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Micro-teaching Reflections

1. How do you feel as a teacher? I feel confidence because of my preparation of lesson plan; I think that I have all my stuff ready for performing the class. The thing make me feel nervous was my English level, because of my fluently and accuracy are not good enough, neither my vocabulary. Another thing make me feel uncomfortable is that some class partner do not pay attention to class activities neither the instruction for this activities, also they are talking and making lot of noise , so I had to interrupt the class in order to recovery the good class behavior. 2. What did you learn of your micro-teaching? A big mistake that I noticed was that I did not correct the wrong answers that Ss gave, I mean, I just only say the right answers but I did not write on the board, so it not allow to all students to get the correct answers and be aware of their own mistakes. Also we made a mistake when we give to Ss the instructions of free practice and les control practice 3. How can you improve? Keep in touch with the learning of English through courses, listening as many as be possible songs movies in English and all the material that I can get. Also I can reed many books on order to get a beg amount of vocabulary and so on. 4. How was the students behavior? Some students do not pay attention and speak a lot, also they did not show interest on the different activities that we gave to them, despite we try to involve in the performance of the whole class.

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