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Miss Fairfield and Mrs. Suhres Classroom Policies Due by Tuesday, August 20th 1.

I understand that I am expected to turn my work in on-time. 2. If I do not turn my work in the day that it is due, I will be given a ZAP slip and have one additional day to complete the assignment for 50% of the original possible points. 3. I understand that if I do not turn my work in after the second day, I will get a zero. I will not be able to make this up. For Example: If work is due on Tuesday, turn it in on Tuesday. If you cannot finish the work, you may turn it in on Wednesday for HALF-CREDIT. If you turn it in on Thursday, you will not get any credit for the assignment. ***Exceptions: If you are sick, the work is due upon your return. Cell Phone Policy for Miss Fairfield and Mrs. Suhre There will be opportunities to use cell phones for educational purposes during class. However, when it is not B.Y.O.D. (Bring Your Own Device) time, cell phones need to be put away in the cell phone storage rack in the room. Students will receive 5 participation points each day that their phone is in the storage rack. If a student uses their cell phone when it is not B.Y.O.D. time, Miss Fairfield or Mrs. Suhre will confiscate it and turn it into the office. The student will then lose 5 participation points.

Student Name:______________________________________________ Hour(s):____________________ Student Signature:___________________________________________ Parent Signature:____________________________________________

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