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Submitted by: Marin, Paula Nicole R.


Submitted to: Agravante, Marilyn S. Aug. 31, 2013

Perilite Exposure is the application of dry heat to the perineal area to provide comfort. It increases blood circulation and hasten wound healing. Materials Used: 1. Perilite or heat lamp 2. Blanket 3. Perineal flushing set

Procedure: 1. Review physician's order. 2. Gather equipment and check it for safety factors i.e. frayed cords, bulb in place. 3. Bring lamp to patient's room. 4. Explain procedure to the patient. 5. Wash hands and render perineal flushing. Dry perineum thoroughly and remove bedpan. 6. Place patient in a lithotomy position. Cover with blanket. 7. Place heat lamp under the blanket about 18-24 inches from the perineum to avoid burning the patient. 8. Check for any discomfort, burning reaction or untoward reaction. 9. Instruct patient not to change position nor touch lamp during the entire procedure. 10. Remove lamp after 15 minutes or as ordered by the physician. Check area for untoward reactions. 11. Reposition patient for comfort. 12. Return equipment to proper storage area. 13. Chart results of procedure.
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Submitted by: Marin, Paula Nicole R. BSN IV-4

Submitted to: Agravante, Marilyn S. Aug. 31, 2013

Peri-light Exposure is the application of dry heat to the perineal area to provide comfort. It increases blood circulation and hasten wound healing. Materials Used: 1. Peri-light or heat lamp 2. Blanket 3. Perineal flushing set

Procedure: 1. Review physician's order. 2. Gather equipment and check it for safety factors i.e. frayed cords, bulb in place. 3. Bring lamp to patient's room. 4. Explain procedure to the patient. 5. Wash hands and render perineal flushing. Dry perineum thoroughly and remove bedpan. 6. Place patient in a lithotomy position. Cover with blanket. 7. Place heat lamp under the blanket about 18-24 inches from the perineum to avoid burning the patient. 8. Check for any discomfort, burning reaction or untoward reaction. 9. Instruct patient not to change position nor touch lamp during the entire procedure. 10. Remove lamp after 15 minutes or as ordered by the physician. Check area for untoward reactions. 11. Reposition patient for comfort. 12. Return equipment to proper storage area. 13. Chart results of procedure.
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