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Name:________________________ 300 Written Response *Choose three of the following prompts. You must all use #1.

Your responses need to be 150 words each for a total of at least 450 words. Your responses must be typed. This is due on _____________________________. 1. Compare and contrast the film and our notes on Ancient Greece. What was similar? What was different? Why were adjustments made? 2. How did the directors make audiences root against the Persians? Why? 3. Research the battle of Thermopylae. Was this movie an accurate depiction? Why/why not? Use specific examples. 4. What do you think of Leonidas strategy of leading his top 300 warriors into almost certain death? What do you think he could have done differently? 5. The Spartan culture is to train their youth to be warriors. What would you think if that was the practice today? Why do you feel that way?

Heading (name, date, class) Response #1 Response #2 Response #3 Word Count Times New Roman/Arial Font, double-spaced Grammar

/10 /30 /30 /30 /20 /20 /40 Total: /180

I will automatically deduct 20% from your grade for each day that your response is late.

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