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Key Vocabulary/Vocabulario

Previously, you

were introduced to functions

when you generated and graphed ordered pairs. stated rules for relationships among values. represented and interpreted data using bar graphs and circle graphs.

arithmetic sequence common difference correlation dependent variable domain function function notation independent variable no correlation range

sucesin aritmtica diferencia comn correlacin variable dependiente dominio funcin notacin de funcin variable independiente sin correlacin rango relacin diagrama de dispersin sucesin

You will study

relation scatter plot sequence

relationships between

variables and determine whether a relation is a function. relationships in function notation. how trend lines on scatter plots can help you make predictions.

Vocabulary Connections
To become familiar with some of the vocabulary terms in the chapter, consider the following. You may refer to the chapter, the glossary, or a dictionary if you like. 1. What does the word dependent mean? What do you think is true about the value of a dependent variable ? 2. A function is a special type of relation and notation is a method of writing. What do you suppose is meant by function notation ? 3. The word correlation means relationship. What might it mean if two sets of data have no correlation ? 4. What does it mean when someone says that two people have something in common? If difference is the answer to a subtraction problem, what might it mean for a list of numbers to have a common difference ?

You can use the skills in this chapter

to find values of a function

from a graph. to analyze data and make predictions in other courses, such as Chemistry. to calculate total earnings for a certain hourly rate.


Chapter 4

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