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WND EXCLUSIVE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS PLAGUE SEAL TEAM 6 LOSSES Lawsuit claims Navy used for White House effort to 'coddle Islamist fundamentalists' Published: 07/12/2013 at 8:20 PM BOB UNRUH About | Email | Archive Read 471

Everyone knows about the U.S. militarys SEAL Team Six and its involvement in the P akistan raid that left terror leader Osama bin Laden dead heck, Hollywood made a mo vie about the members after the Obama administration reportedly dished out classified i nformation to those working on the production. But there are many, many questions that remain unanswered about the brave Navy SEA L team members who put on the boots and weaponry and defended America and how th ey may have been used as political pawns in a White House campaign to reach out and coddle Islamist fundamentalists. There are hopes that some of those questions will be answered as part of new discussion that is being required because of a lawsuit on behalf of family members of several SEA L Team Six members who were killed in a helicopter shootdown in the Middle East. The new case has been launched by FreedomWatchs Larry Klayman, whose complaint is on behalf of several families of Navy SEAL Team members who died when their heli copter was shot down by Taliban jihadists on Aug. 6, 2011, in Afghanistan. Those lost include the sons of Charles Strange, Doug and Shaune Hamburger, and Sidh Douangdara. Defendants in the case are Vice President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Leon Panett a, who are accused of disclosing classified information about the teams success in Paki stan and putting a target on the backs of the heroes and their families. Predictably, the Taliban retaliated by blasting the helicopter out of the air and killing al l on board, FreedomWatch said in its announcement about the case. Also named as defendants are the Islamic Republican of Iran, the Islamic Republic of A fghanistan and Islamist Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who is alleged to have tipped the Taliban off about the coordinates of the Extortion 17 operation, the helicopter that w as blasted out of the sky carrying our nations heroes, FreedomWatch said. Klayman, who said reports have confirmed Iran pays a bounty of $1,000 to the Taliban f or each American soldier killed, is a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor and repr esents the families. It is hypocritical and outrageous that while the Obama Justice Department can criminal ly charge Edward Snowden for allegedly disclosing classified national security informat ion and wage an international manhunt for his arrest, Biden and Panetta get off scot-free for their callous, cynical, opportunistic illegal release of the identity of SEAL Team VI

in the bin Laden killing allegedly orchestrated to boost President Obamas and Vice P resident Bidens re-election prospects in the months leading up to the 2012 November 6 election, Klayman said. This underscores how the nations leaders in Washington are not held to the same sta ndards as are other citizens. It therefore falls upon the families of Navy SEAL Team VI and special ops servicemen to seek justice in the civil courts, as Biden and Panetta are not above the law. The hard reality is that Biden and Panetta are alive feasting on thei r political notoriety, power, and wealth, while the brave heroes who gave their lives fo r our nations security are dead, thanks to them! The case seeks $200 million in damages. Klayman told WND among the suspicious circumstances that need explanation is the fa ct that seven Afghan service members had been scheduled on the helicopter flight with t he Americans, but were switched out for others at the last second. And how did someone know the coordinates of the helicopter? And where did the weaponry come from? Its all suspicions [for these families], Klayman said. There are no answers to these q uestions. He said its apparent that the U.S. is putting Muslim interests ahead of our own, and t hat raises another long list of questions about why. The case explains that after the successful military raid in Pakistan, defendants Biden a nd Panetta, acting on behalf of President Obama and themselves for political purposes l eading up to and to further their prospects in the 2012 presidential election, purposefully and publicly disclosed that SEAL Team Six was responsible for conducting the success ful raid on Osama bin Ladens compound, thereby making members of Seal Team Six a nd other special operations servicemen a target for retaliatory attacks. Defendant Biden released the name of SEAL Team Six at a Ritz Carlton event in Dela ware, the claims states. The then-Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, said the identity of SEAL Team Six would not be revealed. However, after Defendant Biden and shortly thereafter Defendant Panetta intentionally and purposefully released the name of SEAL Team Six, and, in Defendant Panettas case, the personal name of the commander in ch arge of the particular unit that successfully raided Osama bin Laden.

Shortly later, the U.S. Boeing CH-47 military helicopter, carrying 22 Navy SEALS incl uding members of the Team Six, was shot down. Adding insult to injury, the U.S. military and pursuant to the so-called Muslim outreac h policies and orders of President Obama . while prohibiting any mention of a JudeoChristian God, invited a Muslim cleric to the ramp ceremony for the fallen Navy SEAL Team Six members, [and the cleric] disparaged in Arabic the memory of these servicem en by damning them as infidels to hell in the name of Allah. Klayman continued, The prayer give by the Muslim cleric was as follows: Amen. I sh elter in Allah from the devil who has been cast with stones In the name of Allah the merciful forgiver. The companions of the fire are not equal with the companions of heav en. Had we sent this Quran to a mountain, you would have seen the mountain prostrated in fear of Allah. The case further claims that Biden was stating the Taliban was not an enemy. What is more outrageous is Defendant Bidens and the administrations attempt to win the hearts and minds of the United States greatest enemy, the Islamists. He boasts that t he rituals of Muslims should remind Americans of the principles that we hold in commo n with the Muslims, and Islams role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the d ignity of all human beings. Defendant Bidens romanticized view of and apparent kinshi p with the Muslim Brotherhood, perhaps because of his commander-in-chiefs Muslim r oots, as inherited from the commanders father, is seriously distorted and dangerous The claim explains not only were the soldiers killed, their families have been threatened . Since the retaliatory death[s] of their sons, some of the families have been threatened i n their homes by Islamic terrorist interests and radical terrorist groups and others and th ese threats continued, the claim explains. These threats of severe bodily injury and de ath make plaintiffs fearful of an imminent attack and serious bodily injury or death Karen and Billy Vaughn, parents of SEAL Aaron Vaughn, recently told Fox News that t heir son had warned them to disavow any knowledge of SEAL Team Six. As soon as Joe Biden announced that it was a SEAL Team who took out bin Laden, wi thin 24 hours, my son called me and I rarely ever heard him sound afraid in his adult life And he said, Mom, you need to wipe your social media clean.

Liz Klimas reported at the Blaze that retired Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely said the helicopter c rash story was a lost story. He said the story of the helicopter crash is covered with a constant plethora of lies and deceit. The report noted that the helicopter was unescorted, an apparently violent of standard pr actice, and the families were demanding a congressional investigation. At the time, Strange said, Something is wrong. Somebody has to be accountable for the biggest loss in this war. So many questions remain that Vallely has addressed his concerns in a book called Bet rayed. It raises still more unanswered questions: Had the Taliban infiltrated the Afghan govern ment at the time? And it makes some serious charges. The men on that Chinook helicopter were compromised by their leaders, the same indi viduals who are supposed to be leading this nation, the same leaders who have ordered our phones tapped through the NSA, who have used the IRS to stop the strong voices of dissent in our country, who just tried to put voting control in the executive branch of th e federal government (a move that is fascist to its core). This leadership has left not jus t our fighting men and women at risk, but our country, our homes, our families unprotec ted and unsafe, according to a description of the book. 471 Note: Read our discussion guidelines before commenting.

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