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Child: Adham Date: August 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha Kia ora/As-salamu alaykum Adham and whnau,

Wow Adham you have been very busy mastering how you grip the pencil this month, although you have always been able to draw and write I see you decided to challenge yourself and practice holding it like the teachers (pincer grip). At first you practiced with the paint brushes, crayons and pencils and would show me proudly how you were holding it, as you exclaimed LOOK! I hold it this way, you we re right you could hold it this way. Although you had achieved, I could see you were frustrated that your hand would become uncomfortable with time. Then I observed you choosing activities at free play that challenged and strengthened your fine motor skill such as puzzles and play dough. Review of learning Well done Adham, this month you demonstrated to me you can set your own goals and make decisions on what is good work. This tells me you can recognize the learning, and

have a lot of self-determination to see your goal through to achievement and continue to practice throughout the month. This involved you applying previous knowledge to new situations as you adjusted all of your fine motor activities even how you were holding your spoon! Where to next? Adham, I have really enjoyed sharing in your successes you apply this new skill to different areas of classroom life, ka pai! Now you have demonstrated the ability to recognize learning, challenge yourself, persist, and set you own goals we will begin asking you what you would like to focus on. This will involve your teachers using guided participation as we co-construct your understanding of the world around us and develop working theories. We will offer Adham an enabling environment where his interests guide our setup with genuine choices offered. Some of these will include further writing and reading skills as we scaffold his current knowledge in preparation for primary education. Parents voice:

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