFactor2+++++++Result++++++++Len++D+HiLoEq C DO 2 C SELECT C WHEN FldA = 0 C ADD 1 FldA C WHEN FldA = 1 C ADD 2 FldA C WHEN FldA = 2 C ADD 3 FldA C ENDSL C ENDDO A. B. C. D. 1 3 5 6

15. What operation code must be used on statement 006 of the following code so that the value of TOTAL will equal 35? FFilename++IPEASFRlen+LKlen+AIDevice+.Keywords++++++++++++++++++ 001 FCUSMAS IF E K DISK DName+++++++++++ETDsFrom+++To/L+++IDc.Keywords+++++++++++++ 002 D TOTAL S 3 0 INZ(0) 003 D CUSTNO S 5 INZ('B') 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 CL0N01Factor1+++++++Opcode&ExtFactor2+++++++Result++++++++Len++D+HiLoEq C CUSTNO SETLL CUSMAS C _____ *IN30 C READ CUSMAS 30 C IF NOT *IN30 C ADD FLDA TOTAL C END C END

CUSMAS file, keyed by CUSTNO, contains the following data: CUSTNO FLDA A101 10 A102 20________ B100 05 B101 10 C100 20 Please type your answer here: > _______ 16. Which of the following file specifications will open the display file DSP01 with subfiles named SFL01 and SFL02? FfilenameIPEAF....RlenLK1AIOvKlocEDevice+......KExit++Entry+A....U.. A. FDSP01 CF E WORKSTN RRN01 KSUBFL SFL01 RRN02 KSUBFL SFL02 WORKSTN RRN01 KSFILE SFL01 RRN02 KSFILE SFL02 WORKSTN RRN01 KSUBFL SFL01 RRN02 KSUBFL SFL02 WORKSTN RRN01 KSFILE SFL01 RRN02 KSFILE SFL02




17. If the last record of a file has been read, and the next operation on that file is a READ operation, what will be the values of the input fields for that file? A. B. C. D. They They They They will will will will be blank and/or zero. be null. equal the values of the first record in the file. equal the values of the last record read.

18. Given the DDS specifications below and the following information: indicator 20 is on no records have been written to SFL1 What will be the result if the EXFMT operation code is performed on record format CTL1?

AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions+++++++ A R SFL1 SFL A FLD01 10 I 6 10DFT('FLD01TEXT') * A R CTL1 SFLCTL(SFL1) A SFLSIZ(0010) A SFLPAG(0005) A SFLDSPCTL A 20 SFLDSP A FLD02 10 O 5 10 A. B. C. D. Only FLD02 is displayed. SFL1 will be initialized with ten blank records. An I/O exception error will occur. The screen will display five records with "FLD01TEXT."

19. The DATFMT Keyword allows you to specify which three of the following date formats? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. *USA *MDYC *ANSI *YDM *JUL *ILE *ISO *SAA

20. In a program using the control level indicators L1, L2, and L3, in what sequence are control level calculations processed at LR time? A. L1, L2, L3, LR B. LR, L3, L2, L1 C. Only LR calculations are processed. 21. Which three of the following reserved words can be used to define subfields in the program status data structure? A. B. C. D. E. F. G. *ROUTINE *PARMS *ERROR *STATUS *USER *SOURCE *FILE

22. Which of the following debug commands combines the functions of setting a breakpoint and displaying a program variable? A. B. C. D. RSMBKP ADDBKP DSPBKPVAR ADDBKPVAR

Correct Answers:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


19. AEG (You must select all three correct answers to receive credit for this question.) 20. A 21. ABD (You must select all three correct answers to receive credit for this question.) 22. B

AS/400 RPG Programmer Section 1 - OS/400 Basic System Concepts

Test 260 Objectives

A.Given OS/400 basic system concepts, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to describe the following object management terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Libraries Objects Members Sources Spool files Output/Message/Job Queues Device Descriptions

B.Given OS/400 basic system concepts, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to describe the following job management terms: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jobs Subsystems Job Descriptions Library Lists Job Logs Scheduling Activation Groups Interactive processing Batch processing

C.Given OS/400 scenarios and code that describes basic system concepts, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to distinguish betwee n the following messages:

1. 2. 3. 4.

System Compiler User Program

D.Given OS/400 scenarios and code that describes basic system concepts, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to be able to use the following CL commands: ADDLIBLE CHGCURLIB CRTLIB CRTSRCPF CHGJOB CRTPGM CRTRPGMOD CRTRPGPGM EDTLIBL DSPMSG DSPJOB DSPJOBLOG MOVOBJ STRDBG STRISDB STRPDM SBMJOB WRKSPLF WRKSBMJOB WRKUSRJOB WRKACTJOB WRKMSGF UPDPGM

E.Given OS/400 scenarios and code that describes basic system concepts, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to create, maintain, and debug CL programs to support RPG applications as indicated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Call or submit an RPG program (s) Pass parameters Intercept messages Branch and loop operations Utilize variables Condition statements Override database and print files Use open query Read files Send messages Retrieve and change job attributes

Section 2 - Design A.Given information typically provided to an RPG programmer/analyst, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to describe the different "styles" of screen layout and describe when to use them. (e.g. menus, data entry, work with lists, help, subfiles, message subfiles, protected/unprotected, etc.) B.Given information typically provided to an RPG programmer/analyst, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to implement modular design techniques as indicated below: 1. Describe the various methods by which modular design can be implemented in RPG and describe the benefits and limitations of the various methods. (identify those unique to RPG IV) 2. Identify multiple use subroutines. 3. Define the parameters sent, and received and the processing

required within the subroutine C.Given information typically provided to an RPG programmer/analyst, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to apply change management techniques as indicated below: 1. Explain the need for change management. 2. Select/Describe the reasons why historical copies of programs must be kept. D.Given information typically provided to an RPG programmer/analyst, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to identify the timeliness of the various job streams that must be run, the input required, and the results. The RPG programmer will also ensure applications systems continuance by creating the required backup and recovery in the system design. E.Given information typically provided to an RPG programmer/analyst, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to demonstrate the systems output (screens/reports) prior to the program creation by using the appropriate AS/400 tools (e.g., DFU, SQL, Query).

Section 3 - Implementation A.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to identify the types of arrays (e.g., Compile-time, Pre-runtime, Runtime, Table, Alternate Tables/Array s) B.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to manipulate arrays as follows: 1. Identify operation codes used with arrays SORTA MOVEA MOVE LOKUP 2. Utilize indexing 3. Utilize Indicator Array for logic control C.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to recognize and use Built-in Functions as indicated below: 1. Utilize the primary built-in functions a. %SUBST b. %SIZE c. %LEN (optional) d. %PARMS (optional) e. %ADDR and/or %PADDR f. %TRIMx g. %ELEM 2. Identify when/where built-in functions (BIF) are used

D.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to demonstrate the us e of data definition techniques as indicated below: 1. Write specifications for a. Program-described input b. Data structures i. Single/multi-occurrence ii. Data structure subfields iii. Initialization iv. PSDS v. INFDS c. Named Constants 2. Define data with Calc specs a. *LIKE DEFN b. Result field attributes 3. Define data using RPG IV D-specs a. Global variables b. Local variables c. Data structures (e.g. Single/multi-occurrence) d. Data structure subfields e. Arrays/Tables f. Named Constants g. Stand-alone fields h. Procedure Prototype/Interface i. Date definition ii. Definition specification syntax iii. Keywords and their arguments E.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to code RPG IV date manipulation functions using the following functions: ADDDUR SUBDUR MOVE Duration TEST(D) EXTRCT TIME

F.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to use RPG IV Expressions with the following operators: AND OR NOT ( ) : =,>,<, >=,<=, <> +, -, *, /, ** Built-in functions Procedures

G.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to use RPG IV expressions with the following operation codes: IF DOW CALLP WHEN DOU EVAL

H.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to create file defini tion specifications for externally described files (e.g., Database, Printer, Worksta tion). I.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to determine appropriate use of operations associated with file control such as the followin g: OPEN, CLOSE (F spec requirements) SETLL, SETGT READ, READE, READP, REDPE CHAIN WRITE, UPDAT, DELET FEOD EXCPT UNLCK (also non-locking input ops) EXFMT (display files) KLIST, KFLD

J.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to use appropriate Inter-program communication and control code such as the following: PLIST, PARM Data areas (LDA) RETURN, CALL, CALLB, CALLP IMPORT, EXPORT UPSI (External indicators) K.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to apply RPG IV Keyword Syntax (e.g. File specification, Program specification, Data definition ). L.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to use RPG III OpCode s such as the following OpCodes: Arithmetic Array Bit Branching Call Compare Data area Date Declarative File

Indicator setting Information Initialization Memory management Message Move Move zone String Structured programming Subroutine Test M.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to maintain programs utilizing the RPG cycle. N.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to write programs tha t use subfiles appropriately. O.Given scenarios and code that describes typical RPG implementations, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to incorporate error handling.

Section 4 - DDS Definition and Implementation A.Given scenarios and code that describes common DDS definition and implementation, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to define files on the AS/400 using the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. File keywords Field keywords Format keywords Keys Reference file usage Physical Files Logical files using Simple Logical files Join Files

Multiple Formats Select and Omit

B.Given scenarios and code that describes common DDS definition and implementation, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to define the following File Manipulation techniques: (1/3) 1. Create a physical file and its impacts on existing data. 2. Determine the impact of creating a logical file and the access path maintenance. 3. Determine the impact of changing a physical file (constraints). 4. Displaying the file and field descriptions. 5. Utilize the file management commands. RGZPFM, CPYF, DLTF, CLRPFM, ADDLFM, ADDPFM , etc. CRTDUPOBJ vs. CPYF 6. Manipulate access paths. OPNQRYF, OVRDBF, CPYFRMQRYF

7. Describe a shared data path and its implications. C.Given scenarios and code that describes common DDS definition and implementation, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to write display files. Section 5 - Tools A.Given illustrative scenarios where tools may be used, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to utilize debug tools to analy ze program code problems. B.Given illustrative scenarios where tools may be used, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to enter & edit code using SEU. C.Given illustrative scenarios where tools may be used, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to manage sources and objects using PDM (e.g., Compile sources, Rename, Copy, Delete, List, Scan Sources, Run). D.Given illustrative scenarios where tools may be used, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to use SDA design and prototype (e.g., Screens, Sub-files, Windows, Menus) E.Given illustrative scenarios where tools may be used, the IBM Certified Specialist - AS/400 RPG Programmer will be able to view, extract, or create tes t data using one of the following database tools: Query SQL Query Manager Query DFU

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