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Names: Nicole Lim Jing Wen, Yee Zhen, Siaw Hui, Pei Ting Class: 4B The Decision A splash

could be heard as a fish jumped out of the water before diving back into the aquamarine blue waters of the crystal clear lake, creating ripples on the mirror-like surface. I raised a fur-covered ear at the sound before raising my heavy eyelids, revealing a pair of tawny orbs. Stifling a yawn, I stood up, stretching my back, hearing it crack a few times before I relaxed, my bronze coloured fur gleaming in the shimmering rays of sunshine. One by one, my friends and mate awoke. It was mealtime. I felt the movement around me ,I turned and looked, seeing that my cubs had awoken .Hearing the growling sounds of my cubs stomachs, I decided to go ahead to hunt for food first ,leaving them to care for themselves. My padded feet hardly made a sound as they connected to the ground, my blood covered nails staining the ground as I trotted back to the pride, an antelopes carcass hanging from my mouth. When I was trotting back, from far, I saw another pack of animals gathered next to our pride. Upon closer look, I saw it was our enemies, the hyenas. The leader of my pride was badly injured with multiple wounds and was bleeding profusely. I heard the leader of the lions growled at us signaling for us to retreat. However, the hyenas suddenly snatched one of my cubs away. I did not know what I should do next. Should I follow my pride or save my cubs? After much consideration, I made my choice. I lurched forward.

The sun gingerly lowered, hiding behind the two gargantuan mountains. The bright rays of yellow and gold disappearing along with the sphere of fire, and the temperature of the warm grassland lowered, a chilly zephyr blowing by, carrying the metallic scent of blood along with it.

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