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Frany Ilarde



Learning is Beautiful

In this activity, you will explore how you learned something (anything), using the
approach of an active learner. Then you’ll plan how you could use this same approach
to improve your learning outcomes and experiences in college.

1. Identify something you have learned simply because you enjoyed learning it. It
can be something you learned in school or anywhere else. What are you good
at? What do you know more about than most people? What skill have you
mastered? What are your hobbies? What have you spent a lot of time doing? To
complete this step, simply write the completion of this sentence in your paper:

One thing I enjoyed learning is cooking.

2. With a focus on the information or skill you loved learning, write answers to the
following questions (and anything else that will explain how you prefer to learn);

a. What did you do to learn the information or skills you needed to learn this? (Collect)

I gathered the skills I needed to cook by watching videos on YouTube,

researching recipes on the internet, and learning from my family.

b. What did you do to learn the information or skills needed to learn this? (Organize)

I followed the instructions. I gathered all of the necessary items, such as

ingredients and measuring tools.

c. What else did you do to learn this? (Rehearse - Variety)

I experimented with several methods to prepare a certain meal in order to

improve it. Instead of merely placing food on a dish, I learned how to
present it to my visitors. This demonstrated my dedication to my work.

d. How often did you engage in learning this? (Rehearse-Frequency)

I often engaged in cooking any chance I get. I cook breakfast lunch and
dinner for my family.
e. When you engage in learning this, how long did you usually spend? (Rehearse-

I would spend 45-60 every meal. Sometimes longer if the dish is hard to

f. What feedback did you use to determine how well you had learned this? (Evaluation)

I ask question to my family. Like, is the dish delicious, what else should be
improved, what is the lack of flavor in what I cooked? Also, compliments
from family and friends indicated that I was performing well.

g. How did you feel when you engage in learning this (Motivating Experiences)?

Cooking has always made me feel good about myself, and it's one of the
few activities that can instantly boost my mood whenever I'm sad.

h. What were the rewards for learning this? (Motivating Outcomes)

As a consequence of my hard time and effort spent learning this skill, I was
finally able to prepare a variety of delicious dishes that impressed my
family, especially my parents. I was glad to hear that my father is always
proud to tell his friends that I am a good cook.

3. Write about what you have learned or relearned about learning and how you will
use this knowledge to maximize your learning in college. For example, your
paper may start, “By reading and writing about learning, I have learned/relearned
that … I will use this knowledge to maximize my learning in college by … Be

* Remember to dive deep! Diving deep changes, the neurons in your brain and
leads to deep and lasting learning. As you may have realized, writing a journal
type paper is a powerful way to deep process your experience.

Some important lessons I've learned and can use to maximizing my

learning in college are to never give up and must always perform your best.
Even though it's difficult, you must persevere. You'll get this out. It's also
fine to ask inquiries if you're confused about something. You should not be
scared to seek help. When accomplishing something, always give
everything your best. Even though things are difficult, I will strive because I
am confident that I will succeed one day. It'll be a hard journey for me, and I
am aware that I will encounter many tricky problems, but I will endure in
order to have a great future.

Scenario: You are about to study for your final examinations, and it is as if the
universe conspired for a heavy final’s week, all your subjects provided at least three
new reading materials and topics one week before the examination period.
Create a diagram or schedule using at least five of the metacognitive strategies,
skills, and studying techniques mentioned in this lesson on how you would prepare for
the next seven days before your final examinations.

Seven (7) Days Before the Final Examination Study Plan

Arrange and organize a study room for a more pleasant and productive learning
DAY environment.

Read and comprehend the given topics one at a time, making notes and highlighting
2 key points.

Generate a checklist of the topics I've finished reading, and if possible, I'll create an
DAY organizer to assist me better absorb and understand the information.
Summarize and evaluate all of the notes you've taken on each topics, but if possible,
DAY look up further data on the internet.

DAY Continue to examine, comprehend, and assess the data I've gathered.
Make a practice exam to acquaint myself with all of the information I've learned thus
DAY far.
To provide a clear mind and to be stress-free for tomorrow's exam, I need to study the
DAY key facts one last time, relax my thoughts, and meditate.

Activity 5-10-20 Selfies

On each designated space, draw your envisioned “Future Self”. Who would you be?

1. Five years from now.

2. Ten years from now.

3. Twenty years from now.

Envisioned Self Plan

Answer the following questions

1. Who are you or what would you become?

a. In five years

I will have completed my education and will be ready to embark on a new phase
in life. Throughout that time, I had already accomplished one of my life goals,
which was to graduate from the course I am currently taking.

b. In ten years

I'll be a bank manager. I now have a stable and respectable job. I am now earning
money and am beginning to assist my family, particularly my parents. I'm starting
to save money so that I can buy the things I need.

c. In twenty years

I will have my own business where my family will manage. I currently live a happy
and comfortable life. Many of my ambitions have come true. I'm traveling and
pampering myself and my family at the moment.
2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self?

a. In five years

My family, particularly my parents, is the source of my drive and inspiration

throughout my life. They sacrificed everything for me and continue to do
everything for me in order for me to experience the beauty of life and also have a
better life. I owe everything to them.

b. In ten years

Ten years from now, it's possible that I'll have a boyfriend or my own family to
live with, to provide them with a better life that my parents did for me. They will be
my driving force in achieving my goal.

c. In twenty years

One of the reasons I want to start my own family business is because it offers
several financial advantages over working for a wage or income. I'm establishing
a business with the possibility for expansion, and my wallet grows as my
company grows. My business is a great asset for my children's future.

3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into reality

a. In five years
 Focus in studies
 Study hard
 Graduate with good grades
 Find a job opening
 Work on a bank

b. In ten years
 Be optimistic and have a positive mindset
 Become a bank manager
 Love my work
 Improve my skills
 Have a good attitude
 Attend seminars

c. In twenty years
 Build my own business
 Create a happy family
 Be a great example for my children
 Don’t stop becoming the better version of myself
 Enjoy life
4. How do you feel after doing this exercise?

It was thrilling and fulfilling. Doing this exercise gave me hope and confidence
that one day I will do what I set out to do. It may appear to be impossible, but who
knows. It's okay to dream as long as you're living. Dreams are created for those
who desire to experience life to the fullest. We only have one life, and it will be
over soon. As a result, let us make the most of today and imagine a better

5. What is your perception on goal setting?

The process of goal setting includes creating an action plan to inspire and guide
a someone toward a certain target. Personal development and management
literature include goal setting as a key component. There is a positive linear link
between goal difficulty and task performance as long as the individual accepts
the objective, believes they can achieve it, and doesn't have any conflicting goals.


Application and Assessment

1. Jack Canfield Quote Hunt. Using Canfield’s quote on success at the beginning of this
lesson, identify the elements of Bandura, Dweck and Locke’s Theories. Give
explanation to your answers.

Albert Bandura gave Social Learning Theory which says that people learn from
one another, via observation, imitation, and modeling.

- Dweck gave the concept of fixed mindset and growth mindset. Growth mindset
people always look for growth, opportunities, they put their efforts accordingly to
get the desired results. Fixed mindset people believe in status quo, they believe
that everything is predestined and they believe basic abilities, their intelligence,
their talents are fixed.

- According to Locke and Latham, there are five goal setting principles which are
as below:
1. Clear goals
2. Goals should be challenging
3. You’re along with team's commitment towards goals
4. Take feedback positively
5. Task complexity

In totality self-realization and appreciation is very important. Understand your

mistake, unlearn and the relearn from others and time to time appreciate yourself.
2. Self-efficacy Collage. Make a collage of your own perceived self-efficacy using Dr.
Albert Bandura’s four sources of influence for the development and maintenance of self-

3. Goal Setting Plan. Make a goal setting plan (short term for one semester only) based
on what you learned from Locke’s goal setting theory.

Goal Setting Plan for One Semester

 Attend class in every subject.

 Manage time properly.
 Be a good student.
 I will review my notes before the class starts.
 Listen to the teachers instructions.
 Read modules.
 Pas the activities on time.
 I will review each exam carefully.


Copy and answer the following tests

A. Stress Test

Answer yes or no to the following questions:

YES 1. Do you worry about the future?

YES 2. Do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep?
NO 3. Do you often reach for a cigarette, a drink, or a tranquillizer in order to reduce
YES 4. Do you become irritated over basically insignificant matters?
NO 5. Do you have less energy than you seem to need or would like to have?
YES 6. Do you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them?
YES 7. Do you have headaches or stomach problems?
YES 8. Do you feel pressure to accomplish or get things done?
YES 9. Are you very concerned about being either well liked or successful?
NO 10. Do you perform well enough in life to satisfy yourself?
YES 11. Do you get satisfaction from the small joys or simple pleasures of life?
YES 12. Are you able to really relax and have fun?

Scoring: Give yourself one point for each question 1 – 9 with a yes response and one
point for each question 10 – 12 with a no response.

If your score is four or more, then you may be under significant stress.

B. A Balanced Life Style

4 HOURS 1. Calculate the number of hours you spend on college/studying (lectures,

labs, and independent work).
3 HOURS 2. Calculate the number of hours you spend socializing (including coffee
30 MINS 3. Calculate the number of hours you spend exercising.
1 HOUR 4. Calculate the number of hours you spend doing paid work.

Now go back and calculate the same items, this time using the number of hours you
would ideally like to spend on each item.

5 HOURS 1. Calculate the number of hours you spend on college/studying (lectures,

labs, and independent work).
3 HOURS 2. Calculate the number of hours you spend socializing (including coffee
2 HOURS 3. Calculate the number of hours you spend exercising.
1 HOUR 4.Calculate the number of hours you spend doing paid work
If you think there is an imbalance between what is ideal for a balanced life style and
what you actually do, answer the following questions.

What needs to change in your lifestyle?

 Based on the difference between the ideal number of hours I would want to
spend on each item and the actual number of hours I spend on it, I believe I
need to modify my lifestyle in terms of the number of hours I spend
exercising, because I don't exercise much these days due to a lack of time.
But I've realized that I need to take better care of myself and exercise more
frequently in order to be healthy and fit.

What might be the difficulties in changing?

 In my opinion, the most challenging aspect of changing my lifestyle are
adjusting myself and altering my schedule to accommodate the tasks I
have to change, since it is a little challenging for me to adapt to various
situations and schedules that my body and mind are used to.

What help might you need to make changes?

 I need to have a positive outlook on things around me in order to readily
make improvements in my life. I need to believe that any adjustments I
make will have a beneficial consequence that they will lead to a great
outcome for me. If we can get rid of our negative thinking, I believe we can
simply adjust to everything that changes.


Stress Prescription

1. Identify stressful situations or demands. These can be academic, personal, family or

job related.
 The pressure you feel to pass the subject you're studying is an indication
of academic stress. Requirements to meet and deadlines to fulfill are just a
few examples of variables that might increase to your stress.

2. Why do you think it is stressful? What are your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?
 I believe it is stressful because it causes us to experience unpleasant
emotions. It puts pressure on us to constantly achieve our best in whatever
we do. When I'm completing schoolwork and tasks, I get the sensation that
I'm not doing my best. Occasionally, what I have done does not meet my
expectations. I'm a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to me.

3. What can you do about changing these situations/demands?

 One thing I can do is maintain my concentration on my goal. Other thing to
keep in mind is to be kind with myself. Consider and be satisfied with what
I can accomplish. Above all, have faith in yourself. The most essential thing
to do is to trust in myself in order to avoid overthinking.
4. Are you able to think about them/appraise them differently?
 Yes. I have a habit of sorting things that bother me. I allow myself extra
time to address the primary source of my stress. Sorting things out may be
beneficial and reduce stress. After considering whether or not that issue
truly worries me and determining that it should, I can now devote more
attention to the more serious matters.

5. What resources do you have to cope with the demand/stressor?

 My family and friends are very important to me. They guide me while also
putting me in a good mood while I'm becoming too harsh on myself. My
family serves as a daily reminder that I am sufficient. They are also the
ones that encourage me in whatever I do. My friends make me laugh, and
they lighten up my mood when I'm being too tough on myself.

6. Do you need other ways of coping? What might you try?

 Yes. I tried being alone in our garden for a few hours to get some fresh air
and clear my mind. I'm enjoying some "alone" time. I'm temporarily
shutting myself off from the rest of the world. Getting a good night's sleep.
When I'm stressed, I eat good food. When things go bad, I like to be around
my family and friends.

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