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Total logistics volume hit 67 trillion In the past five months last year, total logistics volume in the

society has surpassed 67 trillion, increasing 10%. Although, the demand in the society has fallen, the big trend is still on the growth path. It is worth noting total social demand is falling back and the cost for logistics industry is increasing, therefore, logistics companies profit is gliding. The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing and the National Bureau of Statistics revealed statistics recently that the total social logistics volume has reached 67.3 trillion from January to May 2012. Compared with the statistics from January to April, increased 0.2%; compared with the same period last year, it has fallen 3.7%. Industry products logistics total volume has reached 61.3 trillion, an increase of 10.7%; compared with that from January to April, it has fallen back 0.3%; As import and export both hit new high records in May, foreign trade turns better now. Import products logistics volume reached 4.7 trillion, an increase of 2.5%, compared with that from January to April, it has increased 1.4%. Besides, statistics reflected social logistics total cost has increased sharply, logistics industry added value has also increased, logistics industry fixed assets investment still fell back. However, logistics enterprises profit slipped continuously, From January to April, emphasized logistics enterprises operation business has increased 15.8%, falling back 0.4% compared with that from January to March. Those enterprises serving basic energy, raw materials and other relevant industries have seen operation problems as profit dropped sharply. IBUonline is a B2B foreign trade business platform, which has cooperated with some large logistics companies. The analyst from IBUonline has explained the phenomenon, it is because the total social demand has dropped, oil fees and labor cost are on the rising. Meanwhile some logistics companies have expressed it was hard to fire suitable labor on the market.

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