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Main Characters: Name: Riley Becker.

Hair color: Black and curly: I have always hated my hair, yes it was long and curly, but in the mornings is was like freaking mission impossible when I tried to brush it! Even after I had taken a shower. I have never straighten my hair, its not like I didnt want to! Theres only one reason why I couldnt: My mother!. I remember the first time I asked her for one in fifth grade. It was after school when mom came to pick me up at the school gates. That day Bella Kennedy told me to buy a straightening iron, because my hair seemed weird. She said that rather loudly I remember! Those who heard laughed and I felt humiliated. All day I kept tucking my hair, trying to make it less curly and wild, but that didnt help. I noticed how Bella had a satisfied smile every time she saw my hand reach out for my hair. At that time I didnt know why she had that evil smile. It had only hit me now why she smiled like that! She enjoyed seeing me feeling self -confident. I had been caught in the Fat Friend zone! Anyway! Back to mom! After school had ended and the feeling of humiliation still hanging over me I asked my sweet mother to buy me an straightening iron! Sweetheart? We already have one at home! She said confused. Not the one for clothes mom, I meant the one for hairs! I said. After I said that she gave me one of her stern looks and scolded. Absolutely not! Why would you ruin your beautiful natural hair by straightening it? Has someone put you up to this? Tell me! Now! Her eyes were looking at me with suspicion. Taken aback I came up with some lie that all the girl in my class were doing and I wanted to try it! Technically it wasnt a lie! Some of the girl in my class, Bella included were doing it. Some day they are going to lose all their hair if they continue using it! My mom mumbled. That s how the conversation about the straightening iron ended. You should have seen the way my mom looked when I asked if I could color my hair in seventh grade! Not pretty I tell you.

Eye color: light green: in front of my oh so lovely light green eyes where square shaped glasses also known as hipster glasses! Yeah... for some reason they seem to be very popular these days. When I bought them my school mates thought they were fake. Seriously!? We have known each other since like elementary school and they thought my new glasses where fake! Dam you Hipster glasses making people think I am fake!

Future love interest: Tristan Bartholomew Blackwood: Tristan Blackwood is that guy who mostly keeps to himself. hes not an outcast or anything. Most of the girls at our school wish to have a one night stand with him. There was a rumor going around in tenth grade that he and a girl named Maggie Dalton were doing it hot and heavy in the closet at Grant Feltons party... days after that party Maggie had told everyone or so they say, Blackwood had rocked her world! I have never met Maggie so I never actually knew if this was even true or anything. Besides its not like I care! Anyway when the rumor had spread around school. Every girl wanted Blackwood! I dont know why, but I guess its the the gossip that got him to look more attractive. I took a glance at him. He had just taken his grey beanie of making his coal-black hair look messy. He had a green denim jacket and black jeans and black boots. He was sitting lazily at his chair looking broadly out of the window. I didnt see anything special about him. His back stiffened. Suddenly he turned around and looked directly at me. I quickly dropped my gaze down to the book I was reading and continued silently. I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me Great! He most have sensed someone was staring at him. Oh dear! With my luck he probably thinks am stalking him.


Have you ever noticed that girl in the bus who always looks longingly out of the window to see young couples kiss and hold hands, or that girl who always sits in the end of the classroom. Hiding behind a teen fiction book, hoping to just disappear. If you haven't then that's okay! Because I was hoping for you didn't see me. Yeah! That Girl is me. I have been that girl for nearly Three years and, let me just say... it's dreadful. All those times crying silently in the bathroom or at night hoping, my mom won't hear me. it's not like I have been bullied hard or anything! Have you seen those people who other's seems to pity, just because they are a little bit overweight or that fat friend the pretty girl has just so she can feel a little bit confident. I am That Girl My name is Riley Becker, simple name, simple girl! I was born and raised in a little town in Maine called Fairwood. It's a very very small town. Population! Mostly old people and snobbish people who judge you for no reason, and some weird folks who hang around the Fairwood Park. As you can hear I dont really appreciate my town. Living in this town has been a pure nightmare for me! I always have this feeling of being scared of doing something stupid when I am at the Fairwood Mall with my mother, because if something does happen there's an eighty procent chance that someone from my school is at the same mall, probably with an iPhone. It's not the fear of them recognizing me that scares me! It's the humiliation and pity that makes everything so damn horrible. I once googled social phobia, just to find a reason to tell my mother why I didn't have any friends. When the question someday probably will pop up I could have a good excuse. I haven't always been like this, you know! I was a little girl who was innocent and easily trusted people! For some reason that made me an easy target for bullying in Junior high. I thought I had friends! Like Bella. I always thought her comments about my hair and skin (Acne was my worst enemy!) was her being brutally honest. That was until my cousin from New York came to visit one summer. We were at the Fairwood Mall looking for some new cool clothes to buy, when I saw Bella Kennedy a close friend from school with some of the other girls from our school! I felt confused and disappointed. Why was Bella there? Those words were repeatedly going through my mind.

You see the day before I asked Bella if she wanted to hang out, but she declined and came up with some excuse that she was sick! And, there she was. Smiling, being all healthy, and walking around with shopping bags. Bitch! It came out of my mouth before I even knew I had said it. I clasped my hands over my mouth and looked at my wide-eyed cousin. Her jaw dropped! "Who are you calling a bitch? She asked. I shook my head fast and repeatedly said. "No one Diana!" Diana looked around the Mall and caught the group girls who were laughing at something Bella had said! She was always the center of attention. "Do you know her?" Diana nodded her head towards. "She's my friend!" I simply said trying to hide behind one of the mannequins in the store. Diana looked sceptically at me with one raised eyebrow.

"Really? She is your friend!" She asked pointing at Bella. Now that I think about it that was kind of offending the way she said it.Bitch! So not talking to her to the next family get together! "Don't point! And, yes we are classmates and good friends! Why?" I asked still trying to hide from the group of girls. Diana kept looking at Bella. "Um...sorry to tell you this, but I think you've been FatFriend zoned!" She said rather casually, like the way a doctor would say you just have a little cold....Like I said My cousin is a Bitch! "I am what?" I asked in confusion. "You know! When a pretty girl befriends a fat girl so people will take more notice of her!" I could feel a big lump form inside my throat and tears threatening to pop out. I shook my head denying it! I kept mumbling no while Diana the Bitch kept nodding and saying. Its true My only friend was not using me, but then I remember all those annoying and brutally honest comments Bella would come up with sometimes at school and that incident with the straightening iron. I have always hated my hair, yes it was long and curly, but in the mornings it's like freaking mission impossible when I try to brush it! Even after I have taken a shower. I have never straighten my hair,

it's not like I didn't want to! There's only one reason why I couldn't: My mother!. I remember the first time I asked her for one in fifth grade. It was after school when mom came to pick me up at the school gates. That day Bella told me to buy a straightening iron because my hair seemed weird. She said that rather loudly I remember! Those who heard laughed and I felt humiliated. All day I kept tucking my hair, trying to make it less curly and wild, but that didn't help. I noticed how Bella had a satisfied smile every time she saw my hand reach out for my hair. At that time I didn't know why she had that evil smile. It had only hit me now why she smiled like that! She enjoyed seeing me feeling not so self -confident. Anyway! Back to mom! After school had ended, and the feeling of humiliation still hanging over me I asked my sweet mother to buy me a straightening iron! "Sweetheart? We already have one at home!" She said confused. "Not the one for clothes mom, I meant the one for hairs!" I said. After I said that, she gave me one of her stern looks and scolded. "Absolutely not! Why would you ruin your natural hair by straightening it? Has someone put you up to this? Tell me! Now!" Her eyes were looking at me with suspicion. Taken aback I came up with some lie that all the girls in my class were doing and I wanted to try it! Technically it wasn't a lie! Some of the girl in my class, Bella included were doing it. "Some day they are going to lose all their hair if they continue using it!" My mom mumbled. That's how the conversation about the straightening iron ended. You should have seen the way my mom looked when I asked if I could color my hair in seventh grade! Not pretty I tell you. Thinking back to that my mind went blank. Was I that Fat friend? Bella was only my friend because she wanted more attention. I only remember that day because that's the day that I changed! I became a girl that was afraid of being trapped in the Fat Friend Zone. But everything will soon change! Very soon! When a Murder is committed and the suspect is my new English partner.

Chapter Two

When you look at me you probably wouldnt look at me twice. And I wouldnt blame you for thinking that or even doing it. I am a nobody. Sometimes I think my life was planed this way. I am a disappointment! My name is Riley Becker and I wont blame you for not remembering it. This is not a story about Vampires or fairies or werwolfs for that matter! Sometimes I wish my life involved those things. A little adventure would probably help give me a confident-bust. The smell of coffee filled the morning air. I rolled over on my stomach, groaning. Oh why! The time had come! Doomsday had arrived! I would never survive this. Alright so maybe am overreacting on this, but first day of school can be as easily compared to Dday! Well to me it is, so dont judge! The whole summer I have been fearing this day. My first day of junior year in high school! That should be great...Right? For me it was going to be a hellhole! Another year of. Who are you? Like... are you new? Yeah.... I have gotten used to it. I cant blame my generation for only thinking about things like Yolo and Swag! Remembering Riley Beckers name is like totally hard! I forced myself to get up from my bed. I have no need for mom to come and give me the usual talk about getting a life outside my room. I looked around my room. Books were scattered around. My new clothes which I had bought the day before was also on the floor. Mom was right it looked like a cave-man had moved in to this room. I made my hair into a ponytail, went to the window and pulled the curtains and let the summer light stream into the room. I gathered all the books and clothes from the floor. Then I took a bath. Taming my big hair took awhile. Even though nobody would probably not talk to me, I was determent to at least look nice to whom ever would come over to me and ask if I was

new or if I was a new exchange-student. I took a glance at myself in the mirror. My hair seemed presentable enough. In front of my oh so lovely light green eyes where square shaped glasses also known as hipster glasses! Yeah... for some reason they seem to be very popular these days. When I bought them my school mates thought they were fake. Seriously!? We have known each other since like elementary school and they thought my new glasses where fake! Damn you Hipster glasses making people think I am fake! I ended up wearing a black and white striped blouse and a blue blazer and blue jeans. Finally! Youre up! My mom said while coming up the stairs. I grimaced as I bend down to tie my shoelaces. Sorry! Now hurry up and eat your breakfast or youre going to miss the bus! I went down to the kitchen. I looked at the grandfather-clock hanging on the wall and decided to skip breakfast. I took my school bag and hurried out the back-door. It took less than two minuets to reach the bus-stop. When I had reached the bus-stop I finally mumbled Welcome to D-day! Who knew that this year was going to change everything in this boring little town!

Everything started when my dad left! Mom and I...we were left to fend for our selfs. Mom had no job and I had no friends. We had to live for each other. Life is tough! thats simple! Sometimes I just close my eyes and wish for time to just stop...I know! You probably think that I am weak and I should try to find some friends else where, trust me for when I say I have tried and tried! Everywhere I go, I am too different, too weird. Just because I dont think spending your every waking moment on buying the same pair of shoos in a different color is interesting, that make me the odd man out! I am tired...I am so tired of this shit. At some point in your life, you have to give up at something. I tried to enjoy the morning breeze. The bus hadnt come yet and I was trying not to think of the mean words that probably would be send my way as soon as I step into the Fairwood High grounds. I know! I should ignore the mean words, but hearing them repeatedly over and over. At some point I started to doubt that their words were not wrong! NO! I am not going to let myself down to day! Not even before I have arrived at school yet! Maybe today could change. Maybe a new attitude would help! I could be the bad girl! I could lie and tell everyone I spend the summer at a juvenile detention center somewhere! Who am I kidding! I murmured to myself. Nobody was going to believe that Riley Baker was a Bad Girl. I am clearly certain that some of my classmates had seen me over the summer hanging out at the bookstore with Mrs. Dupuis.

When the bus finally arrived, I stepped in and chose a seat in the back. Taking the bus to and from school is the only place that makes me feel calm. Nobody from school is their and no mom to talk to about how school went. Hearing music and just seating there is peaceful. Only for a moment, just for a moment I feel happy.

I gazed at the morning traffic, which was going slow. I became a bit calm hearing the buses motor rumbling. When the bus trip had come to an end I dreaded for what would happen today! I stepped out of the bus, nodded to the bus-driver, which name was Arthur. He drives this route twice a week,. He is quiet nice! Feeling a little bit woozy, I headed towards the school. I could see the sign where the letters Fairwood High School stood. I watched as the new freshmen students hurried towards the school themselves. I just had to make it through the day and the rest of the year would probably fly by right? I seriously hope so. I have to be brave! Because High school had to be the worst jungle you could ever live in. I had plans of getting out of this place as soon as I graduated. Go to collage somewhere far far away! But I have to tell you! its not just the students that make my life not so easy, when I am here. I have this teacher! His name is Mr. Allan and he is not the nicest man on earth. For some reason my Math teacher hates me. He has bullied me just as much as my fellow classmates had done. I know! I am the most unluckiest person alive here in Fairwood. When I arrived at the school entrance I took a deep breath! You can do this! Just show that youre not afraid Baker! I shook my head trying to get rid of the depressing thoughts and opened the door to greet a whole year of eating lunch in the bathroom and name calling.

Chapter Four

Its been five days since my first day of my junior year. It was tough, but I survived. No hard words were thrown my way...well not yet anyway. I told myself five days ago, that I should not be afraid. And I wasnt. I always looked down when someone approached me in the hallways and I always took the seats at the corner of the classrooms. How exceptional would it be if this could continue like that for the entire year, but I shouldnt get my hopes up. Bella hadnt even looked at me since school started, which I am very grateful for. What was the downside of the week was that Bella had been made Cheerleader Captain. I heard it in English, when Rachel Grover told it to Sandra Marshall. Seriously? Could they not find another girl who was much better than Bella. Guess not! They just have to boost her ego. Now she will think she has the power to call herself Queen of Fairwood High. I wouldnt be surprised if she elected herself to be Homecoming queen this year. Besides my social standings in school, homework was easy, with Mrs.Dupuis help I would be done under than an hour. Monday morning was going great...yeah after lunch break not so much! I was sitting at the back of the classroom in the middle of french class, when the bell rang, to declare that the lunch-break had started. I grimaced, because I hadnt written down my notes while Mr.Clarke was talking. I shrugged and started to collect my things slowly. As you probably guessed I was always the first student to arrive and the last one to leave the classroom. When I was done, I hurried out of the class and walked down the hallway, when I reached the AV-

room I opened the door and got in. I walked across the room to another door and opened it. I discovered this shortcut at my first week at Fairwood High and I have used it since. When I opened the second door, the sound of multiple students rambunctious laughter and enthusiastic shouts was reaching my ears. When I had finally arrived at the cafeteria I sat at the only table no one wanted to sit at. This table was beside the windows and the dumpsters. The window was always open, so that helped with the smell of the dumpsters. I sat down and pulled out my lunch and a book I was reading for English literature. I nearly jumped when I heard many chairs falling to the ground and angry shouts being thrown around. Charlotte Danielson is such a slut! Someone screamed a couple of tables away. How could you do that Charlotte? I am going to kill her! Let me go Damon! Bella? I felt sorry for the poor soul, who had to experience her anger. I turned my gaze to the sobbing redhead, who was shaking her head repeatedly. It wasnt me I swear! The girl cried. SMACK Silence!t The whole cafeteria was deadly silent, now it wasnt me staring at the fight between Bella and the redhead. How could you! I trusted you, and you pay me by sleeping with my boyfriend? Bella shrieked. Damn this is worse than Degrassi! The shouts increased as Charlotte the redhead denied her actions. Things stopped, when my Math teacher Mr.Allan entered the cafeteria and saw what was going on! Enough! You are acting like hooligans! He scolded. Get back to your class now! He continued as the bell rang. I quickly finished my lunch and grabbed my bag. Unfortunately I was not the first to appear in English lit. The last row was taken my some students who were to busy talking about the thing that happened at the cafeteria. I took the seat closest to the window and pulled up the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen we where reading in class. When Bella and group of friends or followers entered the classroom, the gossiping quieted down. Bella narrowed her eyes, probably guessing the topic people were discussing. She grabbed her boyfriend Damon Levine and took a seat in the first row of the classroom. When Charlotte appeared some had the nerve to shout slut and other curse words at her.

Like I said! Worse than Degrassi! Why in the world would, Bella still be dating her cheating boyfriend? Its not like he is the victim in this! When Mr.Homer had arrived the whispering and name calling of Charlotte had not ceased. I tried to ignore the talking and continue my reading on Pride and Prejudice. I looked up after a couple of minuets when I saw something from the corner of my eye. My gaze meet Bellas and we both just sat there and stared at each other! Why is she staring at me? Look away! I cant! Bella narrowed her eyes, and...wait is that an smirk? Why the heck is she smirking? I tore my eyes away from her, when some idiot decided to burst into the classroom! Late as usual Mr.Blackwood! Mr.Homer grumbled without looking at the boy who had just interrupted his class. Sorry! He did not sound sorry at all. Detention again Mr.Blackwood Mr.Homer said. The boy shrugged and quickly took the seat right in front of me. Tristan Blackwood is that guy who mostly keeps to himself. hes not an outcast or anything. Most of the girls at our school wish to have a one night stand with him. There was a rumor going around in tenth grade that he and a girl named Maggie Dalton were doing it hot and heavy in the closet at Grant Feltons party... days after that party Maggie had told everyone or so they say, Blackwood had rocked her world! I have never met Maggie so I never actually knew if this was even true or anything. Besides its not like I care! Anyway when the rumor had spread around school. Every girl wanted Blackwood! I dont know why, but I guess its the the gossip that got him to look more attractive. I took a glance at him. He had just taken his grey beanie of making his coal-black hair look messy. He had a green denim jacket and black jeans and black boots. Okay so maybe he is a bit handsome, and and those cheek-bones are to die for. He was sitting lazily at his chair looking broadly out of the window. I didnt see anything special about him.

His back stiffened. Suddenly he turned around and looked directly at me. I quickly dropped my gaze down to the book I was reading and continued silently. I am only resolved to act in that manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me Great! He most have sensed someone was staring at him. Oh dear! With my luck he probably thinks I am stalking him. For the following weeks, I will be parring you up, so can make a book report on Pride and Prejudice! If I as much as read the name Kira Knightly in one of these report, you will get an F and Detention for a whole month. Mr.Homer sending a hard gaze towards the whole classroom. Wait? Did he just say in getting an partner to work with? I cant work with these idiots! Ill bet you fifty bucks, some of them havent even opened the book or better yet dont know the name of it! I will start, with the As Mr.Homer said in his hoarse voice. I have never actually given any excuse to why Mr.Homer is such a grumpy man. I guess the reason would be his work place is worser than the nine circles of hell, or probably because he is still single at the age of forty-five and still lives with his motheBaker and Blackwood! WHAT!?! Baxter, Bennet, Barnes, Bailey! Out of all the Bs in my class I get Blackwood. Who? Blackwood asked. Seriously? I am right behind you dude! You will be working with Riley Baker on this report. Blackwood Mr.Homer said. Blackwood nodded slowly, probably hoping for Mr.Homer to tell him who this Riley Baker was. Come on! We have three classes together and he cant even remember my name! Now, get your partner and talk to them, because you will spend a heck of a long time with them, and if I as much as hear trouble from any of you, I am not going to be happy and you what happens when I am not happy right! Mr. Homer concluded. He sat down on his desk and started to look through papers. there Curly! I felt someone poke me, and I met Blackwoods chocolate brown eyes. He better not do, what I think he is going to! I raised my eyebrow waiting for him to continue.

Could you tell me who this Riley dude is! Son of aI could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and my jaw clench. I am Riley- Riiiiiiiing At that moment the bell had to ring and my words drowned by it ringing. What? He had one raised eyebrow and a confused look on his face. For the love of Nutella! I am Riley Baker! Idiot I snarled as I slammed my book shut. The last thing just came out of me I didnt even think twice of what I said. Sorry... Like before he didnt sound sorry at all Why the effing hell is he smirking!?

History! Tells you everything you need to know about the past. You will learn of how much things change and how much they stay the same.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand these rights I have just read to you?

How the heck did that happen? A few days ago I was a nobody. And now a bunch of police men are dragging my new english partner out of my house in hand-cuffs. Had he really done it? No he couldnt.

Its been five days since my first day of my junior year. It was tough, but I survived. No hard word were thrown my way...well not yet anyway. I told myself five days ago, that I should not be afraid. And I wasnt. I always looked down when someone approached me in the hallways. How exceptional would it be if this could continue like this for the entire year. But I shouldnt get my hopes up. Bella hadnt even looked at me since school started. Which I am very grateful for. What was the downside of the week was that Bella had been made Cheerleader Captain. I heard it in English, when Rachel Grover told it to Sandra Marshall. Great! Could they not find another girl who was much better than Bella. Guess not! They just had to boost her ego. Now she will think she has the power to call herself Queen of Fairwood High. It was raining! the weekend finally had arrived. I was looking down the road from my room. Florence and the Machines were flowing through my stereo. As I was enjoying the music, I was fighting a dilemma: Should I go outside and enjoy the rain or stay inside.

songs remind me of swimming

Which I forgot when I started to sink Drank further away from the shore And deeper into the drink

I decided to go for a walk down the Lefroy Park which was couple of houses away. As I was singing along to the music, I looked around for my rain-coat. I was all alone in the house. My mom was out doing some work. I began to think about the latest episode of the vampire diaries. Oh how I adore that Damon Salvatore! The Love of my litterateur life. Thats what I do most of my time. Just lay around and watch The vampire diaries, and read books.

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