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Teaching Philosophy

Education is an ongoing processes which begins when we are born and never ends. We are constantly learning from our experiences. As a teacher I strive to facilitate safe and productive experiences for all my students. It is my belief that every student no matter their race, gender, or economic status has the right to a free and proper education. Every student also possesses the ability to learn mathematics and it is my job to ensure that all do so. I plan to use every resource that is available to me, to ensure that all my students learn and understand the material I present them. By showing my students that mathematics is useful in their day to day lives I strive to help students foster a curiosity with mathematics so that they are driven to want to learn more. I also plan to incorporate other fields such as the Physical Sciences, Art, Music and even History in my teaching of mathematics. By incorporating these other subjects I hope to show that math is used everywhere and that having an understanding of math will further their understanding of other fields of study. The key to a successful learning environment is to first facilitate a safe environment. One that is free from physical and mental abuse. By promoting respect for ones self and others I will ensure that students feel safe and secure in my classroom. This will allow students to feel comfortable while sharing their ideas with their other classmates because they will not fear being judged by others. Another key to a successful learning environment is to promote group work. By allowing my students to work in groups I will give them the opportunity to share their ideas. This will allow students to learn the material from different perspectives, which will aid in their understanding. The last key to a successful learning environment is to utilize technology to help teach my students the mathematical concepts. One way technology can be used in the classroom is to help students visualize different concepts such as the properties of the conic sections which are derived from the intersection of a plane with a cone. By showing my students a three dimensional representation of this I will allow them to receive this topic both visually and audibly. So by promoting a safe environment in which students work together and use technology I will be able to aid in their learning process. It is my goal as a teacher to not only have my students understand the mathematical concepts that they need to learn, but to also teach them to think critically and logically. By aiding them in these processes I will help them to make a positive impact in their world.

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