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Present Perfect + yet

We use yet + the present perfect in negative and interrogative sentences to ask if something that you think is going to happen, has happened or to say it hasnt happened. Put yet at end of the sentence.
A Have you finished your homework yet? B No, not yet. I havent finished yet.


Present Perfect + just

Use just in affirmative sentences to say that something happened very recently. Put just before the main verb.
A Would you like a coffee? B No, thanks. Ive just had one. My sister has just started a new job


Present Perfect + already

Use already in affirmative sentences to say that something happened before now or earlier than expected. Put already beforethe main verb.
A Do you want to see this film? B No, Ive already seen it three times.. A Shall I buy a newspaper? B No, Ive already bought one.

Where can these words go?

just yet already ever never

1.Ivewashedmyhair. 2.Haveyouplayedbasketball? 3.Hehasntlearnedtodrive. 4.Theyvenishedtheexercise. 5.Sheslearnedaforeignlanguage. 6.Wevemetyourwife. 7.Havetheynisheddoingthewashingup? 8.Hasitstoppedraining?

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